#tmagp case 15.02
syntia13treeman · 4 months
Case 15.02
My thoughts on:
Case 15.02, the case of "Drowner Ending" or "Enjoy deep sea blues"
Once upon a time, a person drowned. She did not go down easy. She fought for her life with all she had, struggling toward the light above. She broke the surface three times, gasping for air, before the current (or weight or… something else) dragged her down for good, and she died. And then she woke up, still sinking into the infinite abyss, among other corpses.
One Saturday night, that person wandered through an alleyway near The Gladstone Arms, choking on saltwater filling her mouth, relieving her final moments, her death… and the first moments after her death.
One Saturday night, a band was playing at The Gladstone Arms. It was called "Penny for the Well" (object thrown in the water), and the man playing the bass, Luke Dyer is also in another band, "Dredgerman" (one who pulls things out of the water). Both those bands used to struggle, but recently they became very popular all of a sudden.
One Saturday night, one Alice Dyer (one who dies and dies and dies) walked back home from a show through an alleyway, and an unexplained tape recorder sitting on the alley floor turned on just in time to record her meeting with Ms. Drowner (one who drowns and drowns and drowns…).
There is no proof that those three events are connected. There is no evidence to the contrary either.
RESET: same night, from a different point of view:
Alice had a nice evening with her brother. On her way back home she stumbled onto a woman who was very obviously unwell; the women swayed, and grabbed her, and nearly dragged her down to the floor. The woman started choking; Alice called for an ambulance; the woman stopped breathing; Alice started CPR; Alice got too tired to continue; the woman continued to be dead. Alice noticed a tape recorder, just sitting there on the sidewalk, apparently recording the whole thing. Alice picked it up, confused. The dead woman next to her started talking again. Alice… dropped the recorder and run.
And I for one can only applaud her survival instincts. When the dead start talking, it's not time to play hero. She's already done all she could for Ms. Drowner, now she needs to try and save herself.
Here are some random thoughts:
One of the first thing they tell you on a life guard course is this: a drowning person will try to drown you - not on purpose, but because they will grab anything in range and pull it down in desperate attempt to get themselves UP and out of the water. (The irony of it is off course that if you go down, they go back down too. But logic has no sway over a dying mind). Ms. Drowner was drowning. Alice was in range. That is all.
Something something, Ms. Drowner struggling to stay afloat (literally) and going down three times. Her reaching out to Alice in the alleyway. Something something, Luke struggling to stay afloat (financially), reaching out to Alice for help (twice that we've seen already), and now doing well. Is Luke due for the third, final setback? Or is Luke staying up because Ms. Drowner can't?
So we had a second appearance of a random tape recorder. *staring at the tape recorder* *poking the tape recorder* Eh. Eh you. What are you? You're familiar, but do I know you? Are you a returning friend, or are you a new fiend, trying to trick me? What are you doing here? What are you planning?
For no reason at all I think that Ms. Drowner didn't drown out at sea. I think she dreamt of drowning; she dreamt of it every night, waking for brief moments, gasping for air, before falling back down into sleep the abyss. Until one day she woke up with water filling her lungs, not breathing. (It's just something that popped in my head and refuses to leave. Maybe it's because of her final words, about deeps claiming her over land).
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