#Drowning Victim
passiunclepaltry · 4 months
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so ! woah
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syntia13treeman · 4 months
Case 15.02
My thoughts on:
Case 15.02, the case of "Drowner Ending" or "Enjoy deep sea blues"
Once upon a time, a person drowned. She did not go down easy. She fought for her life with all she had, struggling toward the light above. She broke the surface three times, gasping for air, before the current (or weight or… something else) dragged her down for good, and she died. And then she woke up, still sinking into the infinite abyss, among other corpses.
One Saturday night, that person wandered through an alleyway near The Gladstone Arms, choking on saltwater filling her mouth, relieving her final moments, her death… and the first moments after her death.
One Saturday night, a band was playing at The Gladstone Arms. It was called "Penny for the Well" (object thrown in the water), and the man playing the bass, Luke Dyer is also in another band, "Dredgerman" (one who pulls things out of the water). Both those bands used to struggle, but recently they became very popular all of a sudden.
One Saturday night, one Alice Dyer (one who dies and dies and dies) walked back home from a show through an alleyway, and an unexplained tape recorder sitting on the alley floor turned on just in time to record her meeting with Ms. Drowner (one who drowns and drowns and drowns…).
There is no proof that those three events are connected. There is no evidence to the contrary either.
RESET: same night, from a different point of view:
Alice had a nice evening with her brother. On her way back home she stumbled onto a woman who was very obviously unwell; the women swayed, and grabbed her, and nearly dragged her down to the floor. The woman started choking; Alice called for an ambulance; the woman stopped breathing; Alice started CPR; Alice got too tired to continue; the woman continued to be dead. Alice noticed a tape recorder, just sitting there on the sidewalk, apparently recording the whole thing. Alice picked it up, confused. The dead woman next to her started talking again. Alice… dropped the recorder and run.
And I for one can only applaud her survival instincts. When the dead start talking, it's not time to play hero. She's already done all she could for Ms. Drowner, now she needs to try and save herself.
Here are some random thoughts:
One of the first thing they tell you on a life guard course is this: a drowning person will try to drown you - not on purpose, but because they will grab anything in range and pull it down in desperate attempt to get themselves UP and out of the water. (The irony of it is off course that if you go down, they go back down too. But logic has no sway over a dying mind). Ms. Drowner was drowning. Alice was in range. That is all.
Something something, Ms. Drowner struggling to stay afloat (literally) and going down three times. Her reaching out to Alice in the alleyway. Something something, Luke struggling to stay afloat (financially), reaching out to Alice for help (twice that we've seen already), and now doing well. Is Luke due for the third, final setback? Or is Luke staying up because Ms. Drowner can't?
So we had a second appearance of a random tape recorder. *staring at the tape recorder* *poking the tape recorder* Eh. Eh you. What are you? You're familiar, but do I know you? Are you a returning friend, or are you a new fiend, trying to trick me? What are you doing here? What are you planning?
For no reason at all I think that Ms. Drowner didn't drown out at sea. I think she dreamt of drowning; she dreamt of it every night, waking for brief moments, gasping for air, before falling back down into sleep the abyss. Until one day she woke up with water filling her lungs, not breathing. (It's just something that popped in my head and refuses to leave. Maybe it's because of her final words, about deeps claiming her over land).
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crushedsweets · 17 days
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anemonet · 25 days
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family portait (I think I remember you)
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fabled-lady-twilla · 2 months
At this point, my hopes for the ending of MHA have been completely destroyed. I expected this but was still desperately hoping for something more.
I hate how some of the most abused characters in the series had depressing as fuck endings. Many fans saw that abuse and empathized with it. Saw themselves in the League of Villains and was hoping that, even if they were going to die, their deaths would have MEANING or at least given the time they deserved.
I hate the black and white thinking on morality and views of criminals and crime. That's one of the biggest gripes I have with this series. Life simply doesn't work that way. There's little to no nuance and it drives me crazy that Horikoshi portrayed it like that.
I hate that important characters didn't get the time/energy dedicated to their stories that they deserved and fans weren't given satisfying endings/closure that they needed. Why the fuck do we get to see Overhaul's closure and not Tomura's? Why the fuck do we get to see that stupid grandma get a chance at redemption but not Tomura's? Why the fuck did Horikoshi set up so many great parallels for Izuku and Tomura and drop so many hints at a better ending and yet they didn't get to talk or interact in a satisfying way AT ALL? And we're somehow told that he was saved off-screen by Nana Shimura? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
There is SO. MUCH. LOST. POTENTIAL in this series! The series is great but one of biggest issues I have is how Horikoshi fumbled the ending after all that we've been given. After the meaningless deaths, the hurt that so many characters suffered through, all the shitty character story line endings and lack of closure for important characters. Where is the change in society? How in the world is this series supposed to be about hope? Where's the hope???
Sorry, this is really ranty and is way more than I'd complain otherwise, I do love this series a lot and that's why I'm so upset. It's genuinely kinda shocking that such a wonderful and beloved story gets such a terrible ending. But that's what fanfiction is for and that's the only saving grace I'm feeling right now. I'm so freaking sad. 😭😭😭
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nottspocket · 1 year
Mermaid AUs are so lovely to see. Are they childhood friends in yours, too?
Maybe, i imagine Katsuki has kept gifts Izuku might have brought to him. Seashells, or nice looking rocks, probably with a few fossils inside them?
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Ohoho I’m so glad you see my vision (prev here)
Ramblings in the tags
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bonbonshideout · 1 month
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Who I think the crp would target pt.1
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Ticci Toby:
Personally, I feel he would mostly target abusive parents, but if he's out and just bored out of his mind, he'll kill whoever he stumbled across. When ut comes to abusive parents, I feel he would be a bit stalkerish, he'll find a parent or an adult, stalk them for a few days, see how they handle life and treat their families, if he sees any forms of abusive in any manner, he'll go for their ass, at night, in broad daylight, he doesn't give a fuck.
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Ben Drowned:
He wouldn't really kill people, but instead, electronics; he would be one of those viruses that you'd find on social media. Once he gets ahold of your device, it'll go haywire to start. Suddenly it'll reset and seem like nothing happened, however Ben would 100% love to mess with the person, opening random apps, turning on/off any alarms they might have, call random people in the contact list, etc. He would end up causing the person to go insane— be it or not his intention— to the point they probably kill themselves.
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Jeff The Killer
Like Kuchisake-onna, I feel Jeff would wear a mask of some sort, go up to people, and ask if they think he's pretty, not matter what they say, he'll carve a smile into their face anyways. He just likes to do it. If ya run into him, group or alone, you'll most likely be found dead later on anyways. He likes to kill everyone he runs into
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Eyeless Jack
Steming from my headcanons for EJ — linked here — He would kill whoever he finds on the Appalachian trail. He would definitely stalk them throughout their hikes and find a moment where their guard is down and can make one swift motion. He prefers a clean and quick murder. He would probably use his voice to trick people into getting closer - like that of a skinwalker or wendigo - and get them that way. Usually leaving the trails unbothered and a way to keep people coming without much worry.
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Doctors, or psychward doctors. Just anyone in the medical field; they're what pretty much why she's kinda what she is now, she holds some sort of grudge, even if it wasn't entirely their fault. She especially hates those that work at psych wards because patients usually end up worse than they were when first arrival. She wants them all to feel what she felt and just understand the suffering they inflict on many people.
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Jane The Killer
I feel she wouldn't really kill anyone, she's mostly going after Jeff so she's trying to mostly keep people safe, if that makes sense? But if she were to kill, it would probably be security. As bad as she may feel for doing so, it tends to happen that they get in her way to find and properly locate Jeff.
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Nina The Killer
She just does it for fun. She kills whoever she wants to. She does prefer killing other serial killers, though, usually gives her a bit of a challenge, and she's always up for that.
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He doesn't have a preference, he'll see a passer by and spike their drink with some crazy concoction he's created and watch as they slowly start dying whilst taking notes of the effects of said poison.
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She goes for pedophiles and rapists. She tries to help kids when it comes to situations that she had gone through while she was alive, having two forms - which I detail more in my hc, linked here - she l9ves to terrorize these people and make them for crazy, though she doesn't like to get her hands dirty, she prefers making them believe they're hallucinating, which she probably can do. Usually driving the individual to commit suicide in probably the worst ways possible, as she likes to cause more damage when there's a higher chance of them committing.
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bubblehead-02 · 5 months
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this new episode was really something huh
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After bath.
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resuswhore · 1 year
hot resus imagines.
straddling someone's hips, placing both my palms on either side of their sternum, my hands wrapped around their rib, and doing compressions that way.
similar position, but straying your palms just a bit to the left, compressing directly over the heart.
placing your resusee on their stomach, compressing just over the center of their back, pushing forwards a bit, especially on a drowning victim, getting that fluid out of their lungs.
giving the heimlich to a drowning victim, spraying frothy spittle from their mouth as you force it from their lungs.
belly compressions, having to give a compression and then immediately clear their airway, shoving fingers into their limp mouth.
mouth to mouth from the straddling position, your whole body pressed to theirs.
giving mouth to mouth while they lay against your chest, their head on your shoulder.
so fucking hot.
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traffic-duck · 4 months
Perfect drowning material
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newspecies · 2 months
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i know everyones going nuts over the name drop but WHAT DOES THIS MEEEAN. Another mention of the ocean, possibly related to the Vast-esk things happening in 11? Oceans and secrets and radio signals.. much to think about here. This might be a reach, but I wonder if the ocean is supposed to represent the old universe and the radio waves are the new one and how the old entities don't go well with technology? Idk, There's not much to go off with this yet. But it does feel important.
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utoveria · 2 years
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You know no wonder they're the way they are lol Coral Sea is not for the faint hearted
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11-angry-bees · 12 days
btw if you are a us citizen and you choose not to vote in the elections this year, your opinion on the results of the election does not matter
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nkogneatho · 2 months
i am gonna get my shit together.
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rotzaprachim · 2 years
digging my teeth into the really dark fascinating fucked-upness of helnik. they’re fascinating in being a wartime love story about an intentional victim of genocidal violence and an unintentional fuck-around-and-find-out victim of “collateral damage,” both of which are different forms of wartime violence. 
nina is targeted as a grisha, she’s almost killed by the druskelle and fjerda in the books not for being a ravkan spy or agent but simply for being grisha. they will kill her for being grisha. and how will they kill her? they will burn her. and it’s fascinating when she tells matthias in a very justified moment of rage (i mean. they’re looking at the dying burned corpses of her people whom jesper, also a grisha, had to physically shoot) and says i want your family to burn i want them all to be burnt in the way my people were. and matthias says, they already have been. they already burned. and how that changes the entire dynamic between them, everything leading up to that, becuase FUCK. yeah. his whole family has already been burnt. he’s a lone survivor of something in much the same way she is, and his family was burnt not on purpose for being grisha but as a “justified accident,” the casual civilian side-damage of war. and it was her people. unlike the intentional, systemic violence that destroyed her people and left nina a shaken, traumatised survivor of a purposeful genocide, we have matthias as this destroyed survivor of one of those little sorts of accidents that’s swallowed and justified by the shape of the war and what Must Be Done to succeed. (also he serves as like, one of the only times i think it’s really faced that the first army is, you known, a national army that does national-army-during-a-war things.) one does not cancel out the other. 
their relationship is difficult and fucked and that’s why it’s fascinating and has so much potential to explore. it’s so much more complicated than the tiktok “enemies to lovers” trope because they dig right at the base of what it is to be an enemy to someone else. from the ship nina is an almost-lone survivor of the damage his people did. from his village being burnt by inferni matthias is a lone survivor of the damage her people did. from the consequences of war on his people and violent prejudice against her own, nina is raised a child soldier and in many ways reduced to weaponry, something that absolutely is a form of child abuse. from the consequences of war on her people matthias is inducted into a cult and subjected to spiritual abuse. they’ve been hurt by each other’s nations, but also by their own. there’s something so brutal but also tender in the way they knock each other off the orbits they’ve been living in and force them out of the home that is burning. love may make you free, but not without drowning first. 
#nina zenik#matthias helvar#helnik#they're so. they're SO. look i will gilroyfy this there's almost unlimited material#six of crows#symmetry and mirrors and the mirror hurts#but yeah the fact they're both absolutely victims not only of each other country's war crimes BUT THEIR OWN COUNTRIES WAR CRIMES IS LIKE#well that's a lot to unpack. the violence that comes inside and outside the house#they cannot go home! as a consequence of meeting each other they cannot go home#tw genocide#obviously none of this is to let matty off the hook but i think he is a FAR more complex character and his deradicalisation from military#violence is far far more complicated than often given credit too#his backstory especially is. damn. look have your entire family killed by a military apparatus and say that wouldnt' radicalise you too?#i love them for being a fantasy and (sighssss to use this phrase) enemies-to-lovers couple that ISN'T royalty#and that#for all their induction into nationalism hates each other not only along national lines but the violence of lived experiences like#nina may filter her hatred of him and his people through Ravka Good Fjerda Bad but it's also the fact they very much did kill her people#she very much /is/ a survivor of a whole shipload of drowned people#meanwhile matthias may filter his code through Fjerda Good Drusje Very Very Very Bad but like... also they very much did kill his people#it makes their relationship so much messier#but yeah they aren't royalty (matthias even in the one time he describes his background calls his family paupers)#they're ordinary people who have by structures of war been pulled into semi-priviledged positions of elite soldierdom and servitude#and that is fascinating. two kings set their fighting dogs against each other and they fall in love#that love can be liberatory it can be radical it can be real it can also just be. not enough to break the cycle of violence#ANYWAY!!! i love them forever. i have thoughts
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