#tng movies
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Lursa and B'Etor were the best part of the Generations movie.
Picture provided by op, source in top left angle.
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thelastdayalive · 1 year
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BRENT SPINER ◦ 'Uniting Two Legends' featurette
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spocks-husband · 11 months
Watching first contact for the first time and WHY is the Borg Queen so horny
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awkwardtrekphotos · 2 years
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usslakevee · 2 months
Me watching the TNG movies: 🙂
Me when Janeway shows up for five seconds to tell Picard what to do: Janeway spotted! ☺️💗😊
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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I don't like the artwork, Picard looks like a victim of botox or maybe stung by a bee, and Data's storing nuts for the winter season in his mouth.
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nohumanswereharmed · 1 year
Rewatching Star Trek Insurrection, and it strikes me that now after 25 years of large scale terrorism, imperialist wars, police brutality, corporate attacks on the environment, return of mainstream fascism and Naziism, and the erosion of democratic process and humans rights, it appears just plain quaint how the writers thought that the plan would be to capture live and relocate the Bak'u... They either genuinely thought that the Son'a as a space-faring desperate materialistic slave state without ethics would not go so far as a genocide of 600 people, or that the audience would find that behavior too beyond the pale to watch the movie. Honestly, even the latter is just quaint.
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Nemesis is good, bruv
I'm assuming that this is in reference to this post.
I'm really glad that you like Nemesis and think it's good! I'm a fan of people enjoying things. The stereotypical fan opinion, however, is that Nemesis is bad, so for the purposes of a joke-y post about the spirit of Star Trek movies, I put it in the 'bad' category.
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all-the-trek · 7 months
Star Trek: First Contact (2373/2063)
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We interrupt the Dominian Cold War and Frolicking through the Delta Quadrant to bring you the Borg's attempt to go back in time and assimulate earth.
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But really, it was an excuse to slowly watch Picard strip.
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But I do really love this movie, I also look forward to see if the next episode of DS9 at all acknowleges the Borg invasion and Worf nearly destroying the Defiant.
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stra-tek · 1 year
This is one of the greatest things ever. Walk around every single version of the U.S.S. Enterprise in photorealistic 3D in your browser, from the Roddenberry Archive. On a phone you just see wraparound 3D pics. On a PC or laptop you get the full 3D interactive experience. They NEED to make this VR compatible, it'll be beyond words.
There are more Enterprises here than Tumblr will allow me photos of, and more will likely be added.
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Here's the TOS Enterprise, which appears in several incarnations ("The Cage", "Where No Man Has Gone Before" and TOS proper as well as TAS with the second turbolift!), has the correct original graphics and is perfect.
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This is the bridge from the unmade Star Trek: Phase II series (whose pilot episode "In Thy Image" was rewritten to become Star Trek: The Motion Picture), with it's legendary big comfy command sofa seat and tactical display bubble!
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The Motion Picture, such an accurate recreation that there's even a very faint flicker on the rear-projection animated screens as seen in the movie.
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Enterprise NX-01, looking exactly as it did in "Broken Bow"
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Recognise this? It's the briefing room of Discovery season 2's version of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701. Although at the front of the saucer on the "real" ship, here it's off the second bridge door which may well be where the set was IRL.
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I wasn't expecting modern Trek to be represented equally as the originals in this project, but it is. This is the Enterprise from Strange New Worlds, with Pike's Ready Room located just off the bridge.
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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. My favourite version of the classic bridge, as a kid I drew all these control panels and stuck them on my bedroom walls. And now I can look around and look at them all close-up! They've even replicated the noticable TVs stuffed into the panels for the more complex animated screens.
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The Enterprise-C bridge from "Yesterday's Enterprise". This one has always fascinated me, being a low-budget TV set (formerly the Enterprise-D battle bridge, originally built from the rain-damaged TMP set's back wall and redressed endlessly though TNG) representing TNG's immediate predecessor. In the episode they mostly shoot the back wall and imply the consoles make a huge circle, but here you can see the set's real dimensions and the weirdness of the classic movie helm/nav console in front of the TNG con/ops panels. I love it.
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You know how much I love the Kelvin movies, so seeing this was amazing. For some reason the consoles don't have their screens lit (hopefully this'll be fixed soon), but you can see the saucer under the window and it's shiny and amazing.
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The last thing I expected was the U.S.S. Titan-A/Enterprise-G bridge, but it's here. And the lights are on.
Other bridges available to explore which I'm out of pictures to show: The Enterprise-D (of course), Enterprise XCV-330 (the ringship, based on concept art for the unmade non-Trek series "Starship"), the Planet of the Titans U.S.S. Enterprise (again, based on concept art for a cool multi-levelled set) and the "launch" U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 (based on the very first piece of TOS bridge set concept art), the Enterprise-E, the Enterprise-F (seen on viewscreen for all of 2 minutes in Picard) and the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656!
Take a bow lads, you've done good. Now just add VR support!
That link again.
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I think the reason why Jack Crusher from PIC doesn't work as a character (besides Beverly being made ooc to prop up his character as others have rightly pointed out) is because he is a very similar type of character to Shinzon, who was the weakest writing of the Nemesis movie.
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thelastdayalive · 1 year
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No... I do not wish to go. -I have already found an equal.
Star Trek: First Contact (1996)
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mrmistopher · 2 months
Idk about y'all, but I LOVE this scene
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It's so charming to me that the whole crew just puts on this whole elaborate roleplay just for their friend's promotion.
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awkwardtrekphotos · 2 years
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abbycadoodle · 3 months
Art request: Can we get some stinky Lore up in here please and thank you 🙏
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here you go !!!!!!!!! the stinky man himself.......
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astralbondpro · 7 months
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Star Trek Insurrection (1998) // Dir. Jonathan Frakes
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