#to be better or above than countries in the southeast (vietnam n the philippines for example) just based on economical status + the status
hometownangels · 1 month
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i wouldn't take this as gospel but there is a lot of truth to it
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1lovehanni · 3 months
Vacation in Vietnam (Hanni of Newjeans)
Hanni x Male Reader Word count: 4440 words Summary: You intended to travel to well-known locations and enjoy delicious cuisine while on a relaxing and enjoyable vacation in Vietnam. However, something better than what you had anticipated occurred.
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After a year of a successful debut and comeback, Newjeans finally got their deserved break. Each member planned their Vacation. Minji, Haerin, and Hyein with their family in South Korea, Danielle going back to Australia, and Hanni visiting her birth place in Vietnam. 
"Can't wait to explore and meet tokkis in Vietnam" Hanni talking to herself while waiting in line.
You always want to visit Southeast Asia, some of your friends recommend going to the Philippines or Indonesia, but while researching for countries with great places, food, and people. You've decided to go to Vietnam. At first, you're worried since you will go alone and don't know anybody in Vietnam, but in the end you thought, there will be people to help you in Vietnam. 
Arriving in Hanoi, Vietnam. It's really different from your home country. While waiting for a cab, a woman bumped you accidentally. 
"Oh! Sorry" Hanni apologies 
"No worries, look above when your walking" you said to her
"Thanks haha, I was waiting for my uber, but it seems he won't be able to pick me up" Hanni explained
"Oh, are you from here?, It looks like your Vietnamese" 
"Ah yes, I was born here, hmm are you a traveller?"
"Yeah, this is actually my first time travelling alone"
"Hmm, that's good to hear. Enjoy travelling to Vietnam!"
"Thanks, you too"
A cab pulled, you asked the cab driver for the Haiti hotel. You then sit inside the car. The driver then asked if anyone in the line of waiting passengers if someone would be dropping near the Haiti hotel, one passenger answered. The driver then let the passenger come in.
"Is this a thing here in Vietnam, Sir?"
"Oh, sorry. There's a shortage of Cab at the moment"
"Thanks, for letting me, I am dropping in Haiti hotel too" Hanni exclaimed
You look at her, hearing the same voices that you just talked to in the line just a few moments ago.
"Oh, your Hotel is in Haiti too" 
"Ahhh, you. Yes yes, haha"
"I am Y/N btw, sorry for not mentioning"
"I am Hanni" Hanni said while winking, thinking you would know her.
"Nice name, by chance do you know any tour guide person that knows Vietnam well?"
Hanni's facial expression from wanting to meet a tokki changed when you didn't recognize her.
"Oh, um, You know what, I can be your Your guide, I also wanna your my birthplace again"
"Really?, Don't you have any plan"
"Not really, lol too busy to plan before going here, so I was gonna wing it, but a companion would be great"
"Oh, thank you so much, don't worry I'll pay you too"
"No, no, I'll do it for free, haha"
"No, I insist, I'll pay you"
"Fine, fine"
The cab stopped, arriving at the Haiti hotel, both of you walked to the counter. 
"So, how can I contact you Hanni, do you want to start tomorrow?"
"Yeah, yeah, tomorrow sounds great. Umm, this is my IG"
"See you tomorrow" you said to her while waving
In your mind, you've not only hired a touring guide, but maybe a friend too. It's really going great, plus you thought she's cute and really friendly towards you.
"Yah, yah see you too!" Hanni waving 
No tokkis but a friend, great start for my Vacation, Hanni thought.
Waking up the next morning was a struggle, it's more hot and humid in Vietnam than your country, but you're excited to tour Vietnam and meet Hanni again.
You walked to the breakfast area of the hotel, wanting to relieve your aching stomach from hunger of yesterday's flight. Getting all kinds of food, half asleep you bumped into a person.
Hearing the voice, a sudden adrenaline rush to your body, it was Hanni
"Oh Y/N, waking early too for free breakfast huh? haha"
"Oh, yeah"
"You got some good selection of food"
"Well I wanna taste every food from Vietnam"
"Ah, later I'll bring you to my favourite restaurant with great foods"
"Oh really, I can't wait" Smiling and looking in her eyes
Hanni too is smiling while looking in your eyes
This looking in each other eyes turned from seconds to minutes, break by the waiter from the restaurant 
"Greeting in Vietnamese" "You two are a lovely couple, we would like you two to come in our free couple massage later this evening"
"Oh, no no. break by the finger of Hanni, shushing you
"Yeah, we are a couple. We would like that, thanks" said by Hanni
"Alright, here's the coupon. See you two later, Ma'am and Sir. Have a great day."
"Thank you too" - Hanni
"Wait, wait. Huh" looking confused to Hanni
"It's free, you should always take what the hotel offers you for free" 
"Oh, but we are not a couple though"
"Yes, we're not, but it's just a massage"
"Fine, that's what you said so"
"Let's wrap up and explore Vietnam" excitedly said by Hanni
"Yes, let's do it" 
You both go to your rooms, which aren't far from each other, just 3 doors apart. Your heart is beeping, your face smiling, and a tingling in your body as you change your clothes from pyjamas to a casual outfit.
"No way, this girl is making me feel this way. She's so cute, friendly, and ughhh I don't know. I just wanted to explore Vietnam but now, Ugh I don't know" you said to yourself while looking in the mirror
"He's cute" Hanni said in the mirror looking at herself
"He doesn't know me, which is fine but should I tell him?"
"No, no, maybe not yet. Ugh, this Vacation is going really really well"
You exit your door same as Hanni, she waves her hand to alert you that she's good to go.
"Nice outfit, you look cute" she said
"Thank you, you too. I like the bow" 
She holds onto your arms in the elevator, as if you two are a couple. But you didn't even mind that. You're blinded by her cuteness and aroma. You felt like you found the one, even though no label is labelled. You barely know her, yet you want to spend your whole life with her.
"Um Hanni, do"
"We should get a tuk tuk, it's more fun to ride" she said
"Really, yeah its looks fun" 
"What, wait what did you said"
"Nothing, haha"
"Hmm, you're asking if I have a boyfriend right?"
"No, no, no, no. I was asking if you have a family here?"
"My grandparents from my mother is here, and I don't have a boyfriend so your good"
"Oh, okay"
As the day goes by, you forget everything you planned in Vietnam. You only focus on how happy Hanni is, how much fun this cute Vietnamese girl you just met yesterday.
"Yo, that's the restaurant I said earlier"
"Oh, let's go eat"
"Me?" jokingly said by Hanni
Your confused face made her laugh.
"Haha, just joking. Let's go"
"Ah, whatever you said. Haha"
You paid the bill and told her that both of you can now go to your respective rooms, but she reminded you.
"Nah ugh, we got a couple massage later"
"Oh, I forgot, sorry"
"No worries, let's go now. It said until 9 pm"
You two walked to the massage room of the hotel, you asked the worker there where is the free couple massage, she pointed in the right direction, thus you two walked in there. The massage area is only 1 room, both will be side to side, and include each other's massage which confuses you.
"Each other massage, hmm what is this" looking confused to Hanni
"I don't know too" 
"Hi welcome to the free couple massage, in which 3 types of massage will happen, firstly the standard massage in which a Massager will massage your full body, the second one is spiritual massage, in which you two will be inside the hut together to the hot steam, and lastly the each other massage, would happen between you two only, massaging each other will make you two closer" 
"Oh, okay" looking at Hanni
"Yeahh, hmm this is my fault" 
"You know what, let's just get the first type then dipped?" 
"Can we get the first type only?"
"Sir, you two are a couple, why wouldn't you two try the other types"
"Um, we are" interrupted by Hanni
"We'll take it all, thanks"
"Okay, maam"
"Okay, okay let's just not look at each other"
"Yeah" replied to Hanni
The first type of the massage went well, both of you got massaged by professionals and really a Vietnam massage that's different from your country.
"Oh that's good"
"Yes, my body feels better" said Hanni
The massager then pointed at the hut, they asked first what temperature the steam would you two like, you two choose the medium one. 
Getting in the hut was easy, but hot. The hut is smaller than it seems on the outside, it really is for only two or three people max, the massager said removing the towel would be better so your whole body gets the steam evenly. Minutes go by inside, both of you now looking at each other.
"This is nice, it's hot and steamy"
"Yeah, Even though we're in towels, it's still hot"
"There's only two of us, and with this heat, camera couldn't be place here" Hanni said
"What are you gonna do"
"Hmm, I, I, just don't look at me, okay. I'll try it without a towel" Hanni said
She tossed her towel to the side, exposing her full body to the hot steam. You didn't look, even though you wanted to. But you hold your stand. After a couple minutes, she covered her body with a towel.
"You should try it"
"Huh, removing my towel?"
"Yeah, it's better"
"Okay, but don't look ah" 
"Ye ye, I won't look"
You remove your towel from your body, exposing your naked body to the hot temperature, you look at Hanni, she fully closed her eyes. It was cute, the sight of her, fully closing her eyes to not see you naked. But in your mind, you want her to see you in this form, fully unclothed. Wanting her to see your erect penis. 
"Your right Hanni, this is better"
"I'll cover now" 
You said but it was before you got your towel below, as you said the last words from your mouth, she fully opened her eyes, looking at you while grabbing your towel below. 
"Oh my god, I thought you were covered already. Oh my god, I am so sorry"
"Oh, I, I, I'll cover now. Sorry"
Your mind was in bliss, thinking she could have seen your junior. While in her mind it was different, complete emptiness is in her kind, she doesn't know what to react on what she saw, but then a blood from the heart flow to her brain, it told her "That was big, I wanna touch it" 
"No, no, no Hanni, what you saw isn't real, Oh my god, is that how a cock is?, god damn, I thought those are not real, I thought they are just edited or enlarge cocks, but here it is, in front of me, A real big one, the one that is big, No, no Hanni, if he would know who am I, I am doomed, but he doesn't know, Iah fuck it, this is the only chance I get to touching a real thing, experiencing the big one." Hanni talking to herself in her mind
"Um, Y/N, do you have a girlfriend?"
"That's a weird question, I do not have one"
"Did you have, before?"
"No, no I don't"
"So, I could be your girlfriend now?"
"You know, I don't know how to approach men but, this is the only chance I can get"
"What do you mean?"
"Can I be your girlfriend?"
"Wait, what's happening to you Hanni"
"This is Hanni still, and I am asking you to be my boyfriend so I can"
"So you can do what?"
"So, so, so I can suck your cock"
"Yes, I've seen it, and you're hard for me? right, I am the only one here, don't tell your gay"
"No, I am not gay, I don't know, this is so fast, we've only met ea6other for a day"
"Yes, it is but I want your cock now, I can't erased it in my head, it feels like it's tattooed there, cannot be remove"
You haven't said yes, but to her, you're her boyfriend now. She then crawls towards you, like a cat hungry for days, but in this case a girl hungry for cock. She removed her towel, exposing her cute breast to you.
"You like that?, would it make your cock bigger"
"Um, Hanni, what's happening to you, why are you like this"
You haven't done anything, not that you intentionally did what happened earlier, it was a miscommunication but your still happy that this girl your with is not shy to see her true self to you. It feels like her mind breaks already, just seeing your big penis. 
"Hanni, we're about to be done here in the hut, we should do it later in the room"
She snapped back to reality when you said it would be over inside the hut.
"Ah, is it?, is that a promise, I can touch it later?, It's mine right?"
"Yes, Hanni it's yours only but can you be your other self for now, please I don't want anybody to see you like this"
"Okay, Y/N you haven't answered my question yet"
"What question?"
"Ugh, you're so clueless, it's so cute. I'll ask you later"
Confused look at Hanni, as if you don't know what she meant, but slowly things are coming to your head, it makes sense now, how clingy she was before, how friendly she is to you. She likes you from the start when you two see each other, it's like a gift to her that she found you at the airport.
The last type of massage was shortly cancelled due to a leak in the steam in the room, so they gave you two additional 2 free massages just the normal ones for compensation.
You look at her, thinking she would be mad cause it was postponed but she's happy, for her it was a miracle. No timer for touching each other, and no hot steam that makes you two sweat. She wanted raw, raw hotness from your body touching each other, not a machine making the hot steam, but your lust and love for each other.
You two changed back to your casual outfit, she held your arms much tighter, making sure yours are her. 
"Y/N, I can't wait to see it again"
"Shh, we're still here, people might hear"
"Oh my god, why can't a couple talked about couple things, shh shh, your really is clueless and I really like it"
"Alright, alright, to answer your question, yes you can be my girlfriend but"
"No but, but"
She hugs you, you hug her back tightly. This day is full of wonderful things happening, not only did you travel Vietnam, eat good and lots of food, but you end up with a girlfriend from the country you're visiting.
Walking in the corridor, going to your rooms, she asked, what room you two would want. You replied, hers. She replied, aight bet. 
"Welcome to my room, which looks like yours too, haha. Sorry it's kinda messy, I haven't cleaned. I've slept yesterday"
"Haha, funny were the same, that's why I picked yours cause mine is worst"
"Haha, let's do it now"
"Now?, you don't want to shower first?"
"In the shower?"
"Yes, shower first"
"Okay, let's go"
She striped naked in front of you, as if you two are in a long relationship. She removed each of her cloth naughty and while looking in your eyes. An adrenaline goes to your penis, while looking at her, it makes it hard, creating a bulge in your pants, you adjust to make her see it. 
"Wow, you want to huh"
"No, you want it more"
"Haha, I'll suck you dry"
"Oh really, I'll do it to you too"
Fully naked, she walked towards you, she grabbed her hands and guided it to her cute breast, she chuckled from your touch and it made her seize like your touch electrified her. 
"Please be gentle, this is my first"
"It's my first too Hanni"
"So we're beginner's haha"
"Really beginner's, I don't have a condom on me, so we're lock on toucher each other "
"Huh? locked? wdym locked, fuck me raw, creampie me full, I don't even care anymore, I just want you, your cock in me, please"
"Alright, alright, chill I just don't want things to escalate too quickly"
"Don't bother, I am on pills anyway, I am actually an, no I just have a work that needs us to be on pills"
"Oh, that's neat. I'll make your wish come true then"
After your last word, she grabbed your pants, removing it to expose your big erect penis to her. She was excited, happy, and the smile on her face was apparent.
"Oh my god, yes please I want this cock on me now"
"Wait, open the shower first, I don't want you to smell my smelly penis"
"I don't care, I'll sniff it more"
"Your disgusting, and it's so hot"
"Haha, you're right. That's kinda far now, feel like we're roleplaying or something, let's just fuck you know"
"Yeah, haha, can I see your pussy?"
"Yeah, sorry I haven't shaved yet, didn't expect this to happen in my vacation, and I wasn't expecting to go beaching too"
"It's perfectly fine, it's better anyway hygiene"
You touch her first, making her angry.
"Hey, you touch my pussy first? really"
"Huh, I, sorry, alright, alright you're the pilot"
"Nah its fine but I want to suck your dick first"
"Okay, I'll clean it now"
After you washed your cock, she grabbed it without mentioning it.
"Aw, it hurts, just be gentle"
"Sorry, I'll suck it gently, I promise"
She handjobs you first while having a staring contest at hers, she wanted to see if it would hurt when she went fast, but it did5, it just makes you feel a thing.
"Slow down a bit, I'll gonna cum so fast from that"
"Alright, I'll suck it now"
She kissed your penis first, then slowly put it to her cute mouth. At first it was difficult, her mouth was too small for your penis to enter but slowly she adjusted to your size, you also helped her in making sure everything was going great, and gently.
"Ugh, argh, ugh, gulp"
She was sucking but because neither of you have this experience, it was going slow.
"Um, Hanni, I think your sucking isn't great"
She removed her mouth form you dick to speak 
"Is it?"
"You should gag more, put it more inside of your mouth, like this(showing a picture from the net).
She slapped your phone.
"Are you saying I am not good?"
"Well, no, but maybe, sorry I just want you to experience this fully"
"Okay, I get you, I'll do what in the picture is"
She adjusted more, allowing your length to enter her mouth, your big cock now is full of saliva, and she is gagging from every downshift she does. The scene is magical, a cute girl you just met yesterday is now gagging from your cock. 
"Yes, just like that Hanni, your doing it better now"
"Gag, really" happy Hanni while her mouth is full
You are now reaching your point, you tapped her shoulders to alert her, she winked and shook her head approving your hot cum to shoot in her mouth, not a second after that you shot your cum to her mouth walls, painting it white, marking her as yours.
"Yes, ugh, ugh just like that Hanni, your amazing" 
She swallowed all your cum, and made a smile looking at your tired body.
"Hey, we haven't started the fucking yet, but your tired already, let's shower then go to my bed"
You two showered like a married couple, soaping each other, rubbing each other, making sure every part is clean cause tonight would be the best meal you will be eating. She pissed accidentally while you were soaping her pussy part.
"Oh, sorry I pissed"
"Damn, that's hot, like your pee is not, well actually it is hot to get pissed, the smell though"
"Hmm so you like getting pissed by"
After one last water, you take a towel to give it to her but she grabs you making your bodies touch each other and then rubs the towel to dry you off. After that, she held your hand, and followed her steps to her room. She closed her binds, turned the lights to comfy, and made the bed more presentable.
"It's your turn now" she said
She jumps to the bed, exposing her body to you, you crawl slowly making her excited, she's like the queen bee getting her worker to give what she wants. You first got close to her face.
"You know, we haven't kissed yet"
"Oh god, your right, let's do it"
You get close to her, attempting a normal kiss, but she doesn't do that, she wants to taste you. Exchanging saliva while kissing and sucking her mouth, she also does it. After a solid 5 minutes of sucking each other though. She breaks it.
"Your such a good kisser"
"You too"
Laughing at each other, but while laughing your hands in like a snake, wanting to bite its prey, but in this case the prey is her pussy. She reacted from your touch, making a cute sound of ouch. She nodded to show that she's ready, ready to get plates on, to get divine on, to be feast on. So you slowly head to her pussy, the aroma and smell that you thought would be different, but a love smell is what you experienced. Her grown hair is so cute, it looks better with it. You've already touched it and feel the slimy gooey leaking from it, this is it she's wet not from the shower, but from your touch, you wanted it, you want her soup, you want to lick the tip, the hole, the glory of womanhood. So you work on it, shoving your mouth to her pussy, first in her clitoris, from your research the best way is a star way, from left to the top then to the left, next to the bottom then go back to the left.
"Ugh, hmmm, yes Y/N, eat me like that, savour from me, do you like that baby, yes ughhh"
The noise from her only fuels your lust, so you change your area now to her vagina, it's tight, and you can feel a blockway for her hole, it is said as her hymen, and the one who breaks it is the one who is first. You now changed the tactic from star shape to, licking like it's a nutella jar. Each lick, each suck made her high, as if she could fly in the sky.
"Oh my godddd, why are you good at this, it is ahhhh, true that, ughhh you didn't have, ahhhhh yess right there babe, yes lick that and suck that ughhh, girlfriend before?, oh my god I am cumming, keep is up"
She releases her cum to you, making you suck her more, tasting her love juices which are sweet.
Both of you are satisfied with each other, but it's not done yet. You tossed your body next to her, she hugged you.
"Thank you for this wonderful experience Y/N, this isn't in my vacation plan but thank god it happened" 
"You too, Hanni, I didn't know this would happened, this vacation is really something else, I just wanna spend my day and night with you"
"Please, we should do this everyday now until we both go back"
"I promise Hanni, we will do it every night"
"Thank you Y/N, I fucking love you, sorry for my language, can we fuck now"
"No worries, I don't mind it. We can if you want"
After your last words, she gets up, recharges like a fast charge phone. She towers you in the bed, putting her body to yours in a riding position.
"Is this a good position, search it up"
"Yes, I want to see you, and I want to kiss you while we're fucking"
"That's sounds hot, I'll put it in now, please be gentle with me"
"I promise Hanni, I'll be gentle"
This wasn't the case, from the very first move, Hanni was rough, immediately breaking her hymen and screaming like she got stabbed in a good way.
"Oh my godd, yesss fuck me like that"
"Wait, Hanni your too rough"
"I can't help it, break me Y/N, make me your cumdumped, fuck me both holes"
She's mind breaking already, just from one insert of your cock to her, she would obey what you do, and everything she says is what you're doing. 
"Ugh, ugh, their hit me their, yes"
"God damn Hanni, I wanna fuck you to the brim so hard"
"Please Y/N, please make it happen"
The fucking if fucking, same position but both of you now is working towards the same goal, breaking each other to the top. Making a mess, like a tornado has come by. Every trust you gave, she gave back, every move you make, she moves back, the gentleness from both of you isn't showing, then a couple more moves both of you are now reaching your point.
"Y/N, I am gonna cum"
"Hanni, me too"
"Let's do it together"
"Ughhhh yes Y/N, fill me fill me fill me"
"Hanni your squeezing me so hard, ughhh Yes"
Cumming to each other was a great pleasure, but after it you both slammed to the bed, she was on top of you.
"This is amazing Hanni, I can't wait to do it again and again and again"
"Again and again, yess I love you so much"
"I love you too"
The night ends with both of you exchanging love notes, kissing each other's forehead but you're not done yet.
"Hanni, I have a question"
"Yes babe, what it is"
"Are you the Hanni from Newjeans?"
The end.
A/N: Wrote this while Wifi was gone so bare the wrong grammars lol, btw check my other story staring Hanni too in AFF link in my bio, would also post this story there, thanks! A/N: If my Wifi stops again, I might write another, who knows maybe I'll continue this story.
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