#to be clear I'm not shipping fenrir and tyr if you didn't understand the “they're similar but not the same ppl” bit
rocksanddeadflowers · 9 months
Can NOT stop thinking about the Tyr and Fenrir correlation with Marius and Lyf (or at least my headcanoned versions of them? Mainly bc much of Lyf lore is very fanonized you know how it goes). Like they're very different pairs, but also the similarities make me go feral. So um. I'm gonna talk about it :) probably very rambly tho as i am very tired but emotional so sorry :)
Most of us at least know the story of Tyr and Fenrir, right? Right! (To summarize: Fenrir being big scary wolf guy the Aesir gods did not like!! Tyr was Aesir god but he did actually like Fenrir and they got a long decently!! Fenrir got too big and everyone wanted him locked away, and in the end to get that done Tyr broke his word and trust with Fenrir to help capture him, losing his right hand in the process. God I'm bad at compressing info.)
So listen... I headcanon Lyf to be part Jotun. Probably like, some Jotunheimr family and some Midgard family. Fenrir is either part Jotun or just completely Jotun (as he is a son to Loki and his giantess lover. Loki is often considered to be Jotun, not Aesir, despite his place amongst the gods. Sometimes he seems to be... Part Aesir and part Jotun? So theoretically Fenrir may not be fully Jotun).
Then look. Marius lost his right hand too. Sure he had his replaced but he still also lost he right hand.
Mix it together and what have you got! Well, not much. It's really just one random similarity each, plus the personalities of each so extremely different, what is there to draw on? Comparing a cold case inspector to a being of wild nature and chaos? And a morally corrupt pirate to a god of justice, war, and loyalty?
Well I have MORE actually!!! That cold case cop inspector has been blasted with eldritch radiative energy, mutating them and now they're absolutely feral!! They've got the instincts of a wild predatory animal emblazoned into them from Yog-Sothoth, encouraged by the crew of space pirates they travel with to spread their crawling chaos! That morally corrupt space pirate grew up war torn and now causes it, is ride or die loyal to his crew, and can be so often fueled by mmm less justice and more petty revenge.
Of course they're not the same! But the similarities are there!
Also for my final point. Picture the universe in which Marius gained Lyf's trust, the immortal crew adverse to connections mortals, and Lyf's walls high and strong. And yet, he does. So be it that in this universe, he's the one behind bars while Lyf is the one to bring him food. They bond. They connect. But Marius can't take Lyf with him. The crew wouldn't like it, won't let him. He can't take Lyf, and neither can he stay behind.
It should have been obvious, in hindsight. His right hand, his promising hand, had already been taken. That's why Fenrir wanted that hand from Tyr, if course. To take it as a symbol of a word broken. Marius's arm had been replaced, yes, but something damaged and repaired vs something new aren't the same. He wouldn't keep his word to Lyf. He breaks their trust, and leaves them behind to the fate determined for them before their birth. There was a moment in time when things could've been different, but it wasn't.
They aren't the same people. And yet the tale Lyf grew up knowing of Tyr and Fenrir happen again. Happens to them. The story repeats as they're abandoned.
Of course. It doesn't have to end like this. They aren't the same people. Maybe they find each other again. Maybe they can be run together. They don't have to leave the other behind. Something broken being fixed may not be the same as something new, but it's better than leaving it broken, isn't it? And maybe the repaired thing comes out better and stronger than the original.
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