#to be clear i don't have a copy nor have i looked online yet my friend got it so im receiving updates there. very exciting + frightening!
skymantle · 2 years
the legends of localizations undertale manual mentioning gaster at all is so scary after years and years of being absent or even removed from official content....
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kookie-doughs · 4 years
Beta Tester
Kozume Kenma X Reader
-YN LN is a popular mangaka
Chapter 16: Stage
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Seeing you running towards him made Kenma frown.
"Kenma!" You waved. "Thank you for not leaving yet!"
Ignoring you he continued to walk towards the direction of the stage.
You pouted and crossed your arms. "You know... As sorry as I am for that kiss I really don't regret it."
Jogging up in front of him with a shit eating grin, you positioned yourself in front of him where he'd have no choice but to look at you while you looked at him. His ears were slightly red without a doubt but who were you kidding yours were too.
Kenma cleared his throat, "Good for you then. Now get out of the way so I could get out of here. "
"And honestly I liked that kiss." You continued determined to see him flustered again. "Your lips were soft and I bet my ass you're a great kisser. I rate you 10/10 would do it again."
With a glare he looked at you straight in the eyes, "So do it pussy." Then went ahead before you could see the red settling on his face.
"I- Wh- Excuse me- Wh- Huh? K-Ken- Kenma!!" You squeaked as you chased after him.
"I said what I said."
You finally caught up to him when he was about to climb the stairs towards the stage. Luckily(?) you also have to go up with him.
"Ehh... Where's the flustered Kenma? I wanted to see you all blushy and panicked. You looked so adorable. I don't want hot daddy Dom Kenma. I want cute baby sub Kenma..."
As he was halfway up the stairs your height gap grew and he was way over you. He just looked down on you, leaning closer the gap barely existent he smirked.
"Too bad." Then turned away.
There were a handful of people who saw the scene. Which made you more embarrassed. Holy shit you acted all alpha online only to be dominated by a hermit named Kozume Kenma.
Boy were you happy. You'd happily submit to him.
"Let us all welcome the two people who made the game possible! YN LN and Kozume Kenma!!"
You might be confused why you two were the ones going and why you were introduced like that.
As you are the creator of Puri-Puri you of course are the reason why this game existed.
But Kenma came here as he's the biggest investor, the face of the game and no one else wanted to go. So yeah...
As you two came up the stage you were just wishing the blush from the scene a few moments ago. The cameras flashed and claps were heard.
"Shit the media is here..." You mumbled.
"Your surprised, why?" Kenma gave you an amused and disappointed look. No idea how he managed to do that but he did.
"Shut the fuck up. I just got a feeling the questions won't be about the game thanks to the media."
"So you do think sometimes..."
"You want me to hit you?"
A clearing of throat behind you stopped your argument. It was Akaashi handing you both microphones to be clipped on you [I'm sorry I dont know what they're called] .
"Good luck, don't do and say anything stupid. And remember this is the release of PPM's demo." He reminded and got off the stage.
"Good evening to you all! I hope you've been having a great time!" I started.
"We'd like to thank you again for attending the release of PPM's demo."
"Now of course the game is yet to be played but from the trailer that was shown, I hope you had enjoyed it since the game is going to be much better than the trailer!"
"I'm sure you all must've questions as well. That's why Me and your idi-- dear author will answer."
"You definitely were about to call me idiot." You frowned at him.
He smirked and shrugged. "I have not a slightest idea what you mean."
"You're the worst."
Ignoring you... Again. He motioned at one of the reporters to probably ask their question.
"Ms. LN, as the initial plot of the Puri-Puri Magika is about [REDACTED], and the trailer we saw have quite a large difference from one another only having the universe in similarty. Is it just the universe of the similar one to the manga? "
"Of course the plot would be different. It disappoints me quite a bit that none of you realized how they're connected aside from the universe. Well, I don't really want to spoil you but if you actually read the Manga and saw the trailer," You gave a proud smirk. "Everyone that was a fan of PPM in the team were ecstatic. They were all just-" You mimicked a mind blown. "They were so excited about the game and a those."
"Thank you Ms. LN."
"Next please."
"Mr. Kozume," the next one called. "You were neither a fan of YN, nor PPM, why did you decide to not only beta test the game but sponsor and invest big sum of money on the game."
"No wait ! I want to answer some of those questions!" You cut off cackling. "The one about him investing and him beta testing! It's actually an annoying and Hella funny story."
"No I was a--"
"Shut up you'll probably lie."
"Shut up." Kenma now had his ears red. "Don't you--"
"He was the biggest asshole back then!"
"Stop talking."
"He fucking beta tested despite not knowing shit about PPM because it was the biggest game. And he just banwagoned  on it like a bitch he was."
"I did not. I had some clues about you Manga."
"You did not know shit about PPM cut yo bullshit. You didn't even know who the MC was!"
"Shut up."
"That's why he beta tested! Now the reason why he invested is really hilarious!"
"I really hate this story..."
"This was the reason why Kenma became Bae too! We didn't know shit about how to contact Kenma, we only had his email address and his social media. Keep that in mind. "
"So since he didn't know shit about PPM he really couldn't care about the plot and just looked for bugs and shit. He wasn't even aware of the bugs in the plot since he didn't know which what was supposed to be part of the plot and not. This bitch ass decided there wasn't any bugs anymore so we went with that. But then we had to play it and saw a shit ton of bugs."
"I said there were some bugs don't make me seems so stupid."
"You didn't even inform us about the glitch at the time skip part! That could've ruined the entire thing! Anywayz, so we had to code the game again. So we emailed him that there were way too many bugs other than what he told us so the next testing would be later. But the asshole never replied. And since I was the one entasked to guide this bitch ass, I  had to flood his email! And he didn't respond! Not once! It had been DAYS! I send him at least 20 emails everyday! I have up on the 3-4th day and DMed him on Twitter."
"I really hate this part."
"No. No. This is the best part. Do y'all remember that one trending #KodzuGone started by Tenma? It's because, this asshole never responded to our emails so I DMed him all the shit important shit in the emails. Then this bitch fucking blocked me! I fucking rante to Tenma and he canceled Kenma like he deserved to! I was panicking about it since Mr. Suzumiya told me that Kenma could be a potential investor if he wanted. And I needed cash... "
"Do not call me that publicly. You are disgusting."
"He went full sugar daddy on me!" You cackled. "His entire squad had betrayed him! They were canceling him so he just fucking slid into my DMs apologizing about the shit he did and I told him, bitch I'm coming over there and see you play this fucking game or I will not stop this canceling and make it worse. So he was forced to telll me his address and I'm not sure if yall saw the live but it was hot shit. The next day he bought all the copies of PPM at this one store and gave them to me and then he invested shit ton of money on my on going works, bought me a new tablet, paid my Keiji bills, and many other shit. Yall would die to have him as sugar daddy I'm telling you. Ya don't even have to give him sugar for the treats. "
"That was the biggest mistake I made."
"Awwe, but thanks to that we're closer than ever. "
"Exactly my point."
"Thank you for answering Ms. LN."
"I hate you so much." Kenma sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.
"No you don't. Admit it you love me."
"I really don't. Next question please."
"A-Ah, my initial question was actually answered in the previous question. It about your live. Now my question is, Ms LN and Mr. Kozume, is your relationship really a platonic one or a romantic one? "
"Okay, babe," You chuckled. "my man won't even let me breathe the same air he does. Ya think we're dating?"
"Well your right."
"Excuse me?"
"Huh?! " You exclaimed a little louder than you thought since the mic made a loud noise.
"The relationship we have is both platonic and romantic. As labels aren't placed we share a romantic relationship." Kenma smirked.
You looked at him and the crowd with a clear eminent blush. "I-I I- Wh-"
Pulling you closer to him and turning around so the crowd won't see you both. He lowered the mic to prevent them from hearing.
"I wanted to see you all blushy and panicked . You look adorable." He whispered to your ear before facing the crowd again who were now going crazy over what Kenma had just confirmed.
"Y-You're an asshole..."
"Yeah, an asshole who..." lowering his mic again he leaned to your ear. "Still has your favorite onsie at his place. You really shouldn't have left it at my place. I'm so tempted to burn it."
"You leave my onsie alone! I will drown your consoles."
"With that threat, you're suddenly stripped of your house visit privileges."
"W-Why would you say we're dating?!"
"I didn't. I just said we both share a romantic and platonic relationship with no labels. I technically didn't lie too."
"Why did you do this?"
"Aside from wanting to see you all flustered? I'm probably drunk." Kenma smiled and turned to the crowd again. "Next question please."
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I'm sorry lately there's been to many words and less pictures it's just that... Idk
Lol I'm sorry this was supposed to be smau but there's been too many words
Ooc Kenma is shit so I made him drunk
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @synx-ed @normalisthenewnorm @0majuh0 @leachann @nikanikabitch @almondeupeach @immxnty @mer-majesty @yamayoomi @simpingoveranime-men @lostmarimoismyhubby @mariishat @just-snog-already
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wrangletangle · 7 years
Sorry in advance if this question is bothersome, but I really have trouble distinguishing this type of thing. On your cultural appropriation post, it was all framed around being personally invited to participate in the culture. Does that mean it doesn't include things like recipes posted online, or videos of dances on YouTube? Is it okay only if the person vets the source? Sorry again for bothering you. This kinda thing has always confused me (might be the autism but I don't wanna make excuses).
Hi anon! Sorry, I wasn’t really on tumblr last week.
No worries, your question isn’t a bother. I’m not 100% sure I understand it, so if I address the wrong thing, please send a clarification.
Caveats Caveats Caveats
First, a note: I am not the final authority on group culture appropriation. I am trying to encourage a more nuanced perspective, particularly for young people, because I’ve personally witnessed some very hurtful things said/done by people in more powerful groups toward people in less powerful groups in the name of avoiding cultural appropriation. I’ve also witnessed some cases where it’s not clear which group is more powerful, but hurtful things were still done in the name of not participating in something out of fear of being seen to be performing culture wrong. That kind of absolutism is mentally easy and feels comfortable to xenophobes, but it still denies real agency to the people it pretends to protect. The goal here is to center the people in the culture that is not your (or my) own and follow their lead, their decisions, and their needs, as articulated by them.
Second, a reality: This is my system for sorting things out. It might not work for your brain. It also might not work for your context.
Implied Invitation
There is an implied invitation of sorts when people share their own activities publicly. For example, a public performance that sells tickets is generally fine to attend. Videos posted to youtube that are of public performances or are private but are done with the knowledge of the participants are fine to watch. The key would be to understand that you may lack context the activity, and thus any opinions you form may be somewhat clueless or even disrespectful. For that reason, it’s a good idea to keep most of those opinions to yourself and consider them extremely provisional, pending further information.
(There are some exploitative performances, but you won’t know what those really are unless you ask members of the community themselves. And even then, the situation may be complicated.)
For example, if I cooked a kimchi recipe off the internet, I wouldn’t then say “I hate kimchi.” I’d probably say “welp I’m not very good at cooking kimchi yet. Maybe I should watch some youtube videos instead of just going from a recipe.” I would never hold myself up as an expert at cooking kimchi, nor would I tell other people that kimchi is gross because I can’t manage to make it well. If I did finally manage to make it well, I wouldn’t act like I was the new messiah of kimchi - I’d send anyone who was curious about learning to cook with it to the same resources I used.
For a reverse example, put yourself in my shoes for a moment. My grandmother was an amazing cook who worked very much in the local style. She tried to teach me from a very young age. I can burn water most days, but I do have many of her recipes, and I cook them to remember her.
One time, a friend of mine came over while I was still baking a pie. I showed him the steps and how I did it. He asked some questions. It was great. (He liked the pie, too.)
If I were a better cook, I might feel inspired to record myself cooking one of my grandmother’s recipes and put it up on youtube, as a way of honoring her and keeping her work from being forgotten. If I did that, I would actively want people to copy what I was doing and cook this for themselves. I wouldn’t choose a recipe that I didn’t want to share.
Checking Sources
It’s also important to do what I personally think of as the source sniff test. Does the source smell like an outsider pretending to know something about the group? If so, they’re very likely to be giving misinformation. This is where exploitative works like “Memoirs of a Geisha” come in - using a culture and abusing/twisting it to prop up the outsider’s career. Don’t support that sort of thing if you notice it happening. We need to make that less profitable than it currently is.
However, be wary of saying things like “X person looks white, so they must not be from Y culture” or “X person doesn’t have a family name from that culture.” Mixed race and mixed culture kids deserve better than to be erased. If in doubt, look less for an individual person to tell you their own personal history and look more for 1) how other people in that culture receive the work/talk about it, and 2) whether the information reflects other sources you’re more confident of.
Asking Questions
From one ND person to another, how you ask follow-up questions is really important. I personally prefer to do most of my follow-up research online or in books, from trustworthy sources within the community. Often in person I’ll just ask for a recommendation of such a source, or nod and smile for as long as the other person is willing to talk but not pepper them with more than a couple of questions.
This is because I know my curiosity level far exceeds most people’s desire to keep talking about a topic, even one they enjoy. Also, the added element of them talking about something personal to which I’m an outsider can make that kind of conversation really uncomfortable for some people. I make sure to begin any follow-up conversation by expressing my enthusiastic appreciation for some element of the thing, so they know what kind of conversation it’s likely to be and can either stick around or bail as they please.
Cultural Diffusion
Then there’s also cultural diffusion. This is a complicated topic, but it’s realistic to recognize that cultures influence each other and borrow from each other. Just don’t imagine that the resulting borrowings are anything like the original - they generally transform a great deal in the borrowing process.
The relative power of the cultures and their history together informs some of how we should deal with these cases individually, as does the history of the specific cultural element. (For example, yoga was deliberately introduced to the west in a modified form.) So there’s a lot of nuance to be considered. Absolutes tend to be too simplified to be of much use.
I hope that helps? If I missed what your question was really about, please send another ask.
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kaylusdraven · 7 years
A response from the President of the Board of Directors of Deeply Rooted. Brandi Pearson 6:24 PM (1 hour ago) to me Greetings Sue, I am glad to see that you are still alive and willing to make yourself heard and seen, though I regret to add that you are mistaken as to when your banishment will be lifted. Perhaps in your haste to send us your suggestion the details have slipped your mind. Thankfully, I have gotten a little better at copy and pasting in the last three months so here you go: Ms. SueEllen Lamb, This is in regards to decisions made by the Deeply Rooted Board of Directors during an emergency held on September 29, 2017. Whereas you, Sue Lamb, knowingly worked against the interests of Deeply Rooted in defense of Tonya Millette and Kirk Anderson Whereas you, Sue Lamb, failed to warn the Deeply Rooted Board of Tonya’s plan to hijack the Deeply Rooted Facebook groups Whereas, you Sue Lamb, took explicit advantage of the hijacked Deeply Rooted Members page to post your own commentary on the then-revealed contents of the Deeply Rooted Board Members page The Deeply Rooted Board of Directors voted unanimously on these decisions You, Sue Lamb, are to be banned from Deeply Rooted lands and Deeply Rooted events until Beltaine 2018, effective immediately You, Sue Lamb, will not be considered a member of good standing for a period of three years effective immediately, which also prohibits you from serving on committee, as Clergy, or as a member of the Deeply Rooted Board. Since I sent you this the first time ( which was October 6, 2017) and I had confirmation that you received this and copied it to your facebook wall (October 6, 2017) your decision to continue to use the public Facebook page to sell the idea that you were coming to Samhain despite being banned could be seen as abusive and bullying behavior; hence, we had you blocked from the public page. Since then, you have registered for Yule, Games Guns and Crafts weekend, and Imbolc. Not only did you try to register you have also done your best to work around the restrictions that were set up for you. This kind of behavior can be seen as not only intimidation but as an illegal maneuver, all of this has been tracked and documented with not only my knowledge but also at my behest. As for there being no communication from the board of directors as to your participation online, you had asked that you have no further contact from any member of the organization. We have all been more than respectful of that request and will be more than happy to continue to do so. If you could point me in the direction of which post you would consider libelous, I would very much appreciate the chance to take a look at it and see what, if anything, should be done. Please consider this as confirmation that your continued use of online participation is considered inappropriate at this point in time and for clarification your banning is to continue until Beltane 2018, we have our Beltane weekend currently slated for May 4-6, 2018. Many blessings to you, Brandi Pearson President Deeply Rooted Board of Directors On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 12:12 PM, SueEllen Lamb <[email protected]> wrote: Good Day Board Members, As my ban has been over for a week or so, I see that I am still blocked from participating online in the community and that Mary under the banner of Deeply Rooted has a libellous post regarding me. That post has been on the public church page. Please remove the post that paint me as someone who has harassed and abuse community members. That is false, and a crime. It should be remove along with a public apology on the site. I understand that the board acted with thier emotions in my banning and not reason or facts and that by pointing this out, I may still receive negative outcome from your community. However as the person I am I will give you the benefit of the doubt that the Board understands thier mistakes made regarding the actions taken toward myself. I will wait a reasonable time for this mistake to be rectified. If after a reasonable time, that being no more than two months, if the libel is still there without a correction and the ability to interaction with the online community not fixed, I will persue other avenues to have the libel addressed As far as the continued harassment by Mary Frampton towards me I understand as an organization you have no interest in that. I am bringing it to your attention because the only interaction I have with her is through your organization. As it is her right to block people on her own pages it is not her right to do so for your organization's pages. As there is and was no board decision to prevent me from participating online, nor was it communicated in the letter of banning, that illustrates the continued harassment from Mary that I have received over the last year. I am asking that you take a look into this issue so it can be resolve. Sincerely SueEllen Lamb SueEllen Lamb <[email protected]> 7:22 PM (14 minutes ago) to board, Brandi Hi, No I am not mistaken, I have attended a local event titled Beltaine 2018. Read the letter again it does not give a specific date nor does is say deeply rooted Beltaine event, just Beltaine 2018 which I have attended. So again my ban is over. Unless it is in the Board's intent to not follow the letter of thier ban. I see nothing mentioned regarding the libel posted by Mary on the organization's website I hope that will be resolved. Thank you, SueEllen Lamb. SueEllen Lamb <[email protected]> 7:37 PM (0 minutes ago) to Brandi Hello, It seems as though my email has been broken up and did not at first receive all of your message on my mobile. As for asking about no contact from dr I did not not ask for no ability to stay current should I reconsider that state of the community and decide to return. At no such point does that exclude my participation in the online community. Especially since it was not a mandated board desicion for that. As for the post it is pasted below. Posting on events online events was not part of my ban and therefore allowed. It is in black and the restrictions set forth for me. I was ban from event of which I did not attend and ban from the grounds of which I have not set foot on. The ban was for Beltaine 2018, not tied to a date or to a specific organizations event. As it stands I have followed the letter of the ban as recieved from the Board. Deeply Rooted Church September 27, 2017 · As many of you are aware, Tonya Millette has hijacked many of Deeply Rooted's groups, and we are in the process of recovery. We've created new groups that are now the official Deeply Rooted groups, that are linked directly to this page (this page was not compromised). Below are links to the official Deeply Rooted group. Feel free to remove yourself from the old Deeply Rooted group, especially if you are currently not out of the broom closet, for Tonya's actions have exposed all members on that board to public display. http://ift.tt/2DOeNY1 As for the issues that this situation has arisen from, there has been a struggle within the DR leadership for many months now revolving around abusive, harassing and bullying behavior displayed by Tonya Milette, Kirk Anderson, and Sue Lamb. Many attempts have been made both by leadership and members to reason with these individuals, yet they refused to cease their destructive behavior. This situation came to a head at our Mabon Board Meeting. For those that would like to hear the Mabon Board meeting for themselves, you can find a recording at https://www.dropbox.com/s/42wqap9…/2017-Sep-24_10-08-06.wav… and https://www.dropbox.com/s/a1re7rj…/2017-Sep-24_11-44-48.wav… We have numerous online conversations documented, both public and privately (for those that wish to share) that can show the history behind this situation. I'm (Mary Frampton) glad and willing to answer any questions anyone might have, as are the rest of the board members (Wade M, Brandi Pearson, Shahara LeFay, Mike Hoeppner, Nick Wozniak). Please talk to everyone. You will get a clear picture of what's been going on and who is at fault. There are also many people on this list that have witnessed some of the situation as well Feel free to speak up if you wish. Kaylus Faobhor Share Most Recent 1414 1 Share Comments Melissa Galewski Melissa Galewski This is very long and I'm sorry Wade, you are probably the only one that remembers me and my fiancé Matt and my now ex- girlfriend Trish, we were the ones from just outside of Milwaukee WI but my ex has a large property near Ogema. We always managed to join you for Samhain. The last year we were there Tonya performed ritual with the help of a few other people. Those people were fine she however was not. At the very end of the ritual I was on my knees whispering words to the sitting personification of Death 's hem. Tonya violently jerked me to my feet telling me that she would speak to me after the ritual she would be my go between the Gods. It was HER job she was the master of the ritual. She dragged me out of the circle fast. Ignoring my cane and ignoring my cries for her to slow down over the terrain. I'm disabled. I cannot go that fast and I really can't go that fast in the dark. I fell. And she snapped at me to stop being dramatic. I worried the whole night that I did something wrong in " hogging " Lady Death like that. However I was the last one to make sure I could speak to her personification on her most holy of nights. There was also a more personal reason which I won't get into. I was only speaking to her for maybe a minute before Tonya dragged me out and I was horrified. I was so horrified that I did something wrong. I was so horrified I begged her not to tell you that I did something wrong and it was actually her and Lady Death that dragged me to my feet. I still don't know who lady death was but after I begged them not to tell you I made my way back to the fire. It got worse, we had brought a guest that year and Tonya nailed me again coming back from the bathroom. She dragged me back to the dark corner of the main building and started telling me about how she was so sorry to tell me this but my boyfriend was kissing another guy in the woods and feeling him up. When I started laughing she got pissed. I told her we were poly and they were doing waaaay more than that last night. And if she wanted to watch me kiss my girl friend she could come back to the fire. Instead she lambasted me for nearly a half hour about my relationship choices and how he was abusing me. I tried to leave the first five minutes into it. The bitch snatched my cane and I was stuck listening until I started yelling and Oakbear wandered over of all people. And she thrust the cane at me and walked off and I asked Oakbear if there was anything wrong with us being Poly just like the first time we came he said of course not. Just before we left she came up to us at the cars and pulled me to the side and said she was clergy here and Deeply Rooted really wasn't a place for male abusers and aggressive people like me. Maybe I could come back with therapy but not an abuser like my boyfriend. That boyfriend who is now my fiancé. We've been together fourteen years now. We haven't been out since though we have been out to the trailer during ritual weekends. To be honest we were looking at Circle Sanctuary but avoided it because of all the drama. We loved DR and then the drama arrived there and it stayed as I watched the Facebook group and that was only a glimpse. When she opened all the messages up it is indubitably clear that you need to clear the board to the very oldest and most essential members and most importantly Wade M never EVER give the ultimate power to kick people off the land and out of DR up to you. Period. 4 Manage 15w · Edited Deeply Rooted Church Deeply Rooted Church Wade M here, I am so terribly sorry that happened. My failure in dealing with this properly has apparently caused more pain than I knew, I will work to make sure this never repeats Tracie Sage Wood Oh hell what a wacko. I'm surprised you didn't snap and hit her with that cane Manage 15w Melissa Galewski Melissa Galewski Deeply Rooted Church Thank You Wade, I guess seeing how the abuse continued it seems I should have said something sooner but I was so ashamed and embarrassed and I saw that she stayed on as clergy and then as a ruling board member who eventually starte...See More Manage 15w Deeply Rooted Church Deeply Rooted Church I understand the need to back up your friend and the subsequent urge to attack the other person. However, there is absolutely no need to continue this tirade. If you had looked- this post is continuing to fall and your comments have bumped it up to the top of everyone's attention, and I am asking you to please stop. There is enough going without adding more to it. Deeply Rooted Church Shahara here: we have a Women's Weekend coming up October 13-15. Please consider joining us for healing, sharing and joy. (And henna!) If anyone is interested in particular workshops, to present or hoping to hear, please share. Also, we are considering starting either a Facebook or Yahoo group particularly for DR women; if interested please contact me, Mary, Brandi, Kim or anyone involved up here 😊 blessed be! 3 Manage 15w Peggy McDowell Peggy McDowell It was so nice to see you at the Renn Fair. 1 Manage 15w Jake Stephani Jake Stephani You guys seemed nice at PSG, I wish I knew a group that didn't go through stuff like this. Manage 16w 1 Reply Reyna Christian Reyna Christian Wow, I just don't know what to say....I love D.R. and everyone who's apart of it. So to hear what had happened is just crazy. How sad. 🙁 Manage 16w Trevor G. Hanson Trevor G. Hanson Looks like Al and I choose a good time to focus on life stuff. Hope you guys get stuff straitened out soon. 2 Manage 16w Ceiya Dawn Ceiya Dawn I am now thankful that I dragged my feet coming to join you in person. I hope all will settle soon. I look forward to joining you in person at a celebration. Manage 16w ======
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