#to be fair i knew she’s been teething because she’s been drooling and mouthing nonstop
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Personal Jesus, Mark 16:9 (Grindlewald/Credence)
A/N: Okay so I normally don’t post chaptered fics on here, but since I know theres more than a few low key noncon kink fans on this website, I thought I’d just slide this one onto the blog anyway. 
You can read the rest of the story here. Or don’t. I think it could still work without context. 
And I’m just going to slip the chapter under the cut. Enjoy!
“Go on then, my Mary -- what are you waiting for?”
Grindlewald stood over Credence, looking down at him with an eyebrow arched, his expression expectant.
He was still dressed in his priest robes, but his shoes were removed. With his feet bare, he inched the right one closer to Credence.
Credence was still shackled and wrapped women’s garb. It was a crimson red dress with an elaborate medieval design. Its length was long, and as Credence was curled up on the floor, the skirt of it splayed around him with the striking resemblance to a pool of blood.
Grindlewald had already explained to him that he had dressed him in the image of Mary Magdalene.
“I doubt I have to explain who that is to a bible thumper such as yourself.” Grindlewald had chuckled, “I thought it was rather befitting, considering she was a whore.”
Credence glared, but to be fair, he had been glaring practically nonstop since he had arrived.
“What was it that Mary Magdalene did when she first met Jesus? Ahhh, that’s right -- she kissed his feet.”
Grindlewald had taken off his shoes, smirking, and had said “I believe proper introductions are in order, then.”
Revulsion shivered through Credence, but he stayed quiet, his sights straying elsewhere.
He was trying to focus on finding a way out of this mess. He had looked just about everywhere else in the room, trying to take in his surroundings --- thinking.
But after not much longer, Grindlewald seemed to grow impatient with Credence’s defiance. Credence felt a sharp kick to his jaw, and he cried out in surprise. Then the same foot that kicked him tapped a larger toe to the bottom of his chin, guiding it gently upward until Credence was looking back up at its owner.
“My boy,” Grindlewald was grinning, “What’s the infamous saying? We can do this the easy way or the hard way. And if you want to do things the hard way, let’s not forget that I can very easily force your memories out of you, and find out where your daddy has been hiding.”
Credence swallowed hard. He didn’t doubt Grindlewald’s power.
Or at least, he wouldn’t want to risk the possibility.
This had been his stupid idea, after all.
Fighting the urge to vomit, Credence leaned forward and hesitantly kissed the top of the foot that was touching his chin. The sensation of his lips on top of his skin, although they barely grazed it, made Credence shiver.
Grindlewald damn near giggled, clearly becoming giddy at the display of surrender. “Good, good.” He bent down and ran a hand through Credence’s hair; a show of approval. “Now, I want you to take the entire big toe into your mouth, and suck on it.”
Credence’s head snapped up to look straight at him, unable to keep the horror and disgust out of his expression.
Of course -- they had arguably done much worse together before… but Credence could never recall any kind of foot play.
It was like he was doing this just to demean him.
Which, all things considered, wasn’t that crazy of a concept.
This time, Grindlewald did not verbally coax him -- but he didn’t need to. The words of his threat were still lingering freshly in the room, and when Credence had given Grindlewald a fair amount of time to clarify that he was joking -- which of course did not -- Credence held his breath and put the entire toe in his mouth.
Grindlewald laughed again, which only helped to confirm Credence’s theory that this was more or less some petty assertion of dominance.
As if reading his mind, Grindlewald stroked his jaw, the same part where he had kicked it, as he crooned, “I missed you, my little concubine.”
Credence only glared up in return, trying to suppress a gag as Grindlewald finally pulled back the foot, removing the toe from his mouth.
But to his dismay, Grindlewald had clearly just been making room for something bigger than his toe, as he began to undo his pants.
“Oh don’t look so frightened,” Grindewald mock pouted, reading Credence’s expression, “I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
Grindlewald’s cock, erect and venous, was suddenly thrust extremely close to his face.
It looked bigger than it had been when he was Percival, at least as far as Credence could bring himself to remember.
“Now, on your knees, Credence. Someone needs to ask Jesus for forgiveness.”
Credence felt another surge of embitterment at the smug remark, but it crumbled away to give way to a different emotion:
The fury and outrage that had been the glue holding up his detached composure thus far broke, and Credence felt himself finally begin to just start bawling. He was helpless to repress the pitiful sobs and heaves in front of Grindlewald, and he hated it.
It made him feel even more humiliated then the damn dress -- because any progress he felt he had made a person, any step forward he thought he had achieved since he had left the church seemed to all be tumbling down like some demolished structure.
Once again, Credence found himself nothing more than a scared child – trembling and powerless to his abuser.
Grindlewald sighed with exasperation.
“I really thought you would enjoy this little role play. You really should be more grateful, you know. Now -- open up for your Lord and Savior.”
He seized Credence’s jaw, which was already soaked in tears, and roughly shoved the enormity of his cock inside in one swift motion. He moaned loudly and seemed to savor the sensation, even though Credence was doing nothing in reciprocation.
“You know,” He prattled on as he violently began to thrust himself into Credence’s mouth with rhythm, “I’ve taken many lovers since we last met… but none quite like you, Credence. I really did miss you.”
Credence could barely focus on what he was even saying.
His lips were already aching for being stretched out so widely, so suddenly. And the sound of Grindlewald’s voice was muffled by his suppressed gags and mewls.
“If it makes you feel any better,” Grindlewald continued anyway, “I lured you here more for the purpose of fucking you then actually using your power --- although that may come another time. But first, we’ll take our time savoring this little reunion, hmm?”
Grindlewald grabbed used his free hand to pull at a clump of Credence’s hair, and yanked on it hard. Out of reflex, Credence was unable to stop himself from biting down as he flinched, his teeth grinding into the enormous shaft in his mouth.
“Ouch…” Grindlewald tittered, although it didn’t actually seem to hurt him much at all, “I’m going to have to punish you for that one.”
He finally withdrew from Credence’s mouth -- a mixture of pre cum and drool spilling out with him -- and Credence immediately began to dry heave. He wanted to vomit, and thought he would vomit, both nothing except tears and saliva seemed to drip on the cold, dirty floor. He realized his stomach was probably too empty of food to have much bile anyway.
Grindlewald bent down and grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling his small frame upward.
Credence yelped as Grindlewald threw him roughly against the wall behind him, head spinning as it bounced against the bricks. Grindlewald positioned him until his stomach was flat against the cold surface, keeping an arm on the small of his neck to ensure that he remained facing it. He pressed up against him, his free hand now rummaging at the skirt of the dress.
“My sweet Mary,” Grindlewald purred lowly into Credence’s ear. He was so close that he could feel the warm breath blow against his face with every word, like the caress of Satan himself. “I’m going to cleanse you of your seven demons.”
Credence wriggled underneath him weakly, but he knew it was useless. He could feel his backside being exposed as Grindlewald lifted up the skirt to allow himself entry, and it only occurred to him now that Grindlewald hadn’t even bothered to put any underwear on him.
As he felt the tip of Grindlewald’s erection poking at the crack of his ass --- pausing, like someone dipping a toe in water to test the temperature --- Credence fought the urge to beg him to stop. He held back, knowing it would likely only arouse Grindlewald even more so.
He was left to brace himself, and sob piteously into the wall.
And as Grindlewald finally shoved himself in, Credence screeched an agonized cry that no one was around to hear.
But that was just it, wasn’t it?
It wasn’t so much the pain, or the sexual contact that they’ve already shared so many times before -- it was the fact that he was alone, he was helpless.
And in all honesty, he had no one but himself to blame for it.
Had he not left their home of his own will?
Had he not waited all day to confront Grindlewald?
Sure, he anticipated that this could be a suicide mission. But honestly, Credence had only considered the possibility that Grindlewald could just kill him on the spot.
He had forgotten just how sadistic Gellert Grindlewald could be, apparently. He should have known that just killing him off wouldn’t have been any fun for the perverted, twisted heathen that he was.
And now, they were here, with Grindlewald’s dick jamming repeatedly into Credence’s ass, Credence gasping and panting and sputtering beneath him.
With no Percival to protect him.
If he hadn’t let his own anger get the better of him; if he only hadn’t been so brash -- he would be back home with Percival now. He would be safe. Credence tried to envision what Percival might be doing now, if there was any way he could save him anyway, but he knew it was a long shot.
Percival had no idea where he had gone, and likely wasn’t going to do some nationwide search of America with MACUSA on the lookout.
Credence inhaled sharply as Grindlewald enclosed a hand around his own cock, which was still flaccid and soft.
He yanked on it, and again Credence screamed and Grindlewald moaned.
He began to thrust faster into him, and Credence had to turn his face sideways on the wall just so he didn’t break his nose in the process. He again had to resist the unspoken pleas that teetered on his lips as he felt his entire lower half truly start to ache and burn from all the strain.
He wouldn’t grovel.
Not yet, at least.
“You’re so tight…” Grindlewald muttered, “Did daddy not fuck you hard enough or am I just that much bigger?”
Credence did not answer that, but the honest truth was that Grindlewald was much larger this time around; to the point where he had wondered if Grindlewald might end up actually killing him by ripping through his rectum.
Credence could feel the warm sensation of blood already running down the back of his thighs, dripping to the ground.
Suddenly, Grindlewald started counting.
He thrusted particularly hard, to which Credence whimpered.
Harder. Credence groaned, his knees buckling, Grindlewald’s body likely the only thing holding him upright.
That one elicited a full blown scream -- he was becoming lightheaded.
And finally, to the sound of Grindlewal’s moans of euphoria -- Credence fainted.
Mark 16:9
Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.
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