#to be fair that is true. that is how i perfected lockstep
from what I've seen a lot of people don't like fanclub (og and sequel) tho, either for its strict-ass timing or the song (I unironically think it's really sweet though), either way, fan club 2 my beloved. That ask was mostly about overhated games like rhythm rally (og and sequel, ESPECIALLY sequel, it's so fun) and ds remixes (remix 6 my beloved) Oh, and finding keep-the-beat games easy, esp lockstep, which isn't really a matter of taste but I suppose it counts
bestie idk how to tell you this but people generally like rhythm rally, they just also think it's hard (/lh)- good point on fan club though, idk why people complain about thrilling! is this love? so much tbh it's one of my favorite songs tbh. n ds' remixes are the best remixes idk why people complain about them either (idk people think they're too repetitive. don't really see how that's a bad thing-).
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surfersofbole · 7 years
Sad Little Love Poems: The Fourth Poetry Dump
Here’s my fourth poetry dump. Less rap in this one... I guess more love poems, along with some other poems. They’re little sad things that aren’t really worth providing individual releases. I’ve decided to name them this time.
I don’t remember if I’ve posted some of these before. I think I may have, but my memory is hazy. Many of these are incomplete poems. Many of these are over a year old. Poems 2-4 are the most recent works I’ve written.
Ditsy when she talkin’ But man, the way she walkin’
*I wanted to make this into a song, but I couldn’t get past these two lines. I think I made it to the rhythm of Miss Mandy.
Eros Strums the Single String on his Guitar
I’ve convinced myself that the brilliant river Pours such cold water I’ll shiver Whether or not I jump in and catch the undercurrent. After all I have weathered, I look abhorrent; Wave me away; say, “Don’t come near.” Apparently, I wasn’t meant to be here.
Should I be true to stilled moments’ thoughts That startle my beating heart? I should convince myself brilliant rivers Pour such cold water, I would shiver.
I should wither to the berating parade, The beating drums, and lockstep marchers. Oh, would the tone-deaf lover serenade? Would Cupid fire arrows if he were an untrained archer? Oh, the tone-deaf lover provides no serenade. Off-beat drums, bowlegged marchers Falter ‘fore the king and queen of spades.
A False Answer Lies on the Other Side of the Equation
One more breath that I’m expending Before my chest begins expanding. An arhythmic contraction Of my heart confessed attraction.
A reaction of a chemical In my brain makes it seem simple, But, even with that context, My heart makes it feel complex.
I stop holding my breath, Let loose and walk the length A moment’s filled with bliss As another beat is missed.
There’s a scent that clouds the air. I close my eyes, am more aware. So much depends upon* The fair air that fills my lungs.
Is this love or infatuation, This warmest of sensations? It’s no secret how I’ve tried; In you, a kiss that I confide.
*So much depends upon repurposing the words of those who would have wished for the writer to have some imagination and sense of originality.
A Sense of Reassurance...
You don’t have to complicate things; Speak succinctly, ever charming.
We don’t have to play like we’re fools As long as you love me and you.
You don’t have to find other worlds Or dream about other girls.
You don’t have to speak perfect rhymes I’ll love you every single time.
Beneath Thee
So dreary, How I have to sit and watch with little wonder; I’ve not had time of day to lift my eyes up And look beyond.
Go sinking; Leave me all alone and I’ll be here tomorrow. Pick me up my long lost friend, and, you, I’ll follow. Just be near, t’me.
Beneath thee,
It just takes a bit of convincing
Don’t you know the rain Is gonna fall either way? So why cause us this pain Each and every other day?
I find that the gold mines In the mountains up above Hold cases full of cheap wines And, for me, that is enough.
But they liked what they heard...
It seemed quite strange to me that I could not believe What I had then just spake with lips, these lips, my lips, And thought as the subconsciousness, me, moved/spoke to. And I did utter things that I might rarely think. I feel feelings that I’ve long felt, dealt not (for what, No reason under
An Incomplete Parody of Weezer’s Smile
Taking my time To get it all set up, I stand to learn What’s on the up and up. ‘cause he wanted some love, I let it happen.
He think’s he’s acting slick; Your boyfriend’s sucking dick. The way that he just wraps me up Inside his smile...
S’ lucky, this find That I have made tonight,
Wonder If You’re OK
In the dawning of my day, One cold morning, wide awake, Sit up in bed, and start to pray, Wondering if you’re okay.
In your bed, you choose to stay; Welled up tears dry, fill the air. In moon’s reflection, lightning bugs play Before their hit with the light rays.
I’ll be a bitter man.
The months I have logged where I longed And I waited, so cold, For you to return with my broken soul Have diminished in lieu of a promise that I won’t be hurting myself any more.
I sat and I waited in wonder pondering What it is I should do
I’ve tried and I’ve worked ever since To be a better man But I fear that the day I should see you, I’ll be a bitter man.
Amber Embers
Some day, When I’m waiting for the sun, Should I realize That it’s never coming back ‘round for me again. If I close my eyes, Will the amber embers fill my vision? Or will I still remain In the dark and lifeless cell that is this prison.
Advertising Heaven
Don’t you dream with me today? Can’t you see me and my name Plastered up on billboard signs a ways away?
Can’t you hear my silent scream? Can’t you see the wound that bleeds? I swear that you may within my dreams.
And I know I know the rainbow... I know I know how it goes. I know That it follows where the showers should blow.
When your vision starts to show The lustrous, cosmic meadow, Your thoughts will calm your mind and you will mellow.
But if you’ve let it cloud And to darkness, you have bowed, Then fear has you succumbed with tattered shroud.
Would you fear your trow did shatter When you were nude just as a shadow? I think you’ll find that it really doesn’t matter.
A Moment in Hell
Red, I’d seen, when closed my eyes. Through the clouds, color’s still seen. The moon hides not in pitch black skies, And, with fright, my sight’s careened, Searching not to
Heaven’s Wrath is a Heavy Halo
Spreading out my mind, Relaxing in my sleep, Selfcontained in heavy deep, Without light, and so I’m blind. After grinding of my teeth With subconscious, steady pressure My tresured, plesu'ble lesiure Are my pain pills. Heaven’s wreath,
A sickness of sorts. (Working Title)*
A pain grows deep inside; The hurt does, my mind, wind And leaves m’ broken down. A great pain I did find An’ this, t’ you, confide. That I didn’t frown When lover took th’ crown/ When queen had left m’ side; M’ bride had so r’sign’d. M’ love ‘n a grand gown, H’r mother so had cried As she, t’ me, resigned.
Th’ fact is that the pain ’s from our broken lives. Where’s all th’ time w’ spent? This pain of mine deprives ‘nd undermines all gain. Quickly th’t it h’d went
*The original title was “A Sickness of Sorts. (working title)”
I am not prepared.
I am prepared not to cry tears of sorrow. The overflow of joy shall not be present either. Today, I shall cry tears of defeat Because these struggles have chipped away at my fortitude, revealing nothing, And leaving me to be little more than a weak coward. How I’d hoped a river of relief might have washed over me.
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