#to be quite honest i just forgot my password and email LOL
mogaiswirls · 2 years
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[Image ID: A nine striped flag, it begins with a muted beige, then mustard yellow, dark mustard yellow, tinted orange, light yellow, tinted orange, dark mustard yellow, mustard yellow, muted beige. End ID]
A redesign of Honeychunic: If you do not remember, it’s definition is “A gender related to chunks in honey, honeycomb chunks in honey, and/or jars of chunk honey. The texture and taste of the honeycombs with the honey could also be a defining factor for this gender user.” I may redo the other flag in the future, but for now you just get this one.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
you ever played “call of duty”? did you like it? are you into those types of video games at all?   i think i have once. not my sorta game.
do you like to cook for people, or do you order to be cooked for? has anyone ever told you that you were a good cook? i like to cook but hardly have any time. so i just cook whatever’s at home or go out to eat.
do you have any clocks in your house that chime when the hour changes? do those types of clocks annoy you?   no they’d annoy the hell out of me.
what is your usual hair style? do you tend to wear the same style every day, or do you switch it up a lot?   i usually wear my hair down either curly or straight.
have you had the same doctor pretty much your whole life, or have you went to a bunch of different ones over the years? have you ever been to the doctor thinking something was horribly wrong with you, but it turned out to be something minor?   tbh i’ve had different doctors throughout my life but i’ve stuck to the same practice for years now. hmm i only go to the doctors if something feel wrong and most of the time i’m right.
are there any stores you feel uncomfortable going into (ex: if you dress girly, do you feel uncomfortable going into hot topic)? are there any stores that you refuse, or just never go in to?   no i don’t care at all. if i need to buy something in a certain store i’ll go in there however i’m dressed.
do you look in mirrors a lot, or do you try to avoid them? how many mirrors are in your house?   i don’t seek to look at mirrors but if one is around i’ll just check my face, teeth etc.
what do you think is the greatest invention of all time? why? are there any inventions you wish had never been made?   nearly everything in modern society. cars, planes, light, electricity, phones, the internet etc.
are you proud of yourself? do you feel that you’ve accomplished (or will accomplish) the things you want in your life? what other person are you the most proud of and why?   i’m not that proud of myself but i have to remind myself i’ve made quite a few achievements. i just know i can do better.
did you ever have a terrible roommate? what did they do that bothered you so much? no, i still live at home. when i move out it’ll be with my husband to be surely.
if someone has a problem with something you’ve done, do you prefer they confront you directly? why or why not? when you’re the one who needs to tell someone about a problem, what’s your method of doing so? yes i prefer they come to me directly. i would do the same too. it doesn’t have to be confrontational, we’re all adults so working things out in a professional manner is all that needs to be done.
do you like the color gray?   yes.
is it possible to love someone if you don’t love yourself? yes.
do you believe happiness can exist without sadness? not really.
what hospital in your area would you most recommend for good treatment?   the one closest to me? idk.
who is the best person you’ve ever “met” online? my boyfriend. technically i first made contact with him online even though most of my friends went to his school.
who is the most versatile actor ever?   idk, not much of a movie buff. 
do you ever nap and wake up and forget what day it is?   hell yeah.
what was your maternal grandmother’s first name? angelina.
what was the last video message you received on your phone?   probably a snap?
would you kiss someone you didn’t have feelings for? if i were single.
what would your dream engagement ring look like? no idea. i haven’t looked properly.
is someone hurting you mentally at the moment? nah.
do you feel like no one understands you?   sometimes.
have you ever attempted to drown yourself? nope.
would you rather deal with all your emotions at once, or none at all?   all at once but i need to be alone in my own space.
what’s the best sex scene in a movie you’ve ever seen?   no idea.
is pornography evil or are you neutral about it? i’m neutral. it’s not something i watch. i just don’t like how it creates an unrealistic expectation of sex.
do you prefer to be monogamous, or are you more a casual dater or swinger? monogamous.
does your pet wear a collar? yeah.
what is your favorite song in “the sound of music”?   16 going on 17. is that what it’s called?
what would you do if your mom/dad saw a hickey on you? idk if they’d say anything.
you’ve just had an argument with the guy you like, and you walk away. do you want them to leave you alone?   it depends what the argument is about. if i say ‘leave me alone’, it’s for real though.
have you ever read any self-help books?   nah.
do you thank the bus driver? yes.
have you ever had your heart broken?   no.
when was the last time you flirted? haha idk how to flirt anymore. but probably my boyfriend.
are good-byes easy or hard for you? depends how long until i’ll see them.
whatcha listening to? nothing.
what do you feel about our president? my country is run by a prime minister.
do you remember the song, blue (da ba dee) by eiffel 65? yep.
if you told someone how far have you have gone with the opposite sex, how would others view you? normal, i guess?
do you have a secret that you’ve never told ANYONE? yeah probably. nothing that’s actually a secret but there’s things about me no one knows. like how i fill out surveys here, for example.
would you care if your last ex fell in love with someone else? no.
what’s something you really want right now, be honest?   sleep.
were your parents married when they had you? yes.
are they married now? technically yes but they’re separated.
would you marry someone 30 years older than you if they had millions? nah. it’s too much of a hassle to be a gold digger.
how long were employed at your last job? my last job about 4 years.
if you found out you were pregnant who would you tell first? my boyfriend.
what did you do when you hung out with the last person you kissed?   had dinner, went out, went back to my place, hooked up.
do you prefer online classes or real classes?   real. i’d have no motivation to do online courses.
do you like documentaries? have you ever watched one and find it boring? i like them, i’m just picky on which ones to watch.
if you had to choose, would you rather be an alcoholic or pothead?   er... neither tbh. 
do you hate your ex?   no.
do you like kids?   not all kids. but yeah, sure.
are your eyes the same color as your mom’s or dad’s? yes.
do you think too much or too little?   too much.
does anyone know your facebook password? other than me, nah.
have you ever seen the last person you kissed without their shirt on?   yes.
…what about their pants? yes.
did you ever rip off a barbie doll head? no.
how many people have you slept with (sexually not actually sleeping)?   one.
do you have any sort of ongoing health problem? probably.
are you a teenager and yet want a baby?   i’m not a teen.
would you date a guy with a prince albert?   hahaha it’s not something i’d judge a guy on.
do you think you are a hick?   no.
have you ever told someone to their face that they were ugly? as a joke.
have you ever swallowed a watermelon seed?   most probably.
what would be worse - going out in public with no bra or no panties? for me, no panties.
would you ever let your child drop out of high school?   it depends on the reason. if they had a solid plan for their future and it’s the reason why they’re dropping out then i don’t mind.
honestly, do you think that inner beauty is as important as outer beauty? yes.
do you pronounce “aunt” like “awnt” or “ant”? awnt i think.
have you ever seen wayne’s world?   yeah but ages ago.
what was your favorite video game as a child? the sims.
list five things you’re currently thinking about:   how late it is, what i’m doing tomorrow, wtf i’m doing with my life, i need sleep, idk.
is the last person you kissed a virgin? no.
have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring?   no.
what was the last video you added to your favorites on youtube? i forgot.
do you have any morbid interests? nah.
eat breakfast or skip it? i love breakfast but i always wake up too late to eat it.
favorite disney channel show? i never watched disney channel growing up.
do you believe in jesus?  well yeah, hasn’t it been proven he actually existed?
would you ever get a tattoo in a “naughty” place?   no.
are your ears gauged? no.
is there a band you like that many others dislike? which? idk. most likely idc.
do you play pokemon go?   i did when it came out last year.
are you a bad influence?   nah.
be honest. have you had any dirty thoughts today? yes.
honestly, have you ever danced naked?   no.
is smoking pot a turn off?   nah. 
have you ever scared yourself?   prob.
on facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings?   i think one of my friends are still listed as a sibling lol.
is it ever okay for a woman to ask out a man?   duh.
how important is it for a significant other to be good with kids? pretty important, especially if there’s potential to have kids together in the future.
when did your last relationship end? i’m still in it.
did your father go to college? yes.
do you plan on going to college?   i’ve already finished.
ever seen a burning building in person? no, just cars.
do you like gore? no.
do you own any choker/collar necklaces?   yes.
did you have a “scene” phase?   yeah but i never went all out. i’d just tease my hair during my own time and take stupid photos for myspace. never went out like that in public though.
how often do you shave your legs, if at all? why do/don’t you?   during winter hardly ever since you can’t see my leg hairs anyway. in summer maybe once a week, my leg hairs grow slowly.
are you dressing up for halloween this year?   idk yet.
were you ever obsessed with the jonas brothers? just during their camp rock phase.
do you ever feel like life is going by too fast? yes.
do you pay for your own things?   yes.
have you ever gotten in trouble on the internet?   once our internet provider sent us an email telling us to cease downloading torrents lmao. i forgot what movie it was for damn.
honestly, have you ever had lice? i don’t think so...
do you think it’s possible to be in a long relationship without having sex?   of course it’s possible.
where did you last bleed from and why?   a pimple lol.
has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? yes.
what do you like most about making out? what it eventually leads up to.
have you ever had a guy put his hand in your shirt? yes.
what is the last thing you stapled? 

who was your first prom date?

   i didn’t have one. we weren’t allowed to bring people from other schools so i just went with my friends.
have you ever been slapped in the face?

have you ever touched a snake?

are you lonely? no.
do you like condoms? personally no.
are you good at editing pictures? 

 i’m not good but i know how to do it.
are you any good at public speaking? 
   not good, not bad.
would you have kids with the last person you kissed? someday.
have you ever thought of making love in a dressing room? no, i think dressing rooms are dirty. some of them smell like feet.
do you know anyone who tries to steal everyone’s boyfriend?   no.
do you appreciate raunchy humor? sometimes.
have you ever looked up porn on the internet? yeah.
did you ever try cutting yourself? no.
do you like to tell people who you like? sure.
ever been institutionalized?   no.
ever hold a newborn animal? nope. well puppies but they were already a month old.
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littlemumushouse · 5 years
I know what I want
Well, not really.
Sometimes I THINK I know what I want, but most of the time, I was just stumbling around regretting almost every decisions I’ve made.
Funny how I was convincing myself about everything’s gonna be absolutely on track. But honestly, the only track that I’ve never fails to follow is me getting older and closer to death (It’s a bit dramatic but you know... just play along).
and err, I was googling myself, and em, eww. Big time eww.
Because I found my old blog. And it was terrible. Like, very disturbing and disgusting(exaggerate for lyfe) . I feel sorry for myself actually. I mean, I cant even read it because I was so embarrassed of what I wrote.
I wish I could delete it, but unfortunately , I forgot my email and email password. I’m actually kinda wondering what could actually be my password since I cant even get through it. Lol. It must be dumb, that I assured you.
Aku gagahkan juga to read everything and... I was regret it all over again. Urgh. So dumb. But, hey, at least I have something to remember how dumb I was. I mean, I am still dumb, but a liiittle bit wiser that i was back in the blog era. Oh aaa, dan matang juga (quote from baba) lol.
But, to be honest, I kinda jealous of the girl I was before. She actually knew what she wanted. She wanted to be a doctor. A real good doctor. And a good muslimah(well..okay). But apparently science was never really meant for her. So yeah, reality hurts. I’m so sorry dear self. And for “a good muslimah?”. I mean.. define ‘good’ itself. What I can say.. is I’m still a Muslim. A practicing Muslim. But I can’t really tell because only He knows.
The blog that I created long times ago, when I read it back today, It kinda taught me a bit about when you thought you have everything on plans, doesn’t mean you can actually goes with the plan.
um, depends juga sebenarnya.
If you make plans, make sure your plans are fit to your whatev- 
(chuckle) Who am I kidding?
I mean, I cant give any advice about this. I myself is at lost right now. See, I sometimes, can have a quite decent plans. But some other times, my plan can be change to just follow the flow.
I told you before, that I’m pretty much still stumbling around. Still wondering and confusing about the future.
I’m pretty sure i’m gonna regret the plans I’ve made today too in the future. I’m sorry beb, this is the phase where you must take all the risks and follow whatever they leads you to. Brave yourself,dear. 
If the road is too easy, you probably do it wrong.
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