#to compare like beign demeaning cruel treating without respect/ are stupid ect.. to the treatment of animals??
dragontamer05 · 2 years
When I ever I see or here ‘human’s aren’t animals’ I don’t know why but I just feel so weird
In that one hand I do get what is being said and what people generally mean by it- in that we/ our brains are more evolved then even our closes primate cousins, not only smarter but over all essentially just made/built different from any other animal that’s gotta survive based on instincts alone and all that.
There’s a reason we’re considered the dominant species after all.
However on the flip-side  it’s not exactly an accurate statement because for as different as we are from say the Gorilla’s in the jungle, or even the pets we keep- human’s by the very scientific definition are animals.
We are no less animals then a teeny tiny Water Bear- which has literally evolved in such a way that it can survive in conditions that would ordinarily kill even us humans, and microscopic or a Jellyfish which quite literally haven’t a single brain cell to their name.
And no I’m not saying go around and treat people the same way you’d treat a dog, or some animal you stumbled across in the forest, and I fully agree that because of how human’s have evolved there are many aspects of the human species that can’t be compared to the rest of the animal kingdom
But I just don’t fully agree with the idea of treating that difference as being because we’ve somehow evolved into something so far removed that we can’t even be called an animal anymore.
Instead of saying we aren’t animals maybe a better phrase to use could be ‘we are more then just animals.’ or ‘humans aren’t just wild animals’
Again I realize when people say this they don’t mean it literally (I certainly hope they don’t anyway) and is being used as a way to get across how different us humans are to any other creature but it just sounds weird, in that it’s not something we’d say about any other animal that’s evolved to be so different compared the rest of the animal kingdom (such as my Jellyfish and Waterbear example from earlier)
- On a side note I get very amused by this animal book that goes over a large number of creatures in the world (all broken up with reptiles/ amphibians/ birds/mammals ect) I have and I think if I recall its the very last page of the book - could be wrong- they actually have written up about humans
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