#to him cuz he was talking abt bpd nd splitting lol
girlwithfish · 11 months
shld i switch therapists xo lol
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girlwithfish · 5 months
when you talk about splitting what does that entail?
this article explains it decently but its very extreme thinking that comes from emotional dysregulation basically. most present for me in romantic relationships as many ppl w bpd tend to have their symptoms at their strongest and most intense in intimate relationships but ive split on family friends before too. cognitive distortions guide ur mindset and perception of a situation or a person, ie black and white thinking or all or nothing thinking etc. if its a person for me its usually extreme devaluation like this person hurt me i hate them or all they want to do is hurt me i cant trust them theyre only the bad things theyve done to me in the past. If its w family or friends its usually not as hateful cuz idk my splitting w my ex was largely bc i was constantly being hurt and triggered by him lol but w family or friends its less hostile and more like oh this person thinks xyz about me, maybe triggered by one thing they said and i assume the worst and think they think all these things abt me and ill withdraw or become very defensive etc. w family or friends i dont rly split as intensely or like directly like i can handle it better or easier. w my ex as he was the person i was closest to it was difficult to manage the splitting bc he was aware of it and would often use it against me to invalidate me during conflict or shut down my feelings bc im splitting. I can also split on situations in my life or stuff regarding myself extreme black or white thinking abt a situation im in or if im having intense mood swings thinking its the end of everything and im stuck like this or this is forever just very extreme thought process, a lack of emotional permanence, very this or that thinking. def struggle w this a lot now that im not rly in an environment where other ppl directly trigger me its more i just internalize stuff nd deal w it myself and all these extreme thoughts at times
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