#to jeannette and sameer specifically
stubbornjerk · 3 years
why i tagged my aurinko crime family uquiz with april fools
or: why i have done so many things in so little time
not that any of you needed to know or anything, i just wanted this information out there in case i want to remember how ridiculous my first year of quarantine has been.
so, as of time of writing, it is april the 3rd (gmt +8, i live in the philippines so screw you). i have some homework due, i am a bit hungry and sleep deprived, and i am caught up with season 3 of penumbra.
and this information is significant, specifically that last part, because when i met @northisnotup​​ at the early aughts of my obsession with penumbra in early may/late april, i had not even listened to man in glass yet.
i was planning on listening to all of season 3 when it had finished releasing its finale, since that had been my plan with all of the ongoing audio dramas i’d listened to thus far. and it took north several weeks to convince me to listen to man in glass (both parts).
and then i listened to tools of rust (both parts) in october (due in part bc of a proposition i had going with north, wherein she had to finish her fic for me before i listened to the next episode so uh, if y’all loved this fic, you’re welcome). and since MIG, i had already entered a server with north (Trans Nureyev Agenda, TNA for short) and made several other friends and a romantic relationship. you have to understand that that was six entire months.
but i was still not caught up to season 3.
while on my 2-week hiatus between chapter 5 and chapter 6 of halcyon days & solstice nights around september, i dared myself to redraw all 8 of my illustrations from my first multi-chapter junoverse fic bridges to burn and finish writing the 6th chapter of hdsn as well.
it took me three weeks but i did it, and i listened to shadows on the ship in early october, which resulted to the conception, production, and publication of reverse au’s first chapter, vespa ilkay and the case of the murderous mask.
i did the sensible thing afterwards and dared my partner-in-crime jeannette @entropyre​​ that if we finished TNA livereads for reverse au’s TFN (now called railbird’s gamble), i’ll listen to ultrabots (both parts). i also dared them to reach a certain amount in her current project to make me listen to heart of it all. both propositions happened in late november.
and i did listen to ultrabots! february 10th, to be specific. year 2021.
by then, i had already been somewhat infamous in the TNA server for being the one person at fault for having to force everyone to spoilerblock their takes on newer episodes. and i understood the frustration! but more importantly, it was annoying to me whenever anyone would smugly pronounce you’ll see when i was theorizing at my own pace.
and you know what happened?
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[image is a screenshot of this tweet
“wouldnt it just be the TNA server's biggest scam if i actually caught up to s3 pre-finale and i just... didn't say“ (dated 31 Jan 2021)]
and thus began my planning.
at february 12, two days since listening to ultrabots, i listened to both episodes of heart of it all. then the next day, to the first part of what lies beyond, then the next to the second part.
on the 14th, i told my partner, sameer that i was caught up. but only him and jeannette knew at this time.
and all three of us kept quiet until after the public release of the finale came out. i listened an hour after them when the patreon release came out, at 3am, while my father was eating his breakfast before work.
the morning of march 18th, filipino time, i told some friends in a personal server about how i’d been caught up for about a month already.
the aurinko crime family uquiz, to tie this all back in, was made on march 21st.
and, on midnight april 1st, i finally told everyone. north, the TNA server, and my mutuals on twitter who did not know at the time.
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