#to learn. whateveeeeer
flourescencia · 5 months
Social Work as a profession works to to keep the capitalist machine in place and always has: the entire foundation rests on distributing the resources of the State or of private organizations to low-income people or people unable to function individually under capitalist requirements, but this distribuition will always be done under the specific control of the bourgeois, done with the purpose that the working class does not revolt against them for hoarding resources. This distribuition also creates the notion that the political class is capable or interested in achieving an equitable society, by putting it's resources towards actions that allegedly have the working class in mind. But this model hides beneath it the fact that to strip society of the foundational problems that plague it and create inequality in the first place, capitalism would have to be abolished; and reformation, distribuition and the resources of the bourgeois class are not solutions, if anything they are instead obscuring the answer. Ultimately this ensures that the political class retains it's power forever.
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aqvamarin · 7 years
bad thing: calling your sibling a slut bc they refused to search for the mosquito that was flying around
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