#to me that's whack but idk if i'm ready to entertain the thought of what that means KNSFDNK
thweaty · 5 years
i just wanted someone to wallow w/ me about it 😔
i beeeeeeeeeeen wallowing :/ i think they blew a lot of money on the ntmy push and really missed out on the ability to push no judgement a bit longer (whether or not it was the BEST choice for a single aside.. i think it’s objectively more catchy than ntmy) in terms of radio n spotify and it’s just 🤷‍♀️
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freckledstarsbloom · 3 years
a barista and a prince // jurdan au
Rating: M
Summary: Jude Duarte works as a barista at Elfhame's, and she... well, it is not exactly her decision. But with her father out of work, and their stepmother's insisting she and her sister continue their prestigious education at a highly esteemed private school, Jude makes it her job to ensure the survival of her family. But then, she has to deal with a new co-worker...
Set in human world, one shot for now... hsjshshj ??? idk.
brrrraaaakkriiiiiiiii, the coffee grounder sputters.
Honestly, why is it so typical me? Of all people I know, my luck is definitely the worst. Specially as the line of coffee-deprived customer grows longer and their patience wears thinner. For the fiftieth time, I whack the machine with all my might. Making a fading, dying creak the grounder stops. For real. Cursing myself while staring at the hard wood ceiling, my desperation strays to treacherous thoughts.
Where the hell is Locke?
Why am I looking for him to be my savior in my time of need, you wonder? Well, he was supposed to be here 45-minutes ago and he is still not here. Gazing apologetically at the first one in line, a young girl with a tight ponytail and a polka dot blazer, I pour two to-go cups of bitter, ol' black coffee.
''Take them,'' I say with as much sincerity I can procure. ''On the house.'' As upset as she seems by this turn of events, I can only imagine the lashing her assistant-brain is imagining when she delivers this to her journalist boss at her office, or something. Nevertheless, she takes them and turns, careful to swish her pony rather aggressively I would say.
''Next!'' The ever-growing line moves forward at my statement. Dread coils in the bottom of my stomach as recognition hits me. The next customer steps forward with the most arrogant stride he can manage, I'm certain. Eyes filled with cruel pleasure at my distress is accompanied by an evil smirk plastered on a devastatingly gorgeous face. Not that I'll ever admit that out loud. Over his shoulders, I spot Nicasia and Valerian as well, wearing equally evil smirks.
''Look what the cat dragged in.'' The words leave my mouth before I can stop them and school my features into what I only hope is unbothered coldness.
''Only because it seems the mouse is trapped.'' Cardan counters sharply, which annoys me. I thought to beat him to saying something smart, but walked right into that one. I curse myself again.
''Well, I'm all alone this busy morning if you haven't noticed. By the way, if you see Locke could you say 'go to hell' from me?'' A piece of stray hair falls in my eyes as I cross my arms and huff it away, all while staring at him. Cardan marks my - rather obvious I would say - distaste for his friend. His chin lifts and there is a sort of agenda passing in his bottomless eyes. Dread curls in my stomach as anticipation of what he's about to say next makes me tremor slightly. His smirks widens while he shakes his head slowly.
''Are you undermining your own set of skills? I never thought I'd see the day that Jude Duarte would ask for help.'' Putting both his hands on the counter, he leans towards me. "And why such hurtful words to my friend?" There's something hungry in his voice. In his grin. Stunned, I huff, and his enjoyment only seems to grow. He knows why I can't stand Locke. Whatever is emitting from him, I can't decipher it and it unnerves me.
The morning's stress has thrown me off my game. Usually I quite enjoy our bickering, competing to come up with the most clever insult. But today I only frown, a little incredulous and annoyed with myself. ''No that's not what I-''
''Oh how entertaining it is, seeing you all distressed and hasseled!'' Nicasia laughs with malice, draping her arm over Cardan's shoulder. I note the possessiveness in the gesture and how something unreadable sets over her features. I also note how Cardan can't be less bothered by the action.
Valerian hangs back, wearing a vicious smile. I can't help but comparing him to a wolf, ready to pounce its prey. I want to tell him off, but my mind can't conjure up anything better than "take a picture it lasts longer". And that's just not happening.
Before I can ponder any more a customer somewhere down the line calls, ''Hey, I don't have all day!''
Opening my mouth to respond something along the lines my boss would not approve of, I'm sure, Cardan beats me to it. ''It seems the espresso machine have broken. You would be better off to take your caffeine-business elsewhere.'' There's a still moment with uncertainty and confusion in the coffee shop, before the customers piles out slowly, but surely.
I probably look like a deer in headlights, not bothering to hide the shock in my face. ''You can't do that", is all my pathetic mouth stutter.
Pleased, Cardan lectures me. ''I can, and I just did. This is Elfhame's, is it not? Might I remind you my father owns the company.'' He imitates me with crossed arms and a expression that reminds me too much of a pouting child, causing me to quickly straighten and raising my brows in deference. The crowd is almost completely dissipated, and the coffee shop feel enormous, as if it is just me and him in here, as if Nicasia and Valerian left with the rest of the customers. The manner in which he is looking at me is frightening and empowering all at the same. My treacherous gaze drops to his pale, veiny hands. His long and taut fingers so elegantly clutching the fabric of his midnight blue blazer. My even more treacherous thoughts stray to how it would feel to have those hands upon me. How they did feel. The knowledge I have the means to push his buttons emboldens me.
''Yes, that is true,'' Dread is in the back of my throat, but I swallow the sour feeling down and force myself to continue, ''Actually, I wonder what your father might think of his son arranging the employment of his tardy friends, as well as shooing customers away. Rather bad for business, don't you think?'' Although I fear him and his influence - at school, at work, everywhere and nowhere - defiance drips off my words. Mockery radiate from me. As well as probably jealousy. However stupid his status is, it's still more than what I could say.
Satisfaction swells inside my chest at the snarl twitching his lip. ''How dare you speak to us that way?'' Valerian detonate from behind Cardan. To be honest, I had actually forgotten they were still here for a second, and it undoubtedly shows on my shocked features. ''What is to stop us from cutting out that wicked tongue of yours, it would be a delight-''
''Now, will someone please explain what is going on?'' In the diminishing of the crowd, one single person has not left. Adjusting his shirt cuff, Dain fixes us all with a withering stare. ''Brother, this is unpleasant, but not surprising. You never fail to disappoint, after all.'' Dain sighs as he walks to us with an air of haughty importance he seems to think he's entitled to. After all, he is the heir to their business empire. Nonetheless, that doesn't make me obligated to like him.  
''Jude, please excuse my brother and his vile friends' behavior.'' I tremble a little at how pleased his friends look with that characterization. ''I assure you, it is not a shared family trait, although family we are in spite of that. Sadly.'' With difficulty I manage to not curl my lip in open disgust. How can he talk that way about family? Sure, Taryn can really get on my nerves sometimes, but I would never talk about her like that. Cardan's jaw clenches, but he keeps his back turned, eyes focused on the disk.
I try but fail I fear, to composure my voice when I speak, ''No worries, it's a game we indulge in at school. A little friendly banter to keep us on our toes. Our teachers say it fuels our motivation.'' Pain blooms from where my nails press my palms. ''Harmless fun.'' Cardan's expression almost makes me laugh. It peeves me to seem 'weak' in front of him and his friends, I doubt they'll let me forget this anytime soon, but my moral gets the better of me. However much I hate them, I pride myself in standing up for the weaker ones. I know how that feels. And even my hate toward Cardan cannot subdue my principles.
''Really Jude, that's kind of you to say, but not necessary.'' Dain doesn't seem fooled by my lie in the least. ''We all know my brother's tendency for havoc.'' First now Dain notices my being alone behind the disk. His gaze lingers on the closed swing doors, as if someone will emerge. His scrutinizing makes me feel self-conscious. Absentmindedly I tidy the cup stack, straighten the name tag on my beige apron and tuck the stray hair behind my ears. Cardan snorts at my fretting, only to be fixed with a glare from Dain. ''And you happen to lack your co-worker, as well it seems. Cardan?''
Cardan turns nonchalantly to look at his brother over his shoulder, but not before I catch the mask slipping over his face. ''You can hardly blame me for Locke's shortcomings. If he decides to participate in pleasure the night before his shift, that is his poor judgement, not mine.'' He shrugs effortlessly, and I wonder if he is making it worse on purpose.
''Considering it was your recommendation that got him hired,'' Judging by Dain's voice, Cardan definitely just made it worse. ''You ought to be a little more concerned.'' His manner of stalking towards Cardan is enough to hitch my breathing. Everybody in Elfhame knows it is a Greenbriar trait to make the people around you fear you and respect at the same time. I've always thought it's the way the carry themselves. Valerian and Nicasia, however cruel, are no exception and shrink back as Dain gets up in his brother's face. With an expression all twisted and mad. ''But fair's fair. Seeing as how nothing vexes you..'', A wicked grin adorns his lips, ''his job is now yours. You can kiss your monthly allowance goodbye until you've learned the discipline behind hard labor.'' Before any of us can utter a word of objection, Dain turns on his heel and is out the glass door. All to be heard is the doorbell fading by every ring. The cafe suddenly feels very cramped and deprived of air.
After a moment of complete silence Locke strides in the door, a big box in his hand and a stupid grin plastered on his face. ''Pardon my absence, but I had to go pick up the new coffee machine.'' He gestures to the box triumphantly.
''What. The. Hell.'' I don't even care to keep the obvious disdain from my face. I'm quaking with anger, numb to my usual fear. ''How stupid is it possible to get?'' I practically snarl at Cardan. It doesn't take long before he has a look that is a twin to mine.
''Poor little Jude, now forced to spend time with her greatest enemy.'' At Locke's confused expression by Cardan's words, Nicasia draws him to her explaining what happened.
I bare my teeth at him, exasperated at his infuriating behavior. ''And whose fault is that, exactly?'' I see Valerian walking to the others, obviously more than pleased by this turn of events. A quiver runs up my arms at the thought of having to had worked with him. Squaring my shoulders, I force my fear into stubborn fury directed at the person on the other side of the disk.
That only feeds my fire, as Cardan seems to look dumbfounded by my naivety. ''You don't actually think I'm going to work, do you? Now, now, Jude.'' My name manages to come out like a caress and a foul word from his delicious lips. I curse my treasonous thoughts. ''Just wait till my father hears about this.''
''Do you see this complexion? Not made for wearing beige.'' Cardan's pale, long fingers drop the uniform apron on the wood floor of the wardrobe with a melodramatic gesture. The wardrobe is a small room with three dark green lockers, a door which leads to a tiny bathroom in one corner, with a table and a chair in the other corner. We are 10 minutes into his first shift and he is being highly uncooperative so far. He is behaving as though he's never done a minute of earnest work. Actually, I'm certain he hasn't.
Letting out a sound of frustration, I put my head in my hands. ''Would you rather have coffee stains all over your insanely priced clothes?'' I muster up with all the patience I can manage.
With a hmmph, he yanks on the apron and knots it. ''Price matters none when it comes to splendor. I have a sophistication to uphold, not that you'd understand anyway. I am filthy rich, as you know.'' The reminder that we're in his domain doesn't slip by me. Sure, Dain wanted him to work here, but with a snap of Cardan's fingers he would receive training by someone else and I'd be unemployed. His black eyes give me a sinister look, to which something like fear coils in my stomach.
Clipping up my long hair, I don't break his stare. ''Why of course, I see no other reason as to why you willingly would dress yourself so ridiculously.''
For a moment, Cardan simply stares at me. Then, stalks to me by the lockers and slams mine shut. Not flinching by this angers him more. I can tell. ''If you want me to loose my clothes, you need only say so.'' There is hatred and mischief in his eyes, that I am used to, but something else too. Puzzlement in his eyes.
''Why? Would you throw them out, buy new ones?'' I tilt my head back to fully look up at him. Raven black hair curls around his temples and cheekbones. Such a stark contrast to his pale skin. He's like a painting so beautiful it hurts to look at him. ''Oh, how insensitive of me to forget. You can't. That is why you're here after all.'' Slowly, deliberately, my finger unlatch my locker and open it once more. He tilts his head to one side to keep looking at me, not answering. I wonder if I've gone to far, but the same look continues in his eyes.
''Why did you defend us to Dain?'' Being caught off guard by his question, surprise flickers in my eyes. I scoff to try and hide it. I know why, but I don't want to tell that to him. To my advantage, he continues. ''I mean, what could you possibly gain from it? I highly doubt you'd be as naive as to think we'd ease up on you, just because of some favorable words.''
Instead of answering, I notice how lopsided he's tied the neck straps of his apron. ''Turn around'' I reach for his disastrous knot. Surprisingly, he does as he's told. Undoing the straps, my fingers grazes the soft hair in the nape of his neck. Silky hair cropped short, curling softly at the edges. For a moment, my fingers linger at his warm skin. It is almost pleasant. Then I remember myself, hurriedly tie a tight knot and withdraw my hand as if burned.
I am not at all prepared for Cardan's expression when he turns back around. Wearing a softness and intensity I never knew his face had, he softly closes the locker this time, keeps his hand there and brings the other up as well, caging me in. I suspect my expression has betrayed me, showing him all my surprise and fear and desire. The thought of it all being written on my face for him to see makes me heady. In return, his is as blank and unreadable as I've ever seen it. Not trusting my words, I only gaze up at him, breathing rather hard against the long column of his neck.
Blinking once, twice, with effort, Cardan clears his throat. Carefully, he reaches up and unfasten my hair. It tumbles down around my face in waves as he simply drops my hairclip to the ground. One hand tucks my fringe behind my ear, tracing my jawline down to my chin and lifting it with the tips of his fingers.
''I don't need your pity.'' His gaze narrows, and I'm more scared than I've ever been of him.
If Vivi, or Taryn, or Oak, had ever talked to me in such a cruel way that Dain talked to him... I don't know what I'd do with myself. That is not how family is supposed to treat each other. Inhaling a shaky breath, I steel my spine. I despise how vulnerable he is seeing me. More than all, that he now knows what he does to me.
''You're pathetic,'' I tell him. Behind me, the locker is sturdy as I slide up against it, and use it to ground myself. ''As if you'd need it.'' My lips curl in disgust.
Darkness overcomes his face, turning his ebony eyes impossibly darker still. His smirk is all trademark Cardan, full of glee and despise. And when he speaks, his voice is whisper soft, a caress against my cheek.                                                                                                                                              ''Someone ought to do something with that cruel mouth of yours.''
And our lips crashes together.
I don't know where one ends and one starts, who started it and who continues it, whose limbs are where. We are a ball of tangled limbs, frenzied and eager. The kiss is heated and passionate and rushed. His lean body presses me against the locker. Hard. Desire pools low in my stomach.
Fingers tangling in the nape of his soft strands, I yank. Forced to lean back, he breaks the kiss with an exhale. His eyes are blown wide, all hot and bothered. I can't read his face, if he wants this or wants it to end. Either way, looking at him, all I want to do is mash our faces together again, but I restrain myself. I need to say this.
''You've wanted to that for a long time, haven't you?'' It's only a guess, but by the way horror lines his face, I guess I was spot on. Heady with the power it gives me over him, I push my luck further. ''Is this why you and your awful chums torment me? Because you want me, and you hate it?'' The grin I give him is devilish.
Advancing over me, he begins. ''I hate you because you're important. To your sisters, your father. You, a common peasant.'' His lip curls in disgust at the word. I detect such deep, deep hatred in him, and what I fear is jealousy.
''Oh, why you, a prince of a powerful family, is discarded like soggy coffee grounds? How difficult it is to be you'' I pout mockingly. Instead of a clipped retort, Cardan face falls. I feel a little remorseful my jab didn't annoy him, but hit a sensitive spot.
He sighs, dragging a hand over his open-mouthed face. ''Actually, yeah. It is.'' The look I'm served with is earnest and deadpan. A honesty I didn't know we gave to one another. I think of how I'm the one who earns the family income, with father out of work. How Oriana expects me to have stellar grades, while maintaining this job, and be a good help around the house. How sometimes it feels as though I carry the weight of it all on my shoulders, but I wouldn't want to share it because I've become so used to it. Nevermind the fact I don't think I'd know how anymore. I realize me and Cardan may have more in common than I thought. Than I would like.
''I know.'' And I don't have to say more, because the look we share tells me he knows. He understands and I understand and we are the only ones who understand. My hand grips the back of his neck, while he grasps my waist and the back of my thigh as we're locking lips once more. Only this time, we hold nothing back.
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marswr1tes · 3 years
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requested? yes / no / sort of
request: ig n/a? idk man but ellie (@stylishharry ) sent me this when i told her i wanted to write a piper fic but didn't have any ideas : "y/n and piper are kinda enemies and one night y/n cant sleep so she goes to practice her sword skillz but piper is there so she offers to help her and they kind of fall into an awkward position and make out"
author's notes: hello to everyone i've disappointed😃i apologize so much for barely making any content. but hey, i'm here now!! and i've started to work on other things!! anyways hope y'all like this, even though its short as FUCK(header)
warnings: weapons/sparring(obviously) and making out(sorta), too, but i think that's all? lmk if there's anything else that's triggering!
tags: @stylishharry
word count: 728
it was around 10pm and fairly quiet at camp half-blood. the only sounds to be heard were leaves rustling in the slight wind, the ocean waves softly meeting the sand, the quiet talk of naiads and nymphs, and even some of the cleaning harpies, and the sound of y/n rustling in their bed. as they laid there, they tried to think of some calming, sleepy-time thoughts, but none came. y/n flipped to their left side again. no position felt comfortable, and no position left drowsiness. they turned onto their back. they debated on whether or not they would wake their sister up for some entertainment, but eventually(after about 5 minutes) decided to let her get some sleep. y/n sighed deeply, and then flipped to their stomach and closed their eyes, hoping for at least 10 minutes of peaceful sleeping. but, as a part of them expected, none came. sighing again, y/n sat up, and swung their legs over the side of the bed. standing up, y/n grabbed their w/o/c from their bedside table and walked to the door. they then grabbed their shoes, slipping them on, and grabbed a light jacket, also slipping that on, then leaving their cabin.
where was y/n going? to the arena, of course. what helped tire you out more than whacking things?
y/n expected to be alone, considering if the cleaning harpies found you on your way somewhere, you were fair to eat, but as they entered the arena, they caught sight of choppy brown hair and tan, sweaty skin. which, of course, meant only one thing; piper mclean. the child of y/g/p and the daughter of aphrodite knew each other, yes, but by no means were they close. this would probably be awkward.
“didn't think i'd see you here,” y/n said.
“oh, hey!” piper dropped her sword and walked over. “d’you wanna spar? i know you haven’t really warmed up or anything but it gets boring practicing against a dummy after a while.”
“um, sure! just let me stretch a little first.” y/n replied.
“i’ll be waiting,” piper smiled. as they stretched, y/n watched piper work. one thought roamed their head: ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod. to be fair, how could they not think that? piper was effortlessly beautiful, super funny, incredibly nice, and so many other great things. but y/n couldn’t spend so much time looking, or else it could get creepy, so they walked over to piper, ready to start sparring.
“you ready?” y/n asked. piper nodded, getting her dagger more comfortable in her hand.
“okay, uh safe word. just in case…”piper looked around the arena, searching for something to call their safe word.
“how about noodle?” y/n smirked. piper laughed a little, before nodding slowly.
“sure, sure,” she responded. “okay, you’re ready, right?” y/n nodded, and then adjusted their weapon.
“okay, then 3...2...1..go.” she started first by trying to hit y/n’s left shoulder, which they blocked and moved under her arm. Then, they tried to strike piper’s abdomen, but she blocked it, and started a mini-sword fight. y/n overpowered piper, shoving her to the side. they tried to kick piper’s back(softly, of course), but piper grabbed their leg and shifted them. much to piper’s confusion, y/n was not the only one who hit the ground; piper fell over top of them.
“hey…” y/n awkwardly chuckled.
“hi,”piper moved a strand of hair back from y/n’s face. “you look really pretty.”
“thank you,” y/n blushed. “but you look prettier.”
“oh, i highly doubt that, darling.” a few seconds pass, before y/n speaks up.
“can i kiss you?” they ask. piper smiles, her open lips brushing y/n’s. and y/n leans into piper, slightly shifting their body upwards. and there’s no doubt about it, they’re hungry for each other. each time one pulls away, the other pulls them back, desperate for the other’s touch. and so they stayed there, long after curfew and long after they should’ve, wrapped up in each others arms, lips fitting perfectly together.
something about piper was addictive. maybe it was the taste of her lips. maybe it was the feeling of her lips on theirs. or maybe, just maybe, it was the thought of y/n and her forever.
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