#to my followers: i hope u dont click read more just for ur own sake haha
weskerluvr69 · 2 years
i don’t know if you’ll read this but assuming from your recent posts, you’ve definitely been keeping up with my twitter so. i can only guess you will.
do not excuse my nonchalant attitude as a means of me being glad you’re gone and that this was supposed to be the ploy from the beginning, like we were all just waiting for you to give us an excuse so we could drop you. because that isn’t it at all. i gave you the chance to explain and call me on the phone because you were my best friend. of course i wanted to hear what you had to say, and a part of me did want to believe everything was a lie so we could just go back to how we were. but it isn’t, and you blocked me everywhere before even trying to talk things out. so don’t act like this was an public exile because even after you blocked me on here, you blocked me on twitter, you blocked my phone number, you blocked me on discord, ffs you even blocked me on OVERWATCH... i tried to tell you my last words to you on steam. so we could attempt to have a civil conversation and bury the hatchet or even just remain friendly--civil with each other.
but you blocked me there too.
even though i reciprocated after the fact and mutually blocked you everywhere, i still haven’t blocked your number. i don’t know why i didn’t before i deleted it, maybe at that time i was hopeful you’d try to respond to me and give me an apology or at least just fucking say something. but whatever, i know you won’t be texting.
i was immature by bringing it on twitter and i’ll admit that. bc im usually better than that. but you don’t even know how upset i was over all the things i saw and heard. and fuck, dude... mika and tommy admitted they participated in shit talking. me, annie, and alex admitted to them we also participated... why couldn’t you? it could’ve gone so different if we had talked on the phone that day. i’m serious. all i ever wanted was an apology, and now you’re just doubling down and i don’t have the mental fortitude to deal with this, and i don’t think you do either. maybe thats presumptuous of me to say but who wants/needs this much unnecessary drama in their 20s.
jesus this is long. a part of me hopes you do read this, and a part of me doesn’t even want to post it. i want this to all just stop but it’s hard, you know? you were in my life for 2 years (more than that if you count twitter, but i know you didn’t like me then. and don’t try to lie, because i’ve know this for a long time and still grew our friendship bc i thought things were different. they apparently weren’t) and unfortunately doing stuff does remind me of you. re5, overwatch, dbd... it sucks. but i’m happier knowing the truth and spending everyday with the girl i love and the friends i love. i’m sorry you’re not apart of that anymore. i never could’ve foreseen this being how our friendship would’ve ended bc i never WANTED that to happen. but it did. so now we all have to deal with that, okay?
don’t check my twitter if you’ve been doing that. i haven’t been checking your socials and i’ve tried ignoring screenshots that are sent but this one... i couldn’t. i had to say something and it ended up being this essay lmao. sorry to whatever poor soul reads this, i hope it doesn’t waste your time too bad.
goodbye julie.
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