#regular scheduled hiatus posts after this
weskerluvr69 · 2 years
i don’t know if you’ll read this but assuming from your recent posts, you’ve definitely been keeping up with my twitter so. i can only guess you will.
do not excuse my nonchalant attitude as a means of me being glad you’re gone and that this was supposed to be the ploy from the beginning, like we were all just waiting for you to give us an excuse so we could drop you. because that isn’t it at all. i gave you the chance to explain and call me on the phone because you were my best friend. of course i wanted to hear what you had to say, and a part of me did want to believe everything was a lie so we could just go back to how we were. but it isn’t, and you blocked me everywhere before even trying to talk things out. so don’t act like this was an public exile because even after you blocked me on here, you blocked me on twitter, you blocked my phone number, you blocked me on discord, ffs you even blocked me on OVERWATCH... i tried to tell you my last words to you on steam. so we could attempt to have a civil conversation and bury the hatchet or even just remain friendly--civil with each other.
but you blocked me there too.
even though i reciprocated after the fact and mutually blocked you everywhere, i still haven’t blocked your number. i don’t know why i didn’t before i deleted it, maybe at that time i was hopeful you’d try to respond to me and give me an apology or at least just fucking say something. but whatever, i know you won’t be texting.
i was immature by bringing it on twitter and i’ll admit that. bc im usually better than that. but you don’t even know how upset i was over all the things i saw and heard. and fuck, dude... mika and tommy admitted they participated in shit talking. me, annie, and alex admitted to them we also participated... why couldn’t you? it could’ve gone so different if we had talked on the phone that day. i’m serious. all i ever wanted was an apology, and now you’re just doubling down and i don’t have the mental fortitude to deal with this, and i don’t think you do either. maybe thats presumptuous of me to say but who wants/needs this much unnecessary drama in their 20s.
jesus this is long. a part of me hopes you do read this, and a part of me doesn’t even want to post it. i want this to all just stop but it’s hard, you know? you were in my life for 2 years (more than that if you count twitter, but i know you didn’t like me then. and don’t try to lie, because i’ve know this for a long time and still grew our friendship bc i thought things were different. they apparently weren’t) and unfortunately doing stuff does remind me of you. re5, overwatch, dbd... it sucks. but i’m happier knowing the truth and spending everyday with the girl i love and the friends i love. i’m sorry you’re not apart of that anymore. i never could’ve foreseen this being how our friendship would’ve ended bc i never WANTED that to happen. but it did. so now we all have to deal with that, okay?
don’t check my twitter if you’ve been doing that. i haven’t been checking your socials and i’ve tried ignoring screenshots that are sent but this one... i couldn’t. i had to say something and it ended up being this essay lmao. sorry to whatever poor soul reads this, i hope it doesn’t waste your time too bad.
goodbye julie.
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facets-and-rainbows · 20 days
Update from Kazue Katoh's Twitter
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The Blue Exorcist hiatus will be extended for another month (through the November issue)
[Drawing of Katoh apologizing] Sorry for all the delays!
As Blue Exorcist celebrates its 15th anniversary, I'm taking my first ever unplanned three-month break from publishing it. I think it's about time to share more information on the situation with my readers...It's a personal matter but I'd like to tell you.
I was actually diagnosed with an illness at my regular checkup in March, and I've spent the last few months working in between hospital visits.
I've finished surgery, which went well, and I've been discharged for the time being, but I needed extra time for post-op treatment so I'm going to have to extend the hiatus.
It's ended up as a long 3-month wait, and I'm sorry about that!
I'll be keeping my exact diagnosis private for now, but in my case it shouldn't be life-threatening with proper treatment.
I'm currently back to work and feeling good, so don't worry too much!
[Drawing of Katoh in a hospital bed] I actually got excited for my first hospitalization, and my first surgery, and my first general anesthesia, and my first catheter... Maybe it's a manga artist thing. I had my catheter removed by a nurse who apparently reads Blue Exorcist, haha, nothing can scare me anymore (*Catheter=a tube that goes directly in the urethra) (Nurse: Take a deep breath and I'll take it out when you exhale...)
[Drawing of Katoh at the gym] I got back to the gym 3 days after I was discharged from the hospital! They said exercise will be good for my recovery.
The current plan is:
Next month: There will be no Blue Exorcist chapter in the November issue of Jump SQ (which comes out in October), but I'm drawing a new poster for it!
The month after next: Blue Exorcist is scheduled to return in the December issue of Jump SQ (which comes out in November.)
At any rate, I'll be continuing treatment alongside work for a while, so there may be times when that impacts my work and makes you all worry...Apologies in advance! My soul couldn't rest if I died before finishing Blue Exorcist, so I'm hoping to stick around and keep drawing it while I continue my treatment.
All this has just been spurring on my inconsistency as an author, but I hope you'll stick with Blue Exorcist going forward!
Kazue Katoh, Sept 4, 2024
[Drawing of Katoh making a determined little fist] And take care of yourselves too! Get your annual checkups!
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moondialdoodles · 6 months
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Hey y'all back from the unannounced hiatus with my first time picking up Blender after a literal decade You can pick up the model I used (Xetirano's V1 Model) here!
Some info on where I've been for the past while under the cut!
Been dealing with a whole buncha family matters n' trips n' whatnot, travelling a lot, so I haven't had much time to draw or get any work done, but I'm finally back! Huzzah! I'm finally going to be back on my regular posting schedule/workflow, which'll be semi-often. It's good to be back!
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deandoesthingstome · 11 months
Medieval Fantasy
Pairing: Witcher!Geralt x Reader
Summary: The offerings at this hotel, I swear.
Word Count: 5.1K
Warnings: 18+, NO MINORS, fingering, oral sex (m and f receiving, 69), p in v (cowgirl, missionary), monster fucking (right?).
A/N: I suppose, strictly speaking we're not fucking the monster, but he's still a treat, so enjoy!
A/N 2: (Edited) I do owe @augustsprincess a little thank your for an idea; I played it out during the group chat here, but I probably wouldn't have included it at all if not for you, so *smooches*
Fantasy Hotel Masterlist
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Mike ordered a pizza from room service for the last hour of your reservation with him once he flipped the time switch. You sat cross-legged on the couch with him, munching happily while he narrated the ridiculousness of the rest of the scenes to your scary movie, making you giggle where you’d normally be hiding behind a blanket. You’d remember this night fondly for a long time. Mike’s easy going way had put you completely at ease once he noticed you were a little hung up on Walt.
He unfortunately didn’t know anything about how to get a hold of your missing object of desire.
You set the scene for the story pretty much as it was, but added more spook and gore, opting to split up the experience into two nights. One with live Mike, just barely slipping out the window before the parents came home from their Halloween night costume parties, only to be killed by the tow truck driver who showed up when his car, parked around the corner from the house, wouldn’t start. He was hung on the hook that should have hoisted his beater onto the truck. And one a few weeks later, when the heavy drag of the chains and hook across the attic floor led the heroine to investigate, only to be taken swiftly and with no mercy by her incorporeal boyfriend. Not rough, just urgent, insistent, longing for some other connection that would allow him to leave the vicinity of his undoing. If he could have taken her outside on the sidewalk without prying neighbor eyes, he probably would have.
You put the notice up after you posted. The next would be your last regular monster fucking post. You were taking a hiatus to work on your first novel.
sendmeanangel: and then Walter burst through the window, all wolfed out darkgothnightengale: while they were both fucking you??? sendmeanangel: yeah, and i can only think my subconscious was trying to not kill me when it chose August and Mike for that experience. I can’t imagine having anything else inside me while getting fucked by the Bull MNstrluvr: i would kill for a dream like that darkgothnightengale: well, did he take you away? sendmeanangel: i woke up!!! darkgothnightengale: and still no luck finding him? sendmeanangel: no. i found a guy who seemed like him, but he’s in Minnesota. Or was. It’s like his online presence is either non-existent or ended abruptly at least ten years ago MNstrluvr: another ghost lol! sendmeanangel: very funny. Mike was a lot of fun anyway. I needed that darkgothnightengale: and you’re still going back? sendmeanangel: i’ve never heard of a witcher. He just showed up on the site the other week and i bet he’s softer than he looks. I booked him at the same time i booked Mike, so it’s already scheduled and i could do with one more amazing adventure before i give it all up darkgothnightengale: i still don’t understand why. If you don’t have walter, what’s the harm? sendmeanangel: there’s no harm. Obviously i’m free to do what i want. But i think about him all the time. And i just think maybe it’s time for a break MNstrluvr: when you find him you should see if he’s up for booking a room with you so you can recreate that dream sendmeanangel: oh my goddddd! 
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“We certainly hope you haven’t been displeased with your experiences here,” the desk clerk asked gently.
“What? No! Everything’s been wonderful. Why do you ask?” you inquired, at a loss for what may have precipitated the comment.
“We noticed you hadn’t made another future booking yet.”
“Oh, that,” you stammered. ”I just…no, everything’s fine.” You fingered the edges of the card stock bearing the elevator code to get you to L2 and tightened your grip on your bag reflexively. Just a trick you used to bring you back to steady. 
“Well, please. If there’s anything at all we can do for you…” You smiled and cast your eyes down so as not to betray your true feelings, but glanced up quickly to try to judge the meaning behind the next statement made with a hint of weightiness. “Anything at all.”
“Thank you,” you offered. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
The elevator opened to a small wooden hut, a place for your belongings and coat, a small wash basin filled with still steaming water and fragrant scents set on a wooden stand. You disrobed, dipped a washcloth in the water, and bathed yourself with the enchanting smells, then grabbed a linen towel to dry off before climbing into the outfit you’d selected for the fantasy. You slipped the silver dagger into the holster you’d strapped to your thigh and dropped your heavy skirt down over it before wrapping the cloak around your shoulders.
You had no idea what you were walking out into, only that if things got too hairy, as they absolutely could, he’d be there to save you. There to comfort you. 
You stepped out onto a wooded path leading to a trail along a marshy bog, mostly full moon shining in the sky above you. You were never going to get over the mechanics of this hotel that made it seem like you were in at least five distinctly different places, some of which were outside, while still housed in the same building. But you were solidly on the side of possibility. Monsters were real. Magic was real. This hotel was real.
You carried a small basket of goods, as if headed to a market or maybe home from one. The path ahead of you seemed less than ideal and you began to wonder if you’d made a wrong turn. The churning and bubbling of the bog was lost on you as you looked around for another path that might lead to more solid ground, grateful for the light of the moon since a flashlight app was absolutely not happening, as your phone was left back in the hut.
Suddenly, a loud shriek sounded from the liquid and a large figure began to emerge, long twig-like legs reaching into the space above it as if searching for something. You dropped your basket and ran as soon as it became obvious the thing it was searching for was you. A moment’s respite allowed you to reach under your skirt and grab the dagger before you resumed fleeing away from the monster but suddenly a creepy crawly leg swept around you and it was all you could do to jump out of the way.
You stumbled when you hit the ground, but landed on your back, which meant you could stab up at whatever was coming at you and you did. The blade wasn’t long enough to do full damage, but some gore dripped down your arm as you registered a little casualty point and you pulled back and stabbed again as quick as you could, completely unconcerned with whatever came oozing out. It had to be better than being dead, you thought.
You heard another roar and the distinct slice of a finely crafted blade through the air and the legs that had you trapped were suddenly no longer attached to the larger body that was stalking you. It gave you time to move, scramble out of the way and find a spot to regroup. From behind the boulder you saw him. Leather clad, silver hair flowing, steel blade drawn and hacking through more limbs. As he spun for another attack, you glimpsed his dark eyes and shimmery, pale skin.
It was maybe not the time, but his ass looked great too. 
“Little help,” the strained call came, as he flipped the beast over, tackling what you took to be the lower extremities. A smooth patch on the chest seemed like it was made for stabbing so you climbed onto the rock and jumped, landing right on top of the beast with your tiny blade finding a home in the furry goo. 
One final, ear-splitting shriek and the deed was done. Your compadre stood and held out a hand to help you up and off the steadily shrinking body of the buggy creature you’d just slayed. You felt your feet touch solid ground as you looked up at the mountain of a man who stood before you.
“Alright?” he asked. “I think you got ‘im, but we should head out in case there are more. I don’t think tonight is the right time for this. We’ll come back tomorrow and finish the job.”
“What job?”
“Okay, sure. This wasn’t why you were walking alone late at night in a Krak infested bog? Are you telling me you weren’t hired to clear the area?”
“No?” you answered, unsure what the words coming out of his mouth meant. Was this what a witcher did?
“Were you hired for anything?”
“I’m really not sure what you mean.” You had to find a way to talk to this man coherently. You remembered your basket. “I was just walking back to town from a market. I think I got a little lost.”
“I think you got a lot lost. Can I help you find your way back? I’m Geralt.” His black eyes were  ringed with dark circles, but in the moonlight, those looked like they were fading slowly.
You offered your name and a hand, which he shook, and you felt a line of heat rush straight through your arm, down your chest, and into your core. You gasped as the last of the shadows over his face and eyes dissipated, leaving you staring into amber eyes full of flame. The memory of lights piercing the shadows the other night flooded your brain. What if that wasn’t Walter, as you suspected? But no; the howling.
Geralt helped you locate your discarded basket, into which you stuffed your goo-covered corset and cape, eager to be free from the stench and hoping desperately that dry cleaning would do the trick when you were home. You mounted his horse, Roach, with his assistance and he led you into town. He made a beeline straight for an inn, dropping you off at the entrance with instructions to ask about lodging while he found boarding for his horse for the night.
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“Oi! You’re late!” an oversized brute behind the bar exclaimed in your direction as you entered the tavern and you froze, unsure what part of the fantasy this could be. “Have ya lost control of yer legs suddenly? Bring the goods here. Now!”
You looked down at the basket with a realization that was confirmed by another shout.
“Yes. That. The basket. Now!”
You were about to begin the trek across the wooden floor to hand off your basket to the foul looking man, when a pair of comforting hands came to rest on your upper arms, holding you firmly in place.
“I think you have the wrong merchant. This basket of goods is mine,” Geralt’s deep and soothing voice growled. “And we require rooms for the night.”
Rooms? Was this not happening?
“Almost full tonight, Witcher. Only one room left.” You stifled a snort at the cliche of it all.
“We’ll take it. And I’d venture to say you’ll want to provide a meal and round on the house. At least one of your swamp monsters is already dead thanks to this one.” Geralt stepped you into the tavern and over to the bar where a key dangled from the innkeeper's hand.
“She took out a Krak?”
“Practically single-handedly.” There was something like pride in Geralt’s voice, and maybe a little admiration, though you definitely didn't handle that on your own. Still, you grabbed the key with a smirk and turned to find an empty table. Geralt followed once he’d grabbed two tankards of ale, and two plates of stew with bread were set down in front of you after a few moments of awkward silence, during which you took in the clientele. How was the hotel paying all these extras?
“Wolf!” someone called from the entrance and for a moment you thought they’d seen Walter. You looked around, but found nothing other than another sizable man clad in leather and steel making his way to your table.
“Lambert,” Geralt acknowledged him, and introduced you. “What brings you tonight?”
“Just finished up a town over and heard of another job. Looks like you’ve already taken it on. Finished so soon?”
“Hardly started. First kill’s hers anyhow.” Geralt nodded with what appeared to be reverence in your direction.
“Beginner’s luck,” you demurred. “I don’t think a small dagger is going to be of much use with the rest of whatever those were.”
“Looks like I’ll be headed out at first light alone then, to complete the task,” Geralt mumbled, with a comforting look at you before turning attention back to Lambert.  “I’d welcome your assistance with this one.”
A barmaid approached to set another tankard of ale in front of your new red-headed table mate and you didn’t miss the way her hand traced over his shoulder and her eyes met his as she walked back toward the counter to continue serving other customers.
“It’s a good thing you’ve found your bed for the night, since we’ve just taken the last one,” Geralt grumbled with a hint of tease. 
“Unless you need my assistance with anything else?” Lambert’s tone was clear and they both turned their gazes slowly toward you. 
It was a choice. You hadn’t asked for this, but you were being offered an option. Heat filled your cheeks and you cast your eyes down with a sudden shyness. Though two entirely different men, your dream from the other night was somehow presented to you on a platter, and yet…
“I don’t think I’m anything Geralt can’t handle on his own,” you replied, aware this was your call and no one else's.
With the sleeping arrangements out of the way, you spent the next hour or so enjoying stories of training and fighting. If your ears didn’t deceive you, several of their completed jobs seemed to include gratitude delivered by way of sexual favors, sometimes alone, sometimes together. They were cheeky and sly with the language, but the innuendos were there and you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about it. 
You waived off another round of ale and professed you’d much rather find a tub of warm water to sink into for a bit. Geralt agreed and you both said your goodnights to Lambert.
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Settled into the room, you were surprised to find there really was a wooden tub full of tepid water. A large cauldron hung over a roaring fire and you watched as Geralt used a rudimentary crane-like contraption to hoist the pot over the tub and dump its boiling contents into the water below.
“It’ll warm the water for a bit, so you should take advantage now, if you were serious.”
“It doesn’t look like there’s room for both of us,” you mentioned with a little sadness.
“We can take turns, just don’t stay in too long,” he replied with a mischievous smirk. “Do you need any help with your garments?”
With your corset already removed, all that remained was to unlace the heavy woolen skirt and lift the flowing linen gown underneath it over your head. Geralt was a huge help nevertheless and your body shivered as you imagined his fingers tracing every inch of you, not just your waist or the lucky bits of leg that received his touch as he bent to grab the hem of your dress.
He held your hand as you stepped into the tub and sat down, knees bent against your chest. How would he ever manage to fit himself in here? you thought. While you swirled the water around you, you watched as he turned away to unbuckle his leathers and disrobe as well. You were right about his ass. 
You smiled a little to yourself at how comfortable getting naked with him was and then you smiled wider when he turned to face you once again, approaching you in all his glory and settling down onto a stool next to the tub with a washcloth in his hand.
Geralt offered to help you wash off, then dunked his hand into the water when you accepted. He ran the soft rag along your back, down your arms, across your chest. He took a few moments to run the soaked cloth along his body as well when the water began to cool much faster than you’d hoped, leaving no opportunity for him to sit in the tub himself. When he “dropped” the rag while dipping it back in the water for another pass, he didn’t hesitate to reach deeper into the tub, fingers searching the bottom for the cloth but finding your bottom instead. He leaned forward to complete the kiss you had asked for with a lick of your lips and smiled into your gasp when his fingers made their way between your legs.
“You know,” he started after pulling away from your hungry mouth, “I do feel as if I owe you a bit of gratitude myself.”
“Why, whatever do you mean, Geralt?” you gently taunted with a fake bit of naivete.
“You were the hero tonight. You deserve a reward.” He stood from the stool, exposing his hardening length, and helped you to stand.
“And will you be my reward?” you purred, clasping your arms around his neck as he lifted you out of the tub.
“Gladly,” he replied, slipping his hands eagerly down your side body and around your thighs to wrap your legs around his waist. He captured your mouth again with a searing kiss as he walked toward the bed and deposited you on your back, legs splayed wide and waiting for him.
“Maybe you could finish what you started.”
He dove to the bed next to you and cupped your cunt with a rather large hand.
“This is just the beginning,” he promised as he bent two fingers and slipped them inside. He watched your face with intent as he pumped his fingers in and out, teasing more and more slick from deep inside you. He kissed you when he added a third finger, swallowing the moan that ripped from your throat. 
You couldn’t control your hips if you wanted to, bucking up into his hand, trying to pull him in deeper, trying to find the grind that would let you explode. His lips on your jawline, his tongue on your neck, kisses on your collarbone before he nuzzled into you and whispered how good you fucking smelled from here already. All these words of praise and touches of desire sent you right over the edge with an urgent need to crawl back up and do it again.
He must have been expecting you to take some time to recover because he was off guard when you pushed at his shoulder and sent him to his back so you could sit up and swing your legs over his. Settled on his thighs with an eye toward his very large erection, you smiled and made clear your intentions.
“I want you, Geralt. All of you.”
“However you’d like,” he grinned back, one arm tucked behind his head and the other reaching to stroke himself. 
“Fuuuuuuuhhhck,” you moaned, watching how he handled himself, sure saliva was probably dripping from the side of your mouth. “Kinda like that.”
You scooted back down his legs and leaned forward, eager to let him feed you the cock he was keeping hard for you. As with every other host, it was going to be impossible to take him all the way, but you were going to give your best effort on the parts you could reach. His hand motion shortened as your mouth took over servicing the head and a few inches of length. You let your tongue swirl around the tip and dripped saliva from your mouth to give both of you something to slide over. 
Your pussy was still yearning for touch and since you didn’t need your own hands for the blowjob, you let one travel down your body and between your legs to trace along your folds. You rubbed two fingers over your sensitive clit, curling to dip them into your warm, wet opening a few times before returning to focus attention at the nub. 
“I can help with that, if you’d like,” Geralt grunted breathlessly, the arm behind his neck reaching now for your body, prodding you to turn. While you continued to lave over Geralt’s prodigious member, you crawled around to find your knees on either side of his head and when you felt his hand smooth over your ass, you didn’t resist the pull.  
You moaned around the cock in your throat while Geralt wrapped his lips around your pussy and licked his way into your slit. Eventually, he let go of his dick and wrapped both hands around your thighs, holding you close against his face and lapping in tandem with the bob of your head.
On more than one occasion you found you could not concentrate effectively on the head you were giving, since the head you were receiving was so mind blowing. You found you had to lift your mouth off his cock and beg for more, scream for him to make you come. When he did, you were able to return to pleasuring him, since he didn’t seem to be in any kind of hurry to move you away. Instead, it was as if he were playing a game called ‘how many times can you come on this tongue.’
It became abundantly clear that you were never going to be able to return the favor. Geralt was not interested in coming down your throat, so when you felt like you couldn’t handle one more tender lick, one more urgent suckle, one more flick of the tip of his tongue on your sensitive pearl, you begged off. Pleaded for mercy.
“I’m not done,” he called from the other end of the bed. “I still owe you my gratitude.”
You peeled yourself reluctantly away from his cock and eased yourself around again, to lay alongside him, chest heaving and thighs shaking.
“I can’t fathom how one Krak deserves more than you’ve already given, but I’ll gladly take it, if only you’ll let me rest a moment.” You draped an arm over his chest and drifted your fingers through the dusting of hair you found. 
“Perhaps some water?” he offered, reaching for a cup and the pitcher by the bedside. You shared the cool liquid, quenching one thirst while another still burned hot and needy. 
“How long can you last? Surely I’m not that bad at oral.”
His laugh was so bright, it was as if the room was suddenly aglow.
“You are excellent at that. I just have a lot of practice not letting go until I’m sure my partner has reached the absolute peak. It’s a point of pride.”
He wasn’t arrogant about it, just matter of fact. He was here to serve. 
“What if we simply waited until you were ready again? Surely that wouldn’t take forever.” You trailed your fingers down his chest, through the patch of hair at his abdomen, and onto his still rock hard length. Feeling how firm he was, letting your hand trace the veins, your thumb nudging the helmet of the head, you couldn’t help but be hungry for him again.
You found yourself straddling his thighs once more, eyeing his cock, begging for him to fuck you now.
“Do they have condoms in this time, wherever we are?” If an ancient Greek labyrinth had condoms, surely this medieval inn had them, too. You were still in the hotel after all. He chuckled and nodded toward the nightstand, where you found a plain wooden box that revealed what you were after when opened.
Geralt made to take the packet from you, but you resisted. “Allow me, please.”
You tore open the package and worked the rubber onto the tip, then rolled the sides down and checked the fit. You let him make a final adjustment, but when he leaned up as if to roll you over, you protested.
“I’m good right here,” you purred, grabbing ahold of his sheathed cock and lifting up to position yourself right above him. You set him at your entrance, still dripping from your several orgasms, and lowered yourself good and slow. You were getting used to the size of these men, but that didn’t mean the start didn’t require some care.
Your eyes closed almost involuntarily once you’d taken him to the hilt and you sat motionless for a moment, feeling your core loosen around him. You began a steady pulse, up and down, as you opened your eyes to see him staring up at you with desire. He rested his hands on your hips, neither speeding you up nor slowing you down, just feeling the motion, feeling you. 
After a few more strokes, you grabbed his hands and slid them up your body, pressing the palms of his hands against your breasts and tossing your head back at the sensation. He was more than willing to continue cupping and squeezing without your guidance which allowed you to set your hands on his thighs behind you, providing even more leverage for your rise and fall. Now you sped up. 
“Fuck, Geralt, this feels so good,” you cried out.
“I can make it better,” he countered, slipping his hands around your ribs and pulling you forward, chest to chest as he captured your lips once more. With his hands firmly holding your head in place, he began to buck up into you and when it seemed like it was going to be to much, he let his hands drift down your back and onto your hips again, to hold you place while he set a punishing pace, thrusting ever harder and deeper into your pulsing core until he finally exploded with a roar. It wasn’t your peak, but you weren’t complaining in the least. He’d fucked you through several tiny orgasms, each ebbing and flowing with ease. If there was nothing more, no additional gratitude the rest of the night, you’d be just fine.
But he was having none of it. He lifted you off and laid you to the side, urging you back against the head of the bed and lifting the covers for you to climb under. Once you were comfy, he left the bed to deal with the condom removal, grabbing an apple and knife from his bag on the way back. You sat and conversed while he fed you thin slices of sweet fruit, taking his own bites after every third for you.
Geralt was easy to talk to. Not overly wordy, but happy to chat nonetheless. Although you wanted to ask questions about the hotel, you knew it would be wildly inappropriate so you stuck with the script for the scene. What would it take to clear the rest of the Kraks? How dangerous would it have been had he gone alone? What’s the most danger he’d ever gotten into? The most fun? How often, exactly, had he and Lambert been thanked simultaneously?
That question was designed to reignite the passion in the room. You weren’t disappointed. The mere telling of the experiences got him rock hard again and it was with delight that you let him take the lead the rest of the evening. Once he’d donned another condom after feasting on your pussy one more time, he took you on your back, legs wrapped around his waist so he could grab at them when he needed to open you wider or lift your leg over his shoulder to find that one final deep spot that had you panting his name and coming hard around him. He took one more lingering kiss, then pulled out and tidied up, joining you back under the covers for a final round of pillow talk before turning in for the night.
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Somehow, with the knowledge that the physical part of the evening was over, the air in the room changed and the conversation did as well. He wasn’t overly concerned with keeping the topics to the scene, but you found yourself second guessing if you should ask anything at all about Walter. It seemed rude, even though Mike had been completely open about it. This stay wasn’t that one. 
You’d booked an overnight and Geralt hadn’t needed to bend time for you, if that was even something he could do, so you had no direct in with a question about his possible gifts. You could maybe ask why Lambert had called him Wolf, since they were both from the same school. But in the end it was Geralt who brought up Walter, without realizing what he was doing.
“I lucked into this spot. The hotel had just lost one of their best hosts, and the guy was booked solid weeks out. They’re still trying to find another werewolf to take his room, but in the meantime they contacted me and set up this level.”
“How did they find out about you?” you asked, trying to keep your heart rate from spiking at the hint of information about Walter.
“The way they find out about any of us, I suppose. Word of mouth.”
“Do you know what happened to him? The guy before you?” You didn’t think you were holding your breath, but Geralt’s answer told you otherwise.
“Not a clue. I try not to get caught up in the gossip. Hey, are you alright? You look like you’re about to faint. That’s a real skill since you’re already laying down.”
You tried to take a breath and laugh it off at the same time, asking your next question with a feigned indifference. “There’s gossip in this hotel?”
Geralt’s laugh was infectious. “There’s gossip at every hotel, but this one's something else. I think the vampire is the ring leader. I try to stay away from it. Keep my head down. Take care of my guests. And I shouldn't have even said that. Please forgive me.”
It was obvious he wasn't going to give up much more information, if he even knew anything specific to begin with. You tried to stifle a yawn, but Geralt noticed and stood up to blow out the candles illuminating the room, leaving one small oil lamp burning. When he returned to bed, you curled up into his warmth. You felt a little bad about imagining it was Walt you were snuggled next to, but it didn’t stop you from drifting asleep with a smile on your face.
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You opened your messaging app as you were about to step out of the cafe where you’d gone for a latte the next morning after dropping your bag at home.
sendmeanangel: you’ll never guess who showed up to get coffee this morning 
Everything HC Taglist: (as always, let me know if you want on or off)
@sillyrabbit81 @mayloma @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @just-chirpin @thesaucynomad @valacirca @henryownsme @summersong69 @foxyjwls007 @peyton-warren @irishavengersassemble @brattymum96
Special tag: @kittenofdoomage (cause sometimes you love my stuff and this one's another monster fucker lol!)
Tags from Werewolf!walter (if you commented):
@ellethespaceunicorn @juliaorpll78 @martha-oi @cardierreh15 @cinnamoroll-things @caramariehurst @zombicupcake3 @openup-yourmind @shellyshellshell @nickfowlerrr @greensleeves888 @misshinson @thelastsock @princessaxoo @augustsprincess @justjulie1105 @minimin1993 @agniavateira @sammat97 @meb79
if you asked and aren't here, Tumblr won’t let me tag you. Sorry!
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lavenderarts · 2 months
Revamp: Monthly Subs and Reward Art!
Hi everyone! After a long hiatus on this due to inconsistent health, I'm back and feeling better than ever, and I'd like to re-institute my monthly subscription service for art rewards. These will be active on my Ko-fi starting on August 1st! Read on to hear about the changes from my old system and details of what you'll get for subscribing, but if you don't care about any of that and just want to see the rewards page, here it is:
Please share this and consider tossing a couple bucks a month my way to help me support myself and my dog! Details below the cut!
So last time I was offering art rewards, it gradually became unsustainable for a number of reasons, chief among them the fact that I was basically offering severely discounted full commissions of all styles, and it was exhausting to fulfill in addition to regular commission work. I just couldn't keep up and got overwhelmed. So to help prevent that this time around, here are the changes I'm implementing:
I'll have a single reward type: single character busts! These are easy to crank out in an hour or less, so I can keep up with demand better. I'll reserve the right to decide between lined/lineless flats and papercrafts as I see fit to keep them interesting and fun for me, but if it's your birthday month or your yearly sub anniversary, you can choose the style and get a little something extra! For examples of what a bust looks like, please check out my recent ArtFight submissions :)
I'm going to do my level best to institute a hard 3-week turnaround rate for all regular commissions, and save the final week of each month for giving these rewards full priority along with onboarding new batches of clients for the following month's commissions.
I'm moving my subscription service over to Ko-fi, where anyone can give between $2-9 a month as a very generous tip and get access to my Discord server, or give $10+ for monthly bust rewards, early access to adoptables, and more! You can choose to give more than $10, but no other rewards exist for higher tier subs, it's up to whatever you feel is appropriate! Ko-fi has both Stripe and PayPal integration, which should be easier on the subscriber end, and it allows me to use PostyBirb to post across multiple sites at once, which makes it much easier to post early-access WIPs and finished work than it was on my old subscription service. It also automatically handles Discord onboarding and role assignment, yay!
I'm on the hunt for a simple Discord bot that can post a single repeating message on the first of every month with a link to a Google form for everyone to submit their requests, so that I don't have to ask for them manually. (If anyone knows of such a bot or is capable of making one, please get in touch!)
Previously I offered a whole suite of other rewards in addition to the monthly art -- things like subscriber-only request streams, early claims on adoptables, and even physical merch, which were not sustainable for me. Going forward, early adoptable claims for a discount will still be available as a reward, and I may occasionally do request streams, but on a less formally-scheduled basis and only as I have the free time to do so. I am not able to offer physical prints/stickers at this time; I might revisit the option in the future, but I need to know more before I try it again! I'll also be continuing to offer a subscriber discount on all commissions that will stack with other sales and discounts, along with the ability to skip the waitlist and jump directly into the work queue.
So to recap, if you subscribe to me, here's everything you get:
For $2-$9 USD: Discord server access with a special role, and my thanks for your generous support!
For $10+ USD: Discord server access with a special role, 24 hour early adoptable access with the ability to claim for a discounted price, a bust of a single character each month, first looks at finished artwork and WIPs/timelapses, commission discounts, and potentially more down the line.
My Discord is open to anyone, and all members can freely chat, post art, attend/host art streams, and answer polls regarding prompts for adoptable designs and more. You just get some nice bonuses for subscribing! While these subscription tiers are available, one-time tips and donations of any amount are still an option for commission clients or anyone else who just wants to show some love.
I hope this all makes sense and sounds enticing; I really love seeing people's OCs and getting to bring them to life and put my own little touch on them, and I'm very excited to start giving something back to all of you out there whose support means so very much to me, and without whom I could never do what I do. Thank you so much for checking out the Ko-fi! As a reminder, reward eligibility begins on August 1st! The tiers are active on Ko-fi now, but if you subscribe before August you won't be rewarded for the month of July, so keep that in mind.
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i-heart-hxh · 3 months
This might be a silly question, but is Togashi's current manga inking process the most that he's made in a long time? I know that he has long hiatuses due to his back problems, and that he implied that he felt a bit better when he resumed the manga a few months ago, but I wonder how optimistic I should feel about HxH having somewhat regular updates. Of course, health can be unpredictable and as long as Togashi is okay then that's the most important thing, but what are your thoughts on the matter?
Hi! We seem to be at a very promising point for HxH's future right now!
The past few times Togashi returned from hiatus and continued the series, he finished 10 chapters (1 volume) and then stopped. The fact that this time he continued on even after he finished inking chapter 410 is very encouraging. I don't know if he intends to stop at chapter 420, or if he's just going to keep at it for as long as he feels up to it, but some of the messages he's posted along with his progress have seemed upbeat and determined.
His pace is also much faster this time than it was the last time he was actively posting updates to Twitter in 2022. This person calculated out his progress and discovered that he's literally tripled his pace! This and his incredible consistency these past two months make me think he must be doing better.
I personally treat every page, chapter, and illustration we get as a gift, though, and in my opinion it's best not to form strong expectations around what his release schedule might be going forward. There's just too much uncertainty with his health and whatever else might be going on in his life, so it's best to enjoy and appreciate the times where we're getting regular updates like this. But I'm VERY excited to see what he's already finished when the time comes, and VERY excited to see his updates for as long as he continues to post them! It's definitely possible he'll keep it up for a good while still.
Of course, his health and happiness come first, and so I hope he takes all the breaks he needs and only works at a pace that's sustainable and manageable for him. Lately he certainly seems to have found a pattern he can stick with, and I'm happy he seems to be in good spirits from the little bits and pieces he shares with us. ❤️
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writers-potion · 6 months
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Writing Webnovels 101
There is one key difference between printed/ebooks and a webnovel: you need to adapt your writing for a highly distracted audience.
Unlike a traditional reading experience, people reading on the web have a gazillion other tabs, windows and notifications demanding their attention. So, here are some things to keep in mind when you’re writing for a digital platform.
Short, To-The-Point sentences
Keep your sentences short so that the reader doesn’t lose themselves in the middle.
Keep descriptions short and to the point while focusing on the action of the story.
Each chapter must have significant action that contributes to plot progression.
Use well-placed cliffhangers that wouldn’t lose the reader in between chapters.
Trope-Led Story
The function of tropes is to provide a distracted reader with a ready-built framework to understand the story.
Using the right tropes is also important to attract your target audience since it tell up upfront about what kind of experience they’re going to have.
Emotion-Led Story
Deliver emotional highs and lows right off the bat, because big, intense emotion is what the readers are looking for.
Emotional information is easier to digest and retain than technical description.
Big emotions are easier to hook into and relate to.
Linear Storyline
Keep flashbacks, flashforwards, time skips to a minimum.
For a distracted reader, a straightforward timeline is a lot easier to understand and return to after a hiatus.
Focused Plot
Having multiple subplots weaving in and out of each other is probably not the best idea.
Keep delivering the emotional experience that the reader is looking for and provide only relevant information.
Choosing the right platform
There are so many ways you can write online, from building your own website to writing short episodes on social media platforms.
You can use: novelfull.com, readlightnovel.me, Ltnovel.com, Wattpad, Webnovel, Wuxiaworld, etc.
Before you start posting on a platform, research into the kind of readers it has, what are the most popular genres, etc. Make sure you are pitching to the right audience.
Promoting Your Work
Many writers now promote themselves through newsletters, Instagram, YouTube, etc. but for someone just starting out, creating digital content on top of writing can be tough.
Join a webnovel community and get to know some of your fellow writers! The goal here is not to span other established works to links of your site. As time foes on, linking to one another and making recommendations would come naturally.
Set a Realistic Posting Schedule
Your posting schedule determines how often your readers get to interact with the story world and with one another. It’s how often life gets breathed into your story.
However, going for five days a week isn’t going to be sustainable, unless your story is already finished.
There is no magic number, so figure out a consistent, regular schedule that you can stick to. At least once a week is recommended.
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee! ☕
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asklostcelestia · 11 months
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oplostcause · 5 months
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After a long hiatus, we’re happy to announce that Operation Lost Cause will be returning to regular posting on May 1st!!
We will be maintaining the same schedule as before, with comic pages every Wednesday at 11 am ET. We hope you’re just as excited as us!!
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Summer Break
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Yuuri and Viktor are going on a summer holiday in August. Or in other words: there won’t be any chapters of my YOI novelisation next month.
I sincerely apologise for this last-minute notice. I’m not going on holiday myself. In fact, I will be very busy throughout August because I’m on the verge of the biggest change in my adult life and this is currently taking up all of my brainspace. It was a hard decision to make, especially since this break happens during a very inopportune time for me as a fanfiction author. Over the weekend, I was still trying to make it happen and to prepare the August chapters of CYHMH. Technically, I'd still have two weeks until the first of those would be due, but fact is: my brain won't let me focus on Yuuri and Viktor until this phase is over.
I understand if you're angry or disappointed or if that's the last straw to stop reading (I hope it's not!). I wish I could continue business as usual, but right now, I can’t do the story of Yuuri and Viktor justice. Weeks of preparing that new chapter of my life (which I owe to Viktor btw) next to a full-time job have exhausted me. That forces me to prioritise and to cut back on things that aren't essential for my existence. My posting process entails a whole lot more than “just” revising a chapter one last time. Yuuri and Viktor deserve better of me, and you, as my readers, deserve better of me, too. In this sense, this decision is not only a matter of brainspace, but also of a matter of a lack of time.
Because of my current situation, I’m also way behind my schedule with my revision of “In Love and War”. I miss Viktuuri dearly because I’m used to mentally spending time with them every day by working on my fanfictions, but it can't be helped. I even interrupted my recent rewatch of YOI because I was not paying attention at all (YOI needs to be celebrated, that's why).
Things will normalise in mid September, when I have my spare time back.
The next regular chapter of Can You Hear My Heartbeat (after the one tomorrow, of course!!!) will be out on September 11th. A little surprise will await fans of the “real” Vitya on September 2nd.
Like I said above, this is not a good time for a break, so I ask you to please don’t abandon CYHMH. If you haven’t yet subscribed to the story, this would be a good time to make sure that you won’t miss the first chapter after the break. You might also like to check out my one-shots or my two other multi-chapter works in the meantime💙💜
This summer break is unrelated to my current social media hiatus. It's possible that I might smash out a meta because my brain suddenly decides to hyperfocus on some YOI-related subject and I need to get it out of my system. So far, I haven't planned anything for the next 4-6 weeks, though.
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Yet another update
Hello everybody! I have yet another update (this is the last one, promise!) Tomorrow, I will be putting up a post about the top ten pet candidates of 2024, and after that the hiatus will finally end. I will also be closing the request box, because I’m up to over 100 (!) requests! I’m so glad that so many people wanted to get involved with the project by getting their requests in, and I’m looking forward to going through them!
Now for some bittersweet news. I won’t go into details, but there’s been a development in my private life that will mean that I won’t have as much time to work on the blog. For me it’s a good thing because it’s a job related-development that brings me one step closer to my dream job. I’m going to continue working on this blog in my real time, but I wanted to let you all know that it won’t be as regular as it was before. You can expect at least two posts a week, but my posting schedule is going to have to be a lot more flexible and irregular. I know that’s not as fun as daily posts, but I really want to keep the blog going so I’m going to have to be flexible.
I hope you’re all doing well, and I’m so glad to finally be back!
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not-poignant · 6 months
Hi Pia
Your previous post regarding burnout really resonates with me as I'm currently struggling through a mountain's worth of uni assignments.
I hopeyou're being compassionate to yourself where you can. I know you rely on your writing for income but ould cutting down to working on only 2 or 3 fics instead be a viable solution?
Because longterm I don't think that even your insanely impressive skills can hold up to that kind of pressure.
Maybe if you cut back a little you'll be able to enjoy your hobbies again and rest a little more.
I know that I'm not the only reader that wants you to take care of yourself x
Hi anon,
Firstly, good luck with all those assignments! I do not miss the grind of uni when all the assignments suddenly seem due at the same time and it's like 'oh fuck' and it just...is truly exhausting. Remember to take a break after if you can!
I am trying to be compassionate where I can. Working on expanding my capacity / juice left in the tank is actually a big priority with both therapists this year, and it's something I'm actively chipping away at.
Unfortunately cutting down fics is not really something I can do because it would personally stress me out more to put a lot of things on hiatus like that. Underline the Red is already on hiatus, and The Nascent Diplomat on my end is finished, and I'll take a few months off after that before starting the next installment.
Ideally I will be finishing out some fics that will clear my calendar a bit more over time. For example, A Stain that Won't Dissolve won't last forever, and isn't going to be replaced by anything new (Palmarosa will likely slot into that space and I'll be able to work on it more). Underline the Black will be replaced by Underline the Red, and Blue and Gold will be replaced by Underline the Silver.
Eventually, ideally, I'll be working on a smaller and smaller load until I'm at about 2-4 projects (which is how I used to work). Also quite a few of my projects only update once a month or every few months, and that helps a lot. It's just that I have too many fics where I'm on a more regular schedule (Stain, Palm, Black) and normally I only have one or two fics that are on a more regular schedule, so yeah, I am looking forward to that slowing down!
But putting something on hiatus just makes me feel more burdened and overwhelmed than knowing I'm getting closer and closer to wrapping something up. It's just how my brain works! I am a finisher, and while that's really good for not abandoning projects (which is extremely rare for me and tends to only be very short projects or PWPs which I will turn away from), it's less good when I have too many projects lmao. I've gotten better at holding back (there's three fics I'm dying to write right now, which is an Efnisien/Kadek fic that I've already started but not posted anything of, Silver, and Red).
So yeah, I will be cutting back. I've already started. The Nascent Diplomat is no longer on my schedule, which means for the next 3 months while it's still posting, I don't have to write anything for it. That's lovely because I can still share in that world with no extra labour (it's edited and everything). Likewise, Stain and Black are both in their last act/s now. That's still a lot of chapters for both, but it feels good for me to know that both will likely be finished out this year.
But we are getting there! So yeah the view is to cut down on projects, but organically (by finishing out stories and not replacing every single one with new titles, only some of them) rather than forcefully via hiatuses. I mean obviously if I get too sick I will have to go on hiatus and I've done that before, but so far it's looking like I've written enough chapters ahead (most of May is written) that I can take about 2 weeks off from writing in April, and that will help a great deal as well. :)
Anyway, take care with your assignments too! I do not miss that part of uni at all
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 16 is available on AO3 and Chapter 17 will be posted soon.
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Currently 16 chapters completed: 549.4K Words Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 17 because there's a lot happening as Buck and Eddie continue to prepare for everything that's going to happen in the next seven weeks.
For anyone who hasn't read Chapter 16, here's a brief overview: Buck and Eddie hired a travel agent to help them schedule everything for their upcoming international adventure. They also hired a tax accountant for the 12-million-dollar settlement money Buck was awarded after the sperm donor lawsuit ended and they hired a financial advisor so they could invest some of it.
They'll tie the knot before Christmas 2023 but they are NOT getting married in the U.S. and they won't have a wedding ceremony until May 2024. Currently, they think Chris is the only person who knows they're together but now several people have witnessed their romantic and emotionally intimate moments including Bobby, Chimney, Athena, Hen, Karen, Maddie and Ravi. Even though Adriana is in El Paso, she realized Eddie and Buck are together too.
Who else is going to realize they're together in Chapter 17?
Here's a snippet from Chapter 17 of a call Buck gets early one morning while Eddie's on shift.
Buck slowly wakes up out of a deep sleep when his cellphone starts ringing.  He opens his eyes, looks at the clock on the nightstand and wonders who would be calling him at 4:12AM.
He wipes his eyes, clears his throat then he sticks his arm out from underneath the comforter to grab his cellphone.  He looks at the caller ID and when he sees Bobby’s name, he immediately sits up in bed and goes on full alert because he wouldn’t be calling this time of morning unless it was an emergency.
He slides his finger across the screen and in his rough and raspy voice, he answers, “Bobby?”
Instantly, he recognizes Bobby’s speaking in his captain’s voice.  He knows it well because he’s heard it many times over the last seven years.  It’s always distinct and different from his regular speaking voice whenever he’s about to deliver bad news to a victim’s family.
Everything starts happening in slow motion and to him it feels like ginger ale is floating around in his skull.  He also feels like he’s drowning because his eyes aren’t focused and it seems like he’s looking through some cloudy water that might be filled with debris or swimming pool cleaner or something else but he's not sure.
A few seconds pass and he realizes the reason he’s having a difficult time seeing is because his eyes are full of tears.
Any words he’s planning to speak get choked in his throat because realization sets in and he knows Bobby’s calling because something bad happened.
His voice is just above a squeak when he whisper asks, “What is it?”
“Buck, listen to me... I need you to meet me Cedars Sinai.”
There’s a lump in his throat now because he knows that tone but he asks anyway, “Why?”
“It’s Eddie…”
He can’t hear anything else after he hears Eddie’s name because a high-pitched noise starts ringing in his ears.
What happened to Eddie? 🧐
How is Buck going to handle it when he arrives at the hospital? 👀
Will he be in a catatonic state of shock like he was after the shooting? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-16 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 17 will be posted soon.
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magicaltear · 4 months
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An Outside Chance Author Update
Hello, my dear readers. Before anyone starts panicking, I wanted to state that my fic has not been abandoned. Updates will hopefully go back to our regular semi-schedule soon.
I wanted to share this little journal entry with all of you because I am hyperaware that it's been almost 8 months since I posted the latest chapter. I'm unsure if this will assuage the writer guilt I'm currently feeling, but I wanted to reach out and nurture the community part that makes fandoms such fun and welcoming spaces for all of us at the very least.
My life became a roller coaster after I last updated AOC. I went on a trip to visit my girlfriend (yes, my Friends to Lovers trope continues) and, for the first time in my life, I had no desire to use my phone or laptop throughout the day. I felt so at peace, so content simply living in the moment with her. I realized this is how true love and home feel like, and so we agreed we wanted to marry even before my trip ended.
After my trip, my time was consumed by designing an engagement ring for her, researching everything about marrying someone from a different country, as well as searching for a more stable job to help pay for all the future paperwork and visa fees. Sadly, not everything was a walk in the clouds. I had to come out to my family and...they didn't take it well. It was a very hard blow that I had to learn how to overcome. However, the situation also allowed me to receive unconditional support from the most unlikely places, so I'll be eternally grateful to everyone who stuck by my side.
But my challenges didn't end there. Tensions in my country grew nearly unbearable as elections grew closer, and I find it difficult to believe that they have now come and gone. The hardest thing for me to experience though was the first death in my family. Indeed, we had already lost my beloved Beagle, but this time we had to say goodbye to my mother's husband much earlier than anyone would have wanted. He wasn't my father, but I still have many fond memories of the 17 years we spent together. He was part of the family, and we've all been struggling and learning how to navigate this new grief we're experiencing while taking care of my widowed mother.
Through all of this, I constantly received comments and kudos in my AO3 fics, and I wanted to thank my wonderful readers for it. You guys helped me smile during one of the most difficult parts of my life, and you gave me hope for our fandom communities at a time when companies are shamelessly stealing content from anyone for their stupid AI software and newer fans are failing to recognize writers and artists as something other than corporate content creators.
So thank you so much for your support. I promise to continue An Outside Chance once my grief is not so all-consuming. I still have many plans and ideas for this story, and I refuse to give up being creative yet ♡
TL;DR: Life happened. Hard. But the unexpected hiatus does not mean An Outside Chance is an abandoned fanfic. I will post the next chapter as soon as I can. In the meantime, you're welcome to re-read all 77,456 words I've published so far and drop me more of your lovely comments. You make writing and posting these stories worth it.
★ An Outside Chance Masterlist ★ Read it on AO3
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Planning on having the hiatus end on Feb 1, when I do, how do we want it to be structured
i want to make the blog fairly regular, but maybe a little less strenuous on the upkeep (i was doing 60 edits a months for half a year after all) so y'all's opinion is much appreciated!! Thank you if you vote!!
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animesavior · 4 months
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“Usagi, I need you to listen to me. Strange things are happening in the city. Even the Police can't handle what's going on. A dangerous enemy has appeared. You're the only one who can defeat this enemy. You're the guardian that's been chosen for this mission. But there's more than just that. you also have to find the other Guardians and our Princess.” -          Luna, Sailor Moon (Ep. 01)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for May 31 and June 1-2, 2024. For the first time since April 15, 2004, Toonami would return to airing on a weekday timeslot on Fridays with Toonami Rewind as part of Adult Swim’s expansion to 5pm to showcase classic Cartoon Network programming. The inaugural lineup featured the return of Sailor Moon to Toonami for the first time in 23 years alongside an hour of DBZ Kai and OG Naruto. 
And fans on social media responded very positively to Toonami Rerun’s debut. On Twitter, #ToonamiRewind trended in the USA alongside Sailor Moon and DBZ Kai.
Meanwhile on the regular Toonami late night lineup, Zom 100 returned from its three-week hiatus, and Demon Slayer begun its rerun of the Entertainment District arc in the meantime. In terms of trends, #Toonami trended in the USA on Twitter alongside My Adventures with Superman and Zom 100. #Toonami also trended on Tumblr.
This week’s feature was a game review of Dave the Diver, developed by Mintrocket studios. It received an 8.5 out of 10 score.
Despite the present upheaval at Warner Bros Discovery, the current success of Toonami was paramount to Cartoon Network and Adult Swim creating Toonami Rewind. According to Jason DeMarco on Blue Sky, “It was the network’s idea to try a second Toonami block since they are very happy with the performance of the Saturday night version. They wondered if a throwback Toonami would be interesting. We liked the idea!” And assuming things go well, Jason says he has “all kinds of cool plans to bring more shows in” including shows Toonami has aired in the past, Adult Swim action shows, western animated action classics and more.
Of course, that all depends on if people continue to watch Toonami Rewind every Friday as with regular Toonami every Saturday. So be sure to keep watching (or at least set your DVRs) and help contribute to the social media buzz if you’re into it. And as with any potential Toonami show, if you do wish to see a show air on Toonami or Toonami Rewind, feel free to let Toonami know on their Facebook page as well as letting Jason DeMarco know on his Bluesky @clarknova.bsky.social. It also doesn’t hurt to let your favorite show’s respective licensor(s) know (whether it’s Crunchyroll, Toei, Viz Media, and the like) on their respective social media outlets as well. On a related note, Jason DeMarco no longer posts on Twitter outside of “promotional information related to my work,” and has privatized his account (after previously deleting it) for archival purposes, so we’re not sure if he’ll still read any show requests and feedback that is sent to @clarknova1.
Finally, this past week was the birthday of yours truly, so I’d like to give a huge thank you to Jason, Steve, Dana, and everyone at Cartoon Network who are doing their part to rebuild the better cartoon show. as well as those that watch, record, and live tweet and blog this great block. No doubt that Toonami is the gift that keeps on giving and showing that hope springs eternal for the mainstream success of anime and action cartoons overall.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
Toonami Rewind May 31 Trends
United States Trends:
#ToonamiRewind [#3]
#SailorMoon [#9]
#DBZKai [Trended with #ToonamiRewind]
Tweet Counts:
#SailorMoon [5,245 tweets]
Toonami June 1-2, 2024 Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [Trended with #Toonami]
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [#18]
#Zom100 [#8]
Tweet Counts:
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [2,266 tweets]
#Zom100 [2,098 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#toonami [#7]
If you wish to send me a tip for the work on the trending rundown, donations can be sent to PayPal.Me/DanielLimjoco.
Bon Appetit. Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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