#to quote that one anon in my inbox from before: '...he purble'
oumakokichi · 8 years
yo!! I love your meta stuff but. in a pokemon/danganronpa crossover, what do u think would be oumas team,,, i like to think hed have ghost pokis cuz they prank n shit but??? Pls gimme ur opinion
Oh, I definitely think he’d have a lot of ghost types! Ghosts are very much the “prankster” type Pokemon (and also usually pretty sad), so like you said, they’re a pretty good fit! And I feel like he’d also have a lot of dark types, moreso considering dark type is actually translated as “evil type” in Japan, and that fits with Ouma’s willingness to play the villain super well.
Here’s my take on a sort of makeshift Pokemon team for him:
Empoleon: I figure if I have to give him “a starter” Pokemon from across all the games, Piplup would fit the best, considering Empoleon is itself a “ruler Pokemon.” Steel and water aren’t really what I’d normally say fit Ouma’s type, but the general feel of Empoleon works overall, even though other starters might qualify as dark types later on. Also given Ouma’s scarf, I thought having a penguin Pokemon would be cute.
Gengar: The best, most obvious, and most perfect fit. A super prankster ghost Pokemon with an evil smile on its face literally all the time, I don’t think there’s any other Pokemon that fits Ouma as perfectly. And considering the whole “shadow imagery” with Gengar, well.
Mimikkyu: Another ghost, and apt I think considering the whole “hiding its true face” imagery. Mimikkyu tends to switch fast between looking super adorable and being super terrifying (and resentful, if you look at the Sun/Moon anime). I feel like Ouma would have a particular knack for getting Pokemon that look very cutesy one moment and like sheer eldritch abominations the next.
Alolan Meowth: Fitting because it’s a dark type, and more importantly, it looks smug. I stared at Alolan Meowth for like five minutes just now and it literally looks like one of Ouma’s sprites. I want him to have this one admittedly just so he and his dumb Meowth could do the same poses.
Banette: Another sad ghost type, moreso since it’s literally a “discarded puppet who had no use anymore.” Given that this is exactly what Ouma was supposed to become for the mastermind and failed to do so, only to meet a really horrible end, I think there’d be some kind of connection there.
Murkrow: Murkrows are seen as “ill omens of misfortune,” even though they’re actually rather playful, if a bit bratty. They try to collect (shiny) things and hole them up in their nests, and that reminds me a bit of Ouma’s investigation piles in his room.
Anyway, this is just my take on it, and it was really fun to consider! I hope you enjoy, anon!
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