#today i received the priceless gift of the internet and the very first thing i did was: this
millepara · 6 years
aikatsu friends episodes 22 through 31 spoilers (and yet I think I’ve still written longer rants about single episodes...)
after meeting up with Luna last night and playing THE FIRST AIKATSU I’VE PLAYED SINCE JUNE 3RD OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, I decided to sacrifice my remaining data to catch up on aifriends. really, I should have just done this sooner.
starting with episode 22, where I dropped off at…
god I missed this op. I don’t even like this version of the song and I’m so happy just to hear it
Aine’s voice… it’s still so cute after all this time….
why does Kaguya persist in pretending to be Sakuya…?
is this a butler? a manager?? Haryu??
WHAT Kaguya just sang Guided and we didn’t get even a single note of it?! just a fade to white? nooo aikatsu why must you tantalize me with this Forbidden Guided
H…Hariyu. is a manager, but just dresses like a butler? because he’s some kind of pervert, I guess? one that imprisons a hedgehog inside of his smelly hat? if he’s supposed to be leaching off Precure mascot Harry, they picked the wrong parts to steal
Kaguya’s quite a bit different from what I was imagining. even though her profile said she was all about taking care of Sakuya, it was hard to imagine her as anything but an ojousama type, given her first appearance in the anime, and I was wondering about how the softer pastel look of her brand was supposed to work with that, and if they maybe didn’t mix up who should have which moon brand… but she really does just see her sole purpose to be doing what she can for Sakuya. I didn’t expect her to be so down on herself, either :( especially when I prefer her of the two, haha. but I do like this Kaguya, she’s a much more interesting character than the stereotype I was imagining, and I’m looking forward to seeing how she changes after she gets out in the spotlight!
also this whole Sakuya begging Kaguya to be an idol scene is very melodramatic and I love it.
Guided was an excellent first aikatsu anime performance to come back to.
wow, Kaguya gets her first unit and BFR before she even has her own brand?! that’s a first for sure. obviously I’m still got a ways to go before I’m caught up with everyone else, but it feels like they’re really putting work into making aifriends’ plot interesting and fresh… or maybe that’s just my extreme bias, haha.
episode 23!!
that’s the most depressed 'Hello, Coco-chan' I could imagine.
whew, it’s been so gosh darned long that I’ve even kind of forgotten the anime Brilliant Friends Cup situation. Aine and Mio won because of tomodachikara, I remember that much, but then did that mean it was automatically them vs. Love Me Tear? ahhh I wish I had never moved
Noa-san, a real designer!! they do exist!! she reminds me of Kei from Pretty Rhythm or whatsit from Glass Mask that Kei’s based on.
oh, Noa’s just like them in personality too.
this Bird Girl Festival is… crazy. I guess Maika’s gonna be a Bird Girl, huh
seeing Maika wearing her shoes inside her house is giving me palpitations. also her brother is clearly from Fist of the North Star or something like that
and here, seconds later, Maika becomes a Bird Girl. man Ema is so cute
I keep forgetting Colorful Shake exists. it’s so undefined and.. forgettable.. Ema deserves better
ahhh Girls be ambitious!! I missed you!!! what a good song!!
Chiharu and Noa are cute!!! Reflect Moon is so cute!! I love aifriends!!!!!!
episode 24…
wahaahhaahahaa LOVE ME TEAR my best idols are going to be here on the tv!! right in front of me!! AhhHHHHH!!!
sometimes you can forget that aikatsu is an anime for 5-year-olds, but this ‘basics of a tv studio’ definitely reminded me.
M-Mirai is a witch!! magical!! amazing!! the best senpai!!
ahhh Karen’s naginata pose was the same as Ichigo’s axe pose…. uuuufhfhhu stuff like that really gets me ;;
Hariu is the worst. I hate how his name sounds like Hollywood (in japanese)
STAR HARMONY UNIFORM KAREN AND MIRAI!!! ahhhhhh also apparently they wore those Hearty coords for the Brilliant Friends cup, I see.
first Identity and now Overflowing with Love!!! truly, I am blessed.
I think something happened with Kaguya in this ep too? Love Me Tear was too blinding and I couldn’t really pay attention to anything else. oh well!
episode 25!!
they’re just sitting around and talking about what good friends they are. I love aikatsu.
wha—Love Me Tear’s private jet?! what happened??? NOOOOOO KAREN AND MIRAI HOW could they kill you off so soon………… my fav idols…….
thank god they’re safe. but if they’re stuck because of a hurricane on the other side of the world… that’s a weirdly accurate or actually just plain weird use of real current events
fucking,, Diamond Girlfriends Karen and Mirai sharing a phone together is making my heart race. also: Tamaki’s shock at Aine just calling up LMT is pretty funny
LOVE how Aine’s gonna be eating a whole turkey for her gourmet report job. can’t wait
HATE the japanese pronunciation of monsieur. musshi…
the special surprise guest is a slightly aged Lee Pace as Thranduil.
and he hates idols. why are you trying to kill Mio
is this old man’s heart really going to be unlocked by chi chick chi chi chi chick chick, Mio?
… it is.
THE ZONE? is this Kuroko no Basuke now?? holy shit
anyway Mio is super cool and rad the end
episode 26!!
ahah, yet another use of ‘gaikoku’ (foreign country) as if it were a country name itself.
oh! there’s that bff necklace they’re selling at aistyle now too! can’t wait to find out the story about that, it’s super cute
a pair of idols from Hokkaido… Saint Snow!!!! oh, or not. Snow White Girls is close enough to be actually a ripoff (or inspired, whatever) though… they’ve both got black hair too.
Double Hibiscus! ah yes, more idols who couldn’t exist on the arcade game because they have a different skin color!! thanks for your constant and consistent obliviousness to your own shortcomings, aikatsu!!!
oh, it’s Nako! long time no see
Baby Pirates’ coord is cool as hell, and so intricately designed! I can’t believe they put that much effort into a coord that doesn’t actually exist (in the game, I mean)!! it makes me feel like we must be getting it at some point (or it’s actually some oldkatsu coord I’m forgetting about, lol)
Saint Snow and Double Hibiscus’s coords… this is more like what I was expecting.
(wipes away a tear) Nako and Niko… such good girlfriends…
Aine’s creating a mental barrier from her own sense of inferiority to Mio, and Mio’s not helping it but rather encouraging it. I hope Baby Pirates wins…
guess that’s not gonna happen. will Reflect Moon save the day
another 3d ed, huh. I miss the extremely cute art of the previous ones, but I guess times change… . sigh… this one is pretty cool though, I like the whole legendary battle in the skies deal.
episode 27!!
just realized that I totally blew past the whole Disappearance of Shirayuri Kaguya thing in the last ep. I admit that I turned my brain off the instant I realized it wouldn’t be resolved in the same ep… grateful that I don’t have to wait a full week to find out what happens and instead have instant gratification.
Mio, shut up!! are you trying to scare Kaguya from performing now? let her go literally break her leg if she wants to. geez, we all know that’s the Idol Way
Soko ni shika nai mono sounds like a precure song, just like Arigato Daijobu did. often the 2nd op differs in style a lot from the 1st, but these are very similar… hmm
do~n to koi, desu wa!!
little Sakuya and Kaguya and their wiggly little pigtails are unbearably cute!! ahhhh!!!
I bet Hariu’s handkerchief would REEK of cologne
a night with a full moon is the only way to save Kaguya… wheres Mizuki, our long-lost savior
Kaguya’s ID catch near-miss pose is so cute!!
ahh.. that was so pretty. their BFRs looked great, but I am biased because they’re my fav BFRs so far. that ending shot was so ethereal though…
STRONGLY appreciate how Karen and Mirai are dressed like Michiru and Haruka here. aikatsu’s canon wlw
Aikatsu Zone. holy shit. it’s a real thing now. oh my god are they going to implement a new Zone mechanic on the game now………
yeah, at least someone’s disappointed in Pure Palette other than me. I knew I could count on my fav idols Love Me Tear (and I was really feeling the Haruka/Michiru vibes in that scene, wow,)
episode 28!! almost caught up!!
at the end of the op, Karen and Mirai show up right before a shot of doves flying in front of a ringing bell. surely, this is foreshadowing their wedding
100 concerts!! Honey Cat is so cool and determined despite being the unit that’s destined to lose the most!!
Mio drinking a fucking Perrier while alone in her room with a cold. what are rich people, exactly
this is a good ep with a good message and good dialogue. I don’t really have anything to say, I’m just enjoying it
Kagami-kun’s back… huh. I just thought of this and it’s pretty nuts, but like… kagami means “mirror”, and like, ok, that fits in with his interest in makeup. but then ken as in Ken-san can mean “sword”. that’s… two of the three Sacred Treasures of Japan. the third is a jewel, and it’s a bit of a stretch, but tama as in Tamaki can refer to a jewel or jewel-like object, specifically a round, polished one……. ok gosh I just checked out the wiki to make sure I had the title correct, and it turns out the final kanji for each of the three treasures' titles are 劍 (tsurugi, but can also be read ‘ken’), 鏡 (kagami), and 玉 (tama). looks like I’m not so crazy after all and have in fact aced this cultural reference test!! to me this seems to imply that a) Kagami-kun will be of increasing importance as the show progresses and b) Aine and Mio are going to become the next emperors of Japan when Akihito steps down next year.
wow, I was about as shocked as Aine was at Mio’s ‘let’s spend some time apart’… this scene is sad but also.. romantic. but also sad
episode 29!! this is actually a week later (aka today when I’m posting this) because I had to start saving my phone data again.
after going to the anion aikatsu cafe, Mirai’s witch costume looks undeniably like a pancake to me. yum
oh, so is this just a drama ep? I’m ok if it means a ton of Mirai, but I want to get back to the main plot... Now
I’ve been watching these on my tiny phone screen up till now, so I didn’t notice this fancy legendary-type dress near the end of the OP before. is it the new Diamond Friends dress? the prize from a future Brilliant Friends-type match? hmm
so... not a drama ep? anyway, Aine’s gotta perform with the intent to defeat Mirai for real… I hope she enters the Aikatsu Zone and shows Mio who’s boss!!
Mirai’s cold eyes are so cool… kyun
a secret: when I have my IC card out of its case for whatever reason and can therefore enthusiastically slap it onto the gate scanner on my way to the train, I always think about aikatsu… here’s hoping the next iteration of the aikatsu machine has a scanner that recreates that feeling better than the current one, which does not at all
yeah, I knew it from the game already, but Mirai’s solo version of Identity is like a million times better than this duet. I like Aine’s voice a lot, but she sounds autotuned and kind of hollow in this song… :(
visually it’s nice, though. and I think this might be the first time we’ve seen a duet version of a non-Friends song? right?? idk, I’ve been so isolated from aikatsu (aisolated) that I’m probably forgetting something.
r-riding double on Mirai’s broom!! how romantic!! senpai!!!
it’s Karen’s turn now… does that mean we have a Karen/Mio live coming up?? ooooh
episode 30!! the finish line is in sight!!
I guess Mio’s dog character’s name is Fly but I’m definitely reading it as Fry in my head every time
Kaguya’s solo! (in an episode with Mio’s name in the title...?) it’s hard to imagine it having anything to do with this dog movie, but whatever!
oh… cool... nice camera work as usual, aifriends
also definitely think of the spear of longinus every time I see the ed
episode 31!!!!
oh, the Best Friends cup is the next competition.
Star Harmony has a Friends counseling room. a couples counseling room.
the first animal I meet in the forest is a rabbit. the present it gives me is a poisonous mushroom. WAIT what are the rest of the questions I need to know the ending of my forest tale!!!!
oh, only one other Friends unit has gotten the result 100% Rivals… I wonder who it could possibly be… certainly not Love Me Tear
Love Me Tear’s western vs. eastern swordfight on a stormy beach… they’re too cool, I can’t breathe
if either one loses the live competition they’re determined to stay broken up permanently. I’m sure there’s no possibility of a third option, like a tie… that definitely won’t happen
aww, I missed Aikatsu Friends the song. this is nice
Mio: “Call me… Mio…” WITH NO -CHAN!! AHH!! I BLUSHED
there’s the wedding bells again!!! ahhhhhh
oh, it was Love Me Tear that got 100% Rivals before. I’m soooooooo surprised
I also think of Polnareff and Dio on the stairs every time I see this ed. this might be the huge obnoxious jojo fan inside me, but comparing screenshots of the two, I think this one might not be coincidence… (actually I’m not sure that the Longinus one isn’t coincidence either. gotta investigate further)
the Best Friends cup next time. can’t wait to see Honey Cat’s new miracle wings!!
and with this I am caught up and no one can ever spoil me again. so don’t even try
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i-do-be-writing-doe · 4 years
Have some cheesy but imho cute fluff with Tsukki. I wanted to post it on his birthday but like... I couldn't wait.
It is September 25th. 2 days before Tsukishima’s birthday. You were dating for almost an year and it was finally time to celebrate his birthday. Just the two of you. As lovers. Last year you two were with Yamaguchi, also a very good friend of yours, and you and Kei were still only friends. It wasn’t until a week later that he confessed. You begged Yama to not come on the 27th because you are doing a surprise for Kei. You promised to let them two go out and you will pay because you know how important it is for Yamaguchi. Now for the recepie. You will be making some shortcake. First you need to look at the best way to make in and you’ll do it tomorrow. Now it is time to wrap the gift you got him. It’s something only you knew he wanted. Well he didn’t tell you but you saw over his shoulder that he was looking at the thing you got him – a dinosaur onesie. You got him a custom one because all of the ones on the internet were all to small for him. The other thing you did was buy one for yourself. You could imagine the look on Kei’s face when he saw you with a present and shortcake in hand dressed in a dinosaur onesie. You get some wrapping paper and put the garment in the center. You cover it and tie a bow. But the other thing you need to do is write a card. It needs to be perfect. After some thinking you made up the perfect wish
Dear Kei,
Happy birthday! I hope you have the best birthday ever! Always be happy and healthy, have a lot of success and luck and never forget that I love you with all my heart!
It wasn’t much but it’s right from the heart. You couldn’t wait.
The next day
Today you’ll be making the perfect shortcake. There aren’t a lot of ingredients in the recepie and it was easy to follow. Well not that you had trouble. When the quarantine happened a couple of months back you occupied your time with cooking and baking. It was fun. You even cooked for and with Kei sometimes. You mentally slapped yourself because the desert won’t make itself. You mixed this and that, put some other things and put it in the oven. 30 minutes later and the whole apartment/house smells like cake. You swear that your parents were looking straight at the oven. At least they knew that the confections is for Kei. Because if not, it would be gone in an instant. You take it out and let the cake cool down so you can decorate it. You bought piping bags just for the cake. After you finish you stick it in a pretty box you decorated yourself and put it in the fridge. Only a bit left untill you actually gave him his present. You are too excited.
27th of September
You wake up and get right out of bed. It’s the day. You will be meeting with your boyfriend at his house. He didn’t want to go to a restaurant or something really public so you agreed to stay in. He thinks Yamaguchi is also coming and he will probably be a bit dissapointed. The next day will make it up to him. The top priority now is to get in the onesie and get the presents. And also go to Kei’s house.
At his house
You ring the doorbell. The one that opens the door is Akiteru. You greet him and tell him to not say anything because he made it a habit to shout “KEI, YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE TO SEE YOU” when you come to their home. He is doing it on purpose. As time progresses it’ll get easier to deal with. But now it’s still a bit embarrassing, given you met his parents as his girlfriend a month ago. This time Akiteru complied, seeing what you look like. He even held the cake for a moment. Kei was waiting in his room. It was time for the surprise. You kind of kick the door to act like a knock. When you saw the handle going down it was showtime.
You wished that you had a third arm to take a picture with. You knew that Akiteru was probably around the corner though. You need to ask him for the pic later:
- Happy birthday, Kei!
The look on his face was priceless. You thought that his jaw woud drop to the floor and his glasses would fog up because of how red he is. He grabbed your hand and pulled you gently in his room. He probably saw his brother. Kei is still speachless but you go on and give him his gift after you put the cake on his desk:
- I got this for you.
He looked like a child on Christmas but his hands screamed a middle aged person because his arm was so slow. It was probably so he doesn’t rip the paper. You did put a couple of tape praces here and there. No need to ruin the secrecy of a present with a bad wrapping job. When he open it finally, his eyes lit up:
- Thank you, *nickname*. You didn’t have to. And it probably won’t fit.
- You can only be sure if you try it on.
- *sigh*… OK.
He came back with a weird expression. He was frowning a bit, probably because you were right, but also there was some hint of a smile. You were glad he liked it:
- So… how do you like it? I got myself one too so we can match.
- I love it. You were right though. It fits.
- I told you. OK I have one more thing. – you grab the box – open the little envelope on the onsie while I open this and light up the candles.
He looks shocked again. Then he looks at you and you feel the tease coming. Was it too short? Too sim- before you can continue he hugs you tightly. You drop the lighter you were holding because it is dangerous to have basically a flame in your hands. And you hug back. You saty like that for a bit but you need to do things.
- Kei, I need to light the candles.
- I know.
- Then can you let go. We can hug later.
He reluctantly let go of you with a scowl. You finally open up the box and it reveals the cake with the words Happy 16th birthday Kei! ILY SO MUCH! And two little dinosaurs drawn on the bottom. They have their heads together and a heart is drawn on top of them.
- It’s shortcake. I wanted to make it for your birthday, that’s why I didn’t want to before. Now let me light up your candles. Look at you! – you whipe off a fake tear and sniffle a bit – They grow up so fast!
- Just light it up already!
- OK, I will. So impatient.
You sing him “Happy birthday” and tell him to make a wish. He blows out the candles and you clap.
- Now to cut it.
You take a knife and a plate. The pice you give to Kei is really big. For a second you thought that he won’t be able to eat it all but then you remembered it is him. He probably could eat the whole thing, even though his appetite is really small.
- Here you are! Just please eat slowly.
- I will see.
He didn’t. It was around 30 seconds and the whole pice was gone:
- That was really good, *nickname*.
- Thank you, Kei! I’m glad you like it. It took me hours to find the right recipe. I’ll make it for you when I can. It is actually really easy.
- Sounds cool but… where is my last present?
- What do you mean?
- You said we woud cuddle!
- Oh, that is what you were talking about. Well let me get small pieces for your family. I’ll bring it to them. In the meantime put something on so we can watch. Maybe a movie?
- OK, I’m waiting.
When you returned, you found him on his bed with his laptop on the side. He is waiting for you there.
- So, what movie are we watching?
- We’re not watching anything.
- Why?
- Just come here, *nickname*.
- OK…
He scooped you up into his arms and put some music on. It’s the playlist you two put together. There are songs that alternate – one from your library, one from his and so on. You have similar tastes so it doesn’t mater anyway. You two stay like this for an hour or two, enjoying each other’s company, dressed in dinosaur onsies. The one that broke the silence was Kei:
- Hey, *nickname*are you sleeping?
- No, I’m awake.
- I just wanted to thank you again. This is the best birthday ever. – he kissed the top of your head.
- Always for you. – in return you took the hand he had around your waist and gave it a kiss. – I wanted to make it special for you.
- It really was. This is literally the best gift I’ve ever received.
- As I said, I’m glad you like it.
- I also wanted to ask… where’s Yamaguchi?
- Oh… I kinda begged him to saty home today. I was going to ask you if you wanted to go somewhere with him tomorrow. I will pay for everything you do if I have to. You know.. With today being your birthday and him being your best friend.
- It’s ok, no need to worry. I’ll go out with him. He will understand all of it and you know it.
- You are right. I shouldn’t worry too much.
- Yes, now lay your head back down and calm down. – you didn’t realize when you turned your head toward him.
- Fine… - you do lay your head on his chest again but also reach for his hair. – Thank you, Kei.
- I should be the one to be thanking you. Now shut up.
The rest of the day you did this – cuddle and sometimes talk about anything and everything.
Make Kei’s birthday special for him – mission accomplished.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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luovita · 5 years
You are in control, realise where you are, change your habits, achieve your goals and unleash yourself
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Are you in control of your success? Is having an ideal lifestyle considered success?
  Yes, combined with the right attitude, you can be successful in any areas of your life.  Here are few tips to help you control your success and start a life you always wanted. There are several ways on how to control your success like changing your habits as you continue to achieve your goals and unleash yourself to the world of endless possibilities.
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        Maybe it’s your fitness you want to improve and have a healthy lifestyle habits, maybe you’re looking to enhance your career and work with flexibility as you travel the world, or perhaps you want to live in modern lifestyle and probably have a passive income such as making money online, all of it boils down is to what I call LifeStyle Design.       Now, there is nothing wrong with having many goals, but it is also true that many of us lack the necessary skills and expertise to convert those into reality. This renders us somewhat powerless when it comes to choosing the trajectory of our lives. We’re out of shape because we don’t know how to stick to a training program, we lack motivation and consistency in doing the necessary then at the end fail with our goal to have a healthy lifestyle habits. We’re in jobs that are unexciting because we don’t know how to get out of our career ruts and are unable to earn enough money to travel or do leisure activities when in fact there are ways to make money fast from home. We have forgotten what it is to go out and have fun and live the ideal lifestyle you've been dreaming. The really bad part of the matter is when we tell someone how we’re going to quit smoking, write a book or get into shape, and they just roll their eyes and say “sure.” What’s worse? We ourselves don’t fully believe it. It’s time to change all that and be a new person. It’s time to come forth and take control of your life. Let’s look at how we can make it happen.  
Success is for everyone
Realize the real success within yourself
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          For you to really understand the meaning of success, you must have your own definition of it that relates to your personal life. Success is way too far as most people defines it. What is success for you? What does success mean to you? OK let me share a little about me as a kid. I am honestly not so happy  whenever I received awards in school? There’s a distinct feeling of joy and excitement to eat out with my family and get all the attention, however shockingly, getting awards was never the wellspring of my joy. Not the grades that I want to celebrate but the the journey I had to get those good grades. Sleepless nights, projects, tiring days studying for exam, and the support I get from my family. That for me is a real success.     A lot of individuals long of getting a luxury car, working high up in an extravagant organization, gaining bunches of cash, making money over the internet and having the capacity to do what they want and what they need. They work so hard, they eat less, they invested more energy slaving over a long stretch of time of reports, books, and stress; just to get to the best. Give me a chance to ask you this, however: does being on top mean you are successful? Success is the feeling of finding a sense of contentment and inner happiness. Inner happiness is priceless, it is being optimistic despite the life challenges, and failures we may encounter in life. Success for me is living the ideal lifestyle.   Reality is, many of us have different perception about success.  
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  Some people measures success in the amount of money you have in the bank, some people look up to those who knows where to make money, to those who are good in making money ideas. Some feels like being in the elite circle is a representation of a successful life journey. Sad to say that our concept of success is ruled by the pictures of wealth, distinction, and influence. We invest too much push to accomplish that idea and what do we get in return?   Are we truly satisfied, did we genuinely feel happy having all the glamour or even the attention we get from the others? If not, then that isn’t truly a success. Success is not tangible. It's a feeling that we get from exerting our effort and having that peace.   Let me share my experience, I am a work at home mom but prior to this new career I have a good career in corporate world. I already moved up my ladder to get a good position at work. I have honed skills that clients and my company appreciates the most. In short, I already have that value in the company.   However, after getting married I already conditioned myself that once we decided to have a baby, I will give up my career and focus on being a full-time mom. I wanna be there in every milestones of my baby.   Then I got pregnant, guess what? After 8 years working with my company I am ready to give up everything just to fulfill my promise, because I know, that will give me the real happiness.   Now, I am with my baby 24/7, watching her grow and ensuring she gets the best that I can give. I may be the best team lead that my agents would have, but I wanna be more of the best mother for my baby because she only deserves all the best in the world.   While I am a full-time stay-at-home mom, I am also working as a virtual assistant where I make money online. I am into writing also as I learned that I can make money by blogging. I have dreams and future plans. I want to have my own home business so I can start making extra money online.   Material things are not forever so as our lives.   While we still can, invest more on real happiness and peace. Material things are there to use but the happiness we could get in the love of our family, peace of having nothing to be worried about, that moment that you can sleep peacefully at night, those are priceless and not everyone are given that chance. Yes, go for your goal in achieving your healthy lifestyle habit, be fit and be healthy. Or if you always dream working at home and making money online, then go for it! No on is stopping you to do what makes you happy but just make sure you will live your life.   Again while you still can, invest on those things that will make you truly happy, things that money can’t buy.      
Time Invested Wisely leaves to Your Dreams
  Lifestyle ideas make one to dream, act and achieve his aspirations in life. The more you spend your time wisely the more potential you can achieve your dreams, may it be an ideal lifestyle, or if you want to build your own home business to make money online, or maybe you want to take full money control and life control. Time is precious and should be spent wisely for your dreams.    
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    Invest your time wisely because a time wasted will never return. One should study the best ways to invest your time, time wisely used for leisure, for work, for family and for making money ideas so you can support the needs of your family.   Last Friday, I met with someone, who had just started with his own home-based networking business that gives opportunity to make money online. Being an entrepreneur, I believe that this particular venture can truly be an effective method to attain a great financial success which is one of my lifestyle ideas.   My advice to the person was to plan the work in a simple way. Some projects can be lengthy, but while executing them, you should always keep your patience and never quit the job until achieving your ultimate goal.   It is like setting up home business to make money online, at first you may not get much traction nor clients but if you study well through online education learning and you also put dedication and passion to your online business, then I won't be surprised that one day you are already a successful entrepreneur who make money working online.   What if, your fellow teammate or business partner is giving an excuse of a lack of time? Be the leader and emphasize to them the value of Time. My stance on the phrase - “I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME”, is that it should be deleted completely from your vocabulary. A day consists of 24 hours, which is consistent for all. For the next 7 days, keep a detailed track of your invested time.   This simple task will help you to understand your loopholes and will assist you to utilize your time properly and effectively.   God has blessed everyone uniformly with the Universal currency- Time. But, only those who invest in time sensibly, prosper. A successful person, with loads of work can easily give an excuse of time limitations, but he won’t, as he knows the secret to win in life.   To progress in your endeavors and attain your dreams and live your ideal lifestyle, you must look into your soul and perceive the value of time, which is considered as the greatest gift from God. So, make sure to use this to maximum effect by investing it judiciously.   Today, most of the people are impatient and find their job exhausting, when compared to others. But, you must realize that there is a very thin line between winning and losing the game. The way you set your mind, determines your success. Thus, I always suggest my readers to ignore what others say. Listen to your inner-self and choose the right path that leads you to your ideal lifestyle and be successful.   I believe, you and everyone else can live up to their dreams, by simply wiping off the negative thought that you do not have any time.   We all are familiar with the proverb “You reap what you sow.” Take this slogan to your heart and sow your time wisely to live your dreams perfectly.   Whatever the situation is, be affirmative and never say that you are running short of time. Trust me, no other investment can make you richer and happier than investing your time wisely.       Learn more about the truth about living your life.    
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      Next Step - Change Your Habits
  Change your habits so you can live more freely. Change is constant, and changing your habits can help you start living your ideal lifestyle.    
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    Change your habits, change your life. Everyday matters a lot to us, it gives us hope, a new beginning, a brand new start. But imagine yourself doing the same old stuff that isn't making your life better? How do you feel about each day doing the same exact old routine and lifestyle habits and at the end of the day accomplish nothing new nor better for your life. Think about it, you may be doing something that must end by now. It doesn't mean closing your door to change, but you are allowing change to come into your life. Allow us to make you realize that breaking your old habits will bring so much improvement in your existence that will make you live your ideal lifestyle. How many years are you doing the same things, thinking and worrying about the same things, telling the same story, being the same way to all the people in your life and never fully going after the dream that is burning inside you? How many years are you making excuses for why you have not step up yet? How many people try to inspire you to step up and yet you tell them excuses after excuses of why you’re too old, why you’re too young, why you’re not educated enough, why you’re not smart enough, why you’re not good-looking enough, why you don’t have the experience, How many excuses have you made in your life that had held you from fully going after your purpose, you're missing your dream, the thing that brings the fire out of you and inspires those around you. How long and how much longer are you going to hold yourself back, lay small, play it safe, stay comfortable, not hurting one’s feelings. How much longer are you going to play a safe life and never ever doing anything that leaves a mark on this planet. This is your wake-up call, this is the moment you decide, you have a choice every single breath, every single time your heart beats. If you want to have a healthy lifestyle habits, start reading and researching about healthy lifestyle tips. Am I going to move towards my dreams or am I going to waste another breath, waste another heart beat and allow my fears? My insecurities, my stupid stories that I have going in my head over and over that I’m not worthy enough, that I’m not good enough, smart enough, that I’m not ready enough, that I don’t have enough experience holding me back? From fully opening your heart, expressing yourself and living like a human being on a mission to change whatever it is that you want to change and live the way you want to live. This is your wake-up call and you have a huge decision right now. If you want to make big money, then step up and make a move. Try looking for answers, maybe building home business to make money online is the answer, or maybe you can make money fast from home. There are online education learning available everywhere. It's really up to you when to grab it. I’m calling you forth to get out of your comfort zone, whatever you normally do on a day to day basis you’re going to do the complete opposite for the rest of this day. Live in modern lifestyle and feel your freedom. If your usually quiet, you’re going to be outrageous. You are going to be loud. If you usually loud and crazy you’re going to be reserved and quiet and you're going too open your ears which you never really opened and going to listen to the people around you. If you don’t feel worthy, you’re going to walk around like the worthiest person in the world. As if you’re so worthy and deserving that everything you want, feel and experience are just for you. If you dress conservatively, you’re going dress wild, if you dress wild you’re going to dress conservatively. Whatever is on your mind right now and you think that if you would do that I would be so crazy and uncomfortable you’re going to that the rest of this day because that is going to move you towards your dream. Whatever is on your mind, regardless how wild, how timid, how adventurous, how laid back, it will be totally fine because this is your chance to move towards your dream. Do what you want and do it for yourself. The only way you gonna get closer to your dream is doing things that are going to make you feel so freaking uncomfortable. You must be uncomfortable in order to achieve your dreams of living your ideal lifestyle, get the woman or men of your dreams. In order to have a family, the relationships, the health you want, you need to get uncomfortable. If you’re gonna stay comfortable this day that probably you’re gonna stay comfortable for the rest of your life, you have a choice, this is your wake-up call. What are you willing to do to get uncomfortable right now in order to start moving towards your dreams? What decision are you’re going to make right now in order to step up your life and move towards your dreams? Live fully, follow your dreams and make a worthy living, we can have it all in life, we can live a rich life              
Structure Goals and Make Your Plan
  In modern lifestyle, there's so much to do and time is so important, that's why structuring your goal and making your plan is the first thing we should do in order to leverage ourselves in reaching success.    
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      If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Goal setting will lead you to your success. We start with dreaming about ideal lifestyle, then we make a plan, we execute and finally harvest what we planted.       Step 1. Visualization    The first and most important step is to visualize what you want and to really understand what you want. Visualizing helps you identify possible steps you need to undergo as you try to reach your goal. It will boost your motivation as you see the picture of your ultimate goal. It also stimulates your creativity that allows you to create ideas. This is proven approach in order to achieve goals. As you know most companies have vision which they also entails to their employees. If you plan to build a home business, you must visualize the future. Why do you want to build an online business, is it just to make money online or to have a long term success where you can have financial freedom. It depends on goal but still visualizing it can help you achieve. Step 2. Assess your situation   Making an honest appraisal of your current situation is a very important way to assess your current situation. Analyzing helps you better understand all aspects of your goals from planning until reaching them. Allowing yourself to identify possible hiccups and how you could possibly avoid them. Say for example, a home business to make money online you must have an intelligent assessment of your current situation. Do you have the means? Do you know exactly where and how to invest money in online business? Never go to a battle without your weapon. Always be on top of your game.     Step 3. Formulate a plan   Formulate a plan on the basis of your current situation where you want to be and what options you have available to you. You go in a battle with all your weapons including your strategies. Making a plan will also serve as a guide and reminder for you to keep on track. You have now assessed your situation in building a home business, now you can start planning how to attack the situation. If there are challenges, how are you going to deal with them? Have you done your research through online education learning or read about online money investment topics. Plans will make you ready which will bring you to your success.     Step 4. Phrase your goals in small steps    No one is rushing you, every small steps you achieve is already an achievement and you should continue striving for your goal. If you aim to lessen your weight by undergoing physical exercises and strict diet, then every improvement you see and feel must serve as your motivation to continue. You are praising yourself for a job well done regardless how big or small the improvement was. If you have a home business, it's not magic to earn million dollars right away but appreciating every movement on your sales and setting it as a guide in making more money through your online business.   DON'T GIVE UP. This system can be applied anywhere as it helps also for you to really know what you want and make those aims concrete and tangible.         You can watch the full video here : Structure goals and make your plan  
To be successful, start with a the basic life goal.
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        Many people asked me what the secrets are behind achieving a goal in Life... And you are surely aware that most of the goals created are not fulfilled. Sometimes, it seems that we are living in a world of fantasy. Entertainment is the way most people use in order to escape from the happenings in the real world, well I’m really against it, Life and Time are so precious. Well, at least, some gain gratification (short term) from this form of entertainment… What about the reason behind this act of fantasy and the implications that they bring? You need to have an unbelievably responsive mind to be able to observe that you are always eliminating or adding something, which is the act of constantly fantasising. Living in a world of fantasy will not let you have a chance to see the real world as it is. If you go in dept you will know that your fear and greed is responsible. These are habitually the reasons behind the way most people react about life. I, myself like to dream and fantasize a lot, get out of seriousness, love to navigate through time and space imagining situations, what would be my life if I were living so and so, doing and having but then I say to myself, some of these could be reality and are achievable. My advise, don’t take everything to serious, believe in yourself, listen to your feelings (gut feelings) and analyze if it feels OK or not and most important, take action, every day one step froward… This is your life experience talking to you, called subconscious mind, just imagine everything you experienced until now, was it for nothing? Surely not, so what do you do with all this, you ask (or how do I apply this)? My response, listen to your inner voice, focus, don’t bullshit yourself, don’t lie to yourself, don’t get trapped in fantasy land, I mean I like being there but its also exciting to see what you can apply in this world. Like saying to yourself, what if I approach this situation in this way… you be surprised… I leave you thinking about this, back to our goals. What I learned is that sometimes what we want is the outcome or the feeling associated with that outcome, well this is a complex issue but it can be simple. We have tendency to complicate thing…first hand experience. It happens to me all the time, I must really put an effort to simplify tasks, the advantage is that you have a better overview of whats going on and change is easier, not to mention reactivity to situations. Very important, set up a system where you feel organized, where you find things easily, this will help clear your mind. Being a goal-oriented person will help you a lot in achieving the goals that you aspire in life. It has been given very much importance during the old times but later on its has become more and more loosen in our society, what I mean is we never talked more about it but never done less? If You want to learn more about the main purposes of being a goal-oriented person AND ACHIEVE, Welcome to the club! But before reaching your desired goals in life, setting them up first is essential for achieving and the long term view. It lets you concentrate and focus more on the long run objectives as it gives you the opportunity to think on how your present actions will affect your life in the near future. The things that you are doing now to develop yourself will surely determine who you will be and what kind of life are you going to have in the future. This is something that you should give enough importance as you go along in this process of attaining your goals and you must acquire a goal-mindset. Everyone has their own dreams and goals in life. But it is very apparent that most people just keep on dreaming and never tries to do something to attain those dreams. I, personally remind myself all the time, THIS IS MY LIFE! I’m responsible and everything I do will give me MY future, like a script in a film, I’m writing my script. We have 3 Main Projects / Courses and each one of them starts by knowing yourself better, its essential to pass this stage, no matter what you want to do in life. If you haven’t achieved your goals yet, you need to do something different in order to make your goals come true. Let me assure you that you have a greater power within you which surpasses your imagination. Lets discuss Visualization. The daily routine of visualizing the dreams that you have in life helps you in achieving such dreams, ambitions and goals in a faster way. Setting your goal can be a nice way for you in improving your performance because it stimulates you, reminds you, gives you a direction to follow. Have you ever been working for a goal within a short period of time limitation and confused on what you are about to focus, which often result to the not fulfilling your goal? And when that time comes, you wish that you have put in more effort in order to obtain that objective? Maybe the main reason for those failures is that you shifted your focus to the other things that interests you instead of the goal that you have, well its called distractions. Believe me, this world is full of distractions and wants to distract you, generally its hard to maintain focus all the time or at all. That's why visualization is essential, just try to imagine your goal in front of you all the time and like in a battle, just defend yourself but keep going, treat every distraction quickly and keep going, don’t give it to much attention, don’t fight to much, guard your energy, keep going, don’t let your goal out of sight, like your enemy is in front of you and peace or your goal behind, you must pass this battle. Well, I know what your thinking, why bother, let someone else fight! Because its your life! You have the privilege to be in this world and if you fight your fight its an unbelievable experience of achieving, helping others and gratitude, love and inner peace. You should have one goal at time only. Having much more, will confuse you and upon concentrating on one will make it difficult for you to achieve the other one. Just by leading your life you show others that you really can achieve something which they thought of being impossible. You will experience abundance and wealth (not only the physical!) that the other people never realize. Of course there is a lot more to say and to know about and Creating Goals, this is why its part of the LifeStyle Attitude Course and has a Chapter of his own, and as you probably aware this course in Evolutionary and will Grow.    
2 Steps to Stay on Track and Achieve Your Goals
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        Have you thought about what you really want to accomplish in life? Do you have any specific set of goals? Are you clear about how you can support your goals? How will you ensure you are following the desired path towards success? Thinking about staying on track to achieve your goals, LuoVita gives you the most efficient and proven to be effective steps to stay on track. It’s extremely easy to get veered of course, get wrapped up in the hassles of everyday life. Trust me, I know as I have faced the same. The real question is, with so many distractions in your vicinity, how do stay you on track? It’s crucial to have a “vision”, and strategy or realistic ambitions to achieve that. When your goals are clear, they become easier to fulfill. Have a look at your life. how does it feel? How is “today” panning out? At the end of the day, can you feel satisfied that you have done enough to reach your goals? No? Then, how do you stay on track?    
Here are 2 steps to stay on track towards your goals:
  1. Hire a coach or mentor   This is one effective way to stay on track towards what you desire in life.Your life coach can guide you in the right path. Their job is to help you overcome any sort of fear or self-doubt that may persist. They will tweak your game, arming you with added incentives and motivating your journey towards success. Most successful people have life coaches. From Oprah Winfrey, Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams to Leonardo Di Caprio, everyone has attributed their success to their life coach. There are various types of life coaches, providing guidance for weight loss, relationships, business etc. You just need to find the one that suits you the most. Now, if you cannot afford one, you can always turn to someone you trust. They will help ensure that you follow the desired path to reach your goals.   2.Join people that have a goal similar to yours   There are many individuals, or organizations in your own community, who might share you views, and your goals. If you can’t find one in your area, check online, or through social media. The more you get successful individuals, who share a common goal around you, the more pressing problems you will solve. You will improve your life and of those who share your expertise, and all of this is possible with the correct attitude, accelerating your steps towards your desired goal. You will become accountable, and also bringing in reinforcement. Think of your goal as a dream, albeit, with a deadline. When you gain that desired level of clarity, it automatically puts power behind your goals and ensures that you measure your progress more often and take appropriate actions. You are an amazing person, it's your life. No one should be in control of your own life other than you.    
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        I wish you a lot of courage, persistence and prosperous achievement, Life is Precious and Time is passing, don’t waste time anymore, its never to late, take it from me…   Jose    
  We ask ourselves what success in life means. Sometimes we tend to compare our life status with others to reassure we are doing just fine. Are there really best tips for achieving anything you want in life? Is it as easy as money management then you are already successful when you can make money working online.
    https://luovita.com/lifestyle-design-free-book/   https://luovita.com/develop-deep-insights-in-your-life-overcome-tough-times-and-discover-your-journey-to-a-better-life/   https://luovita.com/start-your-day-with-a-positive-powerful-approach-meditate-and-appreciate-who-you-are/   https://luovita.com/time-management-tips-and-strategies/   https://luovita.com/how-to-think-about-wealth-and-achieve-it/       Check out our shop with all these resources:  
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  Read the full article
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hopefulsweetszombie · 5 years
The Convenience Of Organic Cotton Baby Clothing - The Most Effective as well as The Majority Of Great
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This kind of sale might do best when you offer a number of different products as a "whole lot" public auction rather of offering specific pieces. Decoration items for your child's nursery can be fundamental items like lights and rugs or more details baby-themed pieces like mobiles and also wall surface hangings. Or invest some loan on a good present (as an example, a gift certification to a restaurant, health spa, or resort), and ask that visitors bring a specific thing (baby diapers, specific baby food) for a raffle ticket. Trying to find something particular? Trying To Find Free Infant Stuff? Our brands have actually been in the industry for two decades as well as we are always seeking to broaden our item offering with charming styles on our most preferred products, while additionally establishing entirely brand-new products that make your life simpler. These sales are generally held at the end of the year due to the fact that the shops have to remove their old stock as well as have to include the fresh supply. Marketing due to the fact that my 6 month old just suches as to rest on me! Marketing this high chair in good used condition require it gone as no more usage it. Offering because of not had fun with anymore! Discover our practical tools and guides such as our Due Day Calculator, Infant Labels Finder, Enjoyable Birthday Celebration Realities Calculator, or our Pregnancy Week-by-Week and Your Baby Today guides. The very first week home with a brand-new infant, particularly for a new mom, can be intimidating. Obtained a Baby, Baby-on-the-way, or recognize somebody that does? This practice would certainly not just get you well connected, you'll likewise have the ability to obtain beneficial guidance and also tips from people who have been in the industry much longer than you. Stay in the loop with our most recent parenting information, helpfull suggestions and also time or quantitily restricted giveaway's. It's time to go on an economical shopping spree and also load up on Free Child Stuff! Keep reading to find the most effective roundup of complimentary baby stuff. Lights function best with low-wattage bulbs unless it's the only source of light in the area. Speaking as a person that likes sites, and also suches as techy points I discover Magento quite a battle getting every little thing to interact. It's because when you click some web sites, they instantly download tracking programs and malware onto your disk drive so they can monitor your internet task, as well as then pound you with spam and popups. Free of charge baby books, visit this site for an excellent Dr. Seuss offer! Right here are simply a couple of ways you can discover to reduce on your grocery bill. Child Growth Charts-- Free templates to track your infant's growth in 12 different means (consists of Word file, Excel spreadsheet and also PDF). Pregnancy Belly Badges-- You can track your pregnancy weekly or monthly. The financial institution will then utilize your money to finance a charge card account that an additional consumer opens, and also she or he will pay 18% interest on any balance rollovered to their following regular monthly bill. I am impressed when I go to the food store the amount of times people are spending a lot even more cash than myself as well as obtaining half the quantity of stuff I have within my cart. The heavyweight brand firms will oftentimes send full size examples in phases, as your youngster grows.
free baby stuff 2019
Similac Formula & & More-- Free examples of Similac child formula, plus lots of other enjoyable stuff. It's ideal for holding your free sample of Gerber baby formula, free child bib, as well as much more. Can be relocated about whilst infant sleeps, guests do not need to maintain holding child as cushion can simply be relocated whilst infant rests! The love and joy of providing birth as well as holding our youngsters differs anything really felt before. He admits that his "globe is insane ", which his love passion is the someone who can make it bearable. Actually they will certainly be a terrific selection for moms and dads that are trying to make their children look charming as well as unique. I prefer Pampers Pure as a wipe choice. Anyhow, this Pampers advert followed the advert in inquiry. She maintained me speaking for around 10 minutes throughout which time she referred me to this certain TV advert an additional 4 times, and also each time I assured her I had actually not seen it since I do not enjoy television. Tv assists us wind down - or does it? It likewise assists that numerous are likewise relatively easy to fix. We wish our store helps bring simplicity to your life throughout this roller-coaster time. It would take up every one of your time and also you are liable for the life of one more human. Also some healthcare facilities offer diaper nags and also child containers so that the new mommy can have a relief for the moment simply after discharging from the healthcare facility with the little angel in her life. I can offer you the guarantee from my personal experience that such items enhance the satisfaction by providing more relief. As I have personal experience with the accuracy of available graphes that might be found throughout the Web, I am supplying this details right here, instead of connecting to a graph online. While parenting is such a costly experience for most of us, why not take pleasure in something that comes completely free. Why not make a little added and also provide them as presents? The styles of changing tables vary from kinds with open shelving to ones with drawers and also closet area, suitable for keeping added baby diapers, baby wipes, linens as well as various other needs. Cushion pads These pads offer an additional layer of security to your child's bed linen. When it comes time to convert, you'll need to just potentially purchase guardrails or full-size rails, as well as probably a bigger cushion. I don't intend to waist my time going from website to website simply for one tiny cost-free example. Enfamil Present Load-- Take this certificate to the healthcare facility with you to receive your free sample of newborn formula and also even more. This message shares how to get free child stuff, consisting of the most effective sources for infant and newborn stuff, and also free stuff for babies of all ages! Almost all of the larger store and mall stores consist of a kindly proportioned variety of infant apparel with small blossoms and rabbits for the girls, and small footballs and also vehicles for the children. What one must remember is that a child is a lot more priceless than any kind of price and such fashionable apparel can just be acquired at large brand named stores. For the infant gift basket, some ideas they suggest is to produce your very own baby gift basket or go for the timeless apparel infant gift basket where you can never go wrong.
Believe outside the box, it's just the child that is small, your present alternatives are infinite. Most parents recognize that there are just so numerous stuff that they would certainly require to obtain for their baby. Expecting mothers, as well as even Fathers-to-be, ought to be smart in intending on exactly how they can obtain the most effective for their infants without spending way too much. A committed child transforming table and also area for nappy modifications is a need to when planning your baby room space. Create a nursery space ideal for your infant to sleep so, they'll be able to get all the remainder they call for to assist boost their development as well as regain their energy. Story books are excellent too, enabling parents to get more bonded with their youngster while attempting to make their little one loss asleep. As your baby gets a little older as well as starts exploring, all set your house and make it baby-proof with our selection of house security products, safety gates as well as playpens which are easy to configuration as well as store away. Arrangement an infant screen to provide you satisfaction while your infant is taking a snooze when you are not in the very same space. This is the factor for which you should remember regarding numerous variables prior to having any type of progression with the nursery. Aid the new parents stimulate their infant's mind by providing educational toys, that are developed to aid create the baby's mind. Several of them feature a strong colored sheet and a sheet with designs on it while several of them are the exact same color or design. These can be combined to match your infant's sheets or be an entirely different color or layout. Our choice of soft toys, musical toys and rattles implies that you can quickly find something for your youngster to enjoy that's likewise engaging. You will certainly love the broad range of design and colors - done in trendy child clothes dimensions. Whether you're preparing yourself to invite a newborn right into the globe and looking for nursery items or searching for baby playthings, maternity clothing and accessories as well as various other nursery items we have a great choice of infant basics. At the minimum you can discover child diaper examples, however a majority of sellers supply welcome baby bundles for their consumers, if they simply understand where to join. This implies, that in order for you to take advantage of complimentary examples, then you need to actively locate new deals before they are retired by the item supplier. Excellent problem, exceptionally clean as well as in complete working order. They likewise utilize such marketing device in order to increase the sales of toys, as an example, during off peak periods. You are the one to take advantage of their sales endeavors. One of things that we did was look in the source coding. To assist you select the right vehicle seat or booster for you youngster by having a look at our youngster's safety seat guide. For days out and concerning in the vehicle, a child safety seat is a vital. Often, as well, all weve gotten out of it was a day away from home.
So weve obtained torsion as an issue. From huge purchases like baby room furnishings and also bottle-feeding equipment to smaller sized products like diapers and also burp fabrics, you can locate everything you require for your brand-new child at Every Day Affordable Price at Walmart. The cash you invest on diapers is horrendous and you can expect to be shelling it out for quite time. Oh, hey, when do you believe the new Individuals publication will come out? If you're anticipating an infant, then you've most definitely concerned the ideal place! When it comes to preparing for the arrival of a new infant, there's a whole lot to think concerning to obtain your house ready for a newborn. Free product is not just limited for your new kid on the block you can additionally obtain points for yourself, your other youngsters, your partner as well as also for your residence. Great for new parents, grandparents, also good friends of the household to send out to alert others of the brand-new arrival! Baby Cards-- Free cards that you can publish as well as send to family and friends to invite them to your child shower or reveal your baby's arrival. Rating a deal for on your own, or cache the perfect Free Baby Shower present with these Infant Freebies for New Moms! There's something suitable for all phases of your child's advancement from items for warming up containers to food blender or food processors perfect to make food for discouraging. The child shower is the perfect time to obtain your buddy child needs and also stuff she might not have actually had time to purchase yet. It is not very easy to find a trustworthy wholesale dropship infant clothes provider as it may seems in the beginning glance. However, you might have a difficulty in defining which dimension fits your baby precisely. However, although these articles are being given free of charge, you are still ensured of checking out considerable access. I have actually directly provided numerous of these products as gifts to brand-new moms, and they ENJOY them! Milk supplements are likewise provided even to lactating mothers. Save precious time when it involves prepping milk for evening time feeds or baby food with infant feeding devices. Making your very own infant food is basic, practical, as well as can conserve you money. So don't set up web pages, invest time and loan getting them excellent Public Relations and also after that, while revamping your website, eliminate those pages. Good problem. Clean. From a non smoking as well as no pet dog residence. Complete working problem. Family pet and smoke cost-free house. Made use of yet in great problem From a smoke as well as family pet cost-free residence This is a well liked and taken care of pram system and also I am sad to see this go. Intend to miss best to the great things? There are 2,546 baby stuff vendors, generally situated in Asia. Likewise, if the entire internet site is just an enormous ad for the digital book the webmaster has actually composed, you are not actually mosting likely to begin an Internet organisation, yet simply acquire a publication. You're mosting likely to LIKE these! Theyre not cysts yet Im mosting likely to mention them; uterus fibroids or uterine myomas, and pelvic kidneys.
0 notes
muhtalqawe · 5 years
The Comfort Of Organic Cotton Infant Clothing - The Best and also The Majority Of Great
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This kind of sale might do best when you offer a number of different products as a "great deal" auction rather than selling specific pieces. Decor things for your baby's baby room can be basic items like lights as well as carpets or even more particular baby-themed items like mobiles and wall hangings. Or invest some cash on a wonderful gift (for example, a gift certification to a restaurant, health club, or hotel), and ask that visitors bring a specific item (baby diapers, details infant food) in exchange for a raffle ticket. Looking for something certain? Looking for Free Infant Stuff? Our brand names have been in the industry for 2 decades and also we are constantly seeking to expand our product offering with cute styles on our most prominent products, while additionally developing entirely new products that make your life less complicated. These sales are normally held at the end of the year because the shops have to remove their old stock as well as need to make room for the fresh supply. Marketing because my 6 month old only suches as to sleep on me! Selling this high chair in great utilized problem require it gone as no more usage it. Selling due to not had fun with anymore! Discover our helpful tools as well as overviews such as our Due Date Calculator, Infant Names Finder, Enjoyable Birthday Truths Calculator, or our Pregnancy Week-by-Week as well as Your Baby Today overviews. The very first week house with a brand-new infant, particularly for a brand-new mother, can be discouraging. Obtained a Child, Baby-on-the-way, or know somebody who does? This method would not only get you well linked, you'll additionally have the ability to get useful recommendations as well as pointers from individuals that have actually remained in the sector much much longer than you. Remain in the loop with our newest parenting news, helpfull suggestions as well as time or quantitily restricted free gift's. It's time to take place an economical shopping spree and also lots up on Free Child Things! Continue reading to discover the very best roundup of complimentary child stuff. Lamps function best with low-wattage bulbs unless it's the only source of light in the space. Speaking as somebody that likes web sites, and suches as techy things I find Magento quite a struggle getting every little thing to interact. It's because when you click some web sites, they instantly download and install tracking programs and malware onto your difficult drive so they can monitor your internet activity, and afterwards pound you with spam and also popups. For free infant books, go here for a terrific Dr. Seuss deal! Right here are just a couple of ways you can discover to cut back on your grocery store costs. Child Growth Charts-- Free templates to track your infant's development in 12 various methods (includes Word paper, Excel spread sheet and PDF). Maternity Tummy Badges-- You can track your maternity once a week or regular monthly. The bank will after that use your cash to fund a credit score card account that one more customer opens up, and she or he will certainly pay 18% passion on any type of equilibrium lugged over to their following month-to-month expense. I am impressed when I most likely to the grocery store just how numerous times people are spending so much even more money than myself as well as obtaining half the quantity of stuff I have within my cart. The large name brand business will certainly typically times send out full size samples in stages, as your child expands.
free baby stuff 2019
Similac Formula & & More-- Free examples of Similac infant formula, plus lots of other enjoyable things. It's ideal for holding your totally free sample of Gerber baby formula, free infant bib, and also more. Can be moved whilst infant rests, guests do not require to keep holding child as cushion can just be moved whilst baby rests! The love and also joy of offering birth and also holding our youngsters differs anything really felt in the past. He admits that his "world is insane ", which his love passion is the a single person who can make it manageable. Actually they will be a wonderful choice for moms and dads that are attempting to make their youngsters look charming as well as one-of-a-kind. I choose Pampers Pure as a wipe selection. Anyhow, this Pampers advert complied with the advert in concern. She kept me talking for about 10 mins during which time she referred me to this specific TELEVISION advert a more 4 times, as well as each time I ensured her I had actually not seen it since I don't view tv. Tv assists us wind down - or does it? It additionally assists that numerous are likewise relatively easy to fix. We wish our store assists bring simplicity to your life throughout this roller-coaster time. It would certainly occupy every one of your time and also you are in charge of the life of an additional human being. Also some medical facilities provide diaper nags and infant bottles to make sure that the new mother can have an alleviation for the minute following releasing from the hospital with the baby in her life. I can provide you the assurance from my personal experience that such items improve the satisfaction by giving extra alleviation. As I have individual experience with the accuracy of offered charts that might be discovered all over the Web, I am offering this details right here, instead of linking to a graph online. While parenting is such a costly experience for a lot of us, why not appreciate something that comes for FREE. Why not make a little additional and offer them as presents? The styles of changing tables vary from kinds with open shelving to ones with drawers and cabinet space, ideal for storing additional baby diapers, infant wipes, linens as well as various other requirements. Cushion pads These pads supply an added layer of protection to your baby's bed linens. When it comes time to transform, you'll require to just possibly purchase guardrails or full-size rails, and also possibly a larger mattress. I do not wish to waist my time going from site to website just for one small cost-free example. Enfamil Gift Pack-- Take this certificate to the medical facility with you to receive your complimentary example of newborn formula and also even more. This message shares how to break out child stuff, including the finest resources for baby as well as newborn things, and cost-free stuff for infants of any ages! Almost all of the bigger store and mall stores consist of a kindly proportioned variety of baby garments with little blossoms and bunnies for the women, and also small footballs and lorries for the children. What one must bear in mind is that a child is a lot more priceless than any type of rate tags as well as such stylish apparel can only be obtained at large brand name named shops. For the child gift basket, some ideas they suggest is to develop your very own child present basket or opt for the timeless clothes infant present basket where you can never go incorrect.
Assume outside the box, it's just the baby that is tiny, your present alternatives are endless. A lot of moms and dads understand that there are so many things that they would certainly need to obtain for their child. Anticipating moms, and even Fathers-to-be, need to be wise in intending on just how they can obtain the very best for their infants without spending way too much. A devoted baby altering table and area for nappy adjustments is a should when preparing your baby room room. Produce a nursery room appropriate for your infant to rest so, they'll be able to get all the remainder they require to assist boost their development as well as regain their energy. Story books are perfect also, permitting parents to get more adhered with their youngster while attempting to make their kid go to sleep. As your baby gets a little older and also begins discovering, all set your residence and make it baby-proof with our choice of house safety products, safety entrances as well as playpens which are simple to setup and store away. Configuration a child screen to give you tranquility of mind while your baby is sleeping when you are not in the exact same room. This is the reason for which you must bear in mind concerning various factors before having any progress with the nursery. Help the new parents stimulate their child's mind by supplying instructional toys, that are designed to help establish the baby's mind. Some of them feature a strong tinted sheet as well as a sheet with designs on it while some of them coincide color or design. These can be matched to match your child's sheets or be an entirely different color or design. Our choice of soft toys, music playthings and rattles indicates that you can easily locate something for your child to enjoy that's likewise engaging. You will enjoy the broad range of colors and also styles - all in stylish child garments sizes. Whether you're preparing to welcome a newborn into the world and seeking baby room items or surfing for infant toys, pregnancy garments as well as devices as well as various other baby room items we have a great choice of child fundamentals. At least you can locate child diaper samples, but a bulk of sellers use welcome baby plans for their customers, if they just recognize where to join. This means, that in order for you to gain from complimentary examples, then you have to actively locate new deals prior to they are retired by the product maker. Exceptional problem, extremely clean as well as in full functioning order. They additionally make use of such advertising device in order to raise the sales of toys, for example, during off peak periods. You are the one to gain from their sales endeavors. Among the things that we did was take a look in the source coding. To help you choose the right safety seat or booster for you child by taking a look at our kid's safety seat overview. For days out and concerning in the vehicle, an infant child seat is a crucial. In some cases, as well, all weve obtained out of it was a day far from residence.
So weve obtained torsion as a complication. From large acquisitions like nursery furniture and also bottle-feeding equipment to smaller sized products like baby diapers and burp fabrics, you can discover every little thing you require for your brand-new child at Each day Low Cost at Walmart. The loan you invest in diapers is shocking as well as you can expect to be shelling it out for fairly a long time. Oh, hi, when do you assume the brand-new Individuals publication will appear? If you're anticipating an infant, then you've certainly pertained to the right location! When it concerns preparing for the arrival of a new child, there's a great deal to think concerning to get your home prepared for a newborn. Free merchandise is not just restricted for your brand-new arrival you can likewise get points for yourself, your other children, your spouse and also for your house. Great for brand-new parents, grandparents, even pals of the family members to send out to notify others of the new arrival! Printable Infant Cards-- Free cards that you can print as well as send out to loved ones to invite them to your child shower or introduce your infant's arrival. Score a deal for on your own, or stash away the perfect Free Child Shower gift with these Child Freebies for New Moms! There's something ideal for all phases of your kid's advancement from products for warming up containers to food blenders best to make food for weaning. The child shower is the ideal time to obtain your buddy baby demands and things she might not have actually had time to buy yet. It is difficult to find a reliable wholesale dropship baby clothes distributor as it may seems at first look. Nonetheless, you might have a challenge in defining which dimension fits your child precisely. Nonetheless, even though these write-ups are being provided free of charge, you are still ensured of reading considerable entrances. I have actually personally given many of these products as gifts to brand-new mamas, and also they LOVE them! Milk supplements are likewise offered also to lactating mothers. Conserve priceless time when it comes to prepping milk for evening time feeds or child food with child feeding accessories. Making your own baby food is basic, practical, as well as can conserve you loan. So don't install web pages, hang around as well as cash getting them good Public Relations and afterwards, while redesigning your site, eliminate those pages. Great problem. Clean. From a non smoking cigarettes and also no pet house. Full working problem. Pet and smoke cost-free residence. Used however in great condition From a smoke and pet complimentary residence This is a well liked as well as looked after pram system and I am unfortunate to see this go. Intend to miss best to the great stuff? There are 2,546 baby things vendors, generally situated in Asia. Similarly, if the whole web site is nothing yet an enormous ad for the book the webmaster has actually composed, you are not really going to begin an Internet business, yet merely buy a publication. You're going to LIKE these! Theyre not cysts but Im going to state them; uterus fibroids or uterine myomas, and pelvic kidneys.
0 notes
purplesurveys · 4 years
What was the brand of your first ever cell phone? It was a Nokia. What are your 3 favorite internet sites? Mmm at the moment it would be Twitter, YouTube... and Twitter? Hahaha I don’t typically go on a bunch of sites these days.
Do you have a favorite pair of blue jeans? Describe them. Yeah my current favorite are my mom jeans. They’re high-waisted, fit but not skinny, they’re basically really comfy to wear and they go well with every top. What profession do you respect? All jobs are worthy of respect but at the moment I particularly admire the frontliners from doctors and nurses to grocery clerks to janitors. All fucking badass in their own ways. Have you ever been the recipient of a practical joke? Minor ones in the past. Was never a fan.
Have you ever ate something you've dropped on the floor, if so what? Yep. I always eat food I drop on the floor/ground but the one time it ended up being nasty for me was when I dropped a couple of siomai, picked them up and ate them, and they turned out to have a bit of gravel already D: Would you consider being an Uber driver if you needed to make extra money? Yeah why not? The job sounds pretty cool honestly. I’d love to earn money just by driving and still helping people in the process. How do you know when you're in love, what's the main sign? I stare. I do it secretly, but I still stare. That or I act increasingly aloof around them. Have you ever gotten anything autographed, if so by who & what was it? I didn’t watch them put an autograph on it but I’ve bought something that was personally signed at some point. I got a signed AJ Lee poster that was being sold on WWE Shop. Do you prefer Walmart or Target? I wouldn’t know which one is better or has more stuff. What do you long for? Restaurant food. Window shopping. Taking strolls at the mall. DRIVING. If you could be a personal assistant to anyone, who would it be? I wanna say Beyoncé but I feel like I’d just be intimidated by her? Lmao  so I’d go with Chrissy Teigen. I want someone who’s gonna be as clumsy as I am. What is the most important thing you can do to improve yourself? Go to a therapist or psychiatrist, for a start. What makes it hard for you to keep your focus? Usually it’s social media. When I’m working I always have to have Twitter and/or Facebook either open in existing tabs, or I open tabs to quickly check them every ten minutes or so and then close them. Do you think society has become too PC (politically correct)? Yeah but I honestly don’t mind it because it at least means people are taking steps in becoming more sensitive. What tragic love story do you relate to? I dunno, I haven’t had a tragic relationship experience myself. If anything though the plot of Hello Love Goodbye hits home quite hard. Has your intuition or "gut" served you well? Ugh, quite often. And it’s always my gut feeling for worst case scenarios that turn out to be true, which sucks even more. What's the longest you've ever waited in line for something and what was it? Driver’s license. Took seven hours lining up for the damn thing. Who is your favorite model? HAHAHAHAHAHA I always stay quiet about this cos she’s such an unpopular choice, but I really have a bias for Kendall Jenner byeeeeeeeeee. But Kiko Mizuhara is beautiful, too. What have you done that is out of character for you? Take up an externals VP position. I’ve never been the type, but I took on the job because no one else would take it and I didn’t want my org to die. Would you rather get a gift card or a gift that someone bought for you? Honestly it’s the thought that counts. If they believed I’d love a gift card to somewhere I like like a bookstore, I’d love it. If they bought me something they remembered me in, I’d love it just as much. Who is the most visionary person in your life & how do they inspire you? Gabie. She’s just so hardworking, so ambitious, she takes no shit and it’s all I want to see in people. How do you handle a betrayal? Cutting ties. What do you feel strong enough to protest about? The current administration in general, anything that aims to glorify the piece of shit that was Ferdinand Marcos, media censorship or journalist killings, any anti-poor policy. What's the biggest blooper you've never lived down? The one time we were playing Heads Up and instead of saying puto bumbong I said puto bimbing. It’s ALLLLLLLWAYS brought up to me at family reunions, and honestly it’s pretty damn funny so I laugh along with my relatives hahaha. I’m trying to think of an equivalent in English so you can understand how ridiculous it sounds in Filipino and it’s pretty much on the same tier as that viral post that talks about how they said “Are you fucking sorry?!” when they wanted to say “Are you okay?” but also “I’m fucking sorry” at the same time HAHAHAH If you owned a restaurant what kind of food do you want to serve? Probably Mexican or Tex-Mex comfort food. It seems to be a hit in Filipino markets and it has similar ingredients to our own food. What will we find if we look in the bottom of your closet today? A buuuunch of old books that were assigned readings to me in grade school and high school, children’s encyclopedias, some book series I’ve had since I was a kid, other lesser-known short novels. So books, basically. What kind of car did you learn how to drive on? In driving school I was taught in a sedan, but when I was done with the classes I practiced some more in my current car, a hatchback. What is the best thing you have done just because you were told you can't? Cutting class. Have you ever had to go to court or testify and if so what for? Nope. Do you believe in karma? Sure. Not in a religious way, but the idea that people who do shitty stuff have their ass handed back to them at some point in the future is a comforting thought. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right thing? Doing the right thing, as someone who’s afraid of punishment or getting caught lmao. Do you believe in the term "Mother knows best?” Not always. My mom can be pretty tone-deaf about a number of stuff. Who is your favorite movie action hero? Not a fan of action and not a fan of superheroes. What is one thing you can get in your hometown you can't get elsewhere? My city always makes me feel nostalgic and getting to the top is always magical. I’ve never felt the same anywhere else. How important are looks in someone you're in a relationship with? Pretty important but it’s not everything. I had a crush on Gabie mainly because of her looks but I also considered dating Mike even though I didn’t find him good-looking, so it varies. What freedom do you feel is not really free anymore? LMAO going to the fucking washroom. I dunno the situation anywhere else but some high-end malls in Manila will CHARGE you ₱5 or ₱10 for going to their washrooms. Like what the fuck?????? It’s so ridiculously pretentious that I completely avoid those malls out of sheer annoyance. What are you most thankful for? It’s gonna sound so privileged but at this point I’m grateful I have a roof under my head, parents who can afford to feed us as many times in a day as we’d like, and a comfortable home. You have to understand how my country is very behind in terms of living conditions, so anyone living in a legit house who can eat 2-3 times a day and doesn’t even think about receiving relief goods is already insanely lucky. Do you have any favorite talk shows or talk radio programs without music? Not really. I do have a favorite radio show but they still play music in between. What was the last book you read? Fast Food Nation - had to read it for a class. What's your favorite online store? I think I’ve gotten most of my purchases from Lazada. What band would you love to tour with or be a roadie for? Paramore. What's your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Depends. I’m ok with water most days but when I wanna treat myself I go for a crazy sweet milkshake. How do you feel about thrift shops or flea markets? Cool! There are plenty hidden gems in those. What do you like to put gravy on? Rustic fried chicken. Have you ever gone canoeing/kayaking? Yeah, we canoed in Palawan. It was one of the most calming experiences ever and I’m really itching to do it again.
What one thing in particular makes you feel good about yourself? Right now it’s how great I look with bangs hahahahaha. I can’t believe I didn’t get these sooner. What is priceless to you? My 12 year old dog relearning how to go down the stairs. What do you wait for discount sales to buy? I don’t really pay attention to discounts. What is one thing you know about your family history you're proud of? How inclined most of my ancestors were towards history. The phrase “runs in the blood” has never felt truer.
What 3 songs will always be found at the top of your playlist? Pool by Paramore, From Eden by Hozier, and I Saw You In A Dream by The Japanese House. What is the craziest thing you've ever done for someone? Drive through punishing Metro Manila traffic to surprise my girlfriend for all of five minutes, then head to school for my class. Do you keep a budget? Nah. With my weekly allowance I just try to save as much as I can every week. If you could cast a spell on someone what spell would you cast and on who? Nothing evil. I just want my girlfriend to be appear beside me because I haven’t seen her in a month now. What makes you feel rested and refreshed? A nap? Because isn’t that what naps do? Lmao What is the funniest joke you have ever heard about? I’ve encountered funny ones but I can’t seem to think of any right now. Who depends on you the most? Idk, my parents probably. Could you ever be someone's bodyguard? Nah. Has one of your biggest fears come true? I don’t really have a fear that’s a scenario, so no. Is there anything about the opposite sex you just don't understand? Why they get so fragile when someone criticizes what’s wrong with some men. Have you ever let your mom or significant other fight a battle for you? I haven’t let Gabie do it for me but I’ve always considered the idea just in case something I’m involved with blows up too much. Did you create a checklist for your ideal spouse? Nah, it’s so unrealistic. If so, what were two things you wanted? Have you ever ridden on a subway or train and what did you like about it? I’ve ridden a train once. And it wasn’t even during rush hour so I didn’t get the authentic experience haha. It was cold in the train, not a lot of people in it, and I felt like a tourist the whole time. What song on your playlist gets played the most? I have multiple playlists and each have their most-played songs. Have you ever received a harsher punishment than you deserved? Hate punishments and always try to do the right thing to avoid them, so I can’t remember the last time I actually got punished. Do you prefer sporty or academic members of the opposite sex? Lmaoooo the usage of ‘members’ here is hilarious, like being a woman is being part of an organization sksk. I don’t mind what they’re into, as long as it’s not disturbing. Do you have to experience something to fully understand it? That’s what I prefer, personally. Has anyone in your family ever served in the military? Yeah my great-grandfather was a World War II general. What embarrasses you instantly? Slipping, falling, or tripping. Do you think you could be a firefighter, why/why not? It’s what I wanted to be growing up but nah I’m not fit for it. You have to have incredible strength to be a firefighter and I can barely lift anything heavy. I also have a low tolerance for pain/discomfort, so there’s that. Oh and the fact that I’m afraid of FIRE. Do you often read your horoscope? I never read about my horoscope. What current event are you tired of hearing about? I’m tired of our president calling for a stupid state of the nation address almost every fucking night at 10 PM that’s always filled with empty words and absolutely no concrete plans to address the virus. I can’t stress this enough - Y’ALL ARE INSANELY!!! LUCKY!!! WITH YOUR GOVERNMENTS!!!!!!!!! Are you a daredevil? Far from it. I prefer being a goody two shoes. What common pitfalls do you find yourself dealing with in your work life? Don’t have work yet. Are you related to anyone famous or historical, if so who? Yes for historical. I’ve already listed them down and what they did in old surveys; I don’t really wanna get into it again right now. Would you ever donate a kidney to anyone, and who? Yep. For best friends, close friends, and friends in desperate cases. How do you encourage yourself when you go through hard times? I think about how far I’ve come or how I’ve never failed anything I’ve had to face or come across. Have you ever fired a gun? Never. I really want to though! I’d love to go to a shooting range after the shitstorm that is this quarantine. How are you different from most people? I dunno. But don’t we have our own ways of being different? What is the main quality you think makes a great parent? Apologizing to your kids if you’re the one who’s wrong. What creature do you admire for its ability to adapt? Cockroaches, even though I think they’re pieces of shit and are ugly. Have you ever stayed up for an entire 24 hours, why? No, I wouldn’t dare. I get very cranky when I lack sleep, so I don’t wanna test my limits by going 24 hours without it. Who is a female role model in your life? Don’t really believe in role models but the closest thing I have as an inspiration is AJ Lee/April Mendez. What childhood dreams have you neglected? This sounds so tragic lmao but there are a couple I’ve had to come to terms with that they’re just not realistic, like being an astronaut or a vet. How often do you reevaluate your life? Not a lot; I don’t really focus on that because it would only make me anxious. What's your favorite place just to hang out? Skywalk, my org’s common area. What gives you a zest for life? Idk, good news? What three things do you think of most of each day? What I have to do for the day, making sure all the bullets in my to-do list are met, going home to my dog at the end of the day.   Would you travel to space if possible? For sure. Name a famous person you wouldn't mind for a business partner. Jay-Z.
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kaitlynnivison-blog · 7 years
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The atom's type envisioned by our team is not its personal creation yet that within this, certainly not only earth however eternities also provide in their own way. Among the means to accomplish this is actually to participate in a club in the organisation that has the assistants/ the front desk staffs as a member. That's the base for a productive service - possessing a brilliantly crystal clear perspective that provides implying to all you do. Calculate whether they absolutely are actually serious and also possess the funds as well as the time to obtain excellence, then assist them through as well as ask them to view the Fantastic Settlement DVD on the internet. Due to the extra faceting as well as the effects this creates, they are actually normally even more fantastic as well as sparkly in comparison to average square diamonds. 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Some of the techniques to perform this is to join a club in the company that has the assistants/ the front desk staffs as a member. That's the groundwork for a successful service - possessing a wonderfully clear perspective that gives indicating to all you perform. Simple in concept, but certainly not therefore basic in request ... unless your marketing pays attention to those key elements that produce the variation in between unsatisfactory marketing outcomes and also brilliant marketing end results. Coziness from sun light assists in development of plant development and also procreation from several creatures on planet earth. If higher interpretation television series are in show over their televisions, individuals can readily check. Dazzling speakers don't only get up one morning to locate on their own consulting with the quality as well as peace of mind required to astound a viewers. By utilizing this website, you accept the Relations to Make use of and also Privacy Plan Wikipedia ® is an enrolled hallmark from the Wikimedia Structure, Inc Flowing motion, round motion in complete leave to love, lifestyle, being actually the only thing that is actually, co-creating new scrumptious paths from paradise disclosed in the world. When the site possesses the food catering resource, there are various firms that deliver brilliant solutions from serving Canberra however this is much better. In Polar Regions from earth magnetic storms are actually recognized to appear whose illumination is imagined as Aurora Borealis. Yes, I understand much of the items are simply garbage as well as don't operate as promoted, yet industrying on its own is just fantastic. You should see the Fantastic Compensation video to understand about the ONLINE MARKETING business as well as why are actually folks paid out therefore well while doing it. That is presented as a Third Party point of view from 2 men which strolls the talk, Mr Tim Purchases and also Dr Charles King. However, when our company consider that the volume from electricity that hits the earth is actually simply 1360 Watts per gauge, as well as the area from Superman's skin is around 1.4 gauges (the like a sizable man), after that that seems very clear that he certainly there merely isn't really enough power readily available to make up his world-wrecking strength, his nuclear-furnace heat energy sight, the basically secure bioelectric area that represents his longevity, and also the range of his various other energies. However today it is our bad luck that human fantastic skill instead of acquiring immersed in innovative supreme ventures is actually more and more being ill-treated for mass destruction objectives. This was actually the excellence of the around great encouraged cutters to try out other forms along with the great cut. Aside from this, the patterns as well as earnings analysis of the international Coomassie great blue R250 market has been actually stated within this document. . Based on its program comparable to a trained painter he has actually paintinged along with colors all products on earth and also hence showcases his thoughts astounding creativity. There are actually additionally various other company present suggestions which you might utilize to recognize any attempt from any sort of employee. In the eyes of power concentrating scientists planet is a sphere loaded with magnetic pressure.
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gbhw1hec · 7 years
New Post has been published on Get BlackHat World
New Post has been published on http://www.getblackhatworld.com/get-giftly-well-show-you-how-to-create-something-simple-in-less-than-20-minutes-that-you-can-give-away-for-free-and-make-362-90-by-tomorrow-download/
[GET] Giftly We'll Show You How To Create Something Simple In Less Than 20 Minutes That You Can Give Away For FREE And Make $362.90 By Tomorrow DOWNLOAD
[GET] Giftly We’ll Show You How To Create Something Simple In Less Than 20 Minutes That You Can Give Away For FREE And Make $362.90 By Tomorrow DOWNLOAD
If You Want To Make More Money, Just Repeat This Newbie-Friendly Method As Often As You Want…
(We make at least $256.07 every time we do this – And it takes just a few minutes to set this up) 
It was a Thursday afternoon, and Mosh was planning to take a long weekend with the family.
After all, that’s why we do this Internet Marketing thing, right?
Sure, making money is great, but having the time to do the things we want to do is priceless…
Long story short, Mosh was in a hurry.
Instead of doing what he normally does on Thursday afternoons in his business, which takes a little time…
He totally decided to shortcut everything…
So he spent 20 minutes making a simple document.
Now, this is nothing fancy.
Didn’t require any design skills.
It wasn’t much different than writing an email, but it WASN’T an email…
Mosh then gave this simple document away using a FREE traffic source…
Shut down his laptop…
And left for a long weekend with the family…
The next day, Mosh felt a little guilty for taking a shortcut in his business, so he decided to check his daily stats and see how bad it all was…
He Was Shocked To See That He Banked $362.90 In Less Than 24 Hours!!
Hi there… Jason Fulton here with Mosh Bari…
When Mosh originally showed me this, I almost didn’t believe him.
Of course, Mosh is one of the most honest, straightforward guys I know, so I let him show me what he was doing…
I couldn’t believe what he was showing me.
This was SO simple.
I wondered why I had never thought of something like this myself.
I wanted in on this, so I gave it a try…
The First Time I Did This I Made $168.37…
Not bad.
Of course, if it’s not repeatable, who cares?
So I Did It Again And Made Even More…
And Again I Spent A Few Minutes On This, Gave Something Away For FREE, And Made Bank!
                                    The best part about this was that it didn’t take much time at all.
                                      Mosh’s shortcut truly was a time-saver and actually made  
                                      something that many people struggle with, extremely simple.
                                      Not to mention, getting paid to GIVE something away that 
                                 actually helps people out is very rewarding…
I knew Mosh had a winner, and I begged him to work with me to release this to the public…
This BRAND NEW Method Is Perfect For Newbies And Struggling Marketers Because…
It’s really brand new… NO BS – You haven’t seen this… ever!
You don’t need any special skills or equipment… Anyone can do this
You don’t need a product or a list to get started…
You can use a really simple FREE traffic strategy to get this going…
You get paid by giving something away that actually helps people…
Spend 20 minutes today… make money by tomorrow!
Because there is ZERO chance of this ever getting saturated, Mosh agreed, and we bundled everything up into an easy-to-follow system that anyone can use to quickly profit…
Introducing… Giftly
We call this Giftly, for obvious reasons… It’s because you get paid to GIVE something away… and the best part is… it only takes you a few minutes to create this simple document.
Here’s What You Get Inside… 
‘Fast Cash’ Cheat Sheet
This ‘cheat sheet’ makes it easy to understand this simple method and start making money within hours of getting started. It’s also a great guide for you to look at if you want to go back and review anything later on.
‘Follow Along And Profit’ Video Training
It’s always easier to watch something being done instead of just reading about it. The step-by-step video training will take you by the hand and show you exactly how to get going with the Giftly system and start making money fast.
No stones are left unturned, and you get everything you need to make money fast… even if you’re a total newbie.
Zero To $362.90 In 19 Hours Case Study
To prove just how newbie-friendly this is, in this case study, we start from scratch and show you how we made $362.90 in 19 hours with just a few minutes of our time invested. 
You’ll be able to follow along with this case study and profit! 
Here’s What You’ll Discover…
An overview of this BRAND NEW system for making money quickly by giving something away for FREE… we reveal everything and leave nothing out
The EXACT steps to follow to get everything setup and ready to go TODAY, so you can make money by tomorrow (or even soon in some cases)
Why this is so powerful and how to make $100 – $500+ every time you do this
The EXACT 100% FREE traffic we use to make money by giving something away for FREE, over and over again… (again, this is like NOTHING you’ve ever seen before)
Want to make more money? No problem… We’ll show how to scale this up and repeat the process as many times as you want…
We’ll also reveal a simple hybrid method that lets you automate a lot of this and take this entire system to the next level – You can build a job-destroying online business with Giftly as the core… It’s simple, it’s fast, and it works…
Plus, a whole lot more…
Why The Act Of Giving Is One Of The Easiest Ways To Stuff Your Bank Account With Cash…
Have you ever heard of the Law of Reciprocity?
It’s a powerful thing.
In short, when you give someone something, they feel
obligated to give something back in return.
With the Giftly system, you’re giving people something
that will really help them out…
…and when you help people out, that comes right back to you.
We don’t want to give this simple system away, but just know, by doing something good, you get repaid many times over in return…
Are You Ready To Start ‘Gifting’ Your Way To Profits?
It’s pretty clear that the Giftly system is unlike anything you’ve seen before.
It’s fast…
It’s easy…
And it’s proven to make a lot of money for anyone that follows the step-by-step training…
When we were putting this together, we thought about making this a higher-ticket launch. 
And we’ve proven that when you give, you can get amazing rewards and receive a lot in return…
So, in the spirit of Giftly, we’ve slashed the price on this system during our introductory launch…
When you get Giftly right now, you’ll get everything for just…
[GET] Giftly We’ll Show You How To Create Something Simple In Less Than 20 Minutes That You Can Give Away For FREE And Make $362.90 By Tomorrow DOWNLOAD
WARNING! The price on Giftly is going up fast. If you wait and come back later, you’ll end up paying more for this.
To make it even easier to get going right now…
Get These Money-Making Bonuses For FREE When You Get Giftly Right Now…
Test-Drive The Giftly System On Our Dime For The Next 30 Days…
Giftly will change your life.
We know that’s a pretty bold statement, so we’re willing to back that up with a BIG guarantee.
Get your hands on Giftly right now at a big discount
Follow the simple steps inside the training
Make some money
And then decide if this is really for you
If for some crazy reason you don’t make money, we’ll send you a refund.
Heck, if you want a refund just because you decide it’s not for you for some reason… any reason… we’ll send you a refund.
  We don’t want anything to hold you back from getting Giftly right now.
  You WILL be blown away by the simplicity of this.
Are You Ready For A Simple Method That Actually Works?
Stop wasting your time with worn-out, rehashed methods that don’t ever seem to work the way they claim.
Giftly is new.
Giftly is fresh.
Giftly is newbie-friendly…
And with Giftly, you can make money like this over and over again by simply giving something away…
Let’s Recap What You Get With The Giftly System Today…
‘Fast Cash’ Cheat Sheet
Real-World Value = $97
‘Follow Along And Profit’ Video Training 
Real-World Value = $97
Zero To $362.90 In 19 Hours Case Study 
Real-World Value = $197
Bonus #1- 300,000 Visitors Casestudy 
Real-World Value = $197
Bonus #2 – $1,997 in 24 hours Casestudy 
Real-World Value = $297
Bonus #3 – Facebook Mastermind
Real-World Value = $97
Bonus #4 – Traffic Software
Real-World Value = $197
Total Real-World Value Of Everything In Giftly System
You Get EVERYTHING Right Now For Just…
[GET] Giftly We’ll Show You How To Create Something Simple In Less Than 20 Minutes That You Can Give Away For FREE And Make $362.90 By Tomorrow DOWNLOAD
WARNING! The price on Giftly is going up fast. If you wait and come back later, you’ll end up paying more for this.
We can’t for you to get your hands on this… This BRAND NEW system for making money online changes everything!
To your success!
P.S. – Below are the most frequently asked questions about Giftly…
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Giftly?
Giftly is a brand new system for getting paid upto $500+ within 24 hours by giving something away for FREE.
Is this method really new?
Yes, you’ve NEVER seen this before. Ever!
Is this newbie friendly?
This is 100% newbie friendly… you don’t need any prior experience or skills to use this system to start making money as soon as today.
Do I need a list, a website, or do I have to do anything complicated?
No list, website, or anything complicated is required to make the Giftly system work. All you need is this training, and you’re good to go.
Is traffic included in this?
Yes. We include a 100% FREE traffic method that works really well and doesn’t require a lot of time and effort.
How much money can I make with Giftly?
We’ve made $100-$500+ every single time we do this. Not bad for a few minutes of work, and if you want to make more, you just repeat this as many times as you want.
How fast does the money start flowing?
Within hours. We made $362.90 with our case study in just 19 hours.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a full 30 days to make sure this is for you. If for any reason it’s not, just send us an email and we’ll get you a refund. 
[GET] Giftly We’ll Show You How To Create Something Simple In Less Than 20 Minutes That You Can Give Away For FREE And Make $362.90 By Tomorrow DOWNLOAD
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bake-a-dog-a-bone/
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    “We’ve Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry… Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget “
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It’s Owners…
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere
Prestige And Recognition As A PET “Expert”
A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities
From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself ==>Take A Look Inside
In Summary, Here’s What You Get:
You get immediate access to the breakthrough step-by-step guide “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” along with some very exciting bonuses for taking action right now!
If you respond right away, you pay only $29.95
Act Now and Receive the Following BONUSES!
We believe it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
So here’s the deal: When you accept our invitation to download “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” you also get these 3 amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE!
FREE BONUS #1 ($29.00 Value)
Bake Your Dog A Bone Recipe Guide
Over 150 specially designed recipes by experts in Pet Nutrition that will enhance the health and wellbeing of the animals.
This is the same Recipe Resource that has been sold on the Internet for $29… so you know it’s worth getting just by itself.
You can use the recipes in this guide to start your business this week!
Take a look at some of the snout licking good recipies
FREE BONUS #2 ($29.00 Value)
33 All-Natural Remedies For Common Pet Health Issues
This essential guide will give you several alternative treatments for common health problems.
Addressing everything from bad breath to treatments for flea’s and tick’s and eczema, the concoctions within this guide have been passed down from generation to generation of pet lovers.
FREE BONUS #3 ($199.00 Value)
Profit Estimator Spreadsheet
A fully functioning profit calculating spreadsheet that will guide you to creating a solid budget and track start-up expenses and profitability.
*This amazing software package has sold for $199 – but you get it FREE just for giving us a risk-free try.
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Here’s How To Order Right Now!
Click the link below for an instant download of the step-by-step business system. Once the transaction is approved, you will be directed to a special download page where you will download the resource guide along with your FREE BONUSES.
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Click Here To Download Your Copy You will be downloading and reading the step-by-step resource guide and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and running you own dog treat bakery in a matter of days!
Why so low? Simple. We don’t want price to be an issue here. We truly believe in sharing with both knowledge and money. We believe that’s the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That’s why we priced it low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if it doesn’t meet your every expectation you’ll get every penny back.
However, We might change my mind about the price. If we do the price will probably shoot up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around.
Just CLICK HERE To Download Your Copy and you’ll be on your way to turning your passion for pets into outstanding profits. Now that’s a personal promise!
Discover how fun your life can be while earning an outstanding income in the pet industry!
Pawsitively Committed To Your Success,
P.S.==> Your search to find the most profitable, yet easiest to succeed pet industry business is over – let these industry experts show you how to fulfill your dream of earning a great living working with pets.
P.S.S.==> Let’s Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have a plan to turn your passion for pets into significant profits? Probably not! By taking action right now you can start down the path of become a “pet professional” – you will love the journey!
WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bake-a-dog-a-bone/
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 Buy Now
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    “We’ve Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry… Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget “
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It’s Owners…
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere
Prestige And Recognition As A PET “Expert”
A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities
From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself ==>Take A Look Inside
In Summary, Here’s What You Get:
You get immediate access to the breakthrough step-by-step guide “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” along with some very exciting bonuses for taking action right now!
If you respond right away, you pay only $29.95
Act Now and Receive the Following BONUSES!
We believe it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
So here’s the deal: When you accept our invitation to download “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” you also get these 3 amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE!
FREE BONUS #1 ($29.00 Value)
Bake Your Dog A Bone Recipe Guide
Over 150 specially designed recipes by experts in Pet Nutrition that will enhance the health and wellbeing of the animals.
This is the same Recipe Resource that has been sold on the Internet for $29… so you know it’s worth getting just by itself.
You can use the recipes in this guide to start your business this week!
Take a look at some of the snout licking good recipies
FREE BONUS #2 ($29.00 Value)
33 All-Natural Remedies For Common Pet Health Issues
This essential guide will give you several alternative treatments for common health problems.
Addressing everything from bad breath to treatments for flea’s and tick’s and eczema, the concoctions within this guide have been passed down from generation to generation of pet lovers.
FREE BONUS #3 ($199.00 Value)
Profit Estimator Spreadsheet
A fully functioning profit calculating spreadsheet that will guide you to creating a solid budget and track start-up expenses and profitability.
*This amazing software package has sold for $199 – but you get it FREE just for giving us a risk-free try.
Tumblr media
Here’s How To Order Right Now!
Click the link below for an instant download of the step-by-step business system. Once the transaction is approved, you will be directed to a special download page where you will download the resource guide along with your FREE BONUSES.
Tumblr media
Click Here To Download Your Copy You will be downloading and reading the step-by-step resource guide and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and running you own dog treat bakery in a matter of days!
Why so low? Simple. We don’t want price to be an issue here. We truly believe in sharing with both knowledge and money. We believe that’s the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That’s why we priced it low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if it doesn’t meet your every expectation you’ll get every penny back.
However, We might change my mind about the price. If we do the price will probably shoot up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around.
Just CLICK HERE To Download Your Copy and you’ll be on your way to turning your passion for pets into outstanding profits. Now that’s a personal promise!
Discover how fun your life can be while earning an outstanding income in the pet industry!
Pawsitively Committed To Your Success,
P.S.==> Your search to find the most profitable, yet easiest to succeed pet industry business is over – let these industry experts show you how to fulfill your dream of earning a great living working with pets.
P.S.S.==> Let’s Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have a plan to turn your passion for pets into significant profits? Probably not! By taking action right now you can start down the path of become a “pet professional” – you will love the journey!
WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bake-a-dog-a-bone/
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 Buy Now
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    “We’ve Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry… Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget “
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It’s Owners…
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere
Prestige And Recognition As A PET “Expert”
A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities
From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself ==>Take A Look Inside
In Summary, Here’s What You Get:
You get immediate access to the breakthrough step-by-step guide “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” along with some very exciting bonuses for taking action right now!
If you respond right away, you pay only $29.95
Act Now and Receive the Following BONUSES!
We believe it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
So here’s the deal: When you accept our invitation to download “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” you also get these 3 amazing bonuses ABSOLUTELY FREE!
FREE BONUS #1 ($29.00 Value)
Bake Your Dog A Bone Recipe Guide
Over 150 specially designed recipes by experts in Pet Nutrition that will enhance the health and wellbeing of the animals.
This is the same Recipe Resource that has been sold on the Internet for $29… so you know it’s worth getting just by itself.
You can use the recipes in this guide to start your business this week!
Take a look at some of the snout licking good recipies
FREE BONUS #2 ($29.00 Value)
33 All-Natural Remedies For Common Pet Health Issues
This essential guide will give you several alternative treatments for common health problems.
Addressing everything from bad breath to treatments for flea’s and tick’s and eczema, the concoctions within this guide have been passed down from generation to generation of pet lovers.
FREE BONUS #3 ($199.00 Value)
Profit Estimator Spreadsheet
A fully functioning profit calculating spreadsheet that will guide you to creating a solid budget and track start-up expenses and profitability.
*This amazing software package has sold for $199 – but you get it FREE just for giving us a risk-free try.
Tumblr media
Here’s How To Order Right Now!
Click the link below for an instant download of the step-by-step business system. Once the transaction is approved, you will be directed to a special download page where you will download the resource guide along with your FREE BONUSES.
Tumblr media
Click Here To Download Your Copy You will be downloading and reading the step-by-step resource guide and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes…and running you own dog treat bakery in a matter of days!
Why so low? Simple. We don’t want price to be an issue here. We truly believe in sharing with both knowledge and money. We believe that’s the way to reach unlimited prosperity and happiness. That’s why we priced it low. So money wouldn’t be an issue. Besides, if it doesn’t meet your every expectation you’ll get every penny back.
However, We might change my mind about the price. If we do the price will probably shoot up considerably. So don’t wait. Don’t fool around.
Just CLICK HERE To Download Your Copy and you’ll be on your way to turning your passion for pets into outstanding profits. Now that’s a personal promise!
Discover how fun your life can be while earning an outstanding income in the pet industry!
Pawsitively Committed To Your Success,
P.S.==> Your search to find the most profitable, yet easiest to succeed pet industry business is over – let these industry experts show you how to fulfill your dream of earning a great living working with pets.
P.S.S.==> Let’s Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you have a plan to turn your passion for pets into significant profits? Probably not! By taking action right now you can start down the path of become a “pet professional” – you will love the journey!
WAIT! Download Your Copy Now, Before It Slips Your Mind…
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0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/bake-a-dog-a-bone/
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 Buy Now
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    “We’ve Turned Over Every Rock And Reveal The Easy-To-Follow Secret Tactics That Will Guarantee You Fetch Your Own Share Of The $65 Billion Dollar Pet Industry… Starting From Scratch On A Shoe-String Budget “
A Pet Bakery Business Offers It’s Owners…
Extremely HIGH Profit Margins!
A LOW-RISK Business You Can Operate From Home Virtually Anywhere
Prestige And Recognition As A PET “Expert”
A Business With An Outstanding FUN Factor
A Chance To Enhance The HEALTH and WELLNESS Of Our 4 Legged Friends
Virtually UNTAPPED Niche Marketing Possibilities
From the desks of Chris Trombley & Doug Bertram, Thursday 9:32am
Dear Friend and Fellow Pet Enthusiast,
If you have always dreamt about turning your passion for pets into a home-based business that could give you financial independence and control over your life and your future… then this might be the most important letter you’ll ever read!
Here’s Why:
We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.
Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…
To be successful in business you need experts to guide you straight through the process… …with no “theories” just facts!
Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in PETsMART’s food and treat group.
Chris is an explosive “results first” pet industry pro who’s reputation for launching and managing staggeringly profitable brands is legendary!
Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months
Chris has ownership interests in several successful pet industry companies
Doug Bertram, former CEO of Farnam Pet Products, President of Happy Dog Toys and currently President of eBizWize, LLC, (an internet-based pet consulting company) has an extensive operational and functional experience, routinely earning several thousand dollars a day consulting with up and coming pet products companies.
As president of Farnam’s Pet group Doug spotted several successful niche’s and grew sales and profitability to unprecidented levels, before taking on the challenge of turning around a similarly challenged pet toy company.
You Need Step-By-Step Details Spelled Out Quickly! …By A Team That Can Teach You The Ropes!
Between the two of them, Chris and Doug have developed, launched and managed millions of dollars in pet nutritional and health products.
They have helped several small companies get started in the pet industry.
If you want to learn how to quickly and profitably get started in the lucrative pet industry – these two will help you do it through this ground breaking resource guide.
Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…
The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)
Learn the tips, tricks and secrets directly from some of the most SUCCESSFUL Pet Treat Bakers Today!
Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets
Discover what they learned about turning thier passion for pets into a profitable and FUN business
These people are just like you… a “pet person” who jumped in, started baking, and are now dominating their market – making money doing something they love!
  “Best Week Ever!”
Dear Chris and Doug,
I just sold over 100 four pound bags of my new peanut butter biscuits last week! This is really FUN and EASY. Dogs love them and my customers are happy. I recommend your resource guide 1000%
Your extra e-mail support was AWESOME – you guys are the best!
Ryan Mundy Redmond, WA The Barkery
Expect A Really Fun Business!
“Extremely Pleased. I couldn’t have asked for more.”
This resource guide goes way beyond the normal ‘knock on doors, go to the local fairs, etc.’ advice. You’re giving real life examples, and telling me why I should try certain things, or why they will work.”
“Realistically, I expect to earn nearly $5,000 a month using the information contained in this resource guide! BUY IT!!! It’s unlike any other pet industry resource guide.”
Holly Collins Tampa, FL Petible Treats
>>Nothing Is Left Out
I have searched pet stores, book stores and the internet from top to bottom — this is by far the very best step-by-step resource guide out there and at a price that anyone looking to get into this huge market can afford — I am extremely pleased!!!
Your information has helped me get back on the quickest and most profitable path to pet industry success. Close your eyes, bite the bullet and buy the product — You’ll never regret it! It answers all your questions clearly, nothing is left out.
Ken Kerr Orange County, CA Barks Bakery
Here’s the bottom line on this incredible resource…
“The Bake-A-Dog-A-Bone Start-Up Resource Guide” direct’s you step-by-step:
To Identify A Profitable Niche Target Market With Laser-Beam Focus
To Create A Treat Menu That Will Sell
To Take Control Of Your Financial Life
DO NOT buy any course on how to start a pet focused business unless it meets the following criteria:
The materials explain exactly how to bake the treats that will make you money
Shows you not only HOW to bake the treats that deliver the most profits, but also shows you how to approach other “Pet Professionals” to add another “Income Stream” flowing into your checking account
Shows you ONLINE and OFFLINE marketing strategies that will allow you to capture significant data that will help you to dominate your marketplace
Gives you the big, unbiased picture about marketing and selling your treats… then gives you the tools to go do it!
Demonstrates how to CREATE several “Income Streams” within your bakery business by adding seasonal items, gift baskets and services to boost your sales
Is written by someone who doesn’t just talk useless theory… but gives you the benefit of years of pet industry management experience straight from the “front lines”
This Information Is Priceless
Chris and Doug regularly get paid thousands of dollars an hour for their time
In fact, Chris and Doug have several very lucrative consulting partnerships within the pet industry that generate significant revenue streams yearly
Chris and Doug have both presented industry trends and product concepts designed to capitalize on those trends to PETsMART and Petco, where attendees paid thousands of dollars to learn from thier ideas!
Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself ==>Take A Look Inside
In Summary, Here’s What You Get:
You get immediate access to the breakthrough step-by-step guide “Turning Your Passion For Pets Into A Six-Figure Income” along with some very exciting bonuses for taking action right now!
If you respond right away, you pay only $29.95
Act Now and Receive the Following BONUSES!
We believe it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, so we want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
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luovita · 5 years
You are in control, realise where you are, change your habits, achieve your goals and unleash yourself
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Are you in control of your success? Is having an ideal lifestyle considered success?
We ask ourselves what success in life means. Sometimes we tend to compare our life status with others to reassure we are doing just fine. Are there really best tips for achieving anything you want in life? Is it as easy as money management then you are already successful when you can make money working online.  
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  Maybe it’s your fitness you want to improve and have a healthy lifestyle habits, maybe you’re looking to enhance your career and work with flexibility as you travel the world, or perhaps you want to live in modern lifestyle and probably have a passive income such as making money online, all of it boils down is to what I call LifeStyle Design.       Now, there is nothing wrong with having many goals, but it is also true that many of us lack the necessary skills and expertise to convert those into reality. This renders us somewhat powerless when it comes to choosing the trajectory of our lives. We’re out of shape because we don’t know how to stick to a training program, we lack motivation and consistency in doing the necessary then at the end fail with our goal to have a healthy lifestyle habits. We’re in jobs that are unexciting because we don’t know how to get out of our career ruts and are unable to earn enough money to travel or do leisure activities when in fact there are ways to make money fast from home. We have forgotten what it is to go out and have fun and live the ideal lifestyle you've been dreaming. The really bad part of the matter is when we tell someone how we’re going to quit smoking, write a book or get into shape, and they just roll their eyes and say “sure.” What’s worse? We ourselves don’t fully believe it. It’s time to change all that and be a new person. It’s time to come forth and take control of your life. Let’s look at how we can make it happen.  
Success is for everyone
Realize the real success within yourself
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      For you to really understand the meaning of success, you must have your own definition of it that relates to your personal life. Success is way too far as most people defines it. What is success for you? What does success mean to you? OK let me share a little about me as a kid. I am honestly not so happy  whenever I received awards in school? There’s a distinct feeling of joy and excitement to eat out with my family and get all the attention, however shockingly, getting awards was never the wellspring of my joy. Not the grades that I want to celebrate but the the journey I had to get those good grades. Sleepless nights, projects, tiring days studying for exam, and the support I get from my family. That for me is a real success.     A lot of individuals long of getting a luxury car, working high up in an extravagant organization, gaining bunches of cash, making money over the internet and having the capacity to do what they want and what they need. They work so hard, they eat less, they invested more energy slaving over a long stretch of time of reports, books, and stress; just to get to the best. Give me a chance to ask you this, however: does being on top mean you are successful? Success is the feeling of finding a sense of contentment and inner happiness. Inner happiness is priceless, it is being optimistic despite the life challenges, and failures we may encounter in life. Success for me is living the ideal lifestyle. Reality is, many of us have different perception about success.  
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  Some people measures success in the amount of money you have in the bank, some people look up to those who knows where to make money, to those who are good in making money ideas. Some feels like being in the elite circle is a representation of a successful life journey. Sad to say that our concept of success is ruled by the pictures of wealth, distinction, and influence. We invest too much push to accomplish that idea and what do we get in return? Are we truly satisfied, did we genuinely feel happy having all the glamour or even the attention we get from the others? If not, then that isn’t truly a success. Success is not tangible. It's a feeling that we get from exerting our effort and having that peace. Let me share my experience, I am a work at home mom but prior to this new career I have a good career in corporate world. I already moved up my ladder to get a good position at work. I have honed skills that clients and my company appreciates the most. In short, I already have that value in the company. However, after getting married I already conditioned myself that once we decided to have a baby, I will give up my career and focus on being a full-time mom. I wanna be there in every milestones of my baby. Then I got pregnant, guess what? After 8 years working with my company I am ready to give up everything just to fulfill my promise, because I know, that will give me the real happiness. Now, I am with my baby 24/7, watching her grow and ensuring she gets the best that I can give. I may be the best team lead that my agents would have, but I wanna be more of the best mother for my baby because she only deserves all the best in the world. While I am a full-time stay-at-home mom, I am also working as a virtual assistant where I make money online. I am into writing also as I learned that I can make money by blogging. I have dreams and future plans. I want to have my own home business so I can start making extra money online.   Material things are not forever so as our lives.   While we still can, invest more on real happiness and peace. Material things are there to use but the happiness we could get in the love of our family, peace of having nothing to be worried about, that moment that you can sleep peacefully at night, those are priceless and not everyone are given that chance. Yes, go for your goal in achieving your healthy lifestyle habit, be fit and be healthy. Or if you always dream working at home and making money online, then go for it! No on is stopping you to do what makes you happy but just make sure you will live your life.   Again while you still can, invest on those things that will make you truly happy, things that money can’t buy.    
    Time Invested Wisely leaves to Your Dreams
Lifestyle ideas make one to dream, act and achieve his aspirations in life. The more you spend your time wisely the more potential you can achieve your dreams, may it be an ideal lifestyle, or if you want to build your own home business to make money online, or maybe you want to take full money control and life control. Time is precious and should be spent wisely for your dreams.
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    Invest your time wisely because a time wasted will never return. One should study the best ways to invest your time, time wisely used for leisure, for work, for family and for making money ideas so you can support the needs of your family. Last Friday, I met with someone, who had just started with his own home-based networking business that gives opportunity to make money online. Being an entrepreneur, I believe that this particular venture can truly be an effective method to attain a great financial success which is one of my lifestyle ideas. My advice to the person was to plan the work in a simple way. Some projects can be lengthy, but while executing them, you should always keep your patience and never quit the job until achieving your ultimate goal. It is like setting up home business to make money online, at first you may not get much traction nor clients but if you study well through online education learning and you also put dedication and passion to your online business, then I won't be surprised that one day you are already a successful entrepreneur who make money working online. What if, your fellow teammate or business partner is giving an excuse of a lack of time? Be the leader and emphasize to them the value of Time. My stance on the phrase - “I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME”, is that it should be deleted completely from your vocabulary. A day consists of 24 hours, which is consistent for all. For the next 7 days, keep a detailed track of your invested time. This simple task will help you to understand your loopholes and will assist you to utilize your time properly and effectively. God has blessed everyone uniformly with the Universal currency- Time. But, only those who invest in time sensibly, prosper. A successful person, with loads of work can easily give an excuse of time limitations, but he won’t, as he knows the secret to win in life. To progress in your endeavors and attain your dreams and live your ideal lifestyle, you must look into your soul and perceive the value of time, which is considered as the greatest gift from God. So, make sure to use this to maximum effect by investing it judiciously. Today, most of the people are impatient and find their job exhausting, when compared to others. But, you must realize that there is a very thin line between winning and losing the game. The way you set your mind, determines your success. Thus, I always suggest my readers to ignore what others say. Listen to your inner-self and choose the right path that leads you to your ideal lifestyle and be successful. I believe, you and everyone else can live up to their dreams, by simply wiping off the negative thought that you do not have any time. We all are familiar with the proverb “You reap what you sow.” Take this slogan to your heart and sow your time wisely to live your dreams perfectly. Whatever the situation is, be affirmative and never say that you are running short of time. Trust me, no other investment can make you richer and happier than investing your time wisely.   Learn more about the truth about living your life.
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    Next Step - Change Your Habits
Change your habits so you can live more freely. Change is constant, and changing your habits can help you start living your ideal lifestyle.    
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    Change your habits, change your life. Everyday matters a lot to us, it gives us hope, a new beginning, a brand new start. But imagine yourself doing the same old stuff that isn't making your life better? How do you feel about each day doing the same exact old routine and lifestyle habits and at the end of the day accomplish nothing new nor better for your life. Think about it, you may be doing something that must end by now. It doesn't mean closing your door to change, but you are allowing change to come into your life. Allow us to make you realize that breaking your old habits will bring so much improvement in your existence that will make you live your ideal lifestyle. How many years are you doing the same things, thinking and worrying about the same things, telling the same story, being the same way to all the people in your life and never fully going after the dream that is burning inside you? How many years are you making excuses for why you have not step up yet? How many people try to inspire you to step up and yet you tell them excuses after excuses of why you’re too old, why you’re too young, why you’re not educated enough, why you’re not smart enough, why you’re not good-looking enough, why you don’t have the experience, How many excuses have you made in your life that had held you from fully going after your purpose, you're missing your dream, the thing that brings the fire out of you and inspires those around you. How long and how much longer are you going to hold yourself back, lay small, play it safe, stay comfortable, not hurting one’s feelings. How much longer are you going to play a safe life and never ever doing anything that leaves a mark on this planet. This is your wake-up call, this is the moment you decide, you have a choice every single breath, every single time your heart beats. If you want to have a healthy lifestyle habits, start reading and researching about healthy lifestyle tips. Am I going to move towards my dreams or am I going to waste another breath, waste another heart beat and allow my fears? My insecurities, my stupid stories that I have going in my head over and over that I’m not worthy enough, that I’m not good enough, smart enough, that I’m not ready enough, that I don’t have enough experience holding me back? From fully opening your heart, expressing yourself and living like a human being on a mission to change whatever it is that you want to change and live the way you want to live. This is your wake-up call and you have a huge decision right now. If you want to make big money, then step up and make a move. Try looking for answers, maybe building home business to make money online is the answer, or maybe you can make money fast from home. There are online education learning available everywhere. It's really up to you when to grab it. I’m calling you forth to get out of your comfort zone, whatever you normally do on a day to day basis you’re going to do the complete opposite for the rest of this day. Live in modern lifestyle and feel your freedom. If your usually quiet, you’re going to be outrageous. You are going to be loud. If you usually loud and crazy you’re going to be reserved and quiet and you're going too open your ears which you never really opened and going to listen to the people around you. If you don’t feel worthy, you’re going to walk around like the worthiest person in the world. As if you’re so worthy and deserving that everything you want, feel and experience are just for you. If you dress conservatively, you’re going dress wild, if you dress wild you’re going to dress conservatively. Whatever is on your mind right now and you think that if you would do that I would be so crazy and uncomfortable you’re going to that the rest of this day because that is going to move you towards your dream. Whatever is on your mind, regardless how wild, how timid, how adventurous, how laid back, it will be totally fine because this is your chance to move towards your dream. Do what you want and do it for yourself. The only way you gonna get closer to your dream is doing things that are going to make you feel so freaking uncomfortable. You must be uncomfortable in order to achieve your dreams of living your ideal lifestyle, get the woman or men of your dreams. In order to have a family, the relationships, the health you want, you need to get uncomfortable. If you’re gonna stay comfortable this day that probably you’re gonna stay comfortable for the rest of your life, you have a choice, this is your wake-up call. What are you willing to do to get uncomfortable right now in order to start moving towards your dreams? What decision are you’re going to make right now in order to step up your life and move towards your dreams? Live fully, follow your dreams and make a worthy living, we can have it all in life, we can live a rich life      
Structure Goals and Make Your Plan
  In modern lifestyle, there's so much to do and time is so important, that's why structuring your goal and making your plan is the first thing we should do in order to leverage ourselves in reaching success.
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  If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Goal setting will lead you to your success. We start with dreaming about ideal lifestyle, then we make a plan, we execute and finally harvest what we planted.       Step 1. Visualization    The first and most important step is to visualize what you want and to really understand what you want. Visualizing helps you identify possible steps you need to undergo as you try to reach your goal. It will boost your motivation as you see the picture of your ultimate goal. It also stimulates your creativity that allows you to create ideas. This is proven approach in order to achieve goals. As you know most companies have vision which they also entails to their employees. If you plan to build a home business, you must visualize the future. Why do you want to build an online business, is it just to make money online or to have a long term success where you can have financial freedom. It depends on goal but still visualizing it can help you achieve. Step 2. Assess your situation   Making an honest appraisal of your current situation is a very important way to assess your current situation. Analyzing helps you better understand all aspects of your goals from planning until reaching them. Allowing yourself to identify possible hiccups and how you could possibly avoid them. Say for example, a home business to make money online you must have an intelligent assessment of your current situation. Do you have the means? Do you know exactly where and how to invest money in online business? Never go to a battle without your weapon. Always be on top of your game. Step 3. Formulate a plan   Formulate a plan on the basis of your current situation where you want to be and what options you have available to you. You go in a battle with all your weapons including your strategies. Making a plan will also serve as a guide and reminder for you to keep on track. You have now assessed your situation in building a home business, now you can start planning how to attack the situation. If there are challenges, how are you going to deal with them? Have you done your research through online education learning or read about online money investment topics. Plans will make you ready which will bring you to your success. Step 4. Phrase your goals in small steps    No one is rushing you, every small steps you achieve is already an achievement and you should continue striving for your goal. If you aim to lessen your weight by undergoing physical exercises and strict diet, then every improvement you see and feel must serve as your motivation to continue. You are praising yourself for a job well done regardless how big or small the improvement was. If you have a home business, it's not magic to earn million dollars right away but appreciating every movement on your sales and setting it as a guide in making more money through your online business.   DON'T GIVE UP. This system can be applied anywhere as it helps also for you to really know what you want and make those aims concrete and tangible.   You can watch the full video here : Structure goals and make your plan
  To be successful, start with a the basic life goal.
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      Many people asked me what the secrets are behind achieving a goal in Life... And you are surely aware that most of the goals created are not fulfilled. Sometimes, it seems that we are living in a world of fantasy. Entertainment is the way most people use in order to escape from the happenings in the real world, well I’m really against it, Life and Time are so precious. Well, at least, some gain gratification (short term) from this form of entertainment… What about the reason behind this act of fantasy and the implications that they bring? You need to have an unbelievably responsive mind to be able to observe that you are always eliminating or adding something, which is the act of constantly fantasising. Living in a world of fantasy will not let you have a chance to see the real world as it is. If you go in dept you will know that your fear and greed is responsible. These are habitually the reasons behind the way most people react about life. I, myself like to dream and fantasize a lot, get out of seriousness, love to navigate through time and space imagining situations, what would be my life if I were living so and so, doing and having but then I say to myself, some of these could be reality and are achievable. My advise, don’t take everything to serious, believe in yourself, listen to your feelings (gut feelings) and analyze if it feels OK or not and most important, take action, every day one step froward… This is your life experience talking to you, called subconscious mind, just imagine everything you experienced until now, was it for nothing? Surely not, so what do you do with all this, you ask (or how do I apply this)? My response, listen to your inner voice, focus, don’t bullshit yourself, don’t lie to yourself, don’t get trapped in fantasy land, I mean I like being there but its also exciting to see what you can apply in this world. Like saying to yourself, what if I approach this situation in this way… you be surprised… I leave you thinking about this, back to our goals. What I learned is that sometimes what we want is the outcome or the feeling associated with that outcome, well this is a complex issue but it can be simple. We have tendency to complicate thing…first hand experience. It happens to me all the time, I must really put an effort to simplify tasks, the advantage is that you have a better overview of whats going on and change is easier, not to mention reactivity to situations. Very important, set up a system where you feel organized, where you find things easily, this will help clear your mind. Being a goal-oriented person will help you a lot in achieving the goals that you aspire in life. It has been given very much importance during the old times but later on its has become more and more loosen in our society, what I mean is we never talked more about it but never done less? If You want to learn more about the main purposes of being a goal-oriented person AND ACHIEVE, Welcome to the club! But before reaching your desired goals in life, setting them up first is essential for achieving and the long term view. It lets you concentrate and focus more on the long run objectives as it gives you the opportunity to think on how your present actions will affect your life in the near future. The things that you are doing now to develop yourself will surely determine who you will be and what kind of life are you going to have in the future. This is something that you should give enough importance as you go along in this process of attaining your goals and you must acquire a goal-mindset. Everyone has their own dreams and goals in life. But it is very apparent that most people just keep on dreaming and never tries to do something to attain those dreams. I, personally remind myself all the time, THIS IS MY LIFE! I’m responsible and everything I do will give me MY future, like a script in a film, I’m writing my script. We have 3 Main Projects / Courses and each one of them starts by knowing yourself better, its essential to pass this stage, no matter what you want to do in life. If you haven’t achieved your goals yet, you need to do something different in order to make your goals come true. Let me assure you that you have a greater power within you which surpasses your imagination. Lets discuss Visualization. The daily routine of visualizing the dreams that you have in life helps you in achieving such dreams, ambitions and goals in a faster way. Setting your goal can be a nice way for you in improving your performance because it stimulates you, reminds you, gives you a direction to follow. Have you ever been working for a goal within a short period of time limitation and confused on what you are about to focus, which often result to the not fulfilling your goal? And when that time comes, you wish that you have put in more effort in order to obtain that objective? Maybe the main reason for those failures is that you shifted your focus to the other things that interests you instead of the goal that you have, well its called distractions. Believe me, this world is full of distractions and wants to distract you, generally its hard to maintain focus all the time or at all. That's why visualization is essential, just try to imagine your goal in front of you all the time and like in a battle, just defend yourself but keep going, treat every distraction quickly and keep going, don’t give it to much attention, don’t fight to much, guard your energy, keep going, don’t let your goal out of sight, like your enemy is in front of you and peace or your goal behind, you must pass this battle. Well, I know what your thinking, why bother, let someone else fight! Because its your life! You have the privilege to be in this world and if you fight your fight its an unbelievable experience of achieving, helping others and gratitude, love and inner peace. You should have one goal at time only. Having much more, will confuse you and upon concentrating on one will make it difficult for you to achieve the other one. Just by leading your life you show others that you really can achieve something which they thought of being impossible. You will experience abundance and wealth (not only the physical!) that the other people never realize. Of course there is a lot more to say and to know about and Creating Goals, this is why its part of the LifeStyle Attitude Course and has a Chapter of his own, and as you probably aware this course in Evolutionary and will Grow. You could start by download the PDF below and read (& Apply) it whenever you want.      
2 Steps to Stay on Track and Achieve Your Goals
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    Have you thought about what you really want to accomplish in life? Do you have any specific set of goals? Are you clear about how you can support your goals? How will you ensure you are following the desired path towards success? Thinking about staying on track to achieve your goals, LuoVita gives you the most efficient and proven to be effective steps to stay on track. It’s extremely easy to get veered of course, get wrapped up in the hassles of everyday life. Trust me, I know as I have faced the same. The real question is, with so many distractions in your vicinity, how do stay you on track? It’s crucial to have a “vision”, and strategy or realistic ambitions to achieve that. When your goals are clear, they become easier to fulfill. Have a look at your life. how does it feel? How is “today” panning out? At the end of the day, can you feel satisfied that you have done enough to reach your goals? No? Then, how do you stay on track?    
Here are 2 steps to stay on track towards your goals:
  1. Hire a coach or mentor   This is one effective way to stay on track towards what you desire in life.Your life coach can guide you in the right path. Their job is to help you overcome any sort of fear or self-doubt that may persist. They will tweak your game, arming you with added incentives and motivating your journey towards success. Most successful people have life coaches. From Oprah Winfrey, Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams to Leonardo Di Caprio, everyone has attributed their success to their life coach. There are various types of life coaches, providing guidance for weight loss, relationships, business etc. You just need to find the one that suits you the most. Now, if you cannot afford one, you can always turn to someone you trust. They will help ensure that you follow the desired path to reach your goals.   2.Join people that have a goal similar to yours   There are many individuals, or organizations in your own community, who might share you views, and your goals. If you can’t find one in your area, check online, or through social media. The more you get successful individuals, who share a common goal around you, the more pressing problems you will solve. You will improve your life and of those who share your expertise, and all of this is possible with the correct attitude, accelerating your steps towards your desired goal. You will become accountable, and also bringing in reinforcement. Think of your goal as a dream, albeit, with a deadline. When you gain that desired level of clarity, it automatically puts power behind your goals and ensures that you measure your progress more often and take appropriate actions. You are an amazing person, it's your life. No one should be in control of your own life other than you.    
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        I wish you a lot of courage, persistence and prosperous achievement, Life is Precious and Time is passing, don’t waste time anymore, its never to late, take it from me… Jose
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