#togaki house
justsomeoneunordinary · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❀
Tagged by @togaki-kun, thank you! 💕
I always feel a bit silly recommending my own work because I’m “just” a short one-shots writer and don’t do anything huge such as worldbuilding, but hey, any fic is creative work, no matter the length, so

1. Simulacrum (Madara/Tobirama, 4.2k, NR)
Tobirama has memory issues.
I can’t really say much about this fic because no matter what I say, it would be a spoiler. All I can say is that I stepped out of my usual comfort zone and challenged myself with this—and that I pretty much nailed it. I am extremely proud of all the reactions I received :)
2. In Another Time (Bucky/Tony, 1k, T)
It’s the jokes and the smiles and the intelligence behind those bright blue eyes. It’s the way Bucky drawls when he talks. It’s their night walks in the dark under the stars and how the air between them seems to spark. And before Tony knows it, he catches himself staring at those cherry red lips, imagining pulling Bucky behind the trees to steal a kiss. Though as lovely the thought is, as heavy crushes reality upon him and reminds him where and who they are. This is neither place nor time Tony belongs to—he belongs to Rhodey and Pepper and Happy. To F.R.I.D.A.Y. and his bots. To the future. Or, How a chain of certain accidental events lead to certain unexpected feelings with an uncertain future ahead of them.
I just really like the style I wrote this in. The rhymes, the back-and-forth play with the past, present and future to the point that I had readers tell me they had to re-read it to fully grasp everything (positively), the flow of the fic and the way I put so much story into so little words. This one will forever be one of my favorite fics because of its uniqueness.
3. A Sensei’s Job (Does Not Entail This) (Koharu & Tobirama, 1.9k, G)
When Tobirama decided to set a good example by taking on the role of a Jounin-sensei to prepare young Genin fresh out of the ninja academy for the life of a shiobi, he had been a bit nervous, but on the whole, he had been excited and looked forward to the experience and sharing his knowledge with Konoha’s future shinobi. Nothing could’ve prepared him for this, however. “My body is betraying meee!” Or, Koharu struggles with puberty, and Tobirama struggles with a teenager going through puberty.
Honestly, I’m just proud of the pacing and the dialogue of this wee friend here. Those are the two things I struggle the most; my pacing is always off, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it’s just never truly right (except for short ficlets), and dialogue is something I fail so much at that I have multiple fics with no dialogue at all because it’s just so much easier for me to write that way. Here, though? Here both are just right. This fic is nothing special, it’s really just a silly little thing to make you laugh, but I love coming back to it because it just reads so smoothly like no other of my fics. And also, because re-reading it never fails to brighten my day.
4. Sternhagelvoll (Madara/Tobirama, 2.2k, T)
Senju Tobirama stands in front of his house in the middle of the night with a goat on a leash. Senju. Fucking. Tobirama. Stands in front of his house. In the middle of the night. With a goat on a leash. “Are you drunk?” “Like a skunk,” Tobirama confirms, promptly collapsing at his feet. The goat bleats.
Look, humor and crack are my thing. It’s what I write the most and it’s what I’m best at. This one is special tho because it’s hands down the funniest I’ve written so far. I cracked up so hard while writing that I had to take several breaks, and I crack up at the same lines when I re-read it again. I’m just really proud of how fucking funny this one is, and that’s it.
5. Captivated Hearts (Hashirama/Mito, 3.1k, M)
Tobirama repeatedly enters the Land of the Dead to steal Mito’s souls and reanimate them, confident that she won’t catch him, when in reality, it would be so easy for her to pull him in by the foot he so carelessly sets into her realm. But Tobirama has a brother. Senju Hashirama, also known as Inari, is the kami of agriculture, rice, sake and various other things—and he has the kindest eyes Mito has ever seen in a man. With his sun-kissed skin and blinding smile, the warmth he radiates from within, and the joy he brings wherever he goes, he shines brighter than Amaterasu could ever dream of. Mito wants him.
I just love how I wrote Mito and HashiMito here. This fic is really not one of my best written ones—I definitely have better fics—but I still count it to my favorites because as much as I love wholesome HashiMito, I really wanted something in a slightly more grey-ish, dubious area for these two, and I wanted to explore Mito differently than she usually is portrayed in fics. It’s nothing special per se, but it’s special to me, so I consider it one of my proudest fics.
Funny enough, my most popular story that makes me practically a one-hit-wonder didn’t make it on the list but to be honest, I don’t even know why that time travel TobiIzu fic is so popular. It’s one of my better ones, but personally, I don’t count it as one of my proudest xD
Tagging: @iam93percentstardust @pleasetakethis @madbuns and you if you would like to share your proudest fics as well! Please feel yourself tagged from me ♥
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abdulraveman · 6 years
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a Sunshine kiss!! on Ryo’s birthday special. ahhhh XD
my ship is sailingggg 
cr:  八重霿琎键
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hey8ter · 7 years
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When Yoko is instructed to “cross his eyes”...
from Kanjani8 Chronicles’ Togaki House  08/07/2017
Ohkura: You know that you are just making blank eyes, right? 
Yoko: *tries to look at his finger but just rolls eyes with blank eyes*
(after watching the video) Maru: Now you can cross your eyes?
Yoko: Of course, it’s been a while since we recorded it. Now I can do it!!
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Ohkura: You don’t want to look at your finger at all!!
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navybluetears · 7 years
Little things I noticed about the cat fight:
- Ryo’s expressionless face during almost the whole thing, probably too concentrated on staring at sempai’s ass (his eyes were fixed there srly)
- Cat!Kura ‘s stop-and-stare: Do I mount him or not, yeah I’m mounting him
- Cat!Babu spreading his legs lol (properly getting into position)
This show is a mess
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eighterwish · 7 years
A bit of news: 
-Kanjani8 Chronicle's TOGAKI HOUSE segment won a Oricon Galaxy Award. 
It won as "Presenting Kanjani8's ad-lib ability & comedy sense as well as their natural charm & the members' relationships with each other.. 
-Article on Shuukan Bunshun tabloid about TV stations' fight for 8 & how they're becoming eye of the storm. 
credit to:  @kanjani8 
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xxxliberalismxxx · 7 years
■長男・暪山裕は“しれっず䞀流”な感じ 暪山さんは『俺のやっおるこずは、さもすごいぞ』ず芋せない、“しれっず䞀流”な感じ。バラ゚ティ力がすごく高いし、やっぱり“頌れる長男”ずいう印象です。裏話で蚀うず、関ゞャニ∞のアルバムの特兞をやらせおもらった時に、最初はメンバヌに特兞のためにだけ考えた『TOGAKI HOUSE』を提案したんですけど、『これはオフショット感も少ないし、䜜り物感コント・ドラマ性も匷いからちょっず特兞映像じゃないな』みたいな話になっお。そうなるず『TOGAKI HOUSE』はしばらく眠らせる䌁画かなぁず思ったんですけど、暪山さんが『これ、クロニクルでやろうよ。面癜そうやから』っお蚀っおくださっお。提案しお流れた䌁画はバツが぀くのでお蔵入りになりがちなんですが、しれっず暪山さんが蚀っお䞋さったこずがきっかけで、のちに日の目を济び、ギャラクシヌ賞たで頂ける䌁画ずなりたした。たぁ結果、僕の出すト曞きに䞀番苊しんでるのが圌なんですけどね(笑) ■枋谷すばるが熱くなれたかどうかが䌁画の生呜線 䌁画に察する枋谷さんのリアクションや楜しみ方こそが、䌁画をグルヌプ党䜓で楜しめたのかどうかの総意であり、関ゞャニらしさが発揮できたかどうかを枬る尺床ず思っおいたす。圌が䞻䜓的に楜しめたかどうかが、熱くなれたかどうかが䌁画の生呜線になるず蚀っおも過蚀ではないのかもしれたせん。圌が倧暎れしたり、キャッキャ楜しんだり、逆にヒヌヒヌ蚀っお必死になっおくれた回はやっぱり面癜くなっおたすし、圌がちょっず倧人しくなっちゃった時は、“関ゞャニらしさ”が匕出せなかった回なのかなぁ ず反省するこずがありたす。フレヌズも尖っおお、絶劙なんですよね。さすがはアヌティストで、独特の芖点から斬り蟌むので芞人さんずはたた違った笑いを巻き起こす人だなず感じおいたす ■砎壊ず創造を目指す村䞊信五がグルヌプの掚進力に 村䞊さんはたさにハむブリッド。アむドルのDNAず関西のお笑いのDNAを䜵せ持぀存圚。アむドルの先茩やバラ゚ティ界の先茩たちが䜜っおきた、いろんな芞胜の系譜をこのチヌムで受け継いでいこうずいう姿勢はやっぱりすごい。それでいお倧先茩の築いおきたものにリスペクトし぀぀も、それずは党く違うこずをやろうずいう気抂を持っおるのが䞀番頌もしい。圌からしたら『俺はおもろいこずだけやっおんねや』っおこずなんでしょうけど。いろんなこずを砎壊しながらいろんなこずを創造しおいこうずいう意味での、関ゞャニの掚進力だず思いたす ■毎回しっかり裏切っおくれるのが䞞山隆平 枡した台本を開始分で裏切る男、それが䞞山隆平です(笑)。でもそんな圌のおかげで助けられた䌁画が䜕十個もあるんですよね。関ゞャニっお、い぀も収録本番が始たっおからその堎の流れでフォヌメヌションを組むんですよ。展開に぀いおは事前打ち合わせを䞀切しない。䞍確定芁玠を楜しめるずいうか、むしろアドリブずかハプニングが倧奜物。そういう意味では、垞に䞍確定芁玠を生んで、収録珟堎に新鮮な空気やドキドキ感を䜜っおくれる䞞山さんには感謝しかない。メンバヌからしたら『どんな空気にしおくれおんねん』みたいなこずが起きたりもするんですけど(笑)、䞞山さんはい぀もメンバヌを巻き蟌んで思いがけない展開やドラマを生んでくれる、ミラクルを巻き起こす人なんだず思いたす。 ■いい意味で感芚がずれおいる安田章倧が新たな展開を開拓 安田さんは、2020幎ずか2030幎のバラ゚ティをやっおる感芚。読めないずいうか、バラ゚ティの教科曞みたいなものからいい意味で倖れおるずいうか。しかもそれを、狙わずしおやっおしたっおるずころがお芋事。䟋えば、誰かが倱敗でやらしちゃった時、みんなで『ちょっずちょっず』っおツッコむじゃないですか。圌はツッコミずかボケずはたったく違った脳みそで、予想倖のコメントをしおくる。そういうふずした時にこそ、圌の玠でずれた郚分が出おくるんです。挔出や䜜家では到底思いも぀かないコメントや展開を生み出しおくれるんです。本人は意識しおないんだろうけど。そういう圌のずれた新しい感芚こそが、関ゞャニや番組の予想もしえない䌞びしろずなっおいくので倧切にしおいきたいず思っおいたす。 ■バラ゚ティでの本気拒吊も、錊戞亮の魅力的な玠材感がなし埗る技 錊戞さんは『錊戞亮』っおいう玠材感の固たり。アヌティストずしおも俳優ずしおもめちゃめちゃ噚甚なくせに、こずバラ゚ティの珟堎では䞍噚甚そのもの、、、いや噚甚なんですが譲れない郚分ずいうか、ぶれるこずのない人間味が随所に出る。そしおそこがたたかわいいんです。『嫌なもんは嫌』っおいう融通の利かない感じもたた面癜い。『いきなりドッゞ』のスペシャルで、TOKIOの長瀬(智也)さんをガチでディスる、ずいうミッションがあったんですけど、『絶察蚀いたない。いややヌっ』っお、俺のほう向いおめっちゃゎネたしたからね(笑)。ずは蚀いながらも、最埌にやるのがバラ゚ティなんですが、圌の堎合は本圓に最埌たで蚀わなかった(笑)。わがたたではなく、長瀬さんを本圓にリスペクトしおいおできなかったんでしょうね笑そうやっお䌁画に逆らっおも埌味が悪くならないずころは、関ゞャニの愛すべき偎面かなず。そんな圌の玠材感に迫った䌁画を、照れや恥じらいを䞀切取っ払ったむき出しの錊戞亮みたいな䌁画を、新しくどこかでできればなず密かに考えおたす ■“腹黒キャラ” 倧倉忠矩は、実は頌れる存圚 倧倉さんの“腹黒キャラ”は、これたでほかのバラ゚ティでは芋られなかった郚分じゃないかな。そういう新たな個性の発芋は、番組にずっおの倧きな䟡倀だず思っおたす。『いきなりドッゞ』で圌がボヌルを持぀ず県が冷ややかに「スンッ」おなるから、ではい぀も『サむコ』の怪奇音をBGMずしおのっけるんですけど、本人にはい぀も『あの音やめおや』っお蚀われおたす(笑)。でも圌が新たな䞀面を芋せおくれたおかげで『ドッゞ』はただのゲヌムではなく、心理バトルにたで発展できたのだず感謝しおいたす。さすがは圹者、芋せ方ずか間(た)ずかは実に達者で、さらに圌独自の目線からのむゞリやコメントはもう番組には欠かせないものずなっおたす。僕からしおも、きっずメンバヌからしおも、すごく頌れる存圚だなず感じおいたす ■最埌に 関ゞャニさんずお仕事がしたいなず思っお䌁画曞を出したのが幎前で、それがクロニクルずいう圢で実珟したのが幎半前。今だから思うこずずしお、もし幎前に䌁画曞が通っおたら、たたちょっず違う番組になっおたかもしれないなず感じおいたす。圌らがひず皮もふた皮も剥け、僕も挔出家ずしおのいろんなこずを経隓した䞊で圌らず合流できたのが倧きいかなず。お互いにこの幎霢だからできる、腹をわっおぶっちゃけたずいうか、アむドル以前に人間味を党面に抌し出した番組ができおる気がしおるんです。コヌナヌの異垞な倚さずそこにかけるカロリヌは、裏方の人たちからは、昌間のᅵᅵ組ずは思えないず蚀われたす。でも、今の時間垯にしっくりくるずいうものよりも、僕はい぀も党囜ネットの時間の぀もりでフルスむングしおいたす。チャンスがきたら、い぀でも行けるように
◆ 関ゞャニ∞クロニクル挔出・犏山晋叞氏が語る関ゞャニ∞の魅力
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pixiepond · 7 years
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30 minutes of Togaki House is a little too long in my opinion; it is difficult to entertain with pure silliness for so long. But this week there was Subaru being a horny cat so I’m happy.
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cccirclechen · 5 years
 剛開始䞍是沒有想嘎硬䞀䞋。看了䞀堎控說芺埗挺奜的歌蠻喜歡的然埌靜靜點開第二堎、第䞉堎無䞀䞍捧著臉頰阻擋想埞口腔蹊出的心跳。補完kanpani說䞍錯笑再接著看躲避球合茯、togaki house倩倩圚租屋處衚挔仰倩長嘯卻怎暣郜䞍肯接受自己的愛情又倚分了䞀塊切割成䞃仜絊圌埗朘、倧阪矎少女、䞖界第二可愛的県睛、䞖界的男朋友、倩䜿、暎躁小型犬、也嘔暎食王子口嫌體正盎又哭又笑了兩個月才甘願承認自己就是那個圚愛情䞭䞟盔棄甲的最倧茞家。
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stickytreetiger · 7 years
7月8日に攟送された『関ゞャニ∞クロニクル』フゞテレビの「TOGAKI HOUSE」が、攟送批評懇談䌚が優れた番組・ᅵᅵᅵ人・団䜓を衚地する「ギャラクシヌ賞」の7月月間賞を受賞した。  『関ゞャニ∞クロニクル』は、2015幎5月にスタヌトしたバラ゚ティ番組。音楜、芝居、バラ゚ティヌなど倚方面で掻躍を続ける関ゞャニ∞が、「原点回垰」を目指し、スタゞオ䌁画、ロケ䌁画、スポヌツ䌁画など、さたざたなゞャ Source: ゚ンタメのニュヌスたずめ
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abdulraveman · 6 years
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Kanjani Chronicle Togaki House BTS scene 
The Television June 2018
photo credits:  八重霿琎键 all credits and acknowledgement to OP
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hey8ter · 7 years
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(on the screen) Ohkura dances his original choreography to Maruyama’s song
from Kanjani8 Chronicles’ Togaki House  25/11/2017
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hey8ter · 7 years
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from Kanjani8 Chronicles’ Togaki House  25/11/2017
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hey8ter · 7 years
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(on the screen) Yokoyama who was secretly excited, steals Shibutani’s nose romantically
from Kanjani8 Chronicles’ Togaki House  25/11/2017
Cr.: Kanjani8 Perú_FB
Baru: *desperate helpless noise intensifies*
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hey8ter · 7 years
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“Butterfly kisses are more embarrassing than kissing someone on the lips!!”
-- Ryuhei Maruyama about butterfly kisses on 25/11/2017 Kanjani8 Chronicles
Cr.: Kanjani8 Perú_FB
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hey8ter · 7 years
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(on the screen) Murakami gets excited watching butterfly kisses and insists to kiss Shibutani
from Kanjani8 Chronicles’ Togaki House  25/11/2017
Cr.: Kanjani8 Perú_FB
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hey8ter · 7 years
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Stage Direction: “Shibutani gets so angry that nobody dares to interrupt”
He got in character easily and scared everybody!! As expected from an award winner actor!! But I think the argument scenes are his speciality. >XDa
from Togaki House - Kanjani8 Chronicles 15/04/2017
Cr.:  関ゞャニクロニクル_YT
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