#togawa ur so pretty how
inrainprose · 2 years
i love you office romance i love you grown-up romance i love you age gap i love you friends to lovers i love you awkward middle-age men i love you old man dumb with smartphone i love you late self-discovery i love you domestic bliss i love you soft idiots in love
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nnnyxie · 7 months
I‘m inlove with an au I saw- it was bakugo x Popstar!reader so why don’t we Just Switch That and make it Izuku x Popstar!reader??🤭 like Imagine reader being a Popstar since middle/high school so Izu has been a Stan from the start!! And he works his way up to becoming a pro, Reader becoming a fan quickly and appearing on a live stream wearing his merch (I’m thinking an oversized hoodie??) And Deku hears of it- super flustered hehe and also ofc him posting maybe a story with readers music in the bg?? Stuff like that
Does that make sense?? You get what I mean right?? Okay cool
#𖢥 izuku anon
i heart ur brain so bad!!!
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you’ve been a popstar since your first year of high school!!!
you quickly gained popularity because of your unique voice and music style!! i’m thinking smthn along the lines of daoko and jun togawa!!
when you first debuted— he just loved you— he loved your music, voice, and style choices. he’s been your biggest supporter since day one!
now you…. you’ve also been a big supporter of his too!! he was just a sidekick when you first saw him in action. and you were so happy to see how he climbed the ranks!!
you loved how he interacted with his fans and how he treated the younger ones!!
when he started to gain more popularity, merch of him started coming out. you were pretty much the first to get every item. you collected all the posters, figurines, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. you were as bad as he was when it came to all might.
though— he was the same with you. he collected your albums in all forms, he had tour shirts and sweatshirts too. (despite never being able to go to a concert.)
now onto the live stream part………
izuku usually isn’t able to watch your livestreams. they’re usually at night and he mainly does night patrol. but!! his schedule’s changed a bit and now he’s doing early noon!! how convenient!!
lucky enough!! as soon as he got home, your stream started. it was labeled:
let’s talk hero!! (aka let’s talk deku!!)
the way his face lit up—
he was definitely quick to join—
though, his ‘username just joined’ notification got drowned by all the other fans so you didn’t see it <//3
but— when you appeared, you were in his newest world heroes era costume— well, it was a sweatshirt design but still!!
he was so surprised that you were a fan of his!!! it made him so happy!!
if homeboy had a tail, it’d be wagging.
“hello everyone!!” you spoke to your phone, laughing at the amount of comments. sometimes it was overwhelming but, you’d do anything for your fans!!
canklebiter: h-h-he-hell-hello🥺
“oh…! hello cankle biter!” you tried not to laugh or outwardly cringe.
cuntryside.living: NAHHHHH THE FUCK???
patricksslutera: ignoring that. LETS TALK ABT DEKU🤭
nana.sei: yes pls 💥 let out ur fangirl side!! we luv it 💥
“alright, alright. we’ll get on with the conversation!” you clasped your hands together in excitement. “did you all see his recent save? he’s such an amazing hero! the way he was able to save all of those residents— it was truly inspiring! and he had the brightest smile on his face when they thanked him.” you smiled fondly, remembering the news report. “it must’ve been so difficult though. having all of that weight on you. all of that expediency. i can’t imagine how difficult it all is for him. he’s strong in many forms. i think that’s why i love him best.” his heart skipped a beat—
“but, he knew what he was getting into, you know? and i don’t mean that in a bad way! i mean it like— he decided to do it, knowing the repercussions. he did it because, he wanted to save people and make them happy.” you sighed, happily. “it’s so admirable.”
“and i’ll be honest— i’d be too scared to ever do that. but, seeing him in action? it’s just… inspiring. i’ve uh… this is a little embarrassing… but, i’ve dedicated quite a few of my songs to him… especially on my recent album…” you held your face in your hands. “you know the songs i’ve never explained the background of? yeah… those were the ones.” you groaned in slight embarrassment. “don’t go spreading that around now though— okay?” you playfully glared at the screen.
koushi.kt: @/mei.mei WHAT DID I SAY
earphone.jack✔︎: the green makes sense now…
pinky✔︎: @/earphone.jack I WAS JUST ABT TO SAY
nana.sei: HELP WHY IS EVERYONE ACTING SO SURPRISED??? this is them we’re talking abt c’mon🧍‍♀️
koushi.kt: wait bc i need to see them tgthr now
izuku feels dizzy and giddy.
he honestly thought that you might’ve had some secret lover due to the nature of the songs— but now that he knows the songs are for him??? he’s just !!!!
(i mean i’d be dying if i were in his shoes /pos)
he watches your live until its end— taking note of when the next will be
he also decides to ‘discreetly’ post on his story about your new album……. tagging you…….
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‘thyme’ was symbolic to courage, strength, power, and sacrifice in ancient greece & rome. which is why i chose it as a song title!!
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