leondxs · 5 years
NAME:  Ashley
NICKNAMES: don’t have one really
HEIGHT: 5'2″
SEXUALITY:  ehhhhh i like guys emotionally and aesthetically but not sexually?? idk
HOGWARTS HOUSE: idk, only read the first book so I wouldn’t really know :o
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Usually two, but one in the summer bc it’s mf h o t
DREAM TRIP:  New Zealand or somewhere in the UK
WHY I CREATED THIS BLOG: I just wanted to rant abt my evil son and let him annoy everyone else’s wonderful muses
Tagged by: @toheavyn
Tagging: Anyone who’d like to! <3
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diviinitas-moved · 5 years
is there a rule/guideline you think everyone should have? + is there a rule/guideline you can’t stand? + are there any plots on your wishlist?
ooc ask meme
is there a rule/guideline you think everyone should have? A lot of RPers are good about it and it’s the rpers that don’t have this in their rules or somewhere in their blog who I consider and reconsider following: making it clear that they have other real life responsibilities, and that they understand that others have real life responsibilities too. That this is tumblr rp, not their career, so they don’t take it too seriously. It’s happened too often that I’ve been followed by people who want replies within hours or days, and will ask a week later where their reply is. Like??? I don’t post threads until months later. I am slow. Especially this semester where I’m seriously focused on school and I’ve started putting my well-being first and I’m actually, for once, in a good place. This is my happy place. I don’t want deadlines from my hobby. I guess even if it’s not on their blog, they show some understanding that tumblr isn’t life. There are still a lot of people who don’t get that. It’s not only a good blog rule, but also a good life rule.
is there a rule/guideline you can’t stand? honestly reblog karma is really annoying. I get the sentiment behind it, but I’m not a fan at all. The source of the post has often deleted their blog or the post, and I don’t see why I have to be obligated to send an IC meme that I don’t see working out. And then I end up scrolling through the notes if I like the meme looking for an RP meme blog so I can reblog it from them and not some rando I don’t follow. Also, what’s the point of “reblog from source” if you see your mutual reblog the meme right after you reblogged it and they didn’t send anything in? They still technically used you as a meme source, and the only difference is that you didn’t get the notification. To me, it defeats the purpose. 
I see the point more when it comes to ooc memes because those are good for any situation. Also, some people care about reblog karma and some people don’t, and I don’t have the memory filed away of who practices reblog karma and who doesn’t. A lot of muns tag memes as “reblog from source” now which is extremely helpful, but when they didn’t people who forgot would get vagued constantly and aggressively: “friendly reminder :) to reblog from the source :) i’m not your fucking meme supply”. It wasn’t a nice environment or sentiment when the trend first started popping up. Regardless, I respect people who have that rule and just go straight for the source now. I don’t have the time to pull up everyone’s rules page whenever I want to reblog a meme. It’s a hassle, but it’s better than getting vagued or making someone feel like you disrespect them.
are there any plots on your wishlist? Not specific plots, but I have verses that I’d love to do more in!!! D’Ablo has a post-canon verse (banished from Elysia, still has one hand, very depressed and doesn’t know what to do with himself) and a siren verse (me sciencing up sirens) that I love and I don’t have nearly enough threads or plots in them. I also have a college verse where he is human and grew up in this century. Mostly I stick with my main verse so I’d love to branch out into those.
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unfinishcdbusincss · 5 years
Let’s start this shit off right! So I know that for a while there @sayitthrice was having a tough go of it, but lemme tell you something. Ella is a fucking rock star. A sweet, compassionate, happy soul that just reads as bright and fun, even through the screen! We’ve had some laughs trading some silly shit in IM’s lately and I just want to start by shining a spotlight on an incredibly fun human being!
Another fun person is @manenimittliv, who comes with a variety of muses. ;) Logan is just an all-around sweetheart, very upbeat and positive, very uplifting, very active. Vocal and supportive of fellow RPers, too, which is way cool to see and always a fucking treat! Every blog I see Logan running is a passion project, and the love and the attention poured into each one really gives a unique gravitas to the writing coming out!
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biiteme · 5 years
“How do you do it? How do you blend in to everyone around you?” / to Em, from Otis!
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outcast starters
“Practice, but more than anything - recognizing that anyone who figures me out will be dead in the next five seconds.”
Her voice held a tinge of annoyance, though she did wish to calm her dear grandson’s fears. 
“You are not prey, Otis; you are the hunter, and the one with power over them. Stop acting as though there is something to fear.”
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hereliesbitches--me · 5 years
📂📂📂📂 for her fallout verse?
Send “📂“ for a random headcanon!! (Always accepting) 
- Despite what people think ( though, likely don’t care about ) , not all mirelurk colonies are the same. They don’t all just get along, and recognize each other through a certain pattern of movement and even scents. Rosie can recognize her colony and communicate with them through a series of clicking and imitation gestures like snapping her hands like claws, walking around in a certain pattern, and swaying. She knows her colony’s look, scent, and gestures that identifies her with them (After all, whats safer protection than living with a colony of giant acid spitting crabs??) 
Rosie finds it highly offensive when people think she can just jump in with any colony and that all mirelurk are the same. They are all individual groups. Rosie got Charisma but it takes time and she’s gotta charm the right wasteland monster to save her tail (aka. Charm the Queen = how she accidentally got adopted into her colony) .Also offensive to think she speaks cat because she is half cat. Most cat assholes and they fight cuz they harass her dogs. 
- Rosie has an absolutely ungodly fixation with shiny things and will do crazy things to get it. She’s a little thief and if it catches her attention, she will go to the extremes to nab it. This often gets her into major trouble, but shiny is shiny!! You liekly know she’s camped out in a spot if you come across a bunker with a mass amount of random shiny objects all piled together– items she collected, but couldn’t take when she had to leave that spot. Ironically, once she has it, she eventually loses interest and just hoards it. Hence why she has no problem leaving it behind after a while, taking only what has value enough to trade or still kept her attention. She just an irrational lil collector. Even her dogs Judge her when she gets weird with her pile. All her armor is also 80% stolen (from both living and dead)
She can be brought out by nice and interesting shiny thinks. And items that chime and ring, literally like a cat. Someone hold her back or she falling for it. She’s literally only alive by sheer luck and instinct. Trained gunner brain vs impulsive animal brain. 
-  When it comes to her two hounds, Rosie has had Sergeant, the German Shepard, since she was a young girl. She got him while he was a puppy , when she was still a little girl among the Gunners. It was a gift to her from the head  gunner to her, when they found a stray puppy lost while they were on a job. He brought it back to Rosie, and she took him with her when Nova dragged her along to the raiders. Its the reason Sergeant is a lot like a military dog because they taught him commands, how to run supplies, to how to be a defensive attack dog for little Rosie. Because of the events that happened while with the raider group, Sergeant gets viciously aggressive if someone tries to forcefully get between him and Rosie, or when you try to force him into a cage or into a separate room. Dog turns from cool and collected to an absolute feral mad dog, and he’s honestly Rosie’s biggest comfort dogo. He’s grown with her, he’s a rather old dog. Rosie’s other mutant hound, Major, was found besides the body of a dead super mutant who Rosie can only assume was his master. Left out in the open, poor dog looked like he was starving, but refused to leave the side of its decaying super mutant, even going so far as to defend the body from other wasteland creatures that tried to get it. He had been covered in wounds from those fights, looked close to death, and Rosie with her natural instinct wanted to help the dog. Using her Charisma she’s able to pacify the mutant, offer him food to occupy him, and used her own scare supplies to clean up and bandage his wounds. She camped out in the same area and kept up the routine for a good week before the hound would fully trust her, and once he did Rosie wanted to take him along with her. She dug up a nice hole and hulled the decaying super mutant piece by piece into the hole, then buried it. Once buried, Major seemed to have finally made his peace, and happily went along with Rosie. Major is much younger than Sergeant, and Rosie estimates he’s only a few years old( aka. A puppy) despite being literally as big as she is and twice her weight. He’s more for intimidation and muscle, and alerts both Rosie and Sergeant of danger when they’re all sleeping together in a pile.
- Because of her experiences, Rosie has never really formed any kind of real or intimate relationships. she’s in her early 20s but literally the only companions she’s ever had has been with her dogs. She can charm people, she can flirt and talk a big game to aid with her thievery-- but to actually go all the way? For someone to actually show interest in her?Rosie.exe shuts down. She freezes and doesn’t know what to do and loses confidence if she doesn’t have a full thought out plan. She’s had crushes but has never actually tried to pursue anyone. 
She wears gunner goggles because she thinks she looks cool and they protect her eyes, but she also wonders if that turns people away from liking her. She a sensitive crazy cat thing!!
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mojavcmoved · 5 years
3, 4, 5, and 6 for sheila!!!
character development // accepting!
3. How do they cope with loss? Do they visibly show their grief, or do they hide it? How deeply are they affected? 
4. What was the worst day of their life? Did it ruin them, or did they pick themselves back up and dust themselves off?
there’s three contenders for the worst day of sheila’s life. in ascending order they are being shot ( which it may be surprising she doesn’t see this as the ultimate worst ), the day of the 2nd hoover dam battle, and worst of all; the otherwise normal day when her parents went missing. 
whilst she’s managed to pick herself up each time, it’s been a long road to acceptance with the disappearance of her parents.
5. What do they see themselves doing in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Do they see themselves living on into old age, or dying young?
sheila tends to take things a day at a time. whilst she’s ever the optimist, she doesn’t expect to reach any grand old age out in the wastes. most of her goals are short term due to this, but as of her fallout 4 verse she at least hopes to grow her courier business within the next five years.
6. Who do they consider their friends? Enemies? Frenemies? Acquaintances? Do they trust any of them?
everyone is a friend the only real way to become sheila’s enemy is to attempt to kill her or anyone she cares about. she’s a very amicable gal, and loves to make friends with whoever she can.
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// @toheavyn //
Had he cared much that he was running late to class? A little bit, but saving people from certain death was actually kind of more important. It was a gift and a curse that Norman Osborn, his best friends father, was his teacher. He was more likely to be excused for his tardiness but that didn’t mean Norman wasn’t going to give him a hard time. 
Either way, here Peter was swinging into action. Landing beside an innocent bystander who was in the midst of the action, ‘ Hey! You need any help? ‘ 
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magtitude · 5 years
new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want | accepting | @honeyedhowl & @toheavyn & @thatcertainnight & @whiskydeputy
under a cut bc this is Long & getting a bit Hashtag Personal yikes
honeyedhowl asked: 🌻
i love each and every one of my OCs. even David W ( to an extent, bc he chooses to do Some Shit ). one day i’ll write entire novels for them all and only post them on the internet... ah.
toheavyn asked: 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
i have over 300 drafts... not of threads but like asks i keep meaning to answer, audio posts, dash games, aesthetic & musing posts, and only a handful are actually threads
sometimes i think i might have [redacted], but then again maybe not, bc i went to see a doctor when i was 18 about [redacted] and we did a quick test thing Just To Check, and it came up as Nah You Don’t Have It, so. maybe i’m just looking for excuses lol. or am i? maybe. but some things that are common with [redacted] resonate and uhhhh. potentially? That’s Yikes.
pink is a good colour... best fucking colour and it looks so good with purple, and red.
i am merely milimetres away from dumping my entire soul on this blog at any one time i swear to god. i can’t even do it normally, i know.
i can’t swim :/
wish i kept learning french :/ bc at least i’d be able to have some handy-dandy skills lol. even though i wanted to learn german instead of french but lol choices aren’t real, even in real life
thatcertainnight asked: 🌻 !
i like lilies bc they’re my mum’s favourite flowers. very pretty.
whiskydeputy asked: 🌻 tell me everything :eyes:
tells u everything
ok! sometimes i daydream about people having crushes on me. :/ in real life i don’t think i’d. be able to commit anyway even if i, hypothetically, returned Feelings. the emotional compromise? terrifying.
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demonslayvr · 5 years
17 & 20!
meme | accepting / sexuality + gender diversity headcanons
how are their feelings towards pride and related phenomenons?
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JACKPOT.   answered  !!
what are your muse’s feelings towards the culture of romance and sexuality as it pertains to their identity?
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HEADCANON 292.  he’s had a issue or two with it in the past that still give him a time when he has to deal with dating now.  he doesn’t want to,  like,   “  trick anyone  “  about who he is when it comes to his gender identity.  it can be difficult and he’s hugely aware of that fact and it bothers him that it has to be a problem in the first place for some people.  that some are,  like,  disgusting and phobic.  he’s patient in explaining things to his partner though if they reach anything sexual or want to go forward  ;  he just also has to be comfortable with the person and be sure that communication is truly there so he doesn’t get hurt and the other doesn’t get weird.  
he hates the culture the way it is but he does his part in being as clear as possible so the culture doesn’t get worse because he didn’t explain.
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🎨 & ☯️ !
🎨  (also asked by @wrongarmofthelaw )
You got: The Scream
Omg CALM DOWN, STOP FREAKING OUT, everything is seriously honest-to-god going to be okay, there are easy solutions to all your problems, just RELAX. Jesus.
{Ha.  Definitely not ‘easy solutions’ to some of them.}
Archetype 1: The Caregiving Creator
The caregiver in you is altruistic, loving and compassionate. Although prone to martyrdom and enabling behaviors, your inner caregiver helps others in need and sustains life and health. Your inner creator fosters imagination and innovation, always looking for new projects and thinking of new ways to express yourself to the world. Life Goals: Help others through sacrifice, create new thingsFears: Selfishness, ingratitude, failure, inauthenticityResponse to Problems: Act immediately to find solutionsLife Tasks: Give without maiming self or others, create new things, self-acceptancePersonal Gifts:  generosity, nurturing, creativity, visionPersonal Pitfalls: Martyrdom, enabling others, self-indulgence, unorganized
{I don’t... think this one really works  “Help others through sacrifice”, yes.  Creating new things?  Not so much a life goal.  Some of these do apply, but others very much don’t, and I don’t think the overall description really fits.  If he does create something new, whether a wooden carving, technology, or whatever, it’s not usually as a means of self-expression.}
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riddl3r · 5 years
I absolutely love your portrayal!! Your headcanons are great and your writing is beautiful. The way you can consistently portray him while still getting the season's specific details and changes done right is straight up admirable!! And I absolutely love the fact that you can definitely hear Ed's voice in the dialogue. ( TL;DR: I fuckin love your Ed! And you're hella sweet too! )
beep beep how’s my portrayal ? (accepting!) // @toheavyn
AKSDJAKDTAKH THIS IS THE BEST, THANK YOU!!!! I am so glad you like my portrayal cause I love your blog!
And I hope you get better soon!! I am so looking forward to writing with you!
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diviinitas-moved · 5 years
❛ but was it really worth it? ❜ / Henry!
electra heart starters; @toheavyn
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All of it. I don’t regret a single moment. A lie. He regrets things he could have done differently– could have done better, that would’ve ensured he won. He replays it, over and over, picturing scenarios where things went better. Picking through his plans, fixing what he should have fixed then. But then, hindsight is 20/20, isn’t it?
He doesn’t regret a single thing he’s done to them, though. And if he could, he would go back and do it again.
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biiteme · 5 years
“You’re one of them. Aren’t you?” / from Henry, to Em!
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outcast starters
“Observant, aren’t you?”
Vladimir’s… Friend? Drudge? The whole situation is a bit perplexing; frankly it was cruel to let the two boys grow so close in the first place, in her opinion.
“I’d state my business now if I were you.”
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normallyxstrange · 5 years
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@toheavyn sent:  👋!!
Too shy to approach? Don’t be! | accepting
     //Then let us commence with the plotting and the RP, new friend. 
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mojavcmoved · 5 years
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there was something about the lucky 38 that seemed to bring back fractured memories of her old life in the vault. voices carying through the halls, the clatter of cutlery against old plates, music playing softly on an old, crackling radio... something about it put the old woman at ease. the calmness seemed to have an effect on leo too, his demands and orders lessened while in the calmness of the presidential suite. 
in fact, she’s so calm she barely notices arcade enter the lounge. the nightkin jumps in her seat as she spots him, almost missing a stitch in her knitting. 
“ oh! you snuck up on me, pumpkin! ”
@toheavyn  ❤’ed the starter call!
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violeteyedkiller · 5 years
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Thank yoU dear follower!! 
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