#tok rev spoilers
rinwhore · 2 years
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i swear to u he's just a cute angwy meow meow
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Shinichiro lost his father, and his mother was at the hospital, and he decided to cope by fighting people (way stronger than him) and starting a gang which later became the greatest gang in Japan and -
This man, this teenager, this boy, who until his 13 birthday had an as normal life as it can be, who had a father, a mother, grandparents, who even had a little brother (!!!), who had a typical childhood with an as banal as him childhood friend, with an as normal life as him – lost that. (and his normal childhood friend lost it as well, wow !)
He lost that and decided to become a delinquent, which, even if it brought him joy ("I am very proud to have spent my all my teenhood with you guys!"), led him to 1. encourage his baby brother (who he sees as his son) to do the same, even with all the pain it (can) involves 2. lose that baby brother, which, during all those years, he had heavily put the responsibility of is mental well-being on. His baby brother who is one of the few things he had left of this normal life he once had (and that his baby brother can't remember having).
Mikey has a tragic life - maybe he wouldn't have turn to delinquency if Shinichiro didn't. The same way perhaps Izana wouldn't have but Shinichiro showed him the way.
Shinichiro has a tragic life - even without the original timeline. The so called 'normal life' he had was teared away from him, suddenly, brutally. And he turned to violence.
Shinichiro's teenhood starts off with his father's sudden, unpredictable death, and it ends with the disbandment of the 1st generation of Black Dragon (which could've happened a few months after his mother's death - giving another perspective on the whole thing). But Shinichiro left Black Dragon so that Mikey could have it, and could become greater than him.
Without Mikey, Shinichiro wouldn't have left Black Dragon.
And with Mikey dead, he almost goes back to it (doesn't deny Wakasa's proposal of joining his gang and being on top of the world) and he talks about murdering people - and he does it. Granted, there were a lot of other stuffs that pushed him to it; but if it wasn't for his baby brother, the only thing left of his normal life, the only thing that reminded him of it, and how you do it, the only thing that pushed him to go back to it, to be 'normal', to open a legal shop, to stop illegal acts...
If Mikey didn't exist, or if he had died with his father, how far into illegality would Shinichiro had gone ? (and how far was he about to go in the original timeline if he hadn't died ? knowing he confesses he did a lot of shady stuffs in those four years to take care of Mikey)
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chodzacaparodia · 11 months
His smile...
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Because of that smile, I would be able to believe even the greatest stupidity, even if I knew it was bullshit. I would agree to any idiotic plan. I would do anything for that smile.
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You don't have to tell me twice. I would go through fire and water for you, Chifuyu.
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maitake-archive · 1 month
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Achilles and Patroclus
Orpheus and Eurydice
Mikey and Takemichi
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writingsbymo-mo · 10 months
Mine Always
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Bonten!Rindou x F!Reader
Rating: Mature
Contains: pregnancy, mild sexual themes, language
Contains spoilers for the Tenjiku arc
Note: she/her pronouns are used when referring to your past self at times...and in the little bonus at the end. Keep that in mind before reading 💕
"Welcome home, Rindou!" You beamed, planting a kiss on his lips, "did you miss me?" You had a long day sorting through files for Koko. With you being a few months pregnant, you were stuck doing office work for Bonten, not that you minded. Field work was always more enjoyable, especially after many adrenaline induced escapades with Rindou that led to your current situation.
Rindou smiled into the kiss, sneaking a few on the shell of your ear. "Why wouldn't I miss my beautiful pregnant wife?" He cooed, picking you up in his arms. "Come on, it's been a long day for both of us. Let's get some rest."
The city lights illuminated the space just enough to reach the comfort of your shared bed. Gently, he lowered you onto the silk sheets, tucking you in. He's been doing this often the moment your little bump began to show and honestly, you loved it. The bed creaked under his weight as he joined you under the covers. He rolled onto his side, gazing at you fondly, gently wrapping his arms around your form until your back was pressed to his chest. "Can't believe we've been together for over ten years now. And now, we have a little Haitani on the way." His warm hand began rubbing small circles onto your bump as he pressed kisses into the back of your neck.
You gasped, moving your head to give him more access to your neck as a thought came to you. "I wonder how our past selves would react to us now, you know? I mean, you used to have the biggest crush on me according to Ran before we started dating." Rindou scoffed, "of course he told you that...sigh...though he is part of the reason we're here now."
"Aww," you cooed, placing your hand over his, "I guess I'll have to thank him later. Still, I think you'd have the cutest reactions if your past self knew you fucked a baby into me." You giggled as he shook his head with a chuckle. "Alright love, let's go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."
"Yeah, goodnight Rin."
"Goodnight love," he whispered and kissed your neck.
You awaken to a shrill scream piercing your ears. "Who the fuck are you? How did you get in here? GET OUT!!!!"
You rubbed your eyes and sat up immediately, confused as to what is happening. You fell asleep next to Rindou like always so who is this? Then it hit you, where is he.....
Frantically, you search the room only to find....familiarity? It was your old bedroom. The walls lined with posters of your favorite bands and movies, your computer with your cd tower next to it with a few cases placed at your desk you were given to by Rindou not long after you started dating. You smiled, remembering how excited he was giving you his first copy of remixes and originals to you, wanting your honest feedback after listening to it. It was something you always cherished even into your present time. You couldn't help the soft smile forming on your face as you reminisced your memories with him.
"HEY! Are you even listening?! GET THE FUCK OUT!!!"
You snapped out of your thoughts, staring wide-eyed at your past self fuming, holding a bat you used to have before it snapped in half during a fight. Somehow, you stayed calm, sighing as you got a better look at your past self. "I almost forgot I dyed my hair neon pink and blue with a black under color...Ran and Rindou were right though. It was a good look for me," mumbled to yourself, or so you thought. Your younger self clutched the bat tighter, closer to her chest. "H-how...how...what??? What do you mean by "me"?"
You quietly laughed and smiled, "it's just as I said. I am you just about ten years from now."
Her jaw dropped, "so...if you're me...then who knocks me up in the future?" She said as she points to your visible bump.
"You want to know?" She nods at you while your hand caresses your stomach, rubbing it fondly. "Rindou did."
"Y-you mean...we—
"Yes, we fucked."
A huge blush spread across her face. She stepped towards the bed, grabbed the nearest pillow and squealed into it, "ohmygodohmygodohmygod!"
'How cute!' You thought, giggling to yourself. She lifted her head so only her eyes were visible, "is he, you know...big?" You almost choked on your spit, "y-yeah...he's quite thick. The best I've ever had." Then it dawned on you. 'Did Rindou get transported here too? If so, is he at his old place? But what if he isn't?'
"Shit, I'm going to be late!" She jumped to the closet, throwing on her Tenjiku uniform, grabbing her trusty bat then turning her head to you with a smirk, "you coming or not?"
"You know it!" And maybe, just maybe he'll also be there.
The sun shone bright in the sky as you left Yokohama Station with your past self leading the way. 'Must be one of the executive's meetings before our major battle with Toman,' You concurred given the information gathered from your past self.
A few twists and turns down streets and alleyways, the two of you made it to the abandoned warehouse where the meeting would take place. "It's the same as I remember." The floors were covered in dirt and broken glass, mainly by the windows. More people in red coats arrived shortly after your arrival: Mochi, Shion, Koko, Hanma, Kisaki, and Muto. One of them approached you, eyeing your figure as he licked his lips.
"Oi, Rindou's girl, who's the pregnant babe?"
"Shut it Hanma, she's taken!" Your past self barked. "Besides, she's me."
"The fuck?!" Hanma, Shion, and Mochi yelled in unison. Koko squinted in confusion, clearly thinking the same thing while Muto furrowed his brows. Kisaki stood quietly, unwavered yet bothered by the circumstances. They all stared at you, then at your other self, then back to you. "Well, they both look the same to me," stated Mochi. Shion scoffed, "the pregnant one is clearly better looking."
"I heard that!" Your past self yelled, clenching her fists, stomping towards Shion who shrunk back. You held your arm out in front of her, glaring at him. "I may be pregnant but I can still take you in a fight, Shion. Say that to me again, I dare you," glowered. He held his hands up, laughing nervously to himself. "So then future Rindou's girl, did he knock you up or—"
"I did."
Everyone shifted to the new voice. He stepped forward, hands in his suit pockets with his usual annoyed expression as two young men in black Tenjiku uniforms followed behind him. "Rindou!" You beamed. Your eyes watered a little as you ran to him, jumping in his arms. "I missed you sweetheart," he smiled, pulling you in a tight hug and peppered kisses on your forehead as though he was afraid to lose you again.
"R-Rindou?!" The members of Tenjiku exclaimed, eyes wide with their jaws to the floor.
Ran and past Rindou strolled over to you, the older one placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm going to be an uncle," he smiled. "Yeah, in ten years," stated your Rindou as he rolled his eyes. "Still, I will be an uncle."
The Rindou from the past couldn't stop himself from looking at his girlfriend to you and your baby bump. Rosey pink filled his cheeks, knowing what he or his future self did with you. "Don't worry yourself too much. Just make sure to take good care of her when the time comes," you winked at him. The tips of his ears turned crimson as he looked away, taking his glasses off to clean them. "Don't tease him too much, love. You know how I was then." You giggled and booped his nose, "and you're still like that Rin-Rin."
"So, I heard we have some unexpected guests joining us. Thanks for the call, Ran"
All members of Tenjiku dropped silent, paying respects to their leader.
"I-Izana..." your eyes began to water as your heart swelled. Of course, he'd still be here. The Toman battle hasn't arrived yet
"Congratulations you two," Izana smiles, "the weather is lovely today, isn't it?"
You nodded, "it's good to see you again."
Kakuchou stood beside Izana, softly gazing at you and Rindou. "It's good to see you're still together."
Seeing everybody filled you and Rindou with joy. You shed a few tears as his thumb wiped them away. "I know we just got here, but we should find a way to get home. No telling what shit is going down with us gone." You sighed, defeated then nodded. He's right. Even if we stay, we don't belong in this time. "Do you know how?" He shrugged, "I'm not sure, but I've heard some of Sanzu's strange mumbling during his highs about time travel...and if I'm right, I need to be behind you."
"You're leaving already? But you just got here..." your past self cried, tackling you into a hug. "At least let me say goodbye first!" You smile, returning it. "Take care of that baby, you hear?" She sniffs. "Don't worry, we will."
Younger Rindou approaches the two of you, unable to look you in the eyes. He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, still bushing from earlier. "Don't worry, I'll take care of her. And take care of our future child...plea—oof—" Ran drapes an arm over his shoulder and pulls him down with him to reach your eye level. "Take care of yourself and be good to my little nephew when he's born Rin-Rin!" Rindou rolls his eyes, "it's not like yourself from the future doesn't say that every single day," he retorts, though he can't help but smile. Ran nudges his brother under his arm, "and you better take care of your girl."
"Bye you two!"
"See you soon?!"
"Don't make too many crotch goblins!"
You both laughed at the last one.
It was time to go. A heavy sigh escaped you. Rindou circled behind you, wrapping his arms around your waste and nuzzling your neck. "I love you," he muttered, leaving a light peck on your nape.
Light was swallowed in an instant as you found yourself under the covers of familiar silky sheets. You yawned, stretching your limbs with a grunt. 'Was that all a dream? It felt too real.'
A set of arms pulled you closer. You squeaked as he kissed your neck. "Rindou!" You whined. "Shhhh, go back to sleep love," he whispered into your skin, sliding a hand down to caress your stomach. "So it was a dream? Shit...," you covered your face with your hands as sorrow washed over you.
"A dream?"
You nodded.
"When we saw our past selves and all of Tenjiku again?"
You tensed as your eyes popped open. "It wasn't a dream?! Oh thank god I'm not crazy," you sighed in relief.
Rindou shifted, straddling over you, beaming down at you like he's viewing the finest piece of art. He trails kisses from your Bonten tattoo over your right breast up to your lips, smiling with every smooch. "To prove it, I'm going to take good care of you and our baby."
"I know you will Rin."
Rindou awakens with a hard punch to the gut. "Cough, cough...the fuck was that for love?!" He sits up, ready to find you angry at him for whatever reason, but was met with a familiar face with a set of round glasses scowling at him.
"You better fucking get out if you know what's good for you. Or you won't be seeing this "love" of yours ever again!" He yelled.
Yawn "Rindou, keep it down! I need to get my nap in before the meeting—the fuck?! Why are there two of you in here...?"
Younger Rindou snapped his head at his older self, pulling up the sleeve of his shirt to see a matching tattoo only his brother and himself have. "What...the...hell?!!" His eyes widened, completely stunned. Never in his life did he ever think this to happen. This was something that only happens in movies.
Rindou clutched his abdomen, hissing from his younger self's gut punch. "Ok, here's the deal. I don't know how or why I got here. All I know is I need some painkillers and to get back to my pregnant wife."
"Wait...I-I'm married?" He gasped, stumbling in his steps.
"You're married and your wife is pregnant?!!"
Rindou nodded and crossed his arms. "Been with her for over ten years. You'll know who she is when you see her."
Ran's grumpy demeanor vanished at the whole revelation. He rushed over and squeezed Rindou in his arms. "I can't believe I'll be an uncle one day!"
Younger Rindou stood in the corner, thinking about who his future wife is considering he knows her. "Wait...is it—"
"Yes, it's her. She's the best woman a man could have."
"Well Rin-Rin, I was right to nudge you two together."
"Shut up Ran..."
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mornwrites · 7 months
Just a reminder that final timeline Manjiro has memories from both the Bonten timeline and Kantou Manji timeline. He will always have blood staining his hands even if this newer and "better" version of him hasn't killed anybody in this timeline.
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basorexia-formyboys · 2 months
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Content warnings: Incest, detailed mentions of cnc, brief mentions of the following: weapons, stalking, kidnapping, and exhibitionism
Tags: @love-and-lore @savedbysinners (ask to be added)
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Rindou hated this. He hated how forbidden it felt. He hated how dirty it made him feel. He hated knowing how taboo it was. But most of all he hated how he didn't hate this at all. He loved it. He loved it so much. Out of all the crimes he and his brother committed on a regular basis since they were so damn young, this had been his favorite since they'd started doing this when he was sixteen and nervously hinted at it on his birthday.
Rindou loved bouncing on Ran's lap, his eyes rolled back while their match watched him move in lusty desperation. Watching him get off as he whimpered out for his aniki. They were both into this way too much to ever be fully satisfied by anyone but eachother anymore. Only Rindou's mouth and ass could ever fully pleasure Ran's cock now.
"Shh, don't be too loud Rin.. Don't want them to find out you like riding your big brother like a whore, do you? Do I need to get my needy slut a gag? Tie you up like this is against your will and something you don't want? Use you while you can't do a thing or make a sound? Maybe we could even do it in an alleyway like I just snatched you off the sidewalk and forced my cock in? Ignore all your adorable and useless little pleas for me to stop? We can pretend like I kidnapped you, I'm an obsessed stalker who can't wait to use you while you cry out for help.."
Ran's coos were quiet as he listened to Rindou's loudening moans stutter and fall to a struggled quiet again as Rindou shakily but vigorously nodded to the rest with intense desire for the cnc play. This was Ran's room, they usually fucked in here just for the purpose of being closer to everyone else because thats another thing that helped them get off. The risk of getting caught was huge, especially with Ran's room being wall to wall with Takeomi's and the scarred male staying in his room often.
Rindou gave another obedient and shaky nod to fhe command of quiet but the way Ran had begun to buck up into Rindou's bounces and hit even harder on all the right spots made being quiet so hard. Rindou bit his lips shut, moans coming out as shaky hums with stuttered and fast breaths through his nose as he tried to bounce faster to get off fully. But his bouncing was nothing to Ran's actual thrusts. Rindou needed that and he gave a look to Ran that spelled that out. But his older brother just huffed a laugh in his face.
"You really can't do anything without my help, hm? Beg for it, tell aniki exactly what you want. Make sure you're real specific." Ran's hands had been just resting on Rindou's waist as the younger bounced on his cock but his right now moved up, giving a quick squeeze to one of the the clamps on Rindou's nipples and drawing a pleasured shiver before Ran's right hand reached Rindou's throat and squeezed the sides. Both of Rindou's hands had been stuck to their place on Ran's shoulders, nails digging in so hard they'd drawn blood but neither cared.
"please aniki plea- please fuck me- please fuck me hard Ran I need it so fucking bad- I need your cock to fill me up and use me- I need to be your toy- your victim- god please-" Rindou was always so obedient, breathing out the pleads for pleasure. He almost never disobeyed the commands Ran gave him when they were like this. Rindou loved to obey when he was on Ran's cock, he loved being fucked complacent. If Ran suddenly told him to scream out in pleasure and tell the whole world that the two brothers who used to rule Roppongi and now were members of a criminal organization together were fucking eachother, Rindou would without a second thought until after. But neither wanted their secret revealed. It was the uncertainty of knowing what the response would be that made it more exhilarating.
Would the others just not care and move on? Would the brothers be called dirty and disgusting? Would the reaction be so bad that Mikey would have them killed? Ran and Rindou got off on that, the risk of losing even their lives just so Ran could bury his dick in his little brother's ass.
"Good boy" Ran smirked as he gave the praise, watching Rindou practically deflate when Ran pulled out only for Ran to pulled Rindou into a deep french kiss while Ran's left hand came around Rindou and fingered him to occupy his hole while Ran got a taste of his own cum that still stained Rindou's mouth. Ran loved using fingering Rindou to pull him closer, Rindou gasping as he was spread open and forced deeper into the kiss with Ran's tongue nearly down his throat.
As Ran yanked Rindou into the kiss, he made easy work of flipping them both over and then Rindou once more after breaking the kiss. Rindou's face was pressed into Ran's pillow fast as his back arched and his ass pressed up in the air with neediness. Ran could get drunk just off this sight alone, watching Rindou's asshole visibly tensing and relaxing as if it were trying to pull something in that wasn't there.
Ran was quick to push his dick fully in, watching Rindou's head raise from the pillow with a sharp gasp. The younger shoved his face back into the pillow the moment Ran's hands found their places on Rindou's love handles with his thumbs on Rindou's back dimples and the elder began thrusting into Rindou like he was trying to break the younger in half. Rindou's moans were loud into the pillow and he was grateful that Ran was so picky about his bedding and got thick pillows that were good at muffling.
Rindou was so quickly made a mess by Ran's cock, toes curled and hands balled tight around the sheets. Ran filled him up so perfectly it was like they were made to fuck eachother.
"You're so damn stunning taking your big brother's cock, Rin. I could fuck you for hours and never get tired of how adorable you are begging for me to use you like it's the only thing you have left in this world. I want to make you my little fuck slave so bad, keep you all pretty naked and on your knees in my office while I work." With every dirty sentence, Rindou's mind went fuzzier with pleasure. Being Ran's fuck slave sounded amazing. So so so amazing. No worries or responsibilities but taking his brother's cock.
Rindou begged into the pillow for Ran to make that happen, for Ran to take away all of Rindou's control. Ran wished he could but they were too far into this Bonten thing that they usually needed all hands on deck for missions, Rindou being their top sharp shooter especially. So for now he would just fuck Rindou senseless so his younger brother would forget about all the duties for now.
"So dumb on my cock, you're too stupid to shoot a gun aren't you baby? So dumb you'll need me for the rest of our lives?" Ran's coo was met with vigorous nods. Rindou loved being degraded, infantilized, and objectified, being made out that he was capable of nothing but being fucked and would always need to rely on his aniki for everything. Sometimes they both wondered if the other executives noticed how often Ran insisted on cooking and such for both of them and how they'd look deeply at eachother for a moment when that happened as Ran's eyes told Rindou that he was too stupid for this and to just let his master take care of it.
"I wonder if tomorrow for dinner I should make you take my cum before food. Let everyone see how you are so fucking desperate for me to be down your throat that even food becomes a second priority when you see my dick. Wouldn't you like that, Rin?" Ran leaned over Rindou as be spoke, bucking right into Rindou's prostate as he clamped his teeth around the skin of Rindou's shoulder and began to leave a lovebite with a bite shaped bruise around it. Rindou moaned loud into the pillow with once again fast nods. "Such a good slut for your aniki"
Ran leaned back up and it wasn't long before they'd both came multiple times and were out of energy, Ran's softening cock still inside the younger as he spooned Rindou. Rindou's breaths were shaky and Ran could both see and feel that his little brother's entire body was twitchy. But Rindou looked so euphoric that Ran knew he'd done good.
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littleholmes · 1 year
applauding the english VA’s for season 2 ep 8 because I think it’s one of my fave of the dub
Chifuyu’s “goddamn…” and Mitsuya’s story and the way his va said the “we’re all weak, that’s why we have friends” line and Mikey’s “merry christmas😊!” were my favorites but the watery I love them!’s that grew increasingly frantic like a kid getting worked up and panicked and scared while Taiju punched Hakkai? That moment was so well performed and made it clear how skewed his understanding of love is and there’s very much a kid inside him mimicking whoever he learned this behavior from. He sounded like he was this close to having a meltdown (and I mean, he kinda was in that moment with the way he was beating the hell out of Hakkai) and it was just oof
But also during that memory of their mom asking Yuzuha what she thought of their dad, kudos to her VA for that because her tone carried the implication of what kind of a man papa Shiba is and idk I’m rambling but I watch the sub and the dub and this was a heavy episode with so much and I just really appreciate the english VA’s for how they did this one
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vexfulfolly · 2 years
“So you and everyone will smile.”
Sometimes the protagonist needs to lose to make you appreciate how good they were.
(Jack this isn’t spoilers)
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ella390-the-potato · 2 years
Why do I feel at the end of the final chapter, Wakui will give us a twist?
Like all this happiness seems very uncharacteristic. I'm extremely suspicious.
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rinwhore · 2 years
Hanemiya Kazutora
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Mikey has intrusive thoughts in the final timeline, that's just how it is.
He spent an entire life with the curse and his dark impulses, the habits don't go away even if he isn't cursed anymore.
He hates them, of course he does, but what can he do to push them away? There's nothing. He endures them. He sees a knife, he sees Draken, Emma, Kazutora, Sanzu, anyone, and thinks about how he could kill them. How he knows in some timeline, in some shape or form, he did kill them, how technically it wouldn't mean much since him and Takemichi can go back. Would Takemichi still stay by his side? He doesn't want to kill them. He doesn't want to kill anyone again. That's why he went to search for South anyway, wasn't it? He doesn't know what he went to go save South. Perhaps because he'd have become a problem anyway? Or is it because South is the only one close enough to understand how it is? There's too much him and South have in common, they can understand each other in a way Takemichi or anyone else will never understand.
He lets the thoughts come and go.
He thinks about scarring Sanzu again. (He hates it.) He tries to focus on the happiness that comes with seeing Sanzu without any scars on his face. (He remembers how it feels to tear apart his skin. How the blood stained their clothes and faces. How he scrubs his entire body in the bathtub, how he almost ripped his hands apart with how hard he tried to make the blood go. The guilt never truly left. Even when Sanzu has no scars and nobody but him to remember it.)
He wonders where's the line that will make Takemichi stop forgiving him. How far can he go? How far did he go in past timelines he has no memories of? What awful crimes has he committed? Will he feel any amount of guilt if he ever gets to know about them? Or would he simply feel a dull numbness? Would he care? He spent an entire life wishing to care and not being able to.
He talks about these thoughts with Takemichi sometimes, mostly at night. They got used at doing sleepovers - it was the only way they found to talk about how to save everyone without having to be wary about Baji and Sanzu (or anyone else, but it was those two at first) listening to them. There was still the risk of them waking up in the middle of the night (Senju as well) and interrupt them, but it was better than nothing. Sleepovers where it was only him and Takemichi were still the best when it came to come up with plan for the future.
The sleepovers became less and less important as they grew older and did what they had to, but they never stopped. What would they? They were friends.
And Mikey couldn't talk with anyone else about his darkest thoughts. Granted, he didn't like to tell Takemichi he caught himself fantasizing about bashing his face in, but Takemichi knew about his mind. Takemichi also already died by his own hands. He's used to tell Takemichi what's on his mind - Takemichi kind of conditioned him to - and Takemichi does the same. They can't tell the others. The others don't know. The others don't remember. The others can only ask how they knew what was their favorite dish when they never told either Mikey or Takemichi.
(The others can only wonder why Mikey and Takemichi sometimes look at them and see ghosts. The remains of someone who isn't there and won't ever be anymore. Mikey doesn't wonder why, but he knows how it feels - Takemichi does it randomly when he looks at him.)
Mikey remembers South's least breath under him. He remembers how close he was to do the same to Kazutora. He doesn't remember what Takemichi talks about when nobody else can hear but them. He never set foot in Manila. No tattoo ever adorned his body.
He only has memories of Shinichiro, Baji, Emma, Izana, Draken, South dying. Sometimes he wonders if he should kill the others just to see how it is. (Could he truly make Takemichi have to go through it again? He wishes he could remember all the timelines Takemichi has been in. Takemichi says it's best he doesn't.)
Death lost its meaning a long time ago. He lost too many loved-ones (now breathing and well and missing someone who is alive never ceases to be weird) to remember how it is to grieve. There's nothing but a ball of hollowness in his chest when he thinks of death.
If anyone dies, him and Takemichi can go back. They can go back as long as they want to. They could become immortal if they really think about it. Maybe try to become Japan number 1. (He knows it's a bad idea. He knows Takemichi will never accept. But it took a while before Mikey found something else he could do in his life. A real job. Looking back, motor-racer should have been an obvious choice. But he had just left his past life and, truly, it never crossed his mind that he should one day leave delinquency behind. He only knew how to fall.)
Time became a very foreign concept to them. And so is death.
Takemichi remembers more deaths than he does. They talk about it, like everything else. Takemichi still refrains from saying too much - he leaves as many details as he can and tries not to cry. Mikey thought it was not to upset him at first, then he realized Takemichi wanted someone else to know without having to cry. Mikey sometimes wonder, if Takemichi is tired of crying.
Overall, it's fine, everything's fine. Mikey is new to time leap, new to remember another version of someone that he will never meet again, new to this so-called normal life, new to being able to stop himself from acting on his intrusive thoughts, but next to the joy of everybody he loves being alive, it's nothing. A bit bittersweet (from time to time he wish he could talk to the version of his brother who killed for him - but he prefers his brother not having more traumas than he already has. Even if he really wish they could've talked at least once) but it's fine.
It's a happy ending, overall. Even if his mind is still not right, even if him and Takemichi can only rely on each other, even if they did not save everyone the best they could (Mikey is very sorry for Kakucho but he's also very selfish and he cannot found the want to go back and prevent Kakucho from becoming an orphan. Izana needs Kakucho. Who can tell if their relationship would be the same if Kakucho wasn't an orphan, too? Mikey knows he's a hypocrite, because he could know. Him and Takemichi can alter the timeline as much as they want. But Mikey doesn't want to risk it. So he goes back in time to save Akane from her death, but he doesn't go back to prevent Kakucho from loosing his family. Takemichi's confusion and realization, mixed with understanding and a bit of anger when they didn't go back after shaking hands is still on his mind. Because deep down, even if he wishes Kakucho to be happy, he first and foremost wishes Izana to be. And they can't take Kakucho away from Izana. They can't.), even with all of that... It's a happy ending. Illegal activities are far behind them, everyone deals with their life and traumas the best they can (best they ever did, and there are less traumas to deal with - at least him and Takemichi prevented some), everyone is alive...
It's a good life. One Mikey never thought he would have.
And he thinks about killing them from time to time. And he thinks about their previous death from time to time. And he thinks about how he will have to one day let them go, because nobody escapes death. But that's how life is, and he learnt to deal with it.
His mind is not without dark places, but he learnt to be happy again.
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chodzacaparodia · 9 months
When the truck hit Kisaki I burst out laughing and you can't blame me
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It was just like the bus scene from "Mean Girls"
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maitake-archive · 1 month
This song is so maitake/takemikey coded especially from takemichi's pov
Do you think I'd give up
That this might've shook the love from me
Or that I was on the brink?
How could you think, darling, I'd scare so easily?
Now that it's done
There's not one thing that I would change
My life was a storm, since I was born
How could I fear any hurricane?
If someone asked me at the end
I'll tell them put me back in it
Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah
If I could hold you for a minute
Darling, I'd go through it again, ah, ah
I would still be surprised I could find you, darling
In any life
If I could hold you for a minute
Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah
For all that was said
Of where we'd end up at the end of it
When the heart would cease
Ours never knew peace
What good would it be on the far side of things?
It was too soon
When that part of you was ripped away
A grip taking hold
Like a cancer that grows
Each piece of your body that it takes
Though I know my heart would break
I'll tell them put me back in it
Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah
If I could hold you for a minute
Darling, I'd go through it again, ah, ah
I would still be surprised I could find you, darling
In any life
If I could hold you for a minute
Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah
I would not change it each time (I would not change it each time)
Heaven is not fit to house a love (Heaven is not fit to house a love)
Like you and I (like you and I)
I would not change it each time (I would not change it each time)
Heaven is not fit to house a love (Heaven is not fit to house a love)
Like you and I (like you and I)
I would not change it each time (I would not change it each time)
Heaven is not fit to house a love (Heaven is not fit to house a love)
Like you and I (like you and I)
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writingsbymo-mo · 10 months
Proof of Rindou being a cat
A thread featuring two of my cats
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pethkurayami · 1 year
Every time I see reels about Tokyo Revengers gangs I am always disappointed because they always forget to include the best and strongest gang in the whole manga
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Like seriously?! How can you leave out Thousand Winters!
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