#toki Kaidou
ask-saiki-and-friends · 8 months
toki, which one of shun’s friends do you like the most?
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aoki553 · 8 months
he's my favorite little guy now
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tdlosk-confessions · 5 days
Kaido's little brother is the cutest thing ever. His relationship with Shun makes me really happy actually and I think that he should have a play date with Yuta (after both the kids were dumped on babysitter saiki)
[Confession 248]
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anime-related · 1 year
Concept- Satou's little bro and Yuuta being friends
Saiki having to take Yuuta to a play date, not knowing it's with the Satou family and not just some Satou family.
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bugscreating · 2 months
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Some very little lads and lasses
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thecrowperson · 7 days
Kaidou manga panels I like: (pt "haha funny weed number")
Cover Art Part 2, Family Photo: feat. Kaidou's mom, Sora, and Toki
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From: vol 23 ch 239
previous cover art
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softerotter1 · 2 hours
I so badly want to read a fanfic where Toki and Yuuta have a play date and Toki wants to prove that his brother is stronger than Saiki, so he gets them to fight, and instead of actually fighting Saiki lets Kaidou win; just to preserve Toki’s strong image of Kaidou.
I just think it would be funny to have Saiki force himself to lose a fight against Kaidou of all people and to have to deal with all the after effects of it.
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astralisstar · 7 days
art dump heh… 😈
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onepiecexd · 9 months
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One Piece - Episodio 1074
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berrybarry · 1 year
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Kaido and his little brother!
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crack-canon · 1 year
Grown up: Little Siblings
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Kaidou Toki and Iridatsu Yuuta
-timelines can suck ass cuz technically this is a 6yr skip for the kids which puts them in Junior but the adults are set around 25-26
-and I ended up aging up Yuuta to 7 because it seemed like to me that Toki was around 7 instead of Yuuta’s 5
-Okay, so I made it that there’s an 8yr time skip which would then mean the lil bros are 15
-I know lashes never mean much on a boy but I like to think these boys explore outside of the masculine fashion when out of school
-This is purely thanks to the exposure of non-binary fashion from Saiki (agender), Akechi (Experimental Gender-fluid), and Kaidou (he’s just likes cute things and is comfortable in his masculinity)
-Mom (Kaidou) allowed Toki to grow his hair out if he kept up his good grades in school
-Yuuta is a bit of a cry baby and is an easy target for bullying, especially for his gundam figures and notebook drawings of superheros
-Last time Yuuta told someone about the bullying, Saiki turned into a kid and threatened the student (he’s a little protective of his little brother)
-So now whenever, Toki tries to tell an authoritative figure, Yuuta gets scared that it’ll somehow reach Saiki and he’ll “overreact” again
-Saiki “overreacted” because the bullies broke a gundam Yuuta and Kuniharu (Mr. saiki) were excitedly working on together, that was also bought with the kid’s saved up allowance along with drowning his notebook filled with stories and drawings
-Sure the bullies didn’t bother him again but still
-If he didn’t have “time reversal” Saiki would probably be even more pissed off. Yuuta had to pick between which item to restore because Saiki was still limited to only one restoration a day and the next day would mean, Saiki couldn’t restore the other object
-Yuuta picked the gundam that him and Mr. Saiki made together
-through sniffles and dry tears “It’s alright, like Shun-san says, sometimes you just need to *hic* rework everything…” (referring to the destruction of all his work and world building in the notebooks)
-Yuuta grew up to be an artsy and creative person
-Toki is on the student council and class rep
-Toki is far more assertive than Shun at his age
-He also probably learned kickboxing alongside Kaidou and easily overpowers his older brother who’s an adult
-He fights for weak-willed students
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Oi Oi! You’re still picking on Iradatsu even after all my other warnings! Lucky for you, I’ve gathered more than enough evidence from other students and my own observations to have you all suspended or better even- expelled!
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Oi Oi Oi! No don’t worry I won’t hurt them too much. Just enough so that Saiki-san’s weird healing thing won’t kick in for a while~
-Toki just kinda results to violence after the first two warnings don’t get through. He learned the hard way when parents just bought out the principle back in middle school
-Even as they attend PK Academy, Toki once again becomes Class Rep and Yuuta is still a target for bullying even after he grew taller than his classmates (Year 1) (age: 15)
-Toki most definitely picked up Aren’s thug way of speaking whenever he gets pissed off
-Yuuta gained muscle and height suddenly over summer before they entered PK Academy and could easily overpower other students. Last time he did that, he got blamed
-In this specific headcanon, Toki is half-Japanese and gets bullied because of it. In middle school, it was because of his notebooks and gundam
-Saiki requested Hairo to keep an eye on the two since they always seem to get in trouble
-Because of this, the two are extra vigilant and hide from Hairo when they get in trouble. During lunch, they spend most of it with Hairo instead of other classmates when he’s free
-Saiki changed the world once again by allowing Japanese students to grow their hair out
-Toki wears mascara and eyeliner
-Toki and Yuuta are almost never seen separated on school grounds
-Toki excels in school but fails in PE that isn’t stretches and agility based. He has weak grip strength and a poor arm when it comes to throwing. He likes to joke that it’s Dark Reunion’s doing that messing up his powers
-He’s on track only because his mom made him do it which means he has to be vigilant at his homework
-Yuuta is a pretty average student but is great at strength based skills. He’s got an amazing throwing arm and is a beast at Dodgeball and is often voted to be captain
-He ended up entering baseball on Hairo and Satou’s suggestion so now he gets free training on weekends with Satou (the two like to catch up and talk about Saiki)
-Sure, Toki COULD grab a stepladder and ask someone to hold it while he pins up class decorations for the school festival but why do that when you can just ride your friend’s strong shoulders while you weigh “like a backpack with only 1 chem book” in your friend’s words. I mean he’s already right there
-Both teens got their ears pierced over the summer break courtesy of Big Sis Aiura and Chiyo
-Toki and Yuuta are proud owners of Shun and Aren’s tree house. Sometimes they invite friends over but most of the time, the two just go there to study. They like to spend a lot of time there during the spring months when it’s not too hot and just read manga before eventually napping. They got nets in order to prevent bugs from getting in
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ask-saiki-and-friends · 8 months
Are toki and Shun scared of sora?
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edgymcgoth · 2 months
I'm still thinking about Saiki x sxf crossover. I will do something about it soon probably
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
No one:
Me thinking about Saiki wanting affection from his parents and the monks acting as loving and caring guardian figures for Toritsuka and the Kaidou siblings playing games together because found family is great but I also want Regular Family:
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duckymcdoorknob · 8 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 7: 𝓕𝓵𝓾𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓭
woooo I’m almost caught up
I’m so seepy, but both classes got cancelled sonow I can write all morning
Hehe good morning Baltimore
Omg now I wanna watch Hairspray again. Anyways-
Tags: @chrimsss @ticklish-n-stuff @secret-weeb-account
—this do have tickles below the cut ngl. Also angsty again, oops—
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Saiki has always been someone who swore that his friends piss him off, but in reality, he has a big soft spot for them. So when Kaidou’s birthday came around, what kind of monster would he be if he didn’t attend the party and get the best gift ever?
He curses his brilliant mind most times, but when he needs the calculator from it, it’s always there for him.
Just like Kaidou…
Oh dear, now he really needs to go above and beyond.
He spent ages perusing the shelves of multiple stores, comparing prices and name brands (while also considering the off brands.)
After three hours, the treasured gift lay pristinely wrapped in a blue wrapping paper, adorned with a large, red bow.
He looks down at his watch and- oh dear, he would be late.
That’s alright, better to show up with an excuse than to show up and have the risk of someone seeing him telep-
In a flash, Kusuo appeared down the block of Kaidou’s home. He checked his surroundings to ensure that no one had seen the action.
What had happened?
There was a roach, naturally.
Regardless, he checked his watch once more and he was perfectly on time.
Kusuo raised his hand to knock on the door and did so. He was met by a rather enthusiastic “C’MON IN!!!!!!”
When he entered the house, he was truly taken aback…
He was the only one who was in there other than Kaidou.
Okay, now he was pissed off, like really pissed.
“Kaidou, am I the only one that you invited?” He had to check, there’s no way that his friends wouldn’t-
Looking rather melancholic, the silver-haired boy replied. “No, just waiting on the others! You know them, late for everything! Haha!”
The psychic felt a tinge of remorse in his chest. It didn’t require him reading his friend’s mind to understand that Kaidou was devastated.
“And your family?”
“They uh, they went out to celebrate Toki’s birthday… it’s not even his actual birthday today either.” he murmured.
“What the hell is their problem?” Kusuo hissed. “It’s your birthday; this is your day.”
“Look, Saiki it’s-“
“Don’t say it’s okay, because it’s definitely not.”
“They have to celebrate my little brother, it’s-“
“Without you?”
The question left the birthday boy in silence. He turned toward the wall and averted his gaze. It didn’t take a psychic to notice his heaving chest and understand that he was crying.
“N-no it’s… it’s o-okay.”
“Look at me.”
The silver-haired boy turned toward his friend with puffy eyes, tears leaking out of them.
Kusuo wasn’t sure what possessed him to do so, but his hand moved upward and gently swiped away the tears that were falling. “No one cries on their birthday, not on my watch.”
The Jet Black Wings smiled, cheeks tinting pink as he scrubbed at his leaking eyes. “You always know how to make me feel better, Saiki.”
“Hey, hey, no. You’ll rub your eyes raw. Let me do it.” Saiki gently wiped his friend’s eyes once more, eyebrows knit in remorse. This of course only made Kaidou cry harder.
The pink-haired boy short-circuited when he felt the latter lean down against his torso for a hug. But, somehow, something in him told him to hug back…
“S-Sorry for making t-things so awkward.”
“Not awkward at all; it’s not like I’ve never seen you cry before.” Kusuo hummed as he gave a few pats to the boy’s shoulder.
“Uggghhh that’s right.” He shoved his face into Saiki’s shirt, indubitably staining it with tears.
Poor Kaidou… what can he do to make him-
That’s it.
He’s seen Nendou do it before, and scientifically it’s impossible to mess up.
But what if he hurts him? That’s the last thing Kaidou needs right now.
Well, no time like the present.
In a moment of comfortable silence, Kusuo carefully pressed his fingers into his friend’s sides, pinching a bit. He felt the latter shift in response, whining a bit.
“Nooo, don’t tickle me.”
“I told you that I’m not letting you cry on your birthday.”
Kaidou’s hands came up to cover his ears, weird.
“What’s wrong with your ears? Why cover them?”
“N-Nothing.” Kaidou’s voice was up by at least an octave as his hands shook.
“Well, you left yourself wide open.”
“…You wouldn’t.”
Oh he would, and he did. The pink-haired boy brought his hands up to the birthday boy’s underarms and gently wiggled them.
“Hyehehehahaha! Saha-sahahahaihihihikihi! Nohohoho!”
Kusuo hummed fondly when his friend brought his arms down, revealing why he had covered his ears. The tips of them were flushed a beautiful shade of scarlet red, and it was creeping down his neck. “Ohhhh, you’re embarassed, aren’t you?”
A giggly whine was what he received in reply, the blush deepening. “Sahahahihihikihihi- dohohohont—hehehe—behehehe mehehehean.”
“Mean? I could never be mean. Didn’t you know that? I’m completely devoid of human emotion, I thought we’ve covered this in the Dark Reunion episode.” Hands traveled to Kaidou’s ribs and began their attack.
“Should I listen to him, everyone?”
“What’s wrong? Embarassed?” Kusuo could feel the warmth in Kaidou’s face as he continued his ticklish assault.
“YEHEHEHES!” A whined reply.
“Mmm, sounds like you’re still crying though. You know I can’t have you crying on your birthday.”
When hands traveled down to his tummy, it was over. The silver-haired boy fell backwards on the couch, covering his horrendously red face with his hands. He screamed into his hands as he whined incoherently through his laughter. “OKAHAHAHAY! IHIHIHI- IHIHIHI CAHAHANT!”
“Oh? Is this spot ticklish?”
When he had heard the rare usage of his first name, Saiki let off his attack. A smile was on both of their faces as Kaidou panted into his hands.
“Oh you’re such a dick, dude.”
“Maybe, but at least you’re smiling.”
As if on cue, the doorbell rang. The two turned toward it, and of course, Kusuo already knew who it was.
“C-Come on in!”
The door opened to reveal all of their friends, drenched from head to toe, and holding boxes under their clothes.
The birthday boy gasped as he jumped up from the couch with a huge smile. “You came! You came!”
“Yeah, sorry we’re late,” Aren hummed. “Nendou forgot your present at home and then it started pouring. SOMEONE-“ he gestured to Hairo, “decided that it would be a “fun challenge” to run through the rain without an umbrella.”
A giggle escaped him, “Don’t worry. I’m glad you’re all here.”
“As for you, why are you so red?” Nendou accused. “Got something you’re hiding from us, buddy?”
“Wh- no! Nononono! I don’t have anything to hide, Saiki just tickled me and- uh oh.”
“Tickled you, huh?”
Kusuo could hear the menace in Aren’s voice, opting to stand up as the group abandoned their gifts and tackled Kaidou to the couch.
“Go easy on him, he’s still catching his breath.”
The four nodded at him and soon the joyful giggles of the birthday boy filled the room once more. The psychic smiled as he used his powers to check under the wrapping paper and-
Oh no…
Nendou had bought the same present he did.
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ynverse · 1 year
bf! kaidou
KAIDOU x gn! reader | heacanons
a/n: my friends say i’m like kaidou in a jokingly /neg way <3 jokes on them, he is the love of my life! also the last bf! headcanons post for a while (unless my brainrot comes back)
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bf! kaidou who brags about you to aren and nendou, only to become red and stammer when they joke that you’re behind him
bf! kaidou who swears he’ll protect you from anything and everything, always putting an arm in front of you if there’s something he thinks is dangerous
bf! kaidou who desperately tries to shut toki (his little brother) up because he keeps telling you how much his big bro adores you
bf! kaidou who only likes to study whenever it’s a study date between you two
bf! kaidou who completely ignores teruhashi’s existence as soon as you walk in the room, even when she compliments him
bf! kaidou who always makes saiki promise to take care of you in case the dark reunion gets him
bf! kaidou who mindlessly talks about your future together, only to get embarrassed once he realizes
bf! kaidou who tells you that you can be around him without his arm bandages because the black beat is no match for his love for you
bf! kaidou who always grasps your hands in his and tells you to stay safe before saying goodbye
bf! kaidou who loves to lay in your lap and feel your fingers run through his hair
bf! kaidou who always thinks about what he can do to make you happy, unknowingly flooding saiki’s brain
bf! kaidou who gets super embarrassed by PDA but has moments where his confidence makes you swoon
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