tokikurp · 5 years
Asking the Book Expert
Summary- So the third years learn that Semi likes to read.
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
AU- Soulmate
Word count- 3k
Wow hi hello I'm alive
Happy UshiSemi Day ♡
“I hope I’m not interrupting at a good part,” Ushijima spoke up.
“Hmm?” Semi hummed, looking up to see who had spoken to him. When his eyes fell on his soulmate standing in the aisle, he stared at him for a moment. “...Weren’t you supposed to arrive in an hour?”
“Yes. But,” The actor replied. He bent down to Semi and placed a kiss on his forehead. “I caught an earlier train.”
Semi leaned into the soft gesture and chuckled, “Then good. I’ve missed your dumb handsome face.”
“And I’ve missed yours,” Ushijima responded, standing back up and looking around the stacks of books around him. “Did a new book catch your attention?”
“Yup,” Semi answered as he turned the page. “I’m about to stop, just as I finish these last few pages.”
Read the rest on AO3, Asking the Book Expert
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tokikurp · 5 years
Nothing will Stop me from Loving you
Summary- She needed to be reminded why he fell in love with her in the first place.
Pairings- Daishou Suguru x Yamaka Mika (DaiMika)
AU- Canon
Word count- 4k
I wrote this piece over two years ago during a very mentally exhausting time. 
Returning back to the rose gold fabric, she readjusted the measuring tape to start measuring how much fabric she would need for the evening gown. But that was when she noticed some parts of the fabric were getting wet. She looked up to check if the vents were leaking from above. They weren’t. That was strange. How was the fabric getting wet if the vents weren’t leaking and there was no water nearby? It was only then when she blinked a few times that she noticed where the source of the water was coming from.
From her. She was crying. 
Touching her cheeks, she felt tears rolling down. When did this start crying? Of course, Mika was upset about what her boss said, but she wasn’t that upset with her. She was more angry than sad. She turned away from the door and wiped her eyes dry (or at least tried to). She didn’t want anyone to notice her crying.
“Damn it,” She whispered, trying to stop the tears, “Damn it, damn it, damn it.”
Read the rest on AO3, Nothing will Stop me from Loving you
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tokikurp · 5 years
You Read?
Summary- So the third years learn that Semi likes to read.
Pairings- No pairings
AU- Canon
Word count- 2k
Happy birthday to best boi and my precious son, SemiSemi <3
“Okay, who took good history notes this week?”
“I did. Reon, do you have your science notes?”
“I do.”
Being offered a sports scholarship to Shiratorizawa was how most of the students got into the school’s programs; showing that they had the skills and talents to get admitted. However, that didn’t mean they could slack off on their schooling. And to prevent any of his players from falling too behind, Coach Washijou made all the players get together with their fellow year playmates to study together. This was their time to catch up on notes, homework and assignments they had missed due to their intense training.
And it was working well, they’d all been managing to keep up with their school work and get good grades (or at least passing grades to stay on the team). Coach Washijou had proclaimed Wednesdays their study days, which meant it was the only day he allowed for practice to end sooner. This gave them plenty of time to catch up on their work from the past few days.
Read the rest on AO3, You Read?
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tokikurp · 5 years
First Week as Five
Summary- Their first week as a family of five.
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
AU- Canon
Word count- 4k
AYYYY THIS IS MY 100TH WORK ON AO3 ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
Looking up into the rear-view mirror, Wakatoshi smiled seeing Eita smiling down at their newest little addition. The Ushijima family had grown by one on May 11th and were now a family of five, with newly arrived little Amaya.
Life was only going to get more chaotic from here on out (and no, that wasn’t because Satori was their next door neighbour);  with taking care of a newborn and a set of active twins. Keitaro and Keiko were more than thrilled to have their baby sister finally coming home, after what felt like an eternity according to them. But that eternity was now coming to an end as Wakatoshi pulled up into their driveway.
Wakatoshi turned around in his seat, “We’re home, Amaya.”
“Welcome home sweet girl,” Eita greeted as he began to unbuckle the sleeping newborn.
“Did she sleep the whole way home?”  
The blond nodded, “The moment the car started to move, she was out like a light.”
Read the rest of AO3, First Week as Five
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tokikurp · 5 years
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tokikurp · 5 years
Happy to be Home
Summary- After a long week in Tokyo, Tendou picks his kids up to go get ice cream.
Pairings- Tendou Satori x Kawanishi Taichi (KawaTen)
AU- Canon
Prompt- Ice Cream/Different Team or Sport/AU: Coffee Shop
Word count- 2k
Okay but the ice cream happens at the end of the story, so enjoy fluffy family reunions.
“Tendou-kun, your time is almost up with me. Have you made a decision on where you’re going to live after you finish your internship with me?” His mentor asked him while inking that week’s chapter. Satori looked up from sketching the next page.
“Well I was thinking I’d stay here in Tokyo.” Satori answered.
“Didn’t you say you were from Miyagi? And that you wanted to create a fantasy, adventure story?” His mentor asked.
“Yeah, Sendai!”
“Then why the hell are you going to write a fantasy, adventure story in a city like Tokyo? Go home to Miyagi, that’s where you’ll get your inspiration for the land that will become your character’s home. Technology is different today then it was when I started out. Use it and go home.”
And he did. Miyagi was home.
Read the rest on AO3, Happy to be Home
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tokikurp · 6 years
Ugly Sweaters
Summary- Reon’s family is hosting an ugly sweater party! Tendou and Ushijima make a date out of making their sweaters for the party.
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Tendou Satori (UshiTen)
AU- Canon
Word count- 5k
MERRY CHRISTMAS @yohanesfeather 🎅 I am your secret Santa 🎉 Here is your gift 🎁
“That sounds like a lot of fun!” Tendou Satori exclaimed as he threw his arms up in the air. Oh how exciting! “Hey Semi-Semi, can I borrow one of your sweaters?”
“I will stab you with my chopsticks I swear on it, Satori.”
“Hey now, no stabbing. Blood is a pain in the ass to remove.” Yamagata Hayato laughed along with the middle blocker.
“They’re going to hold a contest for the ugliest and most creative sweater.” The wing spiker added.
“That shouldn’t be too hard for you, Semi-Semi.”
“You’re walking on thin ice, Satori.”
“When is the party?” Ushijima asked.
“This Saturday at seven.”
Read the rest over on AO3, Ugly Sweaters
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tokikurp · 5 years
Summary- "Eita, please, I cannot lose you. I can't bear the thought of you losing your life before your new one can even begin. I'm begging you." Ushijima desperately begged. "Please."
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
AU- Vampire
Word count- 1k
I promise the vampires don't sparkle 🙅✨🧛‍♂️
The door opened and the tension that Ushijima had taken control over his body all vanished the moment he laid eyes on his beloved. He smiled at Semi Eita as he walked into the house and removed his hood.
“Hello, I wasn’t expecting you.” Semi greeted after closing the door. “I would have cleaned up if I knew you were coming.”
“I apologize for dropping in without sending you a letter.” Ushijima looked around the small house. It was a mess. No doubt Semi had been packing up for the move at the end of the week. “But I just needed to come and talk to you.”
“About what?” Semi asked. It took Ushijima a minute to gather his thoughts. “‘Toshi?”
Read the rest on AO3, Please
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tokikurp · 6 years
For the cute otp starters, UshiSemi and #5? 😁
Coming right up 🎉
OTP Starters
Cute 5. “Oh my god you have such an adorable sneeze?”
Sundays are relaxing days for catching up one homework, sleeping in, or having a lazy day. Many of the students at Shiratorizawa Academy did one of those three things. The athletic students didn’t have training, making it a day of rest after an intense week of training. For the volleyball team, Sundays meant catching up on homework and studying in general for the third years. Each week they meet up in one of their dorms for the afternoon. 
Today is Semi’s turn and the third years would soon be arriving to start their study session. Ushijima arrived first as usual, Yamagata and him have a history test on Thursday and they need to start studying (since everyone else had two weeks, but volleyball). 
Semi was in the middle of writing notes for Japanese Literature when the wing spiker arrived. So while the two of them waited for the others to arrive, they just went ahead and started to study. 
Or more like, Ushijima began to copy Semi’s notes for literature. 
Neither of them said a word, Semi focused on reading and writing the notes. This would be the only quiet moment they would have before Tendou arrived. And then there would be no peace and quiet.  
The setter startled, his pencil flying across his dorm and his heart racing a mile a minute. 
“What the fuck was that?!” Semi asked. Ushijima sniffed his nose and rubbed it.
“Excuse me, that was me. I’m sorry I startled you, Eita.” Ushijima apologized, standing up to retrieve the pencil.
“That scared me.” Semi laughed, he couldn’t believe a sneeze spooked him. Guess he was that focus on his notes. 
“Sorry about that. I hope you didn’t lose your place.” 
“Nah, I know where I am. Thanks ‘Toshi.” The setter smiled as he accepted his pencil back. He also placed a kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek. “Are you able to read my notes?”
They went back to the notes and silence again. Semi tapped his pencil against his textbook, thinking about how he should write this section down. 
“Ah…achoo!” A soft sneeze came right next to him. Now that he wasn’t too deep into note taking, Semi heard the sneeze. 
“Goodness, I haven’t been able to stop sneezing all day.” Ushijima groaned as he rubbed his nose. “Must be allergies.” 
“‘Toshi? Was that you?”
“…Oh my god you have such an adorable sneeze.” 
“Thank…you?” Ushijima thanked? He didn’t know how to respond to that, he didn’t really think his sneeze is adorable. But it appears his boyfriend does think that.
“I just didn’t expect such a soft sneeze coming from you.”
“Looks can be deceiving, Eita.” Ushijima said as he returned to the notes.
“You’re right, ‘Toshi. Looks can be deceiving.” Semi chuckled, kissing Ushijima’s nose.
“HELLLLLLLO! WE ARE HERE!” Tendou announced as he walked through the door. “LET’S STUDY!”
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tokikurp · 6 years
Lovely Day
Summary- Bookstore date and cooking dinner together are Ushijima and Semi's plans for the day of love
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
AU- Canon
Word count- 2k
Happy Valentines Day ❤️❤️❤️
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“Good morning, my beautiful swan.” Ushijima greeted as he leaned down and pressed his lips against Semi’s.
“Morning handsome.” Semi kissed his husband back. “I’m tired.”
“I know. I felt you tossing and turning last night.” Semi groaned as he rubbed his eyes, he hated those nights so much. “You should have woken me up. You know I don’t like when you’re up by yourself.”
“And I can’t keep waking you up when I can’t fall asleep. Especially not during the season or before a big game.”
Well he wasn’t wrong there and Ushijima knew it. So he just hummed and kissed Semi’s temple.
“Can we stay like this for a bit longer please?” Semi didn’t really feel like getting up and working out today. As much as he probably should, he just felt too exhausted.
“Of course.” Ushijima responded with a kiss. “Close your eyes and try to get more sleep. We’ll stay here as long as you want.”
Read the rest on AO3, Lovely Day
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tokikurp · 6 years
Kitchen Waltz
Summary- Their plans didn’t work out, but they at least get to dance.
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
AU- Canon
Word count- 688
HAPPY USHISEMI DAY °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
This was inspired by SHINee’s Moon River Waltz ❤️
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Happy anniversary, ‘Toshi.” He smiled and then kissed Ushijima’s cheek.
“I’m looking forward to loving you for another year.”
“And so am I.” Semi responded as he turned around and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck. “I can’t wait to see what this year will bring us.”
Read the rest over on AO3, Kitchen Waltz 
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tokikurp · 6 years
Shapeshifting Mission
Summary- When word of an antidote for an illness being hidden away rises, Daichi, Bokuto, and Daishou’s current mission changes. Their new objective: Retrieve the life saving antidote.
However, they happen to run into a group of shapeshifters, whose target is the same as theirs.
One of them will get it in the end, because an alliance....doesn’t come into question.
Pairings- Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Koushi (DaiSuga) | Bokuto Kotaro x Akaashi Keiji (BokuAka) | Daisho Suguru x Yamaka Mika (DaiMika)
AU- Spy
Creature- Shape-Shifter 
Word count- 4k
BOO @stateofshambles​ 👻 I am your exchange gift person 😱 Have a group of spies who run into a group of shapeshifters 🕵️ Happy Halloween 🎃
“When are they finally going to play something good?”
“We’re at a charity concert, Bokuto. Not a rock concert.”
“They could at least play something more up-beat. This is boring.” Bokuto Kotarou groaned, leaning his chin into his propped up hand with a pout. Daishou Suguru rolled his eyes while Sawamura Daichi took a look at their surroundings.
“We all know this isn’t a real ‘charity’ event. Yoshiteru says it is, but we know that he’ll keep all the money to himself.” Daichi said, turning his head away from the current performances.
“Greedy bastard.” Daishou hissed. “And everyone in this damn room is a fool for not realizing that.”
“With a personality like Yoshiteru’s, you’d be fooled too if you didn’t know how disgusting of a person he really is.” Daichi countered, looking around the ballroom once again.
As much as Daishou didn’t want to agree with him, Daichi was right. Yoshiteru was known for being a charmer and a fantastic actor; pretending to care about raising money for charity. But after some digging, it turned out that not a single penny had ever been given to any of the charities that he had claimed to have raised money for. Millions of dollars were being withheld and kept for his own greedy self.
Bokuto sighed and leaned back against his chair. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Read the rest over on AO3, Shapeshifting Mission
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tokikurp · 6 years
Soul Matching
Summary- “Welcome to Soul Matching! We are excited that you have uploaded your soulmate mark. We will search until we find your fated beloved. Just a fair warning, it could take weeks, months or even years to find your match. But don’t worry, your matching day will arrive before you know and it that will be the start of your happily ever after!”
-Soul Matching Team
“Let’s hope I’m the one that takes years.”
"Oh Eita-chan, you never know."
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (UshiSemi)
Background/Mentioned Pairings- Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Kosuhi & Iwaizumi Hajime x Oikawa Tooru
AU- Soulmate
Word count- 5k
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“Really Koushi?!”
“It just came up while Tooru was showing me some of the wedding venues.” Koushi responded with a guilty expression on his face. “I know how much you don’t like the topic, but maybe you should at least maybe try.”
“And who knows, you probably won’t be matched for a really long time! I mean, look at Hajime and I! I uploaded my mark the day I turned sixteen and it took two years for us to be matched.” Oikawa stated as he leaned against the bookcase.
“Well let’s hope that’s the case.” Semi mumbled, setting down the stack of books in his hands. “Okay fine, I’ll upload my mark and hope it takes years. Not even sure if I’m ready to meet them yet.”
Semi download the app as his two headaches silently cheered. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to meet his soulmate, he really did. It was just, he was worried about being matched to the wrong person. He’d heard people say the soulmate app, Soul Matching, had accidentally matched people with the wrong person. Getting their hopes up that they had been matched and only to find out, ‘Whoops! Wrong person! Sorry about that.’.
And it’d be worse if they had gotten close to the person.
Semi didn’t want that.
Read the rest over on AO3, Soul Matching
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tokikurp · 6 years
Unexpected Planning
Summary- Sugawara has his whole wedding planned out, but isn’t engaged to be married. So until he can put his plans into motion, he’ll plan to make other’s people’s wedding dreams come true!
Pairings- Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Koushi (DaiSuga) Hinted towards the end 
AU- Wedding Planner AU
Word count- 3K
SO...this piece was meant to be posted during DaiSuga week a couple of weeks back 😅 But just because this is a super late piece, doesn’t mean I won’t be posting it! So here is the late piece!
“I know, I know. But your cake is just so good!” He exclaimed, taking another bite when the light bulb lit up. “Oh! Maybe for the rehearsal dinner!”
“Sugawara-san, you just said that.” Shimizu Kiyoko reminded her boss.
“...Oh that’s right. See, this is why I have you, Kiyoko. To remind of this kind of stuff.” Suga laughed, scratching the back of his head. Kiyoko just smirked as she continued to type.
“I came over here for a reason, but have you heard the news?” Asahi asked.
“Who got engaged and when are they contacting me?”
“No one.”
“Then I don’t have the slightest clue.” Sugawara answered with a shrug.
Read the rest over on AO3, Unexpected Planning
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tokikurp · 6 years
When Daichi met Suga
Summary-  Daichi and Suga have been together for four years (two of those years being married). The Sugar Joy opened five years ago. This is how Daichi and Suga met for the first time.
Pairings- Sawamura Daichi x Sugawara Koushi (DaiSuga)
AU- Cafe
Series- The Sugar Joy
Word count- 2K
So I finally posted this after forgetting to post it for two weeks now.
“Hello! Welcome to The Sugar Joy!” A voice greeted, making the lawyer look up. A man with silver coloured hair and hazelish brown eyes, a mole under his left one, greeted him with a smile. The owner. ...Maybe?
“Um, hello.”
“What can I get you?” The man asked, pulling out a notepad and pen, leaning against the display case.
“Uhhhhhhhhh,” Daichi moved his eyes up to the menu, why did everything sound so good? Tomato and mozzarella flatbread, spicy chicken salad and soba noodle and chicken bowl, just to name a few delicious sounding items. The man giggled at the lawyer.
“I can tell you’re new.”
“You can?”
“Yeah, I’ve never seen you here before and I know everyone that comes in here.”
Read the rest over on AO3, When Daichi met Suga
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tokikurp · 6 years
Strawberry Cake
Summary- Ushijima and Semi make a strawberry cake for Ushijima's Grandmother's birthday.
Pairings- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Semi Eita (OiSemi)
AU- Canon
Word count- 1K
So this meant to be posted a lot sooner, but better now than never!
“I’m nearly done, but would you like to be my taste tester?” Semi asked, holding up the frost-filled spoon.
“Why of course.” Ushijima answered. But before he tasted the frosting, he scooped some onto his finger and dabbed a little onto Semi’s nose. Then he tasted it, while Semi chuckled and wiped his nose (and also tasting the frosting). “It’s good.”
“Wait, you’re still standing. Damn it, I didn’t add enough poison!”
“You know it takes a lot to make me feel even lightheaded.” Ushijima responded with a smirk, leaning against the counter as Semi pouted.
“I’ll get you next time!”
Read the rest on AO3, Strawberry Cake
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