gelatinous-globster · 18 days
New fic up on AO3!
"Shaken Soda" is 950 words of 2nd person perspective Nega-Globby POV, set between s2e5 'Nega-Globby' and s2e16 'The Globby Within'. It isn't part of my series "The Even Newer Nega-Globby", but I did have that in mind as I wrote!
@drama-glob @enbydemirainbowbigfoot
@tealconverse thanks for reading, Jupes ^^
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thatskindarough · 3 months
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“‘I just…I thought you might like to come back, one day,’ Crowley said very quietly. Aziraphale’s foot pressed against his again, and Crowley drew in a sudden breath, as if he hadn’t been breathing properly since Aziraphale had stopped touching him.”
This piece was a commission from the lovely @fellshish for their lovely friend, @alphacentaurinebula ‘s fic What Are You Doing Here? This fic is cute, funny, heartwarming, and incredibly spicy, and I’m very much looking forward to finishing it! Thank you Fells for being wonderful to work with, and happy (belated) birthday to you Alphacentauri, I’m very happy I could do this for you!
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Vanny mixed up FNAF Help wanted with Digital circus,,
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originalartblog · 6 months
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(tiny) Dazai propaganda
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proxythe · 2 months
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love thru all eternity
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beeholyshit · 7 months
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alwaysneedyforsir · 2 months
it’s my birthday!!! ya girl’s 21!!! 🎉🎉
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xiakeik · 2 months
I hate being happy apparently :]
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The ✨tumblr sexymanification✨ of Commander Tartar from the hit video game series Splatoon™
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secondbeatsongs · 5 months
when you're into the Big Ship™ in a Big Fandom™, you have the luxury of having an OTP - a real One True Pairing, where you can read about just them for ages, and you will never run out of fics, and everything is perfect and beautiful and nothing hurts
but when you go to a smaller fandom, you'd better pray to whatever god you worship that someone else in this room ships the same thing that you do, and that if they do, they're writing more than late-night crackfic, because you're on thin fucking ice!
and how small is your small fandom? is it less than 100 fics? maybe even...less than 20 fics?
welp, then it's time to make peace with that god and either open up a text document or learn how to ship everything, because it's swim or drown babey! and your ship is sinking fast
anyway all of this is to say that after hanging out in small fandoms and shipping less-common pairings for a while, going back into a Big Huge Fandom™ is wild because suddenly it's like...wait, why didn't I ship these people again? I don't remember. why was I only sticking to one ship in this fandom?? boring of me, honestly. these guys should make out.
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miillloooo · 4 months
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potpourri potpourri potpourri potpourri potpourri p
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berrys-hide-out · 5 months
Through thunderstorms and arguments- Call for help!
Summary; Peter finds Thor and Loki training and ends up wanting to see the cool move! Too bad the god of thunder has been hanging out too much with his mischievous little brother and things take a hysterical turn.
A/N; I changed a few things from the original ask which was sent by @inneedofsupervision but I desperately hope it turned out to your liking! (Apologies again for the wait! Still recovering 🩷🫂) ENJOY!!! ✨
Warnings; tickles and a lil fancy swearing form Loki!
It was storming outside, hail clattered against the windows of cars and houses, raindrops fell like someone was dumping buckets of water onto earth and the wind changed the direction of it all every few minutes.
Peter watched in silence as the white pieces fell past the huge windows of the 100th floor of SI. He watched the clouds that sometimes lit up which was followed by crackling thunder.
It was loud, sure. Being so close to the clouds and roof; things always sounded a little louder but the soundproofed walls gave a bit of relief to it all.
The thunder could be unsettling after awhile.. you’d think he’d have gotten used to his sensibilities by now but in truth it wasn’t something that he could just ignore.
His mind wandered as he watched the spectacle, Thor and Loki were currently in the tower..
Thinking of Thor and Loki, where were they anyways? His eyes lifted and flew over the rather quiet common room.
Steve and Bucky were watching TV on the couch, Natasha and Tony sat by the table, the billionaire busy with something on his hologram while the super spy was halfheartedly watching the Tv.
“Where are Loki and Thor?” He asked as his feet took him towards the table. His voice seemed weirdly loud.. It felt almost criminal to disturb the silence.
Natasha looked at him „Probably training while the training room isn’t occupied“ Tony looked up as well „Yeah, pretty sure point break and reindeer games are trying to get along a little better.“ he stated in a bored tone, probably having heard the two gods bickering earlier today.
If Tony didn’t hear them Peter was positive Friday warned him about it.
„Alright I’ll go have a look then.“ „yep, don’t get between them Pete!“ Steve called after him wich earned him a chuckle and a two finger salute „Sure thing captn‘!“ he called before turning around, putting his hands into his pockets and heading off towards the training room.
He was two corners away from his destination when he already heard bickering. Peter chuckled, how can two gods bicker so much? They’ve been at it for hours!
„THOR! Let me down this instant!“ „Brother, stop struggling already or we won’t be able to do get help!“
Peter’s curiosity instantly spiked and he jogged the last steps, head poking into the room.
Sure enough he saw Thor holding Loki up, ready to throw while the younger squirmed uselessly.
„You will not throw me you insolent oaf!“ Loki yelled before getting tossed onto the mats, taking out the smaller ones that were standing up mere seconds before.
„I still hate it.“ Loki grumbled as he sat up. „I find it rather amusing.“ Thor grinned at his brother who sent him a dirty look „no it is not. It’s humiliating.“
Peter sniggered, earning their immediate attention. „Little spider!“ Thor grinned happily „hey kid.“
„heya! That was an awesome move!“ he grinned as he walked in, his grin widened when he saw Loki roll his eyes.
„Indeed! I am glad you’ve decided to join us on the matter! Loki doesn’t seem to be on the same page as us..“ Thor grinned and eyed Loki shortly. Peter nodded animatedly „can you show me? The whole move I mean?“
„I am not doing that again.“ Loki growled at his brother who was already looking at him with expectancy and a playful grin. The boy huffed „aw, why not? It’s such an awesome move!“ he gushed.
Loki squinted at him, seemingly trying to figure out if he was joking or not. Then his eyes caught Thors and he saw his own mischief twinkle right back at him.
Peter was about to ask something else only to gasp when Thor picked him up by sneaking under his arm „Let’s reenact the move together then litte spider!” He grinned.
The boy however could only huff. His feet were slightly off the ground and no matter how far he tried to bend his feet for his toes to reach the ground it just wasn’t enough.
With slight shock and bit of embarrassment he came to realise that was hanging there like a slack sack of potatoes.
An awkward slack sack of potatoes.
He was halfheartedly hanging over Thors neck and slightly his shoulder. The gods hand supported him by the ribs and the other held the arm that was draped over him.
Peter huffed at his predicament “can you lower me slightly? Please?” Loki sniggered at his question and shook his head as he stood up “Don’t worry Peter, it’ll get better” he reassured.
Peter did not feel reassured. The playful gleam in the tricksters eyes and the sly grin did nothing to reassure him- in fact his nerves lit up instantly and he shook his head. “No I’m su-HURE!”
The boy was interrupted by his own squeak and jump when the strong hand squeezed the spot by his ribs and he snapped to look at Thor with wide eyes and a betrayed glare. The god however just grinned down at him and winked.
Peter blushed- they were not actually about to team up on him after bickering the whole day through! Right!?
Peter heard the tricksters dark laugh rumble through his chest- if he wouldn’t have super hearing he’d only see him holding back his amusement.
“You have to stay committed little spider!” Thor announced happily as he nudged Peter’s ribs again, this time with a lot more intent as his knuckles rushed past his ribs.
Peter sputtered a laugh and he forced his legs up quickly to try and curl up. Loki grinned and shared an amused glance with Thor. “ahAhaha! nOhO! ThoHOhor!” The kid squeaked out between laughs.
Thor laughed with him and let up on the tickling. Peter’s legs lowered but before he could shoot Thor a dirty glare Loki walked closer to them “honestly Thor, don’t torture Starks kid” he mused and then squeezed Peter’s shoulder. “You need to call out for help to make it seem authentic”
Peter squinted at Loki “shouldn’t Thor be calling for help? I’m supposed to play the victim!” He argued. He was not about to call for help! Plus! He told Captain Rogers he wouldn’t get between them which basically translates do not get into trouble with them!
Loki clicked his tongue. “Details, details” he waved Peter off and went behind them.
The boy tried craning his neck as much as he could in his position but Loki positively vanished behind them.
“Y-You know what?” Peter blabbed nervously with a small grin “mihister stark said youhu were aharguing today morning-NA-HO!” He squeaked and batted at Lokis hands that were now right by his sides “come on guys I’m nohot calling for help!”
Thor hummed “Let’s help him out then why won’t we Loki?” The god in question sniggered darkly “Oh we definitely should brother”
Peter shook his head but the silly grin on his face only encouraged Thor with his and his brothers shenanigans.
“Nohoooo, come oh-HON! NoHOho!” The boy tensed and pulled his legs up again the second Lokis nimble fingers sprung into action, skittering over his sides over the thin shirt that Pete was now dearly regretting to have worn today.
“Come on Peter, just call for help and we can continue with the move” Thor tried to encourage, Peter cursed internally at the amusement in the gods voice. How dare he!
“Mmhm-noHOho!” He giggled, trying to at least make this hard for the gods by trying to hold his giggles, but alas it was all in vain as Lokis fingers sought out the spot that made him react most.
Peter shook his head and squealed when the trickster dug into his highest rib. “LOHOKIEHEE!” “My, my, seems I’ve found a sweet spot.” The god chuckled into his ear. “EHEhEYEE! nOHOh YOuhUHu HaHAveHEhen’t!” “Hmno? You’re saying there’s a spot worse than… this?” Peter bucked again when the god dug in with a lot more precision then before “NOAHA! IHI DiHIhidn’T SAHAhay ThAHAHat!”
“I don’t know young spiderling! Sure sounded like it!” Thor chuckled as he kept the boy off the ground. It was quite a task with all his squirming. Peter shook his head through bursts of laughter. Loki sniggered and let one of his hand slip to Peter’s hip.
The boy kicked out harshly and hit the poor god of thunder’s shin. The god grunted and hissed, kneeling down slightly. Loki halted before falling into mused chuckling.
“ohoho god IHi’m sohoho sohohorry!” Peter giggled as the god made his theatrics about his shin and let the kid go. Thor rubbed his shin with a soft groan “you have quite the kick little spider!” He goaded.
Peter gave a giddy smile and opened his mouth to say something before the god smirked “but not quite to take down a god yet!” He boasted and jumped the kid.
Peter screeched and grappled with Thor over the mats.
Loki shook his head at their antics. “Really brother? We had him perfectly trapped and great for the move!” He reminded and walked along the mats, watching as Thor gave the giggly kid little chance of winning.
“We still have to encourage the little spider brother! I’m sure this will be beneficial!” The god boasted.
Peter giggled wildly and fended off the gods hands as best he could “NOho! iHIhi’m not cAHalling for help!” Thor sniggered with him, the kid had a soft blush on his cheeks and playfulness was written all over his face. “But you have to! The move won’t be complete otherwise young Stark!”
Peter kicked out when Thor almost managed to pinch his ribs “THoHO-AAH!” He yelled in surprise when his leg was pulled and his knee was squeezed “LOhOKI!” He scolded playfully, sending the god a glare- but the god simply sent him a sly grin- damn his own traitorous smile!
With the short distraction Thor squeezed his ribs. “NAHAO! ThIHIHis IHIs UnfAHAhair! aHAAhAhahA!” Loki chuckled as he traced the boys knee, sending ticklish shocks through his whole system while Thor was on a journey down to his sides. “How do you mortals say, Pete? All is fair in love and war?” The trickster mused and swiped a finger up Peter’s sole at which the boy tugged at his leg harshly.
“nAA-HA! LOhOHOki!- ThOHoHOr! THIHiHIs IhIsnt fAhaHair!” Peter exclaimed again, his hands latching onto Thors wrists- yet he barely pulled at them.
“Cohome on Young spiderling! You just have to call out for help and that’s it” his amusement of the situation grew when Peter shook his head- what a stubborn little mortal..
“Alright.. well then..”
“NAHA! THOHOAHAR! CHEHEAHATEHEHER!” Peter threw his head back, fighting with his instincts to squeeze the god’s hands there which only seemed to make it worse- or try to grapple at them- which resulted in hilarious flailing.
Loki sniggered, but he couldn’t let his brother win this, mischief was his thing after all.
His slender fingers wrapped around Peter’s knee and his fingers scribbled along the backs of them.
The reaction was immediate, Peter’s leg slammed down on the mat only to jump back up with a high pitched yelp. “Oh? Are you hiding something Peter?” Loki mused and Thor let up on his tickles “what have you found brother?” “He- hehe found nohothing!” Peter protested but the two gods ignored him “See here..” Loki said which followed by his fingers squeezing and slightly wiggling into the spot. “NAHAO! LOHOKI! WehEHe can TAHAhalk Ahabout thIHIHIhis!”
The gods sniggered at the volume change each time Loki decided to continue his little game. “Aw, but we did talk Peter. You call for help and this aaaaall stops.” To let the kid talk he let up slightly The boy pouted at the god, his brown locks more disheveled then he’s ever seen them and slightly red cheeks. Loki sighed “I believe, brother, I should teach you a few things on tickling.” He stated, a sly smirk threatening to pull on his face when Peter’s cheeks flushed a tone deeper.
Thor chuckled “alright, have it your way.”
Peter gaped at him. NO WAY were they just AGREEING!
“W-Wait- Lohoki, come ohon we can fihigure this out- look youhu’re gettihing ahalong too! Mahaybe you can make uhup now??” peter blabbed as Loki moved closer and Thor away.
Loki chuckled darkly “your futile attempts of distractions are not working” peter couldn’t help the high pitched anticipatory giggle that slipped him as the god hovered over him.
“Ehe- you know- I-HAY!” Peter almost jumped out of his skin as Lokis hand rushed towards him.
“What happened Pete?” The boys eyes grew wide- oh. Oh.
He huffed and stared challengingly at the god. He’s heard of the wrath of the god of mischief. But.. he could handle it, he’s won Mister Stark’s attacks!
His challenging glare didn’t last long as the mischief practically dripped from the god. “What are you afraid of the tickles?” Loki asked as if it were like any other conversation.
Peter shook his head with a high pitched giggle. “N-no!” “No? So you shouldn’t mind..” Loki stopped above Peter’s stomach- surprised that the boy already flinched away.
Despite himself he moved his hand towards his side and flexed it- Peter, to his delight jumped again and moved closer to the god and away from the hand.
“Peter.” Loki stated and gained the boys attention.
“Are you by chance…. Air ticklish?”
“uh oh” muttered Peter in utter disbelief before a steady stream of giggles escaped him. Loki’s collected expression turned to one of pure delight and mischief “oh boy.. this just got a lot more entertaining.”
Peter squeaked when the younger god made claws. “NOhOho!” The boy whined through his flustered and giggly predicament.
Thor suddenly jumped from next to Loki.
The squeal echoed through the training room much to the gods amused and adoration at the boy- the boy himself- as if finally remembering he was free, turned around and tried crawling away.
He squeaked when a strong hand wrapped around his ankle “now hold on little spiderling!” Thor chuckled. Peter laughed at the silliness- before he could however think of how to make this harder for the gods, arms wrapped around his torso “Now I gotcha!” Loki growled and flung the boy back as if he weighted nothing.
Peter laughed without either of them even touching him- “are you laughing at us young Stark!?” Thor asked in disbelief and crossed his arms. “NOhOho!” Peter tried to reassure but failed expertly. Loki sniggered “I believe he is dear brother.. better give him something to laugh about huh?”
Thor grinned “I do believe you’re right brother” he mused.
Loki sniggered “ready to call for help yet Petey?” He muttered into his ear and the boy scrunched up with a barking a laugh “NEhEhEVER!” He declared boldly.
Loki tutted and looked at his brother. “Stark said his thighs and knees are ticklish.”
Thor chuckled at the protest of a shriek that came from Peter which though was quickly drowned by hysterical laughter as Lokis fingers went into his pits.
The god of thunder didn’t wait long for his own entrance and squeezed the boys thigh which, amusingly enough, with each squeeze they gained a higher squeal out of the boy.
Loki chuckled and shook his head, the boy could lean left or right and roll off, he could even put up a fight with his strength.. and yet..
“AHYEHE! OHOKAY!” Peter barked out and the gods let up.
Loki raised an eyebrow “you’ll call for help?” He mused and waited as the boy caught his breath.
Peter stifled most of his giggles before his hand went to squeeze Lokis own side.
To the boys surprise and glee Loki jumped.
The god sent him a warning glare “peter I’d truly advise against that” “why?” The boy grinned up at the god. “May I remind you that I am a god?”
Peter’s own mischief twinkled in his eyes “Thor will probably help me..” he mused. Loki raised an eyebrow “probably?” He mused “my brother is worse than me Buddy.”
Peter’s eyes widened at that “b-but we’ll be two!” He smiled timidly. Loki huffed “Are you going to call for help or not?”
The boy’s shoulders jumped as he chuckled through his nose.
Loki grinned “Unbelievable..” he hushed and looked at Thor. “You know, there’s a specific technique that got Thor to give in when we were children.” He said and watched as his brothers confusion morphed into surprise and glee.
Peter swallowed nervously and giggled “Thihis isn’t one ohof your Ahasgardian things right?” Loki laughed “No, this works all too perfectly on mortals”
Peter shivered at the sly grin. His silly grin fought its way right back onto his face “n-now hold on, no need for drastic- MEASURES!” He yelped when Loki suddenly rapidly squeezed and scribbled his side which sent sparks through his whole body. “HEHEY!” He squeaked and leaned away- falling onto the mats, front first, the gods hand on his back. “Uh-huh- Loki?” Peter asked and hoisted himself onto his elbows as he slowly understood his position- his face would lay awkwardly on the mats if he tried to shield his armpits. But if he kept his face from squeezing onto the mats they’d be open wide.
Loki chuckled at the giddy expression on the boys face. “You gonna call for help?”
Again. Peter shook his head.
It was fair to say that the god was not only surprised at the will to play but also at the stamina of the kid.
“Oh you’re asking for it.” He smirked down at the boy.
Peter squeaked in surprise at the demeanour change but didn’t get to dwell on it as the hands plummeted into his armpits.
“LOHOKIEHEHEEE!” Peter kicked his legs into the mats to try and relieve the tickle shocks even if only just lightly- Lokis nimble fingers found the sweet spot with practiced ease and vibrated on one armpit while on the other he scribbles.
Peter was probably loosing his lil head in the playful moment but the raging storm outside was positively forgotten.
“NAHAHAY! TOHOHOR!” Peter’s new protest made Loki look back and find Thors bold hands tickle the soles of the poor kid.
Chuckles from the door which ripped Lokis attention away from his attack and his hands slowed down enough for Peter to crank an eye open. “MIHIST- EHEY!” The boy scolded through his laughter and turned to look at Thor.
The billionaire in the doorway laughed “alright you two, let the kid up. I still need him today for lab time” Thor chuckled “do not worry stark! You’ll have young Stark with you in no time.” He mused. Loki rolled his eyes and sniggered “you good kid?”
Peter laughed but nodded and pushed Loki playfully “ahabout the move; IHi’m soho on your side- but I aham also so gehetting you back someday”
Loki raised a challenging eyebrow and then slowly, his ‘claws’.
Peter squeaked and rolled away “nohot today!” He laughed and got to his feet, hands in front of his body to protect himself.
The men laughed in choir.
“Loki we should continue training.” Thor stated, full of new enthusiasm. Loki glared at him “we are not doing get help” Thor grinned at him “we should.” Loki frowned “Peter—“
“NOPE! YOU GOT THIS!” Peter yelled with a laugh as he rushed out of the room.
The two gods laughed heartedly at the boys exit with Stark and got up. Maybe they could get along for awhile every now and again.
Meanwhile let’s hope Steve will be just as merciful as mister Stark was on Peter.
“Don’t get in trouble with them, huh?” His mentor asked with his smirk obvious in his voice.
Peter rolled his eyes with an obvious smile and flushed cheeks, his hand going through his disheveled hair.
Never mind..
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capricioussun · 3 months
Just wanna say?! Though I never check consistently I am Always thinking about UF Papyrus Monday. I think 'man, is it Monday yet? I wanna see my guy...' and then get so busy with work come monday!!! So :) thank you for everything ig
Aaa that's so sweet of you to say!!! And also so real, he is Always on my mind as well ✌️😔
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^ I'm showing him all the nice comments and things ppl have said about him, he is surprised and a little overwhelmed!
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Special shout out in particular to @/fluo-skeletons for starting it all by wishing a happy uf papyrus monday randomly in that one server, if it weren't for that I would probably...well, I'd still draw uf papyrus too much but there wouldn't be an established schedule that we can celebrate together <3
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coline7373 · 5 months
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The fanart of the fanfic of the fanart.
Happy May 4th @independent-variables and @archfey-edda.
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guavacat1347 · 20 days
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@tes-summer-fest day 1: breath
Under the water it’s very quiet, is mostly what she notices. She moves slower, and it’s quiet. The water pulls at her arm when she drags it in front of herself, trailing tingly little bubbles, her skinny fingers held apart and curled like claws. Her hair floats in front of her eyes—she gets a little giddy every time she’s reminded it’s long enough to get in the way—and she laughs. The sound is nothing; the bubbles from her mouth tickle across her nose something awful.
She did it just like it said, in the book she peeked at in the guildhall when she went for Ma’s scale tonic (she’s pretty sure, anyway, because she does get her letters switched around sometimes, but she made Dar-Ma and Dexion go read it too, because even though Dexion’s stupid with magic and Dar-Ma just doesn’t bother with it so much, both their letters always stay in the right order at least, and they both said it matched what she thought it did, so she’s got to have it right).
Still: she has a hard time trying to get herself to take an inhale. Now that she’s laughed out her air she needs it back, and she did it right, but her lungs are scared, because they don’t know they’re supposed to be alright.
Up. Up. Up. Get to air, they’re telling her, or we’ll burn up. We’re going to die down here.
Won’t either, she tells them back, and makes herself hold onto the big rock sticking up out of the pond floor. She tells herself on the count of three, and then three comes and goes and she’s still holding her breath. Her whole body disbelieves her that this once it’s not wrong, that this once the water won’t hurt to let in.
Her lungs keep burning, and she can feel her eyes stinging (from not the pondwater this time), and she thinks how it’s always easier doing things fast before you can change your mind about it, and she opens her mouth and breathes in.
Her lungs scream.
You know you really don’t have to, says Neht, his arms crossed where he’s standing atop the water. Look at this. It’s not exactly clean.
“It’s not so bad.” Haldryn sits on the edge of the canal to pull her boots off. “Probably it looks worse than it is because it’s dark in here. I’ve never been a pilgrim before, and now I’m here where they are I should get to show I mean it. Right?”
Neht only arches a brow. She knows what he thinks.
She rolls her trousers up to her knees. It probably won’t do anything, really, but it makes her feel better about it. Like a kid again, playing by the pond. Belt and bag and scarf by her boots. She thinks a moment before going to take out her earrings too. Just in case. One by one: she folds the six little hoops into her scarf and pushes everything back further from the edge. “‘Breathe the waters,’” she mumbles aloud. “Alright. And then I’ll just—know, I guess, when ‘the way is made clear’?”
Her palms are sweating, the waterbreathing scroll from her bag creasing under her fingers. (Ajira made it, and demonstrated the quality of her own work by bravely dunking her head in a washbasin, despite the distaste of her ears flat against her head. “See,” she had said upon reemerging some few minutes later, tail fluffed, whiskers bristling and dripping, “Ajira knows what she is doing. You are reassured?”
“Yes,” Haldryn had nodded, and bitten back a laugh at the way she put her face in the towel with a huff. “But I might need a second demonstration just to be—”
“You may do it yourself, friend Hallie,” proclaimed Ajira, wetly, “and this one will not even charge you extra for teasing.”)
But it’s good, so she puts her fingertips to the sigil and fists her other hand in her shirt over her heart. The shift in her lungs judders down from her throat with her next inhale; she stays still until the air feels soupy thick to breathe before rolling up the used scroll and tossing it behind her with the rest of her things. “Here goes nothing,” she says aloud, her voice sounding strange and froggy.
Neht, still standing over the water, says, Don’t stay down there too long. I would hope courtesy extends to the pilgrim, too.
She pushes off the edge. The dark water closes over her head, in her ears and in her nose. The first breath is the hardest, still. Something tight in her chest that she tells herself is the pressure of the water.
Haldryn sits on the bottom of the canal and closes her eyes. (Llaalam’s voice drifts through her thoughts, the flicker of shadow in the water flourishing like one of his grand gestures: I see now that you are unarmed, said Lord Vivec, presenting their own fine silver sword to the nearest of Dagon’s empty hands; use this blade and I will best you then, for a fight against an unarmed opponent is merely an execution…)
And, breathing water, she waits.
And she waits—
It’s not easy—it doesn’t feel like breathing at all—she feels like she’s choking, but the urge to cough only makes it worse and her whole body is seizing with terror—but she did it right, she did, she knows she did—didn’t she—
Didn’t she—
Somebody snatches her by the shirt collar.
Somebody’s cold sturdy arm firm around her middle.
Up. Up.
The first thing she hears when the water breaks apart into air around her is her own ugly coughing. The pondwater feels sharp and prickly coming out her nose, her mouth, and Ma has her mouth open too, hissing like she can’t breathe either. “Haldryn,” she says, her bright sunny eyes gone a little wild, wide as the moons.
She can’t talk, coughing too hard, spitting out water. She wants to say—I didn’t mean to scare you, I thought I got it right—but even when there’s no more water coming out she can’t stop coughing, her throat and nose scratchy, her cheeks fresh-wet with tears. Her nose is probably gross too.
Ma puts a towel tight around her shoulders and hits her back a few times. Not enough to hurt, but it jolts her, makes her spit more water. “Say my name,” she demands. “Haldryn. Please.”
“Ma,” she croaks out, finally, and scrubs at her face with the heels of her hands, which doesn’t help because all of her is soaked, but it sort of makes her feel better to not be looking at her. “M’go—” She coughs again, gags on the taste of mucus and pondwater. “M’good!”
And then she’s being crushed in a hug, Ma’s heart knocking even harder than her own on her chest. “Hallie,” says Ma, shaky and thin, “Hallie, Hallie, Hallie—what were you doing? You are not—you cannot—”
She’s getting her pond-face gunk on Ma’s shoulder, on her favorite blue dress. She wipes at her nose with her own sleeve, embarrassed. “I did waterbreathing first,” she sniffs. “I thought I got it right, I cast it just like it said—”
Ma’s voice is solid ice. “What said?”
Haldryn can breathe just fine, which is the worst part. Shuddering and shaking driplets in her wake, and she’s not even really hurt, just trying to knock away the scared part of herself that’s clung along inside her (fine! breathing!) lungs. She staggers against the wall to mash her forehead on it, use the rough surface to focus on something besides the memory-fear. Water from her hair’s making puddles on the cold floor below.
Neht can’t touch her, but he puts a hand out by her shoulder anyway. She can almost pretend it’s warm. You’re alright?
She clamps a hand over her nose and mouth, to make herself feel her hand instead of water. “I’m alright,” she says aloud. She’s thinking of eight years ago, of Ma looking like a dragon, tall and proud and tearing into the bewildered steward of the guildhall for not watching their spellbooks better. Of being pulled out back into the world, and the way water couldn’t trade for air fast enough.
Pulled. Someone—
“Who got me out?” Haldryn twists to look at him. “Someone pulled me.”
No one else is here, he says. His face is cut glass, is sharpened stone, is angled gold and lying again.
“I felt it,” she insists. “Someone pulled me.”
His expression is unreadable. No one else is here, Neht says again, in the deliberate hard tone of an answer. Haldryn stares back at him, jaw set. It’s not any more of an answer than he ever gives. He holds her gaze for a moment before turning back to the shrine, a set of stairs that wasn’t there before. This is important to you.
“It is.” She takes a deep breath, unhindered, and pushes off from the wall to gather her things. Nearly there. Nearly there.
I am tired, he says—quiet enough she almost misses it—of the games gods play.
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