#tono and kono
apothecaryscript · 26 days
Episode 14 : The New Pure Consort / 第14話『新しい淑妃(Atarashii Shuku-hi)』
Gyokuyo-hi “Fufufu.”
Hon’nyan “Honki desuka?”
Hongniang “Are you serious?”
Gyokuyo-hi “Mochiron. Sekkaku Maomaoga modotte kite kuretan-damono.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Of course. Maomao’s back. I have to make the best of that situation.”
Maomao “Konna monoka. Kokyuto chigatte, gaiteiwa rokuni yakusoga haete-nai. Sukoshi-zutsu fuyasa-naito.”
Maomao “That should do for now. Unlike the rear palace, there are barely any herbs growing in the outer court. I need to work on fixing that.”
Suiren “Shaomao. Sojio tanonda-nowa, chitsumu-shitsuja nakatta kashira?”
Suiren “Xiaomao. I thought I asked you to clean the office.”
Maomao “Sugu ikimasu! Sasasasasa…”
Maomao “Right away!”
Suiren “Tsuchi-ijiriwa hodo-hodo-nine.”
Suiren “Don’t spend too much time on gardening.”
Maomao “Tegowai.”
Maomao “She’s tough.”
Jinshi “Do-iu kotoda?”
Jinshi “What’s going on?”
Gaoshun “Saa?”
Gaoshun “I have no idea.”
Jinshi “Ūn…”
Jinshi “Hmm.”
Maomao “Shitsurei shimasu. N?”
Maomao “Excuse me. Hmm?”
Jinshi “Ūn…”
Maomao “Un?”
Jinshi “Zakuro-Kyuni, atarashii Shuku-higa haitta kotowa shitte-iruka?”
Jinshi “Do you know about the new Pure Consort who just entered the Garnet Pavilion?”
Maomao “Haa….” (Inaku-natta Āduo-hino ato-gamaka…)
Jinshi “Yes.” (The replacement for Concubine Ah-Duo, who left.)
Jinshi “Sokode, kokyuto shitewa kisaki-kyoikuo shitai so-nandaga… Omaeni, koshio shiro tono kotoda.”
Jinshi “Well, the rear palace wants to educate the concubine. And for some reason, they want you to be the teacher.”
Maomao “Fu, go-jodan’o.”
Maomao “Hah, that’s a funny joke.”
Jinshi “Naniga jodanda. Suisen-nin’no namaemo kaite aru-daro?”
Jinshi “Nobody’s joking. Look who recommended you.”
Maomao “Suisen-nin?”
Maomao “Recommended?”
Jinshi “Mo ittsu aru.”
Jinshi “And here’s another.”
Maomao “Rifa-sama-made……A, Areka…”
Maomao “Lady Lihua, too? Oh… It was that, huh?”
Jinshi “To-iuwakede, tanondazo.”
Jinshi “I’m counting on you.”
Maomao (Haa…Futarino kisakini tanomare-tewa, sasugani mushi dekinai. Goteineini hoshono gaku-made kakarete-itashi, ni-shitemo babaa, kanari fukkake-teruna…)
Maomao (I can’t ignore a request from two concubines. They were nice enough to clearly write the payment amount. Our old lady is surely hiking up that price, though.)
Yarite Babaa “Heehhehhehhehhehhe…”
Maomao “Fufu, imano uchi.”
Maomao “Now’s my chance…”
Jinshi “Kono niga, kogide tsukau kyozaika?”
Jinshi “This is all teaching material for your class?”
Maomao “Giku! Hai, kocchiga seikyu-sho desu.”
Maomao “Yes. And here’s the invoice.”
Jinshi “N? Konna monoka.”
Jinshi “This seems about right.”
Suiren “Fufufu… Nandaka koko-dake sumino iroga chigau-wane.”
Suiren “I wonder why the ink is a different color here.”
Maomao “Doki!” (Yappari tegowai! Baayaga iru-kagiri, bocchan’o kamoni suru-nowa muzukashi-soda.)
Maomao “Yikes!” (She really is tough. I guess I can’t prey on our young master while this old maid is around.)
Jinshi “Nakamiwa nanda?”
Jinshi “What’s inside?”
Maomao (Ha! Daijina kyozai’o miseru-wake-niwa ikanai!) “Shaaaaa!”
Maomao (I can’t let him see my precious teaching material.)
Jinshi “Wakatta. Minai.”
Jinshi “F-Fine, I won’t look.”
Gaoshun “Hakobu-nara, tetsudai-mashoka?”
Gaoshun “Do you need help carrying it?”
Maomao “Kekko desu.”
Maomao “I’m fine.”
Maomao (やるからには徹底的にやる!)
Maomao (Yaru-kara-niwa tettei-tekini yaru!)
Maomao (If I have to do it, I’m going all the way.)
Maomao (Hisashi-buri-dana, kono kanji… Myoni onna-kusakute ochi-tsuku.)
Maomao (It’s been a while. It’s relaxing, this weird girly atmosphere.”
Chukyu-hi “Jinshi-samayo!”
Middle-ranking concubine “It’s Master Jinshi!”
Chukyu-hi “Kyomo uruwashiiwa!”
Middle-ranking concubine “He’s so beautiful as always.”
Maomao “Zuibun atsumatte-masune.”
Maomao “This is quite a crowd.”
Jinshi “Jugyono uwasao kiite atsumattan-daro.”
Jinshi “They must have heard the rumors about the lesson.”
Jinshi “Itte-okuga, jugyo’o ukeru-nowa jokyu-hi-nomida. Yo-no nai monowa sagaru-yoni.”
Jinshi “Just so you’re all aware, only the high-ranking concubines will be attending today. If you have no other business, you may leave.”
Maomao (Kono kangan, ayakashika nanikaka?)
Maomao (Is this eunuch some sort of mythical conster?)
Maomao “Ike-masen!”
Maomao “No!”
Jinshi “Nazeda?”
Jinshi “Why?”
Maomao “Jugyo’o ukeru-nowa jokyu-hi-nomito osshatta-nowa Jinshi-sama desu.”
Maomao “Only the high-ranking concubines will attend the lesson. You said so yourself.”
Maomao (Kuso, mitameno warini gasshiri shiteru…)
Maomao (Dammit, he’s built tougher than he looks.)
Maomao “Koko-kara sakiwa, onna’no sono’ni okeru tagon-muyono hijutsu desu-node!”
Maomao “What we’ll discuss is a secret technique for women only!”
Jinshi “Otto…”
Maomao “Fu…”
Gyokuyo-hi “Fu, fufufu.”
Maomao (Gyokuyo-sama… Ai-kawarazu okireida. Hon’nyan-samamo tokuni kawari nai-yoda.)
Maomao (Lady Gyokuyou. Beautiful, as always. Seems like Lady Hongniang hasn’t changed, either.)
Maomao (Rīshu-samawa, ishuku shite-iru-noka… Maa, hokano jokyu-higa san-ninmo ireba murimo naika. Ano dokumi-yakuno jijoga sobani ireba, izen-yoriwa mashi-daro.)
Maomao (Lady Lishu seems very nervous. I guess it’s natural, seeing how there are three other high-ranking concubines here. As long as that taster is with her, she should be better off than before.)
Maomao (Rifa-samamo, hotondo maeno yutakana taikeini modotte, taichomo yosa-soda. N? Ano jijowa oshiroino tokino… Sonnani keikai shinaku-temo.)
Maomao (Lady Lihua seems to have recovered fully to her healthy, voluptuous form. Hmm? Is that the lady-in-waiting from the face powder incident…? She doesn’t have to be so wary of me.)
Maomao (Soshite, Āduo-hino ato-gama, atarashii Shuku-Hi, Roran-hika. Nangoku-chono hadena fukuwa shumika? Kaodachiwa kita-yorini mieruga, motoga yoku wakara-naina… Toshigoro-kara-shite, mikadono otetsuki-niwa nari-soda. Kokyuno baransuga kuzureru kotowa nasaso-daga… Maa, do-demo iika.)
Maomao (And Concubine Ah-Duo’s replacement, the new Pure Consort, Concubine Loulan. Is that flashy southern outfit her usual style? Her face seems northern, but I can’t tell what she really looks like under all that. Given her age, the emperor will most likely spend time with her. It seems the power balance at the rear palace shouldn’t be negatively affected. Eh. Who cares.)
Maomao “Kono-tabi, koshi’o uke-tamawari-mashita Maomaoto moshi-masu. Kore-kara mina-samani ooshie suru-nowa, onna’no sono’ni okeru hijutsu-yue, tagon-muyoni onegai shimasu. Sore-dewa, kyozai’o okubari-shimasu.”
Maomao “My name is Maomao. I will be serving as your instructor today. What I will be teaching you today is a secret technique shared only amongst women. Please do not share it with others. Now, here are the learning materials.”
Gyokuyo-hi “Maa…Fufufu.”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Wow!”
Jijo “Waaa, hiii…ottototo…”
Rīshu-hi “U…Ua…”
Concubine Lishu “Oh…Oh…”
Kanan “Aa.”
Jinshi “Nn…”
Gaoshun “Ittai naniga okite-irun-deshoka…”
Gaoshun “What’s going on in there?”
Jinshi “Wakaranna.”
Jinshi “I can’t tell.”
Maomao “Fu…N?”
Maomao “Phew. Hmm?”
Jinshi “Gokuro. Naga-kattana.”
Jinshi “Good work. That look a while.”
Maomao (Koitsu, kiki-mimi tatete-tana?)
Maomao (This guy was eavesdropping for sure.)
Maomao “Do-shimashita?”
Maomao “What’s wrong?”
Jinshi “Korewa ittai do-iu jokyoda?”
Jinshi “What’s going on here?”
Gyokuyo-hi “Man’neri ridatsu!”
Concubine Gyokuyou “Goodbye, tired routines!”
Rifa-hi “Koko’o, koshite��”
Concubine Lihua “Do this, then this…”
Rīshu-hi “Muri… Zettai muri!!”
Concubine Lishu “No way. No way, ever…”
Kanan “Rīshu-sama!!”
Kanan “Lady Lishu!”
Maomao “Iwareta toorini kogiwo shita-dake desu.”
Maomao “I just taught them, as ordered.”
Jinshi “Un?”
Maomao (Sore-demo, suisen’nin’no futari-niwa yorokonde moraeta mitaida… A…)
Maomao (At least I made the two who recommended me happy.)
Roran-hi “Fun.”
Maomao (Saigo-made, nanio kangaete-iru-noka, yoku wakara-nai kisaki dattana… Sukini tsukatte-kure.)
Maomao (I couldn’t tell what she was thinking at all. Use the knowledge as you see fit.)
Jinshi “Naa, donna jugyo’o yattanda?”
Jinshi “Hey, what kind of lecture did you give?”
Maomao “Gojitsu, mikadoni kanso’o ukagatte kudasai.”
Maomao “You can ask the emperor later if he liked it or not.”
Jinshi “Oi!”
Jinshi “Hey.”
Maomao “Tsukareta… Fu, ufufufu, hoshono kin-ippu, tanoshimida.”
Maomao “I’m spent. Looking forward to that bonus reward!”
Maomao “Nn…”
Heishi “Doshita?”
Soldier “What happened?”
Heishi “Kocchida!”
Soldier “This way!”
Maomao “N.”
Suiren “Ufufu…”
Maomao “Yamete okuka. Uuu, samu.”
Maomao “I’ll stay out of it. So cold…”
Rikuson “Rakan-sama, Rakan-sama? Rakan-sama…Konna tokoroni.”
Rikuson “Master Lakan! Master Lakan! Master Lakan, there you are.”
Rakan “Fumu…”
Lakan “Hmm.”
Rikuson “Nanika, kini naru koto-demo?”
Rikuson “Something of interest?”
Rakan “Iya… Nanimo naiyo.”
Lakan “No, nothing at all.”
Maomao (Kinono oto, nan-dattan-daro? …Kangan-nanoni, kokyu-dakeja naku gaiteino shigotomo aru-noka. Kudaranai hoan daroto mushi-suru-wakeni ikanai mitai-dashi. Ii kami dakara, ureba kozukaini narun-dakedo… Moyasu-nante mottai-nai.)
Maomao (I wonder what that sound was last night. Even though he’s a eunuch, he has work outside of the rear palace as well? It’s not like he can just ignore silly bills. It’s good paper. I could sell these for a pretty good amount. What a waste, burning it all.”
Jinshi “N?”
Maomao (Gomi-yakiba… Gunbuno atarika.)
Maomao (The trash burning place is over by the military offices…)
Gaoshun “Shaomao. Sotowa samui-node.”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao. It’s cold outside.”
Maomao “Arigato gozaimasu.”
Maomao “Thank you.”
Maomao (Sasuga mameda. Kanganni shite-oku-niwa mottai-nai.)
Maomao (He’s so thoughtful. Shame he’s a eunuch.)
Gaoshun “U!”
Jinshi “Muuuu.”
Gaoshun “U, a, korewa, Jinshi-sama-karano mono desu-node. Watashiwa tada watashita-dakeni sugi-masen-node!”
Gaoshun “This is from Master Jinshi! I merely delivered it!”
Maomao “Sodesuka.”
Maomao “I see.”
Maomao (Gejoni wataire ichi-mai watasu-nonimo kyokaga hitsuyo-nante taihen dana.)
Maomao (He needs permission just to give warm clothes to a servant? What a bother.)
Maomao “Arigato gozaimasu, Jinshi-sama.”
Maomao “Thank you, Master Jinshi.”
Jinshi “Kini suruna.”
Jinshi “Don’t worry about it.”
Maomao (Gaiteiwa kokyuno nan-bai-mono hirosaga aru-noni, yakusowa amari miatara-nai. Yappari meboshii yakusowa, dokoni-demo aru tanpopoka, yomogi kuraika… Fuyubade mitsuke-nikui-towa-ie, kono Atari-nimo taneo uete-oko-kana…)
Maomao (The outer court is several times larger than the rear palace, yet I see hardly any medical herbs growing. I guess the only notable ones are dandelions and mugworts, which are abundant anywhere. It’s winter, so they’re hard to spot, too. Maybe I’ll plant some seeds around here as well.)
Maomao (O… A, manju-shage! Koko-nimo! Asoko-nimo! …Kyukon’o mizuna sarasuto, umain-dayonaa… Doku-nukio shippai suruto, fukutsude kurushimu hameni naru-kedo.)
Maomao (Ooh, red spider lily! Here too! And there, too! They’re so tasty when the bulb root is put in water. If I fail to remove the poison, it vauses horrible stomachaches, though.)
Maomao “A… Rihaku-samada. Obino iroga, izen-towa chigau…to-iu kotowa shusse shita-noka?”
Maomao “Hmm? It’s Master Lihaku. His belt’s a different color. Did he get a promotion?”
Rihaku “N? Oo, jochan!”
Lihaku “Hmm? Oh hey, little lady.”
Maomao “Rihaku-sama.”
Maomao “Master Lihaku.”
Rihaku “Kisakino tsukisoika nanikaka? Kokyu-kara dete-kuru-nante mezurashii.”
Lihaku “Accompanying a concubine or something? Rare to see you outside the rear palace.”
Maomao (Watashiga kaiko sareta-koto, shiranai-noka… Rihaku-sama. Rokushokan, San-Himeno hitori, Pairin-neechanni horete, onnano tameni shusse shiyoto suru, aisu-beki bakana tokoroga aru otokoda. Pairin-neechan’o yobu-niwa, heiminno han-toshi-bunno ginga hitsuyoni naru. Takakute, so-so yobenai-monna… Rokushokan-niwa, kamuro-aiteni yoku chao nomini kiteru rashii-kedo, au-kotowa nakattashi. Tenjono Mitsuo shitta otokowa, hitome-demo ogamerebato kayoi-tsumeterun-daro… Ganbatterun-dana…)
Maomao (He doesn’t know I got fired. Master Lihaku. He fell in love with Big Sister Pairin, one of the Three Princesses of the Verdigris House. He’s working hard to get a promotion for his love. How adorable. The cost of a night with Pairin is equal to half the annual salary of a commoner. Since that’s too expensive, I hear he often visits the Verdigris House to have tea with the servant girls. I never ran into him there. I guess once a man has a taste of the heavenly nectar, he can’t help but try to get at least a glimpse. He’s really working hard.)
Rihaku “N? Nanda?”
Lihaku “Hmm? What is it?”
Maomao “Ie, imawa kokyu-zutome-kara, toaru gojinno heya-zukini nari-mashita-node.”
Maomao “Nothing. I’ve been transferred from the near palace to the personal quarters of a certain official.”
Rihaku “Heya-zuki? Dareda? Sonna mono-zukiwa…”
Lihaku “Personal quarters? Who’s crazy enough to do that?”
Maomao “Ee, mono-zuki desu-yone… Tokorode, otorikomi-chu-dewa?”
Maomao “Yeah, I wonder the same. By the way, were you busy with something?”
Rihaku “Chottonaaa, kono kisetsu-niwa mezurashikumo nai boya dayo. Himotoga wakara-naitte kotode, kari-dasarete-runda.”
Lihaku “A little. Just a small fire, not rare at this time of the year. I’ve been brought out to investigate since they can’t determine the cause.”
Maomao (Gen’in-fumei nee… Kinono otowa koreka.)
Maomao (Unknown cause? So that must be what the noise from last night was.)
Maomao “Kega-nin-wa?”
Maomao “Was anyone injured?”
Rihaku “Soko-ban dakeda. Inochini betsujowa naiga…tte, oi! Anmari chikazuku-nayo.”
Lihaku “Just the warehousemen. He’s not critically injured, but- Hey, don’t get too close.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Maomao (Sonna hanashi kika-sarete, kubio tsukkomunato iwaretemo…)
Maomao (Why wouldn’t you expect me to get curious after hearing that?)
Maomao (Tonarino koyani-made todoita susu… Tatemonono mawarini chirabatta hahen. Koreja, boyato iu-yori bakuhatsuni chikai. Naruhodo… Hitsukeno utagai arito miteru wakeka… Shitappa-yakunin-dewa naku, Rihaku-samaga dete-kuru-nomo unazukeru. Sokorano soko-nara tomokaku, kokowa mikadono iru kyuden-naida. Kono kuniwa, oomune heiwade aruga, subeteno ningenga genjoni manzoku shite-iru wake-dewa nai-daro. Mareni iminzokuwa osotte-kurushi, kikin’ya kanbatsumo nakini-shimo arazu. Takoku-tono waheimo, itsu-made tsuzukuka wakara-nai. Ikokuno naka-niwa, fuman’o motsu monomo iru-daro.)
Maomao (Soot reaching the adjacent building. Shrapnel all over the building. This is more like an explosion than a fire. I see. They suspect arson. That’s why Master Lihaku is here, not a lower-ranking official. This isn’t just tome random warehouse. It’s the palace, where the emperor is. Our empire is overall pretty peaceful, but there’s always someone with issues. There’s the occasional barbarian attack, and a famine or drought here and there. Who knows how long peace with the neighboring nations will last? I’m sure some people in some foreign countries have some complaints.)
Maomao (N? Sumi…? Iya, kogeta imoka. Mottai-nai. To-iu kotowa, kokowa shokuryo-ko. A…zoge-zaiku? Kiseru mitai dana.)
Maomao (Charcoal? No, it’s a burnt potato. What a waste. So this was food storage. Ivory? Looks like a smoking pipe.)
Rihaku “Katteni uro-uro suruna!”
Lihaku “Quit snooping around by yourself!”
Maomao “Kiseru…”
Maomao “A pipe…”
Rihaku “N?”
Maomao (Bakuhatsu, shokuryo-ko, kiseru… Ha.)
Maomao (An explosion. Food storage. A pipe.)
Rihaku “A, oi!”
Lihaku “Hey!”
Rihaku “Kiiteru-noka?!”
Lihaku “Can you hear me?”
Maomao “Kikoete-masuyo.” (Kikoto shinai dakede…)
Maomao “I can hear you.” (I’m just not listening to you.)
Maomao “Moeta soko-niwa, kochirato onaji monoga okarete-itan-desuka?”
Maomao “Does this warehouse store the same kind of stuff as the burnt one?”
Rihaku “Aa, oku-kara furui mono’o irete-iru rashii.”
Lihaku “Yeah. The oldest things go in the back.”
Maomao “Kore, moratte iidesuka?”
Maomao “Can I have this?”
Rihaku “Iinja naika?”
Lihaku “I suppose so.”
Maomao “Ato, koremo. Tsuchito nokogiri, ato kugimo hitsuyo desune.”
Maomao “And this, too? I also need a hammer, a saw, and some nails.”
Rihaku “Nani suru ki nan-dayo?”
Lihaku “What are you trying to do?”
Maomao “Chotto-shita jikken desu.”
Maomao “Just a quick experiment.”
Maomao “Korede iika…”
Maomao “This will do.”
Rihaku “Myoni tenare-teruna…”
Lihaku “You’re strangely good at this.”
Maomao “Mazushii sodachi nanode, nai mono’o tsukuru-nowa tokui-desu.”
Maomao “I grew up poor. I’m good at making things I don’t have.”
Rihaku “Sore, komugiko dayona?”
Lihaku “That’s flour, right?”
Maomao “Hai, sokoni natta mono desu.”
Maomao “Yes. It was in the warehouse.”
Buka “Korede ii-desuka?”
Subordinate “Is this what you needed?”
Maomao “Soreto, onegai shita hidanewa?”
Maomao “Yes. And the flame source I asked for?”
Buka “Kochirani.”
Subordinate “Right here.”
Maomao “Arigato gozaimasu.”
Maomao “Thank you, sir.”
Rihaku “…Wakega wakaran…”
Lihaku “I don’t get it.”
Maomao “Junbi deki-mashita. Abunai-node, hanarete-ite kudasai.”
Maomao “It’s ready. Please stand back. It’s dangerous.”
Buka “Ha…Hai, dewa.”
Subordinate “Y-Yes…”
Maomao “Rihaku-sama, abunai desuyo.”
Maomao “Master Lihaku, it’s dangerous.”
Rihaku “Naniga abunainda? Jochanga nanio shiyoto, bukanno orega abunai monoka!”
Lihaku “What danger could there be? Whatever you do, I’m a military officer. How can I be at risk?”
Maomao “Haa… Wakari-mashita. Kiken-nanode, ju-ju kio tsukete kudasai. Suguni nigete kudasaine! Shutatata…”
Maomao “Understood. But it really is dangerous, so please do be very careful. You have to run right away.”
Rihaku “Haa? Nigerutte naniga-dayo? Uooo, a, a, u, a, a, keshite-kure!”
Lihaku “Huh? Run form what- Put it out!”
Maomao “Dakara itta-noni…”
Maomao “See? I told you so.”
Rihaku “Hakushon!(Kushami)” “Sorede, naniga do-natte bakuhatsu shitatte?”
Lihaku “So, what caused the explosion?”
Maomao “Gen’inwa, kore desu.”
Maomao “It was this.”
Rihaku “Komugiko?”
Lihaku “Flour?”
Maomao “Hai. Komugikoya sobato-itta konawa moe-yasuku, kuchuni mauto higa tsuku kotoga arun-desu. Hidanewa kore-kato.”
Maomao “Yes. Fine powder, like wheat or buckwheat flour, burns easily. The particles can catch fire when airborne. This was likely what sparked it.”
Rihaku “Kiseru?”
Lihaku “A pipe…?”
Maomao “Hitomeo nusunde ippuku suru-tame nakani hairuto, gaikiga nagare-konde, konaga mai-masu. Sokode kiseruni hio tsukeruto… Soko-naini juman-shita komugikoni chakka shite, kekka, bakuhatsuga okori-masu. Soko-banno katani, soko-deno tabakowa oyame-kudasai-to otsutae negae-masuka?”
Maomao “If someone snuck inside to take a quick smoke in private, the outside wind could flow in, blowing the powder into the air. If the pipe was lit at that time… The flour filling the air would catch fire, and cause an explosion. Please let the warehousemen know not to smoke in the warehouses.”
Rihaku “N’na-koto yoku shitteruna.”
Lihaku “How do you know these things?”
Maomao “Izen, Rokushokande magari shite-ita heyao futtobashita kotoga ari-mashite…”
Maomao “Once, at the Verdigris House, I blew up a room I borrowed.”
Rihaku “Omae…”
Lihaku “You…”
Yarite Babaa “Kono baka-musumegaaaaaaa!!!”
Madam “You stupid girl!”
Maomao (Ano tokino babaawa kowakatta…)
Maomao (The old lady was real scary back then.)
Rihaku “Shikashi, konaga bakuhatsu-towa fushigina monda…”
Lihaku “But powders exploding? How strange.”
Maomao (Yono-naka, fushigina kotowa hotondo nai. Fushigito iu-nara, sorewa shiranai dakeda.)
Maomao (Almost nothing in the world is truly strange. Anything that feels strange is just not yet known.”
Rihaku “Hakushon!”
Lihaku “Achoo!”
Maomao “Kazeo hikanu-yo, kio tsukete kudasai. Hiitara, hana-machino Ruomenno kusuriga yoku kiki-masuyo.”
Maomao “Please take care to not catch a cold. If you do, find Luomen in the pleasure district. His medicines work well.”
Rihaku “Oo…”
Lihaku “Right.”
Maomao (Oyaji shobaikkega nai-karana… Chotto-kurai eigyo-katsudo shite agenaito. Pairin-neechanni aini iku tsuideni-demo yotte-kure.)
Maomao (Dad’s so bad at marketing. I should help him out a little. Hopefully, he’d pay a visit while he’s out there for Pairin.)
Maomao “Dewa, shigotoni modori-masu.”
Maomao “Well, I’m heading back to work now.”
Rihaku “Oo.”
Lihaku “Sure.”
Maomao “A… Kore motte kichattana… Kireini shite atarashii suikuchio tsukereba, motoni modoruka? Ureba, sore-narino kaneni nari-soda… To-iuka, soko-banga motsu-niwa rippa-sugiru. Moshika-shitara taisetsuna mono nano-kana? Migaite kaeshite yaruka.”
Maomao “Oh, accidentally brought this with me. If I clean this up and put a new mouthpiece on it, would it be good again? It might sell for a pretty good price. That said, it seems too impressive for a warehouse to own. Might be something precious. Maybe I’ll clean it up and give it back.”
Yakuninno ototo “Haa, haa, haa… Kuso! U… Ore-datte… Kuso! Ku, uu…”
Official’s younger brother “Dammit! I’m worthy, too… Dammit!”
*Orange-colored words are my translation, since I couldn’t find real subtitle in You Tube.
(Continue to episode 15)
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byneddiedingo · 1 month
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Kinuyo Tanaka in Ginza Cosmetics (Mikio Naruse, 1951)
Cast: Kinuyo Tanaka, Ranko Hanai, Yuji Hori, Kyoko Kagawa, Eijiro Yanagi, Eijiro Tono, Yoshihiro Nishikubo, Haruo Tanaka. Screenplay: Matsuo Kishi, based on a novel by Tomoichiro Inoue. Cinematography: Akira Mimura. Art direction: Takashi Kono. Film editing: Hidetoshi Kasama. Music: Seiichi Suzuki. 
I'm not entirely sure what the title, Ginza Cosmetics, means. But I think it has something to do with putting on a good face when things are troubled inside. That applies to the protagonist, Yukiko (the great Kinuyo Tanaka), a bar hostess struggling to raise her young son, Haruo (Yoshihiro Nishikubo), and at the same time trying to keep the bar she works in from going out of business. But it also applies to the Ginza itself, the bustling shopping and entertainment district of Tokyo. At one point, Yukiko is showing a young man from the country around the city, and points out how much of the area he finds oppressively noisy and crowded had been leveled during the war: The Ginza itself has put on a new face, hiding its scars. Mikio Naruse's film is an account of several days in Yukiko's life, a character study without melodrama. She has a few moments of crisis: Haruo, who is usually a quiet and studious child who looks after himself (with the aid of a few neighbors) while Yukiko goes to work, once wanders off for a few hours, to her distress. And she is almost raped by an old acquaintance whom she goes to in search of money to help the bar's owner from having to sell it. There's also some tension among the women who work in the bar when the marriageable young man from the country comes to visit one of them. At the end, life goes on without the usual narrative resolution, and if you're like me you feel you've had a privileged glimpse into another world and another life. 
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frierenscript · 3 months
Episode 5 : Phantoms of the Dead / 第5話『死者の幻影(Shishano Gen’ei)』
Aizen “Furīren, Oreōruo sagashite, Hinmeruto hanasunda.”
Eisen “Frieren, you must find Aureole and speak with Himmel.”
Furīren&Furanme “Tairikuno haruka kitano hate. Kono sekaino hitobitoga tengokuto yobu basho. Tamashii no nemuru chi, Oreōruni tadori-tsuita. Sokowa ookuno tamashii ga atsumaru bashode, watashiwa katsuteno sen-yu-tachito taiwa-shita.”
Frieren&Flamme ”On the northernmost end of the continent, I arrived at the place the people of this world call heaven: Aureole, the land where souls rest. Many souls gather there, and I spoke with friends who once fought alongside me.”
Aizen “Sumanna. Nagai tabijini naru. Ore-tachiwa, ju-nen kakatta.”
Eisen “Sorry to ask this of you. It’ll be a long journey. It took us ten years.”
フェルン「そうか… ヒンメル様たちが魔王城を目指した道のりと、同じなんですね。」
Ferun “Souka… Hinmeru-sama-tachiga Mao-jo o mezashita michinorito, onaji nandesune.”
Fern “I see. We’ll be following the same path Mr.Himmel’s party took to the Demon King’s castle.”
Furīren “Sodane. Tatta ju-nen no boken dayo.”
Frieren “You’re right. It’ll be a mere ten-year adventure.”
Aizen “Hyaku-bunno-ichi ka.”
Eisen “One one-hundredth, huh?”
Hinmeru “Furīren, kimiwa Outo-niwa nokoranai-noka.”
Himmel “Frieren, you’re not going to stay in the royal capital?”
Furīren “Tabio tsuzukeruyo.”
Frieren “I’m going to keep traveling.”
Hinmeru “Hitori deka.”
Himmel “Alone?”
Furīren “Kirakude ii-desho.”
Frieren “It’ll be nice and easy.”
Aizen “Deshio tottariwa shinain-oka? Tabiwa, hanashi-aitega ita-houga ii.”
Eisen “You’re not going to take on an apprentice? Traveling is better when you have someone to talk to.”
Furīren “Jikanno muda dakarane. Iroiro oshietemo, sugu shinjau-desho.”
Frieren “It’s a waste of time. Even if I taught them, they’d die in no time.”
Aizen “Furīren, hito-tono kankeiwa, sou-iu monoja nai.”
Eisen “Frieren, that’s not how relationships work.”
Furīren “Sou-iu mono dayo. Minna-tono boken-datte, watashino jinseino hyaku-bunno-ichi nimo mitanai.”
Frieren “Yes, it is. My adventure with you wasn’t even one one-hundredth of my life.”
Furīren “Sonna kotomo ittakkene.”
Frieren “I might’ve said something like that.”
Aizen “Omoshiroi mono-dana.”
Eisen “It’s funny, isn’t it?”
Furīren “Naniga?”
Frieren “What is?”
Aizen “Sono hyaku-bunno-ichiga, omaeo kaetanda. Jaa, matana.”
Eisen “that one one-hundredth changed you. Well, I’ll see you later.”
Furīren “Un. mata.”
Frieren “See you again.”
Ferun “Watashino jinsei-dewa, ni-bunno-ichi desukara.”
Fern “It’s been half my life, you know.”
Ferun “Furīren-samato sugoshita jikan-desu.”
Fern “The time I’ve spent with you.”
Furīren “Korekara motto ooku-naruyo.”
Frieren “It’s going to be even more than that from now on.”
Haitā “Ii-desuka, Ferun. Korekarawa, Furīrenno iu-koto o yoku kiite, ii-koni shite-irundesuyo. Samonaito…”
Heiter “Listen to me, Fern. From now, you must listen carefully to what Frieren tells you and be a good girl, or else…”
Fern “…Samonaito?”
Fern “Or else what?”
Haitā “Shinda-atoni bakete demasu.”
Heiter “I’ll haunt you after I’m dead.”
Ferun “Haitā-sama. Watashiga warui-koni nareba, bakete detekite kureruno-desuka?”
Fern “Mr.Heiter, do you mean that if I’m a bad girl, you’ll come to see me after you die?”
Haitā “Zuru-gashikoku narimashitane. Dareni nitandaka. Tekkai shimasho. Anataga ii-kode itara, sukoshi- kurainara bakete dete-agetemo iikamo shiremasen.”
Heiter “You’ve grown into a clever girl. Who taught you to act like that? I take it back. If you’re a good girl, then I might be willing to visit you sometimes.”
Furīren “Soro-soro murani tsukuttesa.”
Frieren “We’re almost at the village.”
Ferun “…Sodesuka.”
Fern “I see.”
Furīren “Nani?”
Frieren “What?”
Ferun Nandemo arimasen.”
Fern “Nothing.”
(Yuusya Hinmeru no shi kara nijyuu-hachi nengo. Cyuuou-syokoku, Vire-chihou)
(28 years after the death of Himmel the Hero, in the Wille region, located in the central lands)
Tenshu “Antara, togemichio koeru tsumori-daro? Yametoita-hoga iiyo. Mo nan-ninmo yukue-fumeini natteiru karane.”
Shop owner “You’re heading to the mountain pass, right? I wouldn’t if I were you. A bunch of people have gone missing.”
Furīren “Mamono-demo detano?”
Frieren “Was it monsters?”
Tenshu”Yurei-domoni tsure-sararetatte hanashisa. Jissaini mita renchumo iru.”
Shop owner “Taken by ghosts, or so the rumors say. Some people have seen them with their own eyes.”
Furīren “Andeddo-kana. Sono yureino mitamette wakaru?”
Frieren “Could be the undead. Do you know what the ghosts look like?”
店主「そこまではねぇ… 気になるなら、直接聞いてみたらどうだい?」
Tenshu “Sokomadewanee… Kini narunara, chokusetsu kiite-mitara dodai?”
Shop owner “I’m afraid not. But if you’re curious, why not ask them yourselves?”
フェルン「話をまとめると… 死んだ身内や、知り合いの幽霊が目撃されていて、どれも生前の姿のまま。話しかけられたという人もいたようですね。」
Ferun “Hanashio matomeruto… shinda miuchiya, shiriaino yureiga mokugeki sareteite, doremo seizenno sugata no mama. Hanashi-kakeraretato iu-hitomo itayo-desune.”
Fern “To summarize, people saw the ghosts of dead family and acquaintances as they appeared in life. Some witnesses claimed the ghosts spoke to them.”
Furīren “Korewa, andeddono shiwazaja naine.”
Frieren “This isn’t the work of the undead.”
Ferun “Sonano-desuka?”
Fern “It’s not?”
Furīren “Andeddowa, mahode ayatsurareta shitaino sosho-dakarane. Zonbi-toka sukeruton-toka. Demo konkai wa, seizenno sugatano mamadatta. Shitai-nara, sowa mienai. Korewa, mattaku betsuno keitono mamonono shiwaza dane.”
Frieren “The undead are corpses controlled by magic, like zombies or skeletons. But these ghosts appeared as they did in life. A reanimated corpse wouldn’t look like that. This is the work of a completely different type of monster.”
Ferun “Kokoro-atariga ariso-desune.”
Fern “You seem to have inkling of what it might be.”
Furīren “Akushumina yatsu-dakara, deawanai-yoni kio tsukenaito.”
Frieren “It’s a nasty one. We’d best be careful to avoid it.”
Furīren “Asa-ichide murao deruyo.”
Frieren “We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
Ferun “Furīren-sama, murano hito-tachi, komatte-imashita.”
Fern “Ms.Frieren, the villagers need help.”
Furīren “Hinmeru-tachi mitaina-koto iune.”
Frieren “You sound like Himmel and the others.”
Ferun “Watashiwa Furīren-sama-towa chigatte, iiko-nanode.”
Fern “Unlike you, I’m a good girl.”
Furīren “Maa, Ferunga iinara iika. Dose togemichiwa tooru wake-dashine.”
Frieren “If you want to help, then I suppose we can. We’ll be traveling through the mountain pass either way.”
Furīren “Kokoga saikin murabitoga kieta-basho dane. Tegakariwa… jubun-sugiruka.”
Frieren “This is where the villagers have been disappearing recently. At least there are plenty of clues.”
Ferun “…Kokode mahoga tsukawareta kaisekiga arimasu.”
Fern “There are signs of magic use here.”
Furīren “Sodane. Donna mahodato omou?”
Frieren “Yes. What kind of magic do you think it was?”
Ferun “…Gen’ei-maho desu. Maboroshio riyo-shite emono o sasoikomu mamonoga iru-to, maho seitai-gakuno hon ni kakarete-imashita.”
Fern “Illusion magic. I read in a book on magical ecology that there’s a monster that uses illusions to lure prey.”
Furīren “Ainzāmu.”
Frieren “The Einsam.”
Furīren “Sono shuno mamonono nakademo, kokatsude don’yokude, hitoshika hoshoku-shinai henshokuka. Shisha no gen’eio misete, hito o sasoikomu.”
Frieren “Even among monsters of its type, it’s an especially crafty and greedy monster that consumes only humans. It shows people phantoms of the dead to lure them in.”
Ferun “Sonna monode sasoeruno-desuka?”
Fern “Does it really work?”
Furīren “Sono hitoni-totte taisetsu-datta hitono maboroshio miserundayo. Demo, Ainzāmuga tsukau gen’eiwa, mahotsukaini tottewa kyoija nai. Kogeki-maho mitaina komitsudono maryokuo butsukeru-dakede kantanni risan suru.”
Frieren “They’re illusions of people very dear to them. But the Einsam’s illusions aren’t a threat to mages. They’re easily dispersed by high-density mana such as offensive magic.”
Ferun “Shishano gen’eio, uteba iino-desune.”
Fern “So we just need to shoot the phantoms of the dead.”
Furīren “Uteru?”
Frieren “Could you?”
Ferun “Tozen desu. Nisemono-dato wakatte-iruno-desukara.”
Fern “Of course. After all, I know they’re fake.”
Furīren “Watashiwa, inochi-goio suru senseino gen’eio uttayo. Maa, senseino inochi-goiwa kikinarete-itakara, sokomade zai-aku-kan tokawa nakatta kedone. Dato shitemo, kibunno ii monoja nai.”
Frieren “I shot a phantom of my master begging for her life. But I was used to hearing her beg for her life, so I didn’t feel particularly guilty about it. Either way, it doesn’t feel good.”
Ferun “Inochi-goio kikinarerutte, do-iu koto nandesuka?”
Fern “What does it mean that you were accustomed to hearing her beg for her life?”
Ferun “Kiriga dete-kimashitane.”
Fern “It’s gotten misty.”
Furīren “Chikaine. Gen’eiga detekitara, mayowazu utsundayo.”
Frieren “We’re close. If you see a phantom, don’t hesitate to shoot it.”
Haitā(gen’ei) “Ferun.”
Heiter(phantom) “Fern.”
フェルン(出た… これが死者の幻影… 動揺はない… 撃てる。)
Ferun (Deta… Korega shishano gen’ei… Doyowa nai… Uteru.)
Fern (There it is. A phantom of the dead. I’m calm. I can shoot it.)
Haitā(gen’ei) “Ichi-danto, mahotsukai-rashiku narimashitane.”
Heiter(phantom) “You’ve become quite the mage.”
Haitā(gen’ei) “Anataga iikode itakara, sukoshi-dake bakete deru-kotoni shimashita.”
Heiter(phantom) “I decided to pay you a visit because you’ve been a good girl.”
Ferun (Kiokuda…)
Fern (My memories…)
Haitā(gen’ei) “Mahotsukaino michio erande seikai-deshitane. Anatawa mukashikara, mahoga daisukide――”
Heiter(phantom) “You were right to choose the path of a mage. You’ve always loved magic…”
フェルン(こいつ… 私の記憶を… …なんて残酷なことを… これは私の大切な思い出だ…)
Ferun (Koitsu, watashino kiokuo… …Nante zankokuna koto o… Korewa watashino taisetsuna omoideda…)
Fern (It’s using my memories against me. How cruel. One of my most cherished memories…)
Furīren “Ferun. …Dameka.”
Frieren “Fern. No, huh?”
フリーレン「…ヒンメルが出てくるんだ。てっきりまた師匠が出てくるものかと思っていたけど… 私も少しは変わっているってことかな。」
Furīren “Hinmeruga dete-kurunda. Tekkiri mata senseiga detekuru monokato omotte itakedo, watashimo sukoshi wa kawatte-irutte kotokana.”
Frieren “So it’s Himmel this time. I assumed it’d be my master again. Does this mean I’ve changed?”
Hinmeru(gen’ei) “Furīren. Ute.”
Himmel(phantom) “Frieren, shoot me.”
Furīren “Sodane. Hinmeru-nara so iu.”
Frieren “Right. That’s what Himmel would say.”
Furīren “Korede kono togemichiwa anzen-dane.”
Frieren “Now the mountain path is safe again.”
Fern “Furīren-sama. Arewa, Haitā-samano gen’ei-deshita. Nisemono-desu.”
Fern “Ms.Frieren… That was a phantom of Mr.Heiter. An impostor.”
Furīren “Sodane. Tsugiwa honmononi aini-iko. Watashi-tachiwa, Oreōruo mezashite irundakara.”
Frieren “Yes. Let’s go see the real Heiter now. After all, we’re trying to reach Aureole.”
Ferun “…Sodesune.”
Fern “You’re right.”
(Yusha Hinmeruno shikara niju-hachi-nengo. Chuo-shokoku, Rīgeru-kyokoku)
(28 years after the death of Himmel the Hero, in the Riegel Canyon, located in the central lands)
Ferun “Arega ryu… Hajimete mimashita.”
Fern “That’s a dragon? I’ve never seen one before.”
Furīren “Suo mite. Madoshoga aru desho. Are sagashite-ita-yatsu nandayone.”
Frieren “Look at its nest. See that grimoire? It’s one I’ve been looking for.”
フェルン「相変わらず好きですね… でも何故あんなところに…」
Ferun “Ai-kawarazu suki-desune… Demo naze anna-tokoroni…”
Fern “You do love your grimoire. But what’s it doing there?”
Furīren “Ryuwa, maryokuno komotta mono o, eisono zairyoni surukarane. Kokyoryu… Koitsuwa bokensha o nan-ninmo kutteiru. Dochirani-seyo shitomete-oita-hoga iidesho. Suni atenai-yoni kio tsukete.”
Frieren “Dragons use objects infused with magic to build their nests. That’s a solar dragon. It’s eaten numerous adventurers. Either way, we should probably take it out. Be careful you don’t hit the nest.”
Ferun “Hai. …Friern-sama, amari tegotaega…”
Ferun “Got it. Ms. Frieren, that didn’t do anything.”
Furīren “Yappari ryuwa kataine. Shikataga nai. Nigeruyo.”
Frieren “Figures. Dragons really are tough. We have no choice, then. Let’s run.”
Furīren “Youyaku maketaka. Tobunomo hayaine. Kuchu-senmo murisoda.”
Frieren “We finally lost it. It’s a quick flyer, too. I doubt we can beat it in an aerial battle.”
Ferun “Shi, Shinukato omoimashita…”
Fern “I… I thought I was going to die.”
Furīren “Ja, modoroka. Sasugani kore kurikaeseba, itsukawa taoseru-desho.”
Frieren “Let’s head back. If we repeat that process enough times, we’ll beat it eventually.”
Furīren “…Dayone. Ryuto oikakekko-nante, mahotsukaino yarikataja naiyone. Sunaoni nakamani suruka…”
Frieren “Of course. Mages don’t play tag with dragons. I guess we’ll just have to take on a companion.”
Furīren “Zen’ei?”
Frieren “A front-liner?”
Aizen “Aa, sagashite-irundaro. Rīgeru-kyokoku-zoini-aru murani, Shutarukuto-iu senshiga iru. Kitagawa- shokoku ni hairu-tsuideni hirotte-yare. Oreno deshi-nanda.”
Eisen “Yeah. You’re searching for someone, aren’t you? There’s a warrior named Stark in a village near Riegel Canyon. Pick him up on your way into the northern lands. He’s my apprentice.”
Furīren “Fūn. Ii senshi nano?”
Frieren “Huh? Is he a good warrior?”
Ferun “Ryuga chikakuni iru-towa omoenai-hodo heiwa desune.”
Ferun “It’s so peaceful, it’s hard to believe there’s a dragon nearby.”
Furīren “Sodane.”
Frieren “You’re right.”
Ferun “Frīren-sama, ano madosho-niwa, donoyona mahoga shirusarete-iruno-desuka?”
Fern “Ms.Frieren, what kind of magic does that grimoire contain?”
Furīren “Fukuga sukete mieru maho.”
Frieren “A spell that lets you see through clothes.”
Ferun “Furīren-samawa, hontoni henna maho-bakari atsumete-imasune.”
Fern “You really do collect a lot of odd spells.”
Furīren “Shumi-dakarane. Demo, jitsuyo-seiwa aruyo. Fukuto ninshiki-suru han’ini yottewa, kakushi-motteiru bukitokaga…”
Frieren “It’s my hobby, after all. But it’s practical, too. Depending on what you consider clothes, it can reveal hidden weapons―”
Murabito “Tabino kata, shosho yoroshii-desuka?”
Villager “Travelers, may I have a moment of your time?”
Murabito “Shutaruku-samaga oai-shitaito…”
Villager “Mr.Stark would like to meet you.”
Furīren “…Sagasu temaga habuketane.”
Frieren “Well, that saves us having to look for him.”
Murabito “San-nenhodo-mae, ano ryuga murao osoimashita. Sonna tokini arawareta-noga Shutaruku-sama desu. Ano katawa, ryuo maeni shitemo ippomo hikazu, nagai nirami-aino sueni, ryuwa satte-yukimashita. Sore irai, ano kataga kokoni ite-kureteiru okagede, ware-warewa ryuni osowareru kotonaku, heionni sugosete irunodesu.”
Villager “Three years ago, that dragon attacked the village. That’s when Mr.Stark appeared. He stood his ground in front of that dragon. After a long standoff, the dragon left. Since then, because he’s stayed here, the dragon hasn’t attacked, and we’ve lived in peace.”
Ferun “Dewa, Shutaruku-samani kyoryoku-shite moraereba, ryuwa taoseso-desune.”
Fern “Then perhaps we could defeat the dragon with Mr.Stark’s help.”
Furīren “Dato iikedo.”
Frieren “I hope you’re right.”
Kodomo “Oremo Shutaruku-mitaina tsuyoi senshini nareru-kana?”
Kid “Do you think I can become a powerful warrior like you?”
Shutaruku “Narerusa. Demo senshi-nante, rokuna monja neezo.”
Stark “Sure you can. But a warrior’s job is hardly a noble one.”
Kodomo “A, Bāchan!”
Kid “Grandma!”
Shutaruku “Omaeraga, ryuni teo dashiteita renchuka. Amari shigeki sareruto komarunda. Murani kikenga oyobu. Ryuttenowa, omaeraga omotte-iru-ijoni osoroshii sonzaida. Kono hitaino kizumo, ankoku-ryuto tatakatta tokini…”
Stark “So you’re the ones who messed with the dragon. Don’t get it too worked up. You’ll put the village in danger. Dragons are far more terrifying than you think they are. I got this scar on my forehead fighting a shadow dragon―”
Furīren “Sonna taisona kizuja naidesho.”
Frieren “It’s not that serious an injury.”
Shutaruku “Omaera shishono sashiganeka. Nanimonoda?”
Stark “Did my master put you up to this? Who are you?”
Furīren “Mahotsukai Furīren.”
Frieren “Frieren the Mage.”
Shutaruku “Bāchan, hazushite-kure. Daijobu, oreno shishono shiriaida.”
Stark “Grandma, could you give us some privacy? It’s all right. They’re acquaintance of my master.”
Shutaruku “Shisho, okotte-itadaro? Damatte dete kichimatta-karana.”
Stark “My master must be furious. I left him without so much as a word.”
Furīren “Shutaruku, nande ryuo taosanaide-iruno? Murani todomaru riyu-nante naidesho?”
Frieren “Stark, why haven’t you defeated the dragon? You have no reason to remain in this village.”
Shutaruku “Sakini socchino yoken’o oshiete kurenaika? Shishono tokoroni modorette iunara gomen-daze.”
Stark “Why don’t you tell me what you want first? If you are here to send me back to my master, then forget it.”
Furīren “Zen’ei-toshite, watashi-tachino nakamani natte-hoshii. Mazuwa Kokyo-ryuno tobatsuo tetsudatte moraitai kana. Suni aru madoshoga hoshii-karane.”
Frieren “We want you to join us as our front-liner, though before that, we’d appreciate your help in defeating the solar dragon. I want the grimoire in its nest.”
Shutaruku “Naze?”
Stark “Why?”
Furīren “Tadano shumi. Tokuni riyuwa naiyo.”
Frieren “It’s just a hobby. No particular reason.”
Shutaruku “Aitewa Kokyo-ryu dazo. Riyumo-naku tatakau aiteja needaro.”
Stark “We’re talking about a solar dragon here. It’s not something you fight for no particular reason.”
Hinmeru “Sugoi, sugoi!”
Himmel ”Wow!”
Furīren “Sodane. Watashino atsumeta maho o homete-kureta bakaga ita. Sorega riyuni narukana.”
Frieren “You’re right. There was once an idiot who complimented the spells I collected. Is that enough of a reason for you?”
Shutaruku “Homete kureta…ne. Kudaraneena.”
Stark “Complimented you, huh? That’s ridiculous.”
Furīren “Desho.”
Frieren “Right?”
Shutaruku “Nakamani narunowa, betsuni kamawanaize. Shishoga tsuretekette ittandaro? Tada, Kokyo-ryu dakewa, zettaini taoshite-morau. Shojiki, ore-hitorija kibishikutena. Furīren, omaenara taoserun-dana?”
Stark “I don’t mind joining your party. My master told you to take me with you, didn’t he? But I need the solar dragon dealt with first. Honestly, I’ve had trouble defeating it alone. Frieren, you can defeat it, can’t you?
Furīren “Sanju-byo, ashidome-shite-moraereba, kakujitsuni.”
Frieren “If you can keep it busy for thirty seconds, certainly.”
Shutaruku “Naruhodo. Sanju-byo ka… Sore, orega yaranaito damekana?”
Stark “I see. Thirty seconds, huh? Do I really have to do that?”
Ferun “Nanio itte-iruno-desuka, kono hitowa?”
Fern “What is he talking about?”
Furīren “…Yappari, so-iu Kotoka. Shutaruku, mamono-tono sento-keikenwa?”
Frieren “I thought so. Stark, how much experience do you have fighting monsters?”
Shutaruku “Zero dayo!! Tasukete-kureyo, Furīren!! Ore-datte, saishowa tachi-mukattan-dayo!! Demo, kowakute ippomo ugoke-nakattan-dayo!! Aitsu ieo yasai-mitaini wagirini shichimaundaze!! Ningenga tatakatte ii yona aiteja neeyo!! Ryuno kimagurede tasukattato omottara, nazeka sono-ato, ryuga murao osowanaku- natte eiyu-atsukai!! Murano hito-tachi, cho-ii-hito nandayo!!”
Stark “Zero!! Help me, Frieren! I confronted the dragon at first. But I was so scared, I couldn’t move a muscle! It slices through houses like they’re vegetables! A human doesn’t stand a chance against it! I figured it spared me on a whim, but then… For some reason the dragon stopped attacking the village, and I was treated like a hero. And the villagers are such nice people!”
Murabito “Wakaindakara, ippai otabe!”
Villager “You’re still young. Get plenty to eat.”
Kodomo “Shutaruku, atarashii hissatsu-waza miseteyo!”
Kid “Stark, show me your new killer move!”
Shutaruku “Mo nigerareru fun’ikija naindayo!!”
Stark “I couldn’t leave if I wanted to.”
Ferun “Furīren-sama, koitsuwa dame-desu. Hokao atarimasho.”
Fern “Ms.Frieren, this one is no good. Let’s find someone else.”
Shutaruku “Misute-naide kureyo!!”
Stark “Please don’t abandon me!”
Furīren “Iya, koitsuwa ryuto tatakaeru. Dekiru hazuda.”
Frieren “No, he can fight the dragon. I know he can.”
Ferun “Sonna yareba dekiruko mitaini…”
Fern “He’ll need more than just encouragement…”
Furīren “Shutaruku, hitoban-dake jikan o yaru. Yoku kangaero. Konomamaja ikenai koto-kurai, wakatteiru- hazuda.”
Frieren “Stark, you have until tomorrow morning. Think carefully. I know you realize you can’t keep this up.”
Murabito “Shutaruku-samani atte-kitandatte? Ii wakamono dattaro.”
Villager “You met Mr.Stark? He’s a nice young man, isn’t he?”
Murabito “Ano kottara, itsumo uchino gohan o oishisoni tabete-kureru-karanee.”
Villager “He seems to really enjoy our cooking.”
Ferun “Shutaruku-sama, shitawarete-imasune.”
Fern “People really love Mr.Stark.”
Furīren “Maa, aitsuwa yasashii-yatsu mitai-dakarane.”
Frieren “Well, he seems like a kind person.”
Ferun “Yasashii? Okubyona yonishika miemasen-deshitaga.”
Fern “Kind? He only seemed cowardly to me.”
Furīren “Okubyo-nanowa hitei shinaiyo. Ferun-datte, hajimete mamonoto tatakatta toki――”
Frieren “I won’t deny the cowardly part. But in your first battle against monsters…”
Ferun (Musū)
Fern (in a bad mood)
Furīren “…Wakattayo, wasureruyo.”
Frieren “Okay, okay. I’ll forget about that.”
Furīren “Mattaku. Chiisa-katta-korowa sunaode kawai-katta-noni…”
Frieren “Honestly, you were so meek and cute when you were little.”
Ferun “…Soieba, naze ryuwa kono murao osowanaino-deshoka?”
Fern “By the way, why doesn’t the dragon attack this village?”
Furīren “Saane. Tannaru kimagureka, aruiwa…”
Frieren “Who knows? It could be mere whimsy, or perhaps…”
Ferun “Nanno-oto deshoka?”
Fern “What’s that sound?”
Furīren “Shutaruku desho. Kini narunara, mite-kureba? Watashiwa mo neru.”
Frieren “Stark, probably. If you’re curious, why not check on him? I’m going to bed.”
Furīren “Ii senshi nano?”
Frieren “Huh, is he a good warrior?”
Aizen “Aitsuwa mukashi, kokyono muraga mazokuni osowareta-toki, hitori-dake nige-dashita okubyo-monoda. Oreto onajida. Dakara aitsuniwa, oreno subeteo tataki-konda. Imano aitsuwa, darekano tameni tatakaeru yatsuda.”
Eisen “He was the only one who ran when monsters attacked his hometown. A coward. He’s like me. So I taught him everything I knew. Now he’s someone who can fight for another.”
Furīren “Naruhodo. Ii senshida.”
Frieren “I see. He’s a good warrior, then.”
Ferun “…Korewa shugyono ato dattano-desune.”
Fern “So this fissure was left by your training.”
(Continue to Episode 6)
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nguyenthiennhuong · 2 years
Lời bài hát Crazy In Love
Lời bài hát Crazy In Love
Stay plz just stay Only you… Crazy in love kimi ga mabushikute Crazy in love kokoro kugitsukesa Ima kimi igai mou mienaiyo Kono kimochi hajimetesa Stop! U never know? Hajimete aeta toki ga So step! Kimi tono hajimari kanjita toki sa Maybe! Futariiki narabi kimi no kaori ni kizuite kara Chikazuku kimi o kanji ishiki tobuyouna power! like a dreamer! Play back sureba ochiteta boku kara Dousurya…
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barklyvanish · 4 years
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#jungle twins #jungle #africa #wild dogs #comics #adventure comics
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recentanimenews · 3 years
In The Heart Kunoichi Tsubaki Anime Highlights 38 Characters in New Video
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  Soichiro Yamamoto's In The Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki is stacked with female ninjas of all shapes and sizes, which is put on full display in a new character video that highlights 38 of them from the upcoming anime adaptation:
    ✧・━・✦・━・✧・━・✦・━・✧・━・✦ TVアニメ「くノ一ツバキの胸の内」 全員集合!キャラクターPV公開???? ✦・━・✧・━・✦・━・✧・━・✦・━・✧ 38名のキャラクターが登場する スペシャルなPVを公開✨https://t.co/FeXn49gFmw 4月9日(土)24:00~の放送をお楽しみに????#くノ一ツバキ pic.twitter.com/omy6eOFPIm
— TVアニメ『くノ一ツバキの胸の内』 (@tsubaki_anime) March 27, 2022
    The highlighted characters and their equally stacked cast members (that are available) include, from left to right:
    Dog Squad
Miyari Nemoto as Sazanka
Yuko Natsuyoshi (Sasha in The Misfit of Demon King Academy) as Tsubaki
Sayumi Suzushiro (Kurena in 86 EIGHTY-SIX) as Asagao
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      Rat Squad
Mayu Mineda (Millia in Peach Boy Riverside) as Higuruma
Kana Ichinose (Sayu in Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway) as Tachiaoi
Reina Kondo (Paw in Sabikui Bisco) as Hagi
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      Ox Squad
Hikaru Tono (Howan in Show by Rock!! Stars!!) as Suzuran
Ikumi Hasegawa (Lena in 86 EIGHTY-SIX) as Shion
Aoi Koga (Kaguya in Kaguya-sama: Love is War) as Ajisai
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      Tiger Squad
Ayaka Nanase (Reiko in Super Cub) Itadori
Mayu Minami (Parviz in Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE) as Fuki
Misaki Watada (Delmin in Show by Rock!! Stars!!) as Ume
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      Rabbit Squad
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      Dragon Squad
Yuki Takada (Elma in Miss Kobayashi's Maid Dragon) as Suzushiro
Yuka Nukui (Serina in How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom) as Higiri
Moe Kahara as Hasu
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      Snake Squad
Minami Tanaka (Lily in ZOMBIE LAND SAGA) as Kikyo
Madoka Asahina (Asumi in We Never Learn: BOKUBEN) as Uikyo
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      Horse Squad
Maria Naganawa (Kanna in Miss Kobayashi's Maid Dragon) as Kibushi
Marika Kono (Saki in Mitsuboshi Colors) as Hinagiku
Yo Taichi (Kaoru in Kageki Shojo!!) as Oniyuri
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      Ram Squad
Manaka Iwami (Tohru in Fruits Basket) as Mizubasho
Aya Yamane (Ruhuyu in Show by Rock!! Stars!!) as Benisumomo
Miyu Tomita (Riko in Made in Abyss) as Towata
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      Monkey Squad
Hiyori Kono (Phil in The Promised Neverland) as Hosenka
Hina Yomiya (Shinju in My Dress-Up Darling) as Mokuren
Yuki HIrose (Koharu in Hi Score Girl) as Tsuwabuki
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      Rooster Squad
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      Boar Squad
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Yumi Uchiyama (Puck in Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-) as Hana-sensei
M・A・O (Pecorine in Princess Connect! Re:Dive) as Konoha-sensei
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      Based on the manga by Soichiro Yamamoto (Teaser Master Takagi-san), In The Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki is being directed by Takudai Kakuchi (Tokyo Autumn Session) at studio CloverWorks, with Konomi Shugo (Tropical-Rouge! Precure) as scriptwriter, Yosuke Okuda (BLEND-S) as character designer and Yusuke Shirato (RUMBLE GARANNDOLL) as music composer.
  In The Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki will be simulcast from April 9 on Crunchyroll, who released an official English-subtitled trailer for the anime:
    Source Comic Natalie, In The Heart of Kunoichi Tsubaki official website
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    Der shy man behind @Shymander, Liam is a timezone-fluid Aussie with a distinct fondness for anime, Eurovision and creating odd stats projects despite hating math.
By: Liam Dempsey
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deka231 · 3 years
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E S P / E N G Hola hola khe tal? Yo soy Jemand-chan xd en un nuevo blog! y primero #nohomo y segundo... Lo que han a ver no es un dibujo, es el día 7... Del inktoka (música así bien tétrica) y para este dibujo, reutilice las ideas que tenía para el dibujo de killer Queen que no hice, tonos rosa pastel y pos eso... Dale like!!! >:3 PT: Ah si, está sigue siendo la pareja favorita del asesino del cereal xdxd PT.2: La segunda versión salió por error y me gustó xdxd Translation to English: Hi hi What's up? Kono Jemand-chan da! on a new blog! continuing with the Inktoka day 7: Yadere, for this drawing I reused the ideas I had for the Killer Queen drawing that I did not do, pastel pink tones and well that... Give like!!! #drawing #draw #arte #art #misdibujos #dibujodigital #instaartista #instaartist #anime #artwork #ilustracion #illustration #artdigital #artedigital #dibujo #artecuador #drawdigital #skech #digitalart #digitaldrawing #drawingdigital #drawwork #inktoka #inktober2020 #inktober #ocs #originalcharacters #yandere #uwu https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvZPsops0B/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Grateful friends, Graceful ways (Español)
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Intérprete: ST☆RISH Ittoki Otoya (CV. Terashima Takuma), Hijirikawa Masato (CV. Suzumura Kenichi), Shinomiya Natsuki (CV. Taniyama Kishou), Ichinose Tokiya (CV. Miyano Mamoru), Jinguji Ren (CV. Suwabe Junichi), Kurusu Syo (CV. Shimono Hiro), Aijima Cecil (CV. Toriumi Kousuke)
Álbum: Shining All Star CD 3
Fecha de lanzamiento: 25 agosto 2021
Grateful friends, Graceful ways
Amigos agradecidos, maneras agraciadas
そして 新たなStarting-line Soshite arata na Starting-line Entonces, esta nueva línea de salida
未来への 'Shiny oath' Mirai e no “Shiny oath” Es un “juramento brillante” para el futuro
気付けば 遥かな軌跡 Kizukeba haruka na kiseki Si te das cuenta, los caminos lejanos
Replays of our dream Son repeticiones de nuestro sueño
同じ光景(けしき)は二度とない Onaji keshiki wa nidoto nai Nunca se repetirá un mismo paisaje
瞬間に刻む Shunkan ni kizamu Así que hay que grabar en el momento
地平の先へ 待つもの Shihei no saki e matsu mono Sólo busca todas las veces que quieras
Just seek any number of times Lo que nos espera más allá del horizonte
走り続けた者以外 視(み)えない光 Hashiri tsuzuketa mono igai mienai hikari La luz es invisible para aquellos que no se mantienen corriendo
現在(いま)であればこそ Career along! Ima de areba koso Caareer along! ¡Vamos a lo largo de esta carrera precisamente porque estamos en el ahora!
胸に懐(いだ)く夢 ひとつ Mune ni idaku yume hitotsu El sueño que abraza mi corazón es uno
現在(いま)の自分でなかったら Ima no jibun de nakattara Y si ahora no fuera yo mismo,
成し得ない未来 ひとつ Nashienai mirai hitotsu Habría un futuro imposible de alcanzar
Race goes on! ¡La carrera continúa!
「不可能」を “Fukanou” o Volveremos a teñir
またいくつ Mata ikutsu El “imposible”
染め替 Some ka Las veces
えてこう Etekou Que queramos
そして 光るStarting-line 昨日の常識(レーン) 超えて Soshite hikaru Starting-line konou no reen koete Entonces, la brillante línea de salida va más allá del carril del ayer
そこに意志 灯すなら 路(みち)になるだろう Soko ni ishi tomosu nara michi ni naru darou Y si ahí enciendes tu voluntad, se convertirá en tu camino
走れ 競った分だけ 加速度を高めて Hashire kisotta bun dake kasokudo o takamete Corre sólo en la medida en que compitas y aumenta la aceleración
We can break records! 最高の仲間 We can break records! Saikou no nakama ¡Podemos romper records! Con los mejores compañeros
We make brave memories! 最高��答え We make brave memories! Saikou no kotae ¡Haremos recuerdos valientes! La mejor respuesta es:
「キミがいるから」 “Kimi ga iru kara” “Porque estás aquí”
Grateful friends! ほら Graceful ways! Grateful friends! Hora Graceful ways! ¡Amigos agradecidos! Vamos, ¡maneras agraciadas!
「真心(こころ)が何を望むか」 “Kokoro ga nani o nozomu ka” “¿Qué es lo que desea tu corazón?”
Refrains of our wish Lo que detiene nuestro deseo
澄んだ瞳に問いかける Sunda hitomi ni toikakeru Pregúntale a una mirada clara
偽れない笑顔 Itsuwarenai egao Con una sonrisa que no miente
この日 この場所 呼吸(いき)する Kono hi kono basho ikisuru Respirando en este día y en este lugar,
Just sing any number of times Sólo canta las veces que quieras
雨上がりの架け橋が 空へ誘(いざな)う Ameagari no kakehashi ga sora e izanau El puente luego de la lluvia nos invita al cielo
今日までの奇蹟 Career along! Kyou made no kiseki Career along! ¡Es un milagro el llegar hasta hoy a lo largo de esta carrera!
絆が証明してる Kizuna ga shoumei shiteru Y nuestros lazos son prueba de ello
憂いも勇気も物語(ストーリー) Urei mo yuuki mo sutoorii La tristeza y el coraje son historias
愛の数だけ彩る Ai no kazu dake irodoru A las que les daremos tanto color como amor
Race goes on! ¡La carrera continúa!
「約束」を “Yakusoku” o Volveremos a hacer brotar
またいくつ Mata ikutsu “La promesa”
芽吹か Mebuka Las veces
せてこう Sete kou Que queramos
そして 描くStarry-line 夢讃(たた)えCelebrate Soshite egaku Starry-line yume tatae Celebrate Entonces, dibujando la línea de partida, celebraremos elogiando nuestros sueños
流星の旅人よ いつか太陽へ Ryuusei no tabibito yo itsuka taiyou e Una estrella fugaz viajera algún día irá al sol
進め 願った分だけ 輝きを深めて Susume negatta bun dake kagayaki o fukamete Avanza en la medida en que lo desees y profundiza tu brillo
We can discover! 最高の音色 We can discover! Saikou no neiro ¡Podemos descubrirlo! El mejor tono
We have destinations! 最高の答え We have destinations! Saikou no kotae ¡Tenemos destinos! La mejor respuesta es:
「共に行くから」 “Tomo ni yuku kara” “Porque vamos contigo”
Grateful friends! ほら Graceful ways! Grateful friends! Hora Graceful ways! ¡Amigos agradecidos! Vamos, ¡maneras agraciadas!
曇りを Kumori o No sabemos
知らない Shiranai Lo que es un cielo nublado
眼差(まなざ)しで Manazashi de En cualquier momento,
何時(いつ)でも Itsu demo Con una mirada
やさしさを Yasashisa o Nos llenaste de
いとしさを Itoshisa o Amabilidad
注いでくれた Sosoide kureta Y cariño
君を包むように 終幕(おわり)ない歌と Kimi o tsutsumu you ni owari nai uta to Con una canción interminable para envolverte
君を照らすように 七色の夢と Kimi o terasu you ni nanairo no yume to Y un sueño de siete colores para iluminarte,
親愛なキスを Shinai na kisu o Te daremos un amado beso
そして 光るStarting-line 昨日の常識(レーン) 超えて Soshite hikaru Starting-line kinou no reen koete Entonces, la brillante línea de salida va más allá del carril del ayer
そこに意志 灯すなら 路(みち)になるだろう Soko ni ishi tomosu nara michi ni naru darou Y si ahí enciendes tu voluntad, se convertirá en tu camino
走れ 競った分だけ 加速度を高めて Hashire kisotta bun dake kasokudo o takamete Corre sólo en la medida en que compitas y aumenta la aceleración
We can break records! 最高の仲間 We can break records! Saikou no nakama ¡Podemos romper records! Con los mejores compañeros
We make brave memories! 最高の答え We make brave memories! Saikou no kotae ¡Haremos recuerdos valientes! La mejor respuesta es:
「次の未来へ」 “Tsugi no mirai e” “Hacia el siguiente futuro”
Grateful friends! さあ Graceful ways! Grateful friends! Saa Graceful ways! ¡Amigos agradecidos! Vamos, ¡maneras agraciadas!
Si te gusta mi trabajo, considera apoyarme en ko-fi nwn
Apoya comprando el original
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sidlyrics · 4 years
Letra / Lyrics: Mao Música / Music: Yuuya
真夜中の声が 耳を包んで 離さない 少し掠れてるけど 優しい声 近くて遠い声
ねえ 繋がっていたいだけで ずっと このままでよかったの どうして? 世界は変わったの…
会えない時間に 慣れてしまいそうで 思い出には 負けちゃいそうで 現実に心が 追いつかない
降り続く雨は 今日も世界を濡らして 不意に晴れ間を見せて 期待させて 上手に裏切る
ねえ 距離をとって 愛し合って きっと このままじゃ 枯れちゃうよ どうして? 時代は二人を…
あなたと過ごした 普通の日常が 何気なくて 温かくて 戻れるのなら
毎晩 細くなってく 掠れた声色は 今日も二人を 繋ぎとめてくれるかな
会えない時間に 慣れてしまいそうで 思い出には 負けちゃいそうで 声が聞きたくて
あなたの 優しい 掠れた声色は 今日も二人を 繋ぎとめてくれるから
mayonaka no koe ga mimi wo tsutsunde hanasanai sukoshi kasureteru kedo yasashii koe chikakute tooi koe
nee tsunagatteitai dake de zutto kono mama de yokatta no doushite? sekai wa kawatta no...
aenai jikan ni nareteshimaisoude omoide ni wa makechaisoude genjitsu ni kokoro ga oitsukanai
furitsuzuku ame wa kyou mo sekai wo nurashite fui ni harema wo misete kitaisasete jouzu ni uragiru
nee kyori wo totte aishiatte kitto kono mama ja karechau yo doushite? jidai wa futari wo...
anata to sugoshita futsuu no nichijou ga nanigenakute atatakakute modoreru no nara
maiban hosokunatteku kasureta kowairo wa kyou mo futari wo tsunagi tomete kureru ka na
aenai jikan ni nareteshimaisou de omoide ni wa makechaisou de koe ga kikitakute
anata no yasashii kasureta kowairo wa kyou mo futari wo tsunagi tomete kureru kara
Tone of voice
A midnight voice wraps my ears and doesn't let me go. Although a little hoarse, it's a gentle voice, a voice so close, yet so far.
Hey, just wanting to be connected to you, was it good to be like this forever? Why? Because the world has changed...
I'm going to end up getting used to the time when we can't meet, I'm about to lose myself to my memories, and my mind can't keep up with reality.
The rain that continues to fall wets the world today too. Unexpectedly, the sun comes out. It gets my hopes up and skillfully disappoints me.
Hey, we keep a distance and love each other, surely I'll die at this rate. Why? The days when it was the two of us...
The ordinary everyday life I spent with you, it definitely will return casually and warmly.
The husky tone of voice is becoming softer every night, would you please keep the two of us together today too?
I'm going to end up getting used to the time when we can't meet, I'm about to lose myself to my memories, and I want to hear your voice.
It's because your gentle, husky tone of voice is keeping the two of us together today too.
Tono de voz
Una voz a medianoche envuelve mis oídos y no me deja escapar. Aunque un poco ronca, es una voz amable, una voz cercana, pero a la vez lejana.
Oye, simplemente queriendo estar vinculada a ti, ¿estaba bien estar así para siempre? ¿Por qué? Es que el mundo ha cambiado...
Voy a acabar acostumbrándome al tiempo en el que no podemos vernos, estoy a punto de perderme en los recuerdos, y mi cabeza no puede seguirle el ritmo al mundo real.
La lluvia que sigue cayendo moja el mundo también hoy. Inesperadamente, sale el sol. Me da esperanzas y me decepciona hábilmente.
Oye, nos alejamos y nos amamos, a este ritmo seguro que me muero. ¿Por qué? Los días en los que éramos dos...
La ordinaria vida diaria que pasaba contigo, seguro que vuelve con naturalidad y cálidamente.
El ronco tono de voz se vuelve más suave cada noche, ¿por favor, podrías mantenernos unidos hoy también?
Voy a acabar acostumbrándome al tiempo en el que no podemos vernos, estoy a punto de perderme en los recuerdos, y quiero escuchar tu voz.
Es porque tu amable y ronco tono de voz nos mantiene unidos hoy también.
All songs from the single "Houkiboshi" have different views regarding the coronavirus pandemic // Todas las canciones del single "Houkiboshi" presentan visiones diferentes sobre la pandemia del coronavirus.
Romaji, English, español: Reila
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enami17 · 5 years
Song Translation: Tenkabito maji naritee
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いろは坂48カーブ / Irohazaka 48 Curve Hirano Ryou as Kechi Anzai Shintarou as Dachi Kinomoto Minehiro as Nagahama Nene Takiguchi Yukihiro as Azamon Matsuda Gaku as Muumin Tsujimoto Yuuki as Ogimachi Katou Kei as Kirin
天下人マジナリテー Tenkabito maji naritee I really want to rule!
Kanji and Romaji
武将があふれた戦国で 何目指す?(男に生まれ) Bushou ga afureta Sengoku de nani mezasu? (Otoko ni umare) 似たような戦をして 誰もがにらみあってる Nita youna ikusa wo shite  daremo ga niramiatteru
裸で柿を食べながら 歩いてる (大ウツケが) Hadaka de kaki wo tabenagara aruiteru (Oo-utsuke ga) 天下を望むことに 何をためらうのだろう Tenka wo nozomu koto ni nani wo tamerau no darou
先行く人が葬式で 列を乱すなと Saki yuku hito ga soushiki de retsu wo midasuna to 焼香してるけど 俺なら抹香投げつける Shoukou shiteru kedo  Ore nara makkou nagetsukeru
俺は俺らしく 戦をする自由があるんだ Ore wa orerashiku  ikusa wo suru jiyuu ga arunda 尾張からブチ上がるんだ Owari kara buchiagarunda 桶狭間そうあきらめてしまったら Okehazama sou akiramete shimattara いつまでたっても 天下は奪えない itsumade tattemo tenka wa ubaenai 新しいことは 時にはウツケと呼ばれるよ Atarashii koto wa tokini wa utsuke to yobareruyo 第六天魔王の道を進むんだ Dai-Roku-Ten-Maou no michi wo susumunda この世界は守っていても始まらない Kono sekai wa mamotteitemo hajimaranai   奪えばいいのさ! 天下人マジナリテー Ubaeba ii no sa! Tenkabito maji naritee
白粉ぬった公家たちが 言っていた (蹴鞠して) Oshiroi nutta kuge-tachi ga itteita  Kemari shite 天下布武などしょせんは ウツケのたわごとだと Tenka Fubu nado shosen wa utsuke no tawagoto da to イノベーションが大事なんだ  南蛮マジサイコー! Inobeeshon ga daiji nanda  Nanban maji saikou! この世に滅せぬ もののあるべきか Kono yo ni horobosenu mono no aru beki ka
俺は俺らしく 鉄砲隊を使うだけさ  Ore wa orerashiku teppou-tai wo tsukau dake sa   古いシステムにとらわれるな Furui shisutemu ni torawareruna 風林火山とかマジダサくない?  "Fuurinkazan" toka maji dasaku nai? 三本の矢とか 超笑えるし "Sanbon no ya" toka chou-waraerushi
象の背中 乗ってゆけば 眺めはいいけど Zou no senaka  notte yukeba  nagame wa ii kedo アンチの 批判に いつもさらされる Anchi no  hihan ni  itsumo sarasareru
茶の湯も出来ぬ 脳ミソが筋肉のような  Chanoyu mo dekinu  noumiso ga kinniku no youna つまらない 家臣は置いて行け tsumaranai kashin wa oiteike さあ日ノ本を治めたら次は明   Saa Hinomoto wo osametara tsugi wa Min 殿と言いなよ! 天下人マジナリテ― Tono to iinayo! Tenkabito maji naritee
新しいことは 時にはウツケと呼ばれるよ  Atarashii koto wa tokini wa utsuke to yobareruyo 第六天魔王の道を進むんだ Dai-Roku-Ten-Maou no michi wo susumunda この世界は守っていても始まらない  Kono sekai wa mamotteite mo hajimaranai 奪えばいいのさ!天下人マジナリテー Ubaeba ii no sa! Tenkabito maji naritee
In the Sengoku era brimming with warriors what are you aiming at? Born men, fighting similar battles, all glare at each other with suspicion. Eating a persimmon while walking half-naked... "The Great Fool!" Why do you hesitate to take the power for yourself? The people ahead tell you to stay in line at the funeral. They burn incense, but I throw it [at the altar].
I do it my way! I'm free to start a war! I'm rising up from [the province of] Owari. If you give up at Okehazama, you'll lose your chance to seize the power. Sometimes new things are called foolish. I'm walking the path of the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven. Protecting a stagnant world is pointless. Take over it! I really want to rule!
The court nobles with powdered faces said, "Play kemari. 'Tenka Fubu' must be a foolish joke." Innovation is important! Westerners are really cool! Should nothing in this world ever be destroyed?
I do it my way! I use matchlock-armed troops. I won't be trapped in an old system. "Fuurinkazan"? So lame! "Sanbon no ya"? Don't make me laugh!
The view from the elephant's back may be great, But you are always exposed to the criticism of the antis.
Dismiss the boring retainers who have muscles instead of brains and can't enjoy a tea ceremony. Come, once the Land of the Rising Sun is yours to govern, Ming China is next. Address me as Lord! I really want to rule!
Sometimes new things are called foolish. I'm walking the path of the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven. Protecting a stagnant world is pointless. Take over it! I really want to rule!
尾張の大うつけ / Owari no Oo-utsuke - The Great Fool of Owari, a nickname that people of Owari gave Oda based on his eccentric behaviour. Ignoring all the polite manners, he used to join vulgar young men in town and walk around dressed like a peasant (a short kimono, no hakama trousers) while munching food. Another outrageous episode happened at his father's funeral in 1551 when he threw ceremonial incense at the altar. 第六天魔王 / Dai-Roku-Ten-Maou - The Demon King of the Sixth Heaven tempts Buddhists from practicing the teachings of Buddha and tests their faith; a symbol of the lust for power. A self-proclaimed title of Oda Nobunaga, particularly notorious for the 1571 Assault on Mount Hiei (total destruction of the powerful Enryaku-ji Temple accompanied by mass slaughter of monks and lay folk). 天下布武 / Tenka Fubu - "Rule the world by force of arms", Oda's personal seal. 風林火山 / Fuurinkazan - "Be as fast as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as daring as fire, and immovable as the mountain", the battle standard of Takeda Shingen. 三本の矢 / Sanbon no ya - "Three arrows cannot be broken" (same as "United we stand"), the lesson taught by Mouri Motonari to his sons. Arrival of westerners (merchants and missionaries), introduction of harquebus firearms, the tea ceremony - some things associated with Oda Nobunaga. The song parodies "Silent Majority" by Keyakizaka46.
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carsinoska · 5 years
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Album: Harutsuge no Nie Artist: ali-color
Harutsuge no Nie
yuki no shitone ni futari   fureru yubisaki furueru nureta kosode kakusu senaka wo idaku koto mo kanawanu mama ni
harahara mau hitohira wa chiru koto mo saku koto mo nai yuuhei to itsuwari no kisetsu no naka   kurikaesu sadame
tsukinu omoi   todokanu negai na mo naki kimi wa   harutsuge no nie itoshii mono yo   mayou koto naku habataite yuke   nozomu sekai no hate e
kooru tsukiyo ni hitori   kawaku kuchibiru furueru hieta kosode ryoute ni kakae kimi no kaori motomeru mama ni
harahara kuzure yuku no wa hito no yo no yokubou no nare uragiri ubawareru hisokana toki   yurusarenu kioku
kuchiru warera   hokorobu inori na mo naki kimi wo   michidzure ni shite shiroki kage no chishio sasageru kasanaru tsumi wo towa ni kizami tsudzukete
Leute preisen doch alte Lieben Träume bringen nichts in seinem Leben Wie oder wer? Der Würfel ist jetzt gefallen
amaku tokeru futari no netsu ga aratana hibi wo egakidasu nara tatoe kimi ga kidzukanaku to mo kono te wo kesshite hanasanai no ni
tsukinu omoi   todokanu negai na mo naki kimi wa   harutsuge no nie itoshii mono yo   mayou koto naku inishie utau   subete wo sutete habataite yuke   nozomu sekai no hate e
Schneefeen Lied
Den kleinen Weiler, den kennt niemand, Stimmts? Ihr, meine Söhne Ihr seit an Sagen und furchtbare Gebote immer gebunden
Ehrt, befolgt und sehnt nach eurer Mutter Schneefee Alles bewahrt das Geheimnis Ehrt, befolt und sehnt nach eurer Mutter Schneefee Falls man sie doch sieht, darf sie nicht erwähnt werden
Sie ist ein Opfer, ein Schmerz, und eine Qual Lasst sie frei, nur ihr könnt es, meine Lieben Sie ist ein Opfer, ein Schmerz, und eine Qual Lasst sie frei, nur ihr könnt es Das ist das wahre Schneefeen Lied
Kono Toumeina Sekai ni Somuite
Gero e me di stello Lundicar sai tu Megna e te dal misea Giustia cie rostial
Ei rica? Na, nan'ro. Mai gia il va aree jondika Mi fracte les carale marina sit
Alle pasti sei quinti Aqua villi tan treno Pregal nienti ai misti Sastera rixit luge fasca
Alle pasti sei quinti Aqua villi tan treno Pregal nienti ai misti Sastera rixit luge fasca tella
Été passe maillons misterage Un revaret casser suprême exe montee Aimer boissan apparer maresione Coupet hivern automne resan masque rienne
Eaut viee couvrirt coltesan Joi sécher décorer sauter Availler citronn qui dessart Pasque je finis
Mon quixt ver letour de noiz axan Je metac callion tist jeause Et rixt vour tylle malone Blanc aum myrmuse le gatau
Le fille prisan chas mari âpre Voilier catee resage Et toi printille de cielo intepeu commencés fumée Pièces force foncer cailler
Quand tu freines anicroche demande C'est pat graave les jens pourquoi ne histoire Pourtant voient esquiver descendre Non bisquine moroir et te jouur comme ça fienne
Mais vat y aller vraiment trot De choset à diree passert C'est un peu plus tôt que prévu Montrer aux silence
Je vais coiffiur pourt les filles Dans tissiu assoi milage Oui mais je ne man lasset jamais Tous les deux partiee à la fin
Premiet poison jouur sailve Le roi passée qantrine Est bon gratix en faiage au de nuit départ indiqué Ches toi rischoir antet
Tsuki ni Yoseru Komori Uta
Cunrikka ei hainym yay kunnecupirka Nsipa ne toyram nyrau kamuysara
Yateia santo erewara micoio poki yamina Anbaci sawa tenihara yankowaeni
Tono hakyme kuaymareuno anciyo aniteri Mowa kurresna ke mautrito hocirin Mikurisi toynam
Undikka ne seirym yowasiharenya siripa Onkino se inukaci yarendame troipono
Sanyaci eureitokino sturi soy mkuipe Tantaci nuya hatek mataekasne
Rayci sikar pomma hanekaci tuima kotanuh Kocca kestura e aykap kai Upasni Ah kamuymosir
Was stiehn die Zeits an trauen zie, dunkl Welt von sig Klaine Licht komm doh niether nur zie allain Im waiter Land und waißes Blut zaichen es iem tun Ähnlig mit zeine Hetzen lihgt still darain
Ach wie läst es nog mihr tohten Klang klingen rei
Völlih zei zie und arme zei er Zwai daß es nihmals anschauen Wainend für zich und zingend mit iem Schatten der Revolation Ein Waßer nag dem Paradi verzinken Schnee
Die Frahge hält die Sterne weit ohne altes Bug Unten Baom komm zie langzam Wörtar laß schwaifen Ich frihre an den Händen zehr, du bemerct nicht zo Vihle Grüß gab die Göttin, wir wihderholen
Ach wie läst es nog mihr Engel tanzt untargang
Längar wird Strig nach unendlig Stell Wen man wie Karussel drihen Lachenden dihr und ärgernden mihr Mond schainen alles auf uns Ein Foier von Hölle obglaich es shlucken bald
Plötzlig regnet es, Blitz ershlagen, Verstihen was ist bedoitend Aber hab ich dig nicht geschützen Von Anfang die Rache
Völlih zei zie und arme zei er Zwai daß es nihmals anschauen Wainend für zich und zingend mit iem Schatten der Revolation
Längar wird Strig nach unendlig Stell Wen man wie Karussel drihen Doch jetzt bei meiner Ehr zerstöre ich Lüge Mit Quälen der Vergangenheit bestimmt Beenden
Arama Hoshi Yue ni
kanashi ya   aratama ni nakeshi tsunenaru   wa no ura wo atawan sabitsuru tama no o yo   taenaba kure hatemu   hitoshiku arama hoshi yue ni
imaya kagiroi no   dare wo oshi mite ukehi to homare ni   ware mo idetachinu ashita   use ni shikaba   kage mo nakushite sogahi ni kogaruru   shiroshi onzo
imashimi araga itsumo   tsurenaku omoi tayuru tayuta hi chiri bohi tashi nami   sora obomeki
kanashi ya   aratama ni nakeshi tsunenaru   wa no ura wo atawan sabitsuru tama no o yo   taenaba kure hatemu   hitoshiku arama hoshi yue ni
imaya sayakeshiki   ware ni koto nashi tanomoshi yotsubito   dare wo machikaken nenji itsukushimite   kage wo kieusu tamayura aramashi   kakite yukan
imashimi araga itsumo   tsurenaku omoi tayuru kakaredo idea e   koishiki so wa kakusan
kanashi ya   so wa hatenaki hokage itsuhou wa   wa no ura wo atatamu nazorahi uruwashiki hoi ari toki shimoare   namidasu dare wo uchi mamore
mahora ma wa   ware miyu ni atawazu itetsuku wa   itsu setsuna tachi kawari urarakanaru
kanashi ya   so wa hatenaki hokage itsuhou wa   wa no ura wo atatamu nazorahi uruwashiki hoi ari toki shimoare   tae yuku waga katashiro ni
kanashi ya   aratama ni nakeshi tsunenaru   wa no ura wo atawan sabitsuru tama no o yo   taenaba kure hatemu   hitoshiku arama hoshi yue ni
omoizo nashi   iza yuke   harukeki makoto e
Akai Yakusoku
itsuka kimi ga uragiru no nara namida sae moete futari tsumugu itoshii kisetsu hai to kawaru sadame
tsumetaku, oto mo nai   masshirona yami no naka de akaku ukabu omoi   dakishimeta mama
haru to tomo ni ikiru kimi no se ni watashi no koe wa todoku deshou ka hitori, yuki to kiete yuku no nara kono uta dake nokoshite kono uta dake nokoshite
moshimo kimi ga kodoku ni obie namida made karete kokoro musubu yasashii kisetsu tooi toki no mugen
hodoketa yakusoku wa   itetsuku yoru wo koete akaku shirusu negai kanawanai mama
haru wo machi kogareru kimi no me ni watashi no koi wa tomoru deshou ka subete, yuki to kiete yuku no nara kono ai dake nokoshite kono ai dake nokoshite
hana ga chiri futatabi mebuku made yura yura yurau   minamo ni ochite kimi no sono kotoba mo hohoemi mo omoidasenai————
haru to tomo ni ikiru kimi no se ni watashi no koe wa todoku deshou ka hitori, yuki to kiete shimau nara kono uta dake nokoshite kono uta dake nokoshite
Yuuyuu Kankan
ayumishi saki ni wa waga ko nagameshi kokage yukidoke tooku mo fuyu wa soko ni araji
itokenaki te to te tori hogaraka ni asobite futo kaeri   haha wo yobu natsukashiki ano hibi
idakite saguru wa midori no honokana kaori wazuka ni kikoen towa ni hitoshiki setsuna haru no ibuki no yokan
miageshi saki ni wa ware ni hohoemu tsubomi yukidoke tooku mo fuyu wa soko ni araji
hiroki se ni   mi wo yosete yasuraka ni kataritsu osana ko to utau uta kagiri naki   yorokobi
futatabi mamien itoshi kimi no nukumori yukidoke majirite meguru kisetsu wa chiri yuku hana ni kasaneshi inochi
Note: Yes, that’s really how the lyrics in ORIFLAMME are spelled.... it really is.
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my-evil-brain · 3 years
Meanwhile, he's still trying to teach tono n kono to AT LEAST poop on the paper.
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frierenscript · 3 months
Lyrics of "The Brave"-YOASOBI /
『勇者』 -YOASOBI 歌詞
“The Brave”
By YOASOBI Vocal : ikura  Music : Ayase
まるで御伽(おとぎ)の話 終わり迎えた証 長すぎる旅路から 切り出した一節
(Marude Otogi no hanashi  Owari mukaeta akashi  Nagasugiru tabiji kara  Kiridashita issetsu)
Many days tinted in fairy tale scenes
Have arrived at the end, proof we have seen
I cut out and choose from a trip so long
A little passage I review
それはかつてこの地に 影を落とした悪を 討ち取りし勇者との 短い旅の記憶
(Sorewa katsute kono chini  Kage o otoshita aku o  Uchitorishi yusha tono  Mijikai tabino kioku)
Tale of what’s taken place right on this field
Shadows of manifested pain and woe
There was a hero who took out all foes
A little-journey memory with you
物語は終わり 勇者は眠りにつく 穏やかな日常を この地に残して
(Monogatariwa owari  Yushawa nemurini tsuku  Odayakana nichijo o  Kono chini nokoshite)
No more pages left in that story
Our hero goes into slumber, deep
Leaving behind a veil of peace for all
Saving the dwellers of this land
時の流れは無情に 人を忘れさせる そこに生きた軌跡も 錆び付いていく
(Tokino nagarewa mujoni  Hito o wasuresaseru  Soko ni ikita kisekimo  Sabitsuiteiku)
The flow of time erases without mercy
And erodes all memories and hues
Even the traces left in life are now rusting as time ensues
それでも君の 言葉も願いも勇気も 今も確かに私の中で 生きている
(Soredemo kimono  Kotobamo negaimo yukimo  Imamo tashikani watashino nakade  Ikiteiru)
And yet, I keep all your hopes
All the words and wishes, courage you owned
Still dwell inside me, and even now in my heart
Keep living through
同じ途(みち)を選んだ それだけだったはずなのに いつの間にかどうして 頬を伝う涙の理由(わけ)をもっと
(Onaji michio eranda  Soredake datta hazunanoni  Itsuno manika doshite  Hoho o tsutau namidano wakeo motto)
Odyssey we shared, on the same path
And nothing more to that
So it should have been, but suddenly I was wondering All those tears rolling down my cheeks
Why do they come out and fall?
知りたいんだ 今更だって 共に歩んだ旅路を辿れば そこに君は居なくとも きっと見つけられる
(Shiritainda Imasara datte Tomoni ayunda tabijio tadoreba  Sokoni kimiwa inakutomo Kitto mitsukerareru)
I wanna find out
And still even right now, if I engage in the journey we went about again
Though I am no longer walking next to you
One day, I know I’ll find the truth
〈As we begin to write a new story  Out to help people in this journey 
So, hurry up, our case will go on forever  Ever, ever, as from now on〉
物語は続く 一人の旅へと発つ 立ち寄る街で出会う人の 記憶の中に残る君は
(Monogatariwa tsuduku  Hitorino tabieto tatsu  Tachiyoru machi de deau hitono  Kiokuno nakani nokoru kimiwa)
And now that story unfolds into a journey that, alone, I set out to I meet the locals of every town I stop in
They all are recalling the person that you were
相も変わらずお人好しで 格好つけてばかりだね あちらこちらに作ったシンボルは 勝ち取った平和の証
(Aimo kawarazu ohitoyoshide  Kakko tsukete bakaridane  Achira kochira ni tsukutta shinboruwa  Kachitotta heiwano akashi)
Unwavering kindness is spoken of you
Acting all cool in everything you’d do
Here and there, we can find scattered symbols around Manifesting battle we won for peace
それすら 未来でいつか 私が一人にならないように あの旅を思い出せるように 残された目印
(Soresura Miraide itsuka Watashiga hitorini naranai-yoni Ano tabio omoidaseru-yoni Nokosareta mejirushi)
And even that was left for me so one day
I wouldn’t find myself alone, becoming lonely
And I call to mind every moment of our journey
When I see the signs left in these scenes
〈Ah, ah, eh-ya  Ah, ah, ooh-whoa  Ah, ah, eh-ya  Hey, e-ya〉
まるで御伽の話 終わり迎えた証 私を変えた出会い 百分の一の旅路
(Marude otogino hanashi  Owari mukaeta akashi  Watashio kaeta deai  Hyakubunno ichino tabiji)
Many days tinted in fairy tale scenes
Have arrived at the end, proof we have seen 
It was that moment, our fateful meeting 
One percent of the journey, spent with me
君の勇気をいつか 風がさらって 誰の記憶から消えてしまっても 私が未来に連れて行くから 君の手を取った
(Kimino yukio itsuka  Kazega saratte  Dareno kioku-kara kiete shimattemo  Watashiga miraini tsurete-ikukara  Kimino teo totta)
Even if your courage is swept away to the distance
And the wind has taken what everybody can recall
I will bring you on with me into the future’s light
I’ve taken your hand in mine
あの日全て始まった くだらなくて 思わずふっと笑ってしまうような ありふれた時間が今も眩しい
(Anohi subete hajimatta Kudaranakute Omowazu futto waratte shimau-yona Arifureta jikanga imamo mabushii)
I know it all began right at that time
Mundane everyday signs
The moments ignited in laughter with you remain
My reflections of those time go on as brightly shining scenes
知りたいんだ 今更だって 振り返るとそこにはいつでも 優しく微笑みかける 君がいるから
(Shiritainda Imasara-datte Furikaeruto sokoniwa itsudemo Yasashiku hohoemi-kakeru Kimiga irukara)
I wanna find out
And still even right now
Looking back, it’s you, standing and so proud
Everymore gently smiling right at me, without a sound
I’m perceiving you around
新たな旅の始まりは 君が守り抜いたこの地に 芽吹いた命と共に
(Aratana tabino hajimariwa Kimiga mamori-nuita kono chini Mebuita inochito tomoni)
Now a new beginning has begun to be and
In this land that you protected and kept in safety
These budding lives are with me on this journey
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nguyenthiennhuong · 2 years
Lời bài hát Crazy In Love
Lời bài hát Crazy In Love
Stay plz just stay Only you… Crazy in love kimi ga mabushikute Crazy in love kokoro kugitsukesa Ima kimi igai mou mienaiyo Kono kimochi hajimetesa Stop! U never know? Hajimete aeta toki ga So step! Kimi tono hajimari kanjita toki sa Maybe! Futariiki narabi kimi no kaori ni kizuite kara Chikazuku kimi o kanji ishiki tobuyouna power! like a dreamer! Play back sureba ochiteta boku kara Dousurya…
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tuseriesdetv · 3 years
Los 10 mejores openings de 2021
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Vistosas, sorprendentes o simplemente descriptivas, las secuencias de apertura de las series hay que disfrutarlas aparte. Otras lo han intentado, como Hit & Run, The Hot Zone: Anthrax, Y: The Last Man, Jupiter's Legacy o la segunda temporada de Truth Be Told, pero no todas las producciones pueden tener el honor de formar parte de nuestro ranking de los mejores openings de la televisión. Ni nosotros podremos nunca igualar el buen gusto y los conocimientos de Jaime, pero no podíamos permitir que esta lista se perdiera en el olvido y romper la tradición después de diez años. Intentaremos, con todo el respeto del mundo, presentar algo decente:
10. Nine Perfect Strangers (Prime Video)
Creada por Antibody (que nos ha regalado otras secuencias como las de The Crown, Westworld, True Detective o The Man in the High Castle), utiliza inteligencia artificial para encontrar patrones en los datos y así poder crear un paraíso pegajoso y dañino donde la luz del sol te seduce y te arrastra a un mundo oscuro.
La canción, titulada "Strange Effect", es una versión de Unloved con la voz de Raven Violet. La original es de 1965.
9. Foundation (Apple TV+)
La idea fue transformar un mural de dos dimensiones en un universo, y se realizó mediante explosiones de partículas muy coloridas y brillantes. Es de Imaginary Forces, estudio que nos ha traído secuencias como las de Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire, Stranger Things o Little Fires Everywhere.
8. Invasion (Apple TV+)
A paso lento e inquietante, como la propia serie, nos presenta distintos puntos y situaciones de la Tierra desde los que nos acercaremos a las consecuencias de una visita alienígena. Se hace uso de niebla, que va cubriendo y descubriendo cosas, y las personas están siempre solas. De nuevo, es obra de Imaginary Forces.
7. The White Lotus (HBO)
Nada es casual en estos títulos de crédito que reflejan que la riqueza lleva a la putrefacción. Con movimientos de cámara a mano, manchones de tinta y reflejos naturales y partiendo de papel pintado con patrones inspirados en las cuatro suites del resort, cada planta o animal esconde pistas sobre el argumento de la serie. De hecho, los nombres de cada actor o actriz van asociados a una imagen: fruta pudriéndose, una serpiente esperando antes de atacar, un leopardo durmiendo, etc. Todo acaba teniendo sentido. Es una creación de Plains of Yonder (True Blood, Daybreak).
6. The Wheel of Time (Prime Video)
El horizonte es un hilo que se rompe y acaba formando un enorme telar que, con tonos muy vivos, teje un tapiz en el que podemos ver los siete Ajah de distintos colores de las Aes Sedai. Imaginary Forces se ha lucido este año.
5. Cowboy Bebop (Netflix)
Mezcla acción real y animación con tipografía japonesa en una secuencia con colores saturados y pantallas partidas que recuerda a la serie de animación original. De nuevo, Imaginary Forces. La música es "Tank!", de Yoko Kanno, mítica del anime.
4. Arcane (Netflix)
Usa esculturas de los personajes principales y enfatiza su dualidad usando el color. Además, parte de escenas más estáticas y avanza hacia la acción. Lo firma Elastic (Game of Thrones, The Politician, The Morning Show, Hunters). Un aporte importante es, por supuesto, la música de Imagine Dragons, que ya colaboró con League of Legends en 2014. La canción se titula "Enemy" y se ha convertido en un éxito tanto en YouTube como en Spotify.
3. Swagger (Apple TV+)
La artista Lisa Whittington concibió y diseñó cada pintura que representa el mundo de los protagonistas de la ficción. El estudio Shine fue el encargado de dar vida a las imágenes. La canción es "Day Ones", de Tobe Nwigwe.
2. Only Murders in the Building (Hulu)
El diseño de las ventanas, el portal y los personajes dentro de sus casas y sus movimientos son las partes más interesantes. Con cada detalle y en cada posición, fueron dibujadas por la ilustradora Laura Pérez, quien además fue la encargada de crear los retratos de Tim Kono que muestra Mabel en la serie y el resto de ilustraciones. ¿Os habéis fijado en los pequeños cambios que aparecían en la secuencia cada semana? Shiddhartha Khosla (This Is Us; Love, Victor) compuso la música, que incluye obviamente un fagot. La animación es de Elastic.
1. Lisey's Story (Apple TV+)
Todo parte de una sugerencia de Pablo Larraín. El destino de una delicada marioneta con la cara de Julianne Moore depende de los deseos de un muñeco Clive Owen que maneja las cuerdas. Los movimientos reales de las marionetas se grabaron y editaron con efectos visuales. Es fruto del trabajo, cómo no, de Imaginary Forces. Delicioso.
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kannibalkrunch · 3 years
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'The Jungle Twins', Tono and Kono (Issue 2, July 1972) #comicbooks #tonoandkono #thejungletwins #jungletwins #twins #1970s #1972 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRo6M0Eh4kL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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