#too bad he was so experimental that I didn't hae a chance to interact with other links
exaltborne · 5 years
muse spotlight! – always accepting! │ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴏғ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ.
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⚜ ; —–  [ ᴠ ᴀ ʟ ᴏ ʀ  ʜ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴛ ] —–     PRINCESS of the Twili most certainly had a knack for staying silent at the most desired of times; && was always out at the most unnecessary of situations. ( damn you midna ! ) Now, when he was in a bit of a bind, when beast forme was most recommended at moment, the imp was nowhere to be seen. ( what is the point of holding the light of wisdom if you wont come out and help me ? ) On own he was to handle the situation. He supposed that he did have Master Sword with him – well there was something he could rely on. Energy radiated from it, sword glowed, it whispered! , as if it held age-old secrets of past battles. All of which seemed to be wanting to come out in full force.
—– [ SIDE step to left, Shadow Beast missed him by a hair. Had to roll out of way to avoid secondary swing from it. Corrupted soul, once pure, had taken to Evil – send back to Twilight Realm or destroy it. Surely the one who possessed his shadow would prefer the latter, right? Was once her people, no now more. Only lived to serve false Lord && king of darkness. No way of returning back. But what if they could?
—– [ ANOTHER swipe from it spoke volumes to sentiments. No, this was no longer human – if it had been to begin with – hope was lost for it. Unfortunate as things were, Hero had to end it. Master Sword vibrated with vivacity. Again it sought for attention – speaking to him in strange tongue he could not understand. ( okay , okay . stop egging me ) Once more, young Champion paced himself as he faced dark foe. Perhaps larger in size, it was nothing like the Darknut. Even King Bulblin himself was more worthy than these mindless creatures. The fact that the Spirits of Light were overcome by these beasts only puzzled him. They are so dumb!
—– [ SWORD twirled in hand as he readied the next attack. Hero’s shade taught him well enough. Patience over anything else. Then, when foe opens himself up, strike. Wise words for Hero of Old. That Golden, One-Eyed Wolf was shrewd. THERE !  When claw struck down once more, he rolled over to behind. A clean && perfect Back Slice. Teacher could not be any more proud of him – form was stellar; it would fell any beast. Though… when demon met earth, there was no pop. Had it been alone, it would burst – pieces of Twili would dissipate and be sent off. Unless, of course, there was another. ( oh no . . )
—– [ SHRILL howls erupted in air, leaving Hero stunned. Bones rattled to very core at the sound. Gods, he abhorred such foul sounds…. ( ha ! maybe she will hear that ! ) Ears still ringing, Shadow Beast before him stood up. Newly invigorated for another fight. A sigh escaped him with exasperation. He couldn’t do this all day. Also, where was the other one? He had to defeat them at same the time. The moment he considered, though, Sword hummed. It took only single glance to catch sight of other. There, in the distance, another mindless demon. Crawling closer towards him briefly, yet stopped. Beside it, another rose. As if, something had taken that one down. Now who could have possible done that? This only left him more work.
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—– [ TOO far for him, however, to draw simultaneous attacks on beasts. He would have to find another way to cast their attentions. As mere human, task would be proven dubious. As a beast himself, he would have more free reign – && Twilight Magic at his disposal.  —–     ❝ᴍɪᴅɴᴀ﹗❞
—–     ❛ ᵃˡʳᶤᵍʰᵗᵎ ᵠᵘᶤᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵇᵉˡˡʸᵃᶜʰᶤᶰᵍˑ ᶤ ʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ᵗʰᵉᵐˑ ❜      —–
—– [ IMP’S voice, he heard, yet nothing came from it. Still stood as Hylian, with no feeling of transformation. She really took things at her own pace / her own time. ( fine then . ) Canines bared, grip firmed on hilt of Sword. Take this one down, then race towards other two. He pray that whomever, whatever , took down one had been scared off by bloodcurdling scream.
—– [ WITHOUT hesitation, he stepped forward. He could use another Hidden Skill he had learned, though it could prove tedious. Especially for such a dimwitted creature – it wasn’t worthy of it now – there were three of them. Would have make do with crude slashes before dealing a blow that would keep it down while he ran off with two. Nothing so enthralling or spectacular; just enough to get job done as quickly as possible. He had better things to do than to entertain monsters of Dark.
—– [ ONE, two, three hits to beast, before he back flipped and drove Master Sword forward. A stab to hard, shadowy abdomen. (like hitting a wall ) Twas enough to cause foe to fall back &&once more found self to ground. One second / two; Hero didn’t need another moment longer. Sure that willowy brute was down, he turned to run towards others. If Twili’s Crown wouldn’t help him, he’d have to help himself. Somebody had to get it done – and he couldn’t leave until he took them out.
—– [ GLOW from Extension faltered. Something was amiss. Soft murmurs silenced from blade. ( what ? no , this isnt right . ) Champion of Courage stumbled, slowed. There, an overwhelming feeling took over him. The sense darkness enveloping him – Twilight Sorcery worked wonders. Sword of Light dropped, fell among tall grass where it hid – away from its polar opposite. Now, really now ! , of all times, Midna had decided to come out. Use of her magic, along with dark shard, to transform him. A strange feeling (always was ), that he had no words for it. It was addictive, almost like adrenaline that surged within him, && he always felt a strange, new power that he was not used to. As nice as it felt, it had also still always been so offsetting. Not so much painful, as it was uncomfortable those first few seconds.
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—– [ WEIGHT on back, he turned to give disapproving glare at where she would be.     —–     ❛ᶰᵒʷ˒ ᶰᵒʷˑ ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵃᵗ ᵐᵉ ˡᶤᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗˑ ᶤ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ ᵈᶤᵈᶰ'ᵗ ᶤˀ ❜      —–      Ear tugged just lightly, he pulled away. Heroic Beast was now grumpy. No time for it, however, as he still had task at hand. Fell the demons / get out of this cage. Though he stayed a moment more.  —–     🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇸​🇼​🇴​🇷​🇩​ ﹐ 🇲​🇮​🇩​🇳​🇦​ . 🇼​🇪​ 🇨​🇦​🇳​🇳​🇴​🇹​ 🇱​🇪​🇦​🇻​🇪​ 🇮​🇹​ .     Sentiments were in vain, as audacious gasps came from her. As if he were playing a broken record ( she knows ! the sword is safely tucked away ). There was just simple desire wished to take care of things. Unlike she, he cared about resources; there wasn’t an unlimited supply of magic like her.
—– [ IN sudden turn of events / before she could complain or dig small feet in him, predatory body launched forward. Paws padding along dirt in a motion. He was faster now. Smaller, perhaps (not by much ), though frame stocky. Could do far more in new forme than previous. Could leap bounds, senses heightened in every way imaginable. Now with Twili Native, there was a new focus. Her charms with his power. This would be a short fight now. Twice the effort, half the time.
—– [ LEGS slowed to stop. There, before him, two Shadow Beasts were hobbling along. Backs towards him. Mindless creatures! Again, he wondered how in the world the Light Spirits were overwhelmed by such barbaric things. Sure, they were hardier than most, but that left no excuse. A deep growl came from him, hunched over preparing to strike. Cold, blue eyes calculating, two leaps – one if he could time it right && hit both in single line of attack. Already Midna’s magic circle forming around them, hair readying. One shot for this. If he messed up, he’d have to start over (all the way over ). He, for one, didn’t want to do this again for a third time. Too lazy / too tired. A dog-nap actually sounded good right about now. Curled up somewhere in the Sacred Grove? Oh that would be lovely. ( no , focus ! ) Naps could be for later. The Imp would tire if he continued the thought.
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—– [ INCHING ever so slightly forward, Wolf moved into position. One shadow in, then the other ( NOW ! ) Immediately rear legs sprung self forward in hard, fast! , leap. Maw ready to snap down at foes, front paws led charge. They were done for.
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