#just a few words shy of 1400
williamkisser · 2 months
A Luca x reader would be nice........... preferably slow burn and y/n is the shy type............. I'm hungry................. Thirsty............ Would beg....... Thank you.... *dying*
♡— The Prisoner with a shy S/O
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♡— Oh my god… anon… N-N… NO!!!! Anon please, don’t do this to me… breathe. Oh my god. BREATHE!! *sniff* *sob* i’m… I’m so sorry i couldn’t save you, anon…. I hope you’re in a better place now… *sob*
♡— Warnings: g/n reader, fluff, possibly ooc i’m not sure, word count is 1400
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♡— Luca Balsa, despite going through a turmoil of tragic events, never did once even try to stop working on his lifelong passion, god forbid even think of it. Yes, around him there were degenerates, murderers, thieves, even mystical, strange creatures - such combinations would drive any man crazy, as if anyone in here already wasn’t. But after all, finding something you could get absorbed in is the best method for killing time, don’t they say? Not even his developing issue with memory loss can stop him now.
♡— That’s why the prisoner, most of the time, could be found in the comfort of his own dorm, sitting by the desk while brain storming for yet another solution to the new experiment he was currently developing. And to be frank, he did quite like it this way. He had his own corner in the world, didn’t need to worry about money, could eat delicious meals and could even discuss some scientific matters with a few other enlightened individuals. And the prize for winning the game was even more tempting. Just imagine how much quicker he could develop his project with all this cash.
♡— Despite all the focus on his own dreams and scientific infatuations, Luca didn’t stray from engaging in interactions with other people. He’s certainly considered as one of the friendliest and most cheerful people in here. Some wonder if anyone im here ever managed to get on his nerve. He’s just very tolerable towards most, if not all, however, clearly he feels most comfortable near people who are willing to listen to his info-dumps, or engage in smart conversations, ask questions and give suggestions. There weren’t much residents in the manor like this. Most are either uninterested or too weirded out, therefore the prisoner always appreciated the open minded ones.
♡— Sadly, Luca’s past whereabouts left a permanent scar on him, making him a little unaware to some social cues. This man can not pick up on someone being painfully visibly attracted to him. He assumes all people willingly interacting with him are either friendly or just curious. Luca likes showing off and exchanging ideas with his mentor Alva, asking Helena for advice and letting her touch all of his tools or projects, trying to connect nature with science together with Luchino, or even explaining his ideas to the suspiciously fascinated Florian.
♡— And then there was you. A person very shy, awkward even. Everyone didn’t mind your presence, you just existed in your own bubble, in silence. Sometimes, someone would try to include you in some conversation, and while you did appreciate the gesture you just couldn’t grasp why you felt so uncomfortable, barely able to form a meaningful sentence. That was until you first encountered a young, quite charming in his own way man personally. You instantly became fond of Luca Balsa. Something about him just radiated pure happiness. He genuinely wanted to talk with you, sensing your anxiety, and you have no idea whether it’s for better or worse, because, oh God - he made you feel butterflies in your stomach and needles in your heart. You’ve got a crush on the Oletus manor’s „Prisoner”.
♡— You didn’t know what to do. The newly discovered feelings for the boy made your anxiety far more intense than it already was. Something in your head just screamed to not get too attached, after all, this is Luca Balsa we’re speaking of, he most likely doesn’t view you as anything else but a companion in matches. But, of course, the heart always does whatever it wants, ignoring the brain. That’s how you found yourself standing in front of his dorm doors, reflecting on if it’s alright for you to knock on them. What if he’s too busy right now and you’re just going to be a burden? This was a part of your mastermind plan - try to get into his interests and become a closer friend, and then…. maybe the friendship could bloom onto something else? You were in deep wonder, unaware that the doors are now open and Luca was waving his hand in front of your face. Earth to you.
♡— Either way, you spent some quality time with him together. He was very pleased to hear that you wanted to find out more about his projects and shared several insights related to his future plans. His dorm felt oddly cozy. You didn’t even realize that visiting Luca became some sort of a habit of yours, entering his workplace nearly on a daily basis - it made you forget about all the atrocities you witnessed during the bloody games. His voice was so soft and gentle, his eyes beamed as you kept asking questions about what is he doing right now. Luca felt so glad to elaborate and ramble about his passion. He’d even offer you to help him, giving you simple tasks as asking you to bring a certain tool. He was well aware of your shyness, so he was as understanding as he could, not forcing anything onto you. One day, Luchino teasingly called you „Luca’s little assistant”. The intense colour of your cheeks spoke for itself. You were head over heels.
♡— Quickly enough, your small acts of kindness turned into something way more serious. At one point, you felt like Luca’s own caretaker, because he was literally too absorbed in his work to pay attention to his own well-being. After you began frequently assisting him in not only helping to build some programs, you just took care of his needs. While Luca would love to stay up all night and didn’t like when people complained about it, oddly enough, he didn’t hesitate to tuck himself into his bed after you offered the prisoner too. You made sure he went outside and ate enough. Simple gestures like that were your own way of showing him affection, as you were too shy to be verbally affectionate.
♡— The whole situationship was now taking way too long. You were absolutely crazy over Luca, while he viewed you as a good friend and a fast learning companion. Everyone could tell you were following him like a lost puppy outside of matches, and he didn’t mind it at all. You just wished he would finally pick up on your real intentions, but at the same time you felt worried. What if he won’t talk to you anymore? What if there will be weird tension between the both of you if you confess? On one ordinary day, you were sitting by his desk as always, silently reading the notes hanged on the cork board while Luca came to you and asked to help him draw a technical sketch in his work notebook, to which you agreed to. After months of practice in his dorm you already knew how to properly draw a project on a piece of paper with accurate proportions - yet this certain sketch was new to you, you weren’t quite sure how to do it. That’s when Luca held your hand and guided it, helping you be more precise, and what an amazing, ecstatic feeling it was, his hand contained a specific, electric even, feeling on top of that. You blushed so hard you were surprised Luca didn’t even notice, but you knew you can’t be with him this way. You were hurting yourself by not telling the truth.
♡— This is how you found yourself sitting on Lucas’s desk, looking down and fidgeting with your fingers after telling the prisoner to listen for a minute. The whole thing was so stressful you can barely remember anything from that moment, not sure if it’s because of your own anxiety or if it’s the curse of this wicked place you’re stuck in. Either way, your confession to him was probably the most awkward one this Manor has ever seen - and it certainly saw a lot. Luca was surprised he didn’t manage to connect the dots for so long. He was focused on all the wrong things and failed to notice your affection towards him. Those were a few painful months, but he was going to make sure you know he appreciates all the help, not only on the projects, but also helping him take care of himself. Luca asked you for permission to kiss you while holding your hand, which you agreed to, feeling happy like never, making all your shyness go away for once… which did not last long, as Florian entered the room without knocking, making a loud „EWW” sound. Luca was going to make sure no one will interrupt you, scribbling something about a doorbell in his notebook right after kissing you like his life depended on it. Turns out, Luca Balsa now has found something to look forward to in his life other that science and innovative inventions - which was you.
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Thank you for your request anon… i hope you can read this fic in the afterlife at least… anyways this my first time writing a fic for a character i’m not very familiar with. I tried to be as accurate as i could so i’m sorry if it’s ooc 😭 anyways it’s 2am now… idv x reader tag how are you doing on this lovely summer night
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xo-urban · 2 years
Hello! How are you?
May I please request a Thomas Shelby x Male Reader? he is a very dear friend of Ada’s, which is surprising, since they different in nature, the Male Reader is very shy, very soft-spoken, well-spoken too, very intelligent (also speaks multiple languages). Ada loves him dearly, he’s so kind, always listens to her and her problems, and gives her good advice.
One day he accompanies Ada to the Shelby Mansion (you can decide why) and Thomas becomes hooked on him. Like, slightly obsessed with such a wonderful and angelic person.
I believe you can decide how the relationship starts. But can I ask for Thomas spoiling him rotten and being very protective?
Thank you for your time!
I loved writing this! It doesn’t quite make but it’s very close!
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𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑛 𝐺𝑜𝑙𝑑
Pairing - Thomas Shelby x Male Reader
Summary - You went to accompany your dear friend, Ada but didn’t realize someone had eyes for you, getting a bit more than such a simple greeting from him.
Word count - 1400
Warnings - Heated kissing, otherwise fluff
It has been quite a while since you last spoken with Ada, you’d rather been busy occupying yourself with whatever work you can find to at least earn a few dollars to get by. You finally had the time of day to go speak with Ada who had been begging to meet up with you.
A knock at the door broke you out of your trance of thought, soft knocking, easily identifiable to be your dear friend Ada. You stood, grabbing your coat and swinging it on after polishing off your morning cup of coffee. Grabbing the knob of the door, you turned it, pulling the door open and seeing a face you haven’t seen in a while. “Greetings Ada” You smiled, watching her lips purse into a smile. “It’s been a while! Come come! We’ll speak on the way” She grinned. “Where to?” You tilted your head in confusion as you locked the door behind you. “The mansion.” She simply answered before she began to walk off. You followed quickly to stay by her side.
“Heard things have been good for you, hopefully what’s been said is true.” She knew you were hardworking, despite not communicating with people often. You nodded in response, “Things have been fair, no trouble so far.” You kept your eyes up, observing the streets. “Have you been well?” You questioned, Ada huffed in response. “A little overwhelming. The other Shelbys were asking who you were since the last time we met. Tommy was just dying to meet you and wouldn’t stop demanding me to drag you out of your hole.” She scoffed. You’ve never really met ‘Tommy’ formally, always heard of his name in the shadows, maybe a few glimpses of him, he was a mysterious man to say the least. “That’s the reason for today then? Should’ve told me so I would’ve worn something more fancy..” She only slapped your shoulder lightly, “ You look great any day, I doubt that you’ll need to present yourself in front of them.” You hummed at the reassurance, adjusting your coat. As you two shared stories of your own, catching up on events the two of you had missed since you last spoke, you hadn’t realized how much time had past when the both of you ended up on the Shelby Mansion doorstep.
Ada stepped up and knocked on the door before stepping back. “You sure I look alright?” You whispered, heart beating a little quicker, you were tense for sure. “Course you do! You have woman tripping for you in that outfit!” She whispered back. You were about to counter her words but the door slid open, quickly shutting you up. “Aunt Polly!” Ada smiled at her through the door. Polly smiled at her before turning to you. You could break just under that deathly gaze. “You must be the guest Ada was so enthusiastic to introduce formally.” Polly spoke as she moved the door wider, “Come on in, the boys are waiting and they're getting quite impatient.” You nodded, thanking Polly quietly, dipping your head slightly in respect. Ada followed in, leaning over and whispering a few things to Polly who shut the door behind the two of you.
Polly began walking to another room, not bothering to wait. You took a glance around, it was neat, comfortable as well. “Come!” Ada smiled, you calmed down slightly, loosening up at her warming smile. You followed in step after Ada who’d already walked off to the room Polly went to.
“Alright, settle down boys, it seems like our guest finally arrived.” That tone seemed so familiar yet so distant, you’d assume that he was the boss of everyone. You’ve heard of the Peaky Blinders and their games in Birmingham, but you stayed away from them, liking the safety you convinced yourself you had.
Ada pulled you in, standing by your side. You didn’t speak, only bowing to show some respect due to your cultural practices. “No need for such formalities dear.” Polly reassured you with a smile. You could feel eyes on you, eating you up slowly. You looked down at the hand extended to you, responding with your own hand shaking his, “Arthur. Arthur Shelby.” The man with the mustache smiled. “Good to meet you, Arthur.” You let your response roll off your tongue. “He speaks, and goddamn it’s a blessing to hear!” Arthur exclaimed with a proud smile, getting rid of the tension on your back. The second man stood up from his seat, walking over to you and shaking you hand like before, “John Shelby.” He smiled, he looked as if he was the youngest one. You nodded, turning to who you assumed was the ‘Tommy’ guy.
He walked over to you with such grace, his eyes scanning you up and down without shame in hiding them. “Thomas Shelby.’ He spoke with ease, it was the same voice as before. You went to shake his hand as soon as he reached out with a formal smile. When your hands meet, his was gentle, maybe a little rough and scarred but was so soft, you could almost hold it all day. You expected to do a simple shake with the handsome man but he turned the back of your hand to him, leaning down and pressing his soft lips against it. You couldn’t help but blush at the contact, you couldn’t help but think what it could feel like to have his lips against yours. He stood straight, leaning over and whispering in your ear. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” Before you can even stammer a word out of you, he had already leaned back.
“I’ll give him a tour!” Arthur smiled at you as if everything that happened was completely normal. “I’ll actually.” Thomas spoke, taking your hand once more, “Go off and get what you need to get done today, I’m sure you do.” You heard soft groans all around. Your eyes met Ada’s, almost asking for help but she only mouthed good luck. “This is how I end.” You murmured in a different language, following Thomas out of there and down a hallway.
Thomas just couldn’t keep his eyes off of you,eating up your small features. “Have you ever kissed a man before?” He spoke, tone so sweet and demanding. “I had my fair share.” You spoke softly and he pushed you to the wall gently. “ You’re just so..” Thomas trailed off, finding the right word. “Perfect.” He whispered. You could feel his breath on you, locking eyes with the most handsomest man you’ve ever seen in all of your life. He leaned in, hand tucking under your chin to lift your pretty face up. “Can I kiss you?” You whispered, you were mesmerized by him and didn’t want to screw it all over. He didn’t answer, only leaning in and connecting your soft lips against his own. God it felt oh so heavenly, like a fresh champagne bottle being opened after you’ve struck millions worth of gold.
He pushed against you, hands sliding up your waist. You both were enamored by each other since the day you first saw each other almost six months ago. Thomas whispered sweet nothings into your ear as he pulled away, getting you to whine softly at his words.
“You’re mine from now on, darling..” Thomas murmured, you quickly nodded, “Always..” You replied, smiling as his lips pursed. You quickly pulled him into another kiss, this time much more passionate and hungry..
. . .
Ever since the relationship bloomed, you were asked to move into the Shelby mansion. Although Ada protested that she didn’t want to see her brother banging her dearest friend, you moved in anyways. You were spoiled with fancy suits and the most luxurious of things. Despite the money spending, you loved Thomas, the man, his words, his body.
Now here you were, cuddling each other and bathing in the comfort and warmth, you got to learn Thomas’ secrets and he got to learn your own. You could feel him kiss your hair with incoherent murmurs. “I love you so much..” You slurred with a sleepy smile. “ Love you too darling.. Anything for a perfect man like you, for I’ve stricken gold in life..” Thomas smiled, pressing a soft night kiss to your lips in the darkness that cloaked over you.
He really did struck gold with you and only you.
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Good Girl
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TW: Spanking. Dom!Rafe. SoftDom!Rafe. Language. Smut. 
SUMMARY: Your need for anything but ‘vanilla’ sex, sends your boyfriend to give you everything you want, as long as you’re his ‘good girl’...
Anonymous asked:
Omg can u do a smut where you're talking w Rafe about your kinks and stuff, and you tell him you have a spanking kink, but he just thinks that you're vanilla and that you're joking about that with him, and he bends you over his lap to spank you for fun and tease you for it, but you get so horny you literally cum from being spanked by him bc your clit keeps rubbing on his jeans from squirming while being bent over his lap 😳 and he realizes that you're actually serious and gets so turned on and fucks you
Anonymous asked:
could you do a smut with rafe about him finding out his really shy girl wishing he would be really rough? he's all condescendingly sweet to her, telling her he loves her but he has to teach her how to ask for things, holding her hand while spanking her
Good Girl
Precious. This was how he saw you, and he told you this frequently. In public, in the confines of entangled passion, and every chance he got as it brought the cutest little blush throughout the expression he loved so well. But because of this, he was always gentle with you, never understanding from the scorched lust beneath your blown irises that you craved more than that. You appreciated it the first few times as it allowed you to adjust to him, but now you wanted the extent of what he could offer you. The thrill of that ‘more than vanilla’ sex you knew he had been capable of as it would slip in the dominance of his hold to your jaw as he’d lead a kiss to your neck or the wrap around your waist as he’d whisper in your ear how your curves in any chosen ensemble made him almost feral. And with your patience wearing thin because of this desperation, you would test his belief in your preciousness. 
“So cute, all needy for me…” He teased as you had led him into his father’s study, the only room not littered with guests from Ward’s recent soiree. Your fingers wrapped within the collar of his dress shirt, bringing him against you as he guided you onto the edge of the desk. 
“Baby…” He laughed as you took him harder against you, “You’re driving me crazy…This dress…those little moans-”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I want you to spank me…” His lips pulled to a mischievous humor as it was clear the thought wasn’t one too vulgar or forbidden due to the excitement in his eyes, a conjured vision that he’d produced once upon a time. But to hear you say it, he was at a loss for anything but a chuckle. 
“You’re always so soft with me…And I want more…”
“I’m not enough?” He teased as you brought him back into you, that dainty elegance he knew you to wear as a demure desire was now exchanged for unbridled need as you took his fingers between your legs. 
“I want you to fuck me, Rafe…not make love to me…” His lips parted, draining from humor and now altering to a line of contentment, “Right here, on your father’s desk…twenty feet from his guests…” Your eyes narrowed sharper to him. “I want you to make me sore until I can’t walk and everyone knows what you’ve done to me.” He swallowed hard. 
“Well it seems you’ve thought a lot about it…” You nodded. 
He blew out a breath of disbelief before taking a seat on the couch set on the far side of the room. 
“Well then…Come here…” He patted his knee as you would straddle his thigh, given the direction of his positioning. 
“You sure about this? I don’t want to ruin that perfect little ass, but if you’re asking for it, I’m gonna give it to you…leave you every shade of red I can-”
“Please, Rafe…” He scoffed and slowly nodded. 
“Lift up your dress…Keep your panties on, I want the friction for you…And I want you to count for me…Not as a punishment, but as a reward for how many you take…Okay?” You nodded, obeying him as the edges of your dress were lifted by your pinch and you held it between your legs as he first hit came to your ass. 
“Good girl. How was that?”
“Good.” He nodded, biting his bottom lip for a second before taking a hold of your hand as the other remained in a wrap of your dress. 
“Two.” You spoke in a deep exhale of recovery as his smirk widened, unaware that with each slap, he would cause your clit to rub perfectly against the fabric of your panties and that of his dress pants, bringing a pleasure along with the pain of each slap. 
“Fourteen…” You continued after some time, having begun to lose yourself in the repetition but also the softness he always held with you. That orgasm on the edge as you were rocked against him, a sudden wetness present on his thigh as he would scoff. 
“Shit, sweetheart…”
“I’m sorry…” You blushed, aware that he would have difficulty explaining the stain evident on the gray fabric. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Your eyes widened. “If I knew you wanted it THAT badly…” He stopped himself. 
“Bend over the desk-panties off…I’m gonna take REAL good care of you, give you exactly what you want…” You couldn’t hide your excitement as you almost skipped to the desk, panties around your ankles in seconds, as he was quick to undress himself, cock quickly between your folds as you gasped to the feeling. 
“You have to tell me what you want so I can take care of you, my girl only gets the best…” You nodded as he continued to torment you. 
“So tell me…” He laughed as you blushed. 
“I want you to fuck me, Rafe…”
“Yeah, baby? Right here?”
“Yes…” You groaned. 
“You want it fast?” You nodded. 
“Hard?” You nodded faster. 
“Deep?” You nodded harder. 
The sudden relief of what he spoke of suddenly forcing you against the desk. 
“Gotta tell me these things…Otherwise it’s only hurting both of us…” He condescended behind you. 
“Such a good girl, taking all of me like this…So let me hear how good it feels…Tell me who’s making you feel that way…”
“Rafe!” He nodded. 
“Mmmhmm…” He groaned behind you. 
“You need me like this, you tell me next time…I always want to take care of you, okay?” You agreed with a bob of your head as you brought his hand to your neck. 
“I trust you…” You spoke breathlessly as he would moan before applying the perfect amount of pressure while quickening his thrusts. 
“God, my girl’s dirty, yeah?” You nodded. “All dirty just for me?”
“For you…” You validated as he turned you to face him. 
“You want me to come? Keep showing me what you want…” You nodded and led his second hand to your clit. 
“Come with me, Rafe…Please…” You pleaded as he nodded into your shoulder, bent over you and deepening that penetration. 
“You’re gonna make me come, baby…” He growled into you. “I’m so fucking close…”
“Me too!”
“Don’t tell me…tell them…”
“RAFE!” You chorused as he brought you both to that mutual edge, a deprived release you had quelled by your honesty bringing the most decadent and intense orgasm as he felt you wash over him and stain you both further. The evidence of this release dripping down your thighs as he turned you to face him, propping you back onto the desk with your legs over his shoulders. 
“I always clean up my messes…” His eyes stayed onto you as he savored the mix of your releases until bringing you to that second edge, retreating as you trembled. 
“I want you to play with it for me…I want you to come on my tongue…And I wanna wear you the rest of the night…my precious, dirty, girl.” You obliged, flicking your clit in rapid succession as he held his tongue against you, that second release lapped up quickly before he rose back to you. 
“Satisfied, sweetheart?” His question driving a blush to your cheeks. 
“For now…” His brow cocked before he helped you to your feet. 
“Well now since I know what you want…what you REALLY want…I hope you know what you’re in for…”
You nodded. 
“Yes, sir…” His eyes rolled to the words as he pulled you back to him with a passionate kiss bringing his tongue to your bottom lip to cement this moment in perfection. 
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Kenshin - Heat 🥵
for @scruffymctee This one is quite spicy. A little hotter than I intended when I sat down to write xD Approx. 1400 words of some very NSFW time with Kenshin.
Kenshin found Mai in the garden. He watched her from the castle eaves as she walked along the garden paths, checking on the new plants. Only a few months ago, this space was reduced to sand and rock. The casualty of a - a misunderstanding. Kenshin still felt a slight wobble in his gut as he thought about her getting hurt, but he understood now. 
There were days when he still wanted to wrap her in soft blankets and lock her away in a place nothing could touch her. Well, nothing but him. He loved her too much to put her beyond his reach, and she made clear she wasn’t having it anyway. Kenshin smiled, remembering her fierce love. 
She noticed him in that same moment and smiled back. “Did you finish your work for the day?”
“I did.” He stepped fully into the garden. The afternoon sun was warm, a golden heat that seeped into him as he moved from shade into the light. 
Mai gestured to the flowerbeds. “I’ll be done here soon. Then, if you want, maybe we can have dinner together?”
Kenshin nodded. As if that was even a question. Of course they would have dinner together. “You could come with me now. There are servants to care for the gardens.You don’t need to do this on your own.”
“I know.” She gave a soft laugh. “But I like seeing them grow and feeling like I had a hand in it. Besides, I kind of feel like this is my garden now. Destroyed and rebuilt all because of me.” 
“Then I should help too.” He moved to stand beside her, his gaze flitting from the seedlings to his love and back again. “What are we doing?”
Mai pointed to the soil. “I’m making sure it’s aerated and that they have enough water.” She handed him a small stick with three pointy ends. “Here, you can poke and I’ll water.”
They spent the next several minutes moving slowly along the flowerbeds. Kenshin didn’t think he would like such work, but doing it alongside Mai made all the difference. He could smell her light perfume, and watch the tumble of her hair as she bent forward over the plants. Sometimes, their arms or hips would brush up against each other, sending a pleasant electric tension curling through him. 
At the end of the flowerbed, where the path curved along an inner wall, she stopped. There was a bench here and Mai sat down on it with a happy sigh. “I think that’s all of them.”
Kenshin sat beside her, his eyes drawn to her face in profile. The line of her nose, the curve of her lips. He found himself still in awe of her. Of this - a life he’d never expected and did not deserve. She’d taken the broken pieces of him and helped him put them back together. There was no term of endearment, no words that could encompass how he felt about her.
“Hm? Do I have something on my face?” Mai rubbed at her cheek. 
She was so adorable that he couldn’t help himself. Kenshin hugged her, pulling her up onto his lap so that he could hold her more tightly. He nuzzled her neck, and kissed the spot beneath her ear.
Mai squirmed and giggled. “Hey! What’s this all of the sudden?”
“It’s not sudden.” He tilted his head to regard her. “I wanted to kiss you since the moment I saw you.”
Her cheeks flushed with heat, and she glanced down, suddenly embarrassed. “I - you know, you can’t just go saying things like that to a girl. It does things to my heart.”
“Good things?” He kissed the edge of her jaw. 
“Yeah.” She sighed happily and turned her face back to him, presenting her perfectly kissable mouth.
Kenshin took the invitation. His lips met hers with hunger. A desperation for her touch, for her body, that could never be satiated. It was a bonfire in his soul that burned for her every moment of every day. And when he could finally have what he desired, it only added fuel to that fire. 
Mai gasped at the intensity of his kiss, but did not shy away. Her need for him met his own. Her hands ran along his shoulders, down his upper back. Her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging, demanding.
He gave her all that he was with his lips and tongue. His hand slipped beneath her kimono and up her thigh, caressing her. He brushed the edge of her soft mound, barely hidden beneath the linen she wore under her clothes. 
That was when she did pull back, her eyes wide. “Kenshin! Not in the garden. What if someone sees? Or hears us?”
Kenshin’s lips curved up in a small, certain smile. “No one will interrupt. And I do not care what they hear.” 
This seemed to satisfy Mai’s moment of worry. She wiggled in his lap until her legs draped around his hips, leaning in to kiss him again.
He took the invitation and let his hand slip higher still, fingers delving into her depths. Heat and silk met his touch as he sought the little bead of her pleasure. Her gasp told him when he’d found it. His world shrunk to the fire of her lips and the pleasure he stoked with the strumming of his fingers below. The feel of her rocking against him, the breathy moans he devoured with his kisses. 
She called his name and cried out for god, made wordless, desperate sounds as he drew her on and out. His long, slim fingers curled inside her, thrusting in, sliding slowly out as she gripped him. All the while, his thumb stroked a rhythm on that hard little pearl. 
Kenshin felt her arch and tense, then came the tremors of her pleasure. He kissed her, his tongue plunging as deep into her mouth as his fingers did below. It was as if he sank into her, drowning in her pleasure, in this one perfect blaze of heat and passion. But he wanted more. Would have more. 
The linen undergarments tore easily as he pulled them away. Mai pushed his own clothes out of her way, as eager for what came next as he. “I love you,” he said hoarsely, his voice straining with desire and a passion too big for his heart to encompass. 
“I know,” Mai breathed. And then she sank down onto him and he lost himself in her. The heat between her legs, the softness of her breasts, her mouth on his. Every stroke sent a jolt of pleasure up his spine as she rode him. Her pace was slow, as taunting as his fingers had been only moments before. 
Kenshin ached for release, but she denied him, drawing him out as he had her. But he was not so patient in seeking his own pleasure. He stood and in one step had her pressed back against the garden wall. 
Mai laughed softly and then moaned as he took advantage of the new position. Her hands gripped his shoulders, holding to him as he impaled himself with brash, eager thrusts, taking care to run the length of his cock against her bead of pleasure. It made every motion a torment of sensation. Filled with him, jolted by that hard length caressing her most sensitive spot. She trembled, her hips arching to meet him. 
He felt her rising tension, the edge of another climax, one he would meet with his own. Kenshin buried his face between her breasts, kissing and licking the inner slopes, his lips seeking the hard points of her nipples as he nudged aside the frustrating fabric of her clothes. 
Pleasure, when it came, hit him with a blinding intensity. Between one thrust and the next, his body came alive with heat. A roaring fire that burned through him into her. His body shook with it, his back arched. He muffled the breathy groan against her chest as she curled against him, shuddering in her own pleasure. 
Exhausted and soaked with sweat, Kenshin leaned against her, his hands braced on the wall. 
“We need a bath,” Mai breathed. “Gardening is dirty work.”
Kenshin laughed softly. “Well worth it.” He kissed her gently, savoring her mouth. Perhaps they could stay here for a bit longer, he thought. His legs shook a bit but there was still the bench . . .
Mai broke the kiss to give him a warning look. “Don’t even think about it. If we’re going for another round, it is going to be after I get clean.” 
“Then we should hurry to the bath.” He let her to the ground slowly, already missing the feel of her in his arms. 
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undead-potatoes · 11 months
So! Tell me about Aurora! Did they have a life before the Urge came calling? How has their journey been through the game? Are they romancing anybody or do they have any other significant bonds?
I hope you don't mind, but I decided to split this into two posts. You asked about her journey through the game, and suddenly I had written 1400 words that didn't fit with the rest. So uuh yeah, here's the first and the last question at least!
I'm still a little unsure about her life before the Urge. There's the few "canon" things we're given through bits of dialogue (like murdering their parents as a child), but I honestly don't tend to get too caught up in canon if I want to do something different.
She had a lot of nightmares as a child (thanks dad), and it made her a very skittish and nervous child. In combination with minor Urges which made her say and sometimes do off-putting shit, I imagine she wasn't exactly a social butterfly. Like once she probably bit someone when the Urge overtook her, but bc they were baby urges and she was like 6-years-old it didn't really do much but alienate her.
But I think she was otherwise a good kid, doing her best and loved by her adoptive parents, even if they probably worried about her a lot.
I kinda like the idea of her being slightly older, someone who briefly escaped her heritage due to Bhaal's death before he returned in full, and the Urge became too strong to ignore. To have the Urge hovering around in the background her entire life, but always being able to repress it, until she suddenly couldn't.
Idk there's just something to the tragedy of being so close to escaping your predestined fate, when in reality it was always going to end like that, on way or another. You never truly escaped anything, you simply just delayed the inevitable.
She could still have murdered her family, still living with her adoptive parents and possible siblings, or maybe she had her own family by then. Either way, Bhaal would have wanted them out of the way.
The Urge building and building, sending her flip-flopping between moments of bloodlust and lucidity filled with fear, until the Urge took her away completely.
(Would the Urge even work like that for any of this? Who cares, just gonna do as Larian does, my city now).
TL;DR: I don't even know, it's still stewing in there.
- - -
Though I've watched like every Durge related video on YouTube, I haven't actually played very far in Aurora's playthrough, mostly bc I'm waiting for Larian to stop breaking the game with every new patch 🙈
Meaning I haven't actually had a lot of time with her interacting with the companions and gotten a good feel for where they're at.
Wyll and Shadowheart are possible candidates for some at least surface level boding. Like Wyll's whole "self sacrifice for the good of others" thing, and with Shadowheart they both have been brainwashed and forced into cruelty in service of an evil god.
And Karlach bc I love her and I said so.
Maybe some more interesting dynamics will pop up once I really get in there with her 🤔 (Larian fix your shit already, I want to plaaay)
There's also Jay who's already wrangling every other companion and their problems, so I'm sure he'll have some fingers in her pies too eventually (it's what he does, after all).
The only solid relationship to have formed in my head as of yet is her romance, and bc I'm as original as a pair of earbuds from AliExpress, she eventually starts a thing with Astarion.
He initially sees her as an easy target, a shy and possibly meek person quite literally removed from the others at camp (a deliberate choice on her part), but it doesn't go quite as he had planned.
I've written a whole post about it that's hanging out in my drafts, but tl;dr: he tries to bite her, but she wakes and angrily sends him away. She later comes to him one night, panicked after the Murder At Camp™, and he (begrudgingly) agrees to help her with the body. This begins this weird partnership where they keep each other's secret, and she lets him drink from her as thanks for helping her.
Their relationship is a bit rocky at first, like they don't hate each other or anything, but there's a fair share of bickering and such. She can be a bit blunt, and is too impatient and exhausted from the urge to deal with his very obvious mind games, tiredly telling him "stop trying to seduce me, you already have what you came for".
When he offers to sleep with her at the party, she thinks "why not". They're already putting each other at risk, so might as well have some fun with it. He might have tried to bed her sooner if she hadn't been so blunt and unapproachable, but it did also give him some time to rethink his strategy. Based on finds with the freecam during his party sex scene, he has set up a lil spot on a blanket, with wine and maybe some food, in an attempt to seem more genuine, which admittedly she does find a little cute.
Ultimately it's all the bits in between, the quiet moments after feeding or sex that gives them an excuse to talk, and they realize they enjoy each other's company a lot more than they first thought. She vibes with him a lot more when he's being genuine, something she sees more of when he's fed and generally less guarded.
She've kept her distance from the others bc of the urge, in fear of either harming someone, or being discovered through the tadpoles somehow. It puts her on edge constantly, but Astarion already knows, and she knows he doesn't judge her for it, so she's more at ease too.
Aurora can become ride or die pretty fast, especially in combination with other intense personality traits (hello devotion), and I think maybe Astarion picks up on that and thinks he can use that to his advantage. At least until he too accidentally catches feelings and becomes pretty ride or die himself lmao. Great job idiot.
Which is also when her more self sacrificing nature goes from something that could be to his advantage, to something that actively upsets him. Stop it! Stop sacrificing yourself for others who probably don't even deserve it! Stop putting yourself in situations that could take you away from me for no good reason.
They're note super lovey-dovey either. Like sure there's romance and tenderness there, but there's also some clash of personalities ("stop being an asshole" "stop trying to be such a bloody hero"). Nothing too bad but there's definitively something for them to work on.
This became the Aurora and Astarion post, sorry about that (not really). I hope to have some better answers to these in the future, my brain is still cooking (unfortunately it's a slowcooker).
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luciathcv · 7 months
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er ist ein gangster - jjk
summary: gangster!jungkook x reader - in which you fall in love with a gangster (inspired by vorstadtjunge by sxtn) || warnings: suggestive content (no full on smut), they smoke weed, mentions of a gun || genre: fluff, established relationship || word count: approximately 1400
when he came over to you in a party
you should've pushed him away
told him to fuck off
you knew that he was no good
your friends warned you about him
but you couldn't help it
you hung out for the remainder of the party
him and you
and then, he offered to drive you home
you weren't sure what that would lead to but one thing you knew for sure is that you weren't about to let him fuck you after only a few hours of knowing him
he arrived in front of your house, the only reason he could do that was because your mom was out with her friends, not there to witness her daughter getting dropped off by jungkook
jungkook kind of had a reputation
a bad one at that
before you got out of the car, jungkook kissed you
you kissed him back, okay with just this but then you felt his hand going under your shirt
you pushed his hand away, telling him you weren't ready for all of that
he brought his hands away, holding them up, "my bad, i should've asked." he says
you can't help but giggle a little
you exchanged numbers while at the party so you guys both started texting ever since that night
he was working towards getting his license to become a tattoo artist
you had noticed his many tattoos on his arm and on his hand
you found it kind of hot
you were only still a senior in high school which was okay since he was only a year-ish older than you
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one day, after school, you were starting your walk home when you saw a familiar matte black car pull up beside you
the tinted windows were rolled down and you looked inside and saw jungkook in the drivers seat, motioning for you to get in
so you did
he drove around with you for a while, talking, all that
he said he wanted to take you out that night
you were still in your uniform and just gross from being at school all day so you told him that you needed to back home but were fine with it
he gave you a small smirk before driving you back home
he kissed you once more before you left his car and went inside to get ready
later that night, around midnight, you got a text from jungkook saying that he was here, parked around the corner
you snuck out through the back door, something you'd never done before him, and headed to his car
he drove you to a place by a cliff that overlooked the city
he made sure that he backed into the parking spot so that he could open the trunk and sit with you back there while still being able to admire the view
you both sat in the trunk and he pulled out a little canister
in the canister was blunts, pre-rolled up and ready to be smoked
he took one out and pulled out his lighter that he always kept handy in his pocket
he lit the blunt that he held in his mouth with his teeth and took a puff
he then offered you the blunt but you declined (at first)
he just shrugged and didn't pester you anymore but after a few minutes, you were shyly asking him if you could try it
he handed it to you and you put in your mouth
you took a hit and couldn't help but cough a little as you handed him back the blunt
he laughed a bit
"first time?" he asked
"yeah.." you shyly admitted
"don't be shy. i can be your first time for a lot of things." jungkook responded
you shyly slapped his chest in embarrassment, making him laugh again
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the next weekend, he invited you to come to his place
he picked you up, and drove you their
not wanting you walking around their alone
he didn't live in the best area
he knew that
but he knew he'd protect you as long as he was there with you
you walked inside his small house
you were shocked that he could even afford this place at such a young age
even if it wasn't much, it cost a lot to have a house
you were so innocent in that way
you and him drank, smoked, and just chilled and well, one thing led to another and you lost your v-card to him
that next morning, you'd woken up before him
you weren't sure what to do
do you do the walk of shame out of here?
leave while he's still sleeping without a word
or what?
when you went to get out of bed, he groaned and stopped you, asking where you were going
you stuttered as you tried to find the words
he just pulled you closer to him, hovering over you and kissing you, "you were really just going to leave?" he asked with a small smirk
"well, i thought that was what you wanted a hookup-"
you knew his reputation
he was a textbook fuck boy
but for him, this was different
he wouldn't have even bothered texting you after the first night if you were like the other girls
let alone, hang out with you all these times
"do you want this to just be a hookup?" jungkook asked, still hovering over you
"no.." you admitted nervously
"then i don't either." he says
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weeks went by and you were still going steady
thing was, you still weren't exactly aware of his... affiliations, i guess you could call it
you never really took the time to connect the dots
that was until one night
you were chilling on the couch with him
watching a movie
when there was several aggressive knocks in his front door
you flinched and he sighed, patting your head before getting up and walking over to the door
you watched as he opened the door slightly and started talking to someone
he looked back over to you and when he saw you looking, he pushed the guy back a little and stepped out of the place, shutting the door
after a few minutes, jungkook came back inside
you look over at him and he walks over to me, sitting down next to you and putting his arm around your shoulder like nothing even happened
"who was that?" you ask
"a friend." jungkook responds
"a friend?" you repeat
"yeah." he says
"what happened?"
"what do you mean?" jungkook asks
"he was banging on the door.."
"it's nothing, baby. don't worry about it." jungkook tells you
you pout a little as you scoot away from him a little, not liking that he obviously wasn't telling the truth
jungkook let out a huff, "what's wrong?"
"why are you lying?" you ask
jungkook doesn't say anything for a few moments
"baby, i'm just looking out for you." he tells me
"how?" you ask confused, but with a bit of attitude
"babe, drop it." jungkook responds, passively
you do drop it, but that doesn't mean you act like nothing happened
you push his arm off of me and move to the other side of the couch
jungkook huffs, truth be told, he had a bit of a temper
"come here." he tells you
"no." you say
"y/n." he sternly said
you gave in, moving closer to him
"baby, i... i'm involved with some bad people. you understand?" jungkook asks
you don't say anything as i connect all of the dots in my head
the fact he has a whole house so young, the way he constantly had drugs on him, the gun that i'd found in his glove box, the way he'd always tell me he was busy but never tell me why, his tinted windows, the way he always seems to have money to spend
"oh," you say, understanding what he was getting at
"i'm sorry, baby. i should've told you from the start. i knew you wouldn't want to be with me if i did, though. i'm so selfish. i shouldn't have even gotten you involved in all of this." he tells you
you just pull him into a hug and he hugs me back
"i love you." you say, saying those three words for the first time in our relationship
jungkook stiffens a little before relaxing, "i love you too." he says back
er ist ein gangster
doch ich werde ihn für immer lieben
he is a gangster
but i will love him forever
ᥫ᭡ link to my masterlist
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exaltborne · 5 years
muse spotlight! – always accepting! │ ʜᴇʀᴏ ᴏғ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ.
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⚜ ; —–  [ ᴠ ᴀ ʟ ᴏ ʀ  ʜ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ᴛ ] —–     PRINCESS of the Twili most certainly had a knack for staying silent at the most desired of times; && was always out at the most unnecessary of situations. ( damn you midna ! ) Now, when he was in a bit of a bind, when beast forme was most recommended at moment, the imp was nowhere to be seen. ( what is the point of holding the light of wisdom if you wont come out and help me ? ) On own he was to handle the situation. He supposed that he did have Master Sword with him – well there was something he could rely on. Energy radiated from it, sword glowed, it whispered! , as if it held age-old secrets of past battles. All of which seemed to be wanting to come out in full force.
—– [ SIDE step to left, Shadow Beast missed him by a hair. Had to roll out of way to avoid secondary swing from it. Corrupted soul, once pure, had taken to Evil – send back to Twilight Realm or destroy it. Surely the one who possessed his shadow would prefer the latter, right? Was once her people, no now more. Only lived to serve false Lord && king of darkness. No way of returning back. But what if they could?
—– [ ANOTHER swipe from it spoke volumes to sentiments. No, this was no longer human – if it had been to begin with – hope was lost for it. Unfortunate as things were, Hero had to end it. Master Sword vibrated with vivacity. Again it sought for attention – speaking to him in strange tongue he could not understand. ( okay , okay . stop egging me ) Once more, young Champion paced himself as he faced dark foe. Perhaps larger in size, it was nothing like the Darknut. Even King Bulblin himself was more worthy than these mindless creatures. The fact that the Spirits of Light were overcome by these beasts only puzzled him. They are so dumb!
—– [ SWORD twirled in hand as he readied the next attack. Hero’s shade taught him well enough. Patience over anything else. Then, when foe opens himself up, strike. Wise words for Hero of Old. That Golden, One-Eyed Wolf was shrewd. THERE !  When claw struck down once more, he rolled over to behind. A clean && perfect Back Slice. Teacher could not be any more proud of him – form was stellar; it would fell any beast. Though… when demon met earth, there was no pop. Had it been alone, it would burst – pieces of Twili would dissipate and be sent off. Unless, of course, there was another. ( oh no . . )
—– [ SHRILL howls erupted in air, leaving Hero stunned. Bones rattled to very core at the sound. Gods, he abhorred such foul sounds…. ( ha ! maybe she will hear that ! ) Ears still ringing, Shadow Beast before him stood up. Newly invigorated for another fight. A sigh escaped him with exasperation. He couldn’t do this all day. Also, where was the other one? He had to defeat them at same the time. The moment he considered, though, Sword hummed. It took only single glance to catch sight of other. There, in the distance, another mindless demon. Crawling closer towards him briefly, yet stopped. Beside it, another rose. As if, something had taken that one down. Now who could have possible done that? This only left him more work.
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—– [ TOO far for him, however, to draw simultaneous attacks on beasts. He would have to find another way to cast their attentions. As mere human, task would be proven dubious. As a beast himself, he would have more free reign – && Twilight Magic at his disposal.  —–     ❝ᴍɪᴅɴᴀ﹗❞
—–     ❛ ᵃˡʳᶤᵍʰᵗᵎ ᵠᵘᶤᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵇᵉˡˡʸᵃᶜʰᶤᶰᵍˑ ᶤ ʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ᵗʰᵉᵐˑ ❜      —–
—– [ IMP’S voice, he heard, yet nothing came from it. Still stood as Hylian, with no feeling of transformation. She really took things at her own pace / her own time. ( fine then . ) Canines bared, grip firmed on hilt of Sword. Take this one down, then race towards other two. He pray that whomever, whatever , took down one had been scared off by bloodcurdling scream.
—– [ WITHOUT hesitation, he stepped forward. He could use another Hidden Skill he had learned, though it could prove tedious. Especially for such a dimwitted creature – it wasn’t worthy of it now – there were three of them. Would have make do with crude slashes before dealing a blow that would keep it down while he ran off with two. Nothing so enthralling or spectacular; just enough to get job done as quickly as possible. He had better things to do than to entertain monsters of Dark.
—– [ ONE, two, three hits to beast, before he back flipped and drove Master Sword forward. A stab to hard, shadowy abdomen. (like hitting a wall ) Twas enough to cause foe to fall back &&once more found self to ground. One second / two; Hero didn’t need another moment longer. Sure that willowy brute was down, he turned to run towards others. If Twili’s Crown wouldn’t help him, he’d have to help himself. Somebody had to get it done – and he couldn’t leave until he took them out.
—– [ GLOW from Extension faltered. Something was amiss. Soft murmurs silenced from blade. ( what ? no , this isnt right . ) Champion of Courage stumbled, slowed. There, an overwhelming feeling took over him. The sense darkness enveloping him – Twilight Sorcery worked wonders. Sword of Light dropped, fell among tall grass where it hid – away from its polar opposite. Now, really now ! , of all times, Midna had decided to come out. Use of her magic, along with dark shard, to transform him. A strange feeling (always was ), that he had no words for it. It was addictive, almost like adrenaline that surged within him, && he always felt a strange, new power that he was not used to. As nice as it felt, it had also still always been so offsetting. Not so much painful, as it was uncomfortable those first few seconds.
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—– [ WEIGHT on back, he turned to give disapproving glare at where she would be.     —–     ❛ᶰᵒʷ˒ ᶰᵒʷˑ ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ˡᵒᵒᵏ ᵃᵗ ᵐᵉ ˡᶤᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗˑ ᶤ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ ᵈᶤᵈᶰ'ᵗ ᶤˀ ❜      —–      Ear tugged just lightly, he pulled away. Heroic Beast was now grumpy. No time for it, however, as he still had task at hand. Fell the demons / get out of this cage. Though he stayed a moment more.  —–     🇹​🇭​🇪​ 🇸​🇼​🇴​🇷​🇩​ ﹐ 🇲​🇮​🇩​🇳​🇦​ . 🇼​🇪​ 🇨​🇦​🇳​🇳​🇴​🇹​ 🇱​🇪​🇦​🇻​🇪​ 🇮​🇹​ .     Sentiments were in vain, as audacious gasps came from her. As if he were playing a broken record ( she knows ! the sword is safely tucked away ). There was just simple desire wished to take care of things. Unlike she, he cared about resources; there wasn’t an unlimited supply of magic like her.
—– [ IN sudden turn of events / before she could complain or dig small feet in him, predatory body launched forward. Paws padding along dirt in a motion. He was faster now. Smaller, perhaps (not by much ), though frame stocky. Could do far more in new forme than previous. Could leap bounds, senses heightened in every way imaginable. Now with Twili Native, there was a new focus. Her charms with his power. This would be a short fight now. Twice the effort, half the time.
—– [ LEGS slowed to stop. There, before him, two Shadow Beasts were hobbling along. Backs towards him. Mindless creatures! Again, he wondered how in the world the Light Spirits were overwhelmed by such barbaric things. Sure, they were hardier than most, but that left no excuse. A deep growl came from him, hunched over preparing to strike. Cold, blue eyes calculating, two leaps – one if he could time it right && hit both in single line of attack. Already Midna’s magic circle forming around them, hair readying. One shot for this. If he messed up, he’d have to start over (all the way over ). He, for one, didn’t want to do this again for a third time. Too lazy / too tired. A dog-nap actually sounded good right about now. Curled up somewhere in the Sacred Grove? Oh that would be lovely. ( no , focus ! ) Naps could be for later. The Imp would tire if he continued the thought.
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—– [ INCHING ever so slightly forward, Wolf moved into position. One shadow in, then the other ( NOW ! ) Immediately rear legs sprung self forward in hard, fast! , leap. Maw ready to snap down at foes, front paws led charge. They were done for.
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the-cosmic-yeet · 3 years
The moment of panic when your science teacher emails you about not submitting your essay, which you finished on time and turned in on google classroom, on turnitin, like sir u told us about your crazy antics from your youth (we would like photo evidence of your haircuts and beards) and how you like redheads with green eyes, pls go easy on me Mr.Trekkie :///
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b0ba-chan · 4 years
Girls in Skirts
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summary: suna was just quiet and a little weird pt. 2 pt. 3
pairing: Suna Rintarou x fem!Reader
word count: 1400
warnings: creepy!suna, panty stealing/sniffing, nonconsensual up skirt pics, male masterbation, dark, breeding kink
a/n: i’d like to thank @miyangel​ for opening my brain to creepy suna, if this is not your thing do not read it, i put warnings for a reason, send hate and i’ll just ignore it
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
“Who’s at the door?” you come downstairs to see your mother in the kitchen, preparing tea. “Ah, it’s my coworker, can you get the door? Also, can you make friends try and make friends with her son? He’s kinda quiet and shy.” 
Of course you agree, you weren’t going to be rude to guests. You run to the door and open it for the two standing behind it. Your eyes first meet a lady, about the same age at your mother and then looking up to see a taller, lankier figure behind her. He was tall and had beautiful, fox-like eyes that never left his game console. You’d be lying if he wasn’t handsome, definitely your type which made you blush, because you know your mom was setting this all up.
“Hello, welcome! I’m (Y/N), please come in,” as you move out of the way for them to enter, you couldn’t help to notice the slight blush on his face when he glanced at you. His mother is cooing at you at how beautiful you are and how much you look like your mother, to which you accept the compliment as you walk them to the living room where your mother sets up tea.
The two older women greet each other and they brush both you and the boy away to hang out. You blush a little and smile up at him. “Shall we go to my room, then?”
Suna couldn’t help feeling a little nervous. Being in a room alone with a girl, a pretty one especially? He tries to shake off his nerves, pausing the game to follow you to your room. You continue to ask him basic questions like his name and what school he goes to. Supposedly he goes to Inarizaki as a third year, same year as you but you’re in the neighboring school. 
When you two get to the bedroom, you can’t help to feel a little embarrassed around him. He’s just so tall and gives off such a bored vibe, that you feel like you’re bothering him, but maybe he was just shy. Suna is just leaning on the wall, eyes still on the psp - every once in a while he glances up back at you when you aren’t looking. He takes in your thighs and how the skirt flatters your shape, do you have anything underneath? He feels the crotch of his pants strain slightly, so he slides down the wall to sit on the ground.
“Do you want to sit on the bed, Rintarou-kun?” you tilt your head, looking at him on the ground. Wasn’t he uncomfortable sitting there? Your thoughts were shut down when he gave you a curt no and continued to play on his game. Brushing off your anxiety, you go to sit next him to look over at what he was playing. His body tensed up as your scent wafted over him, glancing down at you and your curious eyes boring at the screen.
“What are you playing? Is it fun?” Pestering him with questions to get him to talk, but he barely budges as he only gives you ever more shorter answers than the last. It wasn’t that he was annoyed that you were asking him questions, he’s just trying to hide his fluster since you’re just so close to him. Are you always this touchy with strangers? God you smell so good, it’s already hard enough to be in your room. What would happen if he just pushed your head down to his crotch?
His thoughts were cut off when you got off of the floor, leaving him confused to why you’re getting up. You just didn’t want to bother him anymore, so you go to your bed, rolling on your stomach to scroll through your phone. The silence was comfortable to you, the only noise happens to be from your phone and Suna’s console. But to Suna, the silence was deafening, as he had a clear view of the small silk fabric that barrel covered your ass. Not wanting you to catch him looking, he keeps his console on so you think he’s still busy with his game. 
He takes out his phone, making sure his shutter is off, and continues to take pictures of your cute little panties. Suna’s mind wandered to the thought of you under him with only those pairs on, presenting your beautiful body for only him. What would you do if he climbed on top of the bed, pinning you down as he had his way with you. Would you push him off or would you let him continue? There was no doubt you were attracted to him, he saw you blush earlier so you must’ve thought of him being attractive in some way. Would you flip your skirt up and present your cute cunt for him to breed you, taking him load after load, no matter how sensitive you get. You’d have to keep quiet though, wouldn’t want to alarm your mothers, would you? Suna knows his strength, being in the volleyball club for all three years of high school as well as his height giving him an advantage to dominate you. You would be so cute telling him to stop and slow down on your poor, cum-filled cunt, but you’d take it like a good girl. He could tell that you’re a people pleaser just by looking at you.
Before he could keep imagining, you shifting around startled him. His pants strain around his crotch even tighter and his cheeks tinted in a slight pink. 
“Restroom? Where is it?” Suna asks, shocking you out of your trance on your phone. You turn back to look back at him, smiling at him. “Down the hall, on the right, next to my room.”
He excuses himself, stuffing his phone and psp into his pockets as he makes his way to the bathroom. Shutting the door, he sighs at the relief of privacy and looks around the bathroom. This must be your bathroom. Your skin care products were strayed on the sink counter, shower and tub had floral shampoo which he assumed was the reason why you smelled so good. Besides the tub, against the wall was your hamper full of your worn clothes. He goes to open it and his eyes shine at the sight of a few used panties scattered around. He grabs a few and stuffs them in his pocket, keeping hold of the pink lacey ones and takes a hesitant sniff. If his cock could get any harder, it just did. Suna pulls his pants down to jerk off over the toilet as he sniffs your cute little lace. 
He thinks back to what he would’ve done to you earlier in the bedroom, thinking about you calling out his name so he could fill you up. You’d be such a good girl for him, let him use your cunt to breed and fill you up. His orgasm built up so fast at the thought of you, almost falling off the edge and muffling his moans into your panties.
“Rintarou-kun?” You call for his name right when streaks of white cum shoot into the toilet. He grunts and hides the moan, panting softling. “Y-yeah, I’ll be out soon.”
After cleaning up and making sure the panties are stuffed safely in his pocket, he opens the door to see your sweet, smiling face staring back at him. You definitely notice the blush, but you assume he was just shy around you. “Your mother was calling for you to go, do you want to exchange numbers or something?” A flush cover both of you as you ask the question. He nods and exchanges phones for you to type each other's number. 
After that, you two never really talk or text, only every once in a while. When the Spring High Tournament comes around, Suna hears his name being called by a familiar voice. He turns to see you, running to him and waving, wearing Karasuno gear and the skirt you wore the last time you saw him. 
“(Y-Y/N)?” Suna blushes, he definitely didn’t forget you after that one faithful day. His heart was racing and guilt rushed through his body, “What are you doing here? I don’t remember you going to Karasuno?”
“Y-yeah, uhh I’m cousins with the captain, had to come and support. Congratulations by the way!” Your giggle causes him to become speechless which made the twins snicker behind him.
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marvelsbanner · 4 years
You come here often?
Prompt: Bruce x reader soulmate au where the first words your soulmate says to you appears on your body.
Pairing: Bruce Banner x reader 
Warnings: very slight angst (internal, self-doubt), like one curseword 
Word count: ~1400
A/N: Likes, reblogs, and feedback makes my heart happy <3 Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own! 
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**i don’t own marvel** **not my gif** 
It wasn’t ideal, really. But it also could have been worse. He’d seen soulmate marks that were insults, curses- some really downright vile things, so it definitely could have been worse. That didn’t mean looking down to his wrist and seeing the words “That physically hurt me” didn’t fill his chest with anxiety. 
He’s hurt a lot of people in his lifetime. A walking mass of destruction with no limits, a time bomb of green that seemed to go off at all the wrong times. 
He couldn’t imagine getting the privilege of meeting his soulmate only to hurt him or her, to see the utter fear in their eyes that he’s seen in so many others. To cause them pain by his actions, to have to live with himself after it- what if it was bad? What if those were the last words they would speak not only to him, but to anyone at all?
The thought of it alone kept him up some nights- a faceless body puppeteering his dreams, causing him to wake up sweaty and breathless and a little green around the edges.
He usually kept a wristwatch over the words, it wasn’t uncommon for people to keep their marks private. Less likely that someone twisted would try to fake a meeting. The only person he had shown was Tony, who tried his best to calm his anxieties (His own wrist had Pepper’s iconic “Wow, you really are an asshole”  after coming for an interview and finding him half naked and hungover in his office. They had been happily married for two years now) 
So, he tried not to worry- he really did, but every time he would take his watch off to sleep or shower the harsh black words on his wrist made his head spin with the possibilities of what was to come. 
He hated parties. Didn’t matter the occasion. Being in a loud, crowded room with warm bodies and fake smiles dripping with complementary liquor- it made him and the other guy incredible antsy. 
Despite knowing how much Bruce despised parties, and the threat that he was putting everyone in attendance in, Tony managed to drag him to nearly every single event he hosted. 
This time it was a charity event, Stark Enterprise making some big donation to a charity to clean up a little of the bad publicity and backlash the last Avengers battle had created. 
That being so, alongside his teammates was a pool of unfamiliar faces. He nursed his drink and surveyed the room, heart pounding as his feet did an antsy shuffle. 
Steve and Bucky were playing pool against Sam and Natasha, Thor and Rhodey were trading stories with important looking men in crisp suits, Pepper was making small talk with some of the women from the charity board, and Tony was no where to be found; ultimately, Bruce was on his own. 
Logically, he knew that, and yet he had the feeling that he wasn’t. He felt a pair of eyes on him from the side, and turned to see a pretty woman sitting at the bar, nursing a drink and stealing a glance at him. 
She gave a polite smile before ducking her head and turning away, clearly not expecting to have been caught. Or- maybe she had wanted to be caught? He wasn’t very good with these kinds of things. 
“That’s Y/N Y/L/N, she works on the head committee of the charity.” Tony says, appearing seemingly out of nowhere and making Bruce nearly spill his drink. “Jesus Tony- don’t sneak up on me like that,” he yelped, running his hands through his hair and trying to calm his raising pulse. Tony simply ignored him and continued speaking.
“Spoken with her a few times- super nice, uses big words I don’t understand. Right up your ally,” he said with a wink. “Go talk to her” he ordered, giving him a slight shove in her direction. 
“No- no! Tony, I don’t.. I don’t think that’s a good idea,” He fought, before Tony interrupted him- “Uh uh, no if ands or buts mister, I’m tired of seeing you sulking at these things.  She’s smart. She’s pretty. You’re smart. You look half way decent cleaned up, go talk to her.” and with a final shove from Tony he decided to give in, blowing out a sigh and downing the rest of his drink. 
He tried to calm his heart rate as ran his fingers through his unruly hair, wishing he had put a little more effort into getting ready today. He slowly made his way to stand by the bar where the woman was sitting, giving her a shy smile as she turned to acknowledge his presence. 
Panic. Panic. Panic. “So, uh, you come here often?” He stuttered out, immediately cringing and wishing he was still in his bed- or curled up in a ditch and dead, whichever would come quicker. God, he couldn’t believe he just said that!
She snorted into her drink, nose scrunching into a cringe and she shook her head at his awful line,
“That physically hurt me. Ouch, oh god you really need to work on your flirting skills, if that’s what that even was.” She started laughing before turning her head to meet his stunned gaze, his jaw practically on the floor.
“You’ll catch flies like that” she chuckles nervously. 
“S-sorry, I just, can you say that again?” He stutters out. 
“You’ll catch flies..?” 
“No no, before that. You- you said I hurt you.” 
“Oh, I meant- I didn’t mean- its just a saying,” she tries to explain before he cuts her off.
“No no, I get that, I just..” He quickly undoes his watch and turns over his wrist, showing the dark black words matching her exact phrasing. Her own jaw drops this time, eyes going wide before her mouth snaps shut and she gives him the smallest smile. She turns over her own wrist, the words reading “So, you come here often?” and he laughs, he laughs with a big dopey smile on his face- almost afraid to believe this could actually be happening.
“You’re not the first guy to say that to me, but you’re the only guy who’s had my words in return” She says with a smile. 
“God I- I’m so sorry you had to go for so many years with that god awful pickup line on your wrist” he laughs. 
“No I’m sorry you had to walk around with my words, I’m sure you’ve gotten some weird looks for that one,” she replies. He gives her an almost sad smile, “I was the only one who seemed to be concerned”
Her face slightly falls before she composes it, holding out her hand for him to shake, “Y/N” she introduces herself. 
“Bruce” he replies with a small smile. 
“So, do you come here often?” She says with a smirk. 
He gives a chuckle, “Yeah, yeah actually. I live right upstairs and am usually forced to attend these things by our generous host.” he says with a chuckle.
“You live in the tower? What are you, an avenger?” She jokes, clearly teasing before his face answered the question for him. “Oh shit, you’re actually an avenger. Are you the one in the star spangled spandex or the big green one?” She teases, but she could see his shoulders tense. 
“Yeah, that would be me. The big ugly green one” 
She frowns at his choice of words and tone, “Hey, I never said ugly. I always thought that guy was ruggedly handsome in a strange, green sort of way” 
He puffs out a breath and shakes his head. 
“What?” She asks, shoving his shoulder with her own. 
“I uh, I have a kind of.. complicated life. I was honestly expecting you to run at the first mention of the big guy,” He took a deep breath before continuing, “I uh, I was always worried that the first words spoken to me by my soulmate would be after he had hurt them somehow.” He finally raised his head to meet her eyes, expecting hesitancy or fear- and yet her eyes were free from judgment. 
“Well, they weren’t. Just tipsy teasing. And I’m not planning on running yet, but we did just meet. Buy me a drink and maybe I’ll change my mind afterwards” she said with a wink, and all he could do was give her a dopey smile in return. There she was, this beautiful, sharp-witted girl that he was so worried he would scare off, subtly doing her best to make sure he was at ease. 
“Yeah, yeah I’ll buy you a drink. On one condition.” He said to her.
“And what is that?” She asked, quirking one brow. 
“Go to dinner with me tonight.” He said smoothly. 
Her lips quirked into a small smile, “I’ll be there” 
He smiled and signaled for the bartender to fill up their glasses as he slid into the seat next to her, brushing his shoulder against hers with a playful smile. 
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thirsty-flygirl · 3 years
Falling for You
Formerly Idiots
Part III: That’s My Girl
Poe Dameron x f!Reader
AN: Here is my first and favorite series, back with a new title and a few adjustments to make it more reader-friendly.
Warnings: Language for now. 18+ Only. This chapter does include Reader being carried by Poe - I apologize that it’s not entirely inclusive, but our Poe is a strong man with a low center of gravity and I needed to get an unconscious Reader from Point A to Point B. Also, some references to blood and injury, but nothing too graphic.
Tag Requests: @capbrie​ @jitterbugs927​ @1950schick​
Words: 1400
Part I  II
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“So it’s broken, right?”
You peered into the T-70’s cockpit at the instrument panel. Poe pointed at what remained of the imaging system’s screen, now a shattered mess. 
“You’re asking if that,” you gestured to the screen, “is broken?”
Poe, sitting in the pilot’s seat, shrugged nonchalantly. “You’re the technician, Sweetheart, I’m just a lowly pilot.” His trademark grin forced an answering smile to your lips. Poe Dameron was making you soft and you weren’t entirely sure you didn’t like it a little bit. 
“Well, Commander, in my professional opinion, I’d have to say that yes, the screen is, in fact, broken.” 
Poe reached up and gently chucked you under your chin. “That’s my girl. I knew you could help.”
You drew in a sharp breath at his touch, his words making your heart twist. “My girl.” A few weeks ago you would have rolled your eyes and shoved him away. Now, though . . .
You were definitely feeling differently. 
Every time he walked in a room you became hyper-aware of every laugh, every movement. One of his smiles could make your day, your week, because knowing he was in your life meant everything to you.
He meant everything to you.
You realized you were still hovering above Poe, your faces only separated by a few inches, and you could just lean down and –
“Anyone left in there, we’re headed out for a drink!”
Jessika’s voice echoing from the open hangar door snapped you from your thoughts like a bucket of ice water over your head. Realizing how close you were to Poe you jerked back, not thinking about the edge of the canopy right above you. Sharp, blinding pain bloomed behind your eyes the moment your skull made impact with the unforgiving metal and your vision went black. You swayed on the ladder, sure you were going to pass out. 
“Shit!” Poe cried, his hand shooting out to grab your arm before you could fall. He swung out of the cockpit and, holding your weight against him, somehow got you both on the ground. Once your feet hit the concrete, Poe scooped you up in his arms and held you close.
“Sweetheart, you okay?” His voice, tinged with panic, washed over you, but you couldn’t manage a response. You went limp in Poe’s arms, completely knocked out. 
“Fuck,” he swore, moving as quickly as he could with your dead weight. Halfway to the medbay he felt dampness on his skin and looked down, heart plummeting at the sight of dark red blooming from the spot where your head lay against his shirt. 
He ducked his head to kiss you gently on the forehead. “Hang on, baby, we’re almost there.”
After what seemed like an eternity, he finally reached the entrance to the medical unit, catching the attention of the doctor on night duty. 
“She hit her head on my canopy,” he explained breathlessly, setting you on the nearest gurney and cradling your bleeding head in his hands. “She’s unconscious and her head won’t stop bleeding.” He looked helplessly down at your face, which grew paler by the minute. 
The medic moved him aside to take your vitals, urging your head up to peer at the steadily-bleeding cut near your crown. Seemingly satisfied that you weren’t at death’s door she turned to Poe standing at the foot of your bed, one hand gently resting on your ankle as though afraid you’d disappear.
“She’s going to be fine, Poe. A nasty gash on the head and surely one hell of a concussion, but nothing life-threatening.” Poe blinked at her for a moment before giving her a small smile. 
“Thanks, I . . .,” he swallowed, “ . . . I was just worried. It looked bad.”
The doctor smiled and patted his arm before moving away to gather the supplies necessary to clean and dress your wound, leaving Poe to drop to the stool next to your bed. He watched wordlessly as the doctor cleaned and bandaged your head and gave you a shot of painkiller. Nodding his thanks as she walked away, he gently took your hand and brought it to his lips, hoping that the sensation might wake you up. 
“I’m so sorry,” he murmured against your skin, “this is all my fault. I had to make up an excuse to see you, so I told you there was something wrong with my fighter . . .” He laughed softly and shook his head. “Truth is, I broke the damn screen myself. Ziff made a comment about your ass over the comms and I got so pissed I punched the instrument panel.” 
Poe sighed deeply. “I go crazy whenever I see you with anyone else. I act stupid and jealous and . . .and you aren’t even mine. I honestly don’t think you even like me most days, but I just can’t stop thinking about you.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and I think I could die a happy man if you just . . . I don’t even know . . .just throw that smile of yours my way every once in a while.”  
He brushed another soft kiss across your knuckles and leaned forward to rest his head on the bed next to you. 
Poe’s head shot up at the sound of you waking. He returned your hand to your side and gently cupped your face, rubbing his thumb against your temple and taking care not to disturb the gauze covering your injury. 
You slowly opened your eyes, blinking against the harsh light of the medbay. As your vision focused you saw Poe standing beside you, a look of concern written across his face. 
“S’goin’ on?” you mumbled. You felt buzzed, tingly, like you were high on something. A dull ache pulsed in your head, but not enough to register any pain. You offered Poe a bleary grin and reached up to gently smooth the furrow between his brows.
“Soooooo ssssserious, Dammmmmeron.”
Poe smiled at your touch and closed his eyes for a moment, relishing the sensation of your fingers on his skin. He grasped the hand you held up and pressed a soft kiss to the inside of your wrist, his eyes slowly opening to gaze back down at you. 
The way he looked down at you made warmth spread across your body that felt entirely separate from the rest of whatever was making you feel so loopy.
Maker, had he always been this gorgeous? 
“You’re pretty,” you sighed.
Poe laughed and kissed your hand again. 
“And you’re high, Sweetheart.”
Your brows knit together. “I am?” 
“Don’t you remember what happened? Damn, that’s some good stuff the doctor gave you.” He took a seat on the stool again, still holding your hand. “You cracked your head on my canopy and knocked yourself out. Bled all over me, too,” he said good-naturedly. 
You dropped your gaze to the dark stain on his shirt and then back to his twinkling eyes. The memory of Jess’s voice and that moment of panic when you realized how badly you wanted to kiss Poe came rushing back to you. You felt a dull sense of embarrassment but were too relaxed by the painkiller to filter the words that came out of your mouth.
“I ‘member.” You removed your hand from Poe’s grip and pressed a finger to his lips. “I wan’d to kissshew ‘n’ got scared.” 
You sighed dreamily and dropped your hand back on the bed. 
“Think ‘m fallin’ ‘n’ love with you, Poe.”
You gave him a dopey smile, your eyelids drooping from the effects of the medicine. Poe watched you drift back to sleep with a stunned expression, not sure if he had heard you correctly. 
You were falling for him? 
A huge grin split his face as he watched you sleep, feeling lighter than he had in years. You were his future, he knew it with every fiber of his being, and he wanted to grab you and kiss you, tell you how crazy he was about you and make you his forever.
But he could wait. He’d been waiting since the moment he first laid eyes on you, when Leia had introduced you to the crew and your eyes met his for the briefest of moments. That small, shy smile you’d given him, before your attention was diverted to something else, was all it took for him to realize that he had been born to love you.
Maybe it had taken you a little longer to realize it too, but that was okay.
Poe was used to being first.
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natashasimpinoff · 3 years
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: This was definitely not how you pictured your life when you were younger. You never could’ve imagined yourself living like you are right now. Not in a million years would you have thought that this would ever be your life but it is and you could not be happier about it. A story about the love of your life.
Word count: ~1400
Warnings: i don’t think there are any but lmk
A/N: This is basically my first fic so let me know what’s good and what I can improve, it’ll be appreciated
 The day that changed my life forever started out pretty lame. I overslept and had to hurry to get to work on time. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate my job but to be honest it can be pretty boring so I kinda just accepted the fact that I was gonna be late and called my supervisor to let him know. I started getting ready put on my clothes and left my apartment, but I felt a little bit hungry and since I was gonna be late anyway I thought a few more minutes wouldn’t matter so I made my way to a small café to get myself breakfast.
I was kinda in my own world and was waiting in line so I could place my order. What I didn’t realize by then was that I caught the attention of someone the second I set foot in the café. The people in front of me took their time so I started to look around and when I looked to my right I saw the most beautiful person I have ever seen.
  Her red hair looked so beautiful in the morning sun that shone in through the window, her black leather jacket made her look so badass and her laugh was the most beautiful melody I have ever heard. I felt like the whole world stopped turning and my heart stopped beating when she turned her Head and looked me right into my eyes. I always made fun of people when they talked about love at first sight but in that second I just thought that maybe, just maybe something like that can actually happen. We looked each other in the eyes, her lips were turning into a mesmerizing smile and I was in complete awe… but it didn’t last long because it was my turn to order and I needed to look away. I felt so nervous and I don’t even know why? I was just looking at her, we didn’t even speak so why did she have that immediate effect on me? Shaking my head I ordered a black coffee and a Bagel. I paid for my stuff and fought the urge to look at the gorgeous Redhead again and made my way out of the café. Once I was outside I let everything sink in when I took a first sip of my coffee. What if she was “the love of my life”? What if she was “my soulmate”? What if…? No. I just shook my head I definitely could not go in there and talk to her or ask her for her number. I am too shy for that and also I could never live down the embarrassment if she would dismiss me. Just when I started to leave I felt a Hand on my shoulder and a quick “Hey!”. I turned around and there she was. Up close. Touching me. I froze. I completely froze. She was so much more beautiful standing right in front of me. “Get it together y/n” I said to myself. “Hey…What can I help you with?” I asked with a shy smile. She dropped her Hand from my shoulder and gave me a sweet smile back. “Well you can help me by telling me your name gorgeous?” she said to me and gosh her voice.. and wait? Did she just call me gorgeous?! I felt myself blush at her nickname and answered her in a quiet voice “ehm y/n..my name’s y/n, how about you?” “Natasha but you can just call me Nat”, she answered immediately. And I felt myself getting lost in her eyes again, I didn’t even know what to answer so Natasha spoke up again “So.. I know this is a little bit direct but would you mind giving me your number?”. “I- of course. (your phone number)”. “Thanks Darling, I’ll make sure to text you”, Natasha said with a smirk. “Have a wonderful day gorgeous, I’ll see you soon” and Natasha turned around to go back into the café. I stood there completely dumbfounded. What if she’s a serial killer? What if I just gave my phone number to ta complete psychopath? What I didn’t realize was that in fact Natasha wasn’t a regular human being but she was an Avenger. The famous Black Widow. I know who the Avengers are but I was just too distracted be her sheer beauty to recognize her.
I started to walk to work my mind still not leaving the encounter I had with that woman just moments ago, when I realized my phone vibrated in my pockets. I took it out and saw I had a new message:
(Unknown number) 8:35 a.m: Hey Gorgeous, it’s Nat from the café :)
My heart started pounding in my chest like crazy. She actually texted me. I kept on walking because I was starting to be really late to work now and just texted her a small answer.
(y/n) 8:38 a.m:
Hey Nat from the café:)
What is that? Hey “Nat from the café” I am so cringe sometimes…I put my phone back in my pocket feeling a little bit embarrassed when it vibrates again immediately. (Natasha) 8:38 a.m: Just wanted to make sure you gave me your real number ;) Have a nice day gorgeous. -Nat
I read the message but decided not to answer right away and made my way to work. I sat down in my office and tried to get my work done but to be honest my mind always wandered back to Natasha and I couldn’t really concentrate on what’s in front of me so I thought I should text her back. When I pulled out my phone I saw a few unread messages.
(Natasha) 9:37 a.m: How is your day so far?
(Natasha) 11:50 a.m: So..Do you have any plans tonight?
(Natasha) 3:15 p.m: If I’m coming on to strong please tell me?
Okay she is actually kind of cute.
(Y/N) 4:20 p.m:
Sorry Nat! I was busy with work couldn’t really check my phone until now. And I don’t really have any plans tonight I’ll probably just watch some movies or a TV show hbu?:)
I put the phone down again and finished my last assignment for today. I can’t wait to leave work today because it’s finally the weekend and I can’t wait to have the weekend off. I said goodbye to my co-workers and left the building. Once I was breathing in the fresh air I looked at my phone again and smiled. Another message from Natasha.
(Natasha) 4:25 p.m Okay hope work was okay? Sounds like a nice Friday evening. No I don’t really have plans either. Mind if I join you? Or is that to soon? I’ll even bring Pizza and wine? :)
Wow. Is the most beautiful woman on earth really asking me on a date? My cheeks were blushing and I didn’t know how to answer. Should I do this?
(Y/N) 4:27 p.m:
Work was boring but I am finally done! Hmm… Pizza and wine sounds great. 7 p.m? I’ll send you my address.
(Y/N) 4:27 p.m: “Your address”
(Natasha) 4:28 p.m:
Looking forward to it! See you later gorgeous.
Okay. So this is really happening. I made my way back home and jumped head first into the shower. I love showering I always put on some music and sing to it. It feels like the outside world isn’t really happening it’s just me in the shower and nothing else. I hop out and dry my hair and body and put on some chill clothes while I start cleaning up my place a little bit. It’s 6 p.m already so only one hour left an I started to get really nervous so I got in front of my closet to figure out what to wear and it is like it always is. I HAD NOTHING TO WEAR. Damn it. 6:30 p.m I really need to put on some clothes. Black jeans, a white oversized Tee. Basic but I feel like you can do nothing wrong with that. I was so nervous to see Natasha again. I heard my phone ring and looked at it.
(Natasha) 6:38 p.m: On my way, see you soon :)
A/N: So I thought I should probably make this a Series because it is getting kinda long. Lemme know if you wanna read more
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zzaehyunzz · 4 years
1/3: how it happened
hi friends, i’m back with a fanfiction starring the new love of my life: LEE JUYEON from The Boyz hehe
genre: smut, fluff-bit, angst 
word count: 1400+ ______________________
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Heavy breathing.
Your moans.
His groans.
Your back arched as Juyeon grabbed your waist, sinking deeper into you. You bit on your lower lip, trying not to scream at the immense pleasure he was giving you. His hands travelled upwards as his licked his lower lip. His large hands slid pass your chest as he held your red-hot face. When both of your eyes met, he swiftly bent down and caught your lips, kissing you as he purposefully groaned in your mouth, moving his hips against yours skillfully.
You moaned and turned your head away in an attempt to catch your breath when his lips moved to your exposed neck. Erotically, he licked the spot where your neck and shoulder met. You gasped at the sudden sensation and gasped again when he hit the sweet spot down below, your eyes closing in orgasmic happiness automatically.
"Look at me," he said, gruffly. Under his spell, you opened your eyes and licked your dry lips, feeling an orgasm nearing as he pounded into you. "Don't look away," he warned. "Watch me." His eyes bored into you.
Your eyes travelled to where your intimate areas met and immediately, you felt the arousal; the raw, unbearable, unmistakable arousal. "I-I can't take i-it," you stammered uncontrollably.
"Not yet." His deep but gentle voice settled deep in the pit of your stomach. His thrusts got quicker and quicker as your breaths got shorter and shorter. It was near. You could feel it. Just as you were about to scream, he growled, "Come for me."
You screamed as he groaned in your neck. He slumped onto your body, his weight on you and you were happy. You felt him smile against your neck and you wrapped your arms around his as he chuckled.
The both of you stayed like that for a few minutes, trying to recover from the high and shortness of breath.
When you wriggled and tried to move, Juyeon propped himself up on his elbows, lifting his weight off of you. You looked at him, not believing that you just had sex with THE Juyeon. You blushed and he tilted his head as he smiled at you. "You're shy now?" he teased.
You bit on your lower lip and pushed him off, hiding a smile. You tried to escape when he pulled you back, hugging your back to his chest. He spooned you and you just kept still, too tired to move, too happy enjoying the warmth from his body.
It was quiet for awhile until he broke the silence. "I've never felt like that before," he confessed. Your ears perked up and your heart skipped a beat, but you didn't say anything. "It felt different. Like... we weren't separate bodies. I can't explain it. It felt different, didn't it?" he asked you.
You didn't know how to answer him. Slowly, you turned in his embrace and faced him. Your heart ached at his perfect face. You raised a hand to his face and gently caressed it. "Mm," you said as you nodded. He smiled, biting on his lower lip and pulled you closer until your face was against his upper chest.
"Let's have breakfast later. I'll take you to this restaurant I frequent. They have the best gukbap," he said. “You’d like it.” You smiled happily as you inhaled his scent. You didn't know what to feel but right then, you were happy and that was enough.
Or so you thought.
You slept in Juyeon's arms for a while before you felt nature's call. Slowly, you lifted up his arm that locked around your waist and slipped out. Your head spun as you sat up. Juyeon's breathing changed and you could tell immediately that he woke up. You were about to turn around to apologise for waking him when his arms wrapped around your waist. His hands caressed your sides as he yawned. In his sleepy voice, he asked softly, "Where're you going?"
You smiled. "The toilet," you whispered as you turned around.
He rested his cheek on your shoulder for a moment as he sulked, "Can't it wait?"
You chuckled and shook your head. "Don't be a baby. I'll be right back."
He kept quiet for a few seconds before he kissed your shoulder. "Be quick." You were about to stand up when he reached for your neck. He guided your head to his as he pecked your lips loudly. "Now you can go," he decided. He flopped down on the bed and bit on his lower lip, watching you. 
You pretended to be annoyed as you stood up and quickly threw on his shirt that you found on the ground. You looked at him once last time before you headed out of the room to find the toilet.
On your way back to the room, you heard someone call out. "Miss?"
You stifled a scream as you tried to make out the person. He came into view and you saw a man with rectangular glasses, in a casual tee and jeans. "I'm one of the managers of The Boyz. I need a word with you. It won't take long," he said. You blinked, confused but you agreed nevertheless.
"Here you go." From behind him, he pulled an A4-sized envelope. "In this document, you will find an NDA with the terms and conditions stated."
Your eyes widened at the NDA and you looked at him. "What's this for?" you asked despite knowing exactly what it was for. You could feel your blood boil. "It's to keep Juyeon safe. Please sign it," he said.
"Keep Juyeon safe? What do you think I'd do?" you questioned, legitimately shocked. You folded your arms and waited for his response. 
"Let's not find out, shall we? Now sign it." He stared at you. Then, from his back pocket, he pulled out a smaller envelope and thrust it in your hands. "This is a small token."
Appalled, you opened the other envelope and saw a stack of money. "What the fuck?" you muttered under your breath. "What's this?" you asked, angrily.
"A small token," he repeated tiredly. "Let's just say it's a thank you from Juyeon." Juyeon? Did he do this because he thought you'd use this fuck session against him in the future? After all that sweet talk?
"My question is why? Why am I getting paid? I'm not a hooker," you spat. "What happened with Juyeon happened because I wanted it to. It wasn't for money," you explained but he wasn't interested. You could tell.
"Is it not enough? Do you need more?" he sighed, whipping out his wallet. "How much?"
You were utterly offended. "No," you firmly replied. Tears were threatening to drop as you tossed the envelope to the ground.
"You're not the first one I've had to deal with. Just sign the agreement and take the money. If you're lucky, you might get another night with him," he shrugged. "I know some girls did." That was it.
You felt used. And dirty. And ashamed for thinking that you were any different from another girl he could pick up at the same bar you were at.
You snatched the pen off of his hand and signed off on the NDA. "Thanks," he muttered, taking the document and pressing the envelope with the money in your hand. "Tonight never happened, okay?" He smiled weirdly. You stared at him and blinked away in anger as he made his way out of the apartment.
You bit your lip, trying to keep tears at bay as you went back into Juyeon's room and as quietly as you could, collected your clothes off the ground. He was sleeping soundly as you changed. You looked back at him for the last time, knowing this was it; you'd never see him again. Not that he would be bothered. Juyeon could have any girl he wanted. They'd just have to sign the NDA and take his money. Who the fuck am I?
You felt so stupid for thinking that he meant it when he said he felt "different". You felt so stupid. Stupid girl.
You treaded lightly towards his table, and you left the envelope with the money. On the envelope, you wrote, "It was nice knowing you. I don’t need this. Thanks." With that, you slipped out of his room and closed his apartment door behind you. You felt absolutely ashamed of your actions, knowing that that day, you left his place with a status much, much different from the one you had initially entered with.
a/n: The end! I hope you guys liked it hehe 
I’m working on 2/3 of the fanfic, where Juyeon finds you gone the next day + something else HAHAHAHA can you guess what he found out? The clue is in the story actually ;)
updated a/n: part 2 here now!
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r0zyp0zy0zy · 4 years
Hiya! Could I please request number 6 from that prompt list for Taketora please~? Thank you!
Haikyuu!! Prompt list trial
HQ!! Prompt list
Words: 1400
Warnings: slightly suggestive, probably ooc Yamamoto
Pairing: Yamamoto Taketora x FEM!reader
Prompt: #6 ("you, uhm— kinda touched my— yeah..")
Thanks sm for the request!! This is my first time ever writing for Yamamoto, so sorry if it feels a bit off
Yamamoto was an interesting fella to say the least. He was quite intimidating when you saw him throughout campus, with his intense blonde mohawk and sharp gaze. It was only when he bumped into you in the hallway that you got a taste of what he was really like.
"Oh, sorry Yamamoto-Kun," you bowed slightly, trying to avoid his gaze. When he didn't reply, you looked up to see your very red and flustered classmate opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish.
"It's- uh. I mean, it's was my fault, so uh- yeah," he stuttered awkwardly, blushing harder when your e/c eyes locked with his. He bowed deeply in a sudden movement, "I-I'm sorry for bumping into you, l/n-san!"
From that point onwards, you had opened up a soft spot for Yamamoto in your heart. You made sure to smile at him in the halls when you saw him, causing his friends to poke fun at him when you did. You thought that it was cute that he was so shy; it made you want to befriend him. It was a slow and steady ride, but one day you finally mustered up enough courage to invite him to hangout over lunch.
Even several months later he was still flustered and shy around you, so it was a pleasant surprise when he asked you to watch him practice volleyball with his team in the gym after your classes.
"Hey, um. Y/n?" Yamamoto asked, wringing his hands together nervously. "Would you like to watch my volleyball team practice around 3:30?"
You smiled at him, "sure! I would love to." You felt giddy that he was letting you in on his hobby. It was what he talked about most, so you assumed that it was very important to him.
Yamamoto grinned wildly at you, a light rouge dusting his cheeks. He filled you in on all of his teammates while he walked you to class, telling you their special plays. You nodded along politely, and you gave him one last smile before you slipped into your English class.
You couldn't get your mind off of the bleached blonde while you scribbled down verbs half-assed, subconsciously simpering thoughtfully. Your fondness of Yamamoto over time turned into a silly crush, and you blushed at the idea that you caught feelings for the boy so quickly. You kept glancing at the clock above the door, hoping that it would tick faster so that class would be over. You sighed as you doodled on the margin of your paper, absentmindedly daydreaming about playing with Yamamoto's hair.
You walked up to the gymnasium doors, nervously contemplating if you should knock or just walk in. You could hear the squeak of runners on the gym floor, and the loud smacking of multiple volleyballs echoing inside the large room. You took a breath, tightening your grip on your bag and decided to just walk in. You fumbled with the door nervously, swinging it open quietly. You peaked inside just in time to watch Yamamoto leap into the air and sock a ball into the ground on the opposite side of the net.
He got a few cheers from his teammates and you clapped along, causing Yamamoto and his team to glance over to you. You cowered nervously at the attention, and looked at your friend for help.
"Y-y/n-san!" He yelped with wide eyes. He walked over to you, burring his hands in his shorts waistband as if they were pockets. "You came!"
"Of course I did!" You replied, closing the gymnasium door behind you. "I said I would, didn't I?"
You realized that the noise that was previously ringing through the gym had stopped, and you looked around to see some of the team members either looking at you, or chatting with each other in whispers. When you turned back you jumped and let out a startled yelp.
"Who're you?" Asked the giant that materialized beside Yamamoto. He had striking green eyes that seemed to be staring into your soul.
"Don't scare her away!" Yamamoto defended, pulling the beanpole away from you. "I invited her to come and watch me play."
"And she agreed? Surprising," a boy you recognized as Kuroo butted into the conversation.
"You boys get back to practice! Yamamoto, go find your girlfriend a seat on the bleachers and get to work!" Nekoma's volleyball captain shouted at the players. You and Yamamoto blushed at the words 'your girlfriend', but neither of you made a comment.
"Er, sorry about Lev— he's kind of blunt with his words," Yamamoto apologized, leading you to one of the front bleachers.
"Ah, it's alright. He just spooked me is all," you shrugged, putting down your bag. He gave you a curt nod and jogged back to practice, yelling at one of his teammates to serve him a ball.
In all honesty, you had hardly a clue what was going on. You thought you had a grasp on volleyball when Yamamoto explained it to you, but... apparently not. You cheered with the team when you assumed something impressive happened, half embarrassed when the team glanced at you.
During their midway break, you fretted over Yamamoto's hands, "don't they hurt? Is there any bruising?"
"Oh," he waved a hand, a blush creeping onto his face, "sometimes there are bruises, but I hardly feel them!"
Unconvinced, you eyed them and ran a finger along one of the bruises on his palm. "You sure? I can kiss them better if they do..." you teased, only half joking.
"W-well, maybe a little," Yamamoto stiffened, hope fluttering in his chest.
You looked at him and smiled innocently, taking each of his hands and laying a chaste kiss to both palms. You watched in amusement as Yamamoto's face bloomed a darker shade of red at your affections, eyes considerably wider that before.
"Feel better?" You cooed, relishing his flustered state.
"Y-yes, thanks!" He stuttered, looking as though he was about to feint. You could hear muffled giggles from his teammates somewhere in the distance, probably laughing at his awkwardness. "Hey! I don't see a pretty girl kissing your hands, huh?!" He snapped at his friends.
"Pretty?" You repeated.
Yamamoto turned back to you with a shy smile, "w-well yeah.. you're very pretty."
"Oh just shut up and confess already!" Someone, (probably Kuroo), called from across the gym. You heard the 'phtftftft' of a ball flying through the air, and watched in slow motion as Yamamoto slid an arm across your chest to shelter you from the ball. He slapped it down with his other hand.
"Hey! Mind your damn business!" His arm was still on your chest, and you realized with a start that he was gripping onto your breast.
"you, uhm— kinda touched my—," you started, pulling Yamamoto's attention back to you. He seemed to realize his mistake and yanked his hand away, "yeah.."
You stifled a laugh when he literally got on his knees and bowed in apology, "y/n I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I swear! I was just trying to protect you!" He glanced back up at you with a beat red face, "please forgive me!"
"Oh, it's alright," you said awkwardly, "it was an honest mistake, Yamamoto-chan."
His eyes turned into saucers at your words and his mouth fell open. You had to drag him back up to his feet so he wasn't kneeling on the floor of the gym.
A (very) loud laugh broke your thoughts, and you looked over to see Kuroo gripping his stomach as he spewed the most hideous laugh, "Yamamoto-chaan~" he mocked, "I forgive you for groping me without my consent!"
"It was an accident!" Yamamoto raged, "and your 'y/n voice' is nowhere near as pretty as hers."
Kuroo went into another laughing fit, and you could see Kenma covering his mouth as he giggled. Yamamoto looked back at you with his still guilty eyes, silently begging you to reassure him.
"Seriously, Yama, it's alright," you muttered so only he could hear. "And besides, I was going o to let you do that anyway at some point," your whisper sent shivers down his spine, and he quickly made up and excuse to go to the bathroom.
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bxcketbarnes · 4 years
Stretch Marks
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Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Reader
Words: 1400+
Request: blurb request - Luke appreciating your stretch marks and insecurities to make you feel loved and beautiful 🥺
Author's Note: This request was so fun to write because I deal with this. And Lukey is fucking adorable so... I hope you guys enjoy! xo
You and Luke arrive at Calum's place, seeing both Ashton and Michael's car already in the driveway. "Can't believe we're the last one here again," Luke chuckles and you giggle as well, looking up at your curly-haired boyfriend.
"Well, if you didn't take so much time on these curls we would've been here earlier," you joke with a wink and run your fingers through his hair.
A scoff leaves the tall boy's lips, swatting your hand away. "Oh, hush! You love my hair like this," he mumbles and you nod your head in answer. You lean your face against his arm, nuzzling your nose against his shirt and his blue eyes meet yours. "Why are you so cute?"
"It's in my genes," you shrug and Luke hums. You lean on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek. "I love you."
Luke smiles and you melt at the dimples indenting his cheeks. The blonde dips down to capture his lips with yours, his thumb gliding against your cheekbone. "I love you, sweetness. Thank you for coming."
"I love your friends. Of course, I would come," you inform him and the man wraps his arm around your shoulder, bringing you into his body.
The front door to Cal's place opens, the man himself standing on the other side of the door. "Hey, guys! You finally made it," he jokes while allowing the two of you into his house.
The three of you head towards his back door, hearing the commotion that's happening out there as you notice a couple of girls sitting in some of the lounge chairs.
You gulp slightly, not knowing there would be others here beside the boys. "Who are they?" You ask Cal with a small voice, glancing up at the Maori boy.
Both Calum and Luke glance down at you, Luke's eyebrows furrowing together at the panic in your voice. "That's Crystal, Mike's girlfriend, and Ashton's new partner, Bri," Cal explains and you nod your head, clearing your throat a bit.
Calum slides open the back door before stepping out into the California sun. Luke begins to follow suit but quickly turns to face you. "You okay?" He asks while resting a hand on your face, making you look up at him.
"I-Yeah, I just… didn't expect anyone else except you guys," you mumble and give him a fake smile.
Luke kisses the crown of your head, his hand gently stroking your shoulder. "If at any time you need to leave let me know and we'll go, okay?" He tells you and you nod your head, grateful that he understands your social anxiety.
"I love you," you whisper as your heart beats rapidly against your chest and Luke smiles down at you, pinching your cheek lightly.
"I love you so much," the blonde states before smashing his lips against yours. A groan leaves your lips and you grip the shirt he was wearing.
"C'mon, love birds!" Calum yells and the two of you break apart, giggles leaving your lips.
You push Luke out the door and he stumbles a bit, giving you a playful glare. The two of you make your way towards the rest of the group, your eyes glued to both of the girl's figures. You swallow your insecurities while quickly glancing down at your own body.
Luke likes you thicc. Luke likes you thicc. Luke likes you thicc. You repeat to yourself in your head as the blonde beauty sits beside Calum.
"Hey, Y/N. This is Bri and Crystal," Ashton introduces and the two of them wave at you, smiles on both of their lips.
You give them a shy wave while mumbling a hi. Luke immediately takes his shirt off and you can't help but stare at his body, always loving the way it looked. You slip off your sandals and unbutton the shorts you're wearing.
Luke's blue eyes stare at you as you step out of your shorts before pulling your shirt over your head. He shamelessly checks you out and bites his lip. Your eyes meet his and the blonde gives you a cheeky wink. You giggle and feel your cheeks heat up and slap his chest.
"Hey!" You giggle at his shriek and he reaches out to grab a hold of your hand before pulling you onto his lap.
"Well, don't be such a man," you joke, and Luke scoffs, his fingers gliding over the stretch marks on your thighs.
Your heart flutters at the action, glad he's not disgusted by the marks on your body. "But, your body is so incredible… How can I not ogle you?" He asks with a smirk and you chuckle.
"I'm glad you think so," you mumble and find yourself looking towards the other girls, seeing Crystal looking at the two of you before whispering something into Bri's ear.
The two girls giggle afterward and you immediately think that they're making fun of you. You clear your throat a bit and tear your eyes away from them, your nails digging into Luke's skin a bit.
"Ouch, baby," Luke hisses and you snap yourself out of your thoughts, pulling your hands away from him.
"I-Sorry," you stutter and he looks up at you, noticing your anxious state.
Luke taps your thighs and you get off of him. He can see you trying to hide behind your arms and he looks around at his friends for a quick second. "Okay, come on," he mumbles to you before leading you into Calum's place. "What's wrong?"
A sigh leaves your lips as the girl’s shriek, the group of people getting into the warm pool. You glance back and Luke hooks his finger under your jaw, bringing your attention back to him.
"Sweetheart," he tries again and you fiddle with your hands.
"I just… they're so thin?" You mumble while tucking a strand of hair into your ear before motioning towards your body. "I'm not… I'm just a little insecure I guess."
Luke frowns and places his hands on your shoulders. "Oh, honey," he whispers and pulls you into his chest. You rest your head on his chest, the tiny hairs tickling you a little bit as you wrap your arms around his waist. "You don't have to be insecure, lovely. You look amazing."
"I-I know. What really pushed me over the edge was I saw Crystal look at me and whisper something to Bri before they started laughing. I just assumed it was about me…" you trail off and Luke gently strokes your cheek with his thumb.
"I'm sure it wasn't, sweetie. Do you wanna head home?" He asks you and you shrug your shoulders, glancing back towards everyone.
"I don't want to ruin your day," you tell him and the blonde shakes his head, resting both hands on your face.
Luke gently presses his lips to yours and you sigh in content, kissing him back. "Baby, it's not going to ruin my day. I can see the boys at any time. I want you to feel comfortable around my friends and their partners. Which you're not right now. Even though you're beautiful inside and out, I'm willing to leave if you don't want to stay," he explains and your heart flutters in your chest.
"Luke…" you whisper and run your fingers through his hair. "How did I get so lucky?"
He smiles down at you and kisses your forehead. "I'm the lucky one. You make me so fucking happy. You have such an incredible personality and a beautiful soul," Luke tells you and your cheeks blush majority. A smirk comes to his lips as he brushes them against the shell of your ear. "Plus, you're absolutely breathtaking. Love having your thickness in my hands."
A strangled moan leaves your lips and you grip his arms, your eyes fluttering shut. "O-Okay, now we're gonna have to leave," you shamelessly state as you feel yourself getting aroused.
"Mm, yeah?"
You nod your head and Luke chuckles while grabbing your chin. His blue eyes stare into yours for a few seconds before connecting your lips together in a rough kiss.
"Let me just tell Cal we're heading out. Get to the car. I'll grab our stuff," he demands and you nod your head, swallowing thickly.
"Yes, sir."
Luke lets out a growl and you start to head to the car when he lands a hard slap to your ass cheek. "Fuck, I love you."
Taglist: @calpalirwin @myloverboyash @sexgodashton @h0tsos @gigglyirwin @thebookamongmen @philthepegacorn @frontmanash @tea4sykes @itsasadfishworld @everyscarisahealingplace @talkfastromance4 @maluminspace @creator-appreciator @g-l-pierce @abb-lan-5sos @hemmingslftv @notinthesameguey @another-lonely-heart @strawberriesonsummer @suchalonelysunflower @devilatmydoor
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fungifaggot · 4 years
G’mornin Baby~
Ryo Asuka x Top!Male Reader
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Warnings: Smut with basically no plot, spanking (?), and cursing.
Word Count: 1400+
A/N: Feel free to send in constructive criticism.
+ like, comment, reblog, or request (Please).
Or don’t.
1:00 pm the clock read as he checked it for the fifth time that hour. He knew (Y/n) was a heavy sleeper, but he couldn’t help, but to feel intense frustration towards the man. It wasn’t all too often for him to have this much free time, and pacing around a room was certainly not what he wanted to do with it.
Which, of course, is what he had been doing for the past half hour.
Feeling slightly insecure over the fact that he even cared to begin with, he scoffed at his own stupidity and made his way to the kitchen. Desperate to find something to bide his time with, he bee lined towards the sink and turned on the faucet after internally agreeing on doing the dishes. Just as he was getting into the rythm of things he heard the soft patter of bare feet and then a slurred out
“g’mornin baby~”
In the wonderfully deep and raspy tone of someone who had just woken up. Without diverging his attention from the dishes in front of him he rolled his eyes and sharply responded with
 “(Y/n), it’s 1:30.” 
His hands began to scrub faster in a brief moment of irrational anger as the creaking of the floor drew closer to him. Two strong arms wrapped around his bare waist causing him to tense up, before relaxing deeper into his lover's torso. (Y/n) placed soft kisses on the milky skin of Ryo’s neck before burrowing deep into it, releasing a tired groan, disregarding anything Ryo had just said. Ryo let out a huff, halting his motions as he turned his neck to look at the mop of (h/c) hair hanging from (Y/n)’s scalp. The (taller/shorter) male inhaled deeply, taking in Ryo’s vanilla like scent before craning his neck back to look (down/up/at) his peeved lover and smirk. Ryo huffed out through his nose and quickly brought his attention back to the task infront of him.
(Y/n) caught his tongue between his teeth and let out a shy chuckle, releasing the grip he had on the frail boy's waist, letting his hands start to wander. The tips of his fingers gently made their way up Ryo’s chest then slowly back down his sides, forming goose bumps on his upper arm, making the other boy smirk and place kisses on top of them. Butterflies swirled in his lower abdomen as (Y/n)’s kisses drifted further along his shoulder. Going up his neck then giving his ear a quick nip. Causing Ryo to let out a shallow whimper. He hid his face from (Y/n)’s touch as it got warmer and his hands started to visibly shake.
Despite his shy appearance he couldn't help, but to jut out his ass and rub it roughly against (Y/n)s hips, feeling as his cock twitched against him.
His hands dipped below the waist band of Ryo’s boxers, feeling around the warm curves of his hipbones. Inching closer to Ryo’s growing cock before pulling them out. Placing one on Ryo’s sensitive bud and the other on his clothed member. Still without looking at him, Ryo reached back, pulling (Y/ns) hips closer to him, causing him to grind deeper into his ass while pushing Ryo further up the counter top. The only thing to be heard was the sound of running water and Ryo’s soft mewls.
That is, until (Y/n) stopped. The warmth of his hands now absent from Ryo’s skin. Already walking out of the room by the time he had managed to look back. Ryo huriedly shut off the faucet and made his way to the living room, where (Y/n) sat on the black couch where Ryo previously was. In a few short stomps, Ryo was back in front of him, hands grasping his shoulders as he placed his legs on either side of the (bigger/smaller) boy. His hips grinding needily into (Y/n)’s as the feeling of humilation faded, and was replaced with desperation. “Please...” he whispered into the others ear, hiding his face in the crook of his neck as he continued.
“Please what baby?” (Y/n) questioned.
Without any further response, Ryo got off his lap and on all fours, laying his cheek against the couch cushion as he arched his back and stuck out his ass like a whore. He looked over his shoulder and into (Y/n)’s (e/c) eyes.
“Just fuck me” he whined, going back to avoiding eye contact as the other boy stood up and started undoing his belt, walking around Ryo like a shark and its prey. He took it off, wrapped it into a ‘c’ shape, then proceeded to dig his finger tips between the waistband of Ryo’s lounge pants pulling them down along with his boxers, exposing his bare ass and leaking cock.
(Y/n) reached a hand forward and rubbed circles into his ass before bringing the belt down in a back hand swing motion against his fragile skin, causing Ryo to cry out.
“Such a good whore” he purred out before repeating his actions. Leaving soft kisses and rubs on his burning skin between each swing. Once he was happy with the flaring red color of his skin, he dropped the belt on the floor and sat down on his knees behind Ryo and unsheathed his length without fully pulling down his pants.
He leaned to the side, grabbed a bottle of lube from the coffee table and poured the oily substance onto his finger tips, stroking his length as Ryo watched over his shoulder. (Y/n) took the remaining liquid and rubbed it on the other boys puckering hole. Rubbing small circles around it, before plunging in two fingers. Ryo let out a cry of shock, but quickly pushed back onto the fingers, encouraging more. (Y/n) pushed his fingers deeper and deeper, curling them in a repeatative motion looking to massage a certain spot, knowing he succeeded when he felt the bundle of nerves, and Ryo’s cries instantly became louder.
This continued for nearly a minute before he pulled out, and roughly pushed Ryo’s chest into the couch cushion as he lined up with his entrance.
He entered slowly, and continued at a slow pace until he felt comfortable enough to start moving faster. He placed a hand on the boys waist and started to thrust harder into his ass causing lewd noises to erupt. Ryos body jolted forward with every thrust causing him to gasp for air. He reached a hand out in an attempt to find something to steady himself, but failed as he felt fingers wrap around his neck and yank his head back, pulling his chest up off of the couch. “Nghhhh... FUCK” he yelped at as his legs started to violently shake. “Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck...” he chanted out with every breath, feeling nothing but pure ecstasy as (Y/n) railed into him relentlessly.
(Y/n) reached around and grabbed Ryos pretty red cock and began to stroke it at the same pace as his thrusts already making it leak all over his hands. Ryo choked on his moans when (Y/n)s deep thrusts directly hit his prostate. His mouth hung open, drool dribbling down his chin, as his eyes started to shut. Fully submitting to the intense waves of pleasure that rang throughout his body. “Oh god... i’m close.I’m so fucking close.” He moaned out as his knees weakened and his arms collapsed beneath him.
(Y/n) pushed his head into the cushion and raised up off the couch by a few inches to angle his thrusts. The knot in Ryo’s stomach became so intense, causing him to moan out in pleasure as he finally reached his peak, bursting all over (Y/n)s hand while it continued to stroke him as he rode out his orgasm. “I’m almost there baby.” (Y/n) grunted out, recieving nothing but a broken whine in response.
Ryo could feel (Y/N)s cock twitch inside him as his thrusts became sloppy. Whimpering out “Please, cum inside me.”
Sending (Y/n) over the edge making him burry his cock deep inside him and cum, filling Ryo up to the brim. He pulled out and watched as his seed dribbled down from Ryos twitching hole. He reached down to zip his pants back up and collapsed on top of him, wrapping his arms around him.
“I love you baby” he stated, clearly out of breath, while playing with the sweaty blonde strands of Ryo’s hair. Making him roll over and place his face against the others chest and sigh. Looking up softly into his eyes, only to reply with nothing other than a palm to a face and a
“Just shut up.”
Some tags (hmu if theyre annoying.)
@baldsaitama @ablake-x082 @eliotsbambimargo @insomniacfics @fatbottombarnes @myfeetkeepdancing @katsukispicycaramel @malereaderinsert @marvelgbt-posts @malereader-inserts @malereaderimagines
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