#top gun maverixk
thatsrightice · 1 year
Got curious about rules on alcohol on aircraft carriers after listening to an episode of the F-14 Tomcast podcast and discovered that there was technically a prohibition on board the carriers (until 2014) but that there were exceptions for “medicinal purposes such as when a crew is shaken by an accident or a pilot is suffering from the pressure of a demanding mission.”
And now I just need Iceman and Slider starting to go into a form of shock that just had them shutting down and then being issued “medicinal” alcohol after the USS Layton mission, and Maverick and Merlin and Wolfman and Hollywood come into their shared bunk room and finding them sitting on the floor sharing a bottle of whiskey and Slider is dying laughing his fucking ass off and Iceman is giggling cause they had FIVE MiGs on their ass!!! F I V E!!!! No way they thought they’d survive. Like they’d have all kinds of thoughts like what if that was supposed to be karma for Goose? What if they were at fault for his death? And maybe Maverick should have left them to die?
See Hollywood and Wolfman weren’t expecting it, getting shot down. Typically the procedure was that aircraft of both sides would essentially be herded or merely followed back towards their side like just sitting their scoping out the opposing military technology the whole time but surprise they’d been shot down. There’s a little shock but like, they never had time to process it.
Iceman and Slider? They sat with FIVE MiGs on their ass for a time, questioning if they’re going to get obliterated to pieces or if they were just being toyed with and played with until the MiGs get bored. Like fuck man I’d need a drink too! I’d be thinking all kinds of self-worthless and introspective thoughts and shit like my mental state would have been rocked.
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thatsrightice · 11 months
Don’t mind me mourning the fact that I won’t get to write a scene in my fanfic where Slider tosses the keys to their jet behind his back to Iceman who catches them without looking all cool and stuff cause they just have that ✨synergy✨
Fighter jets don’t have keys y’all 🥲🥲🥲
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thatsrightice · 10 months
The F-14 Tomcat was tested up to speeds of Mach 2.5, however, the Navy specs for the Tomcats equipped with the F110 engine called for a top speed of Mach 2.34 and the NATOPS for the aircraft imposed a speed limit of Mach 1.88.
Dave Anderson, a former F-14 Tomcat RIO, and his pilot were performing a Post-Maintenance Check Flight over the Atlantic in a jet known to be one of the best in their squadron when they’d decided to go beyond the Mach 1.2 supersonic dash required as a part of the PMCF checklist. He states that in less than a minute they reached the Mach 2.34 top speed and the jet was still accelerating. He believes it would have continued to speed beyond Mach 2.5, but they had reached “bingo” fuel and had to return to base.
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