#Note that these values may change depending on the source
thatsrightice · 10 months
The F-14 Tomcat was tested up to speeds of Mach 2.5, however, the Navy specs for the Tomcats equipped with the F110 engine called for a top speed of Mach 2.34 and the NATOPS for the aircraft imposed a speed limit of Mach 1.88.
Dave Anderson, a former F-14 Tomcat RIO, and his pilot were performing a Post-Maintenance Check Flight over the Atlantic in a jet known to be one of the best in their squadron when they’d decided to go beyond the Mach 1.2 supersonic dash required as a part of the PMCF checklist. He states that in less than a minute they reached the Mach 2.34 top speed and the jet was still accelerating. He believes it would have continued to speed beyond Mach 2.5, but they had reached “bingo” fuel and had to return to base.
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coldxperience · 2 months
Lan Sect's known rules !
▷MDZS Home Page
We are all aware of the famous wall of rules at the Gusu Lan Sect, which Wei Wuxian has a hard time following.
Well, according to the MDZS novel, there were 3,000 rules when they were students, and 4,000 rules 13 years later after Wei Wuxian was resurrected.
I managed to compile 180 rules and divided them into categories.
The official printed novel The drama (Youtube) The anime/donghua (Youtube)
There might be translation mishaps from Chinese to English. One thing could be interpreted in various ways depending on context. (note: neither Chinese nor English are not my native languages.)
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▷ Rules on appropriate behavior: (39 rules)
Lan clan disciples must follow the principles of the Lan
Do not work after 9 pm
Do not rise after 5 am / Do not wake up at 8 am
Do not go out at night
Those who come at night should not be allowed in until 7 AM
Do not be late
Do not enter Cloud Recesses without permission
No one is permitted to attend the lectures without an invitation
Do not enter the back hills without permission
Do not fight without permission (alternate: fighting without permission is prohibited)
Do not create damages
Do not take life within Cloud Recesses (alternate: do not kill within the premises)
Do not stand incorrectly (have a proper posture)
Do not sit improperly (sitting improperly is prohibited)
Do not make noise (causing noise is prohibited)
Do not hurry rashly (do not act impulsively; running is prohibited)
Do not move arbitrarily
Do not smile for no reason (do not smile foolishly, do not laugh for no reason)
Sneering for no reason is prohibited
Do not drink alcohol (alcohol is prohibited)
Do not consume meat
Killing livestock within the area is prohibited
Do not be difficult with food (do not be picky about food)
Do not eat more than three bowls
Do not talk during mealtimes
Pets are not permitted
Change clothes after a shower
Wear a headband to discipline yourself
Do not touch others’ headbands without permission
A headband is not to be used for any other purpose
Only a spouse or child may touch the headband
Do not bribe a law enforcer
Do not use a concealed weapon
Do not hide an edged tool
Do not wear any jangling objects like beads
Do not wear more than three accessories around your waist
Do not alter clothes secretly
Never hurt insects or plants
Do not borrow money
▷ Rules related to personal virtues: (63 rules)
Love and respect yourself
Behave yourself
Be respectful (be courteous)
Be modest Arrogance is prohibited
Hide your wisdom
Do not show off your skills
Be humble
Do not be supercilious
Be amicable and united
Be strict with yourself
Have a strong will and anything can be achieved
Diligence is the root
Morality is the priority
Harmony is the value
Be ethical
Uphold the value of justice
Be just
Shoulder the weight of morality
Perform acts of chivalry
Have courage and knowledge
Have courtesy and integrity
Do not be ill-mannered
Have affection and gratefulness
Be compassionate
Be generous
Frugality is a moral
Give more, take less
Do not expect rewards after giving
Do not be miserly
Do not regret offering
Accumulate virtue and merits
Make sure to act virtuously
Be grateful
Be grateful when praised
Stop bad habits
Destroy the five poisons (desire, anger, ignorance, pride, & jealousy)
Do not indulge in pleasure
Do not be promiscuous
Do not indulge in debauchery
Do not wallow in luxury and pleasure (do not live extravagantly/in luxury)
Be peaceful when insulted
Do not succumb to rage
Speak meagrely, for too many words only bring harm
Do not be haughty and complacent
Do not be of two minds
Do not exult in excess (do not be excessively/too happy)
Do not grieve in excess (do not be excessively/too sad)
Do not covet the property of others
Do not steal
Do not be greedy
Be careful with your words
Do not use coarse language
Do not tell lies
Do not take your own words lightly
Do not sow discord
Do not use flowery writing (do not write about love and sex; do not use frivolous language; or do not spread empty lines)
Do not say one thing and mean another (do not break promises; do not go back on your word)
Do not boast about your own strengths
Believe sincerely
Do not be suspicious
Do not be wasteful
Do not break faith and abandon the right
Do not be unreasonable
▷ Rules for training, studying, and learning: (8 rules)
Learning comes first
Train your body and your mind
Maintain your own discipline
Organise work properly
Do not neglect your studies
Do not give up on learning
Do not lose your life goal
Nurture aspirations
▷ Rules for interacting with others: (48 rules)
Love all beings
Embrace the entirety of the world
Honor good people
Appreciate the good people
Good people will be esteemed, blessed by nature, and followed by good fortune
Respect the filial ones
Be fair, and they will follow you
Be trustworthy, and they will believe you
Be mighty, and they will die for you
Be loyal
Earn trust
Win friendships with kindness
See friends as neighbors
Steer away from bad men
Correct others by correcting yourself
Do not fear the strong
Do not ignore others and be undisciplined 
Help the lonely
Take pity on the desolate
Do not despise poverty
Do not bully the weak (bullying is prohibited)
Do not mix public and private interests
Help the underprivileged
Care for the weak
Lend a hand to those in need
Rescue those in danger
Do not take advantage of your position or connections to oppress others
Do not build wealth by using others, for this wealth won’t last
Do not curry favor (flatter)
Do not go tuft-hunting
Do not be a social climber
Do not form a clique and exclude others
Do not insult people
Do not use bad words to hurt others
Do not tease others
Do not praise yourself and slander others
Do not jump to an unfounded conclusion (do not make assumptions about others; do not judge others quickly)
Do not judge people behind their backs (do not speak ill of others; speaking behind other people’s backs is prohibited)
Speak not about other people’s weaknesses
Be easy on others
Be sad for other people’s sufferings
Rejoice in other people’s blessings
Regard other people’s gains and losses as your own
Do not hold grudges
Have wins and losses
If others win over you, do not envy
If others lose to you, do not look down
Do not take apprentices excessively, nor pass ordinary people
▷ Rules for respecting those in authority: (11 rules)
Respect the elderly
Do not disrespect the elder
Do not disregard the younger
Do not forget the grace of the forefathers
Be loyal, filial, friendly, and dutiful
Be a filial child
Do not argue with your family, for it doesn’t matter who wins
Honor the teachers and respect the elders
If your senior is standing, you may not sit until they have done so
Teachers have extensive knowledge and are examples of moral integrity
Disturbing female cultivators is prohibited
▷ Rules on cultivation, good and evil: (11 rules)
Concentrate on cultivating
To suppress and eliminate ghosts and monsters, liberate them
Stay on the righteous path
Take the straight path (follow the righteous way)
Reject the crooked road (do not take the crooked ways)
Eliminate evil and establish a just law
Do not associate with evil
Do not befriend the evil
Do not fall to evil
Resist evil
Promote good
▷ Bonus rule:
Wei Wuxian isn't allowed. (Do not get near Wei Ying)
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▷MDZS Home Page
[completed ; 10/07/2024]
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revivalist approach to Artemis
disclaimer: this is intended to be a revivalist take on Artemis and some of her domains. i am only suggesting some ideas that you can freely discard if you do not find value in them. yes, these further interpretations may not be based on historical sources - that, in my opinion, is the point of revivalism. a lot of this is UPG.
while doing some research into Artemis, i started thinking about how certain deities' domains could be brought into our current world and modernised. our understandings of many things have changed over the millennia and as pagans in the 21st century, it may be a good idea to rethink some ideas to make them more relevant to today. that is not to say there isn't wisdom or value in the ancient interpretations, but i find it more difficult to connect to a deity that traditionally presides over something that is completely unfamiliar to me. so, this post is just me thinking aloud (in writing?) about some of these things specifically in relation to Artemis.
*note: this research was originally done as i was looking into the Roman goddess Diana. since the sources were focused on Artemis, i will refer to her in this post, however, some of these could also be applicable to Diana, depending on your personal interpretation and/or level of syncretism.
as i personally believe that virginity is a patriarchal invention meant to oppress us all, i do not want to necessarily associate the goddess with it nowadays and want to offer an alternate interpretation. in greek myth, Artemis can also/instead be interpreted as presiding over those who had not had and/or do not want to have sex. she is sometimes described as being "immune" from love and lust, leading to my further interpretation of her as a patron of asexual and aromantic people. furthermore, Artemis is depicted as protecting people from sexual assault and punishing those who commit those acts. this is another role that we could assign to her, as shielding from that kind of unwanted attention and harm and punishing those who carry them out.
the hunt
there is much less need for hunt in modern society. in europe, where i live and am from, hunt is more associated with the rich and the elites using it as a means of entertainment, which can also threaten the local wildlife. for this reason the hunt may not be a domain that is as important to us now and could even have negative connotations. in a more modern spin, i would like to propose then Artemis as presiding over wildlife conservation, which is also supported in ancient sources (where she would make sure that the wildlife could reproduce and continue to exist). you may still find value in associating Artemis with the hunt if it is relatable to your life or if another relevant situation arises, for example, if you are eating meat that comes from a wild animal.
archery has become an obsolete means of hunting nowadays. however, it still exists as a sport alongside other methods of shooting. so while it may be less relevant now, i think this aspect, while transformed, could still be applicable.
giving birth and motherhood
this one could still be applicable to many today, so i only wish to expand it with my interpretation. this domain should not be exclusive to cisgender women and i think it could include trans people as well (if they are comfortable with that). that, of course, depends on personal comfort and interpretation but i suggest you think about it if you are interested.
young women/girls
as with the previous domain, i want to expand on this one. here as "young women/girls" we could think about any kind of person, beyond cisgender women/girls that is comfortable with that label. for example, as a transmasculine person, i see myself having been perceived as a girl once and thus this label could have applied to my younger self and their experiences. this may also be more important in relation to transfeminine people who may not have had the opportunity to present feminine when they were young/a child.
i was reading Artemis: Virgin Goddess of the Sun & Moon by Sorita D'Este while writing this post so credit to it for most of the research and inspiration
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catboybiologist · 1 year
Random actual vent that is probably more venty than my usual random little things, but occasionally I have to step back and think how asinine the salary system for PhD students can sound to people outside of academia. I really just want to like... lay it on the table, because it really is fucking dumb and I occasionally want validation that its fucking dumb.
Note that this is all coming from a traditional lab sciences, in the US perspective. Also, I'm really fucking ADHD and have a really, really shitty brain for bureacracy, so this is a rant and isn't really intended to be informative and might be wrong in places, its just me word vomiting.
Let's start with something straight off the bat- grad school isn't really school. It's work that creates value for the university, and you happen to take one or two courses on the side that the university has determined will make you better at that work (your mileage may vary). It's an entry level job, essentially. You create value for the university in one of two ways- you either contribute to research that gets them grant money, or you teach undergrads that pay tuition. We'll get back to how that affects you later, but first lets talk about something else: what the university claims they pay you vs what you actually get paid.
On paper, my income is approximately 3 times as much as my actual, take home income. There's two reasons for this. The first is that I am technically charged tuition by the central university, which is then immediately paid off by the source of my income. In official job titles, that's technically included in what you're getting paid, although most universities don't even bother advertising that. The other confounding factor is that you're literally always considered part time. The exact % time varies depending on your exact schedule, and of course your university, but its actually weirdly consistent even between universities. Technically, the work you do on your thesis isn't "work", and the university doesn't technically pay you to do it. Even though the work you do on your thesis literally generates revenue for the university in the form of grant overhead. But we'll get to that. If you're a researcher for a given appointment term, you're expected to also do research activities that are unconnected to your thesis- which is ridiculous, because there's no lab in existence where the work isn't all interconnected in some way.
Half time appointments are common, but lots of different percentages exist.
So, if you ever see a figure that says that a grad student position is paid at about $80k a year, that's whats going on. The highest take-home income I have EVER heard of in the US for PhD students is $54k, at Stanford neuroscience. I think its a bit higher now, but that at least gets you a ballpark. Most STEM PhD students on the high cost of living coasts are paid 30-40k ish, and in cheaper areas you can expect to take 5k off of that. These are for degrees that usually make six figures on the job market.
And then there's the other convoluted problem- the source of the funding. This is where the academia salary model really has a unique brand.
Basically, when you're a PhD student, you're not working one job for the full 5-7 years. You're constantly flipping between job titles within the university, and who exactly is paying you changes as a result.
The most basic distinction is researcher vs teaching assistant. TA is easy- you work "part time" (but oh my god those workloads are not part time sometimes [although the class I'm TAing now is very chill so its w/e][fuck you molecular genetics at my master's uni tho]), and the department you're teaching for pays for your tuition and your salary as a result.
Researcher is a bit weirder. Basically, each lab is conducted as its own independent financial unit, managed by a Principle Investigator (PI, or to any grad student, the professor/boss/research advisor/liege/monarch/authority of the lab). The PI is constantly writing lab wide grants to supply the core funding of the lab, including the salary of the grad students. Grants can be pretty general, but there are also very specific ones that check in how the money is being spent. These include training grants/fellowships/tbh the name is arbitrary for a lot of these. Those are grants that are written to supply the salary of a specific grad student.
Couple things to note- the university charges the PI in a lot of ways on this. Notably:
They charge tuition on every grad student, as mentioned previously, which under a researcher appointment is paid from the PI to the university.
They charge overhead on grants- basically, they take money out of every grant the PI gets.
If the previous two sources aren't enough, oftentimes universities will pay rent on the amount of building space a lab takes up (although this is very inconsistent between universities)
Researcher appointments are considered favorable to teaching appointments, because they mean you can spend more of your time on your thesis. But, its dependent on whether your PI has the funding to pay you all that, which is a big if. So, every quarter or semester or year or however much your university decides to renegotiate it, you essentially switch jobs, in a way. Obviously its a lot more simple and streamlined than actually switching jobs, but your title, responsibility, source of income, and sometimes your actual pay changes constantly.
And to anyone who has been through a PhD, you're nodding along like this is all the basic stuff, because all this is so NORMAL. Like this is all the normal system, and this is the bare basics of it as well. And it's weird that it's normal, right? Like, most of my career has been tied to academia, so I don't have a fantastic benchmark for this, but this isn't how it works outside of academia like... at all.
Over the course of late last year and bleeding into this year, multiple graduate student unions have had strikes or negotiations regarding pay scale, but its been a very difficult situation for the average grad student to untangle because of how weird the source of pay is. Because technically, even though you functionally work a single, salaried job with slightly changing obligations, what's happening behind the scenes is that you're essentially hopping between jobs every couple of months. In an ideal system, those jobs always have the same pay, but that's increasingly becoming not the case. Sometimes that means getting paid more overall, sometimes slightly less. Union negotiations have made this pay slightly higher overall, but its still a mess of a system.
And obviously, there's paperwork associated with so many of these steps.
So in my last post, when I said "getting a grant", that was what I was referring to- applying for training grants that will guarantee that I don't have to teach extra or get extra money from my PI for the time I'm here. I'd love to get more teaching experience, but ofc I want to do it when I want to, not when I have to. I'm applying for multiple training grants over the next couple of months that will hopefully fund my salary specifically, and hopefully I'll get at least one of them. And tbh, I don't even care that much about teaching, I more want them because it'll dramatically simplify all this for me.
I love what I do to death, but untangling this shit is what gives me imposter syndrome more than anything. I think my arrogant streak shows when I can genuinely say that I've never felt imposter syndrome based on my scientific knowledge. I have felt it over two things- my motivation/productivity (which is a different rant entirely), and the fact that I am really, really bad at untangling the level of bureaucracy required to just... exist here. Just give me my fucking paycheck and let me do my science, and tell me when you want me to teach.
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thebrandywine · 5 months
Hey ! That may be weird, but would you want to say a little more about “The New woman in the city during the 20th century and her intersection with a rise in immigration ” ? I never heard of it before (I’m not from America), but it’s seems quite interesting from the few things I just read (Wikipedia).
This is going to be fast and dirty because I don't have any of my sources with me BUT the turn of the 20th century in America saw a LOT of social and cultural change in part due to the growing prominence of metropolitan areas/cities. Industrialization had firmly settled in and that meant factories and THAT meant more jobs which led to an increase in immigration (mostly because factory owners/foremen could pay immigrants less which meant a better cut for them). So you have the 'melting pot' of the American city starting to get a lot more complex culturally at the same time as a growing movement of young women wanting more independence-- they might want to live on their own or they might want to support themselves on their own without a husband or any number of things. A good way to do that is to move to the city and get a job!
This IMMEDIATELY led to a cultural panic because for the first time a large number of America's young women were on their own and away from the protection of their family. Who would make sure that they conformed to societal values? Who would keep them safe? This was especially exacerbated BECAUSE of immigration-- pure, young, virginal white women (America's pride, blah blah, other weird sexual and racist stuff) coming into contact with stupid, brutish, predatory immigrant men (NOTE: I AM REPEATING THINGS HERE lol). A MASSIVE moral panic ensued.
One of the most interesting things to come out of this, I think, is the resurgence of captivity narratives. Media is an incredible way to measure the values/fears of the populace at the time of publishing which is why you can follow the rise and fall of captivity narratives in American history and really easily find points of conflict. Captivity narratives have a long history in general but in American history they're mostly present at three points: colonization/westward expansion, the Civil War/Reconstruction era, and the turn of the 20th century.
I keep saying 'captivity narratives' but what I mean are stories about women (again, The Pure, Virginal White Woman who represents white America) being captured and sexually defiled by The Other, who represents a larger threat to American society and culture. During colonization/westward expansion, that Other was Native Americans. During the Civil War and Reconstruction (which immediately followed the Civil War), it was slaves/recently freed black men. And then, at the turn of the 20th century, it was immigrants!
This is a whole other ramble, but the 'immigrant' in question really, really depended. There was an idea of an 'acceptable' immigrant-- white (though 'white' had yet to be more specifically defined and the concept of it varied from person to person), well-spoken, deferential, and fully converted to the cult of the flag. The unacceptable immigrants were largely from Eastern Europe-- Italians, Polish people, some Russians, and, of course, Jewish people (because this is America-- who else is the most common scapegoat of all fucking time?). If you read captivity narratives from the turn of the century, you can ALWAYS tell who The Bad Guy is: he'll have a heavy accent, he'll be described as 'swarthy,' and the author will A L W A Y S make a point to mention his race.
A different ramble I could go on is the idea of the 'white slave trade' which is wholly connected to the moral panic and captivity narratives, but I've rambled enough lmao. If you'd like to read some captivity narratives (don't worry, the authors are long dead) or do more research about any of the stuff I mentioned above, here are some sources:
White on Arrival by Thomas A. Guglielmo [looks at the idea/evolution of whiteness for Chicago Italians at the turn of the century. secondary source]
Behind the Mask of Innocence: Sex, Violence, Prejudice, Crime: Films of Social Conscience in the Silent Era by Kevin Brownlow [SUPER interesting read about a bunch of the stuff i talked about above! secondary source]
The White Slave Trade and the Immigrants by Cordasco and Pitkin [what it says on the tin. secondary source]
The House of Bondage by Reginald Wright Kauffman [the captivity narrative of the time- very racist and extremely critical of/incorrect about sex work. primary source]
The Social Menace of the Orient by Jean Turner Zimmerman [VERY RACIST and I do notnotnot like the word 'Orient,' which is no longer used by anyone in scholarship that's hip with the times. primary source]
Tiger by Witter Bynner [short play about a white slave- notice the language used for the antagonist!! primary source]
Traffic in Souls or While New York Sleeps, dir. George Loane Tucker. can be watched here!
i will be very strong and limit myself to those sources-- thank you for asking so i could infodump about history. if you've read this far... sorry lmao
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golmac · 1 year
Inform 7 testing: some thoughts and strategies
I think that it is best to test early and often, to avoid getting too far down a wrong road. You, the author, will be testing all along, making sure that this or that thing behaves correctly or reads well. That's usually insufficient. In a parser game, where people can get up to all kinds of things, you don't want to just test what you would do. You want to know what other people do.
I'd personally do an initial proof of concept early, just to get feedback on the world and any new mechanics you may have built in.
Which build? Test or production?
We've already seen some special commands that are available in a test build, and today we'll see some more. Should testers have access to these? I think it depends. I have always handed out test releases for testing. A common type of tester tries beat the game without necessarily exploring the less-travelled paths of your story. Testing the main throughline is good, but if all testers do this, you'll have a lot of untested content.
Test commands are a way for your playtesters to revisit areas and situations without replaying the entire game. In every case, I try to make it easy for players to do this. Besides getting information from things like SHOWME, testers can do several things that impact play directly. Note that these commands can cause problems in-game if they create situations the story cannot deal with.
GONEAR: if the tester knows the name of a room, they can probably travel there instantly with this command. The syntax is as simple.
>gonear kitchen
PURLOIN: if the player knows the name of an item, they can magically place it in their inventory, regardless of its location.
purloin the *SEETHING ORDER*
ABSTRACT: if the player knows the names of an item and a room, that item can be instantly teleported to that room.
SCOPE: shows all the nouns that the player can act upon. Very similar to SHOWME, though sometimes items in rooms are not actionable. I have never really used it, though it might be good for troubleshooting a weird situation.
TEST: runs testing scripts created by you, the author. I consider this one crucial if you want testers to spend time on things that would normally require replay. It's easy to make a script. It's simply a list of commands separated by a forward slash. These are placed in the source code. Example:
test example with "n / e / open window / w / w / get lamp"
Note that "example" is a name given to the script. We can call it almost anything, though it may be good to avoid the names of objects in the game world. From a test release, the player can run this script at the command prompt:
>test example
I prefer putting each command on its own line because it's easier for me to read. There's no practical difference, so just do what seems best for you.
test example with "n/ e/ open window/ w/ w/ get lamp"
What else? You may wish to make commands that change or report values that are usually hidden. Perhaps there is a random element that is hindering playtesting. You could make a command that bypasses it (after the randomness is tested, of course). Try to think of ways for players to focus on the testing that you need and make it convenient for them to do it.
There is one final command. I wanted, long ago, to explain how to look up default responses using the Standard Rules and the index. By now, you've probably spent some time with both of those resources, so I can share what might be an alternative... sometimes.
...will return a massive listing of every baked-in (and modified) response and/or error message in the story. Though the list is long, it will give you a clear path to doing your own custom responses. I'll snip a couple of lines from the output:
standard report waiting rule response (A): "Time [pass]." report pulling rule response (A): "Nothing obvious [happen]."
Note that Inform 7 is doing some work to adjust the verbs for tense. That's because games can be configured for different tenses. We won't have to worry about that in our own responses. The (A) responses are for player feedback. The (B) responses describe the behavior of NPCs. Using these responses to make our own is very straightforward:
the standard report waiting rule response (A) is "You fidget nervously.". the standard report pulling rule response is (A) is "Stop pulling my leg!".
Now, players can get frustrated by snark, especially if their action is reasonable. Be cautious will response changes, but don't be afraid to use them. It makes games feel polished and lived-in. If you do change defaults, let the testers know that you need feedback on them.
RESPONSES has limited testing/troubleshooting utility, though its functionality is more for you than it is for the players.
Thoughts on testing and Inform 7? Questions about testing? Questings about Repeat the Ending, Inform 7, my WIP (I can't say too much), or my Zork fanfiction plans?
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zenruption · 1 year
Is Vladimir Putin The Richest Man On Earth?
Among the very rich, it is an open secret that many believe Vladimir Putin is the richest person on the planet. Individuals like Elon Musk's net worth is largely calculable due to their public holdings in companies like Tesla, Twitter and SpaceX. When there is a change in value or earnings, there is a respective change in net worth.
With Putin, however, his wealth is related to Oligarchs and his stranglehold on opaque business practices. Even the modest estimates of Putin’s wealth make him a billionaire. How a KGB agent turned President amassed a billion dollars in wealth is not a story of innovation but exploitation.
Although the exact net worth of Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, is not publicly known, his personal wealth is shrouded in secrecy. However, many reports suggest that Putin's personal wealth could be in the billions of dollars.
In 2015, Russian businessman Sergei Polonsky claimed that Putin's personal net worth was $200 billion, making him the richest person in the world. However, this figure has not been independently verified and is widely regarded as an exaggeration.
Other estimates of Putin's net worth are more conservative, but still suggest that he is extremely wealthy. In 2018, for example, the former US ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, estimated Putin's net worth at $1.4 billion.
It's important to note that Putin's wealth is largely speculative and based on circumstantial evidence, given the lack of transparency surrounding his personal finances. Additionally, Putin has denied having any significant personal wealth, and the Russian government has dismissed claims of his vast personal fortune as baseless
The rankings of the world's richest people often fluctuate due to changes in the stock market, investments, and other factors. However, according to Forbes' Real-Time Billionaires list (as of March 31, 2023), the five richest people in the world are currently:
1. Elon Musk: The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX has a net worth of $163.6 billion.
2. Bernard Arnault & family: The CEO of LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton) has a net worth of $160.2 billion.
3. Jeff Bezos: The founder and former CEO of Amazon has a net worth of $115.8 billion.
4. Bill Gates: The co-founder of Microsoft has a net worth of $103.2 billion.
5. Mark Zuckerberg: The co-founder and CEO of Facebook has a net worth of $96.6 billion.
It's worth noting that these rankings are subject to change and may be different depending on the source and methodology used to calculate net worth.
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cerentasci · 28 days
How To Find The Right Chiang Mai Tailor For Your Style And Needs
Finding the right VIP custom tailor can be a game-changer in your wardrobe. An adequately equipped suit or getting dressed could make you feel confident and elegant. But how do you locate the appropriate tailor, specifically in Chiang Mai? Here are some easy steps to help you pick the quality VIP custom tailor-made to your style and wishes.
Start your journey by arming yourself with knowledge. Conduct thorough research online, scouring platforms like Trip Advisor or Yelp for reviews and recommendations. Look for keywords like Chiang Mai tailor to gauge the tailor’s reputation. Pay attention to the ratings and delve into the reviews to grasp the quality of work and customer service you can expect. This step will empower you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.
Next, visit some tailors individually. It’s essential to see their work first-hand. When you pass, take note of the shop’s cleanliness, the satisfaction of the fabric, and the way the workforce treats you. A suitable Chiang Mai suit tailor may be pleasant and willing to answer your questions. We have to additionally have a wide choice of fabrics and styles for you. Don’t be afraid to invite peer samples in their paintings or try on an in-shape to check their health and end.
Another crucial step is to establish a clear line of communication with your tailor. Articulate your needs and preferences precisely, and if possible, show them visual references. A good VIP custom tailor will not only listen to your requirements but also offer suggestions to enhance the design. We should take detailed measurements to ensure a perfect fit. We must understand your style and any specific requests, such as the fabric type or the cut of the suit. This open dialogue will make you feel understood and valued as a customer.
It’s additionally a fantastic concept to invite about the tailoring technique. How long will it take to make your shape or dress? What is their coverage on changes if something doesn’t suit perfectly? Knowing those details can prevent any ugly surprises later. A dependable Chiang Mai tailor will provide a clear timeline and explain their system.
Price is another crucial aspect. Custom tailoring can be expensive, but it’s worth investing in. However, make sure you get a particular quote before starting. Ask if the price includes any future alterations and if there are more costs for unique fabrics or patterns. Comparing costs from a few exclusive Chiang Mai suit tailors allows you to understand what’s truthful better.
Lastly, believe your instincts. It is an excellent sign if a tailor makes you feel snug and confident. A notable VIP custom tailor will create a garment that suits you flawlessly and makes the experience fun and stress-unfastened. Trust in the method and the expertise of your tailor. Take your time to discover the right one, and you’ll come up with a fit or dress that makes you look and sense nice, instilling an experience of reassurance and self-assurance for your desire.
Finding the right VIP custom tailor in Chiang Mai includes research, clear communication, and trust. By following these steps, you can ensure that you get a match or dress that suits your style and wishes preferably. You may go to VIP Custom Tailor for extra statistics and discover options.
Source — https://cerentasci.hashnode.dev/how-to-find-the-right-chiang-mai-tailor-for-your-style-and-needs
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ysy-sonya · 1 month
How to Check Backlash on Swiss Type Cnc Lathe
Today I’d like to talk to you about how to check the backlash on a swiss type cnc lathe.
Backlash is the delay or deviation caused by mechanical looseness or gaps in the moving parts of a machine tool when changing direction.
Backlash can affect the accuracy and repeatability of a machine tool, especially when machining precision parts.
Causes of Backlash:
Lead Screw and Nut Gaps: One of the primary sources of backlash in a CNC lathe is the small gap between the lead screw and the nut. When the direction of movement changes, this gap causes a delay before the movement is transmitted.
Gear Systems: If the machine uses a gear transmission system, gaps between the gear teeth can also contribute to backlash.
Bearing Wear: Over time, bearings can wear out, increasing the amount of backlash in the system.
Therefore checking the backlash of a Swiss-type CNC lathe is an essential maintenance task to ensure precision and accuracy. Backlash is a small gap between mating parts, such as screws and nuts, that can affect machining accuracy. The following is a step-by-step guide to checking backlash on Swiss-type CNC lathes:
Tools Needed:
Dial indicator with a magnetic base
Test bar or known straight part (optional, depending on the method)
Wrench set or hex keys (to adjust the machine if needed)
Soft mallet (optional)
Steps to Check Backlash:
Prepare the Machine:
Power on the CNC lathe and home all axes.
Make sure the machine is in a safe state, with the spindle off and no tools in the turret.
Set Up the Dial Indicator:
Mount the dial indicator securely on the machine, using the magnetic base.
Place the indicator’s tip against a solid part of the machine, such as the chuck or a straight part that’s been mounted in the collet.
Zero the Indicator:
Jog the axis you wish to check (X, Y, or Z) until the dial indicator reads zero. Make sure the indicator is not bottomed out or too close to the end of its travel.
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Measure the Backlash:
Jog the axis in one direction (for example, the X-axis) by a small increment, such as 0.001" or 0.01 mm, and note the reading on the dial indicator.
Reverse the direction of the jog and move the axis by the same amount.
Observe the dial indicator reading. If there’s any backlash, the dial will not return to zero immediately after reversing direction.
The difference between the indicator’s readings in the two directions is the amount of backlash.
Repeat for Other Axes:
Perform the same steps for each axis you want to check (X, Y, Z, etc.).
Record and Evaluate:
Record the backlash measurements for each axis. Compare them to the machine’s specifications or tolerances provided by the manufacturer.
If the backlash is within acceptable limits, no further action may be needed. If it exceeds the limits, you may need to adjust the machine.
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Adjusting Backlash:
Consult the Machine Manual:
The machine’s manual will usually provide guidance on how to adjust backlash. This might involve adjusting the preload on ball screws, tightening gibs, or making software compensation adjustments.
Mechanical Adjustments:
Adjust the screws, nuts, or gibs associated with the axis that shows excessive backlash. Use the appropriate tools to make these adjustments.
Software Compensation:
Many CNC lathes allow you to input a backlash compensation value in the machine’s controller. This compensates for the backlash during machining.
Recheck After Adjustment:
After making any adjustments, recheck the backlash using the same steps to ensure that it has been reduced to within acceptable limits.
Temperature and Load: Backlash can vary with temperature and load, so consider these factors during measurement.
Routine Maintenance: Regularly checking and adjusting backlash should be part of your machine maintenance schedule.
By following these steps, you can effectively check and address backlash on a Swiss-type CNC lathe, ensuring the machine continues to produce precise and accurate parts.
That’s all I’ve shared today, I hope it can help someone in need, we’ll see you next time~
#cnclathe #swiss type cnc lathe
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maddogbackdrops · 4 months
DIY or Buy? Choosing the Right Shimmer Wall
 If you're looking to add a touch of glamour and dazzle to your space, shimmer walls might just be the perfect solution. These eye-catching decorative elements can transform any room into a sparkling wonderland, creating a mesmerising focal point that captivates all who enter.
But when it comes to acquiring a shimmer wall, the age-old question arises: Should you DIY it or buy it? Let's explore both options to help you make the best choice for your needs.
Understanding Shimmer Walls
Before we dive into the DIY vs. buy debate, let's take a moment to understand what shimmer walls are all about. Essentially, a shimmering wall is a surface adorned with shimmering sequins, beads, or other reflective materials.
These materials catch and reflect light, creating a dazzling, ever-changing display of colour and sparkle. Shimmer walls are popular for events like weddings, parties, and stage performances, but they can also be used as permanent fixtures in homes, offices, and commercial spaces.
DIY Shimmer Walls: A Labor of Love
For the crafty and creative souls out there, DIYing a shimmering wall can be a rewarding project. By sourcing materials like sequin fabric, beads, or even recycled CDs, you can create a custom shimmer wall that perfectly suits your style and space. DIY projects also offer the flexibility to experiment with different designs and techniques, allowing you to unleash your inner artist.
However, it's essential to consider the time and effort involved in DIYing a shimmering wall. Depending on the size and complexity of your project, it may require hours (or even days) of meticulous work to achieve the desired result. Additionally, DIY projects can sometimes incur unexpected costs if you need to purchase specialised tools or materials. So, while DIYing a shimmering wall can be a labour of love, it's not necessarily the quickest or easiest option.
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Buying a Shimmer Wall: Convenience with a Price
If the thought of spending hours hunched over a crafting table doesn't appeal to you, fear not – there are plenty of pre-made shimmer walls available for purchase. From online retailers to specialty decor stores, buying a shimmer wall offers convenience and peace of mind. With just a few clicks or a trip to the store, you can have a stunning shimmer wall delivered straight to your doorstep.
Of course, convenience comes at a price, quite literally. Pre-made shimmer walls can be more expensive than their DIY counterparts, especially if you're looking for high-quality materials or custom designs. Additionally, buying a shimmer wall off the shelf means sacrificing some degree of personalisation. While you can certainly find a shimmer wall that fits your aesthetic preferences, it may not be as unique as something you create yourself.
Making the Decision
So, how do you decide whether to DIY or buy your shimmer wall? Ultimately, it comes down to your priorities, budget, and skill level. If you're a DIY enthusiast with a creative vision and plenty of time on your hands, tackling a shimmer wall project could be a fulfilling endeavour.
On the other hand, if you value convenience and want a hassle-free solution, buying a pre-made shimmer wall might be the way to go.
Ending Notes
Whichever path you choose, remember that the end result will be a dazzling addition to your space that's sure to spark joy and admiration. Whether you opt for the hands-on approach of DIY or the convenience of buying, a shimmer wall is guaranteed to add a touch of magic to any room.
So, what's your verdict? Are you ready to roll up your sleeves and embark on a DIY adventure, or would you prefer to leave it to the professionals and buy a ready-made shimmer wall? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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georgeshutcheson · 5 months
Tax on 2nd Job
New Post has been published on https://www.fastaccountant.co.uk/tax-on-2nd-job/
Tax on 2nd Job
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Did you know that having multiple jobs in the UK can have implications on your tax situation? It’s true! In this article, we will explore the concept of optimizing tax on 2nd job. We will discuss the potential challenges faced by these employees and provide strategies to help them navigate the complex tax landscape. So if you’re one of those hardworking individuals with more than one source of income, read on to discover how you can make the most of your earnings while staying on the right side of the tax law.
Understanding the UK Tax System
Overview of the UK tax system
The UK tax system is a comprehensive framework that determines how individuals and businesses pay taxes to the government. It is based on the principle of progressive taxation, where higher earners pay a higher percentage of their income as tax and this effects tax on 2nd jobs. The main types of taxes in the UK include income tax, national insurance contributions (NIC), and value-added tax (VAT). Understanding the basics of the UK tax system is essential for employees with multiple jobs to navigate their tax obligations efficiently.
How tax is calculated in the UK
Tax is calculated based on an individual’s income, which includes earnings from employment, self-employment, investments, and other sources. The UK tax system uses a tax year that runs from April 6th to April 5th the following year. Taxable income is divided into bands or thresholds, and each band has a corresponding tax rate. For example, in the current tax year, 2024/2025, there are three income tax bands: basic rate (20%), higher rate (40%), and additional rate (45%). The tax rate for each band only applies to the income that falls within that specific band.
Tax rates and bands in the UK
The tax rates and bands in the UK change each tax year, so it is essential to stay updated with the latest information. As of 2024/2025, the basic rate band covers the first £37,700 of taxable income, the higher rate band applies to income between £37,701 and £125,140, and the additional rate band is for income above £125,140. It’s worth noting that Scotland has its own tax rates and bands, which can differ from the rest of the UK.
Challenges Faced by Employees in relation to tax on 2nd Jobs
Complexity of managing multiple income sources
Employees with a 2nd job face the challenge of managing different income sources simultaneously. Each job may have a different payment frequency, tax code, and payroll system. This complexity can make it difficult to track income accurately and ensure that the correct amount of tax is being paid.
Impact on tax codes and PAYE on Tax on 2nd Job
Having a second job can result in changes to tax codes and the PAYE (Pay As You Earn) system. Each job requires a separate tax code to ensure the correct amount of tax is deducted from the individual’s earnings. However, frequent changes in tax codes can lead to mistakes and errors in payroll deductions. It is crucial for employees with multiple jobs to review their tax codes regularly to avoid underpayment or overpayment of tax.
Identifying Employment Status
Different types of employment status in the UK
In the UK, employment status categorizes individuals based on their working arrangements and their rights and responsibilities within those arrangements. This can implications for tax on 2nd jobs.  The main categories include employed, self-employed, and worker. Each employment status has different tax implications and obligations, so correctly identifying the employment status for each job is crucial.
Determining status for each job
The identification of employment status for each job depends on various factors, such as the level of control the individual has over their work, whether they are contractually obliged to provide a personal service, and the degree of financial risk involved. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) provides guidelines and tests to help individuals determine their employment status correctly.
Tax implications based on employment status
Different employment statuses have different tax implications. Employed individuals have their taxes deducted automatically through the PAYE system, while self-employed individuals are responsible for calculating and paying their own taxes. Workers, who fall in between employed and self-employed, have some employment rights but also some tax obligations. Understanding the tax implications of each employment status is essential for accurate tax compliance.
Utilizing Personal Allowance
Understanding personal allowance
Personal allowance is the amount of income an individual can earn before they start paying income tax. It is a tax-free allowance provided by the government each tax year. As of 2024/2025, the personal allowance threshold in the UK is £12,570. Understanding and utilizing personal allowance efficiently can help minimize the tax liability for employees with multiple jobs.
Allocating personal allowance across multiple jobs
When an individual has 2 jobs, their personal allowance is typically allocated to the highest-paying job first. This means that the personal allowance covers the income of the highest-paying job before any tax is deducted. The 2nd job is then taxed as normal. It’s important to consider the allocation of personal allowance carefully to avoid underutilization or overutilization, which could result in a higher tax liability.
Avoiding underutilization or overutilization of personal allowance
Underutilization of personal allowance occurs when an individual has unused allowance from one job that could have been utilized in another job. Overutilization, on the other hand, happens when an individual has exhausted their personal allowance across 2 jobs but still has taxable income. Striking the right balance and optimizing the utilization of personal allowance is crucial for maximizing tax efficiency.
Managing Tax Codes and PAYE
Maintaining accurate tax codes for each job
To ensure the correct amount of tax is deducted from each job, employees with a 2nd job must maintain accurate tax codes for each employment position. Tax codes are issued by HMRC and are provided to employers for payroll deductions. Regularly checking and updating tax codes is essential to avoid underpayment or overpayment of tax.
Dealing with tax code discrepancies
Tax code discrepancies can occur when there are errors or changes in tax codes, resulting in incorrect payroll deductions. Employees should review their tax codes regularly and notify HMRC or their employers of any discrepancies or changes in their circumstances that may affect their tax liability. Addressing tax code discrepancies promptly helps prevent financial surprises and ensures accurate tax payment.
Implications of incorrect tax codes on 2nd jobs
Incorrect tax codes can have significant implications for employees with a 2nd job. It can lead to underpayment or overpayment of tax, which may require additional tax payments or result in a tax refund. Moreover, underpayment of tax can result in penalties and interest charges. It is essential to monitor tax codes carefully to avoid such issues and maintain compliance with the UK tax system.
Applying for National Insurance Contributions (NIC)
Understanding NIC and its importance
National Insurance Contributions (NIC) are payments made by individuals to fund certain state benefits, such as the State Pension and the National Health Service (NHS). NIC is essential for ensuring individuals’ eligibility for these benefits and maintaining the social security system in the UK. Understanding NIC and its importance is crucial for employees with multiple jobs.
Assessing NIC liabilities for each job
NIC liabilities are determined based on an individual’s earnings from employment. Each job is treated separately for NIC purposes, and the employee may need to pay NIC for each job if their earnings exceed the minimum threshold. It’s essential to assess NIC liabilities accurately for each job to comply with the NIC requirements.
Managing NIC contributions for multiple jobs
Managing NIC contributions for 2 jobs can be complex, as each job may have different earnings amounts and corresponding NIC rates. It’s important to keep track of earnings from each job and ensure that the correct NIC contributions are made. Failure to do so may result in underpayment of NIC, affecting eligibility for certain benefits, or overpayment of NIC, leading to potential refund delays.
Seeking Professional Tax Advice
Importance of professional tax advice
The UK tax system can be complex, especially for individuals with multiple jobs. Seeking professional tax advice can provide invaluable guidance and ensure compliance with tax regulations. Tax advisors can help individuals understand their tax obligations, identify tax planning opportunities, and provide assistance in dealing with tax complexities.
When to consult a tax advisor
Consulting a tax advisor is especially beneficial when faced with complex tax situations or significant changes in employment. If an individual is unsure about their tax obligations, needs assistance in optimizing their tax efficiency, or is facing challenges related to multiple jobs, seeking advice from a tax professional can provide peace of mind and clarity.
Understanding the cost versus benefits of tax advice
While professional tax advice comes at a cost, it is essential to consider the potential benefits and long-term savings that it can bring. A tax advisor’s expertise can help individuals navigate the intricacies of the UK tax system, minimize tax liabilities, and avoid costly mistakes. The cost of professional tax advice should be weighed against the potential savings and peace of mind it can provide.
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kirnakumar155 · 6 months
SAP Ariba Cost
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Understanding SAP Ariba Costs: A Guide for Procurement Professionals
SAP Ariba is a robust cloud-based solution redefining modern procurement. It streamlines sourcing, contracts, ordering, invoicing, and supplier management. However, SAP Ariba comes with associated costs, just like any powerful enterprise software. This blog will demystify the pricing structure and help you navigate the financial implications of adopting SAP Ariba.
SAP Ariba Pricing Models
SAP Ariba utilizes two core pricing models:
Subscription-Based: Suppliers pay an annual subscription fee based on their transaction volume and the desired feature set. The subscription tiers offer varying functionality, from essential to advanced capabilities.
Transaction-Based:  Suppliers are charged a small fee for each transaction processed through the Ariba Network. This model favors occasional or lower-volume users.
Factors Affecting SAP Ariba Costs
Several factors influence the final cost of your SAP Ariba implementation:
Transaction Volume: Higher transaction volumes typically lead to higher subscription tiers and fees.
Features: Access to more advanced features like catalog management, spend analysis, and guided buying will correspond to higher tiers and, therefore, higher costs.
Customization: Extensive customizations to the standard SAP Ariba solution can increase implementation and maintenance costs.
Deployment Model: Cloud-based deployments are generally more cost-effective over time than on-premise installations.
SAP Ariba Subscription Tiers (Example)
Here’s a simplified example of SAP Ariba’s tiered pricing structure. Please note that actual pricing may vary:
Standard: Free for basic transactions, limited volume.
Select Starts ~$50/month, increased transaction limits, and additional features.
Premier: Starts ~$495 /month, significantly more transactions, greater functionality.
Enterprise: Starts ~$2495/month for high-volume transactions and advanced features.
Enterprise Plus: Starts ~$7495/month for the most prominent organizations with complex needs.
The Value Proposition of SAP Ariba
While SAP Ariba carries costs, it’s essential to consider the potential value and return on investment:
Streamlined Procurement: Reduced process time and increased efficiency.
Cost Savings: Better spend visibility, increased supplier competition, and negotiated discounts.
Improved Compliance: Automated processes to ensure adherence to company policies and regulations.
Stronger Supplier Relationships: Collaborative platform fostering stronger partnerships.
Is SAP Ariba Worth the Cost?
The answer depends on your unique business needs and size. If you seek significant improvements in procurement efficiency, increased savings, and greater spending visibility, SAP Ariba’s value can outweigh the costs.
Tips for Managing SAP Ariba Costs
Thorough Needs Assessment: Clearly define your procurement goals to select the correct subscription tier and avoid paying for unnecessary features.
Negotiate: Subscription pricing can be negotiable, especially for larger enterprises.
Change Management: Ensure successful user adoption to maximize the utilization of the platform, justifying the investment.
Periodic Review: Reassess your usage and cost structure over time to ensure a continued fit for your requirements.
In Conclusion
SAP Ariba is a powerful procurement solution, but it’s critical to understand the cost models. Weigh the expenses against your organization’s potential benefits and ROI. By choosing the appropriate pricing tier and managing implementation carefully, you can achieve significant procurement optimization and a strong return on investment with SAP Ariba.
You can find more information about  SAP ARIBA in this  SAP ARIBA Link
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agarwalpackersau · 7 months
Easy Tips on Planning an overseas relocation from Australia
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Forging a fresh start is a life-changing experience. Making choices that directly impact an overall quality of life has given rise to job mobility in both the public and private sectors. 
Whether switching jobs, an expanding family, or undergoing other lifestyle or financial changes—many households are choosing to move or relocate for various reasons.
Relocating overseas for the long term can be a big decision. And it becomes essential to have realistic expectations when you travel or live abroad.
 Create a to-do list of 11 points to Start Planning for Overseas:
Check passport validity:
To avoid the hassles of dealing with renewal while overseas, keep a note of your relevant documents handy for verification in case of any unforeseen disruption in cheeking.
See if a new visa is to be applied for a purpose, or if you can renew the existing Visa. The Tourist Visa is non-extendable and non-convertible.
2. Apply for work permits and visas:
Make sure that you have the correct Visa for the purpose. Every country has its own requirements and processing time, so make sure your Visa is approved and issued in print timely. All relevant applications should be submitted well before you are due to move or start work/studies/vacation.
3. Check the cost of living:
A practical budget would account for the cost of delay and the volume of items to be moved. Any priorities set in haste can leave you wrestling among options and bring confusion to upcoming relocation abroad.
4. Start saving                                         
Importantly, arrange financing for travel insurance. Researching for sources of income, loan, debt and advances and discounting for substantiating formal risk assessment. Get a security plan. If you happen to move overseas without confirming a job, set a conservative benchmark for the saving.
5. Set aside a budget for relocation costs:
Make a smart move by factoring in the value delivered by International Movers and Packers Serving Australia, Singapore, Canada, Germany, India, etc to handle the daunting task involved in packaging and moving inter-states and abroad under a well–planned budget.
6. Start planning for tax:
Depending on taxation in your current country, you may need to inform the tax authorities about your overseas relocation plans to find essential steps involved to get your taxes in order. 
7. Complete a medical health check:
Undergoing medical examination on Overseas Visa Applications includes reports on physical and medical checks. The exam includes blood tests, X-rays, an electrocardiogram, and an abdominal ultrasound scan, as well as standard check-up procedures such as height and weight measurements, and a blood pressure test.
8. Organise storage and/or shipping
Keep what is necessary and essential by De-cluttering. Suppose you’re beginning to be overwhelmed by some of your consumer durables, such as furniture and other household items, to pack and send overseas. In that case, you probably shouldn’t deliberate over International Moving Services Australia.
Settled for a price quotation that authentically validates transparency, and all disclosure goes for it. Seek the fine print of any agreement before you sign. Make sure the fine print are related to insurance of the shipment are taken into account and not added as liability later.
9. Set up your banking:
Do not assume your funds from your new home country would transfer on their own. Apply for an international services bank account online before you arrive, or choose to open an international bank account before you leave.
10. Gather key documents:
Arrange your documented proofs before arriving, such as an international driving/driver’s licence, accommodation and education.
11. Pay off all your outstanding utility bills:
Clear payment due of all your utility accounts – like internet, gas pipelines, electricity– before leaving home
The zeal to move abroad can often come with a false sense of spending. A wholesome experience of working abroad with cultural immersion shouldn’t cause you financial strains while your settling.
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Future Trends in Alcoholic Beverages Packaging Industry: Predictions and Speculations
The alcoholic beverages packaging industry is likely to undergo several changes in the coming years, driven by evolving consumer preferences, sustainability considerations, and technological advancements.
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For more insights on the global alcoholic beverages packaging industry, download a free report sample
Here are some potential future trends:
Personalization and Limited Edition Packaging:
Brands may increasingly invest in personalized and limited edition packaging to create unique and exclusive experiences for consumers. Customized labels, packaging designs, and even packaging materials could be utilized for special editions.
Smart Packaging and Augmented Reality:
Integration of smart packaging technologies, such as QR codes or augmented reality (AR), for interactive and engaging consumer experiences. This could include providing information about the product's origin, production process, or even AR-enhanced labels.
Eco-Friendly Packaging Innovations:
Continued emphasis on sustainable and eco-friendly packaging solutions, with advancements in materials and technologies to reduce environmental impact. This may include the use of more biodegradable, compostable, or recycled materials.
Lightweight Packaging for Reduced Carbon Footprint:
Further development of lightweight packaging to reduce transportation costs and minimize the carbon footprint associated with the production and distribution of alcoholic beverages.
Digital Printing Technology:
Increased adoption of digital printing technology for flexible and efficient label printing. Digital printing allows for shorter print runs, customization, and faster turnaround times, catering to changing market demands.
Blockchain for Transparency and Traceability:
Implementation of blockchain technology to enhance transparency and traceability in the supply chain. This could help verify the authenticity of products and provide consumers with information about the journey of the beverage from production to consumption.
Interactive Packaging for Consumer Engagement:
Packaging that facilitates interactive experiences, such as augmented reality labels or QR codes that link to exclusive content or promotions. This could enhance consumer engagement and brand loyalty.
Premiumization through Packaging:
Premium and luxury brands may focus on creating packaging that enhances the perceived value of the product, incorporating high-quality materials, unique shapes, and innovative design elements.
Sustainable Packaging Metrics and Reporting:
Increasing emphasis on quantifying and reporting the sustainability metrics of packaging, allowing consumers to make more informed choices based on a product's environmental impact.
Biometric and Smart Security Features:
Integration of biometric and smart security features to prevent counterfeiting and ensure product authenticity. This could involve incorporating technologies such as RFID tags or other anti-counterfeiting measures.
Integration of Health and Wellness Features:
Packaging innovations that align with health and wellness trends, such as incorporating features that indicate nutritional information, ingredient sourcing, or wellness-related messaging.
Resilient Packaging for E-commerce:
As e-commerce continues to grow, there may be a focus on designing packaging that is resilient and sustainable for online distribution while maintaining brand aesthetics.
It's important to note that these predictions are speculative, and the actual trends in the alcoholic beverages packaging industry will depend on various factors, including consumer preferences, regulatory changes, and technological advancements. Keeping an eye on industry publications and market developments will be key for staying informed about emerging trends.
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takdrumhandpan · 8 months
Decoding the Factors that Influence Hang Drum Prices
The alluring sound of the hang drum has enchanted both artists and music lovers. This unusual piece of percussion, often known as a "handpan," creates melodious tones that inspire awe and serenity. The mystery surrounding hang drum costs is growing along with the desire for these instruments. Looking into the complex realm of art, craftsmanship, and market dynamics is analogous to unraveling the elements that affect hang drum prices. In this article, we examine the numerous factors that affect how much these captivating musical instruments cost.
Craftsmanship and Complexity
The degree of craftsmanship used in a hang drum's construction is one of the primary determinants of pricing. The laborious process of making a hang drum necessitates deft hands and a keen ear for sound. To ensure the instrument creates the desired harmonies, highly experienced artisans spend countless hours hand-shaping the metal, precisely tuning each note, and perfecting the entire instrument. The ultimate cost is strongly influenced by the complexity of the design and the level of precision needed in the craftsmanship. According to the proverb, true artistry is priceless, and the hang drum prices frequently reflect the level of virtuosity used in its construction.
Material Quality and Sourcing
The materials chosen to make a hang drum can significantly impact its cost. Premium materials influence the instrument's tonal quality as well as its durability. Stainless steel and other specialty alloys that provide a specific blend of resonance and stability are often used to make hang drums. The cost of production as a whole can change depending on the source and quality of these elements. The ultimate cost of the instrument is influenced by the use of premium materials that have been carefully chosen and tested to produce a sound that is deeper and more resonant.
Scale Design and Customization
The arrangement of notes on a hang drum, known as the scale design, plays a pivotal role in shaping its sound and emotional resonance. Different scale designs evoke distinct moods and atmospheres, from calming and meditative to vibrant and lively. Customization options, where players can request specific scale designs tailored to their preferences, further add to the complexity and uniqueness of the instrument. As customization demands increase, so do the intricacies of crafting, ultimately affecting the final hang drum price.
Brand Reputation and Recognition
In the world of hang drums, brand reputation carries considerable weight. Established and renowned manufacturers often command higher prices due to their track record of consistent quality, innovation, and commitment to the art form. A hang drum from a reputable brand not only assures superior craftsmanship but also provides a sense of authenticity and reliability. While lesser-known brands may offer more affordable options, the allure of owning a hang drum from a respected maker contributes to the premium pricing of these instruments.
Market Demand and Scarcity
Economics also play a role in shaping hang drum prices. The law of supply and demand influences the market dynamics of these instruments. As the popularity of hang drums grows, so does the demand, and this can lead to price inflation. Moreover, hang drums are often produced in limited quantities due to the labor-intensive nature of their creation. This scarcity further contributes to their value, as enthusiasts are willing to invest more to secure a unique and cherished instrument.
Decoding the factors that influence hang drum prices unveils a symphony of elements that blend together to create an intricate melody of value. From the artistry and craftsmanship poured into their creation to the quality of materials and the rarity of design, hang drum prices are the result of a delicate interplay between creative expression and market dynamics. As the world continues to discover the ethereal tones of the hang drum, understanding these factors deepens our appreciation for the instrument and the artisans who breathe life into its metallic curves. Whether one is a seasoned musician or an avid collector, recognizing the multifaceted nature of hang drum prices adds an extra layer of resonance to the journey of musical exploration.
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payrollbd · 9 months
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