#top toot yvie
eliotquillon · 4 years
ok ep 3 runway time
honey: cute but i do NOT get how it references gun violence
scarlet: i like this but i wish it was longer and not just a bodysuit
shuga: GOD another poor runway. it’s just too busy around her neck and the reveal is ugly....like the whole point of a reveal is you dont know it’s coming. and um. the wig sure is a wig!
plastique: she looks cute but like what else. plastique always looks pretty but i’m never gagging
akeria: this is a SERVE. the headpiece....she’s a winner. easily one of the best girls on the runway
rajah: the bang is too heavy/low and again what is with all the bodysuits??? the red is a good colour though, it’s a nice change from all the silver/gold
nina: this mushroom headpiece is my thirteenth reason. the gold bootie was a choice. we lose all of her shape from how thick the fringe on her dress is. a decision!
brooke: she looks gorgeous but i wish there was more fringe on her dress. appreciate that it’s not a bodysuit though, and the hippy thing is cute
vanjie: basically what she wore on week 1 lol. it has rly nice movement to it tho (which a lot of the other bodysuits didnt have) and she looks gorg with long black hair
yvie: YEAH this is always and forever my fave look of the season. the jellyfish thing is just great. and the platform heel does her wonders
mercedes: red wig and acid green fringe was. a choice. her hat looks like a lampshade lmao
ariel: again i like this despite myself. not sure abt that boot but it’s not another bodysuit and the holographic fringe is original!! it’s not a gaggy look but it does stand out imo
silky: i’m not sure how she keeps getting away with no silhouette. that blue is gorgeous on her though
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more4gemini · 5 years
Brooke’s outfit looked great but she really didn’t do the challenge? Like denim isn’t an unconventional material.
Well I mean it was a material that was given to her so I think it's fair game to use? I'm sure it was probably easier to work with than say Yvie's but but hey, work smart not hard right? I loved both of them for different reasons, I just love how Brooke styles things. She can make a simple piece of fabric look so good. And the fact that she's not even known as a design queen makes it even more awesome. She's so versatile!
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I love this season so goddamn much. We all know this. 
But the roasts are always my favorite, and the challenge that I would most like to do. 
Seeing as I will never be blessed enough to work with any of these talented people, I wrote my own roast set. 
Jaida, jaida, jaida. You always say “Look Over There!” But baby, only one eye moves at a time. 
The Vivienne. You say you take your fashion inspiration from luxury. I think it’s actually from Britain. More specifically, the loo. 
If viv and trinity fucked and had a baby, it would be a goddamn off brand brats doll. 
Trinity the truck isn’t the right nickname. This bitch is so full of semen she should change her name to Trinity the Truck Stop Michelle Visage Got Famous At. 
Raja thinks she’s such a fashion diva but bitch did you win either sewing challenge? Or ever get tooted on fashion photo review? No, but you won a lip sync against Jinkx. Whoop de fucking do. Oh wait….
Its so hard to roast Jinkx, because I’m so goddamn attracted to her. But I respect that she’s married. So let's just call this a spit roast for now. 
And no that’s not just a weight joke but Jinkx could crush me with them damn thighs shit
Jinkx monsoon is such a fucking gremlin that if you feed her pb and j past midnight, she’ll go so absolutely batshit that the judges will be too scared to stop her from winning everything
Jinkx monsoon is such a middle aged lesbian that whenever Rodger says something about her goddamn Sauvignon Blanc she’s already at the box wine section at Whole Foods
Jinkx monsoon is such a milf that she has a cult of little queers ollowing her every word which would be creepy if… no it’s just creepy
Speaking of creepy… hello Yvie. I don’t want to talk about your dick because dicks are gross. But if your dad ever asks, I’ll be straight for him. 
Yvie says she’s a top. I say she’s a bitch ass liar.  If that were true, she’d have been reported for abuse by now because no one would be able to walk
You know, I actually listen to her music a lot. Every time a song ends, I’m so happy. Because whatever I’m going through at the time seems so under control compared to whatever the fuck that god awful racket was. 
Monet x change’s name sounds so rich and luxurious, but when you look at that ass and think for a little bit you realize she’s just a hooker. 
Last place- I mean last on my list is miss shady coulady. Shea, you are just so damn gorgeous I can’t even stand to look at you. Or maybe it’s just because your skin is so shiny it’s blinding me. Or maybe it’s just your beautiful smile. Goddamn it, I can’t roast you, so PLEASE JUST DESTROY ME. PLEASE
Thank you if you’ve read my shit this far because I know it’s not funny, but I’m so depressed it cracks me the hell up. You know what they say, if you can’t roast yourself, how the hell you got roast someone else.
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dragracereviews · 4 years
RPDR Winners Ranked!
Disclaimer: the following list is MY opinion so don't come for me. Also, this won't be including All Stars winners, I'll do a separate list for that!
#11 - Tyra Sanchez, S2: Don't even get me fucking started on Tyra. I was 100% Team Raven and I'm still not over it.
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#10 - Bebe Zahara Benet, S1: Elephant in the room; season one just kind of sucked. Bebe did the best she could given the low budget and lackluster challenges and ultimately came out on top because of it. I personally liked Nina Flowers a little more but I’m not mad at Bebe’s win. However, I wasn’t a huge fan of her on AS3, even though her extreme confidence was rather amusing. I do love saying “Kamerooooon” though!
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#9 - Violet Chachki, S7: Another disclaimer: I don’t dislike anybody on this list below Tyra, they’re just victims of not being my favorites. Violet started off in episode one being not extremely likeable, but that changed over the course of the season and by the finale, I had basically accepted the fact that she was going to win. I was Team Ginger though and let’s be honest, it was between her and Violet because Pearl had no chance in hell of winning after “is there something on my face?” gate. I do appreciate Violet’s art and I love that she seems to be pretty close with some of her season 7 sisters. And no reveal, at least in my opinion, has ever come close to Violet’s fall runway. Just saying.
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#8 - Aquaria, S10: On first viewing, I didn’t NOT like Aquaria, but I didn’t love her either. I was actually rooting for Eureka to win because it’s high time a big queen places higher than runner up! Rewatching it though, I do see why Ru gave her the crown; her runways were perfect and for such a young queen, she was so fucking polished. I was Team Miz Cracker in that iconic “twin” rivalry, but again, I don’t hate Aquaria, she just isn’t one of my top faves. I do respect her and her drag and I’m sure with age, she is just going to get that much better (if that’s even possible)!
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#7 - Raja, S3: It almost breaks my heart not to have Raja higher on this list but it's no fault of her own, some of her fellow winners are just that great. Despite being a part of the Heathers clique, I found Raja to be not at all like her shady ass friends. She was the classiest of the bunch (though I do love Manila too) and she metaphorically pissed on that fucking runway every episode. I always found her very attractive out of drag, so that was an added bonus. I was extremely happy when she won! TOOT!
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#6 - Sasha Velour, S9: I just went to Sasha’s “Smoke and Mirrors” show in the fall and it reignited my love for this bald queen. I adored her on season 9 and even though most people were expecting Shea to win, I wasn’t mad when she won instead. Her lip syncing at the finale was EPIC and I do believe she beat Shea fair and square. I kind of hoped they would’ve retired the lip sync battle after this season though because I don’t believe it’s a fair way to determine the winner but hey, when has Ru ever listened to what the fans want, amirite? Regardless, I love Sasha and I can never look at rose petals the same way again.
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#5 - Yvie Oddly, S11: The hate that Yvie got on her season, particularly from Silky, made me so fucking angry. She came from an honest, but caring place whenever she gave her fellow queens critiques and those bitches just couldn’t handle it (sorry Vanjie, ily). My initial reaction to her winning was slight disappointment, just because as a Canadian, I really wanted Brooke to win, but upon further reflection, I think Yvie deserved it more. She went through a lot of shit in her life and throughout filming and to see her snag the crown after so many people doubted her was so amazing. Also, I’ve met her IRL and she’s is so sweet and a fucking fierce performer. You do you Yvie.
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#4 - Sharon Needles, S4: Here we have another underdog. Although Sharon’s fight with Phi Phi O’Hara on the show was iconic (”Tired ass show girl!” “At least I am a showgirl, bitch! Go back to Party City where you belong!”), she did not deserve to be put in just a “spooky” box. Sharon is versatile as fuck, and her changing aesthetic over the years is proof of that. And again, she’s a hot boy so she gets bonus points for that. Love you Sharon!
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#3 - Bob the Drag Queen, S8: This season was the first I ever watched so it will always been one of my faves. As much as I loved Naomi Smalls and Kim Chi, I knew Bob was going to win it because she’s just so fucking funny. Yes, her looks weren’t always the most polished, but I adored her anyway and I love her even more outside of the show. In case you didn’t know, she’s actually good friends with Trixie and she even took over Katya’s spot on the “Trixie and Katya Show” on Viceland when Katya went to rehab. We stan a queen who’s there for her friends!
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#2 - Jinkx Monsoon, S5: As mentioned in previous lists, I have since forgiven Roxxxy Andrews for picking on my little baby Jinkx, but it still made my heart so happy when Jinkx beat her to the crown. This narcoleptic ginger was adorable then and even more adorable now; I swear her laugh could cure cancer. And if you haven’t watched “Cool Mom” on WOW Presents’ YouTube channel yet, you’re missing out! Jinkx, if you’re reading this, will you be my mom?
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#1 - Bianca Del Rio, S6: Hands down, the undisputed winner of the best season of Drag Race. I fucking stan Adore Delano but I was not at all upset with the outcome because Bianca was unbeatable. I. Love. This. Bitch!
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trixie-katya-tati · 5 years
Raja and Aquaria giving Yvie top toot of the week despite her being considered in the bottom? TASTE!!!
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kaiasinclair · 6 years
Has anyone seen fashion photo ruview??
Do you agree? I dont agree with the top toot. At all. I'm sorry either Akeria or Yvie or even Nina. But Plastique?? Please tell me you arent saying this because shes pretty. She is gorgeous but the look didnt deserve top toot.
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chxchki · 5 years
the judges about yvie and scarlet's looks: scraps, poorly constructed, i dont get it
raja and aquaria about yvie and scarlet's looks: top toot of the week
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basilbitch · 5 years
TOP TOOTS: Yvie and Vanjie
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thefaggifier · 6 years
what are you looking forward to this week, what’s your favorite runway look(s) on season 11 so far, and if you you could write a book about anything, would it be about?
I’ve got some big news I should be hearing at the end of this week, so that’s something I’m really looking forward to.
Top Toots from the First Three Episodes:
11x1 - Brooke Lynn Hytes in her Detox look
11x2 - Vanessa Vanjie Mateo is her Libra look
11x3 - Yvie Oddly’s fringe fantasy
If I could write a book, it would be gay and probably really repressed and it would probably be a fantasy of what I wish my teen years could’ve been like in terms of being gay and romance.
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trixie-katya-tati · 5 years
Aquaria and Raja gave Yvie top toot? TASTE!!! But then they had to ruin it but booting Vanjie and Nina...... like I’m not a Vanjie stan and I’m rooting for Nina even though I don’t think she’s gonna win this season but.... them 3 mentioned plus Brooke Lynn had literally the best looks of the entire runway!!!
Mood went from this
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To this
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