#top Highland Hospitals
witchyafterdark · 3 months
—Sebastian Sallow Headcanons; pt. 2
• The Pros and Cons of being with him •
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These are just some of the headcanons that might manifest if you ever think about dating this one of a kind man, Sebastian Sallow. Once again, these are my personal thoughts, so take them with a grain of salt. None of these screenshots belong to me. All credits to their respective creators and owners! 💚
・❥・ PROS
Being with Sebastian is like a breath of fresh air every single day.
Even in the most mundane of moments, he won't be short of new things and experiences to enjoy with you. He makes sure that you're always happy in his presence that every time you have to spend some time apart, you can't wait to see and be with him again.
Your safety and security is top-priority to him, in more ways than one.
He has no qualms in joining you break the curfew to go adventuring in the highlands. Whenever he gets the chance, he slips a vial (or five) of Wiggenweld Potions into your robes in case you go fighting spiders, trolls, and Ashwinders without him. And when you come back to the castle with scratches or marks on you, best believe he will fuss over you regardless if you're in public.
But it's the little things that really matter to him.
Whenever you spend the night in his dorm, he ensures you're comfortable in his bed; grabbing extra pillows, giving you an extra blanket so you don't end up struggling with him over it, and casting a warming charm over the foot of the bed to keep your feet cozy.
He might even start to buy ribbons or hair ties for when you need them but don't have any on you at the moment. You're thirsty? He has another water canteen for you. Your seasonal allergies bothering you? He's got another set of handkerchiefs just for you. Your neck hurts from being hunched over while reading? He won't even hesitate to massage the back of your neck in soothing motions. You missed breakfast? Don't worry, he pocketed and kept warm a bunch of fresh muffins just for you.
When you get sick, you can only imagine the things he would do to nurse you back to health.
Sebastian is actually an expert in time management. It doesn't matter if he has classes in fifteen-minutes. He would have asked the house elves to prepare you a hearty bowl of vegetable soup, personally brought it to your bed in the Hospital Wing, and he would truly spoon feed you without hesitation. He would also do all your missed homework for you, and duplicate all his notes for you to go through once you're well. And he will see to it that you're nursed back to health by hook or by crook. He will sneak up to the Hospital Wing in the middle of the night just to check if you're sleeping well, or if you're awake and you need anything from him. He's very, very caring.
Of course, not everyone is a fan of the Hero of Hogwarts.
So, when he hears some students spreading nasty rumors about you, or badmouthing you, he will see to it that this kind of defamation ends within the span of a day. He will not allow anyone to talk bad about you, and would protect your reputation to the best of his abilities; even if he has to... dirty his hands a lot.
You will always feel loved by him, in all the sense of the word.
Even though he would be mindful of his public displays of affection—he actually likes to keep more intimate moments with you a bit more private and "for his eyes only"—he doesn't shy away from holding your hand in public. One of the simple things he enjoys doing is to guide you around with his hand on the small of your back, always keeping physical contact with you. Sweet kisses, hugs, comforting words, unexpected and unprompted gifts, catching him staring at you lovingly (and him denying this cutely), and being at your beck and call are just some of the things he loves to give you.
Beyond the surface, he is actually very in-tune with you and how you fair in the relationship.
Sebastian can perfectly read a person within a given time period. He managed to become Ominis' best friend, who is quite aloof and very guarded. This is because Sebastian has a way of appealing to people in a genuine way. This quality of his definitely extends to your relationship with him. He already senses when you had a bad morning, or when you're not in the mood for anything. He also doesn't push you to explain yourself if you don't want to. He will, however, do whatever to make you feel seen and heard in the moment, and won't invalidate your feelings... as long as you see eye to eye.
→ His romantic and compassionate gestures would grow even further once you've both graduated from Hogwarts, and are free to explore the full extent of your relationship.
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・❥・ CONS
He is aware of the weight of his baggage in life, and is quite stubborn about it.
(This one's not so much of a disadvantage but just something to keep an eye on).
Dealing with a lot of traumatic events and death of family members since childhood is bound to change anybody, and Sebastian is no exception. And since things just kept piling up on top of the other as he grows older, he is surprisingly stubborn and immovable about the things that has happened to him. The devastation of Anne's curse and the subsequent death of Solomon had left an indelible mark on his own perception of himself.
If there's one thing about him that you should know, it is that he refuses to be treated as a helpless victim of circumstances. Even if you're coming from a place of good intentions and wanting to help him overcome his trauma, he doesn't like to be helped unless he asks for it. And more often than not, he prefers to bury his emotional torment under a cool and controlled façade.
Talking about wanting to help him heal from his past is one way to push him into becoming emotionally detached from you. He'd rather swallow all the hurt than trying to heal from them; because dealing with them, no matter how beneficial it can be for him, will make him face his perceived weaknesses and supposed failures in life. And if you really push him to talk to you about these things, he will end up projecting all that trauma onto you and the relationship to "give you a taste" of what you're asking for.
With that said, he won't allow you to sway him from things he set his mind into—even if those things are deadly for him and the people around him.
To understand Sebastian, you only need to observe why he does the things he do. He doesn't do things without a purpose, without reason. But when his reasoning becomes severely clouded by his need to succeed, no amount of effort to persuade him otherwise will help your cause. In his mind, you're either with him, or against him. This laser-sharp focus and tunnel-vision can be viewed in a positive light. But too much of something can lead to the worst outcomes. And in his oldest friend's words, "he doesn't know when to stop." He doesn't go to sleep when he's tired, he goes to sleep when he's done. And while that is an attractive quality to a certain point, he doesn't know his limitations. That means he won't stop unless he gets what he sought out to achieve, even with the risk of life and limb.
In the same vein, he will do absolutely anything to get what he wants; and won't take no for an answer.
The ends justify the means for Sebastian. While he can be the type to think before he acts, what usually happens is that he thinks at the same time he acts. And if you ruminate about it, that kind of behavior can be quite alarming due to the notion that he thought about the repercussions or the moral standing of a certain action, yet still acting upon it. He knows what he's doing is wrong but have no problem justifying what he does without hesitation. In a life or death situation, this kind of attitude is beneficial because he can think quick on his feet. But you're not faced with life-threatening situations every single day. This makes you wonder... what kind of moral standards does he have on a regular basis? And what would happen to you if you get in the way of his plans?
On top of it, since he knows how to appeal to people's feelings, he doesn't hesitate to use that to his advantage very well.
Simply put, he knows which buttons to push in order to get you in his side. He will try to make you see that he's doing very questionable—or even downright heinous—things for the greater good. And he can do it in the most genuine, convincing way. He knows that you're attached to him, and he will monopolize on it for the other reason that he doesn't want to go against the person he loves.
But if you try to stand up against him, and try to persuade him into dropping what he's doing, his demeanor will immediately change. He will perceive your lack of cooperation as an act of betrayal, and will resort to other methods of manipulation.
And while he is also hurting from your direct disapproval, Sebastian can find ways to slowly but surely twist the nature of your relationship with him to get you to become co-dependent upon him to break down your defenses. This kind of tactic can eventually degrade the quality of your bond with him, and by extension, the way you behave with him over time.
If you decided to put your feet down and stand your ground against his decisions, best believe you're dead to him.
Sebastian can grieve the loss of his relationship with you, his beloved, but he won't ever let it show in public. It's as if he doesn't know you to begin with. In his mind, if you can betray him like that, then he shouldn't associate with you at all. No matter how painful it is to swallow the bitter pill of his new reality, he'll stiffen that upper lip and act as if it doesn't bother him at all. He is very, very stubborn.
(And yes, this is quite reflective of how he is with us post-credits because let's face it, him not speaking to us anymore was like a slap to the face. Even Duncan talks to us!)
So, do the pros outweigh the cons for you?
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witchywriter18 · 11 months
Being married and having a child with Sebastian Sallow
Slight hint of MC being a Hufflepuff but I'm a Hufflepuff soooo, deal with it
You and Sebastian got married almost immediately out of Hogwarts.
After you had stood by him during 5th year, he knew you were going to be the only woman for him.
Nah, let's face it. He knew you were perfect once you kicked his ass in DADA, the other stuff just sealed the deal.
Anne actually attended the wedding. While she was still upset about the relic situation, she couldn't miss her own twin's wedding.
Sebastian was very much on the verge of tears when he saw you in your dress.
If you thought he was clingy when you were dating, oh boy. Sebastian is even more clingy and affectionate after you two got married.
After the honeymoon, you both decided to live in Feldcroft.
While yes it held horrible memories for Sebastian, it had some good ones too. And he was ready to make more good memories with you.
For work, I don't think Sebastian would become an Auror. He didn't want to be anything like his uncle. I like the thought of him being a cursebreaker or even an unspeakable.
You on the other hand. Instead of being a housewife, you're either a herbologist or magizoologist. Your reasoning being that you've dealt with enough dark wizards and treasure hunting to last you a lifetime.
After about a year of marriage, you find out that you are with child. Sebastian is literally giddy with excitement.
And now super overprotective Sebby has been activated.
"Oi, put that down! It's too heavy!"
"......Seb, this literally a sheet of paper."
Oh boy, this will be fun....
When he's not at work, he's following you around the house like if he doesn't have eyes on you, you'll get hurt.
You accidentally knicking yourself with the knife while he was using the bathroom didn't help.
"Seb, it's just a small knick. It's nothing-"
"IT'S NOT NOTHING!!! YOU GOT INJURED WHEN I WASN'T HERE!!! *sniff* I'm a horrible husband😢"
Oof, and you thought you had moodswings.
After making sure your SMALL wound was cleaned and bandaged, you're consoling him for a good hour.
He's also getting sympathy pains and cravings.
You have back pain? Now his back aches a bit.
You're craving chocolate on top of bacon? Now he wants a bite.
Once you start showing, he immediately thinks you shouldn't be galivanting around the highlands.
You agree with that since you don't want to take a bad tumble and put your unborn child in danger, as much as it pains you to not being able to rescue beasts.
Ah, there are the mood swings! Yes, now you're crying about how now you won't be able to save a hypothetical Niffler named Opal.
During the months as your stomach swells, you're trying (and failing) to knit little booties and a hat for your child.
Sebastian is quite good with his hands (in more ways then one 😏) so he's making the baby's crib by hand.
When you guys are in bed getting ready to sleep, Sebastian has his hands on your belly. He gets so excited when the baby kicks.
Sometimes when the baby is too restless and won't let you sleep with all the kicking, Sebastian's hand gently rubs it, trying to sooth them.
"Alright little one, I know you're excited to explore the world outside your mother's womb but you need to let her sleep. So stop moving about and sleep you little troublemaker."
He also like kissing your belly just cuz he can.
During your final month, he gets time off so that when the time comes, he's ready to wisk you off to the hospital.
So, the time comes. Sebastian is anything but calm.
"It's in your hand darling. Now take me to the hospital before I pop this child out on our kitchen floor."
Unfortunately, back in those days, father's weren't allowed in the delivery room. So all he can do is pace outside, panicking whenever you let out a scream of pain.
My poor boy is literally having flashbacks to when he had to use the Cruciatis Curse on you.
Your friends show up to give the poor man support, and to see the baby. Or hear in Ominis's case.
Ominis is patting Sebastian on the shoulder gently.
After about five hours, the midwife comes out to sat that Sebastian can see his wife and daughter.
Man literally jumps up and rushes into the delivery room.
Once he gets inside, he sees you looking exhausted with your hair messy and sweat on your forehead.
With your little bundle of joy held to your chest.
Sebastian is once again crying like he did on your wedding day.
When your friends are coming in one by one, he's presenting your daughter this way, every time;
"Behold! The Snadger! The product of a snake (him) and a badger (you)!"
"Sebastian, stop calling our daughter that or you're not going to get the chance to put another child in me."
You both decided to name her Anne Lilian Sallow.
She has your hair and skin tone while she has Sebastian's eyes. Only time will tell what other features she'll gain from her parents over time.
I'll probably make a sequel to this with early parenthood headcannons. This was originally just gonna be marriage headcannons but then the saga of pregnancy came up so it changed.
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slytherizz · 7 months
Whatever it Takes - Sebastian Sallow x Female!MC/Reader
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Summary: Sebastian and new fifth year girl embark down a dark path together. Both have to carry a burden far bigger than themselves. To save his sister and the wizarding world as they know it. They know what needs to be done, as they descend into a world of dark magic and it's consequences.
Kindred spirits, ready to risk it all no matter the cost to their own souls. But they may get a little more than they bargained for as their growing feelings for each other threaten their mission at every turn.
Together, they'll do whatever it takes to save the ones they hold dear. No price is too high.
You can find the entire fic on Ao3
Tags: Character Study, Angst, Friends to Lovers, Sebastian Sallow POV
Warnings: 18+, explicit sexual content, explicit language, angst, mostly angst, no beta
A/N I realised I never actually posted my first fic here as I wasn't on tumblr when I began posting on Ao3. Literally just a 58k character study I did for Seb when the game first came out. There are of course, lots of chapters and scenes peppered throughout that aren't canon compliant as I fiddled with the timeline (Extended to 3 year time span). Reading this fic isn't necessary to skip to Part 2 'In the Shadow of Us' but may add ✨seasoning✨
Chapter 1
September, 1890
Prewitt was always insufferable, and the summer had only made the Gryffindor more arrogant. He’d come into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom bragging about some ludicrous adventure he’d had with his Aunt. Something about hitting a troll over the head with its own club whilst visiting family in the South of France. True or not it had rubbed Sebastian the wrong way. He would have loved nothing more than to have spent the summer duelling up in the hills around Feldcroft with Ominis and Anne, generally getting up to no good. Since the pains that plagued his sister, only grew worse he’d had little time to adventure across the Scottish Highlands under his uncle's strict leash.
Prewitt had raised his wand across from him, “Scared of being knocked off the top spot in the crossed wands, Sallow?”
A taunt that would have hit his mark if delivered by a better duellist. He stepped to meet the boy's challenge, he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to knock him down a few pegs. He launched three quick spells but Prewitt was on the defensive, his Protego firmly in place. Maybe he had gotten better, but not good enough. Despite trying to keep Sebastian under lock and key all summer, Solomon couldn’t be around at all times. Sebastian had been practicing too.
The fact was, Prewitt was predictable. Sebastian saw the telltale shake of his arm, his balance was off and his feet were so close together he knew he could sweep him off them. But mostly the Gryffindor didn’t commit. His spells fell short as most did when duelling and too afraid of getting the incantation wrong to really follow through with a cast. Stopping his onslaught, Sebastian let the magic thrum in his fingers. The feeling always comforted him, the hum in his blood as it pumped around his body. He paused for one second to savor it and waited biding his time. As expected, Prewitt took the bait. Dropping his Protego he threw out a shaky leg locker jinx which Sebastian quickly brushed to the side with a wave of his wand.
“Is that all you’ve got?” he crooned. Then he struck. 
Prewitt's footing wavered, losing his balance he wasn’t fast enough to protect against the spell. Just in time, the Gryffindor managed to redirect the spell up onto the great skull that loomed above their heads. The skeleton groaned as the head came loose of its moorings directly above the redhead. All the colour seemed to leech from Prewitt’s face as the enormous mass of bones quickly impressed upon him.
As quickly as it had come loose, Hecat suspended the skull just in time to save his opponent from a rather painful visit to the hospital wing. Pity. So much for the Troll Slayer. Couldn’t even defend himself against a beast that was already dead.
Hecat looked them both over, before leveling him with an exasperated look. He liked the professor, a skilled witch he admired. She understood the value of knowledge, that anything no matter how small may make all the difference in a fight. Hecat was an older woman with greying hair and a slight hunch to her shoulders one might assume her frail. Never underestimating your opponent, was a lesson learned the hard way. Not anyone can take down a dragon poacher ring, you had to be resourceful, and cunning.
The professor had launched into a speech he knew well. He’d heard it on his first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, every ear in the room had pricked up, they were silent, and he remembered feeling the coil of excitement. Anne’s eyes had shone that day as she looked at the professor as if a heroine from one of her adventure books had leapt off the page. He’d groaned at it in his 3rd year when she’d caught him sneaking behind the Quidditch stands with that pretty Ravenclaw girl he’d liked instead of writing 16 inches on werewolf and nocturnal beast identification. Last year he’d cursed it. Where were the brave witches and wizards to protect Feldcroft, his hamlet to save his sister when she needed them? Why couldn’t they teach him the knowledge he needed to do it himself?
“…Knowledge. To the wise age matters very little.”
But this time it felt different. He didn’t resent hearing this tale, in fact, deep inside something stirred. That little fire inside he guarded so fiercely, quivered to attention sending a little shiver down his spine. Hecat began their lecture.
“Levioso? A levitation charm?” cried an exasperated Prewitt, Sebastian shot him a glare. But too quickly Professor had turned her attention to the Gryffindor.
Prewitt shot up all eyes to where he was now suspended in mid-air squirming. His cheeks and ears burned almost as bright as his hair. Sebastian smirked slightly, not being able to resist the curl of his lips at the boy's gangly limbs flailing in the air like the squid in the lake. He heard a small snigger from an unfamiliar voice behind him. He turned slightly. To his right trying to disguise her laughter was the new fifth-year girl that had come charging with Professor Fig at last night’s Sorting Ceremony looking a bit moon-eyed and breathless. Just as he’d once looked when he’d first walked into the great hall all those years ago. Strange to have someone wind up at Hogwarts in their fifth year, stranger still was the conspiratorial look Professor Fig had given her as he ushered her over to the lumpy old hat on the chair. Sebastian liked a mystery and someone who liked to see Prewitt made a fool of gets points in his book. She met his gaze, and he quirked an eyebrow.
Hecat then releasing the charm Prewitt fell ungracefully to the floor in a heap of limbs. He clambered up awkwardly dusting himself off before slinking to one of the desks in the darker far corner of the room. No doubt to blend in to quell the embarrassment as the rest of the class took to their seats. Sebastian settled in his favourite seat by the window.
Chin resting on his hand, wand in the other he lazily flicked at the Fwooper feather on his desk suspending it and letting it fall back down. The classroom buzzed around him, the clang of the practice dummy and the grumbles of a Ravenclaw boy who just couldn’t seem to grasp he was meant to be casting a spell not stirring a bloody soup with his wand movements. The sounds slowly drifted away, and he found his mind started to wander as the September sun warmed his face. He’d spent months practicing Levioso in his second year in the Undercroft whilst preparing for his first duel with the Crossed Wands. Anne had been here to help him then. Any free moment they had had been spent holed up in that secret back room adjusting their wrist movements by tiny degrees. More than once they’d caught the other a bit too hard and sent them careening a bit too high whacking their heads on the ceiling or in one instance Anne had dropped him right on top of a broken cauldron breaking his wrist in two places. The matron in the hospital wing had been suspicious but they certainly weren’t the first to wind up there due to unsanctioned duelling. So with all their limbs still attached, she didn’t pry.
Those memories had an edge to them now. What good did all their practicing do when Anne couldn’t protect herself when it really mattered? Why couldn’t he protect her when it really mattered? Since that day in the summer before their fourth year, Sebastian was more determined than before. Age didn’t matter to the wise, as Hecat always said. Now he spent hours poring over seventh-year advanced spell books and banned books on curses he’d pilfered from the restricted section. Winning at the Cross Wands had once made him gleam with pride, and his boasting probably made him an insufferable prat to be around. Now the winning didn’t taste as sweet. In his search for anything to help Anne his knowledge of spells and duelling skills had progressed far beyond what he needed for matches. He only used it as a way to sharpen his skills, he was being reckless in the duels. In some instances, three on one, pushing himself to his limit with every new spell he learnt. Some fights tougher than others, he’d been caught by a couple of stray jinxes from some of the more formidable 7th years but he’d beaten them too, all the same.
He cast his eyes across the room, Hecat was encouraging the new fifth-year girl who was striking the practice dummy suspended in mid-air. She was good.  U nrefined but quite natural in her movements so unlike the overeager predictability of Prewitt’s spellcasting. Sebastian pushed off the table to stand in the middle of the classroom to examine her closer. Her movements were rather erratic as you’d expect from someone untrained, but there was a certain fluidity to how she held herself and moved her wand as if not a tool in which to cast but a very extension of her arm. The magic that thrummed from her wasn’t something she controlled, it was a wild and untethered thing she redirected like water. The static from her magic made her stray hairs stand on end as she pulled back from her attack and let the dummy fall to the floor with a clang
Hecat smiled at the girl before catching his eye “Very good. But the best way to practice is by duelling. We’ll start with you two.” She said gesturing to Sebastian who was watching from the side. "Duellists take your marks”.
She may be new and rather capable, but Sebastian was sure it would be the same thing with every duel these days.
“Time for a proper Hogwarts welcome” he smirked, striding across the room and into position.
Never say Sebastian Sallow was a bad loser. As he lay flat on his arse, breathing hard his heart still thundering quickly as he shook off the remnants of the spell that struck him. She stood above him wand still raised slightly. Their eyes met.
Her eyes shone with that look of triumph a feeling he knew well. He lived that feeling. It was that look he usually gave opponents. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been the one on his back, but he couldn’t say he minded the view. Her hair was wild around her face, her lips slightly parted, panting lightly. A delicious sound. A conquering heroine. He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corner of his lips. Finally, someone interesting.
He hadn’t duelled like that in a long time. He’d let her strike first casting a protego when they’d begun their game. He was a gentleman after all. Not gentleman enough to let her win but she was new and letting her get a couple of shots in early was only polite. Then he’d countered quickly, no point in going easy and wearing her out on her first day but to his delight she’d deflected with a protection of her own. Their dance began, as expected from her work with the dummy, she duelled more reactively and unrefined. Her wand lashing out from her fast like a whip, she seemed to cast with her whole body. She’d leave her left side fully exposed only to pivot so quickly the vulnerability was lost in a flurry of robes and long hair. He cracked a smile, finally someone interesting to compete with. He parried and struck with his wand missing his mark again as she moved like a knife through butter. She looked up and their eyes met. Sweat glistened faintly on her brow, a wide grin spread across her face and a feral tenacious glint in her eye. She looked like a woman who’d been lost in the desert, the magic thrumming through her was the water she’d been denied that she desperately gulped it down until she was sick with it. That’s when he’d hesitated. At that familiar look in her eyes. Her blow struck him square in the chest and that’s when he’d landed with a thud.
She held out her hand for Sebastian, her lips quirked slightly at one side. He took her outstretched hand as she hauled him up off the ground.
“Not bad for a beginner. You give as good as you get” he said with a grin, dusting himself off.
He was lurking by the door to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom waiting for her to finish with Hecat. As expected, Prewitt and Imelda hadn’t hesitated with a few snide remarks and jeer at his expense. Sebastian’s own defeat had clearly helped mend Prewitt’s bruised ego from earlier. Even ‘Puffskein Dunkein’ had shot him a mocking smile. The audacity of a man afraid of a Puffskein to think he’d be embarrassed. Sebastian cocked an eyebrow as if to say, ‘Do you want a turn?’, had the Ravenclaw boy averting his gaze and quickly shuffling out.
They all thought he was embarrassed. But the fact of the matter was, he wasn’t. Far from it. In fact, he was ecstatic. He’d not had a chance to duel like that in a long time not with someone like him. The look he caught in her eye he knew then they shared something. She wasn’t afraid of it. Not of that power that thrummed and ebbed in her veins. His teachers, his peers, and especially his uncle Solomon were afraid of that innate power they all had. The fear, that had professors restricting the spells they taught. The fear, that kept them from driving the loyalists out of the hills around Feldcroft. The fear, that kept them from doing whatever it takes to find a cure for Anne. He didn’t see a shred of that fear when he looked at her in that duel.
She was walking then toward the back of the room, heading for the door, fumbling with some odd book in her bag. He moved swiftly to fall into step beside her.
“That duel was quite something,” he said nudging her arm slightly drawing her attention.
“It was good practice.”
“Practice? It felt more like I was duelling an expert” he wasn’t lying, that kind of trust in one’s abilities was something it took most people years to forge. “Didn’t expect a new student to be so deft with a wand…but perhaps this wasn’t your first due?” A leading question he knew, this girl was unusual, to say the least, and wherever she’d come from, maybe they had more kindred spirits.
“It was in fact. Maybe I just have a knack for it” She didn’t meet his eyes, trying a little too hard to sound aloof.
“Be coy if you like, but I know better. Magic requires intention and talent” he smirked. He liked this game, someone who kept their cards close to their chest, but he wanted to duel with her again and Sallow’s always get their man. So, he dangled the carrot “In fact, you might be a perfect fit for a certain exclusive, unsanctioned duelling organisation.”
She gave him a sideways glance up through her eyelashes though he could feel the spark of interest, her eyebrows raised “Exclusive and unsanctioned?” she mused “Count me in.”
A rulebreaker too. Merlin have mercy. He could work with this one.
“I knew I was right about you. If you want to get the most out of your time at Hogwarts. You’re going to need to break the rules now and then. Whether it’s joining a secret duelling club or sneaking into the restricted section of the library. You just have to be clever enough not to get caught.”
“And what? you’re offering to be my clever guide around this place?”
“Of course, I would never leave a lady to fend for herself. Especially not one that flipped me in a duel so easily.”
“Hmm, it may not be the last time I get you on your back.”
He spluttered, was she implying…surely not. That was just about duelling. Either way, his face flushed slightly. 
"If you fancy a partner send me Owl, despite my performance today, I am the reigning Champion. We could make quick work of this year's competition if we work together." Spotting Ominis on the floor below ducking around the Defence Against the Dark Art staircase he slowed his stride to cast one last look at the girl before he took off after his friend “I’ll see you soon. Perhaps somewhere…unsanctioned”.
A conspiratorial smile was shared, and he was off following his fellow Slytherin into the Undercroft.
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infernalodie · 2 years
𝐅𝐞𝐳 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐱𝐢’𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 || 𝐋𝐞𝐱𝐢 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐳𝐜𝐨
“𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘐'𝘮 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘔𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦, 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦“
Inspo: Rex Orange County - Pluto Projector
Pairing: Fezco x Daughter!reader x Lexi Howard
Summary: They’d always love you...
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Warnings: Talk’s of verbal abuse, some fluff strewn about, but devolves into a angsty fluff ending.
Words: 4268
Lexi never thought she would fall in love with Fezco. At first glance, no one would suspect them to be able to get along as much as they had when they first met. He was a drug dealer and she was a kind and smart girl. The perfect girl next door, to be exact. She never thought in a million years that not only would she get together or have a kid with him would’ve happened in her life.
But it seemed like it was a match made from heaven. They related in movies and were very supportive of one another. Lexi just felt happy and on her toes whenever Fezco was around. He was unpredictably brilliant. So, it made the idea of him falling for her be masked in a 50/50 chance. But he did. He fell for her and ended up together throughout high school.
Before anything had ever happened between them romantically, they had talked about kids. What they wanted for a family and how many kids they wanted. Their own little perfect future that they never knew would involve one another. In no way would Lexi have guessed that she would have a positive pregnancy test weeks after a one-night stand.
It scared her, truthfully. Cassie had an abortion after she told McKay and seeing her sister terrified reminded Lexi of the brutal reality that she was stuck in. Fez had simply  told her, “I won’t control your decision, but know I will be by your side and support you either way.” So, she was faced with two options. Continue with school and achieve her dreams before bringing a child into the world. Or have a child and be looked down upon by the rest of her peers in East Highland.
Now, for someone like Maddy, Lexi would take the former. But she wasn’t much like her friends or sister. She had dreams- Ones that she would like to come to fruition. And she had people behind her willing to support her, including the father of the baby growing slowly inside her stomach. But to save herself from the possible stress and foulness that East Highland offered to everyone that went, she stayed home for the remaining time before the child was born. Having her mother come by and grab her assignments and notes that the teachers wrote for her. Since she was at the top of all her classes, this leniency was expected.
So, she waited for her time at home and continued with her studying and schoolwork. Friends came by to visit and gawk over who would be the best at babysitting the baby whenever Lexi was busy. And Fez came by and Lexi had never seen him any calmer than the times he just laid beside her with his eyes focused on her baby bump. The tiniest of smiles were evident on his lips as he would often lay his head against her stomach. Listening and waiting for something to happen.
At that time, Fezco didn’t have much to offer. Ash passed away before he even got to hear the news of being an uncle and Fez stopped dealing drugs. Or at least, that’s what most people suspected. He was far more careful about it and only sold to people he knew wouldn’t snitch or bought from people that wouldn’t snitch. But what he offered was his time and company to help Lexi through the experience.
“Fez, fucking hurry, man!” Rue exclaimed, running down the hall of the hospital toward where the front desk had given them the information about Lexi’s room. Fez hadn’t done many sports in school or ever, so he was panting and beginning to believe he was going to have a heart attack before he got to hold the baby or see the love of his life.
“I’m fuckin’ trying, Rue!” He spat, jogging after the girl.
When they made it to the room, Rue practically kicked open the door and stopped at the doorway. Fez panted, coming to a slow stop beside her and stopping at the doorway. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head upon seeing Lexi holding you. A baby girl. A lively and rather quiet baby, who slept soundly in your mother’s arms.
Lexi lifted her head and Fezco swears he saw her eyes brighten upon seeing him. “Do you want to hold your baby girl?” It was a question that didn’t need to be asked because he rushed over to the side of the bed. Ecstatic with energy, but it contrasted with how soft and careful he was with taking you. He was supporting your head comfortably and he just stared down at you in astonishment.
But that was so long ago, it was often hard to remember what it was like then and leading up to the present. The three of you now living in New York with Lexi pursuing her dreams in plays whilst Fezco continued to sell drugs. And you were going to school. Outside of that, nothing much seemed to bother the small and loving family.
It stayed like that for years, even when Lexi finally started writing plays and getting herself out there. You were more interested in making music from Uncle Elliot, who always wanted to hear more that you had been making. Fezco and Lexi encouraged you to explore and experiment with sports or activities you were interested in. Just turns out music had been the thing that grabbed your attention from the ripe age of 6.
You were beaming smiles as bright as the sun. A curiosity that knew no bounds. A personality so unique and abstract for someone your age that it threw your parents off occasionally. You were intelligent and Lexi often said that you got it from your father, but you weren’t convinced most of the time- primarily because the guy could stand up and, look around, and then sit back down doing whatever he was doing. But they knew you were special in your own right and a gift to them that they never took for granted.
But sometime when you were 10, things changed. Something shifted after Fezco and Lexi had to go on a trip for her work. Sadly, you had been left with Nate Jacobs and Cassie. They hadn’t been Lexi’s first choice, but everyone else was busy and Cassie had been dying to meet you. So, they dropped you off at Nate’s mansion. Giving you longing hugs and kisses before they drove away. Leaving you with two people that Lexi and Fezco hated with their hearts.
There had practically been no communication from Nate or Cassie throughout the week that Lexi and Fezco were on their trip. It worried both of them, but they had faith that nothing was going on. But when they came back, they saw you and it felt like a void had taken their daughter’s body. There was no smile, there was no hugs, no kisses, not even a word spoken. Just your silence and your seemingly uneasy body that hurried to their car.
They couldn’t figure out what was going on and no doctor could do the same. The Doctor had told the two parents that it might be some form of trauma or you had suddenly gone mute. But from what Lexi could tell, you were still one of the few at the top of your classes. Teachers have said that you also don’t talk in class, but said your silence just adds to your focus in class, and it showed. Which angered Lexi a bit as your asshole teachers made it sound like they preferred your silence over free speech.
And whenever they reached out to Nate or Cassie, all they got was an automated message. They were left with no answers or inkling as to what happened at that time from when they left and when they arrived.
Your silence killed both of them as you never said anything to them, your aunts, or uncles. Your room was always silent and wherever you went, your closed-off self followed rapidly. But the very few times they heard you were at night. When you thought everyone was asleep and when your muffled sobs could be heard faintly.
That had been 7 years ago, and nothing has changed. You were still quiet and closed off. Every time Fez tried to talk to you, all you have him was a hum, shrug, nod, or shake of your head. And every time Lexi tried to ask how school was going or ask to hear your music, you never said anything.
Tonight though, both Lexi and Fezco were in a rush with tidying the 3 bedroom apartment. Cleaning up dishes, tables, chairs, rooms, everything. Because tonight, you were bringing over your girlfriend whom they had only gotten a warning from an hour ago in a text. So, here they were, nearly tripping over their feet with Lexi preparing a meal whilst Fezco was trying to smoke a joint while sweeping the living room.
“Fez, put that out,” Lexi said with a chuckle. “You already smell like weed as it is.”
“My nerves are all over the place, baby,” he grunted, sweeping the dust bunnies into the dustpan. “Y/n is going to give me a heart attack one of these days with how unpredictable she can be.”
He tossed the dust bunnies into the garbage before making his way to the spot beside his wife, who grinned ear to ear from his previous statement. “It sound’s like a mini Ashtray to me.” Hearing that made Fezco’s lips press into a warm smile. Taking one more hit of the blunt before the sound of the apartment door unlocking filled the air. Lexi’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when she slapped Fezco’s shoulder, urging him to put out the blunt. To which he simply leaned over the sink and tossed it out the window with an amused grin. Whoever found that blunt and decided to smoke it would have a fantastic night.
Turning to you, Alice, the girl they knew very little about besides what you wrote on papers to communicate with them, smiled at them. But you still said nothing. A small smile, but nothing more than that. Lexi and Fezco didn’t let that bother them too much as Lexi walked over, giving you a hug and shaking hands with Alice.
“Alice, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Lexi smiled. “Y/n talks about you all the time.”
That was enough to provoke a reaction from you. Pinching your mother’s arm with a warm blush fanning your cheeks as you dropped your backpack and jacket onto the couch. Alice smiled at you before looking up at both of your parents. “Well, that’s something new I can tease her about. But it’s very nice to meet you two,” she stated warmly.
“Yo, do you like pasta?” Fezco asked from the kitchen in his usual slurred-out tone.
Alice let out a short laugh as she shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t mind a little pasta once in a while.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not the master chef here. So, it’ll taste good,” he paused for a moment as Lexi approached. “I would hope at least.”
Lexi gasped, slapping his shoulder as Alice laughed softly. Still, there was nothing that came from you as you silently took your girlfriend’s hand and pulled her away. There was no hiding the briefest expression of confusion but seemed to remember and understand in an instant. Which made Lexi and Fez pause for a moment.
They waited until they heard your bedroom door close before Lexi inhaled deeply. Her hands braced against the counter as she bent over. Her eyes clamped shut as Fez frowned. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Something feels different,” Lexi muttered. ”I don’t know what it is, but it feels like Alice knows more than we do.”
Fezco hummed, crossing his arms tightly over his chest as he leaned into the counter. “You mean with Y/n being mute?”
“That’s-!” Lexi nearly yelled, stopping herself as she stood up straight. Covering her face with her hands as she sighed heavily. “She’s not mute. I’m telling you, Fez. Something happened at my sister’s place.”
“And I’m telling you that those two are nowhere to be found,” Fezco reminded softly. “They moved without any word to anyone within our circle of family. Even if we wanted to do something about it, it’d be a manhunt before we get any answers- and what if they didn’t do anything? It’d been a waste of time and resources.”
Lexi could help the incredulous look that formed on her face as she looked at her husband. “Are you seriously defending Cassie and Nate?”
Fez sighed. “That’s not what I’m trying to say-”
“Fez, we both know Nate abused Maddy,” she hissed. “How far of a possibility would it be if he’s done it to our daughter?”
It’d been on their minds for 5 years. At first, neither of them let that chance that Cassie or Nate would have the spine to do. But as time passed on and they quickly started trying to put pieces together, Nate and Cassie seemed to be the only possibility. They had to be at the center of all the destruction they had brought the family to. And although you were impressionable at that age, they knew your personality wasn’t as changeable as you might’ve let on. So, in other words, you were unique and were very hard to think of a separate thing from your own opinion and such.
And when they tried to call or text either suspect, there was nothing. So, they had left this small peaceful family in shambles. The only able thing to do was to pick up the pieces and make some sense of the disaster those two had caused.
But in some sort of case that this could possibly be an act, they weren’t sure how they would react. But they knew you better than that. When you were just a kid, you would rave on and on about the things you did at school or were wanting to do in the future. It was just hard for them to believe that you just decided to become silent after a week. There had to be some sort of malicious reasoning behind it.
“Well, I’ll tell you what,” Fez sighed. “If that fucker did anything to her, I’ll see to it I put him ten feet under.”
Some time ago, if Fezco would’ve said that, Lexi might’ve protested. She wasn’t one for violence and she knew that wasn’t ever going to change. But if Nate had done anything to you, her baby girl, Cassie would’ve been in on it. And that meant Lexi would have to break her unsaid path and hurt her sister. “The same will go for my sister,” Lexi nearly growled. “Bitch would fucking deserve the worst type of torture.”
Fezco couldn’t help the small grin that formed on his lips just as Alice entered the kitchen with a soft smile. “So, how are we looking on the food?” She inquired just as you entered the room in tow.
“It’s all done,” Lexi said. “Y/n, can you set up the table, sweetheart?”
The painful silence was from you glancing at Alice before moving to grab the utensils and napkins, and preparing the table. Alice seemed to sense the tension, forcing a smile and going to help you. Both parents stood in the kitchen, still uncomfortable from the abnormal silence you had continued to give them. Some part of them hoped that bringing your girlfriend here would finally allow you to shed some layer of your protectiveness, but they were sadly mistaken.
After an awkward conversation between Lexi and Alice, the food was prepared and dished out. The four sitting at the table began to eat. Lexi and Fez quickly found out that you and Alice met in band class the year they moved to New York. Sharing many of the same classes together and being in the same year, you guys saw one another frequently. Turns out, Alice had asked you out months ago, but the apparent shock on Lexi’s expression showed that should’ve been a fact kept hidden.
But besides that, the dinner was rather great. Alice seemed to be a beaming of light in your life judging by the faint smiles that tried to force themselves on your lips. Although you didn’t speak, your parents could see that you and Alice had some way of communication. Alice seemed to understand every little look you gave her and everything less.
And slowly, the night wounded with you and Alice falling to your bedroom. The kitchen and living room had grown quiet with Fez and Lexi cleaning. The clattering of wet dishes being washed and placed on the dry rack was the only sound heard. Both were clearly exhausted from the rather stressful evening Alice’s sudden appearance had caused the pair.
Except, when Lexi was about to speak, her words were lost when they heard the faintest wisp of a voice accompanied by the keys of a piano. Your piano was one of the sources, but the voice drew both of their attention. “I don’t want it. And I don’t want to want you.”
The progression of the keys caused Lexi to softly drop the dirty dishes and grab the dry rag from the sink and quietly step in the direction of your room. Fez stared at his wife in confusion before slowly following. “But in my dreams I seem to be more honest,” the voice rang out. Standing just outside your bedroom, Lexi and Fez listened carefully. Hearing the shifting and creak of your bed as the keys carefully continued to play. “And I must admit, you’ve been in quite a few.” Both Fez and Lexi stood silently as the final key played loudly and slowly droned on until you had lifted your finger.
“Did you write that for me?” Alice’s inquiring voice questioned, a hint of a bashful smile in her words.
There was a steady pause before they heard it. Your voice. “Everything that I’ve written has been about you.”
The shock written on both Lexi’s and Fez’s faces was probably the same for Alice. Likely not for the same reasons, but nonetheless; shock. They heard muffled giggles fill the air before they both silently walked back to the kitchen. The two of them continued their tasks before the creaking of your bedroom door opened. A pair of footsteps came down the hall before both you and Alice stood. Alice wore a bright smile as she nodded to Fezco, who nodded as well. “Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Howard. The spaghetti was amazing.”
Although Lexi was in some sort of pain and shock, she managed a smile for the girl. “No problem, and I’m glad you liked it. Y/n didn’t give us much to go off of from her texts.”
Soon enough, Alice bid farewell with you seeing her out. Sharing one short kiss and hushed “goodbye” before you were making your way past the kitchen. A light hop in your step and uncontrollable smile dancing on your face. Butterflies tickled the inside of your chest as you were barely holding on from not texting Alice already.
“Y/n, come here.” Your father’s words made you stop, frowning as you back peddled and looked at the man. He was leaning against the edge of the counter, same with your mother who wore a distressed expression. “We’d like for you to sit down and talk to us.” The statement nearly made you laugh in amusement, shaking your head, trying to hold onto the happiness you felt for tonight.
“Y/n, sit down.” The finality in Fez’s tone shocked Lexi as much as it did you. Staring at your father for a moment, lips parting to protest, almost slipping before you grumbled and sat at the table. Fingers toying with one of the forgotten table clothes that had spilled spaghetti sauce clinging to the edge. But before you had a chance to realize it, it was snatched from your hands with your gaze snapping up to your father’s hard gaze as he pointed at you sternly. “Listen and look at your mother.”
Pushing your tongue to the inside of your cheek, head slightly bowed, your eyes snapped to your mother, who stood with a distraught and rather saddened look in her eyes. You hated seeing her like this. Truly, you wished to never be the reason for her being so stressed, but it wasn’t like you wanted her to feel like this intentionally. None of this was intentional and you doubted they would ever understand why you had turned out the way you did.
“Baby, you have to tell us what it is we did wrong.” Lexi walked towards you, taking your hands in hers and crouching in front of you. Tears threatened to spill as she closed them, inhaling deeply and shaking your hands softly. “I know we haven’t been great for you, but we just need to understand what it is we did wrong for you not to speak to us. We just want you to talk to us, baby.”
You looked between both parents like you were in some sort of dream. What they did wrong? It was hard for your mind to wrap around considering there was nothing they did wrong. None of this had been their fault and you never wanted them to make them feel like it was. They'd been nothing less than nurturing, loving, kind, understanding, sweet, and so much more that wouldn’t do them justice.
“Y/n, we heard you speak with Alice in your room,” Fez spoke up, causing your chest to tighten up as your own eyes began to sparkle with tears. They heard? They heard you speak?
“What?” Your quiet voice asked mused, staring at your father as if he was a ghost from limbo. His eyes widened from your small and quiet inquiry. But before you could even realize your mishap, Lexi’s hands were tightening around your hands. It was firm, yet gentle.
“Why haven’t you spoken to us, sweetheart?” Lexi asked softly, tears having finally broken her resistance and slid down her flushed cheeks. Overwhelmed with so many emotions from hearing your voice.
“I- I can’t-” You stumbled over your own words, chest beginning to tighten as you looked at both parents rapidly. Your nose began to sting as a tear slid down your cheeks. “I can’t t-talk anymore. Aunt Cassie said you’d hate me if I ever spoke again.”
Your words knocked the wind out of Lexi and Fezco as they looked at one another. Finally, the source of their own torture came to light and it came in the form of a prissy bitch that had some serious anger issues. Much like her husband.
“What did you say?” Lexi asked, voice dangerously soft, which only frightened you more. “What did Cassie say to you?”
Each word spilling from your mother's lips and your very own was causing your mind to become jumbled. A muddied mess that was trying to catch up to the fact that you fucked up, terribly. “Let me go. Mom, please, let me go.” Trying to pull free, you only felt Lexi pull you closer with her soft assurance whispered into the air. But the more she kept you there, the more you began to panic. “I don’t want you to hate me. Mom, please!”
“Y/n! Y/n, baby. It’s okay - you’re okay!” Lexi pulled your flailing body into her arms, holding you tightly as you cried and sobbed in her arms. Soon relenting, arms curling around her tightly as she sat cross-legged on the floor with your in lap. Hands clinging onto her shirt tightly as Lexi stroked your head. Glossy eyes flickering to your father, who was more livid than anything else.
You wept, crying, “I don’t want you guys to hate me. Please, don’t hate me.” It broke their hearts knowing that this was just as much torture as it was for them. Not having known your very own battles you faced on your own because of Cassie’s torment.
That week was still burned into your mind. The constant screaming you were submitted to by your aunt, who didn’t care when you sobbed on her couch. Saying cruel things that were transformed into lies that your young mind believed and stuck with you into your teen years. She said you were an infection–A cancer that would destroy your family from the inside and out. In some way, she was correct. But that was because your silence had left your parents confused and broken. Only ever felt safe with Alice or anyone at school. Your home wasn’t home. It was a test to see if a slip-up would cause your family to fall apart with your parents hating you.
“Y/n.” Lexi softly held your face in her palms, making you look up at her. Your nose was snotty, your face splashed with tears, and rough coughs falling from your lips as you cried in her hold. The sight alone made Lexi’s chin quiver as she smiled sadly. “I, nor your father, would ever hate you, baby. We love you. We’ve always loved you. You are our daughter and nothing would change how we feel.”
You nodded frantically, wrapping your arms around her once more as you wept into her shoulder. “Please don’t ever hate me.”
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the-al-chemist · 10 months
The Beginning of a Symphony - Chapter 42
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A/N: Jim had the first proper chapter, and he will have the last, too. We’re ending on a hopeful note.
Warnings: breaking of the most important rule of theatre. Sorry for any bad luck.
OCs mentioned: Selene Fraser and family @lifeofkaze
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August 1897
It had been a relatively quiet summer, by all accounts, and the peaceful atmosphere at the Hexley family’s cottage only grew once Ethel left home to visit Selene and her grandparents in the Scottish highlands. Despite his twin sister having become marginally less tiresome in the previous few months, Jim could not say in truth that he was impatient to have her back. He was rather enjoying his serene summer without her.
Still, he was as glad as anyone to see her handwriting on the envelope of a letter delivered over breakfast one morning in the first half of August. His mother was the one to open the envelope, and she read through the several sheets of parchment it contained with a wide smile on her face.
“It sounds like the girls are having a splendid time,” she informed her son and husband, the latter of whom hummed behind his newspaper in response. “Ethel says that they saw a kelpie in one of the lochs, and Selene’s uncle has taught them the basics of whiskey-making.”
“Just what every young lady needs to know,” murmured Jim’s father. “Anything else?”
“Yes, they’re preparing a two-woman production of Macbeth to perform for the family before she leaves.”
“Dear Jove. Have Selene’s relatives not suffered enough already?”
“Apparently not,” Mrs Hexley sighed. “Perhaps we had ought to send up another gift to thank them for their hospitality.”
“I have some spare sets of earmuffs in my greenhouse,” her husband suggested. “They work against my Mandrakes, they might even be good enough to work against our daughter.”
Jim laughed into his cup of tea, and though his mother shook her head, her own lips were twitching.
“I’ll write to her grandmother later, or maybe her uncle. I understand he and his husband live with the grandparents.”
Frowning, Jim raised his head. “His husband?”
“Oh, yes. Not by law, of course, but in all other respects that’s how I would describe them,” said his mother. She looked at home an laughed. “Really, Jimmy. You should see the look on your face.”
“Well, I… I was not aware that a man might have a husband, by law or not. I did not know that men could love one another, not in that way.”
“A great many people can love one another in many different ways with no power over how they do it. That is the beauty of love. The heart knows what it wants, and all one has to do is have the strength to follow it.”
“I suppose that you are right, Mamma.”
“Your mother is always right, Jim,” said Mr Hexley, and his wife kissed the top of his head before leaving the room. He watched her do so, and once she was gone, added under his breath, “Or so she keeps telling me.” He lowered his newspaper and fixed Jim with a peculiar look. “On the subject of love, did you manage to pluck up the courage to ask that young lady if she would be interested in courting you?”
“Er, in a way… Yes, I suppose I did.”
“And? Will you be courting her any time soon?”
Jim lowered his eyes to the table as he pictured the look on Héloïse’s face when he had told her that she was beautiful, the feeling of her lips on his own when they had kissed on the staircase and the movement of her dressrobes as they had danced together in the Great Hall afterwards. How she had been bathed in moonlight with her hair as black as the night sky, her eyes filled with hope and her voice honey-sweet when they had sat at the top of the astronomy tower and each said three words that had been so simple and yet so very meaningful, all at once.
“Father,” he said eventually, not even trying to keep the smile from his face, “I think that I will marry her one day soon.”
His father nodded slowly.
“In that case, I shall have to up my prices,” he said, and with that, he returned to his newspaper.
Jim continued smiling as he looked out of the window. Outside, the sun was shining, and the wildflowers were in bloom. It was beautiful. Later, he would draw them - perhaps he would even use colour, the way Brady had taught him - and send the picture to Héloïse. For now, however, he was content just to look, to keep the sketchbook she had given him tucked away in his breastpocket, and feel his heart beat against it through the fabric of his clothes. No one else knew that it was there, but he did. He knew what lay close to his heart, he knew what his heart wanted, and he knew that he had the strength to follow it. He had already begun to follow it, and he would continue to do so soon.
One day, soon.
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charlesmister · 4 months
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Mister Charles
With irreverent takes on indulgent French and Italian dishes, elevated cocktails, rare wines, opulent over the top design and soaring 38-ft. ceilings, Mister Charles is redefining Dallas’ dining and tippling scene. Located in the landmarked former Highland Park Soda Fountain Building in Dallas, Mister Charles is Duro Hospitality’s most ambitious restaurant and bar.
Address: 3219 Knox St, Suite 170, Dallas, TX 75205, USA Phone: 972-920-9471 Website: https://themistercharles.com
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Andrew (Andy) Stewart, one of Scotland’s best loved entertainers was born on December 30 1933 at Redlands Hospital for Women, Great Western Road, Glasgow.
Andy was born in Glasgow, and had aspirations of becoming a veterinary surgeon, although following a performance in a local pageant he decided to train as an actor at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.
He became a successful recording artist, with international hits such as Donald Where’s Your Troosers?  A Scottish Soldier, The Road to Dundee and Take Me Back, and found further fame as the compere of BBC Scotland’s The White Heather Club, which ran for several years from the mid-1950s.
From the early 1960s onwards, he frequently and successfully toured Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.
In 1959, Andy Stewart signed his first recording contract with the small the label of Top Rank. His first recording, “Donald Where’s Your Troosers?” was a light-hearted, almost throwaway track, during a recording session with his White Heather Group. However Top Rank considered it worth releasing as a single. “Donald Where’s Your Troosers?” is a comic song about a Scotsman who wears a kilt rather than trousers. It plays on the traditional gag about what people might see when a man is wearing a kilt and not any underwear. Especially when it is windy while walking in a kilt. As such he impresses the ladies when he walks by, frightens the other Highlander men and has rolls in the hay with lassies from London. The song also includes an Elvis imitation of several of the verses near the end of the song. Legend has it Elvis said it was one of the best impersonations of himself he had heard.
Stewart wrote the song in 10 minutes while he sat, trouserless, in the loo of a recording studio. Back in 1960’s Andy Stewart and other Scottish comedians were heard to tell a joke at the time reflecting Scots making fun of themselves: What’s the difference between a Scotsman and a Rolling Stone? A Rolling Stone says, “hey you, get off of my cloud!,” while a Scotsman says, “Hey McLeod, get off of my ewe!”
Into the 1980’s Andy Stewart was becoming a symbol of the “Old Scotland” for many Scots who were embarrassed by perpetual images of haggis, Hogmanay and kilts as representing Scotland. He spent much of the decade touring internationally. But in 1989 “Donald Where’s Your Troosers?” was reissued and climbed to 4 on the charts. Stewart was back in fashion, including in Scotland. During his career Andy Stewart released 26 studio albums and one live album. 
Plagued with ill-health most of his adult life, especially due to high cholesterol levels, Stewart died at the age of 60 in 1993. 
Since his death over a have a dozen compilation CD releases have been made available to showcase the work of one of Scotland’s greatest entertainers.
There's a full web page full of stuff about Andy, with plenty links to a dedicated Youtube page at the link below.
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kwebtv · 1 year
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Stella Stevens (born Estelle Eggleston; October 1, 1938 – February 17, 2023)  Film and television actress, film producer, director, and writer.
Primarily a film actress Stevens appeared in numerous television series, miniseries, and movies, including Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1960, 1988), Bonanza (1960), The Love Boat (1977, 1983), Hart to Hart (1979), Newhart (1983), Murder, She Wrote (1985), Magnum, P.I. (1986), Highlander: The Series (1995), and Twenty Good Years (2006).
Stevens appeared in several top television series in the 1960s, including Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1960), General Electric Theater (1960, 1961), and Ben Casey (1964). One of her earliest television appearances was in a critically acclaimed 1960 episode of Bonanza, "Silent Thunder", playing a deaf-mute.
In the early 1970s, she began working regularly on television series, miniseries, and movies. She appeared in episodes of such popular series as Banacek (1973) and Police Story (1975), as well as the pilot films for Wonder Woman (1975), The Love Boat (1977), and Hart to Hart (1979). In 1979, she appeared along with her son Andrew Stevens in The Oregon Trail (1977) episode "Hannah's Girl".
In the 1980s, she continued to work regularly on series such as Newhart (1983), The Love Boat (1983), Fantasy Island (1983), Highway to Heaven (1984), Night Court (1984), Murder, She Wrote (1985), Magnum, P.I. (1986), and Father Dowling Mysteries (1987). Stevens appears in 34 episodes of the primetime soap opera Flamingo Road (1981–82), as Lute-Mae Sanders, the former madam of a brothel.
From 1989 to 1990, she had a role on Santa Barbara as Phyllis Blake. Her string of appearances on popular television series continued into the 1990s with The Commish (1993), Burke's Law (1994), Highlander: The Series (1995), Silk Stalkings (1996), and General Hospital (1996, 1999). She also appeared in the critically acclaimed miniseries In Cold Blood (1996). Her television career continued into the 2000s when she appeared in an episode of Twenty Good Years (2006).  (Wikipedia)
IMDb Listing
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sunnydaleherald · 9 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, September 22
OLAF: Barmaid! Bring me stronger ale, and some plump, succulent babies to eat. XANDER: I'm gonna run and get Buffy. (pats Spike on the shoulder) Or maybe you could fight him. SPIKE: Yeah, I could do that, but I'm paralyzed with not caring very much. OLAF: (pointing at Spike) You there! (walks up to Spike and Xander) Do you know where there are babies? SPIKE: (to Xander) What do you think, the hospital?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion Omake 9 by madimpossibledreamer (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, T)
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Electric by coprime (Oz/Richie Ryan, Highlander xover, G)
Birthday Blues by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, T)
Recruiting by arcanedreamer [older work] (Xander, Sam Winchester, Supernatural xover, G)
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Birthday Blues by RavenLove12 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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presence - Ch. 3 by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny, G)
Third Time's the Charm - Ch. 3 by Removes_and_Cleans_Glasses_00, Skyson (Buffy/Giles, T) COMPLETE!
What a mess ! - Ch. 1-2 by LeaVuillaume25 (Buffy/Spike, Willow/Tara, Not Rated) COMPLETE!
The destiny of Wiccas - Ch. 10 by Bl4ckHunter (Willow, Buffy, Dawn, others, Charmed xover, T) COMPLETE!
The Other Woman - Ch. 16 by aliceinwonderbra (Buffy/Faith, E) COMPLETE!
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A Love That Defies Space and Time - Ch. 9 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
New Normal - Ch. 10 by holetoledo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Presumably Dead Arm - Ch. 18 by tragic (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Encased by Sunshine - Ch. 25 by acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Neighbor's Point of View - Ch. 45 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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Buffy's Spooky Birthday - Ch. 3 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Fine incisions - Ch. 3 by Desicat (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
A Place in the Sun - Ch. 20 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Encased in Sunshine - Ch. 25 by Acb6293 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Manip: Keep Your Enemies Closer - Ch. 2 by disco-tea (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Gifset: endless list of favorite characters - (12/∞) -> Anya Jenkins by lopeirce (Anya, worksafe)
Gifset: SPUFFY + 🍯 [honey] by detectivedawnsummers (Buffy/Spike, mostly worksafe has kissing)
Artwork: felt like posting a bunch of btvs/ats doodles... commissions open! by artsying-ifer (Angel, Darla, Connor, Buffy, worksafe)
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Artwork: ❤️ BTVS 514. Crush ❤️ by tmcarlee (various, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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season 1 episode 1: welcome to the hellmouth by slut-jpeg
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Reasons I love AMENDS--Season 3 Episode 10 by kipcarson37
My thoughts on Angel season 5 by Quiet-Living8975
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PODCAST: 5.22 Not Fade Away by Angel on Top
[Community Announcements]
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Seasonal_Spuffy: News About the Next Round of Seasonal_Spuffy
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Seasonal_Spuffy: News About the Next Round of Seasonal_Spuffy
[Fandom Discussions]
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Spuffy Realizations: Seasons 2-4 by marilyn-not-monroe
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What is the Buffy fandom's general opinion of the Romani? [stereotypes and Jenny] updated by various
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btvs memes to start your day off with :) by No_Performance223
Feel no shame! Honestly, how many times have you watched/rewatched the ENTIRE Buffy series? by akabocha
What was the Buffy community like as it aired? by notyourusualjmv
"I think people want to hate Xander rather than understand his trauma. Not saying what he did was ok but people seem not to care." by kipcarson37
Xander did not want marry Anya by Brodes87
POLL: Who was more annoying? by Midnightwitch92
Would Dawn kicking Buffy out of the house in Empty Places been more justified if...? by Mavakor
Buffy's speech in Get it Done - Thoughts? by ThrowRARAw
Reactions to Gunn signing the sarcophagus in by duvet-cover
Cordelia Watching Doyle‘s tape for angel investigations by Ok_Nature2869
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PHOTOS: J. August Richards [who played Gunn] posted on Instagram [Alyson, Alexis, Joss]
PUBLICATION: SAG-AFTRA can't tell performers not to work on Dancing With The Stars, despite WGA pressure [DWTS is not struck by SAG-AFTRA, although it is struck by WGA] by Sam Barsanti with AV Club
PUBLICATION: 'Dancing With the Stars' nearing a delay [due to WGA pressure and one participant pausing his participation] by Kyle Moss with yahoo!entertainment
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renee-writer · 2 years
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The Lallybroch
A/N I blame @omgbarbiegurl for this one, with affection. She sent me the idea and I had to write it. 😁
She looks at the sign hung by the entrance of the old manse house. “The Lallybroch” in beautiful calligraphy. This is the place. When her mate, Geillis, had convinced her to come to the Highlands of Scotland and fill in for a mum on maternity leave, she had suggested this extended stay hotel. Claire hadn’t expected it to look like a home. It was a nice surprise.
She lugs her bags up to the front door and gets it open. Stepping in, she steps into the past. “Wow!” The lady at the desk, carefully positioned to give the guests a full view of the old room, smiles.
“Aye lass, that is most peoples reaction. I am Jenny. Welcome to the Lallybroch.”
Claire walks up to the desk. “Thank you. Claire Beauchamp. I should have reservations.”
“Aye, you do. Here for an extended stay, I see.”
“Yes, I will be working for three months at the hospital.”
“Wonderful. I just need your credit card.” She pulls it out of her bag and Jenny scans it in. “You will have room 201. Blessed as that is the biggest room. There is a refrigerator there and places to store food. Our kitchen is where the cooking is done. Just clean up after yourself. We’ve a laundry in the basement. All our rooms have a full loo attached so no concerns about sharing. We have a dining room but your not required to eat there. Let’s see. We have maid service, if requested. Any questions?”
She can’t think of any, at the time. Jenny shows her the kitchen and dining room, the door that leads to the basement laundry and then, escorts her up to her room. She is giving an old fashioned key. “Thank you Jenny. You have been very helpful.”
“You’re welcome Claire. Enjoy your stay.”
She is carrying her bags in when one falls. As she reaches for it, a man’s hand grabs it first. She loo up into the most extraordinary blue eyes she has every seen. He doesn’t drop his eyes from hers. After a few seconds that feel like minutes, she does.
“Ah thank you.”
“Jamie, my name lass.”
Oh that accent. As an English woman raised all over the world, she knows hers is doggy. His though is pure Scots. It is as smooth as honey and, she isn’t embarrassed to add, gets her knickers a bit damp.
“Claire,” the way he says it gets her even hotter. It has been almost a year, since Frank. A year is a long time, “Would ye like help with your bags?”
“Yes please.” She pushes the door open and he gathers them all up. His muscles bulge and she looks at his hands. No ring. Excellent. Following him in, she exams the place she will call home for a quarter of a year.
The bed is bigger then she pictured. A full queen. It is topped with a lovely tartan blanket. A table sits by the window. It looks out on the side garden. A wonderful view. A dresser completes the bedroom.
On the other side of the room is a full refrigerator, another surprise. She expected a dorm size model. A series of shelves line up on the wall beside it.
The bathroom has a tub and shower. Nice. Yes, this place will do fine.
When she turns around, he still stands there. They smile at each other. “Thank you for your help Jamie.”
“Anytime Claire. I am right next door. 202.”
“You are a long term stay then too?”
“Aye.” He turns to leave and she stops him. A hand moves up to his face and she feels him shiver. “Claire what?”
“Have you a wife, girlfriend, fiancé, friends with benefits?”
“No.” It comes out hoarse.
“Good. For I really want you Jamie. I know it is insane and we have just meet. It might even be dangerous but, I don’t care right now.”
He groans out, “Neither do I,” before he turns the latch locking her door and takes her lips.
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shrutius · 10 days
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Discover the enchanting city of Pleiku, a hidden gem in Vietnam's Central Highlands. Known for its lush landscapes, rich culture, and vibrant local life, Pleiku offers a plethora of attractions. From the serene Bien Ho Lake and the historic T'Nung Church to the breathtaking views of Ham Rong Mountain, this guide highlights the top nine places you must visit in 2024. Whether you're an adventurer, history buff, or nature lover, Pleiku promises an unforgettable experience. Explore its bustling markets, savor the unique local cuisine, and immerse yourself in the city's warm hospitality. Plan your trip now and uncover the best that Pleiku has to offer.
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thedigirealm · 12 days
Guide To Trekking In Vietnam To Unleash The Adventure
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Vietnam, with its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and diverse ecosystems, is a paradise for trekking enthusiasts. This guide to trekking in Vietnam aims to unleash the adventurer in you, providing comprehensive information on the best trekking routes, essential travel tips to Vietnam, and insights into the country’s natural beauty and vibrant culture. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a beginner looking for your first adventure, Vietnam offers something for everyone.
Why Trekking in Vietnam?
Vietnam's diverse geography includes lush jungles, towering mountains, and beautiful coastlines, making it a trekking hotspot. Trekking in Vietnam allows you to explore remote ethnic villages, witness breathtaking landscapes, and experience the country's unique flora and fauna. It's also an opportunity to immerse yourself in local cultures, away from the usual tourist spots.
Travel Tips to Vietnam
Before diving into the trekking routes, here are some essential travel tips to Vietnam:
Visa Requirements: Ensure you have the appropriate visa for your stay. Many nationalities can apply for an e-visa online.
Best Time to Visit: The best time for trekking in Vietnam is during the dry seasons, typically from October to April.
Health and Safety: Get travel insurance that covers trekking. Stay updated on vaccinations and carry a basic first-aid kit.
Local Currency: The Vietnamese Dong (VND) is the local currency. Credit cards are accepted in cities, but carry cash for remote areas.
Language: Learning a few basic Vietnamese phrases can be very helpful. English is widely spoken in tourist areas.
Respect Local Customs: Dress modestly, especially in rural areas, and always ask for permission before taking photos of people.
Top Trekking Destinations in Vietnam
1. Sapa – The Heart of Northern Highlands
Sapa, located in the Lao Cai Province, is a picturesque town known for its terraced rice fields, ethnic minority communities, and stunning mountain views. It’s a perfect base for trekking adventures.
Trekking Routes
Sapa to Ta Van: This popular trek takes you through beautiful rice terraces, bamboo forests, and local villages. It’s relatively easy and great for beginners.
Fansipan Mountain: Known as the "Roof of Indochina," Fansipan is the highest peak in Vietnam. The trek is challenging and takes 2-3 days, offering panoramic views and a sense of accomplishment.
Cultural Insights
Trekking in Sapa gives you a chance to interact with the Hmong, Dao, and Tay ethnic groups. You can stay in homestays to experience their hospitality and learn about their traditional way of life.
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2. Ha Giang – Untouched Beauty
Ha Giang is Vietnam's northernmost province, renowned for its rugged landscapes and ethnic diversity. It’s less touristy compared to Sapa, offering a more authentic trekking experience.
Trekking Routes
Dong Van Karst Plateau: This UNESCO Global Geopark features dramatic limestone peaks and deep valleys. The trek includes visits to local villages and markets.
Meo Vac Loop: A trek through stunning landscapes, including Ma Pi Leng Pass, known for its breathtaking views of the Nho Que River.
Cultural Insights
The region is home to various ethnic groups, including the Hmong, Tay, and Lo Lo. Staying in local villages provides insight into their unique customs and traditions.
3. Cat Ba Island – Jungle and Coastal Treks
Cat Ba Island, part of the Cat Ba Archipelago, is a combination of lush jungles, rocky hills, and stunning coastlines. It’s also adjacent to the famous Ha Long Bay.
Trekking Routes
Cat Ba National Park: Offers several trekking options ranging from easy to challenging. The park is rich in biodiversity, with the possibility of spotting rare species like the Cat Ba Langur.
Hospital Cave to Viet Hai Village: A trek that combines historical interest with natural beauty, passing through dense forests and ending in a remote fishing village.
Cultural Insights
Explore local fishing communities and enjoy the serene lifestyle of the islanders. The seafood here is fresh and delicious, adding a culinary delight to your trekking adventure.
4. Pu Luong Nature Reserve – Hidden Gem
Located in Thanh Hoa Province, Pu Luong Nature Reserve is an off-the-beaten-path destination known for its pristine beauty and tranquil environment.
Trekking Routes
Pho Doan to Don Village: This trek takes you through terraced fields, lush forests, and charming villages. It’s suitable for all levels of trekkers.
Pu Luong Peak: A more challenging trek offering stunning panoramic views from the top.
Cultural Insights
Pu Luong is home to the Thai and Muong ethnic groups. Homestays here provide an authentic experience of rural Vietnamese life and culture.
5. Bach Ma National Park – Central Highlands
Bach Ma National Park, located in the central region near Hue, is known for its rich biodiversity, cool climate, and stunning landscapes.
Trekking Routes
Five Lakes Trail: A moderate trek passing by five beautiful lakes and several waterfalls. Perfect for nature lovers.
Bach Ma Summit: A challenging trek to the summit of Bach Ma Mountain, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding area.
Cultural Insights
While trekking in Bach Ma, you can learn about the conservation efforts in place to protect the park’s biodiversity. The nearby city of Hue also offers historical and cultural explorations.
Essential Gear for Trekking in Vietnam
Packing the right gear is crucial for a successful trekking adventure. Here’s a list of essentials:
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Backpack: A comfortable, sturdy backpack with a rain cover.
Clothing: Lightweight, breathable clothing; layers for varying temperatures; rain jacket; hat and gloves for higher altitudes.
Footwear: Sturdy, comfortable hiking boots and moisture-wicking socks.
Navigation Tools: Maps, compass, or GPS device.
Hydration: Water bottles or a hydration bladder; water purification tablets.
Food: High-energy snacks and meals for longer treks.
First-Aid Kit: Including bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any personal medications.
Safety Gear: Whistle, multi-tool, flashlight with extra batteries.
Trekking Poles: Helpful for challenging terrain.
Camping Gear: Tent, sleeping bag, and cooking equipment if camping.
Preparing for Your Trek
Physical Fitness
Trekking in Vietnam can be physically demanding, especially on longer or more challenging routes. It’s advisable to start a fitness regimen before your trip, focusing on cardiovascular endurance, strength training, and flexibility. Regular hikes with a loaded backpack can simulate trekking conditions and help build stamina.
Altitude sickness can be a concern, especially in higher regions like Fansipan. Gradual acclimatization is key. Spend a day or two at intermediate altitudes before attempting high-altitude treks. Stay hydrated, avoid alcohol, and listen to your body.
Guided Tours vs. Independent Trekking
Both guided tours and independent trekking have their pros and cons. Guided tours offer the advantage of local knowledge, logistical support, and safety, especially in remote areas. Independent trekking allows more flexibility and can be more economical. If you’re new to trekking or unfamiliar with the region, a guided tour might be the better option.
Environmental and Ethical Considerations
Leave No Trace
Respecting the environment is crucial when trekking. Follow the Leave No Trace principles:
Plan Ahead and Prepare: Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you’ll visit.
Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces: Stick to established trails and campsites.
Dispose of Waste Properly: Pack out all trash, leftover food, and litter.
Leave What You Find: Preserve the past, and leave rocks, plants, and other natural objects as you find them.
Minimize Campfire Impact: Use a stove for cooking and enjoy a candle lantern for light.
Respect Wildlife: Observe animals from a distance and never feed them.
Be Considerate of Other Visitors: Respect other visitors and protect the quality of their experience.
Supporting Local Communities
Trekking in Vietnam often brings you into contact with remote ethnic communities. Supporting these communities is essential:
Buy Local: Purchase goods and services from local vendors.
Respect Traditions: Be mindful of local customs and dress codes.
Homestays: Opt for homestays to directly support local families.
Fair Trade: Pay fair prices for goods and services, respecting the local economy.
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Vietnam offers a wealth of trekking opportunities, from the rugged northern highlands to the serene central parks and coastal trails. This guide to trekking in Vietnam to unleash the adventure provides a comprehensive overview of the best trekking destinations, essential travel tips, and cultural insights to enhance your journey. Whether you seek the challenge of high-altitude peaks or the tranquility of rural villages, Vietnam’s diverse landscapes promise an unforgettable trekking experience. Embrace the adventure, respect the local environment and cultures, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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gokitetour · 14 days
7 Popular and Worldwide tourist attractions in Indonesia
A vast and diverse archipelago in Southeast Asia is home to some of the world's most sought-after tourist destinations. From pristine beaches and lush rainforests to ancient temples and vibrant cities, Indonesia offers a treasure trove of attractions that captivate travelers from across the globe. With its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural landscapes, and warm hospitality, Indonesia has something to offer every type of traveler. Whether you're seeking relaxation on sun-kissed beaches, adventure in the great outdoors, or immersion in ancient traditions, Indonesia promises an unforgettable experience. From the enchanting island of Bali, known for its vibrant culture and picturesque landscapes, to the mystical temples of Borobudur and the natural wonders of Komodo National Park, Indonesia offers a diverse array of experiences waiting to be explored. As you embark on your journey to Indonesia, prepare to be enchanted by the beauty of its landscapes, the richness of its culture, and the warmth of its people. Whether you're exploring ancient ruins, trekking through dense jungles, or diving into crystal-clear waters, Indonesia invites you to discover the magic of its popular and worldwide tourist attractions.
Here are some popular and worldwide tourist attractions in Indonesia.
1. Bali: Known as the "Island of the Gods," Bali is one of Indonesia's most well-known tourist attractions. Bali is well-known for its stunning beaches, exciting nightlife, and verdant rice terraces; it has something to offer everyone. Explore historical landmarks like the Uluwatu Temple and the Ubud Monkey Forest, or unwind on the powder-soft sands of Seminyak and Kuta beaches.
2. The Temple of Borobudur: The biggest Buddhist temple in the world, Borobudur Temple, is situated on the island of Java and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This historic temple complex, which dates back to the 9th century, is home to stupas, statues, and elaborate stone carvings that depict scenes from Buddhist teachings. To get a broad perspective of the surrounding landscape, visitors can ascend to the summit of the temple.
3. The National Park of Komodo: The largest lizard species in the world, Komodo dragons, are found in Komodo National Park on the Lesser Sunda Islands. The park is home to colorful coral reefs, immaculate beaches, and breathtaking vistas in addition to these ancient animals. Hiking, snorkeling, and diving are available for visitors to discover the park's various habitats and marine species.
4. The Islands of Raja Ampat: Scuba divers and lovers of the outdoors will find nirvana on Raja Ampat, which is off the coast of West Papua. Raja Ampat, with its vibrant coral reefs, abundant marine life, and crystal-clear seas, is regarded as one of the world's top diving locations. Guests can unwind on the beautiful beaches of this isolated archipelago, snorkel, or dive.
5. The Bromo Mountain: One of the most famous volcanoes in Indonesia is Mount Bromo, which is situated in East Java. Adventurers and photographers alike are drawn to Mount Bromo because of its surreal scenery and breathtaking sunrise vistas. To explore the surroundings, visitors can take a jeep trip, trek to the crater rim, or travel across the volcanic plains on horseback.
6. The Islands of Gili: The three beautiful islands that make up the Gili Islands are located off the coast of Lombok and are well-known for their immaculate beaches, azure waters, and colourful coral reefs. From the vibrant nightlife of Gili Trawangan to the serene peacefulness of Gili Meno, each island has its own distinct character. These tropical paradises provide snorkeling, diving, and relaxing on their beaches.
7. Tana Toraja: Tana Toraja, which is in South Sulawesi's highlands, is well-known for its distinct culture and customs around funerals. In Tana Toraja, visitors can explore traditional communities, historical burial sites, and "tongkonan," or finely carved wooden dwellings. With its terraced rice fields and verdant hills, the area boasts breathtaking scenery that makes trekking and photography abound.
Indonesia's popular and worldwide tourist attractions offer a diverse range of experiences that appeal to travelers from around the globe. From the iconic beaches of Bali to the ancient temples of Borobudur, Indonesia's rich cultural heritage and stunning natural beauty continue to mesmerize visitors. As travelers plan their adventures to Indonesia, obtaining an Indonesia visa is an essential step to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey. The visa application process is straightforward, allowing visitors to focus on exploring the country's breathtaking landscapes and immersing themselves in its vibrant culture. Whether you're diving into the vibrant underwater world of Raja Ampat, hiking to the summit of Mount Bromo for a sunrise view, or exploring the traditional villages of Tana Toraja, Indonesia offers endless opportunities for adventure and discovery. As you explore Indonesia's popular tourist attractions, take the time to connect with the local communities, savor the flavors of Indonesian cuisine, and embrace the warmth of the Indonesian people. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or cultural immersion, Indonesia promises an unforgettable experience for travelers of all ages and interests. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey to Indonesia, where every corner reveals a new wonder and every moment is filled with excitement and wonder. With its welcoming atmosphere and incredible attractions, Indonesia invites you to explore its beauty and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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retireinpanama · 1 month
Exploring the Charm and Practicality of Retirement in Panama
Dreaming of retiring in paradise? Look no further than Panama. Nestled between North and South America, this Central American gem offers retirees an enticing blend of affordability, natural beauty, and vibrant culture. As an increasingly popular destination for Retire In Panama from around the globe, Panama boasts a plethora of reasons why it's an ideal place to spend your golden years.
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First and foremost, Panama's affordability sets it apart as a prime retirement destination. With a lower cost of living compared to many Western countries, retirees can stretch their retirement savings further without sacrificing quality of life. From housing to healthcare to everyday expenses, retirees find that their dollars go much further in Panama, allowing them to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Another appealing aspect of retiring in Panama is its favorable climate. The country's tropical climate means warm temperatures year-round, perfect for those seeking to escape harsh winters or gloomy weather. Whether you prefer the sunny beaches of the Pacific coast or the lush rainforests of the interior, Panama offers a diverse range of climates to suit every preference.
Beyond its practical benefits, Panama's natural beauty captivates retirees from the moment they arrive. From the azure waters of the Caribbean to the breathtaking highlands of Boquete, Panama is a country of stunning landscapes waiting to be explored. Imagine waking up to panoramic views of the ocean or enjoying a leisurely stroll through a verdant jungle – in Panama, these experiences are part of everyday life.
Moreover, Panama's modern infrastructure and healthcare system provide retirees with peace of mind and convenience. Major cities like Panama City boast world-class amenities, including shopping centers, restaurants, and entertainment venues. Additionally, Panama's healthcare system is renowned for its quality and affordability, with top-notch medical facilities and English-speaking doctors readily available.
For retirees seeking a rich cultural experience, Panama does not disappoint. With its diverse population and centuries-old traditions, Panama offers a vibrant tapestry of art, music, and cuisine waiting to be explored. From colorful festivals celebrating indigenous heritage to lively salsa dancing in the streets, retirees will find no shortage of cultural delights to indulge in.
Furthermore, Panama's retiree visa program, known as the Pensionado visa, makes it easy for foreigners to relocate and enjoy Living In Panama. Offering a range of benefits, including discounts on everything from healthcare to entertainment, the Pensionado visa streamlines the process of retiring abroad, making Panama an even more attractive option for retirees.
Of course, no discussion of retiring in Panama would be complete without mentioning its welcoming and friendly locals. Panamanians are known for their warmth and hospitality, making retirees feel right at home from day one. Whether striking up a conversation with a neighbor or sampling traditional cuisine at a local eatery, retirees will quickly find themselves embraced by the warmth of Panamanian culture.
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travelloverr · 2 months
Top 10 Romantic Hotels In Dallas TX: A Dreamy Escape
Dallas TX, with its blend of vibrant culture and southern charm, offers a plethora of romantic escapades for couples seeking a getaway. Whether you're celebrating an anniversary, planning a honeymoon, or simply craving some quality time together, the city boasts a selection of enchanting hotels to elevate your experience. In this guide, we unveil the top 10 romantic hotels in Dallas TX, ensuring an unforgettable stay filled with love and luxury.
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Hotel ZaZa Dallas: Where Romance Meets Chic
Indulge in luxury and charm at Hotel ZaZa Dallas, an eclectic boutique hotel nestled in the heart of Uptown Dallas. Hotel ZaZa Dallas offers a unique blend of opulence and romance, with stylish accommodations and lavish amenities to enchant every guest. From intimate dinners at Dragonfly to relaxing spa treatments, this hotel sets the stage for an unforgettable romantic retreat.
Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek: Timeless Elegance
Embrace timeless elegance at Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek, an iconic landmark renowned for its impeccable service and refined ambiance. Nestled within a serene oasis in the vibrant Turtle Creek neighborhood, this historic mansion offers a romantic escape like no other. From charming courtyard dinners to luxurious spa experiences, every moment at Rosewood Mansion is infused with romance and sophistication.
The Adolphus, Autograph Collection: A Grand Romance
Experience grandeur and romance at The Adolphus, an esteemed member of the Autograph Collection located in the heart of downtown Dallas. With its stunning architecture and timeless charm, this historic hotel captivates guests with its luxurious accommodations and impeccable service. From intimate rooftop cocktails to decadent dining experiences at The French Room, The Adolphus sets the stage for a truly unforgettable romantic getaway.
The Joule: Modern Luxury, Timeless Romance
Immerse yourself in modern luxury and timeless romance at The Joule, a chic boutique hotel located in the vibrant Main Street District. Boasting sleek design and impeccable service, The Joule offers a sophisticated retreat for couples seeking an urban escape. Indulge in rooftop poolside lounging, exquisite dining at CBD Provisions, and rejuvenating spa treatments, all within the heart of downtown Dallas.
Hotel Crescent Court: Southern Charm and Hospitality
Experience southern charm and hospitality at Hotel Crescent Court, an elegant oasis nestled within the prestigious Uptown neighborhood. With its graceful architecture and impeccable service, this luxurious hotel exudes romance at every turn. From leisurely strolls in the lush courtyard garden to indulgent couples' massages at The Spa at The Crescent, Hotel Crescent Court offers a serene haven for couples to unwind and reconnect.
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The Highland Dallas, Curio Collection by Hilton: Urban Sophistication
Discover urban sophistication and charm at The Highland Dallas, a distinctive hotel nestled within the vibrant Knox-Henderson neighborhood. With its stylish accommodations and personalized service, The Highland Dallas offers a romantic retreat for couples seeking a blend of luxury and adventure. From rooftop cocktails at the renowned Knife restaurant to leisurely bike rides along the nearby Katy Trail, every moment at The Highland Dallas is infused with romance and excitement.
Omni Dallas Hotel: Modern Elegance, Southern Hospitality
Experience modern elegance and southern hospitality at Omni Dallas Hotel, a contemporary oasis located in the heart of downtown Dallas. With its sleek design and luxurious amenities, Omni Dallas Hotel offers a romantic escape amidst the bustling cityscape. Indulge in gourmet dining at Bob's Steak & Chop House, unwind with a couples' massage at Mokara Spa, or simply enjoy sweeping views of the city skyline from your luxurious accommodations.
Fairmont Dallas: Timeless Luxury, Unforgettable Romance
Immerse yourself in timeless luxury and unforgettable romance at Fairmont Dallas, an iconic landmark in the heart of the Arts District. With its elegant accommodations and impeccable service, Fairmont Dallas offers a sophisticated retreat for couples seeking an indulgent escape. From romantic horse-drawn carriage rides through downtown Dallas to private dinners at The Pyramid Restaurant, every moment at Fairmont Dallas is designed to create lasting memories.
CANVAS Hotel: Artistic Expression, Romantic Escape
Embark on an artistic expression and romantic escape at CANVAS Hotel, a vibrant boutique hotel located in the vibrant Cedars neighborhood. With its eclectic design and creative flair, CANVAS Hotel offers a unique backdrop for couples seeking a memorable getaway. Explore the hotel's vibrant art installations, savor inventive cuisine at the Chef's Palette restaurant, or unwind with craft cocktails at the rooftop lounge, all amidst the creative energy of downtown Dallas.
Magnolia Hotel Dallas Downtown: Historic Charm, Modern Comfort
Experience historic charm and modern comfort at Magnolia Hotel Dallas Downtown, a beloved landmark in the heart of downtown Dallas. With its distinctive architecture and warm hospitality, Magnolia Hotel offers a romantic retreat steeped in history and elegance. From romantic rooftop dinners overlooking the city skyline to cozy evenings by the fireplace in the hotel's inviting lobby, every moment at Magnolia Hotel Dallas Downtown is filled with warmth and romance.
If you want more information about  top 10 romantic hotels in Dallas TX. Click here
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10 Best Hotels In Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania, the Keystone State, boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and scenic landscapes. Elevate your travel experience by discovering the epitome of luxury and hospitality at these top 10 hotels in Pennsylvania scattered across the state.
Here the list of best luxury hotels in Pennsylvania:
The Rittenhouse Hotel: Located in the heart of Philadelphia, The Rittenhouse Hotel is an icon of luxury and sophistication. With opulent rooms, a world-class spa, and exquisite dining at Lacroix, this hotel sets the standard for elegance in the city. Its prime location near Rittenhouse Square makes it a premier choice for those seeking a refined urban retreat.
Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia: Towering over the Philadelphia skyline, the Four Seasons Hotel offers a level of luxury synonymous with the brand. With sleek, modern design and panoramic city views, this hotel is a haven for discerning travellers. The rooftop pool and the culinary delights at Vernick Fish are just a few highlights that make this hotel stand out.
The Hotel Hershey: Nestled in the charming town of Hershey, synonymous with chocolate, The Hotel Hershey is a sweet escape in more ways than one. The hotel exudes old-world charm, and its elegant rooms and recreational facilities, including a world-class spa and golf courses, ensure a delightful stay for guests of all ages.
Omni Bedford Springs Resort: Steeped in history and surrounded by the beauty of the Allegheny Mountains, the Omni Bedford Springs Resort is a sanctuary of relaxation. With its historic charm, rejuvenating springs, and a championship golf course, this resort offers a tranquil escape in the heart of nature.
The Ritz-Carlton, Philadelphia: A symbol of refined luxury, The Ritz-Carlton, Philadelphia, seamlessly combines historic architecture with contemporary elegance. Located in a neoclassical bank building, the hotel offers lavish accommodations, gourmet dining at Aqimero, and a central location near iconic landmarks like City Hall.
Hotel Palomar Philadelphia, A Kimpton Hotel: Set in the heart of Philadelphia’s vibrant Rittenhouse Square, Hotel Palomar is a stylish and eclectic retreat. Known for its whimsical design and artistic flair, this Kimpton Hotel offers personalized service, luxurious rooms, and a lively atmosphere that captures the essence of the city’s cultural scene.
Fairmont Pittsburgh: In the heart of downtown Pittsburgh, the Fairmont is a sleek and modern haven for luxury seekers. With spacious rooms overlooking the city skyline, a state-of-the-art fitness centre, and the chic Andys bar, the Fairmont Pittsburgh offers a sophisticated escape in the heart of Steel City.
Hotel Monaco Philadelphia, A Kimpton Hotel: Another gem from the Kimpton collection, Hotel Monaco in Philadelphia, captivates with its vibrant colours and eclectic design. Located in the historic Lafayette Building, this hotel offers a playful yet sophisticated ambience. Guests can enjoy unique amenities, including hosted evening wine hours and pet-friendly accommodations.
Hotel Sofitel Philadelphia: Bringing a touch of French elegance to the city of brotherly love, Hotel Sofitel Philadelphia offers a refined experience in the heart of Center City. With stylish rooms, exquisite French cuisine at Liberté Lounge, and a convenient location near Rittenhouse Square, this hotel combines luxury with international flair.
Nemacolin Woodlands Resort: Tucked away in the scenic Laurel Highlands, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort is a destination unto itself. This expansive resort offers everything from world-class golf and a spa collection to adventurous activities like zip-lining. The luxurious accommodations, including the iconic Falling Rock boutique hotel, make Nemacolin a premier destination for those seeking a complete escape.
In conclusion, best hotels in Pennsylvaniaredefine the concept of luxury, offering an array of experiences that cater to diverse tastes. From the vibrant streets of Philadelphia to the tranquil landscapes of Hershey and the Laurel Highlands, each of these hotels promises an unforgettable stay in the Keystone State.
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