#topher treaco
enteringdullsville · 1 year
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Topher, the Taupe Drewman
Be Savvy
Rank: B+ (Season Two Major Character)
Visual Inspiration and Character Base
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The Hidden Eyes of Dullsville
Topher, Dullsville’s local conspiracy theorist, paranormal investigator, and geeky nut case. Coming across other people searching for the secrets to the cartoon universe is a rare stroke of luck for him. Or, at least, it would be were he more accustomed to Dullsville’s trademark lunacy.
Fun Facts
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Topher’s surname is a corruption of “treacle”.
Topher’s main design motif is a mole. The thick glasses are a trademark of his design, and his personality came about when thoughts on moles turned into thoughts on the “mole people” sci-fi trope. His distinctive hair lends itself to an insect theme as well.
Topher’s initial concept was a nerd who would drone on and on about boring things in a monotone voice. This character was recycled into Don (celadon), Raven, and Ebony.
Topher, building off the above, is one of several characters to change names in development. In his case, his name was “Miles”, another mole pun.
Topher’s theories were more alien-based in his earlier concepts. The reworking of the series’ plot sent his role in a different direction. His planned interactions with Sylvester (grey) are comparatively downplayed as a result.
Topher’s hair antennae helps him to detect fluctuations in the Fourth Barrier. Breaking the fourth wall too much in close proximity to him will cause him to launch towards you, spike first. He claims it also prevents aliens from reading his mind, but Lyman (lime green; an actual mind reader) says this is completely false and Sylvester (an actual alien) is mildly offended by this.
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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A more accurate height chart, Brody (blood red) being the shortest Drewman and Georgia (peach) being the tallest (not counting Forrest’s or Topher’s hair)
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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…and to complete the set, here’s one for the boys: Snarky hipster Landon, gallant heartthrob Bronson, diminutive scammer Monty, Disney Prince Forrest, affable athlete Colton, creepy cutie Brody, attention starved rich kid Gil, arrogant hotshot Hermes, conspiracy nut Topher, and refined pretty boy Leopoldo!
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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The S4 cast is quickly becoming my favorite to draw. Gonna love them when I start making it. (Fuchsia’s the newest)
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