#topic: arurandeisu
suzdotranslation · 4 months
[Lyrics Translation] Flight!!! - Arurandeisu
Requested by anon
Revolution at sight.
"Sudden appearance!" No time to bust out a long rhyme Heart n’ soul fix a super flex, flex!!! Aim for one Shangri-la Life is one unpredictable plan d'oh
With my brozza, pizza n' cola We gotta fizz out, the people's envy 1+1 ain't that enormous "Who says I'm all phased out?"
Every sec a new job total chaos!?!? (Chaos) The more you do the more it sticks so scandalous Normie etiquette whazzat Ain't it more fun to do it all eyy!!!!!
I'm no old man, hold up man Passing people one fad oh fadeout With innovative beat surpassin' teens I improvise tis' life o mine real~~~
Sorry for the cringe guys Even armless I'm invincible You said that's impossible How's A and B holding up now!?
No more time to waste, waste! Not even class, age, or caste could hold me down!!!
"Only the optimist gets a spot on top" Welcome to my beat!?!?
Shubidubiduba Come n' gather around I'll take you on a joyful flight you've never seen before
Shubidubiduba But stay steady on Until we find your own flight to embark on
get down…(get down…..)
Just start dancing away and be yourself
get down…(get down…..)
Groove into the nightflyte
Dissociating so bad you went high One unpredictable urge A goal so noble Numerous songs up as one hard work goes by
Passing people like to say Your effort is just as effortless But these lyrics sure transcend language
This the start of one strange story Right here So beat it, beat it I'm comin' thru Future unknown! But things sure are funk (get down!)
Welcome to my beat!?!? No way to copycat This ain't a carbon But a legit flow and rhymes 3, 2, 1 to da service Welcome to my beat!?!?
Shubidubiduba Come n' gather around I'll take you on a joyful flight you've never seen before
Shubidubiduba But stay steady on Until we find your own flight to embark on
get down…(get down…..)
Just start dancing away and be yourself
get down…(get down…..)
Groove into our beat! Welcome to my beat!?!?
Shubidubiduba Come n' gather around I'll take you on a joyful flight you've never seen before
Shubidubiduba But stay steady on Until we find your own flight to embark on
get down…(get down…..)
Just start dancing away and be yourself
get down…(get down…..)
Groove into our beat!
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peppopopopo · 2 years
Aristocrat AU
Includes: Arurandeisu (main focus), Aragami Oga, Kageyama Shien, Ann (mentioned)
They might be OOC, I apologise for this.
Warnings: Implied assault, though not to the characters
Word count: 3271
Previous Chapter: “Last Batch”
“ A Break “
           ‘…when you told us that the King was fond of keeping up a chat. I certainly did not think it would be like that…’ Oga cleared his throat, frowning when the lingering itch didn’t fade. His voice felt—odd, well, he had to raise his voice a bit this time, it was troubling to sound like mumbling when you’re not really intending to. Sometimes, his deep voice was a bit of a bother.
           After hours of discussing with the King, they were finally dismissed, quietly filing out from the meeting room.
           So that was why Aruran didn’t refuse the tea every time the butler offered a refill. This kind of thing certainly wasn’t his forte, negotiating and running around to take care of things, dealing with all sorts of people, from the most pleasant down to the most repulsive kinds. Not to mention, he must’ve overcame a whole lot of obstacles to stand here.
           To have a King’s trust was not something so easily achieved anywhere in the world, not even back in his world. Avians held a big grudge to the Human race, and instead of the Avians being the “superior” race, it was the total opposite. He’s had his fair knowledge in this topic, the greed of humans was something unexplainable. Incidents relating to an Avian being kidnapped and never found, other cases of Avian cruelty made cold sweat break out on his skin—most were gruesome, only few of them were easy matters.
           Oga did a bit of research after he was done aiding Aruran in immobilizing the branches, out of genuine curiosity. And good ­Lord, it was sickening. He didn’t dwell much within helping Avians, more to leaning with taking in people who had been assaulted or harassed, mentally or physically.
           But Aruran? Oh, oh, he took on so much worse. The older man even had enough to provide accommodation for those he rescued, including the ones rescued yesterday. His mansion’s rooms weren’t just for show, nor were the number of workers. Once you take the stairs to the underground levels, it was a hidden community from most people. It was to hide them from any fellow—high classed people from seeing them. Not because Aruran saw their (his family) presence as dirt, but to prevent others from thinking lowly of them.
           That said, it has happened a few times back then, and boy, it didn’t end well. The Demon found it endearing at how Aruran cared for everyone associated as his servants, he didn’t think of them like that, he looked after each of them, one by one—out of his own selflessness. Hm, well, one can’t deny about that old man bringing a gentle, amiable aura wherever he went. Perhaps that was why everyone came to him when they were stuck with something, there’s something about him that exuded reliability.
           Something like a capybara.
           They were exiting the Palace, walking towards the garden at the back. The King told them that it would be much more peaceful to leave through there than the main entrance. He was more than aware of how besides Aruran—not much of The Nine were too tolerated. All of them has caused distress to the Avians at least once, intentionally or not. Better safe than sorry, he supposed.
           ‘Really now? I myself thought it went quite well. Most fell into the right places—and nothing got out of control. The Princess was pleased with the gift, too.’ Aruran stopped by the gazebo, thanking the servant who had scuttled off to fetch the coachman. He seemed a lot more chipper than the times prior to today, perhaps he was just glad that the heavy load had finally left his shoulders, …maybe it was something else. ‘Do you two have any plans for today? While you’re here, too. If I recall correctly, none of you have stayed long enough to take a basic tour around this city.’
           ‘How long are you going to stay, though?’
           ‘About a week or so. I have an errand boy who helps me deliver messages—who was his name again? …mm, uh –Edward.’ He blinked a few times, staring ahead before shaking his head, seemingly confused by his own thoughts. ‘There’s nothing supposed to be done here after the meeting—but I plan to stay here for a week. I don’t know about you lot, but you are free to lodge at my residence if you choose to. I have enough rooms.’
           ‘Mm, I personally would want to take a basic tour and learn more about this city—tomorrow though.’ Oga took the chance to seat himself by the empty chair, turning his gaze to the Jackal who seemed entranced at the sight of Avians fluttering up and about, ears perked, and his tail swaying as he made awestruck noises. ‘Shiepi, what say you?’
           No response. So, he tries again.
           ‘Do you have any plans in mind?’
           ‘Not that I know of, no.’
           ‘Are you even listening to me right now?’
           ‘I am, I really am…’ Said the Jackal as his eyes were glued to one of the servants, mouth slightly agape as they were busy stretching their wings before resuming their activity.
           ‘…he’s lost in his world, isn’t he?’
           ‘I suppose.’ The Demon blinked at the sky taking a warmer tone, reaching in his suit to retrieve a pocket watch. ‘Have we been in there for that long?’
           ‘Why, yes. Yes, we have. This one isn’t as bad as that time where I stayed here for the night—but I was not asleep.’ Aruran made this mix between a smug and exhausted smile, slipping off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. One beat of silence, before the distant sound of horses pulling a carriage graced their ears.
           ‘There’s our ride, come.’
           ‘This is…unexpected.’
           Arriving at the older man’s residence, they were quite surprised that it was nothing too big—not as big as their mansions back at Haorema, anyways. But it seemed like it wasn’t an empty house, for the moment they entered his house, there was Agra—
           Huh? How did he get here? When? …and Avian??
           ‘Welcome back, Master. It’s been some time, hasn’t it?’ He held his arm out for the cloak, bowing his head slightly when Aruran untied the knot, shrugging it off with a breath. ‘How long will you be staying here?’
           ‘A week—ish, how are the others here, good?’
           ‘There’s a Tag tournament currently, so they’re away to see it.’ The butler’s wings shrugged a bit, exasperation visible on his features. ‘I did tell them you would be arriving today, though,’ he turned to the other two, chuckling at their dumbfounded faces.
           Aruran made a questioning hum, before snickering along, ‘I introduce to you two my other butler, Arya, twin brother of Agra.’
           ‘O-oh, I see… eh, Aruran, where are you going? You’re not going to give us a tour?’
           ‘I’m going to go bathe—before going to the library. I apologise but, Arya will be the one to give you a tour. You’re free with whatever you wish to do.’ He had taken off his cravat, and pulled off his shoes, bringing them away as he padded through the corridor. It was quite the amusing sight, something alike to a child who can’t wait to play with the toys in his room, though in this case, their older friend was impatient to head for the library.
           ‘Gentlemen,’ Oga turned his gaze to the butler, nodding his head in acknowledgement when he beckoned at the two.
           In the middle of the small tour, they eyed Aruran who was fresh out of his bath, donned in less… grand looking clothes. Just a simple shirt and dress pants. He had a pep in his step—and, wearing another pair of heels already.
           Boy, he’s sneaky. But the clicks his heels make were a dead giveaway, causing Arya to cease his steps. ‘Master, change your shoes.’
           A beat of silence, and the older man turned around, storming back into his room. ‘Damn it.’
           Blast it all, if only he walked more quietly. Masking his excitement was futile this time, it’s really hard to do just that when he’s been waiting for ­months just to go to the local library in this part of the Capital. Just so he could pick up on the last chapters where he was learning about Avians. Anatomy on wings, the differences between Humans and them, anything he could put on the list.
           Walking there took less time than he thought, much to his delight. Five minutes in, Aruran had arrived at the aisle. Ten minutes –and he already had a pile of books that he planned to read (he wrote the titles on a small piece of paper). Fifteen minutes… and the man had settled by a corner tucked away from most prying eyes. More than once, he encountered people wanting to bug him over for learning about Avians, they would ask for fights out of nowhere when all he wanted to do was simply—sit down, slouch in his chair, and read to his heart’s contents.
           Thankfully, he didn’t have to worry about that today, it was Monday. Most were still at work at this hour, and or still in school. He had thought about actually going tomorrow instead, but that want to take a nap and rest his busted brain had gone out the window.
           It’s just that, with so many books to read, he couldn’t pick which to start from. Wing Anatomy, difference between Avians and Humans, How to Preen properly—too many, too many he wants to read yet his two eyes can’t read to things at once. Maybe doing a simple “eenie meenie miney mo” could work—oh bother, why was it so hard just to pick. He’s been waiting for months to be able to go here, but now he’s just—stuck.
           If he looked at it from his list of priorities—knowing how to preen wings properly was something he does need to know. All of it stemmed from feeling guilty whenever any of his boys who were Avian asked if he could help with preening… only for him to sheepishly reveal that he didn’t know how to help with preening. Among the many men who worked for him, a handful of them were Avian—and most were ones he saved. Even if he already repeatedly said that it was alright, they insisted on joining him to thank him for helping them out. Of course, he didn’t accept them immediately, it was only after months of badgering, did he cave in and finally let them—on a note that –they weren’t allowed in any operations until he said so.
           The main reason he added this book (Preening Your Wings is the title) into his reading list was for a fact that those big, scary looking Avians he took in as his underlings had the audacity to look like dejected kids when he said that he didn’t want to ruin their feathers by combing too hard or putting too much wax. Now that he thought about it, he would meet them later at night, and more over for the fact that they would probably ask if he could help them preen again. (If he said he can’t, then they would usually reply that they can teach him how).
           Preening, preening it is. He has seen the many tools they use whenever they preen and he didn’t want to live another day being confused on what on God’s green earth are they for.
           For most Avians—they apply wax onto their feathers, and made had a tool to make up for the absence of a beak. It was quite simple to use, slip on the rubber gloves, scoop some wax into the clip, and apply it accordingly to the feathers that need it. Gloves were actually not necessary in this, but some use it for mere convenience. Those were for the contour feathers; downs had another way to preen it—and others required extensive combing (which he has seen take up more time if not aided).
           Though, reading this book was just really to grasp the theory of preening. They only explained on what has to be done when the Avians would gather in a common room and arrange themselves in a rough circle. If Aruran managed to weasel his way out of the activity, he would still stay there, observing how their hands deftly rubbed the oil onto each feather, and if they had down feathers, then they too, would know how much force needs to be put in each tug, enough to untangle the feathers yet not to the point of making them fall apart.
           Without practising it in real life, there was no way to determine how good one is at preening. This skill was something taught among friends and family, and without others to help you—one’s preening skills would be quite… poor.
           Oh right, it is something that he can’t learn all by himself in the first place. It was foolish to think of it like that— when he lacked something so obvious.
           …moping around like this had no use, he was better off waiting back at his house to brace himself for the oncoming rumble. The book was quite short, illustrations of the tools used and how to use it properly. There were three main components required: preening wax, clips, and the comb. From what the book said, they would start with the Tertials, the one closest to the body, and then following along the trail outwards until they finish.
           Aruran rose from his chair, groaning at the set of cracks coming from his back. There was a quiet voice inside his head that snickered, calling him old. ‘Not old.’ He couldn’t help but grumble, returning the books to their respective shelves before departing from the library.
           Walking back alone this time felt odd, there was a feeling of someone following him. Good God, he hated it whenever they did this. The man had spent years teaching them how to follow targets without being noticed, but being said target is an awful experience, even if he had acted as a dummy target more than a few times when training. He would test out how good they were before telling them what was needed to be improved, the Owls were excellent in these kinds of activities, too excellent, because the moment he taught them the basics, those rascals had given him jumpscares at the most random times. But this? This—feeling of the jeebies invading his back, that dread that he was going to be tackled by the force of more than three male Avian of Prey at once. Sure, he might be robust—but this body of his have a limit.
           The two friends greeted him quite happily at his return. Good, that means they were having fun even without him, but he couldn’t find it in himself to reply to them with the same pep. ‘My deepest apologies-’ He forced out a breath, slipping off his glasses and folding it, letting Arya retrieve it before the butler set a good distance between him.
           Just when Oga was about to come closer, a flurry of Avians barged in the common room, tackling the older man off his feet, sending him rolling along with the crowd for a few metres. The Avians were rowdy, but it was obvious that they took care to compose themselves and finally letting their boss rise from the pile of wings. Out of breath, and dishevelled. ‘You boys…’
           ‘Eh! We couldn’t help it! Sorry, Boss.’ One of them helped him up, rounded feathers and pale brown feathers had ruffled before folding.
           ‘—Never, ever—do that again, givin’ me the jeebies the whole way back, like I can’t tell that you lil’ brats are gonna bombard me like that.’ Aruran’s words left in a mumble, one hand reaching to rid the feathers from his hair, ‘how’ve you all been? Good? Anyone new or?’
           ‘Nope, nope, it’s just us for the past month. Ah, you should’ve gone with us to the tournament before!! It was really fun!’
           ‘You know I can’t come, Ruth.’ As much as Aruran himself wanted to douse that blazing curiosity in him, it couldn’t be helped with how interesting it was to see Avians wrestle each other. He wanted to learn the way they moved, thought –and executed their strategy. Though one thing about this whole… behaviour.
           This was something he learnt a long time ago, back when he was still spending his time down in the dumps, seeing all the dark shit no one should even know about in the first place. No matter how much Avians had “evolved” from their more—animalistic predecessors, there was this primal tinge that stayed, and that tinge found its way to resurface whenever their Season arrived. All Avians had their Season, from the sparrows to the eagles, but Avian of Prey always—somehow instilled more fear into the others than the rest.
           They had an ongoing reputation of being too violent— but he couldn’t blame them either. It was like asking a dog to stop walking on all fours—so he decided to let it be. Oh, don’t get him wrong, this man knows how weird these Avians could be sometimes, whether it be coming through the kitchen’s back door, caked in blood while proudly proclaiming they caught a boar by the forest to having one (read: a lot) of them join his bed because the thunder was too loud. That also includes almost being mauled by one because he stepped in at the wrong time.
           If it weren’t for the others coming in to help him, he would’ve died. ‘Us Avians of Prey are stubborn as shit, we’re called wild and dangerous for a reason, Boss. Why do you think the most popular tip in wrestling for our kind is “bite back harder”?’
           Slowly letting the trance fade from his mind, he looked to his friends, seeing the both of them with… quite amusing expressions. Once the boys left to prepare dinner, he made a sigh, readying himself to answer whatever questions might be shoved at him. Instead, there was only a warm-hearted laugh from them both, a sense of agreement that he could feel, but couldn’t put his finger on what they’re agreeing on.
           ‘You both laughing like that without any warnings only give me a sense of dread.’
           ‘Oh, don’t worry. It’s nothing bad.’
           ‘Doubt it, really, deeply, truly. I doubt that.’ Aruran turned to the clock, letting out a sigh, ‘you both are welcome to wait at the dining room, I’ll be in the kitchen helping.’
           Staring at their older friend getting further away, Shien pulled out a piece of paper from his coat, unfolding it to reveal a poster of a nearing performance, by none other than Ann. The Jackal can’t resist the sly smirk from pulling at his lips, his tail swaying and ears perking in thought. ‘Which of us are going to tell him about this?’
           Teasing their older friend was such an entertaining thing to do. His reactions were always hilarious, but they also made sure not to go over the line. It was a given, they’ve seen Aruran slip up sometimes, failing to keep his candle of patience lit up any longer for a split moment… moving on from that—Shien turned his eyes to the poster, humming in idle thought of how their friend would react.
until_3_am ™ (do not redistribute or copy my work.)
0 notes
suzdotranslation · 2 months
[Interview TL] 4Gamer's Weekly VTuber Files #15 - Arurandeisu
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Name: Arurandeisu Company: Holostars (1st generation) Streaming platform: YouTube SNS: X (Twitter) Hashtags: Live #アランストリーム / Fanart #アランの画廊 / Clips #切り抜きナンディス Character/Model designer: lack Debut Date: September 8th, 2019 Birthday Date: November 11th Height: 184cm Introduction: He is a detective, phantom thief, teacher, samurai, sniper, and demon hunter. A mysterious Italian who has traveled wide and far through different worlds. He currently devotes his days to this world after being entrusted with the dream of becoming an idol. While he claims to be the man of brains, he often relies on his brawn in the end. He likes pizza, meat, and cola.
Q01. Tell us your main (streaming) content! Game and planned project streams, I also do DJ stream sessions playing Holopro songs, and I pretty much dabble in various genres!
Q02. What was the cue that kickstarted your streaming activity? Because I'd like to experience lots of things, I only got one life after all!
Q03. Please recommend us your “newcomer’s friendly” videos or stream archive! First, the quadratic equation-solving stream with Hiodoshi Ao-kun! To be honest I actually own a teaching license in science course, so I was able to make something like this. Of course, there's Ao-kun effort to solve the problems, and it shows in her remarkable growth in this stream alone! Link to the stream
Secondly, Since I have a pretty sturdy physics and all, I tried doing an experiment on myself. Now that I recall, each of these "world-level" tastes is pretty strong on its own. Once I had mixed it all in, turned out there was one flavor that stood out… Which you can check on the stream itself! Link to the stream
The third is a quick and entertaining one! I'd like to do something like this again but with more people. Link to the stream
Q04. Tell us things that you like or something you’re good at! I'm good at playing Rubik's Cube! I can solve one in under 40 seconds. And I like to stream, do muscle training, and DJ-ing!
Q05. Tell us a hobby or content that has piqued your interest lately! I've been really into fighting games recently!! In my day off I'd like to practice in the training mode quite religiously too. I also like reading manga and I have a wide preference in terms of genre. Among the ones I started reading recentlyー Chi. (Orb), Sousou no Frieren and Yofukashi no Uta are among the ones I really like!
Q06. Is there any VTuber around that has caught your attention? Let us know! Hanasaki Miyabi. The pioneer of our group, quite an interesting guy.
Q07. What are other things you’re paying attention to other than VTubers? Eiko Kano-san. I really like watching streams that could make me laugh a lot.
Q08. Is there a recent thing that left a deep impression on you, and is there anything else you’d like to try out? Since I like to do a lot of muscle training, I'd like to be involved in work with a protein supplement brand!!!!
Q09. What sort of content you’d like to challenge yourself for now? I'd like to come up with stream ideas, like holding game tournaments and such. It would be nice if I could make a fun project that gets people excited and happy!
Q10. Tell us your message to the readers! Thank you for reading this article until the end!! If you're interested feel free to check out my channel! It would be nice if you could watch my stream and comment on it tooー!!
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suzdotranslation · 3 years
[Interview TL] Arurandeisu's Up-Station Web Interview
Interview source can be found here
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Debuting as part of Holostars 1st gen, after recently debuted his 3D in august and celebrated his 2nd year debut anniversary. The man who’s at the edge of his life’s turning point: Arurandeisu. As the first male VTuber who appeared in Animedia Magazine, he had gained quite the attention as of late.
With a light and fun talk as part of his stream's charm and the increase of his activities in Holostars from last year, it's no wonder that the existence of his listeners are part of the thing Arurandeisu noticed the most.
Now with a stronger motivation, the dream he had envisioned for a long time ago had finally taken its leap.
------------------ "Something I did spontaneously" Few talks about his 3D reveal stream ------------------
――To start it off, please introduce yourself to the readers.
Arurandeisu: Holostars 1st gen, the energetic Italian man Arurandeisu. I mainly stream games and especially one where my listeners could participate in it.
――The recent 3D reveal stream is paced so nicely that we didn't realize it was only an hour. Although we think it must've taken you a lot of time to come up with everything, what was it like for you during the preparation itself?
Arurandeisu: Since the reveal dates were already decided way earlier, there's a long period of time where I had to pretend I haven't got anything prepared in front of my listeners even though I am working on it...
In regards to the content, rather than coming up with one however, I normally asked myself "What I wanted to do" as I watched others' 3D reveal streams and looked up various information. Between those times, sometimes I thought "Ah, I want to do this!" and it eventually piled up, that's how I came up with a lot of ideas in the end.
――During the looking-back stream, you said there are times when you have to redo some parts around 2~3 times too, right?
Arurandeisu: I felt satisfied at first, but when I looked back to it there are some parts that made me go "Somehow this feels a bit off" and such, I have a knack for sensing stuff like that you see. There's the screenshot time as well where we ended up putting out a lot of things at once. I thought that "Everyone can just take any screenshots in a timing they desired", so I just let it be (laughs)
――What are your thoughts during the live stream?
Arurandeisu: I came up with a lot of segments but somehow I felt like it moves much faster than I thought. I did everything while thinking about what to do for this scene, the next one and so on. In the end, I don't really have enough time to think about myself in particular.
――At the last part during the interlude of "What a Pastaful World ~Beautighetti World~", the part when you said "Right now, Arurandeisu is having the most fun!" leaves quite an impactful feeling to us. What drove you to blurt that out?
Arurandeisu: That's because I felt relieved that everything is going smoothly without a big blunder, "I don't want it to end but I'm glad it's going fine until the end."-that kind of feeling. Also because unlike the normal stream, I don't have time to look at the live comments so I wanted to say something like "Everyone must've been having fun now, so it'll be fine, at least I also enjoyed this one hour as much as they do." as well.
It's something I didn't plan to say at first so it was rather spontaneous. Now that I think about it, I said it on the right timing I guess (laughs)
------------------ After tackling the "Blue Axolotl", I began to understand the joy in playing Minecraft ------------------
――Normally you often have a good amount of planned streams, how did you come up with that one in the first place?
Arurandeisu: I often take memos on anything that seems interesting. Then after looking through it again to give me a clear image on how it would be, then I proceed into streaming it.
Recently, fake-horror segments are quite nice from what I’ve seen. It’s something I've always wanted to do back then but since it requires a lot of listener's participation, I have to measure the scope of this plan while seeing the amount of watchers so I can do it at the right time. Since Youtube started having their "shorts" feature recently, I thought now is truly the perfect time.
――During this summer, there were lots of Minecraft-related streams from what we've seen. Especially the Blue Axolotl search that took a lot of time, it was quite the spectacle when it was finally born.
Arurandeisu: We can practically do anything in Minecraft so in a way it's actually much harder to come up with a particular goal, so it’s harder to get hooked into it.
So when talking about that, "Streaming with the goal of hatching the rare creature Blue Axolotl" is a rather easy-to-understand goal. Though it’s already proven how hard it is to hatch them out... (laughs). In-between this, I manage to understand how Minecraft works and enjoyed it even more, like the so-called "Reckless Minecraft" where we played in hardcore mode as we try to defeat ender dragon, then creating equipment for the other Holostars members to help out in creating a comfy village life in "Temma-village expansion plan" as well.
――Not only streaming games, you've also started doing DJ-ing and DAW streams as well. Is there a particular thing that makes you pick up new things?
Arurandeisu: In the first place, I’d like to challenge myself with new things so I also have a pretty wide range of interests. For instruments, I could play electric guitar, bass and piano but all of these are things that would eventually bore you out once you managed to play them, so in the end you might go "Well I got to level 30 in here so might as well move on to something else" instead. So you're becoming more eager to try out other things.
As for DJ stuff it was something that stems from Holostars' previous event “Our Own Kickoff Party 2021", where I managed to talk with someone there who also worked as a DJ. I managed to gain a lot of knowledge out of it so I think I was quite lucky there, the more you dig it becomes more fun you know!
------------------ The reason for "Focusing in Holostars" ------------------
――Recently you’ve started streaming 2-3 times a day, and it seems it has affected your lifestyle pace rather nicely.
Arurandeisu: From last year until december-ish, I've been working a lot along with my streaming activities, so I could only stream during night-time at most. By the time I managed to focus myself on Holostars, I was able to make use of most of my time efficiently.
――We thought the decision was already decided way before but, what made you finally take the leap?
Arurandeisu: To be honest, back before I joined Holostars, I had quite the silly dream... I wanted to be a hero.
I admired Kamen Rider from long ago, but thinking realistically there's no such thing in the real world. Then I began to think what kind of possible "Hero" I could be, "As long as I'm alive, I'd like it if everyone that is involved with me in a way will be able to become happy, so there will be less amount of sadness around us". For me, that's the most I could be as a Hero.
Ever since I joined Holostars and started streaming, I often see comments that convey how much they enjoyed what I'm doing and some who have sent me letters or replies saying "Aran's stream has made me feel more positive!".
I started to think "If I stayed here, I think I'll be able to make everyone happy." And after a year has passed, that thought has become much more real and stronger. I gained even more support from everyone so as a result, I started thinking that I wanted to do a lot more. In the end I came up with a decision to "Steel up my own resolution!"
――So that's how it all started...!
Arurandeisu: I've been living my life doing what I love, so that's how I ended up doing live-streaming, which happens to give a lot of people happiness. That kind of win-win like relationship is what makes it good. Live-streaming is truly the best!
――To see "How far I’ve come to reach my dream" it looks like the listener's reaction has become the deciding factor itself it seems.
Arurandeisu: Or more like it is the only factor since I cannot see how they look nor how they react. So be it through Illustrations, clipped video, replies or even comments about interesting parts they liked, all of these are a form of support that manages to find its place to me. It's also thanks to all those reactions that I manage to get even more energy.
------------------ Now is the right time to get to know Arurandeisu and Holostars! ------------------
――Are there new things that you'd like to challenge someday?
Arurandeisu: I've always liked moving my body around from the start so honestly I wanted to try almost anything that I could reach. Since it's much easier to show my expression now, I thought getting into variety show-like things might be good too. Also it might be impossible but I'd like to do "A week off in an uninhabited island." challenge as well...
――It is quite hard in a lot of ways, but we'd also love to see that kind of content!
Arurandeisu: And since I grew up surrounded by games and manga culture, appearing in one of these works is also part of my dream itself. There's one occasion where I appeared in the extra pages of a manga called "Sabageppanashi". It was a series I really liked and had been reading for a long time so I was really happy about it and it became a lasting memory. I also like to appear in online or television shows one day as well.
――Moving forward, this time it’s a question from Aragami Oga-san who appeared in our previous interview. "If you were allowed to have a rent with no limit, what kind of place would you like to live in?"
Arurandeisu: The place I live in right now is quite narrow to be honest, almost like there's only enough for a streaming space. So for starters I'd like to have more rooms, from the streaming room, bedroom, and living room all on its own. Also since I like collecting goods from any games I've cleared, it would be nice if I could have a space to display them all.
I like the idea of having an underground basement too, also it's definitely better to have a bigger bathroom. The current bathroom I had is quite small so I often use the shower instead so I could use up the hot water. That's why having a bigger bathroom and adding a sauna place or a stone sauna is definitely a must. A 2-storey building with 1 basement would be good, also if it comes with a parking lot that would be even nicer too.
――Oga-san who gave you this question is part of the same gen with Kageyama Shien who previously appeared here as well, and both of them made an appearance during your 3D reveal stream. From Arurandeisu's viewpoint who is part of the 1st gen and as their senior, what does the existence of these two mean to you?
Arurandeisu: This applies to everyone in Holostars of course but for us, there isn't really a border between senior-junior in here. That's why rather than a junior, it's more appropriate to call them as a friend that I could rely on. In a sense, everyone also started acting like that to each other as well.
Shien-kun is a mafia boss so in a way, he's a guy you could count on. He's quite sensitive to his surroundings so he definitely becomes the type that will give you a helping hand. The one time he's been really helpful is whenever everyone wants to eat, he would always take the initiative to look up a good place. That one was really a big help (laughs).
I often talked with Oga-kun because we had a lot of things we both like in common. That guy knew a lot of manga and various subcultures so we could talk about many things. Oga-kun also often becomes the one who started the conversation while we were gathering in the waiting room.
――That's quite an unexpected part you won't see often on live streams! That aside, what kind of question would Arurandeisu-san ask the next person?
Arurandeisu: I'd like to ask them "If you could make one of your dreams come true, which one would it be?"
――Understood. Lastly, please let us know if you'd like to drop any kind of messages or announcement
Arurandeisu: Whether it's me or Holostars as a whole, if you start watching us now it will definitely feel like seeing our growth. It also doesn't have to be me, because among all the 9 people in Holostars, each of them is a person full of different quirks and personalities. With this kind of group I'm sure you'll be able to find someone that you will like.
――So, now is truly the right time in your opinion.
Arurandeisu: That's right! It's definitely now, otherwise you would start thinking "I should've watched them earlier~!" afterwards. With the live concert in December coming up, I'm doing my best to let my viewers be 200% as happy when they watch me too. So it would make me glad if everyone could look forward to it as well.
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