capaciityforpain · 1 year
@torchwoodreadyforanything said: Kate had called him or rather requested his help but not at UNIT, away from preying eyes. Kate didn’t like to admit she was lost, that she hadn’t quite lived up to her fathers legacy and had somewhere along the way not seen how UNIT was crumbling before her eyes. She brushed her blonde hair out of her face ,smoothing down her jacket before she gathered the courage to speak. “I need your help Doctor.”
Their personal relationship may be a little rocky from time to time, but there was no question in the Doctor's mind that when Kate Stewart called, he answered. She had that more than anyone else did, because of who she was. And, well, when the head of UNIT called, he figured that he should answer.So he was here, at some private location, waiting to see what it was she summoned him here for.
It was clear she was nervous, even the Doctor could see that, but he waited for her to speak. When she did, he nodded. "That much is clear," he said, giving a small nod towards their surroundings. "What's wrong?"
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vxidlight · 1 year
( closed ); eight
@torchwoodreadyforanything replied to: x ”Better not. It wouldn’t go well for you.” Well it wouldn’t go well for anyone but that was what it was. She was done having  people thinking she was crazy. Even her own husband doubted what she saw, since nobody but Ana could see  it.
Eight. “Trust me, I can handle it.” The Visionary smiled gently. “My name is the Visionary. I’m here to help.” She urged.
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thevisixnary · 6 months
@torchwoodreadyforanything continued from here x. Benny shrugged her shoulders. “Almost anything can be dangerous in the wrong hands and in anyone’s hands. Books are the greatest weapons one can have. “
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The other had a point, books influenced people. They could make a grown man cry or change the mind of a young teenager. Alice had seen it with her own eyes working in the library. "What's so special about this book?" She set the odd-looking book on the cart between them. It felt like it was vibrating being closer to the two of them.
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experincingtheworld · 2 years
"If you don't go to bed," Ana tells her sister. "Then they will be no Santa delivering your presents."
The four year olds eyes went wide as she ran and climbed into the bed and covered up," w-will you tell me a story please?!"
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heroscarred · 2 years
@torchwoodreadyforanything​ + luke
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“I am your brother.” It’s spoken with certainty despite this being their first meeting. Sarah Jane had explained that he wasn’t the first child she’d adopted and he accepted the other easily as a member of his new family. “Mum is out meeting her editor but she said I should help you settle in.”
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halfpintkay · 2 years
@torchwoodreadyforanything​ liked for a starter
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“I can’t believe I found a town that out Smallvilles Smallville. I swear I just saw a blowfish driving a sports car.” 
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hunteramelia · 3 years
Familiar Faces
@torchwoodreadyforanything liked [x] for a starter
“You look familiar... have we met before?” Amelia asked, after apologizing since she accidentally bumped into the other. Sometimes she was good at recognizing others - but over her lifetime, even if she was still young, she’s seen so many faces she couldn’t always keep up. But when reminded, it would all come back.
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spellsandpixiedust · 3 years
@torchwoodreadyforanything​ liked for a starter
The lengths we go to preserve a lie...
Last night’s events hopefully resemble nothing but a blurry dream for the other. If anything at all. Because when Liam had realised someone witnessed him working magic, he had no qualms knocking the other out with the very same.
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Now, the next morning, he’s leaning over the other as they slowly come to. “Wakey-wakey”, he chirps.
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hvnteramelia · 3 years
Extra Terrestrial
@torchwoodreadyforanything​ | cont. from [ x ]
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The hunter furrowed her eyebrows, confused. “A dog?” She asked, not buying what the other woman was saying. The only dog she could think of was a Hell Hound, but that wasn’t what she was hunting down - she was sure of it. They really only came for you if you were in the way of their pray, or you were their pray because you sold your soul. 
She shook her head, especially with the pain she endured throughout her body. “You’ve got to come up with a better lie than that,” she said, “tell me what you really know.”
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capaciityforpain · 1 year
↣ @torchwoodreadyforanything (✬)
"They let her go?" the Doctor asked, eyebrows raising. Surely if the plane just reappeared after being gone for so long, they wouldn't be so ready to let the passengers go. The people in charge must be thrilled about that. Having to keep all of these people in check, all of them eager to return to their families, the families trying to figure out what happened to their loved ones. It would be chaos. Which might make it easier for them to get in.
"I'm not going to tell your wife that you moved on. That's your job," he said as he smoothed his jacket, stepping towards the door. He wasn't criticizing, and was even sympathetic in the way he said it, but he wouldn't let Jack out of that so easily.
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capaciityforpain · 1 year
↣ @torchwoodreadyforanything (✬)
The Doctor sent one gaze backwards to Jack, though it was not longing so much as it was analyzing. He didn't want to be caught between them, hadn't ever wanted to be, but this side of Jack was something that was new to him, and he didn't like it. When the Doctor didn't like something, he analyzed it, tried to make sense of it. It wasn't entirely something he was aware that he was doing as he followed Ana, but he was.
Then they were past him, and his attention returned to the problem at hand, because that was what he did best. "I'm going to need information on the people that died. Can you get that for me?"
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capaciityforpain · 1 year
@torchwoodreadyforanything said: "Monster!" the child tugged on the Doctor's coat before pointing to her drawing she had done. it was just her home where she lived with Ana, Malcolm & Jack and her siblings. it was just a house she had drawn with either a angry face in the window or some kind of monster/Alien creature. It could be a monster.. could be an Alien. or just the imaginations of a five year old.
He looked down as he felt the tug at the bottom of his coat, eyebrows raising as he saw a child looking up at him. He never quite understood what he was meant to do with children, at least not in this body. he looked at the image that was being offered to him, and he frowned. It wasn't exactly a charming drawing, was it? It was a drawing of a monster in the window, which wasn't the nicest thing he'd ever seen a child draw, but all children had strange imaginations, didn't they? The real question was whether it was just that.
"Did you see this?"
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capaciityforpain · 1 year
@torchwoodreadyforanything said: “Look “ Jack rolled up his sleeve revealing a very large cut on his arm. “I’m hurt I’m not healing I’m plain old human again.” Jack wasn’t sure how to feel about it. The whole world had just become immortal and Jack was mortal. The only one. It had been a while since Jack and the Doctor had been in each other lives, After Benny, Jack had disappeared off the face of the Earth, or so it seemed.
He looked at the cut, confused for a beat before he remembered that that wasn't supposed to be something that happened. In that instant, his eyebrows furrowed, and he reached out to take Jack's arm into his hand. He hadn't seen Jack in so long, and he was rather sure that he was seeing him now in a time that was not necessarily linear to where he had settled. Time didn't matter, though. What mattered was this.
"What happened?"
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capaciityforpain · 1 year
@torchwoodreadyforanything said: "You know, you have got us into some right situations.. but this. This is on a whole new scale, even for you!"
Okay, he wasn't going to disagree with her this time. He wanted to, but he wasn't going to, but she was right this time. So maybe he wouldn't disagree, but he wasn't exactly in a rush to agree, either.
"How about we focus on getting out of the situation before we worry about blaming people?"
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capaciityforpain · 1 year
@torchwoodreadyforanything said: Jack had a rude awakening when he came to, as the cold shower activated as he lay on the ground, gasping as he swallowed a vast amount of cold water almost threatened to drown him He stumbled to his feet, trying find where he was and where the others were. All he knew for sure this wasn't the TARDIS. The Doctor was the first person he found " You know, when I said I wanted to go somewhere with water. I was thinking of the ocean or a beach." Or maybe a nice cold shower was just what he needed.
"You were unconscious," was the Doctor's simple answer. Maybe not the answer Jack was looking for, but it was the one he was giving. "People always ask me to take them to the beach. Beaches aren't exciting. Nothing exciting ever happens at a beach. Sharks don't actually kill people all that often, do you know that? A beach doesn't even have sharks. If I take you to the beach, the first thing you would do would be to find someone else to spend time with, and then leave me alone with nothing but sand to keep me company. It's bad enough as it is that you wander off anyway, but not at a beach."
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capaciityforpain · 2 years
@torchwoodreadyforanything said: “Don’t mean to be the bearer of bad news or anything  but I don’t think you going to need a crystal ball or your future knowledge of things to know what’s going happen next. “  She glances around the not so familiar Cardiff  that used be her home so long ago but was met with whispers, stares and uncomfortable silences when Benny asked what happened.    “I asked about Torchwood and I was told to not talk to them about that place.” 
The Doctor exhales a sigh through his teeth as he, too, looks around. He starts to lose track of the changes in these places after a while. The more time spent in them, the harder it gets to keep in mind just what’s supposed to look like what. It’s different for her, though, and he wonders, briefly, what it is she sees.
“When have people ever liked Torchwood?” he asks, perhaps too lightly for what she’s trying to say, but lightly nonetheless. “UNIT’s taken over, now, and that makes Torchwood the unruly sibling that the parents are too embarrassed to acknowledge.” Harsh, maybe, but from everything he’s heard about with it, not entirely unearned.
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