stankgyna · 6 years
The afterlife.
Why does someone’s death amplify the work that they have done?
Why does it take something tragic to bring light to our wrongs?
My heart goes out to all those that have sacrificed themselves for the greater good. Let it be a lesson that we continue to push for what’s right. Instead of watching others die for it.
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stankgyna · 5 years
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I was drowning in my own hell for about a year now and thought I couldn’t get out. I’ve always been negative and neglectful so for that I lost all that I loved. Things may be in shambles but I’m slowly trying to do me. Reinventing myself for the better. Conditioning myself to feel the unknown of climbing into success. I will get better. I have mental illnesses but it won’t take control anymore. I will find my true happiness and show everyone I love that I am worth forgiving. I am so grateful while also took for granted the person I loved most. This is Amber, Amber is me, I will find myself again for the better.
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stankgyna · 6 years
Little Bird.
Lay awake or sleep for days, You wouldn't notice either way. Couldn't help you with your pain, But always hoped that you were safe. It took hours of silent phone calls for me to finally realise That just because you act with the best of intentions It doesn't necessarily mean that you can't be wrong. I thought my heart could be our home But all you thought of was the cage. Praying for the sun, Beneath my ribs you sat in shade. You were my little bird And I saw fit to clip your wings, And then resented you because for me You never chose to sing. So there was silence in the house, The hallways echoed with a growing doubt That we would never make it out Of the hell that we created. I guess that's why it never felt like home, Because we'd lay together but were still alone. Desperate for the warmth of someone's comfort But not our own. We were always vacant, nothing more; We spoke until our throats were sore. Our hearts lay on the bedroom floor, And one was mine, but both were yours. I'm sorry I could never find the words to say, I had chewed them all into my tongue. But your negligence has left me frail. I never asked to fall in love so young. I know I promised not to call again, But I've still got so much to say. I hope to god that you are sleeping well, I hope that someday you will ache the way I ache.
I just couldn’t shake the feeling of helplessness. Searching for answers through negative behaviors. I had thrown away so much for my actions. I strayed away from the only love I ever knew. I just couldn’t reciprocate it. I know deep down inside I wanted this to work. My mind has a way with ruining every thought that was healthy. I keep feeling uneasy with all the thoughts of what could of been done different. If I could go back in time. There isn’t a way to make up for what is already written in my history. I have to think ahead, with strength. I can’t go back to what I was. A monster. I no longer wish for anyones approval. I am going to continue on and re wire every process I have ever known. Confront my demons and fight until I stop breathing. I will never repeat a cycle that destroyed my existence. I will live for the first time. I’m no longer afraid to be naked with emotions, thoughts, being.   
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