#totally not bcuz I wanna cosplay him one day....
scaifish · 2 years
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have some Seto sketches
this is me, wishing he had a different outfit while simultaneously liking his normal one, lol. but he's my fav so I want him to have a hoodie, too...
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edengarden · 4 years
Hey pls could I get a regular matchup for bnha!<3 I'd prefer a guy but if you think any female fits better then I can be down w/ that too ;))
Getting the basics out of the way: Aries, ENFJ 2w3, Hufflepuff, Chaotic Good
I'm 5'7 with quite a big chest but a lack of ass lmao and I've got bleach blonde hair with bangs that falls just in-between shoulder and chest length. Brown eyes with long lashes (honestly still confused why they're so long now bcuz I deadass cut them off like three years ago bcuz I thought they looked too feminine?? Jokes on past me I'm Extremely stereotypicaly feminine now😽) and a dorky smile that I try to hide in pics but that just ends up with me looking like I have resting bitch face💔
I'm extremely extroverted, bubbly and kind to others with a somewhat hidden vulgar sense of humour that rly contrasts the "cute fluffy animals in sunflower fields and neverending love" vibe that I give off irl. I take on a motherly protective role with my friends (we will pretend that wasn't just bcuz trauma made me mature early luv that 4 me) and am always there to offer advice or just cute pictures/facts to take their mind off their worries!
Despite being very extroverted and people-oriented some people that don't know me may think I'm a lil shy because of my anxiety and tendancy to overthink EVERYTHING. Around my friends I try and hide my real feelings behind a super happy mask so that others can feel the joy I give off and I don't feel like a burden🏃🏃 I can also be incredibly judgemental in my head and if I know I'm right about something I will fight to the death till others acknowledge that I'm actually right.
My current biggest hobby is cooking/baking and I always make dinner every Sunday without fail (shout out 2 my roast dinners they are elite if I do say so myself😌) along with some sweet treats. I also enjoy creating cosplays because it combines my love of sewing, makeup and acting because I can completely embody my character and not have to worry about being judged because it's not Me being judged it's the character I'm portraying.
I can honestly vibe to any music but I prefer cheesy pop songs and jazz music along with assorted classical music that I listen to every night to help me sleep (I say that but some of them fr have me trying to stay awake just so I can listen to the whole song rip)
When it comes to people I tend to gravitate towards introverts because I can always make them ramble their heart out and I adore listening it's honestly my hidden talent both romantically and platonically they've said that they feel I'm trustworthy and easy to talk to (SUCH high praise like 60% of my past friends were the bookworms that Never Spoke and one of my besties now talks to me more than most of her family after only knowing eachother 2months)
Ummm fun fact abt myself I used to be obsessed with the idea of being a spy when I was a child so I wrote my entire diary in code and to this very day I can't uncode a single thing I wrote💀
Have a wonderful day I hope this is enough haha💗
Listenlistenlisten you give off strong Kendou vibes, But Better. And I mean better suited for Monoma. He’s a lot to handle, but you can definitely do it. I think your friendly demeanour and naturally approachable self is VERY convenient for him, even if he won’t say it out loud for a while.
At first you can bet he’s not THAT interested; you’re just another person, and a bubbly one at that. But then he sees how your sense of humour completely derails from your persona and his heart goes “and I oop-“
Jkjk I honestly think it takes Monoma a while to fall, but it’s an irreversible process. Like you keep his boasting and insulting in check?? When he aims it towards you, you just aim it back at him with the same silver tongue he has?? Battle of the Wits. Everyone KNOWS it’s flirting but he doesn’t. You don’t. It’s actually sort of funny.
The fact that you can befriend literally anyone? He’s Shooketh, it’s something he’s not able to do (for very good reasons), but he admires it. He totally hid his admiration through “maniacal plans” of having you befriend people from 1-A and become a spy on the inside. You did not agree to his plans and still went on to befriend Koda lmao you really said “fuck yo plans”.
And my GOD YOUR ARGUMENTATIVE SIDE. He loves it so much, he loves to trigger it, he loves to argue with you, and it’s even better because he’s a bit,, dumb dumb so he 100% thinks he’s right but you KNOW he’s wrong but he thinks he knows he’s right and the arguments go on forever and wow I guess you’re moronsexual now?? This is oddly endearing to me what the heck.
It takes so long for this boy to realize his feelings, and even longer to confess, but through it all he remains the same towards you. The only exception is after you two become a thing and he gets comfortable with you, you might be able to draw out some insecurities from him. Please help him with those he needs help
- Wake Up In The Sky, Gucci Maine, Bruno Mars & Kodak Black
- That’s Life, Frank Sinatra
- Fame, David Bowie (if this doesn’t give you a Monoma vibe NOTHING will-)
- Fashion, David Bowie
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