#toto is the guardian angel of baron
catsafarithewriter · 5 years
Day 3: Angels and Demons
A/N: Oh grimm, I’m behind schedule. Oops? Anyway, please enjoy!
Toto had tried the distant guardian angel approach for nearly two millennia before deciding it wasn’t for him. 
He appreciated the logic. After all, mortals had such brief lifespans that it was foolish to get too close - and guardian angels got plenty close given their innate bond with their mortal-of-the-generation. But, after centuries of watching from afar, he had received a most unusual mortal. 
“Yer gonna get in trouble for it,” Muta said. 
“With who?” Toto asked. He sat atop the museum rooftop, watching people scurry from one fleeting moment to the next, a half-ghost amid the city’s smog. “There’s no actual rule saying we can’t meet our mortal. In fact,” he continued, a smidgen too smugly to be simply pointing out fact, “the occasional interaction is encouraged. Give them a little nudge in the right direction and all.”
“Yeah, emphasis on the occasional. I’m jus’ saying, there’s a reason we keep our distance.”
“You spend almost all your time in mortal shape in the Human World,” Toto reminded his fellow guardian, a tad accusingly. 
“As a cat, yeah. I never actually start a conversation with anyone.”
“Probably because you have nothing good to say.”
“Cause the world just ain’t ready for me yet.”
Toto snorted, but didn’t take the bait.
They watched the world below in silence. 
“I mean,” Toto continued eventually, “he’s barely mortal anyway. So it doesn’t count.”
“He’ll die one day.”
“Not for a long while yet. Not within a human lifespan.”
Toto cast his gaze across at the other angel. “You’re just a ray of sunshine, anyone ever tell you that?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
Another silence passed. This time it was Muta who broke it. 
“So yer all set then? Yer really gonna meet him?”
“I think so.”
“How’s that even gonna go? Are ya just gonna be like, hey, I’m yer guardian angel, be not afraid?”
“Give me a little credit. I’ll introduce myself as a creature like him. A Creation. That should bypass any questions about my own long lifespan.”
“Oh, lying. Are ya sure that’s allowed?”
“Well, if I don’t burst into blasphemous flames, I’ll assume so.”
“Yer picked a mortal shape yet?”
“I don’t know.” Toto watched the dimming horizon, the silhouettes of seagulls stark against the rosy sky. “I’m thinking something with wings. Something unremarkable. A corvid, maybe.” 
“I always knew you had a birdbrain.”
“Very funny.”
Muta caught Toto’s eye, and the smile wasn’t entirely sure. “Jus’, ya know, don’t get too attached. Even Creations can die.”
Toto grinned. “He’s practically immortal. Unless he’s stupid, he’ll be around for a good long while yet.”
“So. How’s the fake-immortal?”
Muta chortled. “Told ya it was a mistake.”
“It’s not a mistake,” Toto retorted. He shuffled his wings - the mortal bird form was still taking some getting used to, even now - and tried to look unruffled. “I’m making far more progress working alongside him than I would watching from afar. It’s just...” He cawed in disgruntlement and tried again. “It’s just he keeps running into stupid situations.”
“So he thinks he’s immortal. Got it.”
“No, it’s not that, it’s...” And Toto struggled to pin down exactly what kind of mental pathways went on in his charge’s head. “Well, maybe partly, but... he’s just very bad at making plans that work. And sticking to them. And aren’t needlessly dramatic. He somehow ended up trapped in a dog kennel last week while trying to find a little girl’s lost toy. I had to fly in to get him out.”
Muta grunted. “Oh yeah, you got that Bureau thing happening. How’s it going?”
“It’s... doing its job.” 
“Which is?”
“It gives him a purpose.” Toto was silent for a moment, and for once Muta didn’t take the opportunity to butt in. “You and I have each other, but Creations are so rare that if I wasn’t there, he’d be alone. The Bureau gives him... something. Not that we get many clients, but... it’s a start. It helps.”
“Yeah,” Muta grunted. He sounded like he had thoughts on his mind, and Toto would have teased him for it, but something stayed his beak this time. “So the Bureau helps people out, right?”
Muta took another moment to think. “Yer want to help out my human?”
Muta never intended it to become a regular thing. But the years passed and he watched over multiple mortals while Toto remained by the Creation’s side, and somewhere along the way, Muta ended up ferrying more than just his own contemporary human to the Sanctuary’s doors. 
Sometimes it was for big things. For when the magical world spilled over onto humanity and some poor human ended up way in over their head. For people who really didn’t have anywhere else to go but to turn to a strange little Bureau populated by talking cats and crows. 
But sometimes, when the Bureau had had few guests and fewer clients, and Toto worried over his mortal charge, littler problems would find their way to the Bureau’s doorstep. Things that wouldn’t matter in the long run, that didn’t need magic to solve. But Muta led them to the Sanctuary anyway. 
So when his current human - a teen girl, young and awkward and far too reckless for a mortal body - found herself engaged to a Cat Prince against all her wishes, he knew just where to take her.
He did not, however, expect her - years later - to return. 
Or to stay. 
Or to complicate matters.
Muta was sitting outside the Bureau when Toto returned to the Sanctuary. 
“We have a problem.”
Muta barely looked over his newspaper. “He’s your mortal, your problem.”
“It’s not-- well,” Toto amended, “it’s not just him.” He nodded towards the Bureau’s interior, where their respective charges were making tea and conversation. “It’s him and her. Both of them.”
“Yer telling me.”
Toto looked down his beak at Muta. “Don’t you pay any attention to your mortal?”
“Sure I do. She didn’t get married off to the Cat King, did she?”
“So you keep reminding me.”
Muta huffed and folded his paper. “Alright, beaky, I’ll bite. What have they done now?”
“It isn’t a matter of what they have done as what they aren’t doing.”
“Yer speaking in riddles, birdbrain. Cut it out.”
“Have you checked Haru’s connections?”
Muta squinted sceptically at Toto. “Is this one of those trick question things where I’m meant to have checked every other month cause, if so, yes.”
Toto sighed. “Just do it.”
Muta continued squinting for another dubious moment before turning his attention to Haru. He could see the strings of connection running out from her - to her mother, to her friends, to Muta and Toto, to Baron...
“Oh heck.”
The string between Haru and Baron was a deep, burning red. 
“Long enough that they should have done something about it by now.”
Muta scoffed. “That ain’t Haru’s fault. It’s your mortal with the emotional constipation.”
“That’s not--”
“Your words, not mine.”
“Toto didn’t speak immediately, pouting in the ensuing silence. Then, “We’re their guardian angels. We should do something.”
“Why? People fall in love all the time, no biggie.”
“He doesn’t. Not like this.”
Muta scoffed. Again. “How old is he? And yer telling me he’s never fallen in love before?”
“Crushes and curiosity, yes,” Toto confirmed. “But this... is much more long-term. This is staying.” This could make things complicated.
Muta hesitated. The bond between Haru and Baron wasn’t just built from love, but from trust and friendship and a thousand little moments. With any other mortal, he could just sit back and watch life take its course. Naturally, it would be Toto’s charge who would be the exception.
“Fine. Do you have a plan?”
“The beginnings of one.”
Muta grunted. Like mortal, like guardian. “And?”
“How familiar are you with Disney’s The Little Mermaid?”
“No. No way.”
Angels couldn’t rewrite reality, but they could... sweetalk it, given the right motivation. 
So it perhaps wasn’t wholly unexpected that it was a perfect summer’s evening, that night upon the lake’s water, or that when the breeze rippled through the reeds a gentle tune whistled. 
It was, and Toto was quite proud of the fact, the perfect romantic setting. 
“This has to be,” Muta said, interupting Toto’s little moment of pride, “and you’ve have a lotta prize-winning moments over the centuries, the dumbest idea you’ve ever had. And that includes the noodle incident.” 
“I didn’t see you offering any better ideas, furball.”
“I wanna see how badly this fails so I can laugh about it later.”
“Thanks. Your support is appreciated.”
Toto watched as Baron jumped down into the boat and offer a hand to Haru. Not that he was ever going to admit as much to Muta, but Toto hadn’t been entirely sure they would even get this far. It had taken a fair bit of gentle shoving - both verbal and mental - to get Baron to take the hint and invite Haru out on a definitely-not-date romantic evening.
Emotionally constipated indeed.
As Haru hopped down from the pier, an errant wave lapped against the boat and sent her stumbling. Baron shifted his grip within a heartbeat, catching her and suddenly they were so very close. 
Then they both coughed awkwardly and moved away. 
Toto shot a questioning look to Muta. 
“What?” Muta demanded. “If you’re gonna meddle, I don’t see why I can’t have a little fun too.” 
Haru settled into the boat, trying desperately to believe her blush was because of her near miss into the water and not for any more, uh, people-orientated reasons. She made a good show of examining the lake they were rowing across until she could be sure she could look at Baron without recalling the passing proximity of his eyes. 
“So,” she managed eventually, “what exactly are we doing out here?”
Baron raised an eyebrow. “Did you not read the report?”
“I tried, but it was all Latin names and science. I mean, what’s a Balaenoptera caelum?”
“I believe the common name for the species is sky whale.”
“Well, why couldn’t they just say that?” Haru paused. “What, really?”
���As in actual, whales-in-the-sky, those kinds of sky whales?”
Haru took a moment, and then sat back. “Okay,” she said, “it’s official. This just got ten times cooler.” Her attention returned to Baron. “And we’re here because...?”
“Because once every decade, the juvenile sky whales leave their birthwaters and take to the sky for the first time. It’s meant to be quite spectacular, so I’ve heard.”
Haru was silent. Then, “This isn’t a case is it?”
“Not in the usual sense, no. We have no client, but Toto made a good point that it would be a rather unmissable experience.”
“He says and then misses it.”
“Yes,” Baron mused. “That did seem rather odd.”
“And Muta.”
Haru thought. “Did you get the sense they were trying to get us out of the Sanctuary?” she asked eventually. 
“The thought has crossed my mind, but I couldn’t discern for what reason they would want that.”
“We’re probably going to return and find the Bureau covered in toilet roll.”
“A daunting prospect if they could work together for five minutes without devolving into fighting.”
Haru snorted. “Oh god, it’s like leaving the children at home. I wonder what they’re up to now...”
“Are they still jus’ talking?”
“Give it time.”
“They’ve had time. Three years of it.”
Toto’s beak was set in a thin line. “Give it time.”
But still, he couldn’t resist. He sent a cold wind their way. 
The air shifted and Haru shivered as an icy breeze rippled across her skin. She jarred mid-sentence with a teeth-chattering rattle. “I’m okay,” she managed, pulling her thin jacket closer. “I just should have brought a thicker coat. Geez, I thought it was meant to be a mild summer’s evening.”
A light-grey jacket came into view. 
“Aren’t you going to get cold?” Haru asked.
He flashed her a warm smile. “You forget. Creation.”
Muta raised an eyebrow at his fellow angel. “Cheap shot.”
Something rocked the boat. Haru jolted upright, heart-pounding from too many cases where things that rocked boats usually wanted to eat them. Baron must have seen the thought skitter across her mind, for he gestured to her that everything was under control. 
She had been on too many cases for it to assure her completely, but it did stop her from retrieving her heavy duty torch from her bag and wielding it like a crowbar. 
“I think it’s beginning,” he whispered. “Listen.”
Haru did. At the edge of her hearing, there was the faint undercurrent of sound that she had previously mistaken for the breeze, but now it was growing and swelling and twisting into something resembling... “Music?”
Baron nodded. “All sky whales have their own unique songs. We are the first ones to hear these.” 
The boat rocked again, and Haru shifted onto Baron’s side. “If I’m going overboard, you’re coming with me,” she whispered. 
“That seems reasonable.”
“Oh, shush.” 
The song rose and tumbled and suddenly a grey form was breaking the water’s surface. Eyes. Head. Mouth. And then flippers and back and tail... and suddenly no part of the whale was touching the water anymore. 
Haru leant slowly against Baron, her heart pounding with the fear of a small primate coming across something very big and very scary and realising why they evolved to leave the ocean all those years ago. She licked her lips. Her mouth was dry. “Uh,” she said intelligently. 
Baron looked to her questioningly. 
“Big whales,” she croaked.
“These are just the juveniles.” He tilted his head. “Are you okay?”
“Big flying whales,” she managed. “Yeah, I’m fine, just... Big.” Another head breached the surface, and a sound caught between awe and rabbit-in-the-headlights caught in Haru’s throat. “Oh my god, there’s more.”
“It’s still not working.”
“Oh shut up.”
“You got any last minute plans up your wing?”
Toto grimaced. “Just the one.” 
He gave reality another shove. 
Once her initial instinctive reaction had been forcefully put down, Haru had to admit that it was pretty amazing. The whales seemed happy to pass the little boat by without incident, except for the occasional curious glance, and the air was now alive with the thrum of melody. 
Baron was giving her another questioning look. 
“What?” she asked.
“You’re humming.”
“So? It’s catchy.” 
“All sky whale songs are unique. You shouldn’t be able to hum it.”
“Sure, but it sounds... familiar.” Still, she hummed along a little louder, trying to work out what it reminded her of. “There you see her... duh duh duh blue lagoon... mmmm one way to ask her... she won’t say a word, not a single word, go on and--”
She froze. 
“Oh my god.”
“What is it?” Baron asked.
“Oh my god,” was all she could say. Her face was burning. She ducked her head into her hands, her words muffled. “I know why Toto and Muta sent us out here.”
She raised her eyes above her fingers, her expression caught between hysteria and indignation. “I literally cannot tell you.”
“It wasn’t to toilet paper the Bureau.”
She exhaled, long and slow and steadying. “I’m am going to kill them.”
“Oh dear,” said Toto. “I think we’re in trouble.”
20 notes · View notes
cardest · 3 years
Italy & Rome playlist
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Pizza. Fiat. Centurions. Fulci. Argento. Morricone. It’s all here in this Roma - Italia playlist. If you love ancient Roman history and horror film soundtracks, this is the playlist for you! Hit play right here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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Nero would enjoy this playlist! But, if there is a song or band I forgot or even a horror film soundtrack, or Italian prog record I mighta missed, let me know! This is one of my favorite playlists. Grazie!
001 Goblin - La caccia 002 High On Fire -  Romulus And Remus 003 Braens Machine - Flying 004 Piero Umiliani - Produzione 005 Fantomas - Page 1 [6 Frames] 006 Lucio Fulci's Zombie Theme(1979) 007 Tullio De Piscopo drum pattern - Samba Carnival 008 Quella Vecchia Locanda - Il Tempo Della Gioia 009 Sandro Brugnolini - Amofen 010 Ufomammut - Mars 011 Gerardo Iacoucci - Tradimento 012 Procol Harum - Conquistador   013 LA TERZA MADRE  - Main Theme by Claudio Simonetti 014 Fantomas -  The Godfather 015 Toto Cutugno - L'Italiano 016 CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY - Fear the mohawk reaper 017 Ennio Morricone -  Non Rimane Piu Nessuno 018 Mina - Non credere 019 Bölzer - Roman Acupuncture 020 Jerry Goldsmith The Omen OST - Ave Satani 021 Lou Monte - roman guitar 022 Tony Di Marti - L'Uccellino Della Comare   023 Paul Chain Violet Theatre - 17 day 024 Satyricon -  The Ghost of Rome 025 Ghost - Con Clavi Con Dio 026 Charles Aznavour - Com'a Triste Venezia 027 Jula de Palma - Tua (1959) versione originale 028 Dean Martin - That's Amore   029 FORGOTTEN TOMB - We Owe You Nothing 030 Mike Patton - Ti Offro Da Bere 031 Death SS - Heavy Demons 032 The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Sword of Machiavelli 033 Afterhours - Milano Circonvallazione Esterna 034 Fantomas -  Page 17 [14 Frames] 035 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Pompey 036 Sherpa - Kim (((o))) Tigris & Euphrates 037 Umberto Tozzi Gloria - Italian Version 038 Franco Bracardi & Giorgio Bracardi -  Lo Strangolatore Di Boston 039 Black Hole - Bells of Death 040 Tarantella Pugliese - La Rondinella 041 Pino Villa- A Mucca Pazza 042 Opera IX - Bela Lugosi's Dead 043 MARIO MOLINO - TRAFFICO CAOTICO 044 Lucio Battisti - La Collina Dei Ciliegi 045 Tenebre (Main Title) by Goblin 046 SYK - FONG 047 FUOCO FATUO - Sulphureous Hazes 048 Primordial -  As Rome Burns 049 Abysmal Grief - Crypt of Horror 050 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - re D'Amore 051 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. Soundtrack - Jimmy Renda Se 052 Stelvio Cipriani - Papaya 053 Fantomas - Page 28 [20 Frames] 054 Carlo Maria Cordio - Rosso Sangue (Absurd) 055 Emma De Angelis - Trip 056 BRUNO NICOLAI-Red Cats (1975) 057 Duncan Dhu - La barra de este hotel 058 FROZEN CROWN - Neverending 059 Pavor na Cidade dos Zumbis (City of the Living Dead, 1980) Theme 060 Jarboe & Father Murphy - The Ferryman 061 Mudhoney - When In Rome 062 Fantomas - Page 21 [11 Frames] 063  Ancient Roman Music - Synaulia I 064 Behemoth - Rome 64 C.E. / Slaying the Prophets ov Isa 065 Clutch - Nero's Fiddle 066 Gluttony -  The Rise Of Sulla 067 Goblin - L'alba dei morti viventi 068 Elvis Presley - Heart Of Rome 069 Bulldozer - Insurrection Of The Living Damned 070 Peggy Lee - When In Rome (I Do as the Romans Do) 071 Osanna - Variazione I (To Plinius) 072 GIULIANO SORGINI - Ultima Caccia 073 Ennio Morricone - Metti una sera a cena 074 Sepultura -  The Vatican 075 Rome Soundtrack 02 The Forum 076 Fantomas -  Page 4 [11 Frames] 077 Gladiator - Theme Song 078 Avantasia - The Glory of Rome 079 Caligula (1979)-Opening Credits 080 Umberto -  Temple Room 081 SODOM - Caligula 082 Lacuna Coil -  Survive 083 Gigliola Cinquetti - Non ho leta 084 Lucio Battisti - Emozioni 085 Goblin -  Markos 086 MIke Patton -  Urlo Negro 087 Sandro Brugnolini -  Megattera 088 Fantomas -  Page 25 [34 Frames] 089 The Italian Job Soundtrack- Opening Titles 090 Fabio Frizzi - Un Gatto Nel Cervello 091 Heidevolk - Het verbond met Rome 092 Messiah - Nero 093 Julio Iglesias - Todo el amor que te hace falta 094 Calabria - Luna Calabrisi 095 Various Artists -  Iena Sequence 096 Fantomas -  Page 5 [7 Frames] 097 Perry Como Mandolins In The Moonlight 098 The Beyond Soundtrack - main theme 099 Mercyful Fate - Gypsy 100 Goblin -  Suspiria 101 Ufomammut - Empireum 102 Diaframma - Neogrigio 103 Umberto -  The Psychic 104 NecroDeath - Master Of Morphine 105 The Dirtiest - Cento shot 106 Fantomas -  Page 29 [39 Frames] 107 La Morte Viene Dallo Spazio - Ashes 108 Achille Togliani Fontana Di Trevi 109 MV & EE - Much obliged 110 Isis Synaulia - Musica dell'antica Roma 111 Sandro Brugnolini - Marsuino 112 Giobia - far behind 113 Darvaza - silver chalice   114 Fantomas -  Investigation Of A Citizen Above suspicion 115 Rome Soundtrack - Main Title Theme 116 Nebulae - Carbon 117 Beat Fuga - Shake 118 Gruppo folk naxos - Tarantella siciliana 119 Russian Circles - Milano 120 Kalidia - Circe's spell 121 Harlan Williams, Beneath the Iron Heel of Pagan Rome 122 Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican 123 Vatican - the 5th of metal 124 Extrema - Deep Infection 125 Rod Stewart - Italian Girls 126 Louis Prima - Buona Sera 127 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Che Notte! 128 Sinoath -  Saturnalia 129 Piero Piccioni - L'Italia Vista dal Cielo (Lombardia) 130 PIERO UMILIANI - Topless Party 131 Dean Martin - Arrivederci Roma 132 Fantomas -  Page 30 [2 Frames] 133 Sadist - Nadir 134 Hour of Penance - Rise and Oppress 135  Virgin Steele - The Burning of Rome (Cry for Pompeii) 136 FROZEN CROWN - Battles In The Night 137 The Monolith Deathcult - Demigod 138 PIG DESTROYER -  Machiavellian 139 Raw Power  - State oppresion 140 La luna ammenzu o mari - Folk Sicilia 141 Angels and Demons Soundtrack - Main Theme (Hans Zimmer) 142 Lou Monte - Bella notte 143 Fantomas - Page 7 [6 Frames] 144 Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi - Theme of ''Rome'' 145 INFERNO OST Dario Argento - MAIN THEME 146 Hombres G - Venezia 147 Rome Soundtracks - The Battle has began (Caesar's Theme) 148 NORA ORLANDI- Ossessione 149 Stelvio Cipriani - Orgasmo Nero 150 Goblin -  Profondo Rosso - Mad Puppet 151 Duatha - Maximinus Thrax 152 Sodom - City of God 153 Caronte - Invocation to Paimon 154 Demoni (Demons) Soundtrack by Claudio Simonetti  - Killing 155 PSYCHEDELIC WITCHCRAFT - Rising On The Edge 156 James Reyne - Fall Of Rome 157 Fantomas -  Vendetta 158  Rome Soundtrack - 16Th Death of Pompey 159 Alessandro Alessandroni & Sorgini Giuliano - Overcraft 160 The Man from U. N. C. L. E. OST - Che Vuole Questa Musica Stasera (Profumo Di Donna) 161 Clutch - Circus Maximus 162 Candlemass - Demons Gate 163 ROME - Uropia O Morte 164 Siouxsie And The Banshees - Cities In Dust (Extended 12 Version) 165 Tony Mottola - You And Only You 166 Musica dell'Antica Roma - Pavor 167 Fantomas - Page 6 [26 Frames] 168 Aborym -  II 169 Scorpions - The Sails Of Charon 170 Blind Guardian -  Lionheart 171 Septicflesh -  Dante's Inferno 172 MESSA - Leah 173 Mike Patton -  Senza Fine 174 Gary Numan - My Centurion 175 Frank Black and the Catholics - Back to Rome 176 Tonino Cavallo - Tarantella Siciliana 177 THE MELVINS - The Bloated Pope 178 Gluttony -  Lucullus In The East 179 Toto - Spanish Steps Of Rome 180 Fantomas -  Page 8 [9 Frames] 181 Mark Lanegan Band - Playing Nero 182 METRALLETA STEIN OST - Telemark 183 Luciano Pavarotti - Sole Mio 184 Jorja Chalmers - red light 185 Blood Ceremony -  Faunus 186 EKPYROSIS - Profound Death 187 Corleone  - Tutto diventerà rosso (feat. Mike Patton) 188 Primus -  The Storm 189 Museo Rosenbach - Superuomo 190 IVANO FOSSATI - MILANO 191 Lucio Dalla - Milano 192 Fantomas -  Page 9 [11 Frames] 193 Alessandro Allesendroni - Remember 194 Le Orme - Felona & Sorona - Return To Naught 195 Rome - The Spanish Drummer 196 Epitaph  -  Beyond the Mirror 197 Ephel Duath - The Passage 198 Three of You - New Life 199 Walter Rizzati I remember (Quella villa accanto al cimitero) 200 Lacuna Coil -  Heaven's A Lie 201 Judas Priest - Nostradamus 202 Triumvirat - Vesuvius 79 A.D. 203 Amedeo Tommasi - Exploration 204 Nero Kane † Lord Won't Come 205 FULCI - Eye Full Of Maggots 206 ULVER - Nemoralia 207 Voltumna  - Roma Delenda Est 208 Adorable - Sistine Chapel Ceiling 209 I Gres - Restless 210 Rita Pavone - Il Geghegè 211 Jahbulong - Under the influence of the fool 212 Theatres des Vampires -  Sangue 213 Antonio - High Voltage! 214 Fantomas -  Page 23 [17 Frames] 215 Sadist - Enslaver of Lies 216 Bunker 66 - (She's Got) Demon Eyes 217 GIULIANO SORGINI - Mad town 218 Zu -  Ostia 219 Moonraker - Miss Goodhead Meets Bond in Venice 220 Franco Micalizzi - I Due Volti Della Paura 221 John Zorn Naked City - The Sicilian Clan 222 Piero Umiliani - Nel Villaggio 223 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Cielo In Una Stanza 224 UFOMAMMUT - Warsheep 225 Fleshgod Apocalypse -  Elegy 226 SLASHER DAVE - Fulzzi 227 Panna Fredda - La Paura 228 Meads Of Asphodel - God Is Rome 229 Nora Orlandi - I Robot Original Version (Il dolce corpo di Deborah) 230 Caronte - Exctasy of Hecate 231 White Skull - Will of the Strong 232 Wotan - Thermopiles 233 Chromatics - Faded Now 234 Fantomas -  Page 2 [7 Frames] 235 Schizo - the main frame collapse 236 Ghost B.C. -  Per Aspera Ad Inferi 237 Dream Theater - The Count Of Tuscany 238 Satyricon -  Commando 239 Psico Galera - La Prima Volta 240 Scolopendra - Priest's blood soup 241 Theatres Des Vampires - 'Til the Last Drop of Blood 242 Victrola - Game of Despair 243 Blue Phantom - Diodo 244 Mortuary Drape - My Soul/primordial 245 Fantomas -  Page 11 [10 Frames] 246 Gianni Ferrio - Un dollaro bucato 247 Ataraxia - Canzona 248 Hexvessel - Phaedra 249 Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra - Some Velvet Morning 250 Mike Patton -  L'Uomo Che Non Sapeva Amare 251 Idiota Civilizzato - Uno E Nessuno 252 Ennio Morricone - Main Theme for Dario Argento's THE CAT O'NINE TAILS 253 Rhapsody - Ascending to Infinity 254 Monumentum - Battesimo: Nero Opaco 255 Opera IX - 1313 (Eradicate the False Idols) 256 Piedone lo sbirro OST - The Baron's death 257 Goblin - Deep red OST main theme 258 EKPYROSIS - Immolate the Denied 259 L'Impero delle Ombre - II Sabba 260 Monte Kristo - The Girl of Lucifer 261 Ghost - Lady Nite 262 Hallowed - Wake Up In The Night 263 Fantomas -  Page 27 [15 Frames] 264 Giuliano Sorgini - Lavoro cerebrale 265 Death SS - Vampire 266 VOLTURIAN - Broken 267 Cradle Of Filth - The 13th Caesar 268 Fulci - tropical sun 269 Alessandro Cortini - Perdere 270 Francesco Guccini - Bologna 271 Abysmal Grief  - Celebrate what they fear 272 Goblin - book of skulls 273 Tom Waits - In The Colosseum 274 Peggy Lee - Autumn In Rome 275 Ruins - Petit Portrait 276 Urna - Omnis Inifinita Mens Est Gremium Et Sepolcrum Universi 277 Nicolas Gaunin - Noa Noa Noa 278 Lacuna Coil - No Need to Explain 279 Theatres Des Vampires - Morgana Effect 280 Sepultura - City of Dis 281 Opera IX - The Oak 282 Rhapsody - Il cigno nero 283 Cripple Bastards  - Variante Alla Morte 284 Goblin - Witch (Susperia OST) 285 Death SS - revived 286 Henning Christiansen - L'essere Umano Errabando La Voca Errabando 287 Rolling Blackouts - The Second Of The First 288 Giuda - Overdrive 289 Hierophant  - Son of the new faith 290 Giorgio Faletti - Nati a Milano 291 Fabio Frizzi - A Cat in the Brain, Sequence 2 292 Dean Martin - On An Evening In Roma (Sott'er Celo De Roma) 293 FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE - Monnalisa 294 Valgrind - The Endless Circle 295 Oceana - Atlantidea Suite Part 1 296 Soda Stereo - Paseando Por Roma 297 Blasphemer - The Sixth Hour 298 Raw Power - Dreamer 299 Mike Patton/Mondo Cane - Deep down 300 Lacuna Coil - Swamped 301 Slalom OST by Ennio Morricone - Main theme 302 Stefano Marcucci - INFERNO 303 Lou Monte - Shaddap Ya Face 304 The Case of the Bloody Iris OST by Bruno Nicolai - Main theme 305 Mortuary Drape - Dreadful discovery 306 Antonio Riccardo Luciani - Cinque sottozero 307 Plateau Sigma -  Ouija and the Qvantvm 308 Piero Piccioni - Colpo rovente OST - main titles 309 Riz Ortolani - sette orchidee macchiate di rosso 310 Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse 311 Oliver Onions - Italian Girl 312 Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead 313 Metamorfosi - Spacciatore di Droga - Terremoto - Limbo 314 Body Count OST by Claudio Simonetti  - main theme 315 Symphony X - Underworld 316 Carlo Savina - Titoli di testa 317 Orchestra King Zerand - Night Song 318 Piero Umiliani - La schiava 319 CLAUDIO SIMONETTI'S GOBLIN - The Devil is back 320 Roman Holiday OST - Main title 666 Fabio Frizzi - Voci Dal Nulla
Perhaps not enough Morricone and needs more Goblin. The next update will have more, I am sure. Play it here:  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18JtHohAYmD7g1FGA8S-D2B
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