i-will-not-be-caged · 7 years
It’s here!
@totorototo-ro, I hope you enjoy your gift for the @samstevegiftexchange! Thanks for giving me an excuse to finally write a coffeeshop AU!
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to: @totorototo-ro
From: Your Secret Santa
A message from your Santa: message: i’m sorry that i didn’t have enough time to make you a nicer gift but i hope you liked my quick little doodle nonetheless! hope you had a good holiday and a great new year! <3
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gaekook · 7 years
Getting to know you Tag!
I was tagged by @aheartchanges THANK YOU CUTIE<3
Rules: Tag 10 Tumblrs you want to get to know better.
name: sophie
gender: female
star sign: saggitarius
height: 5’4?¿
middle name: ellen
Put your iTunes on Shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up?
BTS- For you
Blackpink- Whistle
SF9- O Sole Mio
Bigbang- If You
Meng Jia- Drip
Zico ft. G-soul- Anti
Grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. What’s line 17? “Whatcha looking at?” I asked.
Ever had a poem or song written about you? I highly doubt it ahhaha
When was the last time you played air guitar? ohhhh boy.. Halloween
Who is your celebrity crush? JENNIFER LAWRENCE!!!!!!!
What’s a sound you hate? Love?
love: guitar (+ kim taehyung’s deep voice)
Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? noooo I need to experience seeing either to believe in any of that stuff
Do you drive? If so have you ever crashed? nope(:
What was the last book you read? Almost Adulting by Arden Rose!!
Do you like the smell of gasoline? hmmm not particularly
What was the last movie you saw? Happy Death Day (vvv cool)
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? I fell into a ditch (running away from my sister) and sprained my ankle
Do you have any obsessions right now? KIM TAEHYUNG’S HAIR and just BTS killing e v e r y t h i n g
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? I don’t, messing up is a part of life, no matter how bad peoples mistakes are, “everyone deserves a second chance.”
In a relationship? nopeeeee
tags: @kimtatahyung @fcktaekook @serm-da-worm @jeonsy97 @my-bulletproof-babies @o-brien-is-world @onlytaekook @totorototo-ro @babygrill @bangtoori
(only if you would like to❤️)
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heyheyarnold · 7 years
Tag 20 people who you want to know better.
Tagged by: @rainfoxx13 (Sorry I'm like 5 years late posting this...)
Name: Brooke
Nicknames: B, Brookie Cookie/Bear, Buttercup, Tootsie
Zodiac sign: Scorpio (I'm a double Scorpio so watch out.)
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Height: 5'3"
Sexual orientation: Your guess is as good as mine, tbh
Ethnicity: I'm literally just super white. Translucent, even.
Favorite fruit: Strawberries!
Favorite season: Fall, without a doubt
Favorite book series: The Abandon Trilogy by Meg Cabot (it's been so long since I read a series)
Favorite book character: Levi from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Favorite flower: I'm not sure, but Forget-Me-Nots have a lot of meaning to me.
Favorite scent: Fruity ones
Favorite color: It's always a toss up between black and dark purple
Favorite animal: Red pandas!
Favorite band: This changes daily. Right now, it would be Dixie Chicks....
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate with marshmallows and a peppermint stick
Average hours of sleep: Six, probably
Number of blankets: Absolutely no more than one
Dream trip: Watching the Northern Lights from a glass igloo with a fire burning and someone who loves me. So wherever I can make that happen, I guess...
Last thing I Googled: Black Christmas tree ideas
Number of blogs I follow: 655
Number of followers: 357, but I'm willing to bet 75% of them are inactive or fake porn blogs
What I usually post about: Trixie Mattel, Katya Zamolodchikova, various other RPDR queens, funny things, social issues, a little bit of everything tbh
Thanks, Savannah!
20 people is a lot How about 7... I'm going to tag @jinkxymattel @gueuledebois @mercurial-mattel @devoncbeckett @3milyfromspace @totorototo-ro @pinkpizzamermaid
But only if y'all want to! Obviously no one has to do this! (:
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lionsmess · 7 years
Get To Know Me!
Rules | Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better! Tagged by @paradoxicalraven
Name | Maggie Nicknames | Maggs/Mags, MagBag Zodiac sign | Cancer Height | 5′7″ or 5′8″ I can’t remember Orientation | Panromantic Pansexual Nationality | American Favorite fruit | Tangerines Favorite season | Fall Favorite book | Oh God. Either Looking For Alaska or The Bartimeus Trilogy (I hope I spelled that right) Favorite flower | Daisies, though I’m not a big flower person Favorite scent | Anything on fire. Especially paper (I burnt a corner of a notebook for a school project and I remember just grinning at the smell) Favorite color | Green. Especially light greens and blue-ish greens Favorite animals | Dogs, hedgehogs, possums, cats, birds, snakes, turtles, dolphins, manatees, sharks, pretty much all animals animals are great. Except spiders. Fuck spiders. Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa | Hot cocoa Average sleep hours | What is sleep? (It ranges from 0-10 hours) Cat or dog person | Dog person, definitely. I’m too energetic for cats Favorite fictional character | At the moment, Alexander Hamilton (the musical version, fuck the real guy) Number of blankets you sleep with | Either one or 50 there is no in-between Dream trip | I dream about going on a pointless road trip with my friends. No specific destination, no direction, just a car, the open road, and us.
Blog created | Sometime in 2011 or 2012 Number of followers | 357
Tagging: @clarind-uh @moonskyler @sweethimes @nobodys-handmaid @juxtaposed-days-lingering-nights @ievalia @annoyed-bakayaro @i-dont-care-i-dont-share @insertfalloutboyreference @theflxwerprincee @boyceallen @jenn-the-fish @gayerthangatsby @phantasticlaina-bug @colethecrazykid @needsabetterusername @to-many-fandoms-halp @alfred-goldenboy-jones @thepagemasternerd @totorototo-ro and anyone else who wants to do it!
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Roman Reigns requested by @totorototo-ro
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steam-powered-egg · 7 years
Tagged by @mistress-of-magnificence Rules: Tag 10 of your followers you wanna know better.
Nicknames: Katie (that's the name I go by)
Height: 5'4"
Time right now: 11:22am
Last thing I Googled: Stardew Valley Wiki
Fave music artist: Steam Powered Giraffe 
Song stuck in head: Chicago by Highly Suspect
Last movie I watched: The Hangover 3
Last TV show I watched: 205Live
What I’m wearing now: A Rick and Morty "Mr. Meeseeks" t-shirt and baggy bright orange pants that I used for my Flame Princess cosplay
When I created this blog: 4 years ago for my main and 4 months ago for my WWE blog 
The kind of stuff I post: on here? Anything I like tbh. On my side blog? Anything WWE really. Lots of fan content Do I have other blogs?: My WWE side blog @finn-balors-demon-queen
Do I get asks regurarly: No but I would like to. Especially for my Wrestling Music Ask Game™
Why did I choose my url?: It's a Steam Powered Giraffe song reference 
Hogwartz house: I'm not really into it but I guess Slytherin 
Pokemon team: Mystic
Fave colors: Glow in the dark and black
Average hours of sleep: 6-10
Lucky number: 17
Favorite characters: WWE: Finn Bálor, Tye Dillinger, Gentleman Jack Gallagher, Noam Dar, and Corey Graves. Stardew Valley: Shane, Abigail, Sebastian, George, and Alex. Harvest Moon: too many to name. Wild Season: Darius (my love)
Dream job: no lie: a part of the WWE Glam Squad 
Number of blankets I sleep with: A sheet, two blankets, and a comforter I tag: @totorototo-ro @immissingmyflightandyou @ennuycreux @frgaldvtt @pleasejustlovedonthate @theprinceisdead @thearchitectwwe @the-geekgoddes @littleballofdean @princess3733
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