voltsrain-hub · 6 years
Omg I just found this and I'm so in love with it already. I'm so excited to see more content but never rush yourself. The idea sounds great and the designs are lovely. I'll make fanart of this for sure in the future!!! 💙💙
thank you so very much!!! hearing this means a lot to me ; v ; i’m sooo happy you like it. i’m excited for that fanart!!! ;D
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kings-folly · 7 years
So does the contest last until April 28th? Or am I too late?
the 28th
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alababwa · 8 years
toudaimoto-tell-me-more-kurashi replied to your post: me: gets excited about shop disney parks app so i...
Then imagine how much it would cost to ship it to Argentina! I don’t even want to check it out
from what i see on the app, it only says it ships to us’s 50 states, but nothing else unfortunately
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