mimicteruyo · 5 months
i think about how you complimented my shizuletty fic seriously all of the time because youre a huge fic inspiration and getting that from someone held in regard like that stays with me...., keep up the good work and keep being great at what you do
Thank you so much, both for writing such a lovely fic and for leaving such a lovely message. I genuinely can't think of anything that makes me happier than hearing I've inspired someone else to write: it's both humbling and a confidence-boost at a same time to know I've had that kind of an impact. Likewise and all the best!
(The fic in question is Season's Greetings, a delightful bite-sized fic of ShizuLetty sweetness.)
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jeekoftheweek · 2 months
she says happy jakeday
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hi! im gonna say seiga or miko for the ask game!
seiga was just done over here but she's about to come up soon :P ! so that toyosatomimi...
General opinion/How much I care about them: i love miko... 🎧 i mentioned before about coming to love the td crew as a whole over a long time of reading doujins featuring them and Miko is obviously a big part of that too. she and her crew are such a fun addition to gensokyo's worldbuilding and Miko herself is amazing. zun's historical rpf version of prince shotoku who became a hot girl wizard and wants to take over the world and is super charismatic about it? that's unmatched.
...that said, kind of a tangent here, her premise and deliberately kinda nationalistic motifs are only fun in touhou because she's contrasted with a bunch of similarly ambitious reglious leaders and their own groups, and that you know none of them would ever actually ever 'succeed'. They'll probably always be competition and waning in powers, but that consistent conflict is sort of its own kind of peace since gensokyo can always accomodate them.
A ship I love: hey guess what im not done talking about seiga because its seimiko time. just like seiyoshi i also have a really specific headcanon backstory in mind for them which i cant really get into all of it right now, but to try and sum up: Even if Miko knew Seiga's desires were only self-serving, she admired/respected/idolised/loved Seiga who appeared before her to answer all of Miko's greatest desires, and at some point decide it wasnt enough to just learn how to not die from her, but to also become a beautiful hermit who challenges the fate the world bestows them.
And it mustve been unexpected for Seiga to meet someone who managed to see her for everything she is (which includes defiling corpses and generally making an enemy of heaven every day), and not only not really care but also Gets Her.
thaaaaat all being said, in present day Miko knows Seiga has a Reputation and gets up to Antics that doesn't exactly paint hermits in the greatest light, so she's like always bouncing between two ends of a meter where she's begging her dear teacher to reign things in, or she's trying to explain to others why digging up corpses is actually not as bad as it looks 😰🥰
A non-romantic relationship that I love: it doesnt come up in my head often but her shared parenting of Kokoro along with Byakuren and Mamizou is both sweet and extremely funny. Miko taking it upon herself as a matter of pride to guide the menreiki thanks to her role in their creation is really good, and its also really funny that despite that connection she still basically has to compete with others over her, and she probably loses to the tanuki more often than not??
also does 'ex-romantic' count because i absolutely adhere to belief that in her and okina's former lives, they absolutely were a thing, bonded over a shared love of art and beauty, created a whole bunch of noh masks together... But then Miko started caring about all that a whole lot less when a certain hermit hailing from China entered the picture, and the rest was history 😌
The NOTP: call me miss no fun but it might be miko/byakuren. i do actually really love the rivalry between miko and byakuren, the back and forths, the varying hypocrisy, the thematic parallels, and the ways they do manage to work together for a common cause! I just. have yet to see a way to turn it romantic that works for me.
also on that note if you're gonna do miko/saki (which will always just be for jokes to me and never anything i sincerely consider), saki has to be the one putting a saddle on miko 🤠
My biggest headcanon about them: everything above was kinda it 😆 maybe more will come to my mind in the future...
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: she'd be in the seiga backstory fic too since their first meeting is kinda vital to both characters. but as for another idea... Adventure Game type story where to earn points with the people, she susses out some random people's desires and goes to find the most quick and expedient way to fulfill them n_n
Something that makes me think of them: one time in pokemon xy i thought of naming an espurr after her because i knew meowstic kinda reminded me of her 🐱
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desiresign · 2 years
url changed 7/31/23, formerly indexproxies
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💗 raymond AKA kittem 💗 21 💗 any pronouns 💗
💗 mixed black 💗 funny sheepgoatpig 💗
i follow from @touhoupawject
my art blog is @kittemfang
my main interest right now is touhou project.
other things i like are: parappa the rapper, rhythm heaven, warioware, pokemon, littlest pet shop, psychonauts, don't starve, and more!
icon by @/lasesmed | header by @/roaringwish
i say weird things and live in a world of happiness and rainbows. full of love and wonder. i'm seiga kaku's most speciallest schmoopy in the world. step into my strange realm with me. lets dance in a lovely field of flowers!
live laugh love
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jeekoftheweek · 3 months
shawty got sexual techniques...and a big fat oily butt
this is awbout some fictional character of your choice btw
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who would you say is you favorite stage 3 boss and stage 4 boss? they come one after the other but i consider stage 3 to be 'the end of the beginning' and stage 4 'the beginnint of the end' as far as the game literally goes and how the story 'tends' to go, so there can still be big difference... ✨️
hmm, well following/repeating my thoughts from this post, the general trend of early stage randos 'usually' ends after stage 3, but there's been so many games that have played around with the ideas enough that I think any and all categories or patterns are just arbitrary!
That said, when i think 'Stage 3' the first thing that always pop into my head is exploring the dream world's kaian passageway and encountering Doremy! I guess that makes Doremy my fav stage 3 boss... she's really cool and so is her theme, her roles in later games is really interesting, and her three mouth is timeless.
what i'll say next is probably gonna sound like nonsense, but even though I've stated before that Seiga and Aya are my fav characters ever, I can't really think of them as 'my fav stage 4 boss'? Because in my mind they're so much more than just 'boss you fight in stage 4'?? Does that make any sense??? I mean with Aya sure her role in the series is way larger than that one game, but Seiga is purely because i've committed so much space in my brain for her all this time....
But i guess i have to say its Seiga anyway! Desire Drive is one of the best stage themes ever, the double fight with Yoshika is really neat, and the hermit herself proceeded to lodge herself in my heart forever n_n
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desiresign · 1 year
the url of my follow blog is now @touhoupawject instead of t-02-99!!
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