#touma made two attempts to kill himself after elpis possibly to remove himself from tsurugi's life
childrenofthesun77 · 7 months
Still wondering if mikuni making 13 clone illusions of himself that need to be killed in order to destroy the barrier spell is just mikuni messing with everyone or if he's secretly hoping someone will kill him thinking he's just one of his clones before he causes the death of so many people.
One thing I still find so baffling about mikuni seemingly being on board with the ritual is that his main spell, the one he created when he was a teenager, judges you if you killed a human and gets heavier for every additional human you have killed.
We also saw how terrified young mikuni was when he used the spell on tsurugi for the first time, regardless if it was because he could have killed tsurugi or because he realized tsurugi had killed humans before, it shows that when he was younger mikuni valued human life.
Even if mikuni changed his views since then, maybe there is still a part of him that wants to be stopped.
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