#towing in basking ridge
eagleauto · 2 years
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owlseeyoulaterpal · 3 months
Like Real People Do, Chapter 9.5
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Gale Dekarios x Named! Tav x Astarion Ancunín
Chapter Synopsis: Astarion has a nice, simple plan and Seraphina's kindness is introducing an unexpected complication.
Chapter One. Chapter Two. Chapter Three. Chapter Four. Chapter Four and a Half. Chapter Five. Chapter Six. Chapter Seven. Chapter Eight. Chapter Nine.
Read on ao3.
Word Count: 4.7k
Notes: We're so back. Took a little break and I'm back to yapping about these 3 idiots. Here's a chapter from Astarion's POV.
Learn more about my Tav, Seraphina.
Chapter Nine and a Half: Carry Me Slowly, My Sunlight
Astarion’s chest ached.
But he hadn’t been injured. 
He felt like he couldn’t breathe.
Even though he had no need to breathe anymore.
He laid on his side staring at the source of his pain. She was asleep next to him. He watched as her chest, covered in devilish ridges and his own bite marks, gently rose and fell. His eyes followed up to her slender neck, the left side covered in a deep red tattoo of a rose with a new scar from the assassination attempt stretching over the art. He felt a surge of anger and pride as he remembered ending the life of two of the assassins sent to kill her.
Her sharp jawline, her plump and thick lips that were always painted a deep crimson, her wide nose, her sharp cheekbones, the freckles that scattered across her red skin like stars, the scar that stretched from under her right eye to the bridge of her nose and the other barely visible scar on her lower lip, and the jewelry that carefully decorated her eyebrow, nose, and pointed ears. 
Astarion’s eyes followed the curve of her horns, ending in points that he dodged easily when he bent down to bite or kiss her neck because, at this point, he knew her body and could navigate it with his eyes closed. The silky-smooth texture of her thick black and red hair was familiar to Astarion. He loved tangling his fingers in it, whether it was while pressing her lips against his in a bloody kiss after feeding from her, while Seraphina took his hard length into her mouth, or as he was thrusting into her. As he took in her form, Astarion felt the sharp pang of that ache in his chest again. Looking at her felt like looking into the sun – bright, gorgeous, overwhelming, and yet he still wanted to bask in her glow.
Seraphina was a beautiful, painful, all-too-kind problem.
When he saw her the first time, he was trapped in a pod on the nautiloid ship and had only seen the back of her head. When he saw her for the second time, walking through the ship wreckage with a half-elf and a human in tow, he faked being in danger and she actually fell for it. When he drew a dagger on her to try and get answers out of her about what she and the mind flayers had done to him, she didn’t turn to anger.
“Whoa! No need to pull out any knives!” The tiefling said with a laugh, as if having a dagger pressed to her throat was a regular occurrence for her.
“If you use that dagger, I will have to incinerate you,” said the human she had walked over with.
“And risk burning your friend? I doubt it,” Astarion hissed. In that moment as he turned to speak to the man, the tiefling rolled away from him. 
“Put the knife away and maybe we can help each other,” the tiefling said, holding up her hands as if she was trying to calm a wild animal.
She was surprisingly patient and forgiving. She even asked him to join the ragtag group of survivors that she was collecting like coins. Astarion wasn’t special on that front – moments later Seraphina accepted a hostile gith into their ranks. Seraphina had a naïve optimism to her that made her all too trusting which Astarion considered could be quite useful aspects of her personality.
It was only days later that Astarion realized he needed to be special to Seraphina for the sake of his survival. When hunger came to him, along with the desire to see if he could disobey Cazador’s rules, Astarion crept over to Seraphina’s tent to feed. When she woke up, she wasn’t mad or fearful. A bit annoyed on account of him attempting to bite without her permission, but surprisingly understanding.
“I’ve kept much more dangerous company,” she said with a shrug.
Astarion chose not to question her on that. How was it possible for him to care about that when Seraphina was now lying back down and presenting her beautiful neck to him? When he bit her, his senses were flooded. Her saccharine scent of vanilla and an undercurrent of citrus. The taste of her blood was intoxicating. Cazador kept him from this? Seraphina’s blood tasted sweeter than any wine, filled with the sharp, fiery tang of her magic. Astarion let her blood coat his tongue like honey, and he would’ve gulped until she was drained dry until she stopped him.
All it took was one drop of Seraphina’s lifeblood to make Astarion nearly feral for her. He had to force himself to focus on the words she said when she stood next to him, her scent drawing him closer. He knew right away when she had been injured in battle and, in a flash, he was by her side. There was the instance when, while wandering near an abandoned crypt, raiders attacked their party. They were swiftly dealt with, mostly because Astarion could smell Seraphina’s delicious blood from across the courtyard. His eyes focused in on the slash that ran across her forearm as he walked over to her.
“Nice work,” Seraphina panted to him as she dug through the pockets of one of the bodies.
“I’d say the same to you, but you’ve had a bit of a spill, darling,” Astarion helped her to her feet and grabbed her arm. “I hope you won’t mind my distaste for waste.”
Seraphina opened her mouth to reply and quickly shut it as Astarion lifted her arm to his lips and licked the wound, groaning in satisfaction at the incredibly tantalizing taste of her. He watched her eyes widen and, in her blood, he could taste it – Seraphina’s arousal. And that was when the idea came to him. There were a few things that were quite certain. She was the leader of their group, chose who joined or stayed, and spoke for them as they navigated this disgusting wilderness. She was foolish and went out of her way to help others, including willingly offering her blood to him. And she was attracted to him, or at least the idea of him as a vampire. 
Seducing Seraphina would be easy. As Astarion mulled over his plan, a memory of a specific night, buried within his memories of thousands of other nights, came to the front of his mind. This little adventure wasn’t his first time seeing Seraphina. He had seen her before – dozens of times possibly – in the bars and taverns of Baldur’s Gate. He had nearly approached her quite a few times, but she was never alone. She was always in a huge group, someone handsome or beautiful with an arm around her shoulders or a hand attached to her hip. 
“Have you always kept your hair short, Seraphina?” Astarion asked.
“No. I actually used to let it grow pretty long. Ugh, a few years ago I had these horrible bangs for a while. I can’t believe anyone let me walk around like that,” Seraphina laughed. He remembered those bangs.
It had to have been nearly three years ago. There was the one time when she had separated from the rest of her group, no one hanging off her, in the Blushing Mermaid. She sauntered over to the bar, her raven black hair bouncing against the middle of her back, the sway of her hips drawing the stare of several others. He wasn’t going to let a pretty thing like her be taken home by anyone else in here, especially not Petras. Astarion cleared his throat and approached the bar. She was trying to catch the attention of the bartender, but she was short and couldn’t be seen behind the crowd.
“I hope you aren’t paying for your own drinks tonight,” he said, sliding in next to her. The tiefling turned and looked up at him. She looked open and curious at first, but with an eyebrow raise and a smirk, she immediately became flirtatious.
“I have been so far unless someone plans on changing that,” she replied. 
“How does a bottle of Fire Wine sound?”
“Hmm…I’d prefer a Suzailian Sweet,” she noted. Astarion hummed in agreement.
“Exquisite taste, my dear,” Astarion smiled as he pushed his way towards the bar. He reached his hand out for her and, as she took it, he pulled her through the crowd and close to him. He placed his gold on the counter and waited.
“Is this home for you or are you just passing through and enjoying the city’s bustling nightlife?”
“You have to ask if Baldur’s Gate is my home? Gods, my accent really must be changing,” she laughed.
Astarion pushed the coin over to the bartender and requested the Suzailian.
“What is your name, dear?” he asked, turning back to her with his well-rehearsed seductive expression.
“Maybe I’ll tell you after we finish this bottle,” she said.
“That bottle better get here quickly then,” Astarion took her hand again and he kept her gaze as he kissed the back of her hand, the contact lasting just a second too long. “Well met, stranger.”
The bottle arrived and Astarion picked it up along with two goblets.
“Grab my arm, darling. Don’t want you getting lost in this crowd,” Astarion whispered. The tiefling bit her lip and gently grabbed the crook of Astarion’s arm. He led them away from the main rooms and over to one of the smaller, less crowded rooms of the tavern. The less witnesses, the better. 
Astarion didn’t expect to spend longer than an hour seducing the tiefling. He would do the basic pleasantries, eventually pivoting to overt flirtation as he and his target drank a bottle of wine, before following through on getting them to follow him to their death in Szarr Palace. However, this woman wasn’t following the script.
The bottle was now empty, and the woman took the last sip of her goblet. Astarion’s eyes fell to the drops of wine that lingered on her plush red lips. He stood and walked over to her chair, slotting himself between her legs. 
“May I have a taste?” he murmured. She nodded. 
Astarion lifted her chin, and he gingerly licked her bottom lip before kissing her. She sighed and his tongue entered, licking and stroking, tasting all the wine they had shared. Her hands gripped his shoulders as Astarion’s hands fell to her hips, squeezing the thick flesh. He pulled her closer, making her release an adorable squeak into his mouth as their hips met. 
She pulled away with a gasp.
“Surely you don’t want to just stay here all night. I’m going to a party later and I can’t think of better company,” he purred, one of his hands moving to stroke her thigh.
“Mhmm. And what about after the party?”
“We can indulge in each other ‘til the sun rises,” Astarion smirked. He heard her heart skip a beat and she gasped as he dipped his head to her neck, his lips gliding up her neck. She smelled delicious, this beautiful forbidden fruit.
A halfling turned the corner and marched into the room.
“Seraphina! You have got to stop running off like that. We’re heading out,” she said. The woman, Seraphina, nodded at the halfling, who gave Astarion a quick, analytical look before walking away.
Seraphina turned to Astarion and shrugged. 
“I wish I could, but duty calls,” she smiled. “Sorry she spoiled the fun of my name reveal.” She stood from her chair, slipping away from him. 
Astarion quickly grabbed her hand. 
“Come on now. What could be more exciting than drinking and dancing the night away at a castle?”
Astarion could see it in her bright amber eyes. He saw that glimmer in the eyes of everyone he brought back – the allure of partying with high society, free flowing food and wine. It was usually when that glint appeared that he knew he had been successful for the night. And then it was gone.
“You could always join me. I think my night may be a bit more interesting,” she replied.
“And what will your night include?”
She gave him a dazzling grin and he could hear her heart begin to beat faster as she replied.
Astarion couldn’t hide the sneer that crossed his face and the tiefling frowned.
“Maybe I’ll see you again sometime,” she leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Have a fun night, stranger.”
Then she was gone. Astarion cursed under his breath. He took a shy half-elven boy back to Cazador’s palace instead. If Seraphina had any memory of that night, she didn’t mention it. If anything, she seemed to not remember him at all. But he had nearly seduced her once and he was determined to do it again. This time, it wasn’t for Cazador. It was for him and his safety.
Astarion decided to start planting the seeds when he could get Seraphina alone. The night that Astarion was determined to approach her, the wizard took up most of her time. He watched from the shadows as they sparred, patiently waiting for their awkward flirtation to end for the night. Gale was obviously taken with the tiefling, though he didn’t have the guts to follow through on bedding her, but Seraphina also seemed interested, which was a minor complication, but Astarion could work with it. The wizard made himself absent and Astarion pounced.
As expected, it took little work on his part. Seraphina melted under his flirtation and attention. He followed his usual scripts and waded through his revulsion when he led her into that clearing to sleep with her. All Astarion needed to do now was ensure he remained a priority over the rest of their party members – something that was easier said than done. Seraphina searched for infernal iron for Karlach, comforted Wyll as he adjusted to his new devilish appearance, tried to decipher and make peace with Shadowheart, learned as much as she could about githyanki culture to better connect with Lae’zel, and, most annoyingly, desperately scouted for magical items for Gale.
Seraphina’s growing bond with Gale was becoming bothersome. Today, Astarion struggled to hide his irritation as, while they infiltrated the goblin camp, the wizard and the sorcerer couldn’t seem to shut up.
Astarion stuck his tools into the lock of the metal door, and he groaned as he heard Seraphina giggle at something Gale shouted up to her from the floor below. 
“Sera, darling,” Astarion said over his shoulder. “A bit of guidance from Lady Luck, if you don’t mind?”
“Oh. Of course,” Seraphina stepped closer and waved two fingers over Astarion. “May Tymora’s luck twist your way.”
A blue aura surrounded Astarion as he picked the lock with a quiet click. He opened the door and approached the treasure chests before Seraphina suddenly grabbed his arm.
“Ah, ah. You know the rules,” she narrowed her eyes with a smirk and pointed her finger at Astarion.
“Darling, I opened the door for us. Surely, I get to pick what I want from the treasures that I gave us access to,” Astarion pouted and slightly tilted his head down to flutter his lashes at her. Seraphina’s lips twisted as she tried to hide her smile.
“Fine, but you need to bring me anything magical, in case it’s something that Gale can use.”
Astarion scoffed.
“We’re sacrificing perfectly good equipment for him,” he sniffed, opening a chest and pocketing a pouch of gold. “I don’t see any benefit to it.”
“I sacrifice my blood for you,” Seraphina replied. “What benefit does that have?”
Astarion stiffened before he relaxed and turned on the charm. He walked to Seraphina and lowered his lips to her ear.
“Keep me around and I will make every minute of bloodlessness worth your while,” he whispered.
As quickly as she fell for his advances, Seraphina also pushed back in unexpected ways. After she read the infernal scars on his back, it made sense to sleep with her again. She had given him something, so naturally Astarion owed her something. But she refused to bite.
“We both know you want something, so let me give it to you. Now, shall we go somewhere more private than this beach?”
“Maybe I just wanted to talk to you.”
Astarion laughed right away. The concept was so silly to him. He pressed another kiss to her neck before he lifted his head to look at her and the sincerity in Seraphina’s gaze made his skin crawl.
“You would rather talk?” he asked. His smile wilted. “Do you need to be enticed out to that clearing with me, darling? Surely, I haven’t fallen out of your favor.”
“No, you haven’t.” Seraphina replied as she gently played with his hair, her fingers leaving a trail of warmth everywhere she touched. It felt…nice. Pulling away from her and spending hours simply talking about pieces of their past, the books they enjoyed, and humorous hypotheticals all felt just as nice as it did foreign and unsettling. 
At some point, Seraphina simply stared up at the disappearing stars. As the night began to turn to dusk, the thought wandered into Astarion’s mind that he should mention they’ve met before. But that was risky. She would poke and prod, curious thing that she was, asking questions that he didn’t want to answer, and his responses could spoil his entire plan. 
Astarion was committed to his plan. That’s what he told himself when panic made his limbs move faster than his brain as he carried Seraphina’s burnt, limp body to Withers after their confrontation with the githyanki. He needed his protector alive. That’s all it was. He also needed her powerful which meant he had to ensure that Gale’s preposterous talk about ending her trial didn’t actually change Seraphina’s mind.
“Why would you ever turn down the opportunity to have such incredible power at your command? Don’t listen to him,” Astarion scoffed. “He’s already experienced what it’s like to be a Chosen. He shouldn’t keep that from you, but what else can be expected of a wizard?”
It was power that could be incredibly beneficial to Astarion. Having the Chosen of the goddess of luck and good fortune on his side almost sounded too good to be true. He wasn’t about to let the wizard squander that for him. 
But then the Black Fingers attacked. Seraphina hardly left Gale’s side in the days after. She was so focused on Gale that she hardly reacted when Lae’zel returned, having tracked them down after she failed to find the creche. She greeted the gith, told her to set up her things and they could pretend as if nothing happened, and she returned to Gale’s tent without another word.
Her odd behavior extended past Seraphina’s new protectiveness over Gale. Something was clearly wrong with Seraphina. Whatever it was, it was making her reckless and uncoordinated. Astarion had started going out of his way to keep her alive. He couldn’t afford to lose the person meant to protect him. That was how he justified the fear that gripped his heart whenever he saw a blow coming straight for the sorcerer.
Astarion didn’t know what it was yet, but things started making sense when they were in Grymforge. Among the lava, Seraphina shook like a leaf. Her eyes were as big and wide as a shield. She stumbled over her words and seemed terrified, as if she expected a being to emerge from the depths.
Astarion watched as Gale grabbed Seraphina’s hand and pulled her away from the rest of the party. He placed his hands on her shoulders and whatever words they exchanged seemed to calm her nerves. Astarion wasn’t fond of that development. Before the events of the last few days and Gale’s near-death experience, he had thought that Gale had securely been knocked off as a potential threat to his standing within Seraphina’s eyes, but the wizard’s monologues appeared to be keeping their leader in one piece, which was more than Astarion was capable of.
So he let his mind wander to put together the pieces. Lava and fire appeared to trigger these freezes of hers. She utilized her magic sparingly, leaning on a quarterstaff and cantrips. Seraphina had been burned alive after her wild magic surge when they were fighting the githyanki. She didn’t talk about her life in the tendays and months before the nautiloid. Most of her recollections were from at least a year ago. 
Hmm. Seraphina was particularly fierce about ensuring the safety of the tiefling refugees in the Grove. She always seemed to shut down when Karlach spoke of her time in Avernus. It felt like Astarion had all the pieces almost perfectly aligned, but he needed Seraphina to push them into place.
That night, Astarion sought her out. Seraphina kneeled on the outskirts of camp in the middle of a small enclave. She was lit up by the glow of the native mushrooms, casting her back in purple, green, and yellow light. As he kneeled next to her, he saw that her eyes were closed. Her hands were clasped and Astarion knew she was clutching her Tymoran coin. Being able to see her face in the strange light, he was taken aback by how stunning she was. But he wanted answers and he didn’t need to be distracted.
He didn’t waste time.
“When we were all on that mind flayer ship, it went into Avernus,” Astarion said. “That wasn’t your first time there, was it?”
A beat.
She slowly opened her eyes, but her gaze remained straight, gazing out into the darkness.
“No,” Seraphina replied.
“When was the first time?” he asked.
She breathed in slowly through her nose and she slightly parted her lips to exhale.
“Not too long before I met you.”
“What happened?”
Seraphina laughed, but there was no humor in it. It was hollow and bitter. Completely unlike her. It unsettled Astarion.
“I was doing one of my – what do you call them? – hero acts,” she said.
“Yes, you find it impossible to resist those.”
“No. I can’t. I had plenty of chances to go home. Or start a new life entirely. I didn’t. I didn’t and then it was too late to turn around.”
Astarion looked down and saw that her hands were clutched around her coin so tightly that she was slightly shaking. Astarion lifted his hand and placed it over hers, squeezing. It happened so quickly that he surprised himself, but it felt…necessary to comfort her.
Once again, his mind ruminated over all his memories that he’d made with her in the last few tendays. Were there any other hints? What was she doing in Avernus? 
Seraphina turned her head and, as her eyes met his, Astarion felt as if the rest of the world had disappeared.
“Can I show you something?” she asked.
Astarion nodded. He felt her tadpole open up to him. He accepted.
And then he saw it. Seraphina was on horseback, traveling with a rather odd-looking group of adventurers and a few children. They were approaching a large city. The sun was shining brightly. No…there were two suns. Seraphina had laughed at something when, suddenly, one of the beautiful, golden suns turned an inescapable, terrifying black. It became a void.
Astarion could feel the way that the hairs on Seraphina’s neck stood up in the moment, how her tail stiffened, and her heart raced. Then, the beautiful city that the void was now suspended over, began to lift. The entire city, ripped straight from the ground. A shiver of cold dread went down Astarion’s spine as the town was yanked into the void, disappearing.
Astarion blinked and he was back in front of Seraphina.
“You saw Elturel get dragged to the hells,” Astarion said breathlessly. It was dumb to state the obvious, but he was aghast.
“Yes,” Seraphina said. Tears streamed down her face as her eyes glazed over, as if she was recalling more memories. “And I helped bring it back to the Material Plane with those people you saw. It…it was the scariest experience of my life. I shouldn’t have survived any of it. I thought that would be enough for Tymora to end my trial. It wasn’t.”
Astarion stayed quiet.
“I went home for a little while afterwards, but it felt odd being back in the city after everything. So I took another job. I can’t even remember what it was now, but all I know is that it put me back on the road, back in chaos again. I was in Yartar for that contract when the nautiloid grabbed me.”
Seraphina ceased clutching her coin and let it rest in the palm of her hand, staring at it. Her face twisted in frustration and sadness before she pocketed it with one hand, her other one holding Astarion’s.
“Even now, after all this, nothing I’ve done, nothing that I’ve risked or lost has been enough for Tymora,” she continued. “It seems she would like to see I and the people around me dead before she is satisfied.”
“You know, why rely on that power when there’s a cult right within our grasp?” Astarion asked. “Don’t limit yourself to what Tymora offers you.”
Seraphina laughed again, warmth returning to her voice.
“I’ll take control of a cult the same day that you stop enjoying murder,” she teased.
“We can’t bring the world to heel without a little killing, my sweet,” Astarion countered. “And don’t pretend as if you don’t enjoy it. I see that giddy look you get in your eyes when you know a situation is about to turn hostile.”
Seraphina smirked and turned her head to try to hide it only for Astarion to gently grab her chin and turn her to look back at him.
“My little hero. Determined to save everyone except for herself,” he mused, leaning in closer to her. “Champions like yourself deserve something every once in a while, no?”  
When Astarion led her to his tent, he kissed Seraphina until she was breathless. She pulled away, giggling, and Astarion couldn’t help his smile as he pressed his lips to her neck. Admittedly, he had started to enjoy that element of his plan – kissing her. There was something about the way that she smiled into almost every kiss. How soft her touch was as she caressed his cheek or carded her fingers through his hair. But he had to offer her more than kissing to keep her allyship.
As she moaned and writhed beneath him, she held his gaze, their breaths nearly in sync while he rocked into her. Seraphina’s orange eyes were lust-blown, pleading, and affectionate, and then playful as she giggled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. And he smiled, happy, as he captured her lips with his, and then he suddenly felt horrible. Astarion pulled away and dipped his face to her neck. The typical disgust from using his body like this was to be expected, but this feeling was different. 
That feeling sat inside him as she came undone beneath him, crying his name, and afterwards as they laid next to each other. She sweetly blinked up at him and asked if he was hungry. He relished in the sweetness of her blood and her character, her generosity, and her accepting nature. She didn’t deserve this. She deserved better than this ruse.
Seraphina was a beautiful, painful, all-too-kind problem.
Astarion caught himself staring at her again as their party stood in the dark, rumbling elevator that was taking them to the Shadow-cursed Lands. She must’ve felt his eyes on her because she turned. She smiled at him and Astarion once again felt like he was staring into the blinding light of the sun. He was almost thankful that she went back to talking to Gale immediately after, but almost just as quickly Astarion wanted to shove Gale out of the way so that he had her attention instead.
This was stupid and reckless. He could feel his plan crumbling as he fretted to try and hold it together, but it was all falling apart, slipping through his fingers like sand. The dread had to go away. It would go away. The guilt would go away. These…feelings would go away.
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garrettrymu954-blog · 5 years
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There were only four overnighters with "permies" around the perimeter. The trees were displaying their fall colors, we had our choice of simple access pull through sites and we basked in the warm afternoon sun. The park is Towbar Fitted easy walking distance from a grocery store and 2 hardware stores, with mall and significant chain grocery stores about 3/4 mile away. When the sun fell behind the Elkhorns, the temperature level chose it. We were delighted to have electrical energy for our back up heating units.
Discover Your Next Backyard Ramp For Sale
You can merely practice this language point using videos. One way is to reduce the total information that the trainees have. For instance, by turning off the noise, turning the photo off, covering a part of the screen, or selecting an unclear scene or still. Your students might then contemplate on what is going on and why. This can be turned into a video game by the students, where they could utilize the modal verbs to develop bets. For instance, if they specify, "It should be some sort of a time machine", that is betting ten dollars, whereas, if they state, "It could probably be a way of producing beasts", that would mean that they just wagered three dollars.
The end of the trailer is now prepared to fit into the big hole, which lies on the coupler plate. The Towbars must be in location by utilizing the security pin to secure the bar. The safety or securing pin needs to go through the eyelet in the coupler plate.
Steel Yard Ramps - Tow Bar Installations Tow Bar Cost How To Choose The Ideal One For Your Forklift Filling Needs
For any other car, the automobile has first to be authorized by the producer for this type of towing. In most cases the vehicles authorized for pulling can not be towed at a speed in excess of 55 Miles Per Hour and or for a range of more than 200 miles. In order for the car to be hauled further than this distance, the engine needs to be run for a few minutes in order to lube the gears. Another choice is to set up an electric lube pump to oil the engine as the vehicle is pulled, hence considerably increasing the distance.
Buy Backyard Ramps At Sensible Prices
Another alternative is a Towbar. It's usually shaped like a triangle with a set of ridged bars. One end connects to the ball hitch on the tow vehicle and the other end connects to the bumper of the car you are pulling. All four wheels of the vehicle are on the ground. You can just pop it in neutral and tow it with the Towbar if you have a manual transmission on a two-wheel-drive automobile.
You need to take into factor to consider all of these things. So you have chosen you are making a long range relocation. Next step is to call some local eliminations business and inform them you are moving from x to y and would they please come and give you a quote of what it will cost you to move your items.
Keypod Car Safe Review
As you can see, there are a great deal of advantages to the hatchback with the only visible disadvantage being the absence of boot space when it pertains to disappearing on vacation. So if you are looking at purchasing a new automobile and have actually never offered the hatchback a 2nd look you may desire to do simply that. You may be pleasantly shocked by what you find.
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awesomefromhakim · 6 years
For over 30 years, Eagle Auto & Truck Services has provided towing, transportation, and auto body repair services for clients in: Madison, Morristown, Morris Plains, Chatham, Randolph, Harding Township, Basking Ridge, Bernardsville, Boonton, Mendham, Florham Park, New Providence, Short Hills, Whippany, East Hanover and more....
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eagleauto · 2 years
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eagleauto · 2 years
Trust Your Vehicle to the Experts at Eagle Auto & Truck Services
Eagle Auto & Truck Services, we believe that your vehicle is one of your most important assets. That's why we are dedicated to providing expert auto and truck services that you can trust. Our team of experienced mechanics and technicians has the knowledge and expertise to tackle any repair or maintenance issue that you may have, ensuring that your vehicle runs smoothly and reliably for years to come. Towing in Whippany NJ
When you bring your vehicle to Eagle Auto & Truck Services, you can rest assured that it's in good hands. We use only the best quality parts and fluids to ensure that your vehicle performs at its best. We also have state-of-the-art diagnostic and repair equipment, allowing us to quickly diagnose and repair any issues with your vehicle. Towing in Parsippany, NJ
At Eagle Auto & Truck Services, we take pride in providing honest, transparent service to our customers. We'll never try to sell you services or repairs that you don't need, and we'll always provide you with a clear explanation of any work that needs to be done. We are committed to providing exceptional service and value to all of our customers, whether you're in need of routine maintenance or major repairs. Collision Repair in Morristown, NJ
We understand that your vehicle is a major investment, and we are dedicated to helping you get the most out of it. Our team of experts can help you develop a regular maintenance schedule to keep your vehicle running smoothly and prevent costly repairs down the line. And if you do need repairs, we'll work quickly to get you back on the road as soon as possible. Towing in Parsippany, NJ
So if you're looking for a reliable, trustworthy auto and truck service provider, look no further than Eagle Auto & Truck Services. Collision Repair in Parsippany NJ
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eagleauto · 2 years
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eagleauto · 2 years
Eagle Auto - The go-to place for all your auto repairs and maintenance!
Eagle Auto has established itself as the go-to place for all your auto repairs and maintenance needs. With a team of highly-skilled technicians and state-of-the-art equipment, Eagle Auto is committed to providing top-quality service to every customer. Auto Body Shop in Morristown NJ
Routine Maintenance
Regular maintenance is essential to keep your vehicle in optimal condition. Eagle Auto offers a comprehensive range of routine maintenance services, including oil changes, tire rotations, brake inspections, and more. These services help to extend the lifespan of your vehicle and prevent major issues from arising.
Despite regular maintenance, sometimes unexpected repairs are necessary. Eagle Auto has the expertise and experience to diagnose and repair a wide range of vehicle issues. From engine repairs to electrical problems, their technicians can quickly and efficiently resolve any issue your vehicle may have. Towing in Whippany NJ
Eagle Auto offers comprehensive inspections to ensure that your vehicle is safe and roadworthy. Inspections include checks on brakes, tires, steering, suspension, and more. Regular inspections can help prevent major issues and ensure that your vehicle is running at its best.
Customer Service
At Eagle Auto, customer service is a top priority. Their team of knowledgeable and friendly technicians will work with you to ensure that your vehicle is repaired and maintained to your satisfaction. They are committed to providing transparent communication and keeping you informed throughout the repair process.
Eagle Auto understands that vehicle repairs and maintenance can be inconvenient. That is why they offer a range of convenient services to make the process as smooth as possible. They offer a free shuttle service for customers who need to leave their vehicles for repairs, as well as a comfortable waiting area with free Wi-Fi, coffee, and snacks. Auto Body Shop in Morris County, NJ
In conclusion, Eagle Auto is the go-to place for all your auto repairs and maintenance needs. They offer comprehensive services, from routine maintenance to repairs and inspections. Their commitment to customer service and convenience sets them apart from other auto service providers. If you are in need of auto repairs or maintenance, contact Eagle Auto today to experience top-quality service. Collision Repair in Morris County NJ
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eagleauto · 2 years
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eagleauto · 2 years
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eagleauto · 2 years
Eagle Auto Body and Frame Straightening: Excellence in Auto Repair
When it comes to auto repair, you want to ensure that you're getting the best possible service from a reputable company. This is where Eagle Auto Body and Frame Straightening come in. With years of experience in the industry, they have earned a reputation for providing top-quality auto repair services in a timely and cost-effective manner. Let's take a closer look at what makes Eagle Auto Body and Frame Straightening the best choice for your auto repair needs. Towing in Boonton NJ
State-of-the-art Equipment
Eagle Auto Body and Frame Straightening is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that enables them to provide exceptional services. The company has invested in the latest diagnostic tools and equipment, which are operated by highly trained and certified technicians. They use this equipment to quickly and accurately diagnose problems with your vehicle, and then use the appropriate tools and techniques to repair the damage. Auto Body Shop in Morris County, NJ
Expert Technicians
At Eagle Auto Body and Frame Straightening, their team of technicians are highly trained and certified in all aspects of auto repair. They have the skills and knowledge required to handle any repair job, no matter how big or small. The team is dedicated to providing excellent service, and they work tirelessly to ensure that your vehicle is repaired to its pre-accident condition.
Comprehensive Services
Eagle Auto Body and Frame Straightening provides a comprehensive range of auto repair services. These include collision repair, frame straightening, paintless dent removal, glass repair and replacement, detailing, and much more. They work on all types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, SUVs, and commercial vehicles. They also offer towing services, so if your vehicle is not drivable, they can transport it to their shop for repair.
Customer Service
At Eagle Auto Body and Frame Straightening, customer satisfaction is their top priority. They understand that auto repair can be stressful, which is why they strive to make the process as smooth and hassle-free as possible. They communicate with their customers throughout the repair process, providing regular updates on the status of their vehicle. They also work with insurance companies to ensure that the claims process is as simple and straightforward as possible for their customers. Towing in Florham Park, NJ
If you're looking for a reputable auto repair shop, look no further than Eagle Auto Body and Frame Straightening. With their state-of-the-art equipment, expert technicians, comprehensive services, and exceptional customer service, they are the best choice for all of your auto repair needs. Whether you need collision repair, frame straightening, or any other type of auto repair, they have the expertise to get the job done right.  Collision Repair in Morris County NJ
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eagleauto · 2 years
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eagleauto · 2 years
Company Providing towing, transportation, and auto body repair services at Eagle Auto and truck
Owning a vehicle is a great responsibility, and as a vehicle owner, you must ensure that your car is well-maintained and serviced regularly. Unfortunately, no matter how well you take care of your vehicle, unforeseen events can occur that may leave you stranded on the road. This is where Eagle Auto and Truck comes in - a company that provides a wide range of towing, transportation, and auto body repair services. Auto Body Shop in Parsippany NJ
At Eagle Auto and Truck, we understand the importance of keeping your vehicle in excellent condition. We also understand that accidents can happen, and when they do, you need a reliable and trustworthy company to help you get back on the road. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of services that cater to all your vehicle needs. U-Haul Rental in Morris County, NJ
Towing Services
Getting stranded on the side of the road can be a stressful and frustrating experience. However, with Eagle Auto and Truck's towing services, you can rest assured that you're in good hands. We offer 24/7 towing services to help you when you need it the most. Our experienced and trained tow truck drivers will come to your location, assess the situation, and tow your vehicle to our facility or your preferred location. Collision Repair in Morristown NJ
Transportation Services
At Eagle Auto and Truck, we offer transportation services for vehicles that need to be moved from one location to another. Whether it's a short or long-distance transportation, our team has the expertise and equipment to ensure that your vehicle is safely and securely transported to its destination. We have a fleet of specialized transport trucks that can accommodate different types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Auto Body Shop in Morristown NJ
Auto Body Repair Services
Accidents can happen to anyone, and when they do, you need a reliable and experienced auto body repair shop to help you get your vehicle back on the road. At Eagle Auto and Truck, we offer a wide range of auto body repair services, including collision repair, paintless dent repair, and bumper repair. Our team of skilled technicians uses state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure that your vehicle is restored to its pre-accident condition. Towing in Basking Ridge, NJ
At Eagle Auto and Truck, we understand that owning a vehicle can be challenging, and unexpected events can happen at any time. That's why we're committed to providing high-quality towing, transportation, and auto body repair services to our clients. We have a team of experienced and knowledgeable professionals who are always ready to assist you with any vehicle-related issues. Contact us today for all your vehicle needs, and experience the Eagle Auto and Truck difference! Collision Repair in Parsippany NJ
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