#toxic gay relationship as well. eggman as always is a really great villain and i enjoy the fact he is homosexual about it
favorite part in sonic 2?
i just woke up i’m about to be the most autistic person in the whole wide world but umm. spoilers ahead obviously. for me the highlight of this movie was knuckles — i fucking love him so much it’s not funny. they were like How autistic can we make this little animal. and then didn’t wait for an answer. i REALLY like that he says stupid shit like ‘i am having the fun’ and ‘how dare you attack me in my hour of sorrow’ and ‘i only saved you because you saved me, which gave you a tactical advantage i do not understand’ (i saved the quotes that made me laugh because. well this movie was pretty funny) him being so serious is fucking hilarious especially considering he Doesn’t stop saying stupid shit after his redemption. speaking of i just think his development in general is really good as well. maybe it’s cliche but i honestly don’t give a fuck, i’m always a sucker for ‘evil’ characters realizing they’re not really evil, finding a new purpose in life and getting new friends/family. the parallels with him and sonic too ….. the way he smiles and laughs at the end of the movie….. weuhh …. wauehgghh …. sniff sniff
i really liked tails as well, i enjoyed his bonding with sonic a lot (especially when they had a danceoff with the russians to uptown funk… taht was. a thinf that happened in the movie) i kind of wish he got more moments to shine and/or more time to bond with sonic? but like. i enjoyed his little autistic ass too even if we didn’t get too much of him
in terms of favorite scenes, i think mine has to be the emotional beach scene between sonic and knuckles. not only for reasons i mentioned in the first paragraph — i see an edgy little red autistic character confused about their morality and purpose and i fucking go wild with it — but also because we really get to see sonic grow and be mature as he recognizes himself in knuckles. and then they found their family …. weuhhh ….. wahh …. sniff sniff (and also i really liked the final battle scene, it’s cool as fuck, there’s a giant robot, there’s family moments and themes of Not Having To Do This Alone Anymore, what else could i possibly ask for)
i liked more stuff but personally this is everything that makes this movie just fucking awesome to me. i think they should keep making good sonic movies and release sonic 3 next month just for me because i really like shadow and want to see him
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