#toxic shippers are weird goddamnit
theangryjikooker · 1 year
There are ppl who don’t like you and think you’re a fake jikooker. Why are you still here?
LMAO I was just talking to someone that brought up something similar to this to my attention.
I’m fully aware of the people who dislike me and think I’m a raging bitch/an anti/etc. Why should I care about what weirdos on the Internet think of me? Frankly, I’m more concerned about anyone who spends too much time online and derives joy in harassing strangers on the Internet. I hope you guys realize that this behavior says more about you and the kind of life you lead outside of the Internet, and I’m sad for you.
This is all going to go away at some point, and then what are you going to do? Find another fandom and discourse to get angry about? People like you remind me of poor hamsters that spend all their time running on a wheel because there’s nothing more fulfilling for them to do, and it is depressing and bleak.
(I’ve said this from the beginning of time, and it’s a universal understanding even without my saying so, but being online all the time and living in an echo chamber day in and day out just because you’ve found your “community” is brutalizing your mental health and perception of real world social dynamics.)
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theangryjikooker · 1 year
The hell that will break loose in this fandom if Kook posts for Tae’s birthday! Everyone (almost) jikook will have a severe meltdown and Tkkers will give more undeserved hate to Jimin. Sometimes it really sucks being a BTS fan and having JM as a bias and Kookie as your #2
What I've noticed–at least from my shipping corner–is that a lot of Jkkrs don't express a collective meltdown in an outwardly negative way by taking it out on Taehyung. Don't get me wrong, they do exist and those types are loud, but they're not as pervasive as Tkkrs are (but how much of that is numbers on their side or a general reflection is unknown to me, being that I'm not a member of their community and can’t comment on that).
What I usually see happening is that Jkkrs tend to double down on comparable content, Jikook-style. So should Jungkook post something for Taehyung, there’ll be a resurgence of everything Jungkook has done for Jimin’s birthday (or vice versa). And there’s nothing wrong with revisiting things that have happened in the past, of course not, but the suspicious timing of these particular occurrences suggests it’s not purely done out of nostalgic intentions. 
Regardless, the kind of toxic Jkkrs that do have these meltdowns and do have nasty things to say are, unfortunately, always going to be the ones who get noticed (and, of course, it’s Jimin who gets the brunt of it for no reason). And unless you have the kind of influence to police them into good behavior, they’re just going to continue the cycle that we see in Twitter ship wars.
What this all boils down to is that Tkkrs and Jkkrs express their ship insecurities differently, but they do express it.
Anyway, I have zero tolerance for toxicity from either side, so I can guarantee you that I will not be participating in whatever unfolds that day except to wish our beloved teddy bear a happy birthday.
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theangryjikooker · 11 months
BTW, this fandom tried to say that was Yoongi and JM kissing and Jin and JK kissing, not just Jikook. Pretty shitty to only call out Jikookers over their claims, when if that would have been JM sitting in Tae's spot, TKK would have said it was TK kissing or if it would have been JK sitting in Tae's spot, they would have said it was Vmin. The obsession this fandom has with Jikook & Jikookers is disturbing. Look at you, someone who doesn't support them, but you have Jikooker in your blog title.
You’re an unbelievable idiot.
My reaction would still be the same, no matter what member configuration is involved.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
the jimin preoccupation
The members are often criticized and attacked for a host of reasons, primarily ones that aim to target perceived insecurities—and some more than others—but the hostility directed at Jimin often leans towards scathing and hypersexualized vitriol. Hate is hate no matter how you look at it, but the treatment of Jimin is so menacing by comparison.
When antis strip the members of their humanity, I don’t actually pay attention to them—more accurately, I don’t engage with any of it. They all tend to recycle their barbs towards the members and start echoing each other to the point that it unmistakably reflects more on them as people. When I first got into the fandom, I would feel that knee-jerk rise of defensiveness and feel like I needed to get a word in edgewise, but now it’s just... pointless and sad. This perverse fixation with him is, unsurprisingly, abnormal and unhealthy and symptomizes something more problematic with the individual(s).
If the antagonism isn’t rooted in insecurity, fear (where jealousy/misogyny/homophobia lies), or unresolved trauma that’s being redirected, it’s either motivated by the power of groupthink and/or fantasy (in favor of an opposing ship, and probably most common), which can sometimes point to an absence of something—some fulfillment that hasn’t been met. (There’s also the possibility of some psychological disorder among these types of people, but I really don’t want to throw that around if I’m not actually talking to them.)
Don’t misunderstand me and think I’m defending these people because I’m not, but I’m predisposed to digging into the psychology of behavior, and fandom gets weird and intense enough that I’m perpetually perplexed by it. Unless there are deeper issues at play with the individuals who participate in hateful circle-jerks, most of these people lack any sort of courage to speak openly about this in real life. More often than not, these people will only speak in this way with other people who are willing to be as openly crass because at the heart of all human interaction is the fear of rejection. They are the minority in this fandom, and I suspect that in person, they could never say what they do without the protection of anonymity or support of their like-minded peers because the majority of ARMY would actually eat them alive.
I’m not commenting on this to make a fuss; I’m writing this post quite detached and analytically because the fixation towards him is so graphic and repulsive, and while I can narrow down the behavioral impulses behind it, I don’t know if I’ll ever get over the fact that cruelty is something that even exists in this fandom (which is more of a philosophical question and neither here nor there). Jimin has been nothing but loving and kind to ARMY, so when you get down to brass tacks, the antagonism towards him is purely in relation to his members and what his perceived status/role is among them.
(This post could really go on forever because there are so many components to the social psychology of fandom. I don’t get paid to approach this with any serious level of scrutiny and professionalism so just be advised there are a ton of loose ends in this post, things that might be generalized to a degree, etc.)
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
The people in my asks. 😭 Please spare me an aneurysm and actually read to understand what I’m saying (although given your lot’s hostility, I’m sure the intention is to induce one).
And if that fails, note the very clear way I say my thoughts on those Vlive analyses are just my opinions. You can engage in the Jikook ship however you please, regardless of my personal feelings on content that seems to serve as your bible.
If I say your taste in movies is shitty, are you going to stop liking those movies? Of course not. Or do you have the backbone of a chocolate éclair (we’re quoting Teddy, not John, thank you very much)? Of course n– well, given your reactions, maybe. I don’t know. Do you?
Some of you are acting like my opinions matter a little too much to you to the point where you need to prove me wrong. How do you prove someone’s feelings are wrong? Cast voodoo magic, possess me, and force me to change my mind? 
You’re all ridiculous.
This isn’t some political debate where real lives are on the line; we’re talking about people shipping Korean idols and agreeing to disagree on whether they’re banging or not in secret, calm your tits.
Holy shit.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
LOL I thought your 'Bless You Anon' post was about that anon who told u about how delusional Jikookers have become because of the 'purple bunny ears' (on JM and Benny's picture), and then you asked what that is. I assumed that anon came back to explain and told you which Jikook blog they were talking about, so you made a post about it without posting the anon's ask to avoid drama... I dont know how that last anon took it as you pretending to have some inside information about Jikook. LOL
You would think it was obvious, but some people are brainless idiots. I wouldn't be so biting about this, but the entitlement made me seethe.
Even if I did have significant information on Jikook as a couple, I wouldn't even mention it, not even in DMs because information like that cannot be realistically contained, even with your most trusted person.
And for that matter, it's my blog. If I wanted to talk ambiguously about something, I can literally do whatever I want. Your nosiness is not my problem. Maybe be productive, work on your obvious lack of social skills, and network like your life depended on it if you want to be in the know. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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theangryjikooker · 3 months
jikookers are always mad when anyone argues the specialness of the buddy program. trust me it’s not you
No, I’m starting to see that. Every time I say anything “against” the buddy enlistment program, I get accusations that I’m a closet Tkkr or that I’m saying this for attention. 🙄
As if a person literally can’t think that, logically, JK would actually be good for SDT because he’s physically capable and that he’s shown interest in it. That is literally all I said.
Jkkrs are so tightly wound and defensive all the time that they could shit diamonds at this point.
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theangryjikooker · 3 months
what are you talking about? both jungkook and jimin were promoted to private first class. thats the normal ranking progression after a certain amount of time lol. also it has been reported it's in march 1st that taehyung, namjoon, jungkook and jimin all get promoted. sometimes you make very strange assumptions with wrong information but that could be easily avoided with basic searching.
Stop being weird.
What assumption am I making? As I told previous anon, this isn’t something I’m informed about. So inform me. That’s not hard.
I do still think JK would’ve joined SDT, but that’s not a shipping issue.
You guys are so triggered by everything. Calm the fuck down.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
Y'all really think Tae is that insecure that a small pinch from Jimin on JK's knee would cause Tae to get annoyed? Surely not when Tae is out here telling JM he likes him the most and holding hands with Jimin every chance he gets & rubbing JM's ass. It would be very hypocritical of him. Also JK can sit down, it would be weird for him to be worried about Vs reaction when he walked around with a bite from JM & literally gripped a handful of JMs ass the day of that live & carried him to the car.
Literally no one said anything about anyone being insecure.
The leaps and bounds you guys make are astounding.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
Did you saw how tae and jk were grinding on e/o (in the new BB on yt) like ewww what in the hell was that🙄 Why were they so close ? Like when tae was behind jk his 🍆 was touching jk's 🍑🙄 and vice versa . Thay was actually uncomfortable for me to watch . What do you think ? Is that normal in bts? I am into bts for a few months now so yeah.
PS - i will send this to other blogs too , incase you dont see this ask. Thank you
What in the hell.
I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time taking this ask seriously. This ask sounds like someone wanting to start shit just to start shit. On the off chance you’re actually being serious, it’s odd that you would phrase it that way because that’s not what’s happening. At all. It reeks of someone who hates it whenever Taekook interact, and that’s not okay.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
I agree with you, Jimin and Jungkook have never said anything about being close. They are just as close with each other as they are with other members. Jkkrs are fools to think there's more. They didn't even interact on Insta with each other, didn't bother to comment on each other's post too.
Tae and Jk are clearly the closest members in that group.
There are so many things wrong with this ask, but I don't have the energy or care to address it as I've already gone over this before.
If your measurement of closeness is influenced by social media—yikes.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
People need to understand not everything is black and white. Toxic shippers are everywhere whether it's tkk or jkk. And both party like to play victim pointing out how the other side is worse. Sure, as a jkkr i see more toxic tkkrs than jkkrs. But i also cant help but feeling some jkkr have some kind of holier-than-thou attitude. Remember guys, the boys relationships are not for our entertainment and all of this is just in theory nothing is confirmed
Zero self-awareness, all of them.
Toxic Tkkrs are awful because they take their vendettas out on the boys. There's no question as to how unhinged that behavior is (though this isn't to say that I haven't seen toxic Jkkrs try to fuck with Taehyung either; there are even worse apples in both ranks). Toxic Jkkrs, on the other hand, pride themselves on not stooping to that level--but treat fellow shippers who don't see eye-to-eye with them like shit and have the gall to consider themselves better just because they don't treat the object of their affections badly.
Toxic Tkkrs and toxic Jkkrs are two sides of the same ugly coin.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
I would like to keep this private but if you think it’s worth posting then go ahead. Also my english is very limited so forgive me for any typos.
I finally decided to look into the taekook & vkook tags here on tumblr because i wanted to get a feel on the types of conversations tkkrs were having about their ship, most especially their opinion on Jks’ recent escapades on instagram. And can i just say i was surprisingly shocked. First off, i had to scroll a great length to find a post talking about the backlash issue and when i did find one mentioning jimin the answer wasn’t as i expected. Both the anon & the acc holder were logical in their assessment. They agreed that jks “of cause/sure” answer to the “kidnap” question was him being sarcastic and both didn’t understand why shippers on twitter were making a big deal out of it. They talked about the amount of hate vminkook was getting from both sides and also called jkkrs desperate to play the victim every time issues surrounding jk arises. Idk but reading that exchange was rather eye opening and it made me realise how hypocritical i’ve been and aware of the echo chamber i’ve surrounded myself.
I’m a jkkr-Jimin biased army and being a jimin bias you quickly learn to distaste tkkrs (note not taekook). Its almost ingrained within the core of this fandom to believe that ALL tkkrs are jimin antis and that Jimin receives the most hate in BTS. But since coming to my realisation and taking a step back to actually look into other bts communities you quickly find out that that isn’t true and whats even more laughable is the fact that other biased armys/solos also think the same way about their bias 😂. To tkkrs on twitter jkkrs are tae antis, to jungkook solos, maknae line solos are antis, to hobi solos the other 6 member solos are antis, to OT7 armys ALL solos plus shippers are antis… its a never ending cycle. But thats what i found on twitter.
On tumblr i was expecting very similar response from both jkkrs & tkkrs but all i’ve seen is the increased toxicity within the jkkrs space, which rings true with the victimhood that tkkr anon mentioned. Of late jkkrs (including myself at one point) are going through a downward spiral of always hyper focusing on anything negative. Majorly negative reactions towards anything to do with Jimin. I remember the situation when Jungkook first came out with his tattoos the amount of hate he received for both his tats & his scandal with the female tattooist. It was a jarring moment for me because i’d never seen a member get thrown under the bus by his own fandom as much as Jungkook had, with both side of shippers playing a big part. It also begs me to wonder whether these shippers are just using him as a door mat to satisfy their fantasy or as a price at the end of a competition. I love jikooks bond, i also believe they might be in a romantic relationship but the way jungkoon treated is as if his only existence or role is to be the prince charming while their bias is the damsel in distress is getting frustrating to watch. Just one anti acc talking about jimin can lead to the downpour of chaos, and god help if they’re Tae solos. They forget the other that the other 2 have antis too. In fact both Tae & Jk have actively replied to antis, but there was no uproar to crucify a certain group.
Sorry that was me going on a tangent. Back to the discussion on tumblr and how the 2 spaces diff. Jkkrs enjoy posting up twitter antis to justify their hatred for tkkrs while tkkrs don’t seem to be as bothered. After scrolling through their tags & reading some of the posts their space seemed unproblematic. One post had a tkkr anon reporting on the massive hate jungkook was getting but it was brushed off by the handlers as not wanting to bring negativity into their tumblr space and replying with hormonal fans will be hormonal fans. They appear to not care about what others think about their theories regardless of how delusional some sound. They do believe that taekook are romantically involved and believe that bighit/hybe control some of their interactions. Frankly those theories aren’t hurting anyone, and if we’re being honest it isn’t far off from what jkkrs believe, they’s just more subtle.
Hi, anon. I know you said you wanted this private, but you also gave me the option to share it. I personally think views like your own are important to share, so here we are. (Your English is great, don't worry!)
Here are my own thoughts on some of the things you've shared:
• There are logical Tkkrs who keep it civil and respectful, so your findings aren't surprising to me. What that Tkkr said sounds like a fair assessment, in my opinion, based on how you're conveying it.
• Regardless of what kind of shipper you are, or even if one is a shipper, Jimin does receive an inordinate amount of hate fandom-wide compared to the other members.
• There are Tkkrs who do like Jimin. In fact, just last night I went down a rabbit hole of Tae-biased accounts because I need more variety in my timeline. Most of them tend to have Taekook leanings, but they were also accounts that shared appreciation for Jimin. Some of them had arguably lukewarm interest, but it's not evil or anti-OT7 to gravitate to certain members more than others.
• I've previously touched on self-victimization amongst Jkkrs here.
• I can't really comment on the distinction between the two spaces regarding Tkkrs and Jkkrs because I really don't pay enough attention to Tkkrs to be fair about it, but I would be very careful in saying that their space is unproblematic. Toxic shippers exist, and they're all problematic.
• Theories aren't bad. With shipping, that's all anyone is realistically doing. They become issues, however, when people double down on them without tangible proof and insist on that reality. Even worse is when people who have influence (i.e., huge following) aren't careful about what it is they're thoughtlessly sharing.
• Regarding toxic Jkkrs, you mentioned their subtlety. I laughed at this because I actually do think this is true. Toxic Tkkrs tend to be rather shameless about what it is they're saying/doing; it's an unapologetic awfulness that they seem blissfully unaware of. Toxic Jkkrs--especially ones I've personally encountered--are masters at sealioning and possess an infinite source of arrogance. I know there are some fantastic Jkkrs out there, and I have some faves of my own, but my worst experiences as part of the shipping community have been because of toxic Jkkrs and their ability to wear you down (they're the reason why The Angry Jikooker was created).
• Shipping is one big echo chamber. True.
Disclaimer: Jkkrs/Tkkrs are completely separate from their toxic counterparts. History has taught me that I have to remind people of this constantly.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
waiting for you to say that again that tkkers and jkkers are the same when tkkers literally booed and insulted jm when he was approaching jk in the cinema PROUDLY and the rest of them didn't do anything and kept silent whenever he was on screen. but yes. #NotAllTaekookers and #AlsoJikookersAreBad am I right? clown
You waiting for something like this just to “prove” something says a lot about what kind of person you are. That you want so badly for me to say that there’s a side that’s just so innocent. It’s weird.
Those INDIVIDUAL(S) are awful, yes, without a doubt. They are also allegedly Tkkrs, but I’m not going to go around lumping them together. I literally just saw a Tkkr in the replies of a thread hyping a Jimin-centric tweet. There was also another tweet from a self-proclaimed Tkkr, who clarified the ring situation without favoring a ship, just stated facts.
Sorry that they’re not all bad as you want them to be? Not really fond of Jkkrs with attitudes like yours, quite frankly. I’m not telling you to camp on my blog, and I’m sure there are other users who’ll pander to you.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
The only times I've see Jikookers fighting with Taekookers is when they attack Jimin and call him the worst things, or when they make up a lie or mistranslation and present it as fact to further their Taekook agenda, or when they call Jikook fanservice. These 3 cases make Jikookers angry and confront Taekookers.
Nothing against you anon, but whenever I get people in here telling me who the real instigator is, I'm just like...
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The way I see it, this argument is kind of like a mobius strip. Tkkrs and Jkkrs talk in circles around each other. There's no start and no end, and it keeps going. Whoever started whatever first isn't the issue for me, but it's the fact that everyone is singing the same tune and yet there's no conclusion. How are they not exhausted?
Tkkrs and Jkkrs are each other's fire and fuel, and they're constantly feeding the other. Whatever it is they're arguing about or arguing for, they've got to know that the other side isn't going to back down at this point. How do you kill a fire? You choke the oxygen out of it a.k.a. stop giving each other attention. It's simple in theory, but humans are the way they are.
I've said this in jest before, but I'm surprised the toxic shippers haven't banded together because when it boils down to it, their motivations stem from one brain cell.
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theangryjikooker · 2 years
You say both sides are bad but which side relies heavily on mistranslations and literally made up "facts" shared by every one of their big accounts and no one, not even non shippers, say anything to them? And when some jikook account tries to correct them they're suddenly the bad guys? Is this realiry? If you, as you say, don't spend time in taekookers spaces how can you make a fair assessment of "both sides sucks"?
They disrespect korean grammar (th get out of your imagination), language, culture, the deaf community (insisting on talking over them when they told them tk weren't using ASL to talk to each other), and the brown and lgbt community (when they sent a fanfic and edited pics to brownhistory on ig that should be about the real life and experiences of brown people and their struggle + trivializing lgbtq+ hardships in the past) and are never held accountable.
But yeah, all shippers are the same right
Uh. What the hell?
Because both sides can and do suck? It doesn't take an astrophysicist to see that. I don't have to hang out in Taekook spaces to have that garbage roll up on my timeline or on my Explore page via screenshots of the mayhem that's constantly going on between Tkkrs and Jkkrs. I'm aware of how toxic Tkkrs act through this method, and I know how toxic Jkkrs act because I'm actually in the Jkkr community to see that behavior.
Observation is a thing. I never said Tkkrs didn't do what everyone else has been accusing them of doing, but it's a shitty thing to assume ALL of them (or even some arbitrary "average") are awful people when the same can be said about some Jkkrs.
If you want to do the work and actually do a fair and scientific calculation and comparison of which side has more toxic assholes by collecting information and behavior on ALL Tkkrs and Jkkrs alike in this fandom since it was created, be my fucking guest. Until you can get me that report, yes, I'm going to think all toxic shippers are the same.
One side being worse and the other side being more worse is a relative measurement if you're being an asshole to people you don't know. At the end of the day, they're STILL all fucking assholes. Jesus.
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