theninthdoor · 1 year
can you do a love reading for the loona girls pleeeek or if it’s too much then just loosemble
(I still added Yves and Chuu because it felt wrong without them)
Vivi || the emperor, page of swords: There's someone in her life right now (an older person; potentially in the same field of work but in a more behind the scenes position). Their relationship isn't that serious and they're not thinking long term, in my opinion, but she trusts and respects this person a lot.
Yves || the sun, king of cups: She's dating someone who fills her heart with joy, love and optimism. They're definitely devoted to each other, even though I feel like they have been taking a lighthearted approach to everything.
Jinsoul || page of swords, three of swords: Jinsoul has recently broken up with someone. Even if they ended on good terms, gossip or something she found out later about them has now made her despise them quite a lot. So, whether the other person knows it or not, they're definitely not on good terms anymore.
Haseul || four of pentacles, four of wands: Haseul has been dealing with the same person for a good while now… I can't tell if they are just close friends or have dated on and off this whole time, but I just see them hanging out a lot and, at times, being super close and affectionate towards one another, and then being super awkward and cold at others.
Kim Lip || page of swords, six of pentacles: She has recently exchanged contacts with someone and is getting to know them. I think she made the first step after they catched her eye, but first she asked everybody around her what they knew about them (she did her research, basically lol).
Heejin || three of swords, five of cups rx: Heejin is still heartbroken over someone. Although she has accepted that it's over for them and there's no chance of them ever reconciling, it affected her deeply, way beyond her love life, and that wound is taking a longer time to heal.
Hyunjin || wheel of fortune, queen of pentacles: She's single and not pursuing anyone, but is open to giving a chance to whoever comes into her life next. Hyunjin is working on manifesting a balanced and well grounded relationship.
Go Won || three of swords, ten of pentacles: There's a certain someone that she has already imagined a long life with, but things just haven't panned out the way she wanted. Even though I don't think she's ready to give up on it just yet, her friends and family might soon start to make her reconsider this vision and connection.
Choerry || five of cups, five of wands: She lost her romantic interest to someone else, I believe. That's literally all I see here… The person she was into has chosen someone else over her and she's currently dealing with that disappointment.
Olivia Hye/Hyeju || two of cups, seven of cups rx: I see her dating but this energy is just very dry? Hyeju and her partner definitely have strong feelings for each other but I think they are finding it very hard to see a future for the relationship. They have hit a wall, in a way, and don't know what to do next. Love isn't enough to keep this going.
Yeojin || the magician, five of pentacles: Another member who's been trying to manifest her dream partner into her life. Yeojin is single, has no romantic interests as of right now, but is still wanting a relationship. Instead of going out to look for it, though, she's waiting for it to come to her.
Chuu || the high priestess, the empress: Chuu has plenty of options to choose from, and she might actually see strong potential in some of them, yet she's not taking any love offers. She's focused on her physical and mental health, building a solid foundation for her future and developing a strong relationship with herself.
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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