TransID pride month day #6: Trace, transethnic, transnationality, & transcultural.
For today, I did something I've been wanting to do for a while - make flags for some of tracepride3009's old proposed terms for mixed race traces! These were all created on July 26th, 2021.
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Aquamarineite: A trace individual that is both white and Asian.
Amethystian: A trace individual that is both white and Native American.
Diamondite: A trace individual that is both black and Native American.
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Emeraldite: A trace individual that is both Asian and Native American.
Garnetian: A trace individual that is both white and Polynesian.
Opalite: : A trace individual that is both Latinx and white.
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Pearlite: A trace individual that is both black and white.
Peridotian: A trace individual that is both black and Asian.
Quartzian: A trace individual that is both Native American and Polynesian.
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Rubian: A trace individual that is both black and Polynesian.
Sapphirian: A trace individual that is both black and Latinx
Topazian: A trace individual that is both Polynesian and Latinx.
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sysmedicalist ยท 2 years
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Lol at tracepride3009 saying they will be "kind and loving" when responding to "hate". If it was really your brother, he needs to go back on Neopets. Also lol at this idiot thinking I'm "racist for thinking that POC are some hivemind". Most POC are completely aware that transracial people aren't "valid". Knowing that isn't claiming we're a hivemind.
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