#trancendant experience tbh
the-punforgiven · 6 months
Finally got to spar again, I'm feelin good c:
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kabbalicgay · 5 years
Lgbt Jewish asks: 7, 10, 21, 30, 34!
7. Do you want to become more religious or are you good where you are?There are certain aspects of Orthodox and Kabbalah/Merkabah mysticism/Ashkenazi Hasidim that I’d really love to start incorporating or doing more of in my daily life, and certainly I want to improve my Shabbat habits because while I think to go Completely Orthodox is very impracticable when I don’t live in a Jewish area / country, I still think I could improve on my observance of Shabbat !! It’s a general work in progress just because I’m not in an environment where I can fully like, explore and delve deeper into stuff like that.
10. How has Judaism shaped your gender (if at all?)I really identify with Tumtum and Androgynos, tbh, and I’d probably go by those terms more if they were more uhhh readily used and recognised outside of purely Jewish spaces . But additionally , because of the way my Shul approaches HaShem, and characterises HaShem’s gender/existence/identity , I feel like being trans / nb makes me connect even closer to HaShem because we don’t attribute sex to HaShem and we think of Him being outside the gender binary – trancending gender . But we refer to Him with masculine expressions and masculine terms , and have the Shekinah, which is the feminine manifestation of HaShem , and I just feel like that really fits how I feel about myself as a trans man who grew up still being VERY AWARE of how I was treated as someone who was perceived to be a girl . fsaduywgyudf IM RAMBLING and this is probably EVERYWHERE but yeah
21. Do you have a favorite Jewish quote or saying?Anything Leonard Nimoy has every said .fdihgufd no but uhh this :
Every word of one’s prayer should be like a rose that is plucked from a bush. One gathers rose upon rose until a bouquet is formed and can be offered to God as a beautiful blessing.-Rabbi Nachman of Breslov
Is really beautiful , but so is
“If I am not for me, who is for me; and if I am (only) for myself, what am I. And if not now, when?” – Hillel, Ethics of the Fathers, 1:14
So scdhfdg idk !!!
30. How does being Jewish shape your experiences in lgbt spaces?Because a lot of people don’t understand Judaism and understand the very Big Differences between Judaism and Christianity/Catholicism , a lot of non-religious people in LGBT spaces can be very wary of me and apprehensive of me being religious . I’ve had people ask “how can you be gay and believe in a G-d that hates you ?” and shit like that . I don’t think it comes from maliciousness as such , as annoying as statements like that are , but it again comes from this idea that Judaism is in any way similar to the Jesus Squad and that because I am religious I will inherently wrestle with my gayness and with the mitzvotor halakhic law.
34. What has been the best part about being Jewish and lgbt?Knowing that no matter what happens or where I am , there is always someone who loves and cares about me , and accepts who I am (HaShem . I’m talking about HaShem fdsugfd), and that He understands how I feel and what I am going through , and maybe not guide or help me through it as such , but offer a constant and unconditional stream of love and empathy towards me .
Thank you sm Send me an ask with a number from this post!
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