multibugorganism · 6 months
a lot of the alienation i feel from the furry-tranpositive experience is how much of it was just feels like a heel turn and i find myself having such a hard time even remotely relating or feeling included
"KEEP FURRY WEIRD, BE LOUD AND OPEN ABOUT YOUR QUEERNESS, throwing faggot and dyke around- being puppy dog brained boys and girls and being kink positive!!! incest is woke now, feral porn was ALWAYS OK PEOPLE HAVE BEEN FREAKS SINCE FOREVER OK!!!"
etc etc the list goes on with these sentiments and so on but like it's excruciating and difficult to remotely feel welcomed when just like a few years ago i'd have people threatening violence and telling me to off myself, accusing me of absolutely abhorrent shit for stuff like uh, watching some dumbass anime they didn't enjoy or going full on hate-stalker and terrorizing me for years with a whole mob/their follower base simply because they couldn't stand me being a sexually positive/open person online- hell, I had someone who got outed for sexually abusing their pet call me out for advocating rape and spreading some fucked up nonsense about me purely because I had somnophiliac fantasies. people would want you DEAD or consider you TOO WEIRD if you so much as expressed wanting to be treated like a puppy girl toilet or fucking whatever
i don't know, it just sucks feeling alone and alienated, left out, i wish i could take people's invitations or feel even remotely comfortable stepping out of my boundaries again but i already have other baggage that needs tending to that I barely have energy to muster and work on. maybe i've just become too old to "get better" and just unfortunately am going to stay scared shitless. im glad people are generally happier these days with expression and that crap but i am bitter and sad i don't have a place in this movement or whatever you want to call it
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thewoodbine · 6 years
Loki changed his gender willy nilly, Odin uses feminine magic, and Thor cross dressed and in the legends their act of gender queering was not the source of conflict and you still wanna tell me the gods are transphobic!?
Transphobic people have trouble with Loki's fluid approach to sex/gender
The gods have trouble with Loki because he changed sex to give birth to a demon horse baby.
See the difference?
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famigliavienna · 7 years
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Katharina Grosse - untitled (2010) Instawalk Kunsthalle Krems and more 
Exhibition on "Abstract Painting Now!" and "Tobias Pils. Untitled" in the main hall, the stair hall by Peter Kogler as well as Sebastien De Ganay installations „Tranposition and Reproduction“ at the Dominikaner Church as a part of Kunstmeile Krems. #kunsthallekrems #abstractpaintingnow #kunstmeilekrems #igersaustria #Kunstwalk #kunstmeileontour #sebastiendeganay @kunsthalle.krems @igersaustria.at #iphoneonly #austria #famiglia_vienna #famigliavienna #artshow #installation #contemporary #dailydoseofart #krems #latergram (hier: Kunsthalle Krems)
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6441security · 5 years
Midsems - 2017
=== Question 0 === (3 Marks)
What is the most important property for a cryptographic hash function to have to make it as resistant as possible to birthday attacks?
.[A] Preimage resistance .[B] Collision resistance .[C] Confidentiality .[D] Symmetry .[E] Second-preimage resistance .[F] Non-determinism
A birthday attack is a cryptographic attack that has its roots in the following statistical scenario: If we are looking for at least a 50% chance that a particular person shares the same birthday with someone else in a room, we need at least 253 people; but if we are looking for just any one pair of people sharing the same birthday, we only need 23. A birthday attack exploits the exponential growth of the latter scenario by brute forcing a hash function to try find any random pair of inputs that output the same hash (i.e. a collision). Hence, a hash function will need strong collision resistance - B.
=== Question 1 === (3 Marks)
You are a developer of opensource fake-news software called "The trumpet shall sound", or "Trumpet" for short. You wish to use a cryptographic algorithm to generate a 64 character "digital fingerprint" of the "Trumpet" binary, which you will display on your web site so that people can check that they have downloaded a legitimate and unaltered copy of "Trumpet".
What is the most important property for this cryptographic fingerprint algorithm to have?
.[A] Preimage resistance .[B] Collision resistance .[C] Confidentiality .[D] Symmetry .[E] Second-preimage resistance .[F] Non-determinism
Lets quickly revise the properties of a solid cryptographic function:
First pre-image resistance: it is easy to give an input to turn into a hash, but hard to reverse a hash to find the original input
Second pre-image resistance: given an input and its hash, it is hard to find another input that gives the same hash
Collision resistance: it is tough to find any pair of inputs that give the same hash
In this case, the idea of a digital fingerprint is to make sure you have an authentic version of product. That purpose would be defeated if a hacker could have an unauthentic product passing off as real by giving the same digital fingerprint as the real thing. Thus, the second pre-image resistance property would be the most important in this case - E.
=== Question 2 === (3 Marks)
A MAC is designed to provide .[A] Neither Integrity nor Authentication .[B] Authentication but not Integrity .[C] Integrity but not Authentication .[D] Integrity and Authentication .[E] A Very Fashionable Device
A message authentication code (MAC) is a form of symmetric key encryption technique used to verify that a message came from the intended source and is unaltered. A sender and receiver shares a secret key. When the sender sends a message, the secret key is appended to the message, then hashed (the MAC). The message and the MAC are both sent to the receiver. Upon receipt, the receiver can verify that the message came from the source and that the message is unaltered from its original form by hashing the message with the secret key and comparing with the MAC. Hence, integrity and authentication are provided - D.
=== Question 3 ===
(3 Marks)
You have a password file of 1,000 password hashes. Assuming that 50% of the passwords used were weak passwords which can be found in a dictionary of 1,000,000 common passwords, and that hashing a password takes 12 bits of work on average, roughly how many bits of work would it take to discover all these 500 or so weak passwords?
Note: only enter DIGITS in your answer (or else the automarker will mark it wrong.)
To find the 500 or so weak passwords, we can hash the 1,000,000 common passwords in the dictionary, then compare it with the 1,000 password hashes in the file. Each password hash takes 12 bits of work on average, that is, 2^12 guesses on average. So:
2^12 amount of work * 1,000,000 passwords =~ 2^12 * 2^20 = 2^32. Therefore 32 bits of work. The work associated with the actual comparing of the hashes to the file is negligible.
=== Question 4 === (3 Marks)
As for Question 3 but now assume that each password is appended to a different 32 bit number (a salt) before the hash was computed, and that the salt number for each password hash is stored, unencrypted, next to the hash in the password file.
Roughly how many bits of work would it take to discover all the 500 or so weak passwords in this case?
Note: only enter DIGITS in your answer (or else the automarker will mark it wrong.)
For this question, we can’t use the previous method of just computing a rainbow table and comparing it with our password file hashes because the file hashes have been salted.  
On average to discover a weak password, we will need 1,000,000/2 = 500,000 hashing attempts. There are 500 weak passwords. So:
2^12 work * 500,000 attempts * 500 passwords  =~ 2^12 * 2^19 * 2^9 = 2^40 work
On average when encountering a strong password, we will need to exhuasatively try all 1,000,000 dictionary words before determining it is not one of the weak passwords in the file. There are 500 strong passwords. So:
2^12 work * 1,000,000 attempts * 500 passwords =~ 2^12 * 2^20 * 2^9 = 2^41 work.
2^40 + 2^41 =~ 2^41, therefore 41 bits of work.
=== Question 5 === (3 Marks)
Below are six lists of expenses submitted by six politicians. Sadly 3 of the politicians are dishonest and submitted made-up fake expense claims, not costs that they really incurred. :(
{{{ Albus  Bert  Carl  Dave  Egon  Fred
269 6,296   543 1,137   503   206 1,428 3,217   220   638 4,195    74 3,840   520 3,080   696 5,780   257 2,163   456 5,070   543 7,774   350 165   111   108   113   986    50 2,701 2,176 8,078   145   884   426 339   476 7,963   313 6,530 3,226  64 2,607    68   236    50   108 942   824 2,457   701 9,801    94  17    10 7,952   422 5,717    17 423   112 5,332 5,723    29   158  37    13 5,705   964 3,933   609 723 9,048 8,851   750 6,122 5,769 172   295    99 7,905    91    19 498   165 6,424 9,953    89   275 5,583 3,008    48   491    19   898  56 1,396 8,339 2,675   758   506 158    19 1,945 8,212   427 3,467 1,244   238   916   897 8,503 9,217 2,445    51 3,618   392 3,617    26 866   921 4,219   941   338 1,349
Correctly identify the status of each politician.
==== 5.1 Albus ==== .[A] Honest .[B] Dishonest
==== 5.2 Bert ==== .[A] Honest .[B] Dishonest
==== 5.3 Carl ==== .[A] Honest .[B] Dishonest
==== 5.4 Dave ==== .[A] Honest .[B] Dishonest
==== 5.5 Egon ==== .[A] Honest .[B] Dishonest
==== 5.6 Fred ==== .[A] Honest .[B] Dishonest
One approach to this question is understanding that generally fake-up expenses should be inflated because human-nature of greed. Summing up all the expenses of individual politicians, the hugely inflated expenses will likely be the dishonest ones - C, D, E.
==== Part B ==== This part is worth 10 marks and consists of 1 question. Spend about 10 minutes on it.
=== Question 6 === (10 Marks)
What is the 5th word in the plaintext for the ciphertext below?
The cipher questions we will receive in the exam will most likely be either substitution or transposition, anything else will probably be way too hard in the time pressures of a 1 hour exam. It is good to first scan the cipher for any possible patterns, and consider various methods such as letters across different blocks, reverse order, forward order, rearrangement of letters in blocks, etc. A quick inspection of the cipher, I notice that I see the group of letters T,H,E occuring together several times. Since a tranposition cipher only rearranges the leters, it is highly likely that this group of letter could refer to the common word THE. The pattern turns out to be a rearrangement of letters in the blocks with the original order of the text formed by reading in the order {5, 2, 4, 3, 1} -> {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. We get: THEPHRASEINTHEDARKASIAM... So the 5th word is DARK.
(==== Part C ==== This part is worth 20 Marks and consists of 1 question. Spend about 20 minutes on it.
=== Question 7 === (20 Marks)
Suppose we convert letters and other characters into numbers in the range 1..54 using the following table and then separately encipher each of these numbers using RSA with a public encryption key of 23 and a modulus of 55.
{{{ 1 < 21 L 41 4 2 > 22 M 42 5 3 ? 23 N 43 6 4 / 24 O 44 7 5 : 25 P 45 8 6 &semi; 26 Q 46 9 7 “ 27 R 47 ( 8 ' 28 S 48 ) 9 @ 29 T 49 * 10 A 30 U 50 + 11 B 31 V 51 , 12 C 32 W 52 - 13 D 33 X 53 . 14 E 34 Y 54 / 15 F 35 Z 16 G 36 SPACE 17 H 37 0 18 I 38 1 19 J 39 2 20 K 40 3 }}}
For example the plaintext ":)" would be converted into 5,48, and then each of these numbers would be individually encrypted using RSA to produce the cipertext 15,42.
The remainder of this question has been encrypted using RSA with an encryption key of 23 and a modulus of 55.
{{{ 24,18,49,16,48,49,33,10, 2,12, 52,49,48,16,19,20,16,24,18, 2, 7,16,31,50,49, 7,24,  2,19,12, 16,18,10, 7,16,11,49,49,12,16, 49,12,23,48,34, 5,24,49,52,16, 50, 7, 2,12,26,16,48, 7,10,16, 43, 2,24,18,16,10,12,16,49,12, 23,48,34, 5,24, 2,19,12,16,25, 49,34,16,19,20,16,29,35,16,10, 12,52,16,10,16,33,19,52,50,21, 50, 7,16,19,20,16, 3, 3,47,16, 16,24,18,49,16,10,12, 7,43,49, 48,16,23,19,52,49,43,19,48,52, 16, 2, 7,16,53,53,53,53,53,53, 53,53. }}}
What is the answer codeword?
You’ll need to understand how RSA cryptography works to solve this question. RSA works by having any user maintain a public key for encrypting messages (e,N) and private key (d,N) for decrypting messages. As the name implies, anyone can access the user’s public key to encrypt messages, but only the user can decrypt the messages with their private key.
To decode the codeword in the example, we need to brute force and find the private key. In this case, the user has chosen the public key (23,55). Lets consider how we can form our private key.
The traditional steps to generating a set of public and private key are as follows:
Choose any 2 prime numbers P and Q.
Calculate N = PQ.
Calculate Euler’s totient  φ(N), which refers to how many numbers less than N are also co-prime (does not share common factors) with N. An easy formula to quickly calculate this is  φ(N) = (P - 1)(Q - 1)
Choose an encryption key e by choosing a number that satisfies the properties 1 < e <  φ(N), and co-prime with  φ(N) and N
Choose a decryption key d by choosing a number that satisfies e*d mod φ(N) = 1
We know that e = 23, N = 55. We can easily work out that the only possible combination of P and Q that gives N = 55 is P = 5 and Q = 11.  φ(N) = (5 - 1)(11 - 1) = 40. So we can find d by solving for 23*d mod 40 = 1. Probably in this exam d will be the first instance that satisfies the condition (otherwise we could go on forever brute forcing). So lets try d = 7 to give the decryption key (7,55).
For a text, we can encode with RSA by using (t^d) mod 55 = c. Similarly, to decode a cipher text c, we need to simply apply (c^d) mod 55 = t. Working through the text applying t = (c^7) mod 55, we get our text “THE REMAINDER...” (You can decode the rest yourself :).
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mezzo-morte · 7 years
My theory teacher has devised this new way of turning in your homework where instead of showing it to him in class,,, you mail it to him.
You record yourself singing the tranposition or tapping out the rythmic sightreading exercise or whatever the fuck and mail it to him.
That's so much worse, I hate my own voice too much for that.
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routedelart · 7 years
Exposition Tranposition de Laurence Bernard à la médiathèque de Patay
Exposition Tranposition de Laurence Bernard à la médiathèque de Patay
18 pièces de Transposition seront installées au milieu des livres du 16 mai < 22 juin Rencontre – conférence avec Laurence Bernard le 22 juin à 14h, merci de réserver à la médiathèque au 02 38 75 77 28 ou par mail au [email protected] Médiathèque Marcel Proust Place des découvertes 45310 Patay Entrée libre Mardi de 15h30 à 18h Mercredi de 9h00 à 13h et de 14h à 16h30 Vendredi de 15h30…
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famigliavienna · 7 years
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Herbert Brandl - untitled (2007) Instawalk Kunsthalle Krems and more 
Exhibition on "Abstract Painting Now!" and "Tobias Pils. Untitled" in the main hall, the stair hall by Peter Kogler as well as Sebastien De Ganay installations „Tranposition and Reproduction“ at the Dominikaner Church as a part of Kunstmeile Krems. #kunsthallekrems #abstractpaintingnow #kunstmeilekrems #igersaustria #Kunstwalk #kunstmeileontour #sebastiendeganay @kunsthalle.krems @igersaustria.at #iphoneonly #austria #famiglia_vienna #famigliavienna #artshow #installation #contemporary #dailydoseofart #krems #latergram (hier: Kunsthalle Krems)
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