abridurif · 2 years
Le matériau visuel du kaléidoscope – à savoir ce que l’on dispose dans le tube, entre le verre dépoli et le verre intérieure – est de l’ordre du rebut et de la dissémination : bouts d’étoffes effilochées, coquillages minuscules, verroterie concassée, mais aussi lambeaux de plumes ou poussières en tous genres… Le matériau de cette image dialectique, c’est donc la matière comme dispersion, un démontage erratique de la structure des choses. La valeur théorique de cette première particularité du kaléidoscope doit être comprise au regard de la conception benjaminienne de l’historien comme chiffonnier : « Créer de l’histoire avec les détritus mêmes de l’histoire » – tel est, on s’en souvient, l’épigraphe de la section du Livre des passages consacrée à la peinture et à la modernité. Non seulement « le bon Dieu (de l’histoire) gît dans les détails », comme le disait Aby Warburg, mais encore il semble se complaire dans les rebuts, dans la poussière. Tant il est vrai que nous avons à découvrir « dans l’analyse du petit moment singulier le cristal de l’événement total » : tant il est vrai que la « visibilité » du temps passe d’abord par la dissémination de ses traces, de ses résidus, de ses scories, de sa lie, de toutes les minuscules choses qui, en général, font le rebut de l’observation historique. Le marc du temps, si j’ose dire. Ne nous étonnons pas que Walter Benjamin ait constitué dès 1918 – selon le témoignage d’Ernst Bloch – une petite collection d’images « datant de l’époque de la lentille grossissante : des gouttes d’eau, des têtes de mouches, de la poussière… »
Georges Didi-Huberman, Devant le temps, Les Éditions de Minuit, 2000
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lightningmount-blog · 6 years
“Saved” in 2015 by Netflix, which adopted the baby (previously housed in channel 4), the sériea marked in presenting in its third season the episode San Junipero : an object more acidulous, nuanced and bright where two young women love in the heart of a system of alternative reality. Living and Dead majority y were connected to (ON)live at a time desired, questioning both the desire of eternity and the valuable need of the ephemeral.
Why install-t-it problem in the United States? This light is also a result of the damage charged to dicamba addition-Altantic. If many of the American farmers rejoice in its great effectiveness and better yields allowed by the molecule, other complain about it. The herbicide being very volatile, it has a tendency to spread on the neighboring fields degrading or even killing non-GM crops, unable to resist him. According to the EPA, 1.5 million hectares of soybeans have been contaminated of involuntary way by the dicamba whose toxicity would be 75 to 400 times greater that the glyphosate “For plants that it key accidentally”, according to international mail relaying an article in The Washington Post. “Curled leaves as of the shrub pendouillent, such as tiny umbrellas broken”, the newspaper writes. Farmers had already alerted the authorities Even before the approval of dicamba in the US in November 2016. In total, this are more than 2 700 claims that have been filed, according to the AFP. Investigations have been opened. If Monsanto speaks of a poor use of dicamba by these farmers, scientists point as to them the nature of the molecule, recounts international mail who writes that the firm “acknowledges not having authorized trials for the dicamba in order not to delay its approval”. Consequences: The EPA has prohibited its application when winds reach more than 16 km/h, Specifies the AFP. Several States of America have regard to them imposed restrictions (the list is available here). What place occupies-t-it in France ? If Brussels has authorized the dicamba and France, its marketing, as indicated in the site of the National Agency health security national food (coves), Eric Thirouin considers for its part that the context is different from the United States. First of all because that “among us, GMO crops are not permitted” and dicamba  does not provide the same function as the United States, but also because the “practices are not the same,” boasts the Deputy Secretary General of the farm union FNSEA. “There are rules related to the speed of the wind, systems of antidérive nozzle, systems of control of our equipment sprayer and mandatory training certi-PHYTO, lists-t-it before to excite: it is at the Leading Edge!” In France, there is a specific procedure to validate an authorisation for placing on the market of a molecule. “Those who want to make validate an active material are forced to respond to a specifications defined by the rulers,” says Thirouin. From there, agencies are studying the documents provided by the person the initiator, the analysis and valid or not. However difficult to know who is behind these studies. In the meantime, some scientists have already proved that the amaranth was able to develop resistance to the dicamba, reports International Mail. The race to the equipment in the herbicides seems to have yet beautiful days before it. As to confirm to the series that it is more beautiful when she smiles, one of the episodes of the season 4, hang the DJ (in reference to panic of the Smiths), do darkens not right toward the horror in boiled and is distinguished by its quality scénaristique. Franck and Amy y use to meet, an application type tinder, housed in a simulated-pocket mirror with a voice way Siri. A person encounters another, then all two are subject to a period of life Specific set (conditions highly fliquées, will be seen), sometimes twelve hours, sometimes six years, and then seek elsewhere, with a new person, until the system announces a day that he has collected enough data to declare the “perfect match”. But the application conceals a nature much more complex. Black Mirror, once more, shines here via its touching episodes to issues intimists (as during the season 2: Back soon exploring the theme of the loss of the other and the need to “find” at any price) that in those armoured action or in relation to changes of scales political and social. The series tickle knows this relaxation Taboue: these new technologies, one wants to preserve and guard, everything at once, close to our body, our fears, our feelings. On its other side, focused action and thriller, black mirror loses in pace or falls in his own cartoon (Metalhead, Crocodile). The sensation of already-saw removal sadly. The fable of the hypersurveillance Arkangel, conducted by Jodie Foster, draws however its game in skillfully oscillating between the concepts of thoughtfulness and control, with this story of a mother who spy what see the eyes of her daughter. Another nice surprise named USS Callister – terror in full space opera – brings in contrast its necessary dose of eccentricity and revitalizing humor without divest itself of the background scary. The captain of a spacecraft is in reality the co-head of a corporation for the development of video games which uses one of its prototypes to connect in a virtual world to costumes SM gaudy way Star Trek. But who are these other participants who, Smile frozen, the follow in his adventures and seem more hostages that acolytes? Humor and love bloomed is required in this fourth season, in the face of the risk paradoxical to the repetition, such as the ingredients transfigurateurs of against-utopias to come. The man must therefore establish relationships that are more egalitarian with other living beings. This idea can it be illustrated by the image of the forest, which comprises of beings very various living in interdependence with a certain balance? It is one of the central ideas of The Secret Life of trees of Peter Wollheben, and it is also the one of Eduardo Kohn in his book How to think the forests. For my part, I am a little reluctant. On the one hand, it seems to me that this remains a romantic idea, because it claims to find a pure nature, immaculate, without human. However, cities are already of forests, better, jungles, populated by hundreds of mineral species, plant and animal, and in these jungles everything is in movement, everything flows and each lives the life of others. Uneven, the last season of the series of captive anticipation when it is acidic or intimate, but Lasse when it ladle to the thriller and the action. Then can we retain the idea of complementarity between the living beings? If it is necessary to retain a political meaning to my book, it should rather speak of mixture. In the living, nothing is pure. Everything is in everything. Not only our body is a kind of zoo, where bacteria, fungi and viruses live in symbiosis; but in addition, we share most of our bodies with an infinite number of other species. Not to mention that in our DNA there are traces of other forms of life that we have experienced before becoming human. Eat or breathe, it is therefore make the experience of the impossibility of separating the life of each other. Has the inside of the mixture, everything depends on everything but not everything can be equal to all. Is it that you do not describe finally a nature Liberal politically: an interdependence made of inequalities? The dependency is a political report which must not be denied nor seen negatively. We depend on the planet in the same title that the planet depends on us. It is only this interdependence that fact of the planet and humanity two political subjects. It is only because we depend on others and that other depend on us that there has of the policy. It is only because we we mix to the other and that we cannot go to do that we are political beings. The left can only start from there. The Government has also listed the major axs of work?: “new ways to exercise between the city and the hospital”, “tele-medicine”, “advanced practices” to enable, for example, to nurses to practice acts usually reserved to physicians. In the detail, the cumulation employment-retirement of physicians Liberals will be facilitated. And practitioners will be encouraged to exercise part-time in areas under-equipped thanks to an upgrading of their premiums. With regard to the development of the tele-medicine -?considered by many experts as the miracle solution?-, it will have to wait a little. It will pass through negotiations between the sickness insurance and the doctors beginning 2018 to fix the rates. And this is not won. What stay, again, a little modest.”Saved” in 2015 by Netflix, which adopted the baby (previously housed in channel 4), the sériea marked in presenting in its third season the episode San Junipero : an object more acidulous, nuanced and bright where two young women love in the heart of a system of alternative reality. Living and Dead majority y were connected to (ON)live at a time desired, questioning both the desire of eternity and the valuable need of the ephemeral. Why install-t-it problem in the United States? This light is also a result of the damage charged to dicamba addition-Altantic. If many of the American farmers rejoice in its great effectiveness and better yields allowed by the molecule, other complain about it. The herbicide being very volatile, it has a tendency to spread on the neighboring fields degrading or even killing non-GM crops, unable to resist him. According to the EPA, 1.5 million hectares of soybeans have been contaminated of involuntary way by the dicamba whose toxicity would be 75 to 400 times greater that the glyphosate “For plants that it key accidentally”, according to international mail relaying an article in The Washington Post. “Curled leaves as of the shrub pendouillent, such as tiny umbrellas broken”, the newspaper writes. Farmers had already alerted the authorities Even before the approval of dicamba in the US in November 2016. In total, this are more than 2 700 claims that have been filed, according to the AFP. Investigations have been opened. If Monsanto speaks of a poor use of dicamba by these farmers, scientists point as to them the nature of the molecule, recounts international mail who writes that the firm “acknowledges not having authorized trials for the dicamba in order not to delay its approval”. Consequences: The EPA has prohibited its application when winds reach more than 16 km/h, Specifies the AFP. Several States of America have regard to them imposed restrictions (the list is available here). What place occupies-t-it in France ? If Brussels has authorized the dicamba and France, its marketing, as indicated in the site of the National Agency health security national food (coves), Eric Thirouin considers for its part that the context is different from the United States. First of all because that “among us, GMO crops are not permitted” and dicamba  does not provide the same function as the United States, but also because the “practices are not the same,” boasts the Deputy Secretary General of the farm union FNSEA. “There are rules related to the speed of the wind, systems of antidérive nozzle, systems of control of our equipment sprayer and mandatory training certi-PHYTO, lists-t-it before to excite: it is at the Leading Edge!” In France, there is a specific procedure to validate an authorisation for placing on the market of a molecule. “Those who want to make validate an active material are forced to respond to a specifications defined by the rulers,” says Thirouin. From there, agencies are studying the documents provided by the person the initiator, the analysis and valid or not. However difficult to know who is behind these studies. In the meantime, some scientists have already proved that the amaranth was able to develop resistance to the dicamba, reports International Mail. The race to the equipment in the herbicides seems to have yet beautiful days before it. As to confirm to the series that it is more beautiful when she smiles, one of the episodes of the season 4, hang the DJ (in reference to panic of the Smiths), do darkens not right toward the horror in boiled and is distinguished by its quality scénaristique. Franck and Amy y use to meet, an application type tinder, housed in a simulated-pocket mirror with a voice way Siri. A person encounters another, then all two are subject to a period of life Specific set (conditions highly fliquées, will be seen), sometimes twelve hours, sometimes six years, and then seek elsewhere, with a new person, until the system announces a day that he has collected enough data to declare the “perfect match”. But the application conceals a nature much more complex. Black Mirror, once more, shines here via its touching episodes to issues intimists (as during the season 2: Back soon exploring the theme of the loss of the other and the need to “find” at any price) that in those armoured action or in relation to changes of scales political and social. The series tickle knows this relaxation Taboue: these new technologies, one wants to preserve and guard, everything at once, close to our body, our fears, our feelings. On its other side, focused action and thriller, black mirror loses in pace or falls in his own cartoon (Metalhead, Crocodile). The sensation of already-saw removal sadly. The fable of the hypersurveillance Arkangel, conducted by Jodie Foster, draws however its game in skillfully oscillating between the concepts of thoughtfulness and control, with this story of a mother who spy what see the eyes of her daughter. Another nice surprise named USS Callister – terror in full space opera – brings in contrast its necessary dose of eccentricity and revitalizing humor without divest itself of the background scary. The captain of a spacecraft is in reality the co-head of a corporation for the development of video games which uses one of its prototypes to connect in a virtual world to costumes SM gaudy way Star Trek. But who are these other participants who, Smile frozen, the follow in his adventures and seem more hostages that acolytes? Humor and love bloomed is required in this fourth season, in the face of the risk paradoxical to the repetition, such as the ingredients transfigurateurs of against-utopias to come. The man must therefore establish relationships that are more egalitarian with other living beings. This idea can it be illustrated by the image of the forest, which comprises of beings very various living in interdependence with a certain balance? It is one of the central ideas of The Secret Life of trees of Peter Wollheben, and it is also the one of Eduardo Kohn in his book How to think the forests. For my part, I am a little reluctant. On the one hand, it seems to me that this remains a romantic idea, because it claims to find a pure nature, immaculate, without human. However, cities are already of forests, better, jungles, populated by hundreds of mineral species, plant and animal, and in these jungles everything is in movement, everything flows and each lives the life of others. Uneven, the last season of the series of captive anticipation when it is acidic or intimate, but Lasse when it ladle to the thriller and the action. Then can we retain the idea of complementarity between the living beings? If it is necessary to retain a political meaning to my book, it should rather speak of mixture. In the living, nothing is pure. Everything is in everything. Not only our body is a kind of zoo, where bacteria, fungi and viruses live in symbiosis; but in addition, we share most of our bodies with an infinite number of other species. Not to mention that in our DNA there are traces of other forms of life that we have experienced before becoming human. Eat or breathe, it is therefore make the experience of the impossibility of separating the life of each other. Has the inside of the mixture, everything depends on everything but not everything can be equal to all. Is it that you do not describe finally a nature Liberal politically: an interdependence made of inequalities? The dependency is a political report which must not be denied nor seen negatively. We depend on the planet in the same title that the planet depends on us. It is only this interdependence that fact of the planet and humanity two political subjects. It is only because we depend on others and that other depend on us that there has of the policy. It is only because we we mix to the other and that we cannot go to do that we are political beings. The left can only start from there. The Government has also listed the major axs of work?: “new ways to exercise between the city and the hospital”, “tele-medicine”, “advanced practices” to enable, for example, to nurses to practice acts usually reserved to physicians. In the detail, the cumulation employment-retirement of physicians Liberals will be facilitated. And practitioners will be encouraged to exercise part-time in areas under-equipped thanks to an upgrading of their premiums. With regard to the development of the tele-medicine -?considered by many experts as the miracle solution?-, it will have to wait a little. It will pass through negotiations between the sickness insurance and the doctors beginning 2018 to fix the rates. And this is not won. What stay, again, a little modest.”Saved” in 2015 by Netflix, which adopted the baby (previously housed in channel 4), the sériea marked in presenting in its third season the episode San Junipero : an object more acidulous, nuanced and bright where two young women love in the heart of a system of alternative reality. Living and Dead majority y were connected to (ON)live at a time desired, questioning both the desire of eternity and the valuable need of the ephemeral. Why install-t-it problem in the United States? This light is also a result of the damage charged to dicamba addition-Altantic. If many of the American farmers rejoice in its great effectiveness and better yields allowed by the molecule, other complain about it. The herbicide being very volatile, it has a tendency to spread on the neighboring fields degrading or even killing non-GM crops, unable to resist him. According to the EPA, 1.5 million hectares of soybeans have been contaminated of involuntary way by the dicamba whose toxicity would be 75 to 400 times greater that the glyphosate “For plants that it key accidentally”, according to international mail relaying an article in The Washington Post. “Curled leaves as of the shrub pendouillent, such as tiny umbrellas broken”, the newspaper writes. Farmers had already alerted the authorities Even before the approval of dicamba in the US in November 2016. In total, this are more than 2 700 claims that have been filed, according to the AFP. Investigations have been opened. If Monsanto speaks of a poor use of dicamba by these farmers, scientists point as to them the nature of the molecule, recounts international mail who writes that the firm “acknowledges not having authorized trials for the dicamba in order not to delay its approval”. Consequences: The EPA has prohibited its application when winds reach more than 16 km/h, Specifies the AFP. Several States of America have regard to them imposed restrictions (the list is available here). What place occupies-t-it in France ? If Brussels has authorized the dicamba and France, its marketing, as indicated in the site of the National Agency health security national food (coves), Eric Thirouin considers for its part that the context is different from the United States. First of all because that “among us, GMO crops are not permitted” and dicamba  does not provide the same function as the United States, but also because the “practices are not the same,” boasts the Deputy Secretary General of the farm union FNSEA. “There are rules related to the speed of the wind, systems of antidérive nozzle, systems of control of our equipment sprayer and mandatory training certi-PHYTO, lists-t-it before to excite: it is at the Leading Edge!” In France, there is a specific procedure to validate an authorisation for placing on the market of a molecule. “Those who want to make validate an active material are forced to respond to a specifications defined by the rulers,” says Thirouin. From there, agencies are studying the documents provided by the person the initiator, the analysis and valid or not. However difficult to know who is behind these studies. In the meantime, some scientists have already proved that the amaranth was able to develop resistance to the dicamba, reports International Mail. The race to the equipment in the herbicides seems to have yet beautiful days before it. As to confirm to the series that it is more beautiful when she smiles, one of the episodes of the season 4, hang the DJ (in reference to panic of the Smiths), do darkens not right toward the horror in boiled and is distinguished by its quality scénaristique. Franck and Amy y use to meet, an application type tinder, housed in a simulated-pocket mirror with a voice way Siri. A person encounters another, then all two are subject to a period of life Specific set (conditions highly fliquées, will be seen), sometimes twelve hours, sometimes six years, and then seek elsewhere, with a new person, until the system announces a day that he has collected enough data to declare the “perfect match”. But the application conceals a nature much more complex. Black Mirror, once more, shines here via its touching episodes to issues intimists (as during the season 2: Back soon exploring the theme of the loss of the other and the need to “find” at any price) that in those armoured action or in relation to changes of scales political and social. The series tickle knows this relaxation Taboue: these new technologies, one wants to preserve and guard, everything at once, close to our body, our fears, our feelings. On its other side, focused action and thriller, black mirror loses in pace or falls in his own cartoon (Metalhead, Crocodile). The sensation of already-saw removal sadly. The fable of the hypersurveillance Arkangel, conducted by Jodie Foster, draws however its game in skillfully oscillating between the concepts of thoughtfulness and control, with this story of a mother who spy what see the eyes of her daughter. Another nice surprise named USS Callister – terror in full space opera – brings in contrast its necessary dose of eccentricity and revitalizing humor without divest itself of the background scary. The captain of a spacecraft is in reality the co-head of a corporation for the development of video games which uses one of its prototypes to connect in a virtual world to costumes SM gaudy way Star Trek. But who are these other participants who, Smile frozen, the follow in his adventures and seem more hostages that acolytes? Humor and love bloomed is required in this fourth season, in the face of the risk paradoxical to the repetition, such as the ingredients transfigurateurs of against-utopias to come. The man must therefore establish relationships that are more egalitarian with other living beings. This idea can it be illustrated by the image of the forest, which comprises of beings very various living in interdependence with a certain balance? It is one of the central ideas of The Secret Life of trees of Peter Wollheben, and it is also the one of Eduardo Kohn in his book How to think the forests. For my part, I am a little reluctant. On the one hand, it seems to me that this remains a romantic idea, because it claims to find a pure nature, immaculate, without human. However, cities are already of forests, better, jungles, populated by hundreds of mineral species, plant and animal, and in these jungles everything is in movement, everything flows and each lives the life of others. Uneven, the last season of the series of captive anticipation when it is acidic or intimate, but Lasse when it ladle to the thriller and the action. Then can we retain the idea of complementarity between the living beings? If it is necessary to retain a political meaning to my book, it should rather speak of mixture. In the living, nothing is pure. Everything is in everything. Not only our body is a kind of zoo, where bacteria, fungi and viruses live in symbiosis; but in addition, we share most of our bodies with an infinite number of other species. Not to mention that in our DNA there are traces of other forms of life that we have experienced before becoming human. Eat or breathe, it is therefore make the experience of the impossibility of separating the life of each other. Has the inside of the mixture, everything depends on everything but not everything can be equal to all. Is it that you do not describe finally a nature Liberal politically: an interdependence made of inequalities? The dependency is a political report which must not be denied nor seen negatively. We depend on the planet in the same title that the planet depends on us. It is only this interdependence that fact of the planet and humanity two political subjects. It is only because we depend on others and that other depend on us that there has of the policy. It is only because we we mix to the other and that we cannot go to do that we are political beings. The left can only start from there. The Government has also listed the major axs of work?: “new ways to exercise between the city and the hospital”, “tele-medicine”, “advanced practices” to enable, for example, to nurses to practice acts usually reserved to physicians. In the detail, the cumulation employment-retirement of physicians Liberals will be facilitated. And practitioners will be encouraged to exercise part-time in areas under-equipped thanks to an upgrading of their premiums. With regard to the development of the tele-medicine -?considered by many experts as the miracle solution?-, it will have to wait a little. It will pass through negotiations between the sickness insurance and the doctors beginning 2018 to fix the rates. And this is not won. What stay, again, a little modest.”Saved” in 2015 by Netflix, which adopted the baby (previously housed in channel 4), the sériea marked in presenting in its third season the episode San Junipero : an object more acidulous, nuanced and bright where two young women love in the heart of a system of alternative reality. Living and Dead majority y were connected to (ON)live at a time desired, questioning both the desire of eternity and the valuable need of the ephemeral. Why install-t-it problem in the United States? This light is also a result of the damage charged to dicamba addition-Altantic. If many of the American farmers rejoice in its great effectiveness and better yields allowed by the molecule, other complain about it. The herbicide being very volatile, it has a tendency to spread on the neighboring fields degrading or even killing non-GM crops, unable to resist him. According to the EPA, 1.5 million hectares of soybeans have been contaminated of involuntary way by the dicamba whose toxicity would be 75 to 400 times greater that the glyphosate “For plants that it key accidentally”, according to international mail relaying an article in The Washington Post. “Curled leaves as of the shrub pendouillent, such as tiny umbrellas broken”, the newspaper writes. Farmers had already alerted the authorities Even before the approval of dicamba in the US in November 2016. In total, this are more than 2 700 claims that have been filed, according to the AFP. Investigations have been opened. If Monsanto speaks of a poor use of dicamba by these farmers, scientists point as to them the nature of the molecule, recounts international mail who writes that the firm “acknowledges not having authorized trials for the dicamba in order not to delay its approval”. Consequences: The EPA has prohibited its application when winds reach more than 16 km/h, Specifies the AFP. Several States of America have regard to them imposed restrictions (the list is available here). What place occupies-t-it in France ? If Brussels has authorized the dicamba and France, its marketing, as indicated in the site of the National Agency health security national food (coves), Eric Thirouin considers for its part that the context is different from the United States. First of all because that “among us, GMO crops are not permitted” and dicamba  does not provide the same function as the United States, but also because the “practices are not the same,” boasts the Deputy Secretary General of the farm union FNSEA. “There are rules related to the speed of the wind, systems of antidérive nozzle, systems of control of our equipment sprayer and mandatory training certi-PHYTO, lists-t-it before to excite: it is at the Leading Edge!” In France, there is a specific procedure to validate an authorisation for placing on the market of a molecule. “Those who want to make validate an active material are forced to respond to a specifications defined by the rulers,” says Thirouin. From there, agencies are studying the documents provided by the person the initiator, the analysis and valid or not. However difficult to know who is behind these studies. In the meantime, some scientists have already proved that the amaranth was able to develop resistance to the dicamba, reports International Mail. The race to the equipment in the herbicides seems to have yet beautiful days before it. As to confirm to the series that it is more beautiful when she smiles, one of the episodes of the season 4, hang the DJ (in reference to panic of the Smiths), do darkens not right toward the horror in boiled and is distinguished by its quality scénaristique. Franck and Amy y use to meet, an application type tinder, housed in a simulated-pocket mirror with a voice way Siri. A person encounters another, then all two are subject to a period of life Specific set (conditions highly fliquées, will be seen), sometimes twelve hours, sometimes six years, and then seek elsewhere, with a new person, until the system announces a day that he has collected enough data to declare the “perfect match”. But the application conceals a nature much more complex. Black Mirror, once more, shines here via its touching episodes to issues intimists (as during the season 2: Back soon exploring the theme of the loss of the other and the need to “find” at any price) that in those armoured action or in relation to changes of scales political and social. The series tickle knows this relaxation Taboue: these new technologies, one wants to preserve and guard, everything at once, close to our body, our fears, our feelings. On its other side, focused action and thriller, black mirror loses in pace or falls in his own cartoon (Metalhead, Crocodile). The sensation of already-saw removal sadly. The fable of the hypersurveillance Arkangel, conducted by Jodie Foster, draws however its game in skillfully oscillating between the concepts of thoughtfulness and control, with this story of a mother who spy what see the eyes of her daughter. Another nice surprise named USS Callister – terror in full space opera – brings in contrast its necessary dose of eccentricity and revitalizing humor without divest itself of the background scary. The captain of a spacecraft is in reality the co-head of a corporation for the development of video games which uses one of its prototypes to connect in a virtual world to costumes SM gaudy way Star Trek. But who are these other participants who, Smile frozen, the follow in his adventures and seem more hostages that acolytes? Humor and love bloomed is required in this fourth season, in the face of the risk paradoxical to the repetition, such as the ingredients transfigurateurs of against-utopias to come. The man must therefore establish relationships that are more egalitarian with other living beings. This idea can it be illustrated by the image of the forest, which comprises of beings very various living in interdependence with a certain balance? It is one of the central ideas of The Secret Life of trees of Peter Wollheben, and it is also the one of Eduardo Kohn in his book How to think the forests. For my part, I am a little reluctant. On the one hand, it seems to me that this remains a romantic idea, because it claims to find a pure nature, immaculate, without human. However, cities are already of forests, better, jungles, populated by hundreds of mineral species, plant and animal, and in these jungles everything is in movement, everything flows and each lives the life of others. Uneven, the last season of the series of captive anticipation when it is acidic or intimate, but Lasse when it ladle to the thriller and the action. Then can we retain the idea of complementarity between the living beings? If it is necessary to retain a political meaning to my book, it should rather speak of mixture. In the living, nothing is pure. Everything is in everything. Not only our body is a kind of zoo, where bacteria, fungi and viruses live in symbiosis; but in addition, we share most of our bodies with an infinite number of other species. Not to mention that in our DNA there are traces of other forms of life that we have experienced before becoming human. Eat or breathe, it is therefore make the experience of the impossibility of separating the life of each other. Has the inside of the mixture, everything depends on everything but not everything can be equal to all. Is it that you do not describe finally a nature Liberal politically: an interdependence made of inequalities? The dependency is a political report which must not be denied nor seen negatively. We depend on the planet in the same title that the planet depends on us. It is only this interdependence that fact of the planet and humanity two political subjects. It is only because we depend on others and that other depend on us that there has of the policy. It is only because we we mix to the other and that we cannot go to do that we are political beings. The left can only start from there. The Government has also listed the major axs of work?: “new ways to exercise between the city and the hospital”, “tele-medicine”, “advanced practices” to enable, for example, to nurses to practice acts usually reserved to physicians. In the detail, the cumulation employment-retirement of physicians Liberals will be facilitated. And practitioners will be encouraged to exercise part-time in areas under-equipped thanks to an upgrading of their premiums. With regard to the development of the tele-medicine -?considered by many experts as the miracle solution?-, it will have to wait a little. It will pass through negotiations between the sickness insurance and the doctors beginning 2018 to fix the rates. And this is not won. What stay, again, a little modest.”Saved” in 2015 by Netflix, which adopted the baby (previously housed in channel 4), the sériea marked in presenting in its third season the episode San Junipero : an object more acidulous, nuanced and bright where two young women love in the heart of a system of alternative reality. Living and Dead majority y were connected to (ON)live at a time desired, questioning both the desire of eternity and the valuable need of the ephemeral. Why install-t-it problem in the United States? This light is also a result of the damage charged to dicamba addition-Altantic. If many of the American farmers rejoice in its great effectiveness and better yields allowed by the molecule, other complain about it. The herbicide being very volatile, it has a tendency to spread on the neighboring fields degrading or even killing non-GM crops, unable to resist him. According to the EPA, 1.5 million hectares of soybeans have been contaminated of involuntary way by the dicamba whose toxicity would be 75 to 400 times greater that the glyphosate “For plants that it key accidentally”, according to international mail relaying an article in The Washington Post. “Curled leaves as of the shrub pendouillent, such as tiny umbrellas broken”, the newspaper writes. Farmers had already alerted the authorities Even before the approval of dicamba in the US in November 2016. In total, this are more than 2 700 claims that have been filed, according to the AFP. Investigations have been opened. If Monsanto speaks of a poor use of dicamba by these farmers, scientists point as to them the nature of the molecule, recounts international mail who writes that the firm “acknowledges not having authorized trials for the dicamba in order not to delay its approval”. Consequences: The EPA has prohibited its application when winds reach more than 16 km/h, Specifies the AFP. Several States of America have regard to them imposed restrictions (the list is available here). What place occupies-t-it in France ? If Brussels has authorized the dicamba and France, its marketing, as indicated in the site of the National Agency health security national food (coves), Eric Thirouin considers for its part that the context is different from the United States. First of all because that “among us, GMO crops are not permitted” and dicamba  does not provide the same function as the United States, but also because the “practices are not the same,” boasts the Deputy Secretary General of the farm union FNSEA. “There are rules related to the speed of the wind, systems of antidérive nozzle, systems of control of our equipment sprayer and mandatory training certi-PHYTO, lists-t-it before to excite: it is at the Leading Edge!” In France, there is a specific procedure to validate an authorisation for placing on the market of a molecule. “Those who want to make validate an active material are forced to respond to a specifications defined by the rulers,” says Thirouin. From there, agencies are studying the documents provided by the person the initiator, the analysis and valid or not. However difficult to know who is behind these studies. In the meantime, some scientists have already proved that the amaranth was able to develop resistance to the dicamba, reports International Mail. The race to the equipment in the herbicides seems to have yet beautiful days before it. As to confirm to the series that it is more beautiful when she smiles, one of the episodes of the season 4, hang the DJ (in reference to panic of the Smiths), do darkens not right toward the horror in boiled and is distinguished by its quality scénaristique. Franck and Amy y use to meet, an application type tinder, housed in a simulated-pocket mirror with a voice way Siri. A person encounters another, then all two are subject to a period of life Specific set (conditions highly fliquées, will be seen), sometimes twelve hours, sometimes six years, and then seek elsewhere, with a new person, until the system announces a day that he has collected enough data to declare the “perfect match”. But the application conceals a nature much more complex. Black Mirror, once more, shines here via its touching episodes to issues intimists (as during the season 2: Back soon exploring the theme of the loss of the other and the need to “find” at any price) that in those armoured action or in relation to changes of scales political and social. The series tickle knows this relaxation Taboue: these new technologies, one wants to preserve and guard, everything at once, close to our body, our fears, our feelings. On its other side, focused action and thriller, black mirror loses in pace or falls in his own cartoon (Metalhead, Crocodile). The sensation of already-saw removal sadly. The fable of the hypersurveillance Arkangel, conducted by Jodie Foster, draws however its game in skillfully oscillating between the concepts of thoughtfulness and control, with this story of a mother who spy what see the eyes of her daughter. Another nice surprise named USS Callister – terror in full space opera – brings in contrast its necessary dose of eccentricity and revitalizing humor without divest itself of the background scary. The captain of a spacecraft is in reality the co-head of a corporation for the development of video games which uses one of its prototypes to connect in a virtual world to costumes SM gaudy way Star Trek. But who are these other participants who, Smile frozen, the follow in his adventures and seem more hostages that acolytes? Humor and love bloomed is required in this fourth season, in the face of the risk paradoxical to the repetition, such as the ingredients transfigurateurs of against-utopias to come. The man must therefore establish relationships that are more egalitarian with other living beings. This idea can it be illustrated by the image of the forest, which comprises of beings very various living in interdependence with a certain balance? It is one of the central ideas of The Secret Life of trees of Peter Wollheben, and it is also the one of Eduardo Kohn in his book How to think the forests. For my part, I am a little reluctant. On the one hand, it seems to me that this remains a romantic idea, because it claims to find a pure nature, immaculate, without human. However, cities are already of forests, better, jungles, populated by hundreds of mineral species, plant and animal, and in these jungles everything is in movement, everything flows and each lives the life of others. Uneven, the last season of the series of captive anticipation when it is acidic or intimate, but Lasse when it ladle to the thriller and the action. Then can we retain the idea of complementarity between the living beings? If it is necessary to retain a political meaning to my book, it should rather speak of mixture. In the living, nothing is pure. Everything is in everything. Not only our body is a kind of zoo, where bacteria, fungi and viruses live in symbiosis; but in addition, we share most of our bodies with an infinite number of other species. Not to mention that in our DNA there are traces of other forms of life that we have experienced before becoming human. Eat or breathe, it is therefore make the experience of the impossibility of separating the life of each other. Has the inside of the mixture, everything depends on everything but not everything can be equal to all. Is it that you do not describe finally a nature Liberal politically: an interdependence made of inequalities? The dependency is a political report which must not be denied nor seen negatively. We depend on the planet in the same title that the planet depends on us. It is only this interdependence that fact of the planet and humanity two political subjects. It is only because we depend on others and that other depend on us that there has of the policy. It is only because we we mix to the other and that we cannot go to do that we are political beings. The left can only start from there. The Government has also listed the major axs of work?: “new ways to exercise between the city and the hospital”, “tele-medicine”, “advanced practices” to enable, for example, to nurses to practice acts usually reserved to physicians. In the detail, the cumulation employment-retirement of physicians Liberals will be facilitated. And practitioners will be encouraged to exercise part-time in areas under-equipped thanks to an upgrading of their premiums. With regard to the development of the tele-medicine -?considered by many experts as the miracle solution?-, it will have to wait a little. It will pass through negotiations between the sickness insurance and the doctors beginning 2018 to fix the rates. And this is not won. What stay, again, a little modest.”Saved” in 2015 by Netflix, which adopted the baby (previously housed in channel 4), the sériea marked in presenting in its third season the episode San Junipero : an object more acidulous, nuanced and bright where two young women love in the heart of a system of alternative reality. Living and Dead majority y were connected to (ON)live at a time desired, questioning both the desire of eternity and the valuable need of the ephemeral. Why install-t-it problem in the United States? This light is also a result of the damage charged to dicamba addition-Altantic. If many of the American farmers rejoice in its great effectiveness and better yields allowed by the molecule, other complain about it. The herbicide being very volatile, it has a tendency to spread on the neighboring fields degrading or even killing non-GM crops, unable to resist him. According to the EPA, 1.5 million hectares of soybeans have been contaminated of involuntary way by the dicamba whose toxicity would be 75 to 400 times greater that the glyphosate “For plants that it key accidentally”, according to international mail relaying an article in The Washington Post. “Curled leaves as of the shrub pendouillent, such as tiny umbrellas broken”, the newspaper writes. Farmers had already alerted the authorities Even before the approval of dicamba in the US in November 2016. In total, this are more than 2 700 claims that have been filed, according to the AFP. Investigations have been opened. If Monsanto speaks of a poor use of dicamba by these farmers, scientists point as to them the nature of the molecule, recounts international mail who writes that the firm “acknowledges not having authorized trials for the dicamba in order not to delay its approval”. Consequences: The EPA has prohibited its application when winds reach more than 16 km/h, Specifies the AFP. Several States of America have regard to them imposed restrictions (the list is available here). What place occupies-t-it in France ? If Brussels has authorized the dicamba and France, its marketing, as indicated in the site of the National Agency health security national food (coves), Eric Thirouin considers for its part that the context is different from the United States. First of all because that “among us, GMO crops are not permitted” and dicamba  does not provide the same function as the United States, but also because the “practices are not the same,” boasts the Deputy Secretary General of the farm union FNSEA. “There are rules related to the speed of the wind, systems of antidérive nozzle, systems of control of our equipment sprayer and mandatory training certi-PHYTO, lists-t-it before to excite: it is at the Leading Edge!” In France, there is a specific procedure to validate an authorisation for placing on the market of a molecule. “Those who want to make validate an active material are forced to respond to a specifications defined by the rulers,” says Thirouin. From there, agencies are studying the documents provided by the person the initiator, the analysis and valid or not. However difficult to know who is behind these studies. In the meantime, some scientists have already proved that the amaranth was able to develop resistance to the dicamba, reports International Mail. The race to the equipment in the herbicides seems to have yet beautiful days before it. As to confirm to the series that it is more beautiful when she smiles, one of the episodes of the season 4, hang the DJ (in reference to panic of the Smiths), do darkens not right toward the horror in boiled and is distinguished by its quality scénaristique. Franck and Amy y use to meet, an application type tinder, housed in a simulated-pocket mirror with a voice way Siri. A person encounters another, then all two are subject to a period of life Specific set (conditions highly fliquées, will be seen), sometimes twelve hours, sometimes six years, and then seek elsewhere, with a new person, until the system announces a day that he has collected enough data to declare the “perfect match”. But the application conceals a nature much more complex. Black Mirror, once more, shines here via its touching episodes to issues intimists (as during the season 2: Back soon exploring the theme of the loss of the other and the need to “find” at any price) that in those armoured action or in relation to changes of scales political and social. The series tickle knows this relaxation Taboue: these new technologies, one wants to preserve and guard, everything at once, close to our body, our fears, our feelings. On its other side, focused action and thriller, black mirror loses in pace or falls in his own cartoon (Metalhead, Crocodile). The sensation of already-saw removal sadly. The fable of the hypersurveillance Arkangel, conducted by Jodie Foster, draws however its game in skillfully oscillating between the concepts of thoughtfulness and control, with this story of a mother who spy what see the eyes of her daughter. Another nice surprise named USS Callister – terror in full space opera – brings in contrast its necessary dose of eccentricity and revitalizing humor without divest itself of the background scary. The captain of a spacecraft is in reality the co-head of a corporation for the development of video games which uses one of its prototypes to connect in a virtual world to costumes SM gaudy way Star Trek. But who are these other participants who, Smile frozen, the follow in his adventures and seem more hostages that acolytes? Humor and love bloomed is required in this fourth season, in the face of the risk paradoxical to the repetition, such as the ingredients transfigurateurs of against-utopias to come. The man must therefore establish relationships that are more egalitarian with other living beings. This idea can it be illustrated by the image of the forest, which comprises of beings very various living in interdependence with a certain balance? It is one of the central ideas of The Secret Life of trees of Peter Wollheben, and it is also the one of Eduardo Kohn in his book How to think the forests. For my part, I am a little reluctant. On the one hand, it seems to me that this remains a romantic idea, because it claims to find a pure nature, immaculate, without human. However, cities are already of forests, better, jungles, populated by hundreds of mineral species, plant and animal, and in these jungles everything is in movement, everything flows and each lives the life of others. Uneven, the last season of the series of captive anticipation when it is acidic or intimate, but Lasse when it ladle to the thriller and the action. Then can we retain the idea of complementarity between the living beings? If it is necessary to retain a political meaning to my book, it should rather speak of mixture. In the living, nothing is pure. Everything is in everything. Not only our body is a kind of zoo, where bacteria, fungi and viruses live in symbiosis; but in addition, we share most of our bodies with an infinite number of other species. Not to mention that in our DNA there are traces of other forms of life that we have experienced before becoming human. Eat or breathe, it is therefore make the experience of the impossibility of separating the life of each other. Has the inside of the mixture, everything depends on everything but not everything can be equal to all. Is it that you do not describe finally a nature Liberal politically: an interdependence made of inequalities? The dependency is a political report which must not be denied nor seen negatively. We depend on the planet in the same title that the planet depends on us. It is only this interdependence that fact of the planet and humanity two political subjects. It is only because we depend on others and that other depend on us that there has of the policy. It is only because we we mix to the other and that we cannot go to do that we are political beings. The left can only start from there. The Government has also listed the major axs of work?: “new ways to exercise between the city and the hospital”, “tele-medicine”, “advanced practices” to enable, for example, to nurses to practice acts usually reserved to physicians. In the detail, the cumulation employment-retirement of physicians Liberals will be facilitated. And practitioners will be encouraged to exercise part-time in areas under-equipped thanks to an upgrading of their premiums. With regard to the development of the tele-medicine -?considered by many experts as the miracle solution?-, it will have to wait a little. It will pass through negotiations between the sickness insurance and the doctors beginning 2018 to fix the rates. And this is not won. What stay, again, a little modest.”Saved” in 2015 by Netflix, which adopted the baby (previously housed in channel 4), the sériea marked in presenting in its third season the episode San Junipero : an object more acidulous, nuanced and bright where two young women love in the heart of a system of alternative reality. Living and Dead majority y were connected to (ON)live at a time desired, questioning both the desire of eternity and the valuable need of the ephemeral. Why install-t-it problem in the United States? This light is also a result of the damage charged to dicamba addition-Altantic. If many of the American farmers rejoice in its great effectiveness and better yields allowed by the molecule, other complain about it. The herbicide being very volatile, it has a tendency to spread on the neighboring fields degrading or even killing non-GM crops, unable to resist him. According to the EPA, 1.5 million hectares of soybeans have been contaminated of involuntary way by the dicamba whose toxicity would be 75 to 400 times greater that the glyphosate “For plants that it key accidentally”, according to international mail relaying an article in The Washington Post. “Curled leaves as of the shrub pendouillent, such as tiny umbrellas broken”, the newspaper writes. Farmers had already alerted the authorities Even before the approval of dicamba in the US in November 2016. In total, this are more than 2 700 claims that have been filed, according to the AFP. Investigations have been opened. If Monsanto speaks of a poor use of dicamba by these farmers, scientists point as to them the nature of the molecule, recounts international mail who writes that the firm “acknowledges not having authorized trials for the dicamba in order not to delay its approval”. Consequences: The EPA has prohibited its application when winds reach more than 16 km/h, Specifies the AFP. Several States of America have regard to them imposed restrictions (the list is available here). What place occupies-t-it in France ? If Brussels has authorized the dicamba and France, its marketing, as indicated in the site of the National Agency health security national food (coves), Eric Thirouin considers for its part that the context is different from the United States. First of all because that “among us, GMO crops are not permitted” and dicamba  does not provide the same function as the United States, but also because the “practices are not the same,” boasts the Deputy Secretary General of the farm union FNSEA. “There are rules related to the speed of the wind, systems of antidérive nozzle, systems of control of our equipment sprayer and mandatory training certi-PHYTO, lists-t-it before to excite: it is at the Leading Edge!” In France, there is a specific procedure to validate an authorisation for placing on the market of a molecule. “Those who want to make validate an active material are forced to respond to a specifications defined by the rulers,” says Thirouin. From there, agencies are studying the documents provided by the person the initiator, the analysis and valid or not. However difficult to know who is behind these studies. In the meantime, some scientists have already proved that the amaranth was able to develop resistance to the dicamba, reports International Mail. The race to the equipment in the herbicides seems to have yet beautiful days before it. As to confirm to the series that it is more beautiful when she smiles, one of the episodes of the season 4, hang the DJ (in reference to panic of the Smiths), do darkens not right toward the horror in boiled and is distinguished by its quality scénaristique. Franck and Amy y use to meet, an application type tinder, housed in a simulated-pocket mirror with a voice way Siri. A person encounters another, then all two are subject to a period of life Specific set (conditions highly fliquées, will be seen), sometimes twelve hours, sometimes six years, and then seek elsewhere, with a new person, until the system announces a day that he has collected enough data to declare the “perfect match”. But the application conceals a nature much more complex. Black Mirror, once more, shines here via its touching episodes to issues intimists (as during the season 2: Back soon exploring the theme of the loss of the other and the need to “find” at any price) that in those armoured action or in relation to changes of scales political and social. The series tickle knows this relaxation Taboue: these new technologies, one wants to preserve and guard, everything at once, close to our body, our fears, our feelings. On its other side, focused action and thriller, black mirror loses in pace or falls in his own cartoon (Metalhead, Crocodile). The sensation of already-saw removal sadly. The fable of the hypersurveillance Arkangel, conducted by Jodie Foster, draws however its game in skillfully oscillating between the concepts of thoughtfulness and control, with this story of a mother who spy what see the eyes of her daughter. Another nice surprise named USS Callister – terror in full space opera – brings in contrast its necessary dose of eccentricity and revitalizing humor without divest itself of the background scary. The captain of a spacecraft is in reality the co-head of a corporation for the development of video games which uses one of its prototypes to connect in a virtual world to costumes SM gaudy way Star Trek. But who are these other participants who, Smile frozen, the follow in his adventures and seem more hostages that acolytes? Humor and love bloomed is required in this fourth season, in the face of the risk paradoxical to the repetition, such as the ingredients transfigurateurs of against-utopias to come. The man must therefore establish relationships that are more egalitarian with other living beings. This idea can it be illustrated by the image of the forest, which comprises of beings very various living in interdependence with a certain balance? It is one of the central ideas of The Secret Life of trees of Peter Wollheben, and it is also the one of Eduardo Kohn in his book How to think the forests. For my part, I am a little reluctant. On the one hand, it seems to me that this remains a romantic idea, because it claims to find a pure nature, immaculate, without human. However, cities are already of forests, better, jungles, populated by hundreds of mineral species, plant and animal, and in these jungles everything is in movement, everything flows and each lives the life of others. Uneven, the last season of the series of captive anticipation when it is acidic or intimate, but Lasse when it ladle to the thriller and the action. Then can we retain the idea of complementarity between the living beings? If it is necessary to retain a political meaning to my book, it should rather speak of mixture. In the living, nothing is pure. Everything is in everything. Not only our body is a kind of zoo, where bacteria, fungi and viruses live in symbiosis; but in addition, we share most of our bodies with an infinite number of other species. Not to mention that in our DNA there are traces of other forms of life that we have experienced before becoming human. Eat or breathe, it is therefore make the experience of the impossibility of separating the life of each other. Has the inside of the mixture, everything depends on everything but not everything can be equal to all. Is it that you do not describe finally a nature Liberal politically: an interdependence made of inequalities? The dependency is a political report which must not be denied nor seen negatively. We depend on the planet in the same title that the planet depends on us. It is only this interdependence that fact of the planet and humanity two political subjects. It is only because we depend on others and that other depend on us that there has of the policy. It is only because we we mix to the other and that we cannot go to do that we are political beings. The left can only start from there. The Government has also listed the major axs of work?: “new ways to exercise between the city and the hospital”, “tele-medicine”, “advanced practices” to enable, for example, to nurses to practice acts usually reserved to physicians. In the detail, the cumulation employment-retirement of physicians Liberals will be facilitated. And practitioners will be encouraged to exercise part-time in areas under-equipped thanks to an upgrading of their premiums. With regard to the development of the tele-medicine -?considered by many experts as the miracle solution?-, it will have to wait a little. It will pass through negotiations between the sickness insurance and the doctors beginning 2018 to fix the rates. And this is not won. What stay, again, a little modest.
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